Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Life and its endeavor are not a wheel of fortune. Rather, it is one based on a kindred spirit of love and passion performed honestly and with a renewed sense of integrity and dignity steering those who strive for excellence. You delivered high quality perseverance and preservation around Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook. What transpired on May 16, 1979, to you and to your colleagues was wanton, senseless and heinous to say the least. A calamity no one should ever endure. Your family's faith as was yours, Officer Cook, totally confident and centered on the welfare of the people. You were brought up with more than an inkling of character. Ideals and their intelligent appeal stayed within your heart and in your spirit, your beloved and wonderful soul that watches over us as one of God's many angelic heroes of boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Success is the very cornerstones of a man's ferocity. His tenacity in tackling evil and its torrential grip on our society. One day our beloved and esteem public servants will ease that nasty grip.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Tears of joy should be the Cook Family's happiness. Instead your untimely loss, Officer Cook, left them and your community of Dade County sobbing like babies over humanity's tragedy. A loss of humble respect. A loss of honor that in turn instilled confidence among mankind that things would workout well. Your dignity and courage, Officer Cook, was the glue in your family's morals, values and ideals. Character, class and desire can drive a man's career and life very far so long as their nobility is right where civility ought to be. For always enhancement will stay within the venues where you served and saved lives, Officer Cook. You were a very blessed man and a heroic Godsend. What a valiant warrior and a humble savior. We share in your loss, Officer Cook, after all I cried like a baby in your parents' house while meeting your niece, Gina Wilkerson and her family. Great family. They loved you and have revered their "Uncle Bo." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hope you are feeling well Mrs. Cook. I'll always keep you in my heart and prayers. As I've always said, you son, Billy was a devoted and loyal servant who gave every last breath to save lives that day and everyday. His causes have been passed on down to his colleagues and beloved family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

We fear the unexpected. We grieve for those souls of valor and honor lost by wanton violence. Evil and its wickedness that destroys and tears communities apart. Dade County has seen its share of devoted and faithful servants serve and live to retire. It's seen its share of heroes and heroines all who braved danger, kept dignity and its central humility pinned to their badges. You were one dedicated and motivated man, Officer Cook, a class act of character, morals and politeness. Your comrades and loving family paying homage to your heroic life and career of protection where peace and unity was sewn together with sincere effort and the fruition that has remained a foundation of your love and esteem for a job well performed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Intelligence. Ingenuity. Intuition. They are stem from the infusion of bravery, boldness and the integrity and decency behind their very honor. Show others respect, chances are it well come back to you. You afforded all people with dignity and reverence, Officer Cook. You were stationed in Dade County to patrol its peace and serene environment. You were a low key man on a journey of resolve and devotion, committed to the ideals of sanity and civility. Bringing humane actions of heroism and its humility that all residents witnessed, you'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. A man of understanding and fundamentals who took leadership of others as the motivational tool by which you accomplished. God really saw your cause and passion and channeled those efforts into something very unique. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A champion of goodwill that is deeply missed as is your engaging personality and that big bright smile. Our Creator has the perfect smiles and bravery of His most bold and brave of public servants.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Your ideals and values live on in your loving family's hearts and souls, Officer Cook. Those values and morals, integrity and honesty reside in God's graceful kingdom. His angelic heroes and heroines, inspirations of humility and dignity, who captured the minds of those whom you served and watched over. Navigations of nobility, journeys of jubilance over a task well done. Your department and comrades of the past can look back and remember their friend, comrade and legend of a man of character, whose diligence was the making of someone very special. You went that kind of person, Officer Cook. with proper perspective and faithful loyalty could you ease our minds with keeping peace and safety properly mounted where they ought to be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Vigilance and vitality followed you in your rightful and righteous passions in life and during your outstanding career. One man's mission of mercy, goodwill and hope now takes on a more deeper meaning.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

For some the blank spaces remain. For those who faithfully aspire and conquer, the lines get filled in with humility and those accolades of integrity and dignity. You did your job, Officer Cook, with determination and tireless devotion. Every endeavor was made by you to preserve life and property in Dade County for its people. You were concerned with peace and calmness, your character that day and everyday of your twenty-five years was cherished and admired. Police must function by undertaking basic instincts and remain loyal and faithful to their sisters and brothers who too share in this awesome responsibility. Always the most professional and efficient gentleman of gallantry and the grace that stayed with us and continues through your soul, Officer Cook, as it observes our coming and going. Our dreams and aspirations now are apart of your legacy. Heroic and humble. Just he way you would want it and the proper way by which Nancy and you, Officer Cook, were brought up by your loving parents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

