Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Heroes and heroines of public service feed the fires of ferocity with their own style of tenacity. The very effort that puts integrity, dignity and the authority of honesty back into the quest to conquer evil. It must be stopped and vanquished at all costs, though not for a life. Yet, this what you yearned to become, Officer Cook a diligent and a most resourceful servant of Dade County and directed on your passions, your pursuits of peace which were your faithful journeys in life. A life and its enjoyment fueled by courageous character, classy courage and dutiful devotion to mankind. Always the humble and unsung hero and warrior whose legacy shines as brightly as the sun's rays beating of those walls of honor at Tropical Park in Miami where upon you blessed name is etched for endeavor, effort and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of enhancement, endearment and for engineering peace and its resiliency among our society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2017

The creed of every police servant is to care deeply for the welfare and safety of its folks. You cared, Officer Cook and we Dade County and the entire police world cried when your honor, dignity and integrity were robbed from you, your family and esteemed and humble comrades of faith and persuasion. The devotion and desire needed to dedicate one's own life of morals and professionalism to those calls when evil came rushing through the front door. A door you unlocked, Officer Cook, with virtual understanding, unwavering endearment and the energy to gallantly succeed in all your unselfish sacrifices. One life of character, class, decency and decorum sheared apart by vicious and wanton violence. You'll never be forgotten. Remembered as a hero and warrior, God has opened His doors welcoming those fallen angelic heroes and heroines whose bravery was incorporated for our personal aspirations in life to march forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was your solemn commitment, Officer Cook, to ideals and principles that delivered justice and fairness where it needs to belong.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2017

Cordial and considerate. You always had the right perspective on how to persevere and protect Dade County residents, Officer Cook. The hearts and souls of all your colleagues have saluted and fondly remembered your courage, character and the commitment to eradicate violence from our midst. Only total composure, command of your leadership abilities as it helped you serve and keep peace and safety banded together. Humility and its integrity do go hand in hand in assisting every public servant out on those streets of terror. This must be the conviction of every soul who dares to face this peril. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You kept endearment and enhancement close to your belt and forever it will remain a part of your heroic legacy. One that was noble and humane by your answering those calls even ones you were not required to go to. You were a Godsend, Officer Cook, blessed by boldness and the resolve to pitch in and do whatever needed doing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2017

Gifted and geared to gallantly battle the throngs of evil, you were the total embodiment of sheer determination, Officer Cook. Your integrity, wisdom and dignity carried your missions and their travels throughout Dade County. God sees your comrades of courage and humility through their journeys as well. The peace and prosperity of all citizens was under your watchful eyes and resolute character. Thank goodness for those public servants of humbleness who possess humane and honorable actions of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2017

Demolish and abolish. That is what you did very well, Officer Cook. Achieved and were honest. A young police officer of the highest integrity and dignity fighting for our rights and restoring the much needed unity and peace for all Dade County residents. You were a faithfully loyal colleague to so many peers, your conventional knowledge, vision and wisdom helped root out violence. Foundations of tenacity came about through your persistent resolve and respect for your position. Authority and the humility to ascertain information in a timely and orderly manner. It saved lives everyday and made you a hero from May 16, 1979 and forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2017

Haste makes waste. There is no time to fool around when evil comes racing around the corner. You extricated Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook, with humble courage, exemplary efficiency and the stellar character that is incumbent for all dignified public servants. With integrity and morals trailing you trailing every step of the way down those paths of perseverance, may you be solemnly saluted for bringing peace and prosperity, safety and serenity to a community where you grew up and spent most of your life as a humanitarian and a humanely faithful savior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2017

For the civilized, terror and crime strike a wicked chord. To those who continue to stomp around tormenting and terrorizing, beware. The good men and women of honesty and bravery are bound to catch up to you sooner or later. Dade County and its fine folks were well guarded and preserved by you and your humbly loving nature, Officer Cook. Taken from your family, colleagues and this entire world at such a young age, you left behind a wonderful plethora of memories. The thoughts and prayers for a truly righteous and determined public servant of decorum and diligence. Your character went straight to heaven with your achievements, astuteness and total awareness. The peace and stability were capably taken care of when you navigated the venues in and around a community you cred deeply for and whose residents have so honored your enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We honor every resting officer who badges of boldness and bravery shine brightly forever in God's most perfect firmament. You are missed terribly, Officer Cook. Your family's faith and dedication have helped to close that gaping hole left by your untimely tragedy. I'll continue keeping you in my thoughts, Karen, I know you remarried and was glad to speak with you if only for a few minutes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2017

