Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

If dignity and integrity champion goodwill, faith and peace, then honor and its bravery behind those bold enough to serve shall stand as a foundation of ferocity. It's when the tenacity and morals too meet together that peace and quiet can be removed from this violence. Our world and all Dade County was served and protected constructively by your character and courage, Officer Cook. A faithful and loyal public servant who endeavored to steer evil from our midst while maintaining a calming influence among mankind. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2017

Books are written to be read. Heroes and heroines, their humble exploits are to be revered forever. They don't come every moment. But, when they appear and serve and protect our movements, peace and security, we must somehow pay them homage due to their humane diligence. Your vigilance over the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook, was not only heroic, it was devotion, character, integrity and the humility of a respected public servant who came to aid all those including colleagues who needed assistance. Morals, ethics, commitment and the convictions to battle this violence surely saved people that sad day of May 16, 1979, when you sacrificed your life, its missions and destinies for our freedoms to continue. You were the quintessential gentleman, warrior and savior whose courage and pride to excellence will always be admired and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2017

If integrity and dignity travel on the same tracks as tenacity and ferocity then salvation and serenity have their chances to succeed. You were deserving of more life and prosperity, Officer Cook, as you were a man of decency, honor and the humble humility to handle this very evil that has plagued our society for what has seemed ages. Back in your time, Dade County was under your watchful eyes, ears and that wonderfully brilliant smile that engaged so many. Comrades, friends and family have fondly remembered your outstanding character, morals and the principles by which you served and protected our peace and its liberty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gallant man. An honest gentleman whose courage and valor has directed the peaceful movements of enhancement that will be anchored forever as will your heroic legacy sure to be fondly saluted and never forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2017

The wonders of God's creations lie in the very humbleness and the humility by which our brave men and women serve the causes of society. Our world revolves around decency and honor and when it is disrupted by ruination and wickedness, then is the time to take appropriate action. You never laid back, Officer Cook, you pounced upon those who looked to commit these evils and by your tone of voice, reason and honesty were you able to appease those in need of a friendly voice. Police are not God, nor are they judge and jury, only fairness, firmness and faith can assist those who preserve life and its property. You fulfilled your mission, Officer Cook, by being diligent, dignified and carrying integrity about your badge and uniform. You will be forever admired and nobly honored for facing humanity and trying to stop this very terror before it got out of hand. Morals, character and courage from your heart enhanced the value of peace and life for all citizens of Dade County. Always a gentleman and a true hero of humility. What ails our world is not enough Officer Cooks. Those who exhibit devotion and righteousness humble and forthwith. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2017

Reverent by nature and respected by your peers, you were the total personification of a resourceful public servant, Officer Cook. Never one to shirk your responsibilities, Dade County always received top notch integrity, dignity and honor when you patrolled those troublesome streets with tenacity and virtual ferocity. You can be sure you'll be remembered and fondly admired and so saluted for your classy character, unwavering commitment to excellence and pride and the nobly heroic actions of May 16, 1979, which brought peace, energy and unity to those residents whom you loyally served and watched over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. While steering turmoil, violence and its evil away from us, you delivered everlasting relief and the essential foundations to last forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2017

The beauty of nature is the serene creations of Our Creator. God watches over those who serve with an everlasting vigilance and the due diligence that delivers peace and its prosperity. You brought an unwavering sense of decency and devotion to your official position, Officer cook and because of your honesty, integrity and dignity can Dade County and its people enjoy the sounds of quiet and unity. When a man of character and the fibers of good ethics gives his life and career for destinies to move forward we shall never forget your sacrifice and your unselfish humility toward all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2017

Practice tolerance and you'll find how much better you will feel. Dade County and its citizens rely upon the good graces, bravery and honor of its public servants. You gave excellent protection, Officer Cook, the kind of integrity and dignity that helps to halt the advance of violence and its wickedness. Your character and consideration along with your outstanding morals shall always be revered and so saluted. You rescued and remain cherished forever as our hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2017

