Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A beautiful soul who touched our world with His bravery and honor, the man who would make his parents proud. You did, Officer Cook. You were so heroic and dignified, integrity and maturity way beyond your years. If only Dade County could still have your smiling presence here. It's locked away in heaven helping Our Lord keep watch over those colleagues who place their authority and desire on the line for peace and justice to prosper equally. Character is that photo of a person just going about their daily business. Those photos you took, Officer Cook, had to be breathtaking. Nature's way of us looking reality square in the face the way you humanely faced peril. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who gave their lives and careers in the name of humility, humanity so honors their resounding righteousness. You'll be forever fondly remembered, Officer Cook, never forgotten. Always tenacity and ferocity, the surefire means to eradicating evil from our midst.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
Disturbance perturbs the progress of peace, its resolve so demanding. It requires a concentrated effort to overcome those obstacles of evil and bloodshed. You loved life and enjoyed working with your colleagues and friends at the Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook. No more humble and beloved gentleman than yourself, so full of bravery, boldness and belief in that tasks got completed. Conclusions are sometimes hard to attain, the testimony of your tenacity was your dignity, honesty and integrity, its ingenuity, intuition and intelligence because of your unwavering commitment to morals, ethics, values and ideals. That is class. This is character. You cannot even begin to think or ponder fruition without any sense of knowledge, wisdom and devout convictions all in the name of peace and serenity for all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Brave and cherished. You harnessed the power heroically saving and preserving lives and their properties.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
Disturbance perturbs the progress of peace, its resolve so demanding. It requires a concentrated effort to overcome those obstacles of evil and bloodshed. You loved life and enjoyed working with your colleagues and friends at the Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook. No more humble and beloved gentleman than yourself, so full of bravery, boldness and belief in that tasks got completed. Conclusions are sometimes hard to attain, the testimony of your tenacity was your dignity, honesty and integrity, its ingenuity, intuition and intelligence because of your unwavering commitment to morals, ethics, values and ideals. That is class. This is character. Yo cannot even begin to think or ponder fruition without any sense of knowledge, wisdom and devout convictions all in the name of peace and serenity for all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Brave and cherished. You harnessed the power heroically saving and preserving lives and their properties.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
God took you, Officer Cook, way too soon and although you have been gone from your family and comrades for many years now, you still are fondly remembered for your faithfulness, honesty and loyal endeavors on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. No officer is better or bigger than another. It is the living beings of those who served and paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, liberties and unities to remain as a part of our lives and of your heroic legacy. Clearly where dignity, responsibility and having a quality character of integrity this surely helped you, Officer Cook, maintain that gentle balance of prosperity and resolve. Never forgotten. Cherished. Admired and deeply respected and revered for humility, that perennial springboard of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We dream. We hope and play with our children and grandchildren all because of what badge#1664 stood for and the uniform worn precisely as all public servants should dress and act for a challenging and dangerous position where violence and evil must never be permitted freewill and free reign.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
Violence is that horrible anvil to both the mind and heart. It's searing and never seems to let up. You went through torment, terror and treacherous times when you patrolled Dade County for peace and quiet, Officer Cook. Certainly, we can look back at your life and career, one filled with humble and loyal accomplishments. Acumen and awareness like all brave souls, heroes and heroines of honor, integrity and dignity who put forth that special unwavering and compassionate effort on our behalf. Now decades later, Officer Cook, that very beloved and treasured heroic soul of yours is being saluted for commitment to pride and its excellence. Success created by virtue of living with morals and the fine character to back your every path of perseverance and those humble trails of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Engagement and enhancement to have been set down in stone forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
We make deposits in the bank. Those humble and much beloved officers gave of themselves such as what you did for all Dade County, Officer Cook. So honest and full of dignity, it was your faith, hope and optimism that took peace and unity throughout a community where you were so respected and idealistic. All about character, conviction, commitment and the wisdom to give sagely advice to other brave and confident colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage and humility years ago that has propelled your family's dreams and aspirations of happiness to all mankind. The banks of bravery contain the souls of safety who made the ultimate sacrifice endearing themselves to us forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2017