We ask for Our Lord to watch over those who serve and who have given their lives and careers for the peace and quiet of mankind. It took every ounce of inner strength, a courage from within your heart, Officer Cook and the simple and noble integrity and dignity that all public servants must display on their uniforms. Your badge of honor attested to the morals and courtesies you gave to all Dade County. Astute and aware, you cornered violence and attempted to pacify those who emotions boiled over. Never out of sight or mind, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. At least you had a plan of action and utilized those skills of conviction and commitment to excellence to help see you through until achievement was complete.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Nothing should ever stand in the paths of perseverance and persistence. Never should good men and women, public servants who squarely carry these large burdens of service and protection on their shoulders have to come under fire. Violence is and will forever be a part of a devoted and dedicated servant's itinerary. Your proficiency, Officer Cook, was a pattern representative of resolve, morals and honesty to take on difficult issues only one way, with dignity and integrity. May 16, 1979, saw character, candor and determination demonstrated by you, Officer Cook. It has now and will always remain a day of memories and of the spirit by which you relished and lived your heroic life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Saluted by humanity for humane and respected humility. It afforded you the chance to make our society more at ease and to be able to continue our pursuits in life more serenely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Distraught and depressed, the young man filled with trouble who took your young life and career away from you, Officer Cook, that too was a tragedy. Your death was a loss to your family, your colleagues and to mankind in general when a dignified soul of a gentleman lays down his being so that dignity and integrity may replace kayos and terror. You saved lives, Officer Cook, as all police must do. You dove headfirst into a circumstance in which Dade County and its citizens needed your help. Its peace and unity have been cemented and enhanced by your humane and revered resolve. Character and desire allowed your decency and devotion to rise to the top. Unfortunately, your missions here have ended, though as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you'll be thoughtfully remembered for having the commitment and conviction to do what we deemed as proper. Your actions of heroism on May 16, 1979, have served as the inspirations for other brave souls who must try and tackle this foe whose evil seems to have spread its wings of wickedness not caring for those honest individuals who try and pursue honorably.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Wisdom takes knowledge. Bravery takes courage. Honor and dignity take practice. All the integrity that public servants must have when they patrol must come from within their hearts of humility. Your heart and mind, Officer Cook, was entirely focused on the goodwill while serving and protecting Dade County and its residents. You put your effort into becoming a top flight police officer and never were we disappointed. Devastated over your loss. All the character and consideration, the caring passion you had, Officer Cook, to restore vitality to a community where you continue to be humbly and humanely honored for your unselfish sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You rest in God's divine kingdom of kindness and mercy. The very same compassion you displayed toward mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2017

Those conduits of decency, concern and care were open and free to roam wherever they needed to be. If peace and quiet, liberty and freedom needed to be put front and center, you were that steady rock of dignity and honesty, Officer Cook, to get he point across and complete the task right and fittingly. Now, a hero of humility and the humble manner by which you performed that has stayed as your legacy which remains cherished and very much admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of candor and character, your commitments to honesty and its pride will be revered always. You are not forgotten, Officer Cook. Vigilance and valor were like all good men and women sewed on your fabric of tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2017

You were welcomed into the police fraternity with open arms, Officer Cook. You were honored and so saluted with arms raised high. A man, a gentleman of the most decent character and integrity given homage by an entire nation for coming to the rescue of Dade County citizens and your comrades in arms that sad day of May 16, 1979. You were a humble spirit, Officer Cook, one who graced humanity with an aura of astuteness and the humane love for all people. Never forgotten. Always deserving of more life, you have now become one of Our Creator's angels of valor, a man of character who concerned himself with helping others. It took lots of skillful work, hours and hours of dedication and the needed resources to succeed. Never easy. Police work requires special souls to guide peace and freedom through those webs of turmoil and torment. The results bore out what most knew about you, Officer Cook, you were raised with class, ascribed to principles and meted out morals, your politeness and courtesies will stay with us forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage and its bravery take a certain measure of diligence in order to overcome complacency. You were one person, Officer Cook, never to stand pat.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2017

The tonic for terror is honest heroic actions of those whose dedication and desire drive their dignity and integrity. It drove your honorable and humble life, Officer Cook, as you travelled around those corridors of Dade County looking to enhance and produce peace and safety for all. Today, because of your decency, devotion and faithfulness have you be so honored and saluted for unwavering and unselfish character and concern. One-hundred years from now those lessons will reappear and be spoken by other vigilant and courageous men and women who have continued your watch, Officer Cook, as your soul keeps observing us pursuing happiness and life, one way, smile and stay true as a hero would to their word. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a blessed gift to our world and now God shines His greatness upon your wings of wonderful nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2017

