Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Heroes and heroines really never die for as long as we cherish, honor and solemnly salute their memories that are forever an eternal part of us. You'll always be revered and so remembered, Officer Cook. Humbleness, humility, integrity and the very morals of character never wane nor diminish. You were a hero to all Dade County residents who persevered and saved lives. Comrades and civilians alike. Never the more prepared leader and motivator of other brave souls. Keep looking down with your bright smile and engaging and most treasured soul of serenity. Its peace brought unity and devotion to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's angelic men and women of valor are now and for eternity the conveyors of courage, commitment and the convictions to do what is right. Your missions and journeys stipulated and spelled this out precisely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

We forgive and forget. Though, we must not forget nor lose track of a tenacious warrior in you, Officer Cook. You gave grit and gumption, gallantry and grace, courage and honor a higher and more humble plateau. Why? Because of your dignity and integrity that when stapled together with morals, this in and of itself can carry any given public servant a long way down those trails of reason and serenity. Dade County was bestowed the highest honor of having you among its heroes and heroines of valor, Officer Cook. You went by the book and did not play games or sugarcoat your value in life and during an outstanding career one that had much more left to fulfill. Again, God's destiny and paths for His chosen souls of character and leadership, their stars shine brightly front and center. Saluted for plowing through peril and misery, you were a humane and humble gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We do honor every resting officer for making more than an impression. A difference is distinctly what crime fighting calls out aloud for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2017

Rebelling against the establishment certainly cannot help in this fight against violence that threatens to derail our peace process. Dade County and its citizens were in the hands of a loyal and trusted servant, yourself, Officer Cook, the beacon of honor, truth and the integrity to dignify all your pursuits in life and during your police career. A career that saw enhancement stationed where it ought to be and character mounted right straight ahead in your patrol car. A vehicle for vigilance and versatility. After all, all public servants must be flexible in their travels. Tyranny must not triumph over tenacity. And bravery, commitment to class and excellence is all that enormous part of your heroism, A gentleman of grace and humility never to be forgotten. Saluted for salvaging common sense and reason along with knowledge, leadership and the sagely advice given to other brave souls of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What is etched on those Walls of Honor stays in our hearts and minds. Eternal optimism, hope and faith shall deliver us from peril and misfortune.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2017

Friends are needed for both joy and sorrow. They sure are. In a time of crisis and grief those wounds are deep and dark. Just having someone to listen to as you pour out your heart says a lot. You listened to the residents whom you loyally served, Officer Cook and Dade County was the recipient of your fruitful accomplishments. No doubt your honesty, bravery and courage left a mark so humane and humble, you'll never be out of sight or mind. Saluted for noble and heroic actions that saved lives not only on May 16, 1979, but everyday of your six years of duty. The people were treated respectfully and your vigilance surrounded them with hope, wisdom and the vision to size matters up rather well. Character, class and consideration along with proper ethics will do that to a person inbred with ideals, values and a charming persona. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was a sad day when you left this world and your family behind, Officer Cook. God has your endearing soul wrapped safely in His arms for nothing but eternal love and admiration. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, your sister, Mrs. Nancy Tidwell and your beloved Karen, who has remarried, Mrs. Karen Bonidy, all have the loving support of your department and those comrades who served alongside of you in this battle of evil versus liberty. It rages on. The rewards are worth the efforts. You gave, Officer Cook, the ultimate price for continuations of aspirations and their journeys of justice and fairness for everyone.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2017

Storms torment residents of communities and cause the kayos we don't need. The police serve and protect life and property as best they can. Dade County was faithfully fortified by your unshakeable ferocity, Officer Cook. Honor. Desire. Durability. Dependability. Dignity and integrity. They all were a loving and humble part of your heroic legacy. Police take pride in their endeavors and as a friend and loyal comrade, your convictions and courageous commitment underscored your importance in gaining peace and freedom for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. After Hurricane Irma passes us keep watching over your family and community that still respects and admires your diligence and reverence you had for your position.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2017

