Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Magnetism and charm are nice. Humility and bravery are every public servant's best partners. This world revolves upon many standards that are supposed to be upheld by driven and dignified men and women of honesty and integrity. Dade County had your arms and feet chasing down evil, Officer Cook and there can be no doubt your power of gentle persuasion held the backbone of our stability and peaceful means of pursuing our dreams and goals. These same characteristics, Officer Cook, shadowed you throughout your life and career of morals and principles. At least you had the gallantry and the proper motivation to fight this unenviable foe. One day we will be reunited with you my neighbor, friend and hero. Your considerable character, class, conviction and commitment helped you steer through problems. Fruition takes effort which you put forth every watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hope and faith were placed back with all who came into contact with you, Officer Cook. Happy Mother's Day to you, Mrs. Cook, Gina, Mrs. Wilkerson and to you, Nancy, Mrs. Tidwell. Your darling son, brother and uncle will be held in humbly high esteem for his unwavering and undaunted courage. His spirit continues flying higher everyday. You are observing our movements and blessing us. Our hero and noble Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2017

Valiant and full of volition, you certainly provided quality service to all Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, a man of your word whose humane and humble honor, dignity and integrity whose body of work was professional and bold in saving lives. Those brave and devoted comrades of yours, Officer Cook, are resting in God's sheltered environment where your enhancement of our world was filled with joy, peace and unity. Your labor of love has not been forgotten. It's the friends, colleagues and your wonderfully loving family who supported your aspirations to become a loyal and trusted public servant. Noble and wise. Leadership, experience and character saw your life missions through until the end. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines are given that extra special warming embrace from Our Creator when they enter His pearly gates of perseverance and preservation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2017

Fences and bridges between the police and the public they protect and serve can only be mended through constant communication, the courage to stay the courses of honesty, integrity and dignity. The balance of power lies between that public servant;s awareness and astuteness in solving any problems that crop up. You preserved Dade County quite well, Officer Cook, it made the people mighty proud to have a loyal and faithful man of morals and character braving those dangerous conditions to see violence taken off the streets where you were admired for your undying and unselfish sacrifice that has enhanced our desires and destinies of fruition. Your achievements will be saluted forever as our hero ans beloved savior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2017

Turbulence and terror strike fear in anyone's heart. Take evil,wickedness and violence out of the general equation and our lives are made more respectable. Exactly, why officers are supposed to be honest, reliable and keep their dignity tied with integrity.It makes those battles a little less tough. Those who feel a compulsion to perpetrate evil,the Officer Cook's of the world are out in tandem to get you and put you behind bars. Your caliber of discipline and desire, Officer Cook, allowed you and your colleagues to steer Dade County in that proper sequence. Peace and freedom delivered by a brave and humble soul of humanity and humane heroic actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We see the lights of your morals and character shining ever so brilliantly. Take care of those who have joined those sacred ranks of God's legion of cherished heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2017

Excitement is better than being inciting. Trouble and its evil need to be kept away from the general public. You kept your entire focus on the welfare of Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook. Total command.Total honesty. Totally loyal and brave. Your dependable devotion and faithfulness won't be forgotten. A man of humility and character whose primary resource was your understanding of the issues at hand and helping those control their emotions. Now and forever saluted for enhancing peace and unity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Resolve and endearment is better than riots and racial unrest. Dignity and integrity now sheltered in God's greenest pastures along with other brave angelic heroes of might and righteousness. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. That being said what happened to you, Officer Cook, was unfair,unjust and plain old reprehensible. You lived and gave your life and career so that cornerstones could remain etched within those who loved and admired you professionally.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2017

Positive reasoning tends to lead to successful outcomes. What can one utter when a man of devotion, faith and hope goes out on patrol and serves us protecting and enlarging our enhancements? well done, Officer Cook, principles and honesty, dignity and integrity all assisting in these wars of wickedness. Dade County and its fine folks can live more serenely safer lives choosing to pursue their hopes, dreams and aspirations. Your candor, skill and gallantry, Officer Cook, are being saluted and treasured forever. Kudos for excellence and the pride that is necessary in handling any call that came your way. May 16, 1979 was the testament of what we mean by loyal and well regarded. You were and continue to be held in high esteem for bravery and constructing foundations whose cornerstones stay anchored solidly to our community, one where you were and always will be revered and respected for valor and thoughtfully caring leadership of other colleagues. Violence gets our attention, it's every public servant's number one priority, to keep the peace, the calm and flow of justice moving forward correctly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humble and humane while keeping sanctity and civility tied together. God, keep my neighbor and friend, Officer Cook, close to your heart, provide us the faith and comfort to fruitfully carry on his missions of resolve with love and guiding humility and let us answer Amen. Keep watching us from above, Officer Cook, you are greatly missed each day.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2017

