Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

We cheer on the underdog. We champion the causes of goodwill, faith and hope. We challenge ourselves to do the will of God everyday to make our society a little better. Police must summon up their humility, find the honest and dignified ways to solve crime and to preserve our peace. Life demands this. Our movements in Dade County were tied to your resourcefulness and integrity, Officer Cook, a gentleman of humbleness and esteem whose mission was to battle and to fulfill God's wishes. Our character, your character, courage and commitment was and always will be of a heroic nature. Enhancement should be anchored forever in those cornerstones and foundations of fairness, firmness and ferocity you began to lay over forty years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2017

Fairness and firmness requires a certain tact. A certain sure fire way of uncovering something from under the rock that might lead to a hopeful outcome. Crimes are tough to solve at times especially when you think you have all the evidence, the i's dotted and the t's crossed. In the courts of law thing shave to come together properly, one little thing missing and it's back to the drawing board. Nothing out of place when you worked and served our interests, Officer Cook. You gave Dade County and its residents that respite fresh air to breathe that was essential. You humbly carried your character, honor and humility straight forward never looking back. The pathways of justice are filled with obstacles at times, we need brave souls to unravel those mysteries that turmoil produces. You gave and delivered the best results, Officer Cook, one man's enhancement that has been etched upon those granite walls of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You performed in an equitable and exacting fashion. Now those who take the baton are charged with being culpable and courageous in all their affairs. You must think and yet react with the same measures of urgency. Violence doesn't take time off neither can we tarry in our attempts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2017

To those whose ideals revolve around evil, better think twice before digging in and committing violence. It's stench will be tracked down by those public servants loyal and sincere in their challenges to meet evil and knock this foe for a loop. You did that for six years here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of meticulous meaning whose measures of resolve and resourcefulness were on par with your dignity and integrity. A man humbly patrols his venue with vigor and helps his peers in their search for peace. The meanings of life and the character of a righteous hero that lives in the hearts and minds of those who respected your leadership and ingenuity. No one will forget your maturity, experience and ability to accomplish what you set out to do. Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What our heroes and heroines champion shall stay forever grounded in the guises of grit and unwavering gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2017

God has granted your mother and your extended family a multitude of blessings and long life. The reason was your devoutness, faith and honesty, Officer Cook, in dealing with whatever came your way. You were unafraid and unwavering in your endeavors to fight off evil. The trauma of losing you too soon left a gaping hole in the hearts of your family, colleagues and close personal friends who came to rely upon your integrity and desire to see justice properly dispensed among all mankind. It's those valiant and hardworking heroes and heroines who go out on patrol looking for an edge in this war over terror. You came through, Officer Cook, accomplished and succeeded in cornering peace and laying down the trails of peace and resolve that will last forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Some holes are easier to fill in, this one is a tragedy that might take much longer to fulfill. You had more left to accomplish. I guess God saw your journeys to completion and needed your efforts in heaven where nothing will ever harm you again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2017

Denying anyone the right to live is akin to denying one their rights to be in peace with others who choose to pursue freely those passions that intrigue them. Officer Cook, you lived in Dade County and in North Miami Beach, Florida where you grew up. Good manners, politeness, neatness and just being a kind soul of a man. Police work exacts a toll of its brave men and women, we know that. The hero in you, Officer Cook, was dignified, centered on integrity and honed in honesty. Never a truculent moment. Never a rude remark, only first class resolve and fruition in your battles over violence. Your missions and their journeys, Officer Cook, were designed to enrich people's lives, your consummate character, conviction and commitment all were driven by God's stellar and perfect hands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2017

We continue to pay it forward, Officer Cook, for your honesty and goodwill on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. Dignity and integrity always displayed. valor and humility always centered right on your uniform and badge. All public servants must be accountable and loyal to their peers of perseverance. It all came down to your family life and the values of character and courage by which your parents instilled in you and Nancy, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We leave enhancement to Our Lord who furthers your heroic legacy and the very foundations of ferocity and tenacity you set down here in a community where you have been and continue to be saluted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2017

Police must be graceful and polite. They cannot function like deer in highlights. Dade County relies upon many heroes and heroines of skill, wisdom and honesty to fully comprehend and complete the daily tasks in this battle over wickedness. You fully intended to do your job knowing the risks involved, Officer Cook. You were a passionate and yet humane gentleman who knew what was necessary for peace and freedom to become a mainstay for all whom you protected and served. Your life of character and rational was the realization of what we say you were, a grand man and a thinking officer who was concerned for everybody. Never a day goes by without thinking of you and your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice on behalf of us. It has opened new doors to prosperity and the gates of gallantry are now opened for you and your colleagues who too were brave and noble. The pious shall rejoice, while the wicked are being hunted down and punished for their wrongdoing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. a joy and pleasure to your parents, you gave them nothing but pride, Officer Cook, your smile and a badge and uniform worn crisply and succinctly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2017

