Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Crushing crime courageously while fighting off evil will always be the motto of police officers. All duly sworn public servants who serve and protect the many venues in our nation do so with the utmost humility, esteem, honesty and dignity. It's their integrity that may never be called into question. Yours, Officer Cook, was never doubted and neither was your wisdom, vision and stellar character which made all the difference in the safety of all Dade County residents. You were a crusader and capable man of morals and values that navigated around our corners for six outstanding years of loyal and faithful attention. It's a shame and travesty that violence and its terror took you from among your family, peers of resolve and those who befriended a truly heroic and noble gentleman of humane and gallant actions. Those actions of May 16, 1979 will always be saluted and so honored forever as they along with your family will be in our prayers and hearts as well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serving those sacred streets and pearly gates of heaven, keep your soul attuned to those who bravely serve us, who have taken that proverbial baton of boldness and bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2017

Heaven's sake calls for heavenly heroes and heroines. Those public servants, men and women who trained and showed up in the face of danger. Evil shouts at us daring us to make our next move. Dade county's citizens got the support and unwavering commitment and service from you, Officer Cook. The staunch and loyal gentleman of gallantry and the humility not always present even when circumstances crop up and we are not always prepared. Conviction tackles commitment and enhancement that ensues from unselfish resolve. You were a gracious friend and understanding colleague who gave his all. Effort, values and character equal superior morals, a hero's humble touch. Those angelic wings that Our Lord gave you, Officer Cook, now and forever allow you to gracefully float higher and farther. Keep looking after us and assisting your heavenly comrades who too paid the price for their labors of love and for peace to grow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2017

Police officers. Public servants. Brave and honorable protectors. Whatever title you want to greet them by is okay so long as you respect their badge of authority. The gleaning shoes worn are as shiny as glass or a finely polished diamond. You took to the streets of Dade County to prevent tragedy, Officer Cook, by having commitment and consideration, the caring concern and compassion one must comport themselves by in defeating that arch enemy of our world. Evil. Its violence smacks one straight upside the head leaving a nasty bump. When lumped together properly, integrity, vision and dignity can spell the difference in whether this adversary can be handled justly and promptly. You acquitted yourself, Officer Cook with confidence straight from your faithful heart of mercy, hope and the humility to be humane during your heroic life. All the goodness and kindness that God has nestled in His eternal nest of convictions and those commitments so honored and now forever saluted by those who sadly fell giving their lives in the line of duty. The peace, unity, security, serenity and safety of one and all rested on your broad shoulders, Officer Cook. You mastered those burdens and responsibilities very well. You created prosperity for all mankind through noble and civil actions while maintaining a calming character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The fires of enhancement are being stoked by your loving family members who pursue peace and continue your legacy as do your loyal and devoted peers of justice handling their crises with the very same honor and bravery as you so passionately did. Your twenty-five years of accomplishment were the basis of your career, life and reward that you now eternally receive from Our Lord. Well done! Our savior, warrior and hero of humbleness and the highest esteem. More than reflections can tell you are missed very much, Officer Cook. God's gift to our world. One of God's many heroes and heroines watching over those sacred pearly gates.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2017

You put your best foot forward and your humbleness and honor stays attached to your badge and uniform, should be the mark of achievement. Not always and unfortunately do the best laid plans of mice and men go according to hoyle. You did everything by the book that fateful day, Officer Cook. You served Dade County and its citizens with all your might, integrity and dignity, leaving with character and morals the morning you said goodbye to your beloved, Karen, for the last time. A mission of mercy, peace and hope God saw as fulfilled. A champion of our freedom, liberties and rights deemed completed. No one knows obviously how anyone will live out their dying moments. You protected the public and your comrades with the quintessential resolve and dedication of course that will never be forgotten. Always a part of your humble and most heroic legacy. Clearly and concisely you were efficient and unified in your outstanding and noble bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cornerstones and foundations you helped to lay down, Officer Cook, they will never be blemished, tarnished nor destroyed. For you maintained civility, harmony and sanctity all as our means of living and fulfilling our years in total tranquility. The journeys, missions and destinies you traveled, Officer Cook, were for the sake of heaven and you gave every ounce of endeavor for God and His divine people.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2017

