Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Evil and violence vehemently keep dignity and integrity pinned down under the siege of wickedness and so to battle and conquer that enemy we must employ duly sworn men and women who are honest and have nerves of steel. To lockdown and to look face to face with adversity does require a uniquely special angel of valor. You are and were our hope, Officer Cook, honoring Dade County and its citizens with your humbling presence. The righteous and dignified know their limits and commit to the highest standards of excellence and morals all of which made you a supreme human being and a police hero of the highest regard for humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2017

There was no shuffling off back to your stationhouse. You voluntarily went to a scene and tries your utmost to calm a violent and troubled young man. You were a young man too, Officer Cook, with a beautiful wife and a loving and charming family all who are headed off on their own career paths. Sometimes the shortest road is the road by which we go by. Dade County and its citizens relished quality service and they got quite an astute public servant. When you engage someone in conversation you bring out their positive attributes. With your career and life, Officer Cook, it was always about values, ideals and those morals central to having succes. Character and decency help bring together wisdom and the vision of convictions that lead to foundationd being safely anchored down for our futures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2017

If something goes amiss someone must be blamed. Police work is not about placing blame. Police take full responsibility for their actions. And on May 16, 1979, Dade County witnessed full blown resolve and the dedication that came to now become your heroic legacy, Officer Cook, as you solemnly responded to a dangerous domestic incident and with precision, passion and perseverance, your honor, dignity and integrity filled the air waves as you diligently protected those streets where peril was hiding. The man troubled as he was plotting and planning over time to kill police officers. You gave your life, officer Cook, for our serenity, safety and security to continue its journeys. No vacations. No breaks. Always loyal, faithful and courteous to everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2017

Corporal punishment works only if one does nor repeat their actions. Police sometimes have to use whatever is at their disposal to solve crime. You always acquitted yourself with concise morals, character and honorable commitment. In Dade County where you started, Officer Cook, violence was curtailled by your respectful embrace. Humility and being humble leaves a lasting notice, its impressions are priceless as was your life and career, Officer Cook. Sanity and civility travel along with humanity as its nobility rests gently in the hearts of every soldier who serves and protects. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Stapled together are the assets of wisdom and vision that must be located in every dashboard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2017

The rub on some police is that they don't do enough. Well, let me tell you a thing or two. They do plenty. They give up their lives if necessary for the prospect of unity and peace to reach its fruition. In Dade County where you battled everything but the kitchen sink, Officer Cook,you left everything out on those streets where peril and danger lurk like an albertross around one's neck. The astute and aware realize their preparations and plans may go awry at times but, more often than not public servants follow through and bring resolve and serenity to their communities where they go after violence. You did everything morally, Officer Cook and fulfilled our Lord's plans all by dignity, integrity and honesty. This leaves good memories behind for your family toshare and to remember you by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We succeed because of your unwavering humility and its commitment to bothpride and excellence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2017

You fought for us, Officer Cook and your honor, integrity and dignity left a heroic behind for us to emulate. Dade County was resourcefully served and protected by a superior public servant of character and commitment, no doubt about that. Its unity, peace and prosperity rode on your badge and uniform, Officer Cook. When true boldness, courage and desire merge together the results are welcoming. You can be certain your humbleness and humility will leave that lasting impression for other brave men and women to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Encouraging and endearing, you left enhancement as your cornerstone of conviction and wisdom. The covers have lifted and now we can see the bright rays of the sun. Your humane soul, Officer Cook hovers day and night illuminating the darkest of skies. Your superior morals and values saw to your accomplishments and their missions of faith, goodwill and compassion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2017

Wishing and hoping to find a miracle is not how any devoted officer should proceed with solving crimes while ridding the world of violence. Dade County and its folks were under your watchful eyes and ears, Officer Cook, a very noble and brave man from North Miami Beach, Florida. If honesty, dignity and bravery with integrity was ought after for peace and quiet, you were the go to officer. No doubt a uniform and badge worn proudly and character and achievement so necessary to fighting evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You left behind a wonderful family, esteemed and humble colleagues and great personal friends who cared and revered you and your pursuits in life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2017

The falseness of lies makes a truth sound real. Truth though is just that real not scripted. You movements around Dade County were real and very desirable, Officer Cook. For a man of character, class and valor, your integral honesty, dignity and integrity won't be forgotten. You shadowed other officers through trial and tribulation so much so that peace and its freedom can flow like a river. The citizens are thankful for your actions of heroism. Our foundations and their cornerstones are safe and secure because of your labors of love. A very respected and revered gentleman whose humility gave humanity that proverbial shot in the arm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2017

