Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Sometimes it's hard to understand why anyone would want to risk their life for others. In your life and during your public career, Officer Cook, the answer is as plain as day. Your heart of heroism, your desire to pass on dignity to others, your intense integrity and that word, character. It cannot say enough of your excellence in service and in protection of all Dade County citizens. A thank you barely grazes the surface. You were a passionate man with courage and devotion all by virtue of your faith and unwavering devotion. You believe in a cause and you pursued your avenues of aspiration. Those streets where you patrolled looking for a semblance of civility, humility and serenity were surely made more humbler by your humane actions on and way before May 16, 1979. You'll be saluted and given homage for striving for excellence in morals and the finer points of perseverance and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Paradise in heaven is surely made safer by your comrades, those angelic heroes and heroines of valor who laid down their lives with honor, distinction and unselfishness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2017

The police fraternity is so close it's humbly amazing. You piece together men and women of different ages, backgrounds and put them on the streets to patrol and to protect our honor. Simply an incredible task. Stress. Danger. No telling what may transpire. You served and made your calling of courage and wise advice, Officer Cook, your mission. Integrity and dignity take heart, it requires character, no conceit. It allows you the proper temper by which peace and togetherness must be pursued while taking evil out of the formula. Dade County and its residents had the proper and morally upright intentions when you served gallantly, Officer Cook. Humanity and its humility were deliberate and most faithful. Resolve and admiration as well as your leadership of other comrades through thick and thin. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The void in our world can never be replaced. Your loss tore at our hearts and minds. You'll be revered and solemnly remembered for a passion like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

Sometimes one must play with a key to make a door open. A weapon that any responsible police officer utilizes is not meant for play. Too many accidents have happened. careful diligence must be implemented when using this weapon. Once fired nothing can be taken back. You used common sense and wisdom, Officer Cook, the kind of admirable skills of honor and integrity that can take any brave soul down that path of wisdom and knowledge. Calming and compassionate, badge#1664 had all the character, affection and respect that any devoted man or woman serving and preserving can muster. Just take your dignity and esteem, Officer Cook and now and for always it has been humbly bottled up with those angels of valor who served and brought peace and safety to their communities where you are saluted and paid humane tributes of endearment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

God guards the simple. He watches over His pious flock, those who display ferocity and temper their humbleness with tenacity. Chasing down crime and its evil takes more than a simple touch. It involves, integrity, honor and reverence delivered to a position of responsibility. Its brave and kind public servants, like yourself, Officer Cook, who went out on patrol and assisted in keeping peace and unity bonded as one entity. Dade County through the years has remembered its heroes and heroines of distinction, their humility and decency were the best medicine for what has continued to make citizens feel uneasy. Violence, evil and turmoil carry their wickedness and we the people just expect loyalty, commitment and bravery from our public servants. A hero. A warrior with a blessed name. You are missed terribly, Officer Cook and your heroic legacy continues being perpetuated by those who loved and admired your respectfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and courage have illuminated God's skies where His faithful keep watch over those sacred pavements.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

Dignity, devotion and drive can be simply put be a devil of a time for some. For those who cared and took heart, their tasks were made a bit less complicated. Confusion causes disturbances that can rattle our brains and shakes our hearts that beat as one. You deserved more, Officer Cook, you produced honesty and integrity that protected and served the masses in Dade County. A man's life and career dedicated to preserving and in perseverance that brought resolve. Producing is one matter. Talk is cheat. You spoke the gospel, Officer Cook, it was crystal clear. Calm and most professional. You were a passionate gentleman with a gentle spirit that now and forever flies high. Those dark days made a bit brighter by your smile and engaging character, a leader of motivation and mettle, you always had our best interests in mind my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

The crowning humility of one's life is how they acted. Were they honest, dignified and have integrity on their shoulders when carrying out God's plans for a better society. During your life and police career, Officer Cook, it was all class, all devotion, all faith and all pure desire. It can take one of heroic proportions through peril and danger. You lived to fight those wars of wickedness which threatened the peace and lives of Dade County. No Boasting. No ducking responsibility. You handled your affairs, Officer Cook, with the courage, bravery and self-confidence that public service demands. It has centered peace, prosperity and right where it dutifully belongs. Your memory is kept alive by your family, friends and colleagues who too went toe to toe with this relentless adversary. Your grace and noble actions prevented something a whole lot worse on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, dedication and vision earns the salutes of those who pay homage to your cornerstones and foundations in which you enhanced by your navigation and humble accomplishments, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