False friends are like migratory birds: they fly away in cold weather. Cold or hot, day or night any public servant worth their weight must be ready and available to fight on. Terror and wickedness take no timeouts. They seize upon us at the most vulnerable of moments forcing us down. You saved us, Officer Cook and Dade County as a whole keeping disturbances to a minimum. You bravely and honorably discharged your professional duties all in the name of integrity and dignity. It is incumbent upon humanity to salute your heroism and its feats of ferocity. Your motivation and desire should have allowed you to live and to prosper from your navigation around a community that forever pays homage to your beloved memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We can conclude that morals and character help one to master their faithfulness and devotion to one's Creator. You believed, Officer Cook, calm and positive, why can't we do the same?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2017

Scolding and laughing is not going to change this world. While God may strike with one hand, He heals with the other. Public servants utilize their entire being for boldness, commitment to excellence and unselfish tenacity. Simply put, Officer Cook, integrity, dignity and honesty are any police officer's best friends. They partner as one in this enigmatic battle over evil. Being confident and sure of your unwavering talents led you to become who you were. Gallant and brave to all humanity. Your smile my friend, neighbor and hero said it all. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2017

Want makes people better; luck makes them worse. God is merciful and rewards His people according to their actions. You were a humbly talented leader of other comrades, Officer Cook, men and women as honest and as humane as yourself. They don't come any better. For heaven's sake you were one determined public servant, Officer Cook, full of humility, decency and character. Trouble is if one officer strays from morals it can derail an entire department in their searches for peace and unity, something you mandated, took responsibility for in serving Dade County and its residents. Nothing was overlooked nor did you run away from the very violence that too you from among us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We were the fortunate folks who our hero and Godsend, Officer Cook, with us to preserve and to persevere. Never forgotten and always missed very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2017

Poignant and true. Reserved and humane. You were an outstanding policeman, Officer Cook, a hero to be passionately remembered and so honored for straight ahead peace and freedom delivered by your devotion and unselfish determination to battle evil and its violence that can torment the best of people. Dade County and its people deserved quality and they got everything and the best. A man of true grit who extricated us from the abyss of danger and peril. It says a lot for your morals and values, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2017

Cerebral and sincere. Honest and humble. Police work is not a gamble like rolling dice. It needs its faithful public servants to be honest and straight, brave and bold in order for peace and unity, its law and order to have the greatest affect on those you protect. Dade County and its citizens were under your keenly watchful eyes, Officer Cook. The scopes of your serenity and desire have until this day been felt far and wide throughout a venue that honors your commitment to character and the valor to be totally vigilant as you were, Officer Cook. The best are taken far too soon to heaven, heroes and heroines were they all. A stalwart man of robust resolve and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Champions take challenges seriously, it's in their golden hearts and brave souls where civility and humility lie.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2017

As Hurricane Irma barrels toward the United States, we now must make preparations for any devastating damage. You took responsibility to heart, Officer Cook and because of your unwavering character, commitment and conviction to honesty, integrity and dignity we can now live more peacefully and safely than ever before. Today, those salutes of humility toward all humanity are directed your way. Those heroic angels wings you wear, Officer Cook, in heaven help you to soar higher everyday. Everyday that your loving family and colleagues miss you immensely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You deserved to life to see further fruition come to life. God has our destiny and missions in His hands for safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2017

The traffic of terror keeps all bold and autere public servants on their toes. When peace and prosperity are on the firing line they must be ready to take a stand. Liberty and unity do come with that intrinsic price. You paid that price, Officer Cook, along with your honesty and sterling dignity. Dade County and its people have saluted all its heroes and heroines who are the brave souls who have fought that never ending battle over evil. What violence? Your character and desire that helped you to become the very best at journeying around a community that so solemnly honors your memory. A well lived life and a career that carried faith, hope and optimism on your uniform and badge of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were a superb young man and an engaging gentleman of grace and humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2017

Our passions in life should not be sugar coated. The pursuits of a gentleman who cared and was dignified should not be overlooked. Dade County and its residents demanded the finest service and they got that and more. Courtesy, integrity and ingenuity are the by products of a successful public servant. Forever will colleagues, family and friends remember your compassion and consideration for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and time shall never be apart. It's only the start of a man's happy childhood and his humane gestures on humanity's part. Humble and tenacious, you were a gentle savior, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2017

The weary they rest their eyes. Those brave souls of courage and sanctity they sleep soundly in God's eternal quarters of quintessential honor, dignity and integrity. Your love and esteem for all Dade County citizens made them feel safer and only further humbly enhanced your heroic legacy. Those comrades who shared the good times with you, Officer Cook, have fondly remembered your humility and resourcefulness they allowed your missions to have a chance of fruition. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, courage and civility are the morals by which good men and women who give their all are saluted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2017

