Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Integrity must not be impeded, nor shall dignity take a detour. Honor must not be humiliated. Shame and neglect can cause any unselfish public servant to stray from that fine line. You always practiced and preached what you were taught in the police academy, Officer Cook. A gentleman of your word, you will forever be in the thoughts and hearts of Dade County and its citizens whom you loyally served and watched over. Character and bravery made every circuit around a community where you were valued, cherished and respected by all of your peers, family and the friends you and Karen entertained and shared wonderful times together. Your mission of humility, your destiny of fruition is now to be fondly recalled and remembered lovingly for a brave and courageous man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2017

Justice deserves our strictest attention. For any lack of plan could result in doom. No more gloom. No more violence. Its opportunity shall be stifled. You availed yourself, Officer Cook, to change this world and in particular the lifestyle of Dade County residents. This was achieved by your humble character, honor and the humane integrity to march on battling this seemingly overwhelming adversary. We the people whom you served and protected, Officer Cook, will be greatly indebted to sincere faith and unwavering devotion in times of strife and crisis. Your heroic actions stopped more bedlam from transpiring in a community that pays homage and salutes that valor that came from the inner being of your beloved heart. Simply put, your mission of goodwill, Officer Cook, has been remembered by your loving family and professional peers who shared wisdom,vision and the kind of perseverance and resolve demanded from all public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Dear and near is your glowing spirit of grace and its gallantry to shape our futures.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2017

Might and its humane courage speak more eloquently than spiteful and one who incites trouble. Police must be mindful and prideful when carrying out their positions where trust, honesty and integrity do lie. It's also their simple dignity that may get them out of trouble when it's called upon. You went to your calls and took up your tasks, Officer Cook, with every bit of boldness and the endeavor necessary to protect Dade County, its citizens and their right to live and prosper in peace. You were a loyal comrade and beloved brother to Nancy, your older sister. At least, Officer Cook, your character and intuition were in the right place. You and your colleagues that day tried your darndest to stabilize and already difficult domestic dispute between a troubled young man and his girlfriend. All the humility, gallantry and heart of a hero were poured into your energy to resolve and save lives. Enhancement as does cornerstones of your journeys they do live on as your peers and family continue making inroads in happiness, faith and the hope where goodwill resides. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You made your parents and your beloved wife, Karen, mighty proud. Your valor awoke an area, a community where you continue to be duly honored, Officer Cook, for receiving and resurrecting vitality and justice among all of our society. God takes notes and shelters your humble and beautiful soul for eternity. It has been always treasured and most revered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2017

Dexterity takes diligence. And nobility takes that clear conscience of courage and the humility to act upon any given situation. Humanity will forever be indebted to you, Officer Cook, for making the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. Always grateful for your integrity, dignity and that humble word, honor, that was instilled in you along with values, morals and principles by your parents. It made all comrades stand up and take note of your heroics. The legacy you left behind, Officer Cook, will be saluted, respected and so honored for giving unwavering commitment and conviction in this constant war over wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Encouraging and having an endearing smile and personality to match, keep observing our journeys of peace and their destinies of devotion and driven desire.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2017

Everything an officer does for the people they serve is to crank up the humility, honesty and humbleness. It's better to act with morals that include dignity and integrity. Something you exposed to, Officer Cook. Dade County and its residents opened their eyes viewing your wonderful kindness, care and compassion above reproach and the discipline to carry out your job assignments. No more better a man, a gentleman of valor and inner strength than you, Officer Cook, your destiny and their journeys of resolve, peace and unity were considered complete and God brought you back to heaven to watch over those men and women who now serve the cause. Your passion and character won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2017

A believer who was most beloved and very valiant. You were your family's humble hero of honor, dignity and integrity. For all the good you performed for this world, Officer Cook, still hard to fathom why violence took you from those who cared and admired your professional instincts. Dade County was freed from the chains of callousness and evil when you patrolled always looking for the crevices of peace and its security blanket. You can be sure a man of ingenuity and character will be so honored and revered around the world for having the gallantry and bravery to serve and to protect us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If you have an idea in values and subscribe to leadership and well founded dedication, you'll be accomplished. It's in those humane heroes and heroines of vigilance whose ethics have paved the way for other brave servants to follow in.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2017