There was a show on television in the 70's or 80's called Love American Style. Your role was to be devoted, honest and carry dignity and integrity on your badge and uniform, Officer Cook. It's called justice the American way. And no one was disappointed as Dade County received the finest and best of quality care from a man of character, gallantry and valor. Tenacity and humility, ferocity and humbleness all come from God Himself who implants these traits and their morals into the hearts and souls of our esteemed law enforcement personnel. You were a clever and kind man, Officer Cook, your heart was of gold always looking to assist someone in need. That evil and terror from that troubled young man, Officer Cook, you went to a call though not required and showed your true wings, ones now given to you for your soul to fly higher, a true hero and savior. All questions about your civility, vision and wisdom were answered during your twenty-five years of life and a six year career of determined and loyal public service with a smile and a compassion unmatched, conviction unwavering. Your sacrifice demonstrated your principles and the righteous upbringing you received from your loving parents. Your missions and fruition are now being carried on by your loving family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dreams and their aspirations begin to take shape when those who pursue them do so with that humble and gentle touch of class and decency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

On a crusade of courage and resolve, it was your humane acts of heroism, integrity and dignity which saved the lives of all Dade County residents, Officer Cook. The respect and admiration of an entire community coming together as one in peace and sanctity to honor your life and career. A professional public servant of the highest regard who developed excellent relationships among your peers and those friends who continue to salute your humility and the character by which you helped to patrol your area keeping evil away. Admired for morals. Revered for both loyalty and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One who dedicates their life to service receives their reward from Our Creator in heaven. You sleep eternally with all those angelic heroes and heroines who too laid down their lives for serenity and security to come front and center. Take care of those humble and brave who join you, Officer Cook, in God's enchanted shelters.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

You can't be a basket case of nerves when performing your uneasy daily chores as a police officer. It's simple to say, more harder to achieve. Honesty, integrity and dignity takes years of humble humility to carry on. But, you earned your stripes, Officer Cook, while navigating those treacherous streets of Dade County where trouble, terror and violence can leap right in front of you. You did your job with decency, character, vision and the ingenuity to deliver on your promise to make foundations and cornerstones of courtesy, peace and togetherness a reality. Your unwavering sacrifice brought together those who worked with you and who mourned your untimely loss. One that left a gaping hole that all the gallantry and nobility helped in easing that burdens. Your uniform, Officer Cook and badge was donned with precision and brought justice and fairness right where they belonged. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman of calming character and the charisma that engaged and enlightened all who wanted to hear those messages of faith, hope and devotion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2017

Police work is not for someone who wants relaxation. Rather, it requires the greatest resolve, resiliency and the honesty to go out, patrol and solve difficult situations. You worked and toiled in tenacity, Officer cook, a never ending commitment to keep Dade County and its citizens safe and sound. Seeing that you were a classy man of character and courage, there was no telling how much more you left behind for other comrades to endeavor to fulfill. You act with morals, you prepare and dedicate your whole life and public service to integrity, then peace and unity can follow close behind. You participated in this battle, Officer Cook, with perseverance and the ferocity that holds you in high esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You kept missions alive for your family, friends and colleagues to continue your heroic and humble legacy of valor and humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2017

Bad speech can dig holes too deep for us to climb out of. Police work requires genuine contemplation before undertaking any action that can have the worst of ramifications. Dade County under your watchful eyes and ears, Officer Cook, received the best counsel, the greatest integrity and honesty one man of bravery could offer. Its residents have the peace and serenity, the safety and security they craved for. Your commitment and character when coupled with dignity and desire can take any public servant far down those roads of resolve and reverence. You'll always be remembered fondly, Officer Cook, for unselfish, undaunted and unwavering perseverance, its due vigilance and diligence you wisely imparted to other comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity requires conviction and humility is that very by-product of what humbleness breeds in its heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2017