Heroes and heroines of the most humblest of upbringings deserve the honors of humility and the salutes of serenity for they have provided the impetus for those future men and women of integrity who climb aboard this excursion to free us from the wanton wickedness that keeps perpetually cropping up in our society. You got on, Officer Cook and brought a spirit of resolve, reverence and resourcefulness to your wars over an enemy so vast, those venues needed extra care and service. But, only honesty, integrity and dignity along with your savvy and calming influence. If all the factors could have saved your young life from this terrible violence, colleagues, your loving family and friends would stand there in awe awaiting your appearance. You now face God as He cradles you and your fine character in those big broad arms for eternal safekeeping. Dade County and its people were served and protected kept alive in peace and unity all because of your unwavering and unselfish desire, devotion and sacrifice to commitment, pride and the excellence all public servants must work with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a gracious and humbly humane hero. Humanity will forever be indebted to your heart and consideration with which you firmly, fairly and justly exhibited. Duty called and you rolled to that call and gave up your life. There was more left to fulfill, yet you left a wonderfully honorable heroic legacy to be treasured, admired and cherished for generations to come.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2017

The charisma, the class and the caring character all went into your life and professional career, Officer Cook. The diligence and vigilance with which you served and protected all Dade County and its citizens with was always one way, first class, top notch and outstanding. It has left no questions as to your honor, bravery, boldness and the dignity for which you loyally assisted your comrades in this war over violence. if integrity, ingenuity and energy put forth are ever interrupted or short circuited, the end results will not ever be enhancement, rather they will continue to leave terror and evil swarming around us as vultures looking for carcass. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You dared. You shared. You cared. You dressed in your uniform. polished your shoes and badge, carried a wide smile and engaged those interested in helping you. A humble and humane friend and a gentleman of gallantry displayed to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2017

Tolerance allows tenacity to follow its beloved partners in search of freedom, liberty and the peace we all so crave. You were a rather civil young man, Officer Cook and its very sad the same could not be said of the young man, distressed, depressed and who deserted his obligations to serve his country. You served and strove for the protection of all mankind. Dade County has respected, revered and chose to honor your humility, character and the dignity and its integrity that offered you the chance to keep violence away from us. Your devotion, desire caring and commitment shall not be overlooked. You are being kept alive in spirit as your wonderful soul keeps soaring higher everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Its your endearment, Officer Cook, that has offered enhancement its opportunity to engage those who oblige themselves to partake of its fruits. Resourcefulness and refined morals permeated your life, career and the uniform of humanity that you donned pristinely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2017

Police academies honor with reverence those humbly face tragedy with honor, courage and the unwavering integrity and dignity to act upon it. You acted with achievement and class, Officer Cook, displaying the faithful and loyal attributes of astuteness and awareness which sets apart those who serve and preserve our peaceful movement and its unity that can be entrenching. You dig down and come up with resolutions to problems that are hard for most to deal with. Bravery and its steadiness were in your graceful hands and your humble lips spoke those messages of diligence and its vigilance central resolving and in calming those who needed gentle persuasion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 and its uniform had all the decency and character needed to succeed. Violence took you sadly, Officer Cook, your life, career and those vivid memories remain as vibrant today as they did yesterday. Officer DiGenova and Officer Edgerton you continue to be thought of and remain in my thoughts and prayers. Your colleague and friend, Officer Cook, was a hero with a unique kindness and gentleness that revolved around him. His soul rests quietly and humbly in God's shelters of safekeeping. You were very admired and most beloved. Keep looking down on us. The bold and brave need your spirit observing our coming and going as they try to fulfill and arduous task. Face danger and keep peace and civility away from its ugly paths.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2017

Luck is something never to be taken for granted. Life itself presents many pitfalls and perils that lie in the way of the honorable and devoted, the faithful and treasured men and women who delve in its difficulties. Getting a hand on evil takes the entire efforts of departments and their public servants of resolve, integrity and the inner courage from the heart of these dignified enough to face this undaunted challenge. Dade County and its residents have seen its share of heroes and heroines, none with more promise and accomplishment left for you, Officer Cook, to fulfill. God somehow saw your missions as complete and on May 16, 1979, He called you home to be reunited with your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace. He too was a veteran and a warrior who served his country as you protected with resolve. It was your humane and humble character and commitment that has been saluted and so remembered for having the wisdom to wind your way through these streets of bedlam and confusion. Evil creates mazes of mass hysteria which are at times difficult to maneuver around. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. My family's neighbor and friend so devoted and loyal to the causes that mattered the most. I'll continue praying for you Mrs. Cook. God bless you. God bless your beloved son. Your heroic Billy. He's missed terribly. His destinies have been loyally carried out over these last thirty-eight years. Fruition never ceases. It is a perpetual motion of meaningful and distinct actions of determination, motivation and trusted dedication. Public servants serve and protect by this mantle.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2017