Police officers must display courtesy and professionalism. Being crusty and rude just won't cut the mustard. Your demeanor and dignity, Officer Cook reinforced your decorum and dedication to all Dade County and its people. Integrity incorporated in the bounds of honor. Your faithfulness and devotion always helped you while out on patrol of an area and neighborhood where your humbleness and pride are constantly saluted. Your colleagues, Officer Cook, paid homage to your humane acts of sacrifice, a man of decency and character giving that never ending accomplishment. God knows His brave and resourceful men and women of charisma and charm. You smiled, Officer Cook, yet you went on to become a legend of leadership and vision. Those who have assumed your position bare great responsibility. Let us pray and hope the honesty, desire and dignity come through when it counts. Bravery requires a gentle hand, truthful lips and legs able to track down wickedness and cut off its trails of torment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day to day, hour by hour, night by night we expect and demand fairness, firmness and total tenacity from our most diligent of personnel.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2017

Driving doom and gloom away from our midst, all law enforcement personnel look for that advantage over such a massive enemy. Its capability of destruction at times seems endless. You could be counted on, Officer Cook, to save face through your valiant and good grace. A true professional. A gentleman with a golden heart who saved and served Dade County and its citizens keeping them peaceful and prosperous. Now decades removed from your life and career coming to a tragic halt by wanton violence perpetrated by a troubled young man, may you be so honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for unselfish and undaunted character. Conviction and courage that has left your heroic legacy of humility toward humanity as the focal point of your proficiency and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2017

That adversary of evil seems to always poke us when we least want to be poked. Its treacherous terror unleashes heartache and the pain of its reign upon those who so desire peace and relaxation. Police can't let up in this fight, as they must stay true to form and possess loyalty. You rescued lives, Officer Cook, in Dade County and have been revered and admired for your sincerest of endeavors. Never more morals and character, the commitment to pride and excellence showed day in and day out. You will forever be saluted for having the wisdom and common sense approaches to solving and in calming those who needed a positive influence. Reinforcement. Resolve and faithfulness all accentuated your career and life of public service. Never a bad word. Never a hint of trouble. Always a gregarious gentleman with a passionate heart and the compassion to differentiate right from wrong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You rest quietly in God's bluest of skies and behind the sunniest of skies. Heroes and heroines all humane, brave and vital to our community's welfare and best interest.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2017

We are still a nation piqued by intrigue and curiosity. Funny thing though, our most bravest and honorable still must go out on patrol and offer their effort to serve and to protect our rights. You always pitched in, Officer Cook and performed admirably and with a hope of honesty, integrity and sure power dignity. The certain flames of ferocity through your unwavering character which has kept peace and serenity tied up in Dade County. Its residents can fondly look back and remember your resolve, accomplishments and fruition. God saw your destiny and its journeys of wonderful and humble courage until He deemed them complete. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2017

Lawyers and police defends us. Lawyers don't put on badges and uniforms. Their schooling allows them the right to litigate on our behalf. Police through rigorous training and classroom study go about serving and cleaning up the streets where evil and torment leave a bad odor. Its scent hinders the good graces of the wise and devout who must tackle peril rightfully and faithfully. In Dade County, you were among the wonderfully intelligent and insightful public servants whose integrity, dignity and honor were placed on the line for all to witness. You made the ultimate sacrifice for our fruition top continue diligently and nobly. Always admired. Always cherished as a fighter for human rights. Officer Cook, your good name and blessings are inscribed on walls of honor and sophistication. Humble, humane and inspiring. The dedication and drive was never lacking. Only first class kindness, boldness and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The pious deliver. The wicked destroy and devastate. They frustrate our hopes and leave impediments. Your looking after us, Officer Cook, will alleviate these worries and concerns.