Mental acuity calls for a sound mind of logic and humble wisdom. You were a man of knowledge, honor and good vision, Officer Cook, always making decisions for the good of all Dade County and its folks. The ferocity and tenacity were always anchored by your side no matter the time or circumstance. Wherever you travelled my neighbor, friend and hero, you followed peace and the pursuits of prosperity with integrity and dignity. A gentleman of character who will always be revered and respected, so saluted for unwavering courage and humility. Your heart of gold, Officer Cook, spoke the truth, taught those important lessons and gave full endeavor each watch. Rest in peace. Police as all people must make proper decisions of determination and dedication that can have the greatest impact upon our society as evil still permeates more than we should know.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2017

Fits of rage put out by a sound mind and sage of humbleness and its inspiring humility. Your insight, Officer Cook, offered us and all Dade County and its residents the opportunity to witness those talents of tenacity and the fields of ferocity like no other. A man of honor and brave esteem doing what you always wanted to do. Police work is never dull or boring. It can be winding and breathless for the most ardent of public servants. Your charisma, intellect and ingenuity, Officer Cook, was sterling in and of itself as it helped to protect and serve the public. It restored peace and put the proper perspectives of life for all in place. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You told it like it is. Spoke the truth and answered that bell of bravery now ringing even louder in God's brightest of blue skies.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2017

The light of a person's soul reveals their true inner character and the class and commitment by which they create inroads of resolve and honor. Your genesis, Officer Cook, was achieved in your loving and idealistic home. It was there where integrity, dignity and the proper morals were taught to you and Nancy. Your parents, may your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, live and be well, she and your father, Charles, may he rest in peace were the conveyors of devotion, faith and the principles by which all folks including Dade County citizens were treated. Fairly and proudly. Peace, liberty and serenity when coupled with the precision of perseverance and persistence can be co-exist with one another. You were challenged with this humane and heroic action, Officer Cook, always concerned, only caring, never more compassionate, the consummate optimist, a vision of calming and communicating like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations were part of your legacy, Officer Cook, its bravery and valor well documented on those walls of honor here and in the District of Columbia.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2017

There are those finer things in life. And there are the important pursuits of happiness. Evil and terror should never be granted its rule of ruination. So who do we turn to in times of strife? We turn our eyes to the civil and brave souls of public service. Men and women of integrity and dignity as you were, Officer Cook. You graced our world for twenty-five years, too short a time and yet you made an unmistaken mark on how we can proceed with unity and peace hot on our trails. Those same paths of perseverance and resolve that you solemnly and humbly patrolled. Dade County revived and its soul of serenity was left burning brightly during your time. Your soul of excellent character always flies high daily. That wisdom, leadership and vision is greatly missed every moment. That self-confidence allowed you to accomplish where other courageous folks may not have journeyed. Never out of our sight and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life can be too short for man or woman to not take advantage of their talents whether as a police officer or whatever ambition you choose to pursue. Your goodwill and nobility never are far as they have been instilled in your loving family members and those colleagues who worked with you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2017

People have a penchant to perform good deeds, while others are on a mission of doom and destruction. You were a brave and kind soul, Officer Cook, a young man of faith and ferocity, honesty, integrity and the due diligence to take on whatever you were charged with facing. For what it's worth, Dade County was in the most characteristic arms of astuteness and awareness, the gentle and humane public servant serving and protecting as your loyalty carried you, Officer Cook. Now and forever our hero and savior who was sent here for a specific mission. And that unique assignment was to take violence out of everyday life in order for an orderly enhancement to achieve fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your penchant, Officer Cook, to become the finest officer in Dade County should have led to you retiring and enjoying your pension and vacations with your beloved, Karen. A true friend to all and a gentleman of earnest humility to all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2017

Police have a devil of a time protecting us at times. it just appears that the arms of evil extend far beyond any brave and honorable officer's reach. You deliberated and reached out to Dade county and its residents, Officer Cook, the best way, the most prudent and personable way possible. You acted with integrity and dignity bringing civility and sanity to an area starving for a little peace and harmony. With class, consideration and outstanding character, Officer Cook, were you able to keep foundations continuing forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An adversary so large, a gentleman with a crystal and humane heart of endearment that struck a positive chord for all humanity. You won't be forgotten. Just hope other comrades who have taken over your watch do so earnestly and with a sense of urgency. Peace and liberty belong where kayos and bedlam ought not to remain.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2017