As Chief calendar maker, God has His dates reserved for those whose integrity, loyalty and dignity stand tall and humble among the rest. Public servants of valor and consideration make it less difficult for other comrades to act especially when they observe class, desire and diligence from many brothers and sisters who stand toe to toe and fight off this massive wave of wickedness. You fought, Officer Cook, exerting endeavor, energy and the effort put forth to achieve. Dade County rests in its rays of resolve and resourcefulness all brought about through your character and caring concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fulfillment never comes easy. There must be more than one giving their life. Your career, Officer Cook, had more left to accomplish. That day of destiny came calling, badge#1664 and the brave gentleman who wore the uniform matched excellence and took pride in his work and a life lived with a smile and a polite greeting.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2017

The insanity of this world can only be as the result of a few misguided people who seem to think that violence is the acceptable normalcy. Good men and women such as yourself, Officer Cook, were here to speak against that nasty notion. How could you get your point articulated? By calm and rational logic, the common sense and knowledge to act properly and carry morals and scruples valiantly at your side. Dade County and its folks stood at their doorsteps awaiting your arrival and with promptness and an engaging smile did you go about performing your tasks as assigned to you. Humanity can rest soundly in the richness of its humility as you were that steady leader who could navigate around and separate the trouble from the sanity. Never forgotten for class, determination and the letter by which you served and persevered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2017

Awards are important and yet in the big picture, it was the framework of ferocity and honesty, Officer Cook, that you performed an extremely important role toward all mankind. A devout and righteously humble human being sharing and caring with other colleagues who served and protected Dade County and its citizens brokering peace and preventing those bands of violence from snapping the structure of the establishment. Unity and civility are helped out if integrity and dignity permeate their scents around a community where you were liked, admired and revered, Officer Cook. It takes men and women of valor such as yourself, Officer Cook, to create the atmosphere of harmony and hope among all individuals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Motivation and leadership stopped the tide of tyranny and torment. Your patience and virtue validated your career and life of morals and respect.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2017

Courage and humility take their humble accolades from astounding honor, integrity and dignity. How else can any duly devoted and loyal public servant perform his or her role properly? Everything any police officer does must be aligned under the guises of good sense, wisdom and the vision to see things ahead which is what you always did under your watch, Officer Cook. Painstaking at times but a necessity if peace and order were going to be restored in Dade County. Its residents' comfort and securities rested on your broad shoulders of courage, commitment to excellence and the convictions to resolve whatever needed that gentle touch that made humanity feel better. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, class, decency and desire drive a person's aspirations a far as their journeys in life shall take them. Your accomplishments, Officer Cook, were of faithful origins and those cornerstones formed long ago. Your memory will be fondly honored and humbly and humanely saluted for its gallantry and noble actions of goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2017

I meant to say officers today take their turns at combating evil. That canister of conceit. The falsehoods of not speaking the truth. Officers, public servants lacking character, integrity and dignity. Somewhere, honesty must display its good vibes in this equation. You served all Dade County with nothing but pride and resolve, Officer Cook. Its peace and unity delivered in sync by a wise man of wisdom and courage who fought with his last ounce of strength for all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Remember the humility and conviction you solemnly demonstrated, Officer Cook. One man's respect and destiny taken forever to a higher eternal level. Your soul can certainly soar higher every moment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2017

Humility is reserved for the humble few who delve into honest and dignified passions for which mankind is grateful. No one takes a beating as does a boasting jester. No jokes. Only the most down to earth due diligence and forthright man of integrity, morals and character conducting his professional affairs efficiently, loyalty and with a faithful approach to the troubles placed in your path, Officer Cook. You cared and carried excellence as well as one trusted and respected public servant could. For your role was selected well in advance of you becoming a duly thoughtful and resourceful gentleman of the highest regard. Character, commitment and conviction all were the reasons as to why you were successful, Officer Cook. Your command of any given situation was outstanding. For this and more may you be honored and duly saluted for bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2017