The vault of valor contains the very humble, heroic and cherished souls of dignity and honor. Your integrity and humility, Officer Cook, stood for justice and character, the courage to commit to saving lives and keeping the peace of all Dade County residents. Those streets were filled with the good and bad. People thriving and those intent on doing bad. You stayed the courses of convincing resolve and devotion in all your faithful travels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God shelters the strong and serene public servants of which you were supreme in all your efforts, Officer Cook. Angelic heroes and heroines are the determined who motivated by their leadership capabilities.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2017
Nothing flimsy or false when you performed your duties, Officer Cook. Straight on and of powerful character, courage and commitment. Dade County witnessed sincere concern, care and the affection you had for each person. Thank God you were a man of principles, morals and values along with stellar honesty, integrity and dignity that protected and served those relying upon your skills of safety, peace and security. Today and forever will you be honored as a hero of endearing proportions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity never wavering from your unselfish humility that spoke volumes. Violence may have silenced your beautiful soul, that stays forever above us making brighter those sad days when you are greatly missed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2017
Stretch and go after wickedness as all duly brave and noble fighters must. You certainly saw your share of battles in Dade County for the people keeping them safe and secure. Peace's byproduct of boldness and commitment. Your integrity and ingenuity seen as heroic, Officer Cook, was just what society needed, though you should have been granted the opportunity to finish out your career and the resolve and humility you left as a legacy for comrades and family to emulate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Surely, God's amazing grace will follow your cherished soul in the land of serenity. Nothing will harm you again. You cared, shared and saved lives.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2017
Good men and women work to take care of the family and the bills that need to be met. Police officers are those devoted and faithfully humble servants who give more back to our society than we could ever imagine. You gave your life of service, Officer Cook, in order that the peace and quiet of residents in and around the Dade County community could continue their fruition. Your mission statement of character and desire, determination and dedication signaled a new chapter of valor and bravery. It had all the trimmings of tenacity and a combined effort of humility and honesty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serene and humble were some of the rational reasons as to why you were accomplished. Those destinies and journeys have now been handed over to Our Creator for further eternal directions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2017
Greed and perversion are those traits that can blind any honest and decent man or woman who loyally protects the right causes. Everyone is afforded fundamental right to be free and to live and to prosper as they see fit. Officer Cook, you had the highest regard of reverence for your position and be virtue of excellent morals, values of dignity and integrity were you able for the most part to make Dade County citizens calm and secure once again. All the character, courage and decency stored high above in God's eternal shelter of serenity. Keep soaring along with your wonderfully engaging soul as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2017
If you have a problem don't mess around, call for help and a brave and humble hero will come calling. You came to all calls, Officer Cook, as humanely prepared as possible. It takes time sometimes for integrity and ingenuity to sink in the crevices of some law enforcement personnel. No one is immune from making a mistake. They just need to be limited when the causes of calm and prosperity and its peaceful movements are on the line. Dade County and its citizens got the finest service and uniquely personal touch of humility when you sacrificed your life on our behalf, Officer Cook. A servant of boldness and commitment must be so honored and accordingly saluted for heroism towards all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2017
You took the mantle of hope and fairness and patrolled around the corners of Dade County, Officer Cook, answering those distress calls of dispute in which your calming voice vocalized reason and optimism. A genuinely nice man of class and character, you'll always be the hero of our lives so full of vigor, vigilance and the representative resolve, integrity and honor that we come to expect from hard charging public servants of peace and unity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God judges endearment and its ferocity and tenacity that keep the doors of doom away from mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2017
Fault only raises more fear. And so placing blame only encourages evil to spread its flames of destruction. No one will ever fault you, Officer Cook, for answering that crucial call of domestic discord on May 16, 1979. Only forever do we the people of Dade County, your beloved family and your humble comrades so salute your dignity, honesty and integrity. Your character and charisma captivated those who learned from a humane and born leader of other brave women and men. If you are determined, diligent and devoted to the cause of keeping peace away from terror, than more than likely you will reach a happy medium. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Championing those cornerstones of persuasion, you were the go to public servant in times of crisis.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
When cornered, concern yourself with righteousness, reveal your true inner beings. Never give in to those carrying out evil. Do not put your head in the sand and forget your humble genesis. When property and life matter do all you can to be faithful, honest and resourceful. It's in your resolve and those genes of gallantry and valor where the hidden truth lies. Your career and life, Officer Cook, spoke in measured tones of tenacity out witting terror and its torment. The best advice and astuteness that Dade Count and its people received was from yourself, Officer Cook, their humble leader and hero, one who motivated the masses to take charge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, candor, class and commitment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