Discreet and unique, you were one of the many humble and honest public servants, Officer Cook, out there in the streets of Dade County patrolling and protecting the residents who came to appreciate your most sincerest and humblest of heroic effort. Lately in our society it's a pathetic and crying shame so many go men and women have to sacrifice their lives for peace to carry on. But, this is spelled out for them when they sign on that dotted line of dignity, devotion and integrity. Your consummate character, courage from within your heart and the excellence and boldness by which you made that unwavering and humane challenge to rid violence from our midst won't be forgotten. God has provided you, Officer Cook, that tenderly and heavenly love and perpetual care for which you now and forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Smiling brightly from above show those who have joined God's eternal shelter of serenity all the ropes and through Our Lord's perfect trails guide those serve with honor, humility and unselfish tenacity all for our journeys and missions to be fruitful and successful. They need all the faithfulness, hope and determination that can be poured into their preserve and perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2017

Marvelous. Meaningful and magnificent. The sounds from those bells at St. Mary's Cathedral were to honor your humble and cherished heroism, Officer Cook. You were a great person. A wonderful son. A beloved husband who left your wife, Karen, to perform a profession where peril meets the eyes of the brave and dignified public servant who served humanity with fierce loyalty. It is when integrity and ingenuity come together that is when crime and its nastiness can be cornered, caught and wiped off this planet. You surely did an outstanding job keeping your wits about you, Officer Cook, keeping your character and candor composed. Most of all staying as calm as one could in the very face of adversity and turmoil. Dade County and its residents had their peace of mind and drive to thrive delivered by one of its own heroes of valor and bravery. God forever has your very beloved soul, Officer Cook, in the bonds of eternal life for protection. The evil that you from your family and comrades shall never again harm you. Please look down on those serving the causes and jurisdictions of justice promptly, firmly and fairly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Back in your time, police were not compensated as much as today's vigilant servants, though the leadership, drive and dedication were never absent from your uniform and badge. It was tempered with tenacity and enthusiasm.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2017

Sometimes we take blame when we should be sharing the grief. We as a community and a nation are still grief stricken over your untimely loss, Officer Cook. A gentleman with a brave and honest heart and the faithful devotion that made all the difference in Dade County, A people who were grateful you gave of yourself so peace and unity would relieve the evil circumstances of violence and its mayhem. So honored for high morals and values all from your abundant character and pristine vision which helped to save and preserve all lives. society is forever indebted to you, Officer Cook, for having the humane and heroic actions that acted when called upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2017

The palms of Our Creator's hands hold those brave and modest souls of motivation who set forth newer pathways for those future public servants. You were among that crop of crusaders of courage and valor, Officer Cook. You challenged others to be better and all because of your humble dignity, integrity and intuition were you able to protect and serve all Dade Count and its various venues. Those avenues you travelled were twisting and marked at times with obstacles of peril and danger that all humane and decent men and women of character must face. Nothing easy. No small task. A tall order which was handled with the epitome of class and nobles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So endearing. So energetic and what unselfish care and concern, passion and compassion which fills the lives of so many who continue to honor and respect you, Officer Cook. God's hands hold the gallantry, grace and cheerful dispositions which all heroes and heroines should display when out on their community patrols. Effort demands energy. Energy is from a source within a person's heart of decency and that pure driven desire. You had an abundance of each, Officer Cook. The keys to the past are now safely in the steady hands of the future. Let's pray they are brave and very confident in their capabilities. Violence and wickedness demand an urgent attention to every detail that will derail its advancement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2017