Purgatory is for those who feel the will to commit heinous and wanton evil. It's this very cruelty which destroys the framework of our everyday modern society. You played a key role, Officer Cook, in combating violence all through your persevering nature and your unwavering resolve, honesty, dignity and integrity. Dade County though its residents miss your presence greatly remember the gallant gentleman you were. Character, class, devotion and motivation saw your missions here to fruition. You won't be forgotten. Only saluted for unselfish bravery and the morals of humility to do what was right. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you have received your rewards from Our Creator for being practical, pragmatic and most professional.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2017

Police try their best to exonerate evil from among our midst. You were one of the many superbly trained and genuinely nice public servants giving Dade County and its residents all your humane honor and resolve in order to keep danger away from us. Officer Cook, your sterling character and the conviction of which you took charge of any given situation is what endeared you to your peers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A day and the life of a man filled with success all brought out by nobility and humility. The humble achieve. The wicked bumble and tumble around waiting to be caught in their own trap.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2017

Place achievement right squarely on the table and those who want to partake of its fruits of bravery and integrity may do so in an honorable fashion. You took your talents and knowledge, Officer Cook and translated it into security and peace, liberty and justice by fairness to all for Dade County citizens. A man of happiness and the pride you had wearing your crisp uniform and shiny badge, the representatives of character and courage as all public servants must display. Transparency and tradition account for one another as does morals and courtesies. You had that heroic attitude flowing in your blood, Officer Cook, there was no confusing might from right. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement stays with those who mourned you, your loving and beloved family, brave and humble comrades of humanity and their friends who recognized your fruition in ferocity. The tenacity of a lion looking to stamp out terror, turmoil and torment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2017

People make miscues and we take our lumps and then move on. Police work is all about battling in the trenches to secure and protect the peaceful and serene movements of all mankind. Dade County or wherever our bravest and most noble souls of destiny and fruition meet up are there for us. You were there for us too, Officer Cook, a loyal, humble and faithful servant who understood the value of decency, morals, honesty, and integrity. Your humane dignity allowed you the chance to pursue evil and to vanquish its ugliness from our midst. Decades later your sacrifice, character and commitment to convictions that we deem proper has not been forgotten nor overlooked. It is fitting that you shall be honored and remembered for giving us your entire being and soul that still illuminates our darkest times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God does not need our notes, but we should take note of righteous angelic heroes and heroines in heaven patrolling Our Master's perfectly built roads of resolve and resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2017

Trustworthy and truthful. Thorough and tidy. You presented and acquitted yourself very well, Officer Cook. No matter the problem, Dade County came to rely upon your dignity and humble heroism. Only a person of character and morals should aspire to become a public servant. Its destinies and journeys in life and during one's professional career are held together in God's arms of mercy and grace. Peace and quiet shall one day be the redeeming factor in how we can live and function better as a society. We have you to thank and to honor, Officer Cook, a proud and humane man of principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2017

You were an orderly person, Officer Cook, a man who set lofty goals and was able to achieve them by hard working and precision to details. And the people of Dade County were well aware of your humble appearance serving and protecting them. Their peace and security all brought about through your integrity,honor and dignity. You maintained a good rapport with people and was excellent in character and in reliability. You'll never be forgotten. Saluted and fondly remembered for bravery. Comrades all took note of your scrupulous manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2017