A healthy dose of optimism decreases despair and hopelessness. A loving measure of meaningful spirit and its honesty combined with integrity and dignity further spreads the flames of future generations. Those tomorrows that you fought for, Officer Cook, Dade County and its folks dreams, aspirations and desires. All done for the sake of heaven and those still living and breathing here do have hope and faith that your resolve and convictions were enough to turn the tide of tyranny, terror and its confused and confrontational mayhem. Great job of serving and preserving life, liberty and the happy mediums of happiness to be cherished forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
Difficulty only enhances one's effort to try a little harder. Public servants dive right into danger and evil sometimes not looking in all directions. You saw danger, Officer Cook and answered that call that most of us would dread. A domestic situation where you did not know the personality of the troubled young man who took your life, Officer Cook and nearly those of your esteemed comrades. But, rest assure you won't be forgotten. Valor and its honorable integrity stay imbedded in our minds and hearts for eternity. And so too will your dignity and driven desire, Officer Cook, it too will stay imprinted upon us. When the peace and prosperity of Dade County and its citizens was on the firing lines, you were accountable and present to resort to whatever resources you needed that were at your disposal. It was devastating to lose you my neighbor, friend and hero, yet you always kept us the professional savvy, the battle still rages on today. You'll be fondly revered and deservedly so. A Godsend blessed with loads of love and knowledge that was passed down to other brave souls of safety and sacred passions. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis s. Davis
August 25, 2017
A good comrade follows rules and advises his or her colleagues to follow along those desirable and dignified pathways of preserve. A good loser recognizes when help is needed. Police must never let up nor lose their vice grips on grace and valor. You did not capitulate, Officer Cook and neither did your grasp of integrity and morals decrease. You were Dade County and its residents friend and hero. Where character and courage were concerned you shined brightly my neighbor, friend and hero. Mercy and goodwill never abandon God's fallen brothers and sisters of peace and security. Those at a disadvantage seek reason, clarity and vision which only can enhance one's fruitful and thought provoking efforts.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
A handsome young man, a distinguished and humane hero who waged war on our behalf. You were battle tested, Officer Cook and for there integrity, honesty and dignity took over in assisting you in your pursuits of happiness and peace for all Dade County. Gems of gallantry glowing through the turmoil and torment that violence unleashes. If only no harm would have been perpetrated upon your very humble and faithfully devoted soul of serenity. Never more courage and commitment to character and its virtue sand values that help make our lives more stable and lively. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What will shine even more? Your most admired and humble soul, Officer Cook, eternity's present for making a statement and in taking a stand as all duly sworn officers must at some point.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
It is raining now. A time to pause and to reflect. No one is perfect. You were the son, brother and husband that moms and dads, sisters and wives would be proud of, Officer Cook. You placed destiny and its calling where life and peace, unity and reason would meet at the same crossroads. Justice can be blind at times. surely unfair. Obviously, you deserved a better fate my neighbor, friend and hero. Never letting go of scruples and serenity, your character and encouragement saw to this fact. Dade County was in the stable and very humbly put capable hands of a truly beloved public servant. If only we could have done more for you, that day, Officer Cook. You were firm and yet fair. You were loyal and faithful always what good men and women of bravery should expose to become. Never a mean word. Clearly never a mean spirit. Only the love and admiration of an entire community who gathered to mourn your loss, to remember a life and career of destiny and of undaunted sacrifice. Your being, Officer Cook, made society take note of your relevance and reverence. No reluctance only fine and upstanding work straight from the bottom of your wonderful and caring heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. words of wisdom, vision and engagement now meant to further enhance all future generations. What a blessing and what a hero!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
You'll never be alone in heaven ever, Officer Cook. Alongside of those comrades who joined you in God's sacred and pearly gates is the greatest teacher, friend, hero and mentor, your beloved father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Yes, your father imparted the greatest lessons of humility and love upon his beloved and honorable son. And your beloved mother, Mrs.Julia Cook, also taught you the values of virtue and of integrity and dignity which you incorporated into all your peaceful pursuits and trails of tenacity within the streets of Dade County. All those whom you served with and loyally protected, how grateful are they? Quite thankful a blessed Godsend of a hero and one young man who carried his convictions and commitments on a pristine badge and crisply tailored uniform. Transparency and ferocity reigned when you fought terror and kayos, Officer Cook. Ingenuity and intuition followed resolve, faith and resourcefulness all your life and during your watch. Keep that same appointment, Officer Cook, with your engaging soul lighting up our darkest of moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You should live and be well, Mrs. Cook. I'll always keep you in my prayers, thoughts and heart. your darling heroic son, "Billy", Officer William Coleman Cook, will always be fondly cherished, respected, admired and revered for his heroic years of fulfillment. He never gave up hope and neither shall we. His testimony ascertains these facts of life.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