Tenacity and ferocity help cut into the very violence that still plagues our society. All any public servant can do is give their best efforts utilizing honesty, dignity and integrity. Dade County and its residents were under your watchful eyes and efficient ears, those filled with vision, understanding and wisdom that assisted you, Officer Cook, in assessing a problem. Confidence and proper motivation still run together along the same paths as does character and those proper morals that can lead to peace and its safety for all mankind. Only saluted and remembered for having humility and the courage to fight evil targeting its advances into those communities where people can choose and pursue their humble happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You endeared yourself, Officer Cook, to unselfish and unwavering commitment to pride and excellence. It was wrapped around your badge of humanity and the uniform you wore with faith, hope and devotion to all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2017

One who is superior carries their humility and honor while standing tall and with integrity in times of duress and peril. You composed yourself, Officer Cook with precision, perseverance and the resolve to make peace and its safety blanket a reality for all Dade County residents. No matter the place, the time or whatever circumstance, you placed crisis intervention as your number one priority. A life and its dignity mattered to you as it does for all morally loyal men and women of bravery and that boldness to commitment which once you go out on patrol, its inescapable. You protected and served as a leader of others with extreme humility, nobility and the civility that in turn lends its credence to sanctity. Always beloved. Always remembered for keeping up the fair and forceful battle over violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of ideas, ideals and ingenuity. Its intelligence goes hand in hand with intuition and the unselfishness by which your led your life and followed a precise career path to humble accomplishment all now being rewarded by Our Creator. You were a faithful and devout gentleman, Officer Cook. God has your valor and vigilance eternally stored where it can have the most positive effect on future generations as you now walk that beat patrolling and guiding others who like yourself made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of enhancement shielding us as its foundations for life and dignity for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2017

Asking questions gives one more pertinent information and the possibility of solving a dilemma. Police need the public's help at times to get a final resolution. Nothing ever seems to come easy anymore. During your time, Officer Cook, you pondered and calmed people down during tense moments. For all your humility and bravery, honesty and dignity if only that troubled young man could have given up, things in Liberty city that day would have ended on a happier note. Nonetheless, you will be wisely and humbly saluted for unselfish character, outstanding principles and the nobly heroic actions that saved lives, protected Dade County and enabled peace and quiet to be shared by all. Your legacy, Officer Cook, was one of gut wrenching gallantry and the commitment of a classy and devoted public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those wings attached to your beloved spirit, Officer Cook, they will forever fly high in God's eternal gardens of grace and dedication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2017

Dates are periods of time when that extra special moment of endearment happens. Everyday we remember one or more police personnel who have given their honorable lives for a distinct reason. You gave honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, that special approach when confronting evil. Dade County and its citizens deserved as all communities do that gentle delicate touch of ferocity. You navigated around its corridors, Officer Cook, looking and hoping for peaceful outcomes. Nothing would be better than having you here today to witness these drastic changes. What a shame, tragedy and heinous action. Yours, my neighbor, friend and hero were of stellar character, proper morals and pinpoint accuracy in assessing and determining the best courses of action. Again, it's your vision, wisdom and maturity that set things up for achievement. That ingenuity and astuteness rests in peace with you, Officer Cook, one of God's many angelic heroes and heroines of vigilance. You were a vital public servant in this war over violence that must be defeated once and for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2017

To be skilled is to have a talent that allows you the opportunity to be a success. All police officers must be compassionate, courageous and honest whenever dealing with the public at large. The areas of Dade County spread far and wide and so good public service and protection comes into the equation. Your God given talents, Officer Cook, spared Dade County and its residents from more harm on May 16, 1979, as it did all other times. You were dignified and poised. Blessed with humility which in turn assists in delivering the peace and freedom we all want. It all came at your unwavering character, excellent morals and the point of preservation and perseverance delivered by a devoutly faith and loyal colleague. You were well respected and admired greatly for your heroism, Officer Cook. We salute your valor which brought about salvation and hope for mankind's goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancing the world reaches foundations that forever will be grounded in accomplishment as set forth by our most esteemed and bravest souls of safety and security. You were one of the many humble and gifted personnel, Officer Cook. Never forgotten. You blazed a trail of unselfish passion and your aspirations now have become our goals and desires.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2017

Dynamic dignity, authoritative direction, motivational leadership, all characteristics of a successful public service life, Officer Cook, although one cut way too short because of one young man's insanity and depression. You fought on Dade County and its behalf as all men and women of bravery and integrity must do. Your mission was given to you and you responded wit ha humble heroic tenacity and the commitment to be bold and convicted to your role of resolve. You'll be fondly remembered, Officer Cook, for honor and its imprint upon mankind. Now peace and togetherness can ride side by side of one another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'll pray for you Mrs. Cook. The sanctity of your son, Billy, brought about serenity and compassion for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2017