I meant to say, Officer Cook, in the last reflection when they retire. Keeping those paths and trails preserved with justice, fairness and equality for all. Something you believed in with all your heart. Dade County and its lights of peace and freedom shall never be extinguished and the light of your soul may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it too shall permeate our hearts and thoughts. Your caring concern, class, character and decency will always be honored and saluted humbly. For the sake of humanity, your humility, Officer Cook, a hero's humane and noble life will live on forever. Your legacy of courage, integrity and efficiency was and is always there for us to witness. Those walls of honor here in Miami and in the District of Columbia hold the faith, hope and promise of better days ahead for mankind. A revelation to be resolute in all our actions. It can only assist us during these troubling times of terror and turmoil. God holds you and your fellow warriors very close to His heart, safekeeping will never go out of kilter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2017

Continuity benefits society in that those who serve and protect our basic needs have someone to take over for them we then retire or heaven forbid give their lives bravely and honorably for man's dignity. Integrity and morals shall make their journeys known to mankind, it was your way, Officer Cook, of seeing Dade County and its residents through those difficult and turbulent times. You brought resolve, character and charisma to a job known for its dangers and pitfalls. You fortified our world with everlasting peace and a commitment to serve and to answer those calls that saved lives of your comrades and those folks embroiled in this very violence, its nastiness stings like a bumble bee at times. But, your calming influence and coolness under pressure was our hope and faith that problems would be lessened. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your sacrifice, Officer Cook, has stapled those cornerstones, foundations that you set down forever that we may take solace in knowing your life and career as a hero and a blessed Godsend was devoted to everything that determination and motivation can give any public servant that necessary advantage over the enemy of evil, an enigma that can derail the most highly trained and skilled law enforcement official. God steered your pathways, Officer Cook, right to proficiency and perseverance. You hung in there and battled your cherished heart out. No quit. No surcease.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2017

An idealistic person thinks in terms of the present and how they can make things better for all mankind. A man of morals, dignity and honorable integrity, yourself, Officer Cook, did everything possible and plausible to save lives and keep peace enhanced. Dade County misses you very much as does your family, friends and comrades. A decent and deserving man with the fibers and fabrics of ferocity and the unselfish tenacity to fight on in a world seemingly more dangerous to live in now. You tried to calm down those whose emotions boiled over. Outstanding service and a true hero never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2017

The saga begins when one can walk and talk. Police work takes its origins at the various police academies and simultaneously when all qualified applicants are both physically and mentally able to perform rigors that can be stressful. You were considerate, brave and honest, Officer Cook, therefore allowing you a chance to succeed in all your fruitful endeavors. The residents have stability and peace, security and prosperity all because of your unwavering courage and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a man of considerable character, class and decency. Violence was dealt with every last ounce of your humane strength.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2017

You were a peer to your colleagues, Officer Cook. Dade County had a man of character, an officer who was unwavering and unselfish in his commitments to see justice and peace carry through fairly and firmly. No doubt humility and humbleness came together in your life and during your professional pursuits. It was no luck. Only ingenuity and the realization of great leadership that directed the paths of other resourceful and reverent heroes and heroines of bravery and boldness who like you, Officer Cook, subscribed to morals and honor to see their missions to completion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Luck cannot carry a person forever. Skill and hard work persevere better when properly applied to everyday situations. Police work demands this from its departments, Metro-Dade had one of the finest out there patrolling, serving and protecting us. This goodwill and friendship is sorely missed today and always.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2017

Do not neglect those who can be saved. Detect the wicked and righteously pursue them. All eyes shine forth upon our most beloved, honorable and bravest of men and women. All our ears and ears were upon your most heroic movements in Dade County, Officer Cook. With the highest regard for human life did you travel to secure peace and resolve. Its prosperity has never left our sight. Thirty-eight years later you have been saluted and will always be. Class and character navigate wonderfully when its noblest of heroes patrols our freedoms, hopes and dreams. Sincerity and consideration were and are a part of your humble legacy, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The baton passed down to other comrades for safekeeping may not be fumbled or shaken. It requires expert care and the concern for all mankind. Quality and justice shall be sought for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2017

Reality strikes a person and the after affect may at times feel like a blow to the gut. That's what losing a loved one, a hero of humility and honesty will do to you. You were a terrific gentleman, Officer Cook, in every sphere and in every sense of the word. Common sense and logic, rationale and reasonable. There is no telling what else God had in mind for you, all the dignity and integrity when mapped out by morals and character can have an everlasting message in this wicked and ugly battle over evil. Dade County and its pride and safety were well taken care of by your humbleness and its highly regarded esteem. Yes, you were a valued member and a very responsible public servant, Officer Cook, not just your bright smile, your direction in life and the successes you shared with your colleagues in arms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You will never be forgotten. Ferocity and tenacity at a fever pitch.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2017