The underdogs of society must have their lives and opportunities championed by steady men and women of faith who are brave and sure. You give commitment and you should receive positive outcomes. Dade County and its citizens get the utmost integrity, dignity and honesty from your beloved soul, Officer Cook, as your entire being was immersed in fighting off evil. What an enemy! So controlling and contemptuous. You need every resource at your disposal to bring peace and harmony into every circumstance. Of course, you meticulous preparation, determination and the hope help to charter a path amid these mighty waters where your navigations took you, Officer Cook. You plan. You wonder. You have decency and the ability to have other colleagues follow in your treks. We pay homage to a man of humility which served and protected humanity to the highest degree. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Terror and its criminal actions were faced squarely on the nose buy you, Officer Cook, eyes of vision, ears to hear the trouble and feet that made the conviction stand for unity and quiet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2017

Trials. Tribulations. Travels. The words that humble and honorable public servants expose themselves to on a daily basis while staying the courses of dignity and integrity. you gave Dade County every ounce of your energy, unwavering support and solid character, Officer Cook, never to be humbly overlooked. Saluted and honored for desire, motivation and leadership of other comrades who helped you lay down enhancement through your journeys forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police work can be taxing, surely very demanding, but with humane and calming actions of esteem, the job and its tasks may be completed resulting in peace, unity and prosperity for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2017

Packing and taking vacations, everything you and Karen should be doing these days, Officer Cook. Violence and its fury took your young life of accomplishment and a career of courage and valor make no mistake of that. You cornered Dade County and its venues with remarkable service, protection and perseverance with eagle eyes and unshakable character, class and precision. The date of May 16, 1979 is forever etched into your comrades hearts and thoughts. Honor, integrity, commitment and dignity never become tarnished as they remain a firm piece of your humane and humble heroic legacy. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, we will always respect and admire your solidarity and close friend a devoted soul as you were, Officer Cook. You lived well and kept humility in calming down those bent on evil. It's sad that day you did everything you could and things happened that only God knows why? We'll think and you keep your beloved soul soaring higher and higher. Resolve and faith are mankind's measure of success and happiness. You were their champion. Journeys and destinies all blended excellently. God took fruition and that of your fellow officers who sacrificed to a more quieter spiritual level.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2017

When your family and department laid you to rest, Officer Cook, they buried a solemn and genuinely honest young man. Your nobility, humility and dignity all went straight up to heaven. Just the doses of desire, devotion and integrity that is necessary to protect God's sacred fortress. You served with piety, loyalty and due diligence all of Dade Count enhancing and maintaining its peace and prosperity. For this and all your heroic actions we can't forget you, Officer Cook. We remember you. A determined public servant so well liked and received to be taken so violently and yet you stepped in front of harm's way to resolve, calm and to eliminate us from facing wickedness. Can't say enough. Your partners were all humbled to work alongside of you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Displaying character, good ethics, morals that meant honesty and valor were always on your badge of pride and uniform of excellence. Those windows of welcome relief surely could not be opened any faster. To be able to breathe fresh air, what an awesome sacrifice on our behalf, Officer Cook. A vigilant and hard working man. Gallantry and grace all the time. Humanity won't overlook your endeavors.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2017

Pray for solace. Have comfort and peace of mind in knowing you do well in your endeavors. You did, Officer Cook. You most certainly did. Honesty, bravery and integrity like no other. Dignity that deserves more recognition and those humble salutes are the testimonial of your performance shielding Dade County and its folks from violence. You paid the highest price for our freedoms and peace to come front and center. Paving those trails of tenacity where future officers travel down. Only if character, boldness and the commitment to serve and protect could have saved you, Officer Cook, from the heinous tragedy that took you from your beloved family, comrades and friends. They saw a humane and righteous fellow, a gentleman with a kind heart and a giving spirit to match. Enhancement lives on all because of your vital role and resourcefulness. We pray that evil and terror dissipate and those diabolical to commit such actions will get their punishments straight from Our Lord. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your son, Mrs. Cook, was the epitome of living and breathing his goals, dreams and aspirations all magnetized by proportions that we just cannot begin to imagine. Officer Cook, take care and keep observing our journeys and how our destinies shape up.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2017