Pursuing something harmful is what police do for their living. You went after evil and brought it out where it was cleaned off the streets. Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook, were your responsibility and so your resolve had to find its honesty, integrity and that dignity of humane proportions somewhere, someway, somehow. After saying that, peace and serenity could now rest within the homes of those whom you saved and served loyally. Your character and morals now rests peacefully my neighbor, friend and hero in God's graces where the gallant and valiant servants sleep in comfort. Those who commit evil, don't get comfortable yet, the righteous and reserved warriors of humanity are there to corral you and bring you to justice. It's faith and devotion that led your pursuits, Officer Cook. The glory of the Messiah will one day deliver that salvation we are all preaching and praying for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

Orange juice like tea and coffee provides that little pick me up in the morning. The day of May 16, 1979, when you said goodbye to your beloved Karen, Officer Cook, of course, no one knew that would be your last words spoken to her. No one. Just unbearable pain and sorrow. The dignity and honor with your integrity sewed on your uniform spelled out your life and its details. Dade County was brought its peace and prosperity at your professional feats of fairness and the faith to diligently carry on. We go on with our daily chores, Officer Cook, as your soul watches and observes us trying to live within ourselves as you happily pursued evil, all public servants treasure their onuses, you took your roles to heart. There was never a doubt as to your reliability. You distributed destiny and fruition to an area in dire need of liberty and the freedom to do as we please. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You endeared yourself to engineering energy and effort and you performed one way and only one way, honestly and succinctly. Our spirits were lifted by your travels and journeys through tenacity and its humility of ferocity. It was displayed and centered where it would have the greatest affect.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

Searing heat tough to be comfortable and yet public servants must face these conditions as they go to war against an opponent of oppressing status. Dade County where you gave your career and life, Officer Cook, for our values to proceed has remembered your bravery and boldness along with your humane and humble honor as it followed you on your watch of integrity and dignity.You comported yourself with wisdom, decorum and the classy decency to be able to serve, protect and to lead other brave and cherished men and women through these mazes of meandering mischief. Its kayos and bedlam capable of leveling major damage on its population. Your courtesy, Officer Cook allowed you the chance to educate and to pacify those whose behavior require da little gentle persuasion to do the right thing. Never far from our thoughts and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Right here in Miami, those brave and dignified public servants who gave their lives have their spirits so honored and those foundations of enhancement are etched for all to view.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

Discharge your duties ably. Put aside your pride. Honor and integrity will never fall too far behind dignity. The three traits all important in the prevention of crime and a neighbor of every beloved and admired man and woman of bravery serving a cause of justice. You instilled confidence and motivation through determination and dedication, Officer Cook. It shall not be forgotten. Only salvation and representation for all people. Dade County, its folks have fondly remembered your cleverness, awareness and transparency all through proficient and very good work. To make peace and safety a living reality all who breath and wear a badge and uniform must make that sacrifice to commitment in excelling under dangerous moments. You were our savior, Officer Cook. You were your family's hero and warrior who demanded excellence from your loyal comrades who served with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

The heartache lives on inside. It burns a hole so gaping, it's just really hard to fill that hole of horror. The grief is overwhelming. The sorrow makes the situation hard to understand. Your untimely death, Officer Cook, in the line of duty inspired throngs of faithful colleagues to close those holes, to be more practical, to be more devoted than ever. Dade County has experienced tragedies, when a police officer is taken from their family, peers and friends, their honor, integrity and dignity is stripped from them by wanton evil. So terrribly disgusting and just plain heartwrenching. Your character and courtesies will always be revered, cherished and so honored forever. You heroically and very capably delivered peace and its remedies of relief and resourcefulness to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

Your soul, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero is resting in peace. The same peace that was shattered on May 16, 1979, when you answered a domestic call though you did not have to respond. it shows a man's mettle. It demonstrates dignity, integrity and character right then and there. It blankets a young man's honesty throughout the Dade County area where its residents relied upon your professional instincts. Intelligence and competence are any officer's best partners in this never ending battle over wickedness. Your efforts were commendable and outstanding in protecting civilians and your colleagues who faced death right in front of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman who was polite and had a passion for enjoying what you cherished. And that was to become a police officer with a common sense and responsibility to take his tasks seriously. Brevity gets pushed aside, replaced by bravery and its boldness to persevere.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