Remember the good. You cannot forget the bad. Tragedy stays with us longer than we want it to. Whenever good people, police officers give something back to our society, you must do one thing. Look back upon the humble and heroic way by which their lives were lived and cherished. How decent, dignified and beloved were they? Dade County where you worked and spent roughly a quarter of your young life, Officer Cook, was your venue of vigilance, a safer place made possible by your morals, resolve and sheer wisdom. No hesitation. Only the fine and desirable character of one committed public servant. You gave us your faith and all the effort that is placed in danger and peril in order for peace and prosperity to walk down those aisles of astuteness and awareness. Your life, Officer Cook, was filled with memories replete with valor and vigor, tenacity and the endearing personality of a cherished and diligent hero of the most humble of callings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of enhancement where you helped to build foundations of fulfillment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2017

Security and safety only work hand in hand if dignity, integrity and honesty too employ themselves in unison. Police departments need each public servant who is attentive of their community's needs. One bad apple can spoil the excellence and endeavor of others. Just imagine, Officer Cook, you never had a bad word said about you. never an Internal Affairs Investigation done on you. Dade County was policed and provided the highest quality of assurance when you dove right into a problem. Dilemmas were handled promptly and most professionally and proficiently. What we want to say is how grateful we the people are and were for your character, class, decency and the commitment to stave off violence. Peace and its good fortunes rested upon your undaunted ferocity and tenacity. The persona of an engaging and treasured gentleman of hope, goodwill and humility. God and your beloved soul watch over humanity in a humane and loyal manner. You treated mankind with respect and admiration. The least we can afford you is the same salutes of salvation and for coming to the rescue. There was more to accomplish. God saw your missions and their destinies as complete, Officer Cook. Fruition has since been passed down to other brave and honorable men and women of noble integrity and dignity to pridefully turn their turns at combating wickedness and its associated violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2017

Sometimes it's hard to understand why anyone would want to risk their life for others. In your life and during your public career, Officer Cook, the answer is as plain as day. Your heart of heroism, your desire to pass on dignity to others, your intense integrity and that word, character. It cannot say enough of your excellence in service and in protection of all Dade County citizens. A thank you barely grazes the surface. You were a passionate man with courage and devotion all by virtue of your faith and unwavering devotion. You believe in a cause and you pursued your avenues of aspiration. Those streets where you patrolled looking for a semblance of civility, humility and serenity were surely made more humbler by your humane actions on and way before May 16, 1979. You'll be saluted and given homage for striving for excellence in morals and the finer points of perseverance and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Paradise in heaven is surely made safer by your comrades, those angelic heroes and heroines of valor who laid down their lives with honor, distinction and unselfishness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2017

The police fraternity is so close it's humbly amazing. You piece together men and women of different ages, backgrounds and put them on the streets to patrol and to protect our honor. Simply an incredible task. Stress. Danger. No telling what may transpire. You served and made your calling of courage and wise advice, Officer Cook, your mission. Integrity and dignity take heart, it requires character, no conceit. It allows you the proper temper by which peace and togetherness must be pursued while taking evil out of the formula. Dade County and its residents had the proper and morally upright intentions when you served gallantly, Officer Cook. Humanity and its humility were deliberate and most faithful. Resolve and admiration as well as your leadership of other comrades through thick and thin. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The void in our world can never be replaced. Your loss tore at our hearts and minds. You'll be revered and solemnly remembered for a passion like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

Sometimes one must play with a key to make a door open. A weapon that any responsible police officer utilizes is not meant for play. Too many accidents have happened. careful diligence must be implemented when using this weapon. Once fired nothing can be taken back. You used common sense and wisdom, Officer Cook, the kind of admirable skills of honor and integrity that can take any brave soul down that path of wisdom and knowledge. Calming and compassionate, badge#1664 had all the character, affection and respect that any devoted man or woman serving and preserving can muster. Just take your dignity and esteem, Officer Cook and now and for always it has been humbly bottled up with those angels of valor who served and brought peace and safety to their communities where you are saluted and paid humane tributes of endearment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

God guards the simple. He watches over His pious flock, those who display ferocity and temper their humbleness with tenacity. Chasing down crime and its evil takes more than a simple touch. It involves, integrity, honor and reverence delivered to a position of responsibility. Its brave and kind public servants, like yourself, Officer Cook, who went out on patrol and assisted in keeping peace and unity bonded as one entity. Dade County through the years has remembered its heroes and heroines of distinction, their humility and decency were the best medicine for what has continued to make citizens feel uneasy. Violence, evil and turmoil carry their wickedness and we the people just expect loyalty, commitment and bravery from our public servants. A hero. A warrior with a blessed name. You are missed terribly, Officer Cook and your heroic legacy continues being perpetuated by those who loved and admired your respectfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and courage have illuminated God's skies where His faithful keep watch over those sacred pavements.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2017

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