We dream and contemplate our next move. The chest board we label as life has its many moves and all must be made deliberately and with a sense of urgency. You wanted to become a police officer, Officer Cook, from the time you were a Boy Scout. What brought you to the Metro-Dade Police Department was your total makeup of skill, honor and the integral integrity which has to be maintained and serviced together with your dignity. Destiny and those missions must be managed by having decency and the morals to function bravely as you battled, Officer Cook, you breathed and lived for saving, serving and protecting. So preserving and its proficiency were tools of your trade, the making of an excellent public servant and a humane and civil hero whose warrior like mentality allowed you that unique opportunity to face this wickedness face to face and to truly make a dent in what ails our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A blessed man. A happy and engaging man of great work ethic. It's those humble memories that keeps your soul alive, Officer Cook, its flames never to be extinguished. Allow those who serve today to live and to champion their courage and honor in a sane and humble manner. Service is never easy. All any officer can do is exert themselves and give their best endeavor. Success has a way to breed success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2017

Some get the message. Hopefully most have a clue. Violence and terror leaves its traits of terror and turmoil behind for devoted and honest men and women to follow its scent. Your sense and humbleness, Officer Cook, assisted you and your colleagues in defeating this dominating foe. Ferocity and tenacity must be like an oven in which the heat is turned up to flush out those who seem inclined to commit evil. Your attempts, Officer Cook, in Dade County were the components to completing your missions of mercy and gallantry. No one more passionate and compassionate than you, Officer Cook, a gentleman of character and the courage to exhibit excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2017

The evidence points to your good work and a wealth of wonderful accomplishment, Officer Cook. You kept the hearts and minds of all mankind and in particular those living in Dade County in good shape with your perseverance and unwavering resolve. Life takes time and so does police work done properly and prudently. When a brave young man of courage and conviction goes out to shield and save others from harm, we must salute and honor their civility and compliance to caring for mankind. You remain cherished and respected for your endeavors, Officer Cook, nothing can ever tarnish your badge, uniform and the morals by which you grew up with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God honors those who serve with humility and distinction. Your character complimented your wonderful service and a life where destiny helped you reach fruition. We still can't understand why? You did all you could on May 16, 1979. a day where you became your family's hero and the nations warrior of wit and wisdom. Knowledge is a powerful tool and when men and women of ingenuity utilize it in a faithful and resourceful manner, the outcomes are usually for a positive result.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2017

Life has its perplexities that at times are hard to figure out. Police work demands experience and excellence in character, honesty, dignity and integrity from all its public servants. Dade County and its residents were in the most capable of hands when you patrolled its venues, Officer Cook, in search of the peace and serenity that we live our lives under. Those foundations and enhancements you left as a part of your noble and heroic legacy shall remain etched in stone for us to salute a man of wisdom and the devotion to serve wisely and quite sagely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your faith, class and decency, Officer Cook, has led the way for other brave comrades to follow through in search of goodwill and the total eradication of evil. Achievement is not just handed down, it must be gained by loyalty, trust and confidence in one another. A partnership to get the job and its tasks done right and promptly without fail.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2017

To surrender to temptation, to the evil and its wickedness that threatens our world would be plain wrong and totally unacceptable. You must stand in there and fight this heinous and hideous monster with all your inner courage and might. As a duly affirmed police officer, savvy and highly intelligent and a skilled public servant, Officer Cook, you represented Dade County and its citizens with class, valor, integrity and the dignity, the respect all who live are afforded. The character, morals and perseverance were always present when you patrolled and protected all the various venues in a community where you have been and forever will be saluted for sound wisdom, vision and the leadership that was necessary for other comrades who too faced this formidable adversary. Never running. Only unselfish and unwavering humility, honesty and a true passion to care and to be concerned with the welfare of all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2017

As long as God grants me the strength and spiritual awareness, I will continue reflecting on your life of honor and courage, your career served with dignity and integrity toward all Dade County and its fine folks, Officer Cook. Police officers as public servants have this mission in mind to save lives and to protect the peace and interest of the public. Your humble and humane career, Officer Cook, was crowned by the love and esteem of your colleagues whom you served loyally with in this battle over violence. Its evil sadly took you from your family and friends, it did not derail their life pursuits of happiness and those same aspirations that you inspired to become through good morals and fine upstanding character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Unselfish, undaunted and most determined and devotedly faithful to those calls of duty, commitment to pride and excellence. Your destiny now in the hands of Our Creator helping Him watch over those brave and honorable who share in the burdens of boldness and resolve. The job must be completed fairly, firmly and with a great effort of concentration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2017