Forty-one other men and women from your department, Officer Cook, gave their lives and careers for ours to continue moving forward. It gave dignity, honor and integrity the chance to breath and achieve once more. Citizens in Dade County letting out a sigh of relief. Your unwavering and unselfish commitment to pride and excellence showing its branches of boldness and resolve. You came through in the clutch, Officer Cook, helping to quiet and calm down those who tempers needed a little communicating. You were a humble leader and commandeered goodwill throughout an area where you were admired and most beloved. Character, class and decorum does not just come out of the bushes. Its genesis begins at home. The Cook family lived by morals not ones to rest on laurels. Endeavor takes effort and every bit of your strength, Officer Cook, is a constant reminder of what you meant to our world. Saluted and paid homage for humility on humanity's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Corenrstones and foundations form when ferocity is fruitful and the devout realize this destiny, its navigations many and far and wide reaching.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

Silence is golden. Humility is serene. Bravery is the humble boldness to commit to a certain cause and to react and to do something about it. You made our lives matter, Officer Cook, for it was honesty, dignity and integrity that navigates our most esteemed public servants around the various communities in our country. Dade County being a rather large venue was served and given courtesy all because of who you were, Officer Cook. Your respect and reverence for our society is what your heroic legacy and blessed name will be known for. You keep character and good ethics stapled together and usually good things happen. We do wish you were here with your family and friends, Officer Cook. God saw your fruition as finished and He needed your angelic spirit in heaven to walk that proverbial beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The righteous are dignified. The wicked try to flee, sooner or later, better now they will be apprehended and brought to proper justice. You believed, Officer Cook, in equality and you extended your efforts to serve and to save lives. They do matter. Public servants lives too matter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

Men and women of few words let their valor and humane bravery speak for themselves. What spoke for you, Officer Cook, was courage and the commitment to witness honor, integrity and dignity through until the end. Dade County and its citizens were largely protected and served by your unwavering advice, knowledge and the keen vision to see violence steered away from us. The peace and unity must be able to stand firm and with your help, Officer Cook, determination and leadership of other colleagues only enhanced thos ewho relied upon your basic instincts of ingenuity and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are fondly remembered for your big smile and devoted passions in life and during your watch.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

There is a saying that the mail must go. It must be delivered no matter the conditions. Almost right, not quite. In 1992, Hurricane Andrew a category five storm devastated Miami-Dade County and wreaked havoc. No mail was delivered. Police sure had their hands full of fire and zeal when that hour struck. They must deliver peace, safety, serenity and security no matter the weather conditions inside or outside. It was a hot day, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979, when you gave your life and career for Dade County, honorably, nobly and with a certain inner courage and humility. Better than most, your wisdom and maturity beyond your years led your prowess and preservation of all mankind. Integrity coupled character and principles can lead thos ejourneys down the paths of resolve and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gifted and a heroic Godsend never to be overlooked for compassion and tha tcertain concernn police officers must possess within their being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

A man of good cheer with a hearty and heaalthy disposition distributing affection and care through his very own humane an dhumble honor, dignity and integrity which saved and served many folks in Dade County. Officer Cook, you were a charming young man with a gentle spirit, one of character, gallantry and the good morals that represented peace and its chance to become a staple o flife for mankind. Your goodwill, faith and dedication won't be forgotten, only saluted for serenity and the wisdom and vision to enhance our futures, one you should have been allowed to be an integral part of. God saw your missions and journeys as concluded and so He took you back to heaven to patrol His golden streets where no harm would ever again come your way. You accomplished, Officer Cook and took a bite out of violence that still spins too easily through our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clearly and promptly did you answer those calls of troublw with a fearless tenacity and a pronounced ferocity all public servants must have.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

You get a break while on your shift, but, if that call to action goes out it's off and away. Your eagerness and astuteness, Officer Cook, made all the difference for the safety and prosperity of Dade County and its residents. Their enhancement came at a price and it exacted every ounce of resourcefulness, resolve and honesty to save lives. You made the ultimate sacrifice, Officer Cook, when a gallant man of morals, character and integrity acquits himself for the good of mankind, faithful and treasured, we salute him. We remember your noble heroism and its gentle and persuasive perseverance. Always thinking. Always of wisdom, conviction and vision. Nothing lacking. Firm and fair. Peace and its sense of reason permeating around a community where you were respected by your peers, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

Peace and its serenity do have a mellow tone that all people deserve to listen and feel within their hearts. Dade County and its citizens felt your perceptive pulse, Officer Cook and for your humble honor, politeness, decency and dignity you will not be forgotten. How can a classy man who served and protected us ever be overlooked? It is the hero in you, Officer Cook, that devotion to excellence and pride in donning your uniform and badge of commitment to boldness that remains a cherished part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2017

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