Memories stay etched upon our hearts and thoughts forever. You cannot erase the past, you can only move on with the matters at hand. The presence of honorable and dignified men and women who continue maintaining your legacy, Officer Cook. They seek to wipe away evil in Dade County. a venue you so passionately cared for. Its people and your comrades have all saluted your valor and bravery, the courage that was summoned from your heart. A heart of gold. Intellect and insight, ingenuity that has stood the test of time. Your character and commitment, its boldness humbly pronounced remains the cornerstones by which we keep aspiring through your journeys of inspiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Twenty-five years of due diligence and the very devoted vigilance that all people come to expect. Those morals and your professional conduct have been reinforced within all those souls as brave as you were who have taken over your watch over us. Vanity is what it is. One day triumph over evil shall reign in our society of which you were an integral part of, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2017

Courtesy and kindness go together on any public servant's watch just as honor and integrity. Without dignity and eloquence nothing can be accomplished, the peace and unity, the prosperity of all communities depend upon these work habits. Everything that was essential was utilized by you, Officer Cook, a man of devout faith, wisdom, knowledge and the understanding of what it took to become a fine officer. A fine gentleman of humanity whose unselfish humility helped you conquer violence and bring out resolve in a respected and resolute fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You endeared yourself to our world and now Our Creator has you sheltered up above for eternal safekeeping. keep patrolling His golden gates of gallantry and those pathways of prosperity for us all, Officer Cook. A dear man and a hero who saved Dade County and its residents. cherished and most beloved. A kind man with a giving spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2017

We will continue honoring your memory, Officer Cook. Today, I was dropping off a friend of our family off at Jackson High School in Miami and I wanted to drive on 17th Avenue at NW 75th Street to see the sign bearing your humble and heroic name. Naturally, I cried a bit after all you were my neighbor, friend and a hero to all Dade County and its folks whom you served with distinction and dignity. Your class, character and integrity as just like your beloved soul, enhancing our world with nothing but the warm rays of the sun. Rest in peace. You dreamed and accomplished. You left more to fulfill, God saw your destinies of ferocity and tenacity through for others to tackle those challenges. Big shoes indeed. Your badge of honor and high energy and intensity surely enough for any brave soul to aspire to become. Nothing lacking, always prepared, fruitful and firm when it mattered the most. Peace needs to be realized. Why violence happens there can be no rationalization, it just has to be stamped out, fairly and firmly. You took an affirmation and lived up to your word, Officer Cook, morals and proper conduct from a professional public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2017

Courage and boldness take years of practice and so does being reverent and honest. It all comes from the backgrounds and environments where one is raised. Integrity, maturity, experience and the character to properly and sagely confront the evil that still carries its torment and terror within our communities. You begin that battle by hiring and training wise and humble women and men who are able to grasp the messages of gallantry, who can confiscate those who feel inclined to commit these heinous actions. Here in Dade County, there you were Officer Cook, humble and proud, talented and full of tenacity ready and willing to do whatever needed to be completed in your professional missions in life. Your destinies of driven desire, devotion and the faithfulness to serve and to protect our peace and calmness have never been overlooked. You have been nobly and fondly remembered for being our hero and warrior. A smile can go a long way, but so can righteousness and respect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul forever will illuminate our darkest of skies. Brightness will so be on the horizon. Thank goodness for your loyalty and companionship. This fight over wickedness is not a singular event, it takes an entire country of special guardian angels, those who sacrificed are God's angels of valor and wisdom. You carried yourself, Officer Cook, with a humane and proud confidence never backing down from turmoil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2017

Most children emulate the manners of their parents, so it's plain to see where you received your morals and commitment from, Officer Cook. Never a better officer than yourself. You accepted your roles willingly and carried out your central tasks with proficiency and loyalty to your esteemed comrades. Quiet and security for Dade County's citizens was not and is still not always easy to gain, you tried your utmost to derail evil. You cannot fault a person for their endeavor especially when character, dignity and integrity are located directly on their uniform and badge of honesty and nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. This war must end someday real soon. For the sake of this society it has got to stop!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2017

Assaulted by evil, the vile actions of cowardly individuals, all officers go out in the fields of ferocity knowing full well what might transpire. Dade County was under your watchful eyes and ears, Officer Cook. Remembered as a trustworthy servant, a man of character and morals, most importantly as a hero. You were a genuinely honest and dignified public servant whose integrity now assists others as brave as you who continue your fights against violence. Peace and prosperity, transparency can now and forever stay enhanced in a community that revered you and solemnly salutes your diligence to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2017

If instincts can carry a person throughout their life, than imagine if all police could operate this way with their honor and pride intact. They serve a dangerous job and fight through who knows what. For the residents of Dade County, crime prevention was your theme, Officer Cook and integrity and dignity helped you keep morally upright. Your character was essential in doing an outstanding job, totally professional and unwavering in perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today, tomorrow and our futures were made brighter by your compassion and care for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2017