It's everyone who shares in this humble and humane responsibility to help fight crime. One man. One woman alone cannot possibly get the awesome job done alone. Partners and colleagues share in this faithful and dignified passion to met and to summon all their tenacity where violence takes a bite out of the taciturn environment we share and care about. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your territory and where you ventured in hopes of calming and in solving crises before they turned worse. A classy man of distinction and determination whose crusade for equality and justice was your dream to become and your nobility in reaching fruition was just the genesis of your career and a heroic life of mercy, goodwill and the devotion to all people. If you can deliver on just one thing as a public servant, you have accomplished where others who travel may not have. Integrity and maturity were your staples in life, Officer Cook, your forever mates who have now joined your soul in God's enchanted eternal palaces of peace and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You brought cornerstones of courage and the liberties to continue our happy pursuits all through your unwavering and undaunted commitment to pride and morals. Principles and resourcefulness do lead to more often than not favorable outcomes. That all should have occurred on May 16, 1979. You were and will forevermore be our hero of humanity, Officer Cook. No reservations. No questions. Never a shadow of doubt. God's plain truth spoke in measured tones of tenacity and in ferocity. You were His faithful servant. You listened. You instructed. And you instilled those valuable lessons. Common sense. Knowledge. Vision and wisdom along with a big smile and an engaging personality. Badge#1664 was decorated and donned pristinely and modestly. It served and protected with vigilance and the due diligence we expect from all police officers brave and confident in their God given abilities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2017

Street cleaners clean the streets. Police officers are supposed to deliver upon their affirmations of honor, integrity and dignity and to remove crime and mischief from those very same venues. Their vigilance and valor carry with it great expectations. You prevailed, Officer Cook, in your battle over this seemingly stubborn adversary. It took every ounce of your spiritual and physical being to calm and to influence the citizens to do what we deem as correct morally. You lived and spoke with the pangs of passion, integrity and the honor to dignity your humility to a position where great demands must be met. Character, awareness and astuteness can only make a police officer better as this challenges their strength of courage in a way most of us would not comprehend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement takes notice of those civil and humane individuals who care and show their concern. When peace and unity are under siege, it is people of your caliber, Officer Cook, who come through in times of terror and distress, never looking for accolades only trying to succeed in their journeys of mercy and compassion. You came to us sixty-three years ago, God only knows why you are not here to fulfill more journeys and their destinations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2017

Conclusive. Inclusive. Elusive. Crime and evil is the culmination of the warped minds of those people bent on revenge, a grudge, just insanity, whatever, it costs lives and the spirits of those beloved and brave warriors like yourself, Officer Cook, who stood in humility an din honor dignifying your integral role in our society and in the Dade County community at large where you served and protected valiantly and with a sense of pride and excelling in integrity. After all you were the consummate public servant of nobility and character who yearned for peace and quiet and displayed the right fundamentals in morals and in principles to get things moving one way, the right way, forward. Now decades after your life was taken you have been solemnly saluted and duly honored for reverence and respect for all mankind. You were the joy and the embodiment of your family and their ideals and values, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman with a humbleness about your cherished soul who reached and strove for calm and unity in an area where you rightfully deserve their honors of faith, devotion and the goodwill you provided our society. We remember you, Officer Cook and your contributions to humanity. Time moves forward we are allowed to look back, yet we shall not forget your heroism on duty and during your life lived with happiness and the pursuits of prosperity and resolving perseverance. We can conclude with certainty that people with problems can cause some kind of kayos as this is inclusive of some not all, for many good people and their talents have led to a better world. Thank God the young troubled man who took your young life, Officer Cook, did not evade nor escape from his heinous and sad life. He lived with three generations of his family, hard to imagine something positive was not delivered to him, the message should have been signed and sealed. You did all you could that terrible day, Officer Cook, character, courage and commitment right in front of your colleagues, department and the entire police nation. He faced his maker just as your beautiful soul continues to soar mightily and its radiance illuminates our darkest hours, Officer Cook. I'll always say, Mrs. Cook, my prayers for you, your son and daughter and for your husband, Charles, he too should rest in peace. "Billy" was your son and a hero in North Miami Beach, Florida where crime still pervades our community. I wish you could still be living in your home of fifty-six years, my wife and I could have helped you. You are a wonderful woman, devout and faithful, just as your loyal and much revered son. Take care and God bless you and your loving family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2017