Rabbi Lewis S.Davis

July 14, 2017

Taking the bull by its horns, you tackled terror by its side, Officer Cook and tried to turn it away from us. You calmed people down. You prevented more violence from happening. Dade County was protected very adequately and admirably by your loving concern and professional esteem. It's the true character and cleverness of a devout man of meaning and it stayed within your soul for your whole life. During your years, Officer Cook, you smiled and yet you diligently distributed warmth and charm among the masses. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We celebrate your life and its decency filled with many notable moments of care and kindness. A spirit of fairness and firmness brought through justice and equality for every human being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Diligence deserve attention and those passionate and yet humble salutes of honor and of valor. For all our heroes and heroines such as yourself, Officer Cook, for what you have done on our behalf, the least civil way to pay homage is to pause and reflect on a wonderful life and a career of destiny shortened by wickedness and the wanton violence that took you from our midst. You were a loyal and conscientious servant in Dade County, giving those who called upon you, the resolve of peace and the resourcefulness of relevancy. Missions served and character recorded for honors reserved for a humane and humble man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You did your part and now other brave souls take that baton and look to make a difference. Society demands it. The citizens expect it. Morals and careful deliberation navigated your dreams and happy pursuits, Officer Cook. You treasured every moment and will forever be a most respected and admired man of humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Biting off more than one can chew can have a devastating effort on our stomachs. Police must engross themselves in every matter that has a pertinence on life. Never can they throw in the towel or wave that proverbial white flag. They need to stand up and be faithful, loyal and dignified as you were, Officer Cook, with Dade County and its devoted people. You throw concern in with the morals of good character, quality of commitment and the conduits of sound convictions and you have that element of peace and security that will stay anchored down for all time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing and engaging is the right way to at least help to bring prosperity to its home for gentle care.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Life and its endeavor are not a wheel of fortune. Rather, it is one based on a kindred spirit of love and passion performed honestly and with a renewed sense of integrity and dignity steering those who strive for excellence. You delivered high quality perseverance and preservation around Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook. What transpired on May 16, 1979, to you and to your colleagues was wanton, senseless and heinous to say the least. A calamity no one should ever endure. Your family's faith as was yours, Officer Cook, totally confident and centered on the welfare of the people. You were brought up with more than an inkling of character. Ideals and their intelligent appeal stayed within your heart and in your spirit, your beloved and wonderful soul that watches over us as one of God's many angelic heroes of boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Success is the very cornerstones of a man's ferocity. His tenacity in tackling evil and its torrential grip on our society. One day our beloved and esteem public servants will ease that nasty grip.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Tears of joy should be the Cook Family's happiness. Instead your untimely loss, Officer Cook, left them and your community of Dade County sobbing like babies over humanity's tragedy. A loss of humble respect. A loss of honor that in turn instilled confidence among mankind that things would workout well. Your dignity and courage, Officer Cook, was the glue in your family's morals, values and ideals. Character, class and desire can drive a man's career and life very far so long as their nobility is right where civility ought to be. For always enhancement will stay within the venues where you served and saved lives, Officer Cook. You were a very blessed man and a heroic Godsend. What a valiant warrior and a humble savior. We share in your loss, Officer Cook, after all I cried like a baby in your parents' house while meeting your niece, Gina Wilkerson and her family. Great family. They loved you and have revered their "Uncle Bo." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hope you are feeling well Mrs. Cook. I'll always keep you in my heart and prayers. As I've always said, you son, Billy was a devoted and loyal servant who gave every last breath to save lives that day and everyday. His causes have been passed on down to his colleagues and beloved family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

We fear the unexpected. We grieve for those souls of valor and honor lost by wanton violence. Evil and its wickedness that destroys and tears communities apart. Dade County has seen its share of devoted and faithful servants serve and live to retire. It's seen its share of heroes and heroines all who braved danger, kept dignity and its central humility pinned to their badges. You were one dedicated and motivated man, Officer Cook, a class act of character, morals and politeness. Your comrades and loving family paying homage to your heroic life and career of protection where peace and unity was sewn together with sincere effort and the fruition that has remained a foundation of your love and esteem for a job well performed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Intelligence. Ingenuity. Intuition. They are stem from the infusion of bravery, boldness and the integrity and decency behind their very honor. Show others respect, chances are it well come back to you. You afforded all people with dignity and reverence, Officer Cook. You were stationed in Dade County to patrol its peace and serene environment. You were a low key man on a journey of resolve and devotion, committed to the ideals of sanity and civility. Bringing humane actions of heroism and its humility that all residents witnessed, you'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. A man of understanding and fundamentals who took leadership of others as the motivational tool by which you accomplished. God really saw your cause and passion and channeled those efforts into something very unique. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A champion of goodwill that is deeply missed as is your engaging personality and that big bright smile. Our Creator has the perfect smiles and bravery of His most bold and brave of public servants.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Your ideals and values live on in your loving family's hearts and souls, Officer Cook. Those values and morals, integrity and honesty reside in God's graceful kingdom. His angelic heroes and heroines, inspirations of humility and dignity, who captured the minds of those whom you served and watched over. Navigations of nobility, journeys of jubilance over a task well done. Your department and comrades of the past can look back and remember their friend, comrade and legend of a man of character, whose diligence was the making of someone very special. You went that kind of person, Officer Cook. with proper perspective and faithful loyalty could you ease our minds with keeping peace and safety properly mounted where they ought to be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Vigilance and vitality followed you in your rightful and righteous passions in life and during your outstanding career. One man's mission of mercy, goodwill and hope now takes on a more deeper meaning.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