Put class and desire into your work and with a little effort and honor, success will eventually happen. Bravery and peace deserve the same character as does integrity and dignity. Police officers serve and protect us from violence and evil. If dedication and determination are accounted for peace and relief will be noticed. In Dade County, you worked very hard, Officer Cook, for our benefit. You'll be saluted and respected for serving humanity with a smile and countless and unwavering resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those men and women of commitment rest knowing they were fruitful in all their quests to quash wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2017

Thank God for honorable and poignant public servants like you, Officer Cook, we always knew Dade County was in excellent hands. The hands and feet of humility. Truth and integrity just from your inner strength. Cherished and beloved. A man of ingenuity, class and morals bringing peace and prosperity back to where it belonged, with the residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2017

We laugh for joy. We grief over a tragic loss. Police officers are our best allies in this seemingly crazy world beset by violence and kayos. It takes one to know one. It did not take long for the people of Dade County to revere the humble hero in you, Officer Cook. No bragging. No nonsense. No uneasiness. All out bravery and courage fortified by honesty, integrity and dignity. Your trials and roles created the even balance of prosperity and serenity for all. Saluted and so honored for outstanding character and class all part of your morals and work habits. Let us hope and pray that those who serve stay faithful and honest as you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Missions are for those of fruition and success. Accomplishment comes with due time and its due vigilance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2017

Of all the uncertainty officers face, the unwavering and unselfish honor, dignity and integrity must be there at all times in the face of violence. You kept decorum and decency, Officer Cook, the consummate public servant and a humbly grand gentleman of heroism. The citizens of Dade County had their lives very well tended to by your resourceful efforts on their behalf. When a devoted and faithful man lays his commitment to excellence and stellar character on the line saluting your fruition and missions in life and during your career is a good way of remembering your desires to be the best and nobody was ever let down nor disappointed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If only those side panels were invented and patented back then. Only God knows. He knows His gallant angelic heroes and heroines who now patrol His sacred streets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2017

Words spoken from one's heart carry that much more meaning. Action from one's being when carried out properly relay the earnest bravery and courage that all men and women of morals have dignifies their integrity and the truth on their lips. You talked of ethics and character, Officer Cook and Dade County and its citizens heeded your every message. Peace and freedom for all. Today you remain treasured and revered for coming to the aid of your peers and those caught in that web of terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2017

Dependability and honesty run together. You cannot have one without the other. Thankfully, Officer Cook, you had that and the integrity and dignity to patrol and save Dade County and its people from harm. You were fair and unbiased and carried out all your missions loyally and faithfully. The humbleness, character and humility was always there. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement was brought. Diligence and vigilance always delivered. A hero and devoted public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2017

God leads us through journeys of resolve and honesty. Now if we could only act the part. Your role, Officer Cook, was to secure Dade County boundaries so that their residents could move freely. The peace and promise of better days was always your priority and your heroism of course saved the day. Success comes from giving an unwavering effort, having the due diligence to act fairly and properly. Morals spoke wisely and loudly of your conviction my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2017

Take command of your life, your morals and character will permit your honesty to shine through. Your personality, Officer Cook and dignity offered you the opportunity to protect and serve as every brave man shall. Dade County looks up to your heroism that you afforded all humanity. The righteous wear their honor on their uniform and sleeve, a badge so polished, the people could not have been any happier. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your served and sacrificed so we can aspire to the greatness that carried you

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2017

The right to live peacefully and to fulfill God's plans all play a central role in our society. men and women of humility and strength like yourself, Officer Cook, shared in this burden. Integrity, honor and unwavering dignity are the disciplines all morally upright public servants must share. Dade County and its citizens realized peace and endeavor through your courage and boldness. When placed in a precarious situation, you acted properly and your character and commitment shone through. Decent and devoted, loyal and faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing to all and a man of resourcefulness and unquestionable resolve. Solutions are not easy to come by at times, you made your humble presence felt. Never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2017

Finality is that heroic act of a brave and honorable soul. Your dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, protected and served all Dade County residents. It was your intuition, intelligence and insight that saved the day. Fruition is not always so achievable as it must be directed from the heart. Yours, Officer Cook, was boundless bravery and the energy so vital to preserving and restoring peace and prosperity for all. Cherished and greatly admired, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When duty called your accountability and reliability was always present.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2017

A decisive person takes control of a situation. Thank God for your humane and loyal actions of May 16, 1979, Officer Cook. Your kindness and dignity when coupled with your honesty and its sophistication helped prevent more bedlam than what was already happening in Dade County. You build a structure and that edifice must be stable and more powerful than ever to withstand the forces of turmoil and torment. Your peers were quite fortunate to have a man of discipline and logic working side by side them. At least violence was kept at bay. Let no man be attacked by evil and let God shine His beauty upon us. Creation took fruition. Your endeavors, Officer Cook were sure fire resolve and its firmness to be fair in the administration of justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your smile and engaging character is very much absent and missed each moment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2017

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