A beautiful woman a man takes as his wife is to be much revered. A wonderful young man brave and humble is to be honored and saluted for his dignity, courage and integrity. You and Karen were soulmates, Officer Cook and you were Dade County's true hero. The people whom you served and protected were being kept as much away from violence by your unwavering and unselfish humility as possible, Officer Cook. Six years of loyal and faithful service won't be washed away because of what you did on May 16, 1979, your composure and commitment came to light and the fight from the sounds of gunfire won't ever tarnish your ideals, values and convictions that you stood for. Peace can't be realized until police utilize every resource at their disposal and neither may unity not be held as one unless reverence and respect travel down those proficient pathways of resolve too. You can be sure while you are patrolling God's gates of justice and gallantry, Officer Cook, those who have continued working and walking the beats of bravery here won't give up the fight for equality any time soon. Cool headed. Calm with a sense of purpose of vision and wisdom to see us through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We won't forget your undying heroism, the passion by which you fulfilled Our Creator's desires to make this a better place to channel your aspirations, dreams and goals. The tears flowed that day you gave your life and they flowed even more as all Dade County, its community and the entire nation paid their respects to your family. Just so sad when someone unknown to you takes your life and heart from you robbing us of a humanely humble public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2017

By being trustworthy and true to your word you demonstrate the ability to understand the meaning of being honorable and carrying your dignity and integrity with a certain amount of humility. All gifted and professional law enforcement officials must act this way if the chords of conceit and evil are to be conquered. You courageously battled wickedness on behalf of all Dade County citizens, Officer Cook and were a better man, a humane and gracious gentleman than we could ever know. To comprehend the needs of any given community you surely have to patrol the streets with morals and the bands of boldness and character within your unit. Its peace, prosperity and togetherness ride on your every navigation, your every destiny of design, desire and determination are all factored in with steadfast dedication. Something your family and peers can revere and respect you for, Officer Cook. You literally carried Central Division on your uniform and badge of nobility, the sanctity and civility of life so precious. A savior and warrior, a true police hero who answered his calls happily and quite proudly, though, you are missed terribly. God took your very special soul, Officer Cook, on a unique mission of goodwill and mercy back to heaven to police His streets with the same motivation and articulation as you performed during your watch and life. You gave. Some give. Some don't. You opened your home for guests and smiled. Whenever I look at your picture taken behind Old Glory and see that bright and beautiful smile over forty-three years ago, one cannot help to think what a wonderful and insightful man you were. Durable. Responsible and fully accountable for enhancing our futures while sacrificing yours for ours to move forward. You of course should be here to witness all these changes that your heroism helped to forge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The bands of love and admiration shall never snap, you held things together, Officer Cook, as only you knew how to.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2017

Domestic issues can cause and have the most serious effects on a couple and in particular where children are involved. You must have had very humble and unbelievable patience, Officer Cook, to stand in there ready to take action. A calming voice, a bit of insight, the right frame of morals and commitment, along with the humane honor and dignity, respect, integrity and valor all utilized wisely to save Dade County and its people. What you started, Officer Cook, has been advanced over these long and difficult thirty-eight years since you gave your life for unity , peace and serenity to take hold. Always brimming with self-confidence, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your journeys and missions may be over, those men and women of humility still take up residence in this fight over evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2017

In school when you got a detention it got your attention and that of your folks. You never got any punishments in school, Officer Cook, because you were a model student full of character and morals. There was no bullying. Unfortunately, during my time there was and it was no fun being hit and pushed around considering I was a little bigger than most of the kids. Dade County and its residents saw plenty of goodwill, faith and devotion with your honor, dignity and integrity raising those fears to peace and quiet for all. Violence is a slap on the face to humanity and its humility that you had that kept evil at bay. You'll be bravely saluted and solemnly honored for heroism and civility above and beyond the letter of the law. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2017

For officers who dedicate themselves to fighting evil, catching up on a little shut eye can be most difficult. You led, you directed and you motivated all by having responsible morals and the very fabrics of solid character and conviction. Of course having the maturity, Officer Cook, which I'm sure was way ahead of the crowd. Those same men and women who teamed with a superior servant full of boundless energy and the reservoirs of resolve, integrity and dignity, all the correct standards by which humbly cherished heroes and heroines live by and for. You can be sure foundations, cornerstones and enhancements remain just that whatever you began here in Dade County forty-three years ago remains etched not just in walls of marble and granite, it stays in the minds and hearts of those whom you loyally served and protected, their peace of mind and quality of unity made even more sacred than ever before. You were a man of humility that strived to make humanity more accountable than before and for your feats of ferocity and tenacity you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, conviction and wisdom all utilize the same vision and now your beloved spirit and soul float gently each and every moment high above in Our Creator's celestial kingdom where you now patrol His streets of golden pathways and those pearly gates of gallantry. You left a legacy, Officer Cook, for your loved ones and comrades to be very proud of.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2017