Another police murder, Officer Cook, just unbelievable the sheer force that evil exerts. Expertly trained, honorable brave men and women who summon that inner courage gone before their time. You were a hard working man who fought for the values and morals of all Dade County residents until the end. Dignity and integrity followed your righteous pathways of resolve and perseverance for all to see. All the humility and all the unwavering humbleness that went into our peace and prosperity and never to be forgotten. Character works like a charm when maturity, decency, intelligence and common sense function as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clearly cheered and cherished for heroism above and beyond the calls of duty. Outstanding journeys and fruition sadly left behind for others to emulate. Your family and colleagues have all seen to that. So long as they are healthy and happy doing what makes them thrive. In eternity God takes care of all His esteemed and loyal public servants. All loyal and faithful. No questions asked. Wings made so you all fly higher everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2017

Those who gave their lives rest in eternal comfort where only God's love and grace forever shelter them. Those who commit to honor, bravery and integrity have that special and saintly venue reserved for them when their journeys of vigilance have been concluded. God saw your life, Officer Cook and those trials and travels over Dade County as finished. Sad. Tragic and simply heinous. Wanton evil took a wonderful man and a graceful man of humanity whose humility dictated your every move. Simple to say and tough for some public servants to pattern their lives with: character. That word I seem to read about some officers having a lack of this trait. You can't bottle up wickedness if you are missing more than just that. You grew up, Officer Cook, with manhood and maturity on your shoulders and it carried over to your convictions to seal our security forever and now we forever give you the honor deserving of a humble hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You never hid, Officer Cook. You matched up to evil face to face and displayed sheer effort, always one-hundred percent.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2017

Sacrifice. Boldness. Bravery. Honesty. Humility. Put any of these characteristics into a humble servant of Our Creator and you have the embodiment of peace and unity for those looking for its shelter. You were a man, Officer Cook, whose life and career has been saluted, celebrated and paid reverent homage. Your heroism and morals were the principles behind perseverance, resolve and faithfulness. The loyalty and admiration you had serving Dade County citizens. Your commitment has helped to surely anchor our futures and those who live their lives with purpose and passion. You had compassion and the respect of all comrades during this battle over wickedness. You'll never be forgotten. Valor and nobility all validated for the right reasons. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2017

The wise revere God and count their blessings. The beauty and boldness surely flow like a river. They face their destiny with all the resolve and self-control needed to produce peace and unity for all. The world now surely needs a cure for this wanton violence. The other day in Spain, last week in Charlottesville, Virginia and in Finland of all places. Evil certainly lurks and hides its roots and that was your assignment, Officer Cook, to weed it from our midst and to be dignified, honest and center integrity on your badge and uniform. The men and women of morals and character, their humility and humbleness is viewed twenty-four seven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God picks up the downtrodden and lifts up our hearts with joy and gladness. When the committed lay it all on the line all we can do is pay notice and salute with homage their convictions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2017

Police get bombarded with so much to deal with it's a large wonder that they can get anything accomplished. But, handling crime and violence is what every duly affirmed officer must do someway, somehow. Public service demands the greatest level of efficiency. The highest ideals of morals and ethics. The kind of unquestionable character that any woman or man brave enough to fight can have. If dignity and integrity does not shadow its brave and revered servants then trouble and danger awaits them. In and around Dade County where you navigated and delivered outstanding work, Officer Cook, comrades never had a doubt regarding your skills and passion brought to the streets each moment. Etched and engrained within our thoughts and hearts, you were a Godsend and respected man of gallantry, Officer Cook. Enhancement will never allow its heroes and heroines to be pushed aside not for what their lives and professions represented. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2017

Gallant and humane right until your last ounce of energy, Officer Cook. Never any quit. Never any doubt. Just loyal, faithful and unwavering understanding on how to size up a situation and search for calming resolve to put an end to this very violence. Dade County appreciated your honesty, integrity, desire and dignity which in large part has left behind a burning drive for others brave and confident to succeed. Going to war requires planning, training and the character and morals, values and principles so fundamentally important that nothing should be taken for granted. We will salute your humility to wards humanity. It was noble indeed. Officer Cook, your journeys for freedom and its peace came with a sacrifice, your career and life one filled with memories that have left an impression of ingenuity and intuition for friends, colleagues and your family to continue your legacy of educating and learning as they too pursue their happiness in life. Their uncle "Bo" should still be here smiling and doting on those beautiful and talented great-nieces and one great-nephew. I was glad to have met them. They now have another child the Wilkerson's, Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2017