The nuts and bolts is more than a simple few nuances. The job descriptions calls for all public servants to be honest, have integrity and dignity at their side and to maintain a calm during those storms of violence when danger and peril get closer to any given location. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you had respect and goodwill for those whom you served and protected. Never any lack of character or command of a given crisis you were charged with resolving. May 16, 1979 should have been another day when you would leave your home in the early morning and return later in the afternoon. All any of us can say is we are sorry you could not go home safely after your shift. Laying down your life and career accomplishments all because of a disturbed young man bent on evil and its ruination. He shot you, Officer Cook and your two colleagues, depressed, whatever. He was plotting and planning his callous crusade for whatever revenge he had against the police. God has the answers. He has you and your beloved soul circling around looking down on us. All the transparency is there. God bless you and your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Terror takes the worst toll upon humanity and it was your humility and decency that answered the call when it came in. Determination and grit help piece together all the loose ends. They tie down our forts. Yes, ferocity and tenacity make a dynamic pair of bookends.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2017

For those brave and honorable men and women who walk on heaven's streets, God won't allow them to fall. They must be unharmed and kept upright in order to assure that those who serve are doing their due diligence. You kept unwavering and unselfish vigilance over Dade County and its people, Officer Cook. Your message was clear and that was to stay dignified and hold your integrity humanely and closely to your heart. The courage and commitment you had to undertake going after evil and its violence, well not many have those abilities and can be responsible enough to place forth the effort involved. You can be sure my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, your character and intelligence coupled with your beyond your years maturity offered you a better perspective at securing and fostering peace and unity for all. Rest in peace. At night before retiring we'll keep our eyes open for your soul when its light passes our window sills.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2017

The precious moments in life cannot be savored any better, One must enjoy and have a passionate yearning to simply be the very best that one chooses to be. You became a police officer, Officer Cook, for a love of serving the public. Decades after you sacrificed your life and career for peace and good tidings to happen to Dade County and its residents, all we the public can do is thank you for maintaining humble honor and reverence, the dignity and emotional support and integrity to lead other comrades. You are never far from our hearts and minds, Officer Cook, a sincerely decent and humanely brave and loyal gentleman of faith, dependability and humility to help see your missions of hope and devotion through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage mounted forever on Our Lord's most fruited plains. Take care and show those who have joined God's ranks of angelic heroes and heroines the ropes of resolve. It will enable your beloved souls to climb higher on our behalf. It's mankind calling out. Prayer. Repentance. Charity. They help avert evil decrees. You, Officer Cook, represented peace, freedom, liberty, serenity and the security in a more well grounded foundation for our futures, one you should have been allowed to live and witness with your own keen and wisely vision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2017

He who walks straight will not stumble. Police work requires the due diligence, the cunning perseverance and the passion to go out amid the face of evil and to properly and honorably resolve any quarrels among mankind. You calmed people down, Officer Cook, with a gentleness from your soul and influenced those citizens in Dade County to seek peaceful means by which to live their lives. Since life has meaning one must hold themselves humbly by the posts of integrity and dignity. Live it. Breathe it. Choose it wisely. Your composition of good character and solid ethics shall always be solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One who tumbles just needs to pick themselves up and continue onward in your journeys of righteousness and justice for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2017

Instincts are the noble and humane actions of those born to honor and valor. You cannot do your job if your mind is stuck somewhere else. We will always remember your honesty and dignity, Officer Cook. A man of sparkling integrity and the personality of a class servant of character. Comrades and your beloved family members have so deservedly honored your memory and the heroic actions you took on May 16, 1979 on behalf of Dade County, its citizens and the calm and peace you helped to restore. Always the faithful and loyal partner to many peers in your profession. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You engineered resolve and ingenuity along with wisdom and vision per Our Creator's wishes. Missions accomplished. Dreams fulfilled. Courage complete. Destiny was calling for your soul of engagement, Officer Cook. You continue to be greatly missed and will forever be highly thought of. You dug us out of the doldrums with hope and anticipation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2017