Directions and standards are the mettle by which trustworthy men and women devote themselves to battling violence. Prayer certainly can change an otherwise dire situation. If all the best wishes, prayers, whatever could have revived you that day, Officer Cook, your mother, wife and sister would have been very appreciative. A day's worth of work dealing with domestic issues, resolving conflicts and no telling what other demanding and stressfully taxing assignments dispatched your way, all handled competently, completely and most courageously with keeping honesty, integrity and dignity close to your uniform and badge. It spoke of boldness, precision and humility. All your life growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida, one thing, honesty and living by your word and meaning what you say. For any decent and desirable public servant this must be the crede otherwise find another line of work. Dade County and its citizens were driven by your destinies, Officer Cook, ones of humble and esteemed character and commitment to justice and fairness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I started a position as a chaplain at a Catholic nursing center in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida and work with very cordial, humble and a very caring professional staff, priests and nuns all take the time to listen, to live, to respect and to honor, sounds familiar, you and Nancy, Officer Cook, were raised this very way by your loving, wonderful parents, you both were not just a twinkle in their eyes, you were the apples of their eyes. Always in my thoughts and heart, you were a truly humane hero and warrior to all mankind, Officer Cook, society is deeply indebted to you for your heroic actions on May 16, 1979 and everyday as well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2017

Compliance. Directions. Rules and the highest of standards. They all the mettle of those honest and sincere public servants. Certainly dignity and its desire, integrity and its incorporating presence kept those living in Dade County safe and serene, Officer Cook. There's not any shadow of a doubt you'll be respected, remembered and saluted for having the accountability and responsibility to act like a professional. A feeling to be shared by all women and men of bravery, character, commitment to pride and the unwavering constitution to see peace and togetherness to its completion. Your life and career, Officer Cook was bounded by the virtues of diligence and the validity of vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We cheer for the underdog and root for those oppressed to not stay depressed. You took the time to listen and contribute your uncanny ability to wisely size matters up. Wisdom, vision and clarity speak loud and clear.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2017

Bad smells are ornery. No doubt. Violence and its wickedness perpetrated time and time again on society are just cruel and heinous. Killing innocent men and women of the highest regard for humanity through dignity, integrity and honesty are just plain wrong and senseless. Try putting two and two together to get four, you may be figuring this out for awhile. The channels by which good communications must flow, they went through your superior heroism, Officer Cook. The vital cog in the peace and unity process here in Dade County representing its folks. Always the soulmate of Karen. The darling son and brother to your parents and sister, Nancy. You were a happy man who brought joy and pleasure to those who cherished you. But, you'll always be humanely honored and saluted for direction with your missions, journeys and their final destinies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Peace was your goal, Officer Cook, we believe you never let anyone down. Those side panels should have been made available to you that awfully tragic day when you gave your life for ideals to flourish, for dreams to take hold, for humility to prosper correctly. All in a day's work.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2017

Society needs a massive dose of a humbly loving embrace. After all the turmoil, tumult, kayos and bedlam all the results of mischievous mayhem, what more can be said? You can't write enough about what is going on? What today brings is here and now. What manana-tomorrow brings is not yet upon us. What was brought when you cared, Officer Cook and blanketed us here in Dade County was your supremely fine commitment to character, morals and courage by one self-confident public service. The kind your department as do all places of law enforcement rely upon their shining stars of humility, honor and noble distinction. Peace, freedom, liberty and unity all were struck by the very same chords of a champion of valor and the might to straighten out what really ails our nation. Violence derails the best laid plans of women and men of transparency so vital to ordinary life moving forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Occasionally, you must get down and dirty to expose evil and corruption, its bite a snasty and as bitter as it gets. What happened to our core values, morals and ideals of independence? Disappearing into whoever knows what? Time to take a closer look and to reevaluate our priorities, to seize the opportunity and to have the pendulum swing our way again. You took fine care of us, Officer Cook, with a fighting heart as a gentleman of reverence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2017

We go back and check our facts as they provide us with the reasons as to why our beloved family members fought and fought, humility toward humanity. Samson versus Goliath. Dade County where a gentle might and plenty of hard earned honesty and dignity, yours, Officer Cook, stayed the courses of conviction and commitment to witness evil being properly disposed of. Although, your treasured soul was returned to God, your character, compassion and vision of channeling good into your role won't be forgotten. You excelled in stopping a most serious domestic issue and though you gave your life, Officer Cook, your nobility and humility will remain with those who admired and respected you for keeping calm and collected, distributing peace and safety throughout all Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2017