Basking in glory only allows humility and honor to be lessened when its presence and integrity is very essential in order to battle the forces of evil. And so it's the same channels for dignity, if something gets in its way, hope and optimism may dwindle. We cannot permit this to occur. Thanks to your mindset, Officer Cook, your character and ethics saw to the peaceful travels throughout Dade County. As time marches on we fondly salute your humility and bravery as it delivered the necessary liberty and unity we've all come to expect. If you hang in and fight for what you believe in, then your goals and aspirations will be accomplished. God saw to this very sadly on May 16, 1979, when you gave your life, Officer Cook, that in and of its humble self gave us hope for a brighter tomorrow and a future of fruition. It can only happen if you have a vision, dedicate your endeavors to a specific mission. Destiny through God's eyes and hands then will lead us to where we want to be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations and their humble cornerstones will set in stone through your loving and admired dreams, Officer Cook. Police work is a very important and yet a special position of authority, one that must not be taken lightly. Cooperation from the citizens helps to accentuate one's pathways. Preserve, proficiency and protection are the p's that must be concentrated on daily, there can be no letting up. Wickedness can arrive at any moment and we the people must be prepared with a plan of action.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
Dignity and integrity may never get sidetracked by the trivial pursuits of lackluster performances. The safety and quiet of the residents demands that all men and women conduct themselves honorably and bravery. Somewhere these souls learn about real civility, humility and its bravery that trails down these pursuits of fairness and justice for all. Dade County and its people had a very fine young man navigating all the various venues looking for freedom and security. This was your destiny and mission of faith, Officer Cook. Your feet chased after evil and your lips told the God honest truth. Just sometimes all the planning, preparation and training, it's Our Creator gently giving us that friendly nudge. You know when you've succeeded or not. You gave valor and character that very special perspective, Officer Cook. Unselfish perseverance and resolve beyond those calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If only endearment and enhancement could restore your being back to your family, colleagues and friends, my how would they be all smiles. Your soul encircles us daily, Officer Cook, God never lets His angelic heroes and heroines out of His vision. He has brought them back to eternity where no violence or terror bother or hurt them all again.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
Representation dictates utilizing all the finer points of honesty, dignity and integrity. It is the locale where bravery and commitment walk along the same pathways of preserve. Never better, Officer Cook. You gave Dade County and its citizens every chance to live peacefully and in unison. They won't forget your humble and esteemed courage. Their hero, our hero and more importantly your family's hero. For generations to come folks will remember your generosity and ingenuity all paired with your stellar character. What you sadly left behind will be saluted forever, Officer Cook. Your legacy is firm growing on the Cook Family tree of tenacity and the faith and its devotion that makes pursuing your aspirations a bit easier to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thank God for your fellowship, friendship and the humility all public servants must display toward humanity. The gaping hole left by your untimely death, Officer Cook, let's hope and pray that violence can be once and for all wiped out. You took your challenges and their roles seriously and very astutely.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2017
Humble and admired. Dignified and greatly treasured. Adversity's warrior who battled this enemy with every ounce of strength. Your inner courage, Officer Cook, right from your big caring and kindly golden heart spearheaded your colleagues to commit as you so devoutly did to honor, integrity and that delicate dignity that all careful public servants must acclimate themselves to. Dade County right from your first patrol, Officer Cook, received the hope and diligence that made citizens feel welcome and safe. Peace can only bring optimistic vibrations all from your due resolve. If you carry the badge and uniform with class and ethics, sooner rather than later the results will humanely show. Brighter days were ahead if only you were still with us today, right this moment, Officer Cook. Puzzles are just that. The pieces of proficiency must somehow or another fit the occasion. They did for the most part of your career and young life until that tragic day of terror that struck in Liberty City where freedom and liberty literally were on the line for you and your comrades, Officer Cook and those civilians. You performed very admirably and courageously. The best trained officers, their journeys and missions derailed and interrupted by wanton violence we still can't get a hold of. You did all you could my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace along with the character and determination of over twenty-two thousand men and women of legendary distinction. The rays of hope reveal faith and ferocity surely the trails of satisfaction in this war over wickedness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2017
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