A mind to think and ponder. A heart that beats and pumps nourishing blood to our other body parts. If that interruption occurs calamity than ensues. You had everything to live for, Officer Cook, your wife, Karen, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and all your nieces and nephews. Your four special and sweet great-nieces and one handsome great-nephew. You were a handsome young man with that big bright smile. Integrity, morals and faith along with honesty, dignity and desire took you far down those roads of wonderful humility and its ferocity to tackle whatever problem you had to face head to head in Dade Count as its heroic officer. Its peace and prosperity along with the freedom and security all were tied in your hands and feet. A soft and gentle calmness surrounded you when you went out on your daily patrol. When wickedness reared its ugly head there you were, Officer Cook, to stay the course and to be able to lead other comrades. Never forgotten and always humbly remembered for excellence in devotion, determination and in motivation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and the class necessary to carry on. Your badge of achievement and steadiness won't go without a humble prayer on your behalf and on humanity's as well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2017

The king of class, the humble and loyal public servant of virtue and honesty, you served and protected all Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, with that special serene touch of integrity and dignity that should be viewed by all mankind. Last night where I work, I showed the letter your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, wrote to me. I said she wrote it to me, a complete stranger even though our families were neighbors five days after turning ninety-five. What a woman of valor and devotion. Yes, she raised you and Nancy with all the right morals, character and values that all officers must function and preserve life under. Dade County received the entire package of perseverance, resolve and resourcefulness during your life and professional career. Your commitment, courage and bravery was so extraordinary, Officer Cook, what can anyone say? God must have needed you more in heaven to help patrol His golden streets where nothing would ever harm you again. Ingenuity, intuition and intelligence belong with humility in that one cannot serve humanity if any of these qualities are absent from the equation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. to the families of your colleagues and friends, Officers Keith DiGenova and Robert Edgerton, we will pray for you, also survivor heroes. Your friend, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664, was the heart and soul and a man who dedicated his life to service and saving those in peril from wickedness. he will always be revered and so honored and saluted for his unselfish and unwavering convictions to excellence and pride. Transparency and tenacity followed you, Officer Cook, wherever you journeyed. Fruition was delivered through God's gentleness when you lived and breathed. All of which is greatly missed today and everyday. Forever a hero and a blessed gift to our society. One that hurts from this heinous and uncalled for violence. That applecart seems to get topple daily. Just keep looking down with the light of your beloved soul, Officer Cook. Your family's warrior and savior. Our special public servant and Dade County's too.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2017

A heart and mind must function together for anyone to live and to breathe. You lived for your job, Officer Cook, as a Metro-Dade Police Officer. A hero of honor, decorum and dignity through and through. True integrity, true humility and the humane acts that leave a lasting impression. Dade County was in secure hands when you patrolled its areas where evil and violence threatened its residents. You take the character, desire, devotion and success and place them as one, then peace and unity may once again form that strong and unbreakable bond. You'll never be forgotten for your leadership, wisdom and the sage advice and sacrifice you made on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, on behalf of all mankind. A great and gallant gentleman and a blessed Godsend of mercy, goodwill and faith personified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2017

We offer our sympathies over the loss of a gallant man and a gifted Godsend. Officer Cook, you had a giant heart of gold, one that was humble, honest and very beloved. Your insightful wisdom, unquenchable thirst for justice led you on journeys of accomplishment where not many would venture. Dade County is a rather large area where a smile and skill go hand in hand. So too does character, commitment and the identity of unwavering humility and the nobleness to face whatever obstacles needed to be cleared for the trails of freedom and peace to follow through. You blazed a path for other qualified and valiant officers to follow close behind. Always cherished and always the humble and loyal servant to Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 6, 2017

Dignity and integrity incorporate their ideas and ideals into the bodies of the brave and bold. Those public servants of devotion and honor who respect their positions of authority never usurping justice and only deploying faith and firmness into their heroic actions of humanity. This is what we demand from our heroes and heroines whose lives mattered. In Dade County where lives had purpose as do all citizens, you bravely answered calls, Officer Cook, both routine and dangerous facing violence and its torment face to face, head to head with the character, courage and conviction that will forever be in the very foundations of the ferocity by which you worked and persevered by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were your colleagues' friend and most trusted leader.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 6, 2017

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