In times of trouble and distress it's always good to be able to lean on someone for moral support. When you were taken, Officer Cook, your family, colleagues and friends had an entire enation and a community in Dade County where you patrolled and prospered in your war against wickedness. To this day and forever will your consummate courage, vigorous vitality, overwhelming excellent character and the integrity and honesty to battle humbly and with a humane sense of urgency. This adversary seems to be growing by leaps and bounds and men and women heroic and having the desire to fulfill their journeys stand face to face never giving an inch. God has the full mantra of mettle by His side and the articulate awareness there in heaven where nothing will hurt any of you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2017

Dull moments are for people disinterested in making advances for the good of society. Public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, served with one mission in mind, to save human lives from danger while promoting peaceful efforts. And Dade County got nothing but outstanding service and preservation from your badge and uniform, a symbol of humanity while flourishing with great passion and its uniquely distinctive brand of humility. Your character, honesty, dignity and integrity shaped the way we can forever choose how to live. In a taciturn and desirable way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The honor you brought to your family and community, Officer Cook, will be how others honor your determination and perseverance. Tragically, violence, hatred and evil offer no hint of dull moments. Police saves our lives and deliver us from the doldrums of gloom and doom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2017

A purpose needs a reason for its happening. There was an inbred reason as to why you so desired to become a fine police officer, Officer Cook. First, you were brought up the right way with politeness, manners and that word etiquette. Then, you were honest and dignified in leading and in living a relatively healthy and stable life at home. Third, your parents were your biggest supporters and rooters wanting to to succeed without yielding to the outside influences of temptation and negativity. Police departments cannot have candidates with a hint of scandal or episode of immorality. Honor and courage help to exemplify one's travels down their roads of resolve and resiliency. Your persisted, Officer Cook, never giving up nor racing away from danger that you swore to protect us from. God given talents can take a person a long way so long as they manage their honesty and have the humility by which they plan and prepare their destinies. Your fruitfulness was the result of desire and dedication. You'll always occupy a special place, Officer Cook, in my family's home and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God takes His angelic heroines and heroes and watches over their souls of peace and safety never losing track nor sight of them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2017

The grass grows greener because of your undying dignity and ingenuity, Officer Cook, to protect and to serve the peaceful interests of Dade County and its folks. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's enchanted kingdom where no more strife or harm will come your way let it be known that your desire, devotion and faithful to loyalty helped to fuel your passions pursued in an honorable manner of integrity. It makes comrades take note in saluting your memory. Courage, bravery and valor were the notable characteristics by which your journeys faired. The only way to walk in the pathways of humility is by being righteous and focused entirely upon your efforts of efficiency. Your family, Officer Cook, has tried all these years to cope with the sudden tragedy of losing you, their beloved and humane warrior who by saving lives brought peace and sanity closer to mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2017

We don't rave about the brave. We allow their humbleness and humility to shine through the doors of courage and honor. They open and close primarily because of one's own dignity and integrity. They allow you to finish your battles, wish you could have concluded your professional life, Officer Cook, in the same manner that you began it. Dade County has had its shares of infamy and ugliness, you succeeded in at least making a dent in the devotion and desire needed for tenacity to come down those aisles of engagement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and clear vision and wisdom define a role model public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2017

There is a saying in business that the customer is always right. Where you served and guarded the sanctity of life, Officer Cook, here in Dade County you can be sure we the citizens will never forget your humane and humbly heroic actions on May 16, 1979. It's a day that lives in your family's hearts forever. Their savior, honored public servant, dignified and aspirations, the kind of character and devotion to a job and life well done and well lived. The peace and stability we were looking for from humanity's cherished soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today, tomorrow and yesteryear you'll always hold a special place in our hearts and minds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2017

Police and those they protect must stay attuned to any crisis or situation that might occur in the venues they serve. All that sounds plain and simple. The truth is it is not. For honesty, integrity and dignity to flow like a river you need quality resources from among those honorable and brave tough enough to fight this brand of calamity. Dade County had you, Officer Cook and so many more superbly remarkable heroes and heroines whose humility and foresight measured up to the eyes of evil. You can have peace and quiet along with a mixture of unity so long as the brave and humane possess the proper morals, values and ideals from stellar character, courage and commitment to proficiency. Your missions of goodwill, Officer Cook, remain a valid part of your heroic legacy which is to be humbly saluted as it was passed on down to other brave souls of safety and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2017

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