Trusted and tenacious. Officers who perform as they are trained and have honesty inbred within their beings have a better opportunity to help keep the peace than those public servants who are wayward and dishonest. You had a career, Officer Cook, so fundamentally built on dignity and integrity, one of the truly nice and loyal servants who relished his opportunity to both save and to protect Dade County residents. The desire and devotion, as true with your character will always be fondly remembered. We salute your decency, intuition and ingenuity in being able to tackle tough circumstances. Heroically, your memory, Officer Cook, is gracing those walls of honor here in Miami and in the District of Columbia. Preserved and forever humanely etched on humanity's distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's amazing grace does shine on His sacred wings of courage that are attached to your special soul. One that kept serenity and safety pinpointed in the right direction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2017

Credible. Complete. Compelling. The public servant who displays these traits and the characteristics of courage, valor and bravery while serving with dignity, honor and integrity will be rewarded for their heroic efforts. Efficiency in endeavor, proficiency in persistence and no deficiency in anything but protecting and serving the public will result in what we the people hope is a successful outcome in this raging war over terror. Nothing scripted, Officer Cook. Just the highest standards of department conduct morally and ethically while sustaining your character throughout your maintaining peace and prosperity for all Dade County. Never forgotten. Always polite, smiling and engaging us and your family and colleagues of conviction with a gigantic smile to light up a room. Your treasured soul, Officer Cook, continues brightening up those darkest skies during bouts of violence and torment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With courage now on your golden wings, Officer Cook, we pray your noble and humane soul flies higher and higher.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2017

Parting with our loved ones, it is hard to do. For they go out and battle with bravery and honor for our freedoms day and night. Nothing finer than being modest and meaningful. You were careful and deliberate in all your actions, Officer Cook. The joy of performing a dangerous job where the tasks only begin to recount the story. No fiction. No fantasy. No fallacy. Simply put you were a noble man of superior character, wisdom and the vision to size up situations quite clearly. Dear and beloved with dignity and integrity flowing from your big heart. You gave something special to humanity and it was your humility and morals that allowed you to run after wickedness the way law enforcement personnel should. Peace and unity. Solidarity and serenity for all here in Dade County to enjoy forevermore. Thank you, Officer Cook, for placing your life and career in harm's way for decency, desire and class to sit at the forefront. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing was ever deemed impossible for you to handle, Officer Cook. The very reason grit, motivation and determination allowed you the valuable opportunity to lead other colleagues through peril.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2017

Brain washed and bamboozled, those out in our streets continuing to commit evil have got to be halted in their unworthy pursuits. The toxicity of their terror has already exacted a terrible toll upon mankind. Its gestures of gall and pain never seem to let up. If not for humble, honest and loyal officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, there's no telling how the landscape of Dade County and its residents would look today. Your terrific tenacity and vision has helped us who believe in good police work to breathe a bit easier. Character, commitment to excellence and the pride one take sin their pursuits and aspirations surely says how much of a hero you were, Officer Cook and the legacy of integrity and dignity left behind for other brave souls of safety to emulate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement then for a brighter today and an even greater tomorrow. What a shame you could not be here to witness these changes. Gone too early. The peace and stability in Dade County constructed by your everlasting efforts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2017

The pin of perseverance, the uniform of unwavering gallantry, integrity and honesty. The badge of belief and the trust in all your skills of bravery and dignity, they help make all public servants better at serving and saving lives. Dade County placed their hopes, dreams and aspirations squarely in your hands of humility, Officer Cook and were never disappointed. We surely were for you were taken from your family and peers of serenity way too soon with much more left to fulfill. Our Creator has a subtle way of gently and humbly reminding us who runs this world. Even though violence and baseless hatred and bloodshed run rampant, through hope, goodwill and prayer there is optimism. Your character saw to the peace process, Officer Cook, as He cradles your cherished soul in the palms of His hands for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave meaning to the words, faith, resolve and steady resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2017

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that when facing a grave crisis always implement common sense and honor, it can't lead you astray. While protecting and serving Dade County folks, you always had their backs, your boldness, dignity and integrity has been humbly saluted and so for that matter is your humane character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who are talented and aware of their surroundings know that God watches their every move. They get it. They motivate and lead through good and bad. Evil spells trouble and for what it is worth the hard work they put in usually results in a positive outcome. You continue to be missed very much, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2017

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