We can forgive. It is hard to forget the past. We cherish and take hold of those so brave and bold. Dade County and its citizens relish decent and honest servants unafraid to battle crime and its evil. You raised the bar, Officer Cook, in dignity, integrity and in humility all through your unwavering character and diligence. We fondly remember your heroic action of May 16, 1979, which saved many lives and so your comrades of the past and present offer their heartfelt salutes of valor and bravery. Fruition and fulfillment live on in your family as your spirit soars higher each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'll not forget your son and brother, Mrs. Cook and Nancy. He was a special and humble gentleman. Gregarious and engaging with that big bright smile.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2017

Serene and focused. You proved beyond a doubt, Officer Cook, that with a little perseverance, honesty and integrity that one's police life would be the answer to match wits with mayhem. You certainly worked hard and had the patience to resolve. It is just having faith in your abilities. The people of Dade County had the confidence in you and humbly speaking the character and desire was never absent. You presented a humane and reserved look and wore your badge and uniform with all the transparency in the world. If only you were allowed to complete your future missions. For twenty-five years it was fruitful and sincere. Now those wings of valor transport you, Officer Cook, in and around God's garden of galaxies where others who paid the price are joining in. Those celebrated angelic heroes and heroines, all righteous by virtue of their vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2017

Serene and focused. You proved beyond a doubt, Officer Cook, that with a little perseverance, honesty and integrity that one's police life would be the answer to match wits with mayhem. You certainly worked hard and had the patience to resolve. It is just having faith in your abilities. The people of Dade County had the confidence in you and humbly speaking the character and desire was never absent. You presented a humane and reserved look and wore your badge and uniform with all the transparency in the world. If only you were allowed to complete your future missions. For twenty-five years it was fruitful and sincere. Now those wings of valor transport you, Officer Cook, in and around God's garden of galaxies where others who paid the price are joining in. Those celebrated angelic heroes and heroines, all righteous by virtue of their vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2017

Serene and focused. You proved beyond a doubt, Officer Cook, that with a little perseverance, honesty and integrity that one's police life would be the answer to match wits with mayhem. You certainly worked hard and had the patience to resolve. It is just having faith in your abilities. The people of Dade County had the confidence in you and humbly speaking the character and desire was never absent. You presented a humane and reserved look and wore your badge and uniform with all the transparency in the world. If only you were allowed to complete your future missions. For twenty-five years it was fruitful and sincere. Now those wings of valor transport you, Officer Cook, in and around God's garden of galaxies where others who paid the price are joining in. Those celebrated angelic heroes and heroines, all righteous by virtue of their vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2017

The heroic angels that tackle the jobs that God laid out for good men and women all have a unique specialty. That trait is character and the constant honesty and dignity that must be utilized while on duty. We remember your life and noble career, Officer Cook. It was the start of a calming man of positive influence where peace and safety could walk front and center. Dade County and its residents were served in a first class manner with kindness, faith, boldness and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We cherish the enhancement and salute your awesome courage. Integrity, ingenuity and intelligence have to follow their partners around while searching for evil. Terror and turmoil beware.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2017

People who rob think they can make off with the loot. Wrong. Wrong. And wrong. What it will forever earn a brave and humbly humane hero are salutes of serenity that accompany his or her valor. You earned your keep, Officer Cook, sheltering Dade County and its people under those tall palm trees of perseverance and serene effort. A quiet and modest man who led comrades by examples of humility, good quality of character and the professional assurance that all would be okay. That peace, dignity and integrity would sprout forth a new dawning. For all future generations, your heroism, Officer Cook, has been received by Our Creator with love and affection for a well lived life, an exemplary career and a passion that drove your destinies far and wide throughout a community that cared and still pays respects to your cherished memories. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Diligence and vigilance follow in the paths and trails of feverish ferocity and tremendous tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2017

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