For some the blank spaces remain. For those who faithfully aspire and conquer, the lines get filled in with humility and those accolades of integrity and dignity. You did your job, Officer Cook, with determination and tireless devotion. Every endeavor was made by you to preserve life and property in Dade County for its people. You were concerned with peace and calmness, your character that day and everyday of your twenty-five years was cherished and admired. Police must function by undertaking basic instincts and remain loyal and faithful to their sisters and brothers who too share in this awesome responsibility. Always the most professional and efficient gentleman of gallantry and the grace that stayed with us and continues through your soul, Officer Cook, as it observes our coming and going. Our dreams and aspirations now are apart of your legacy. Heroic and humble. Just he way you would want it and the proper way by which Nancy and you, Officer Cook, were brought up by your loving parents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

We ask for Our Lord to watch over those who serve and who have given their lives and careers for the peace and quiet of mankind. It took every ounce of inner strength, a courage from within your heart, Officer Cook and the simple and noble integrity and dignity that all public servants must display on their uniforms. Your badge of honor attested to the morals and courtesies you gave to all Dade County. Astute and aware, you cornered violence and attempted to pacify those who emotions boiled over. Never out of sight or mind, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. At least you had a plan of action and utilized those skills of conviction and commitment to excellence to help see you through until achievement was complete.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Nothing should ever stand in the paths of perseverance and persistence. Never should good men and women, public servants who squarely carry these large burdens of service and protection on their shoulders have to come under fire. Violence is and will forever be a part of a devoted and dedicated servant's itinerary. Your proficiency, Officer Cook, was a pattern representative of resolve, morals and honesty to take on difficult issues only one way, with dignity and integrity. May 16, 1979, saw character, candor and determination demonstrated by you, Officer Cook. It has now and will always remain a day of memories and of the spirit by which you relished and lived your heroic life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Saluted by humanity for humane and respected humility. It afforded you the chance to make our society more at ease and to be able to continue our pursuits in life more serenely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Distraught and depressed, the young man filled with trouble who took your young life and career away from you, Officer Cook, that too was a tragedy. Your death was a loss to your family, your colleagues and to mankind in general when a dignified soul of a gentleman lays down his being so that dignity and integrity may replace kayos and terror. You saved lives, Officer Cook, as all police must do. You dove headfirst into a circumstance in which Dade County and its citizens needed your help. Its peace and unity have been cemented and enhanced by your humane and revered resolve. Character and desire allowed your decency and devotion to rise to the top. Unfortunately, your missions here have ended, though as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you'll be thoughtfully remembered for having the commitment and conviction to do what we deemed as proper. Your actions of heroism on May 16, 1979, have served as the inspirations for other brave souls who must try and tackle this foe whose evil seems to have spread its wings of wickedness not caring for those honest individuals who try and pursue honorably.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Wisdom takes knowledge. Bravery takes courage. Honor and dignity take practice. All the integrity that public servants must have when they patrol must come from within their hearts of humility. Your heart and mind, Officer Cook, was entirely focused on the goodwill while serving and protecting Dade County and its residents. You put your effort into becoming a top flight police officer and never were we disappointed. Devastated over your loss. All the character and consideration, the caring passion you had, Officer Cook, to restore vitality to a community where you continue to be humbly and humanely honored for your unselfish sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You rest in God's divine kingdom of kindness and mercy. The very same compassion you displayed toward mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

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