People get scalded by hot water. Some people escape unscathed by turmoil and terror. It's violence's way of shaking us up. Police ride through the different venues patrolling the citizens whose peace and quality of life are on the line. Dade County relied upon your professional instincts of integrity, dignity and honesty. What more can one say for a supreme servant of God, whose gallantry and character surrounded you, Officer Cook, your whole entire life and six year police career. You filled our world with an inner spirit of joy and pleasure you gave to your family and friends. Comrades this day and for always will look back and fondly remember there peer of perseverance and one hundred percent due diligence and the extra vigilance you placed into every assignment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now faith and hope surround your soul, Officer Cook, as you walk that proverbial beat on God's sacred golden streets, its pathways are clear and free to pass through at anytime.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2017

Police try not to scold, they just try to conquer evil while being humbly bold. Ridicule and rhetoric are just that for they don't act as resourcefulness and resolve. You composed yourself, Officer Cook, with humane, dignity, honor and integrity and a steel firm tact. Those courageous men and women, all heroes and heroines of character and morals look to seize upon their opportunities and take violence off the streets where peace, safety and unity must stand to reason. Dade County is a little less safe by your telling absence, Officer Cook, but nevertheless your congenial personality has and will forever be missed. Your achievements, fruition and fulfillment in life and during your career have been taken to a higher level where eternity will grant you your reward for unwavering heroism and its humility that saw you through difficult times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2017

Some people crave chocolate. Others crave for affection and love. We the people are starving for serenity and security delivered by our most loyal and honorable public servants. You enjoyed your role as a humble and humane man of character, Officer Cook, unafraid to tackle anything no matter how large or small. Just take a little integrity and dignity and mix them together and we can plainly take notice as to why Dade County and its citizens can forever live peacefully. Your astuteness, Officer Cook, knew no end, only God coming to take your beloved soul that still lights up our skies back to heaven. Those pearly gates are filled with fulfillment and commitment from God's angelic heroes and heroines who bravely sacrificed to enhance our society. You helped in the eradication process now called the edification of our great nation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One ounce of nobility on behalf of humanity is all it takes, humility breeds sense of direction and the leadership to steer other comrades through peril and unsafe conditions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2017

Searching for that inescapable truth, you pursued and persevered as all brave and honest public servants must, Officer Cook. The feet and hand imprints are all over Dade County and its residents in this unenviable fight over evil. You brought dignity and integrity to a position so challenging all we can do is say thank you and keep on wondering. Thinking about your accomplishments and the fruition that God allowed you in serving and in protecting our best interests. A man of humble character deserves a heart warming salute for unwavering bravery and the morals that steered your life and career down the paths of fairness, firmness and justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2017

To bring terror down where it belongs, you need many able bodied and mentally strong heroes of bravery and decency. Integrity and dignity help but an entire package of preservation and perseverance must accompany such endeavors. They followed you everywhere, Officer Cook. For home to school and to the Metro-Dade Police Department. Clutch character concealed in our Creator who directed your pursuits in life and during your nobly cherished career. Motivation and morals are what should inspire all public servants when that call comes in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are patrolling God's most esteemed shelters of serenity where nothing will ever harm your beautiful and adored soul again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2017

Navigating down the corridors of amazement, you were duly determined to stop wickedness at whatever cost, Officer Cook. The boldness to commit, the fortitude to be ferocious and the integrity to incorporate all the humane dignity and character into whatever you were delving into at the time. Dade County and its lights of resolve burned brightly whenever you patrolled looking for the ample measure of peace and liberty. When humble heroes and heroines of class, devotion and faith commit themselves to those causes so important to their hearts, then we shall salute their efforts. Your accomplishments and fruition shall remain those sacred destinies that drove your morals in both your life of distinction and professional career of candor, leadership and the experience needed to get through the rigors of what was expected of you. You were caring, kind and well mannered, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2017

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