Duly devoted to responsibility and reliability, your missions in life, Officer Cook, were borne from bravery, boldness and the convictions in seeing peace and quiet laid down among all Dade County. Your roles and resolve have stayed as memories of a wonderful life and as a public servant a gentleman who gave heart and soul along with effort to make people safe once again. Never Forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Consideration, care, concern and decency should follow the pious wherever they patrol. You were a respected and most admired hero, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2017

Treasure the good for we never know when that moment of destiny will arrive. Your fruition, Officer Cook, was faithful, honest and dignified. Dade County and its people can live and prosper all because of your unwavering class, commitment and character. You gave your life and career of humility and esteem so that we continue press on and take evil out of our world. It drives the righteous ones crazy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2017

If honesty, dignity and integrity are removed from character, courage and commitment, contentment becomes resentment. And nothing worse than the feelings of those who yearn for peace to be slighted. You performed beyond any expectations, Officer Cook. Nothing but esteem and respect from Dade County and its citizens for a job well done. Admiration and reverence for coming to the aid of your fellow officers and those civilians who were involved in that ugliness of May 16, 1979. A hero and a blessed Godsend of gallantry, grace and valor all humble meshed together. You got the message. Hopefully those who serve earnestly today are focused and on the same page of resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dearly cherished. Duly treasured. Saluted for sage and sound advice and wisdom. Function properly and with morals and scruples, you cannot go wrong. Your heroism shall forever be remembered. Cornerstones, foundations and whatever you set out to achieve, Officer Cook, were well placed. Serenity and relief are now the themes among mankind. Your leadership and devotion saw to this.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2017

Justice shall never pervert the eyes and ears of those righteous and humble enough to serve and protect us. The peace and the freedoms that come with vigilant public service require all the honesty, integrity and dignity that one can muster up. Dade County fought its battles and you, Officer Cook, were the champion who soldiered the burdens and their responsibilities in order to save us. Your commitment and character forged those bonds of true brotherhood that evil may never take away. Your convictions are etched in your memory on the walls of honor where faithfully devoted officers are saluted and embraced for bravery and the right personality to resolve and to persevere. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Staunch never stagnant. You fought for peace and equality to blossom in unison with one another.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2017

Take a moment and channel your energies, you would be amazed by what you find. Police work just as any profession requires the highest level of competence. Your commitment, your courage and honesty, Officer Cook, were not just lynchpins to success, this was your humane and humble diligence to duty as a dignified and loyal partner in this war over violence. Dade County and its people were the receivers of your resolve and faithful tenacity and resourcefulness never to be forgotten. God meant for His world to have heroes and heroines of valor and bravery, otherwise who would champion our causes more poignantly where prosperity meets peace and unity right where they belong, on those trails of character, desire and leadership. You were a devoted and motivated comrade who led those sisters and brothers through peril and calamity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God is watching over your soul, one that saw fruition until you called back to those shelters for eternal safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2017

When God deems our missions of honor, faith and dignity justly complete, he takes those who have served and were brave to His heavens above. He took your wonderful soul, Officer Cook, back to be reunited with your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Dade County was preserved and protected with every drop, every bit of resolve and ferocity by you, a devoted servant whose character, decency and devotion helped to open newer paths of perseverance. The peace and safety of the citizens was provided for in a nobly heroic and first class fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If faith and integrity could bring you back, Officer Cook, the love and hugs from your wonderfully loving family and comrades would be every bit as being on top of a mountain. That was your sacrifice and the enhancements we all enjoy by your undying and undaunted accomplishments in both your life and during your all too short police career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2017

Public servants must attack a problem and find solutions by which they can solve and resolve. No running from wickedness. You fought tooth and nail for our liberties, Officer Cook, the fruits of your labor, your humbleness and dignity all went into bringing civility and sanctity to all mankind. Dade County and its citizens are better served and can live more productive lives because you were willing to sacrifice and you are missed terribly. Leadership is missed. Morals are missed. Character, courage and commitment don't seem to be the same. We just pray that those brave women and men who have succeeded you, Officer Cook, access, take a long look and offer the kind of reliability that you acquitted yourself with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Values and honor do count in this war over violence. You saved lives and remain a treasured comrade, son, brother, uncle and great-uncle. Your loved ones, Officer Cook proudly and humanely carry on your fruition, your goals and dreams. You were and forever are their inspiration. God's shining angelic hero in armor. Beloved and respected for paving the trails of tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 26, 2017

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