Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

It is often said that timing is everything. Unfortunately, in some chosen professions timing does not always compliment success. In Dade County during your watch, Officer Cook, you stood in there at dangerous moments. What happened to you on May 16, 1979, was obviously tragic and very gripping for your loving family and those honorable colleagues, dignified and full of vigor and valor who went to bat to conquer violence. Your integrity and character spoke humble volumes as to the hero of humility and courage that is required of every public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Every one of God's children is well taken care of and your wonderful soul is providing the light of inspiration for our future accomplishments to go forward. You can look back, just cherish the fondest of memories of a well lived life and career of enhancement where no shortcuts to serenity and peace for all Dade County residents were left behind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2017

We submit ourselves to the will of Our Lord. May the good Lord be with all His heroes and heroines of the various law enforcement communities who sacrifice their wisdom, respect, dignity and integrity while honestly pursuing the evil that violence creates. Dade County and its citizens looked towards your emancipating them from the throes of terror. You were simply a devoted public servant, humble and full of humility and the inner strength of character, Officer Cook. You hung in there when confronted with a ruthless and heinous enemy. To this day we can try to comprehend why Mr. Pearsall shot and killed you, Officer Cook and your two friends and colleagues, Officers Keith DeGenova and Robert Edgerton. Your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln somehow escaped any harm and then your other comrade, Detective Don Blocker came to the scene and finally killed Mr. Pearsall after that awful episode. Your friends deserve respect and salutes as you receive each day you are noticeably absent from your family. The grief and anguish are like an acid eating away inside of them. They are strong and resilient and though the years pass us by very quickly, you are never forgotten. Cherished, Adored and most treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your dream to become a police officer was fulfilled fruitfully and very simply faithfully, loyalty to all. Outstanding and commendable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

Respect. Reverence. Resolve. Reserved. Heroes and heroines are born of a humble and humanely caring nature. You came from a military background, Officer Cook, as your father, Charles, may he rest in peace served our country. Your mother and sister can only be so proud of you both. Heroes and neighbors of ours who gallantly and bravely served and protected peace, security and the very essence of great effort and stellar integrity. Dade County and its citizens were given assurances of peace and liberty being built with character and the hidden ingredient of honesty. I'll keep you in my prayers Mrs. Cook. In two days you will celebrate your 102nd birthday a marvelous accomplishment though I know you miss your beloved husband and your noble and darling son. Courage and valor only to be fondly revered and respected for placing enhancement where it should be. The very evil you fought to keep away from us who choose life, Officer Cook, you were a humble and treasured hero and savior. Never will we forget your feats of spirit and ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul cheers us on in our endeavors as you ride higher each day in God's pristine pastures. Your faithfulness through adversity has sustained you, Mrs. Cook. God bless you and many more in good health and peace for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

The ailments of society are the very violence that threatens humanity's very humble dignity. So those who care and display integrity and honor deserve that very sacred chance to calm those who may needed their tempers smoothed out a bit. You spoke in a calm and soothing style, Officer Cook and so because of your concern and caring, Dade County and its folks were spared and their peace and unity were delivered right where they ought to be. A young man of character and class now sitting in the front row of God's fields of resolve and hope. His eternal mercy shall endure here forever. Your bravery and valor, Officer Cook, spearheaded motivation for other comrades to follow in. Never unwavering, always fighting on our behalf until your last breath. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We ponder and think about what the future might have been if God saved you from that awful day when God took you back home. A great man. Humble and humane validating class and efficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

Your smile and respect for police work, Officer Cook, left nothing but admiration and pride for other brave souls to work and to labor under. The deeds and desires of Dade County and its citizens were always sunder your watchful eyes. The vision and wisdom to back up your efforts of integrity and dignity. Nothing below par. Colleagues and those family members along with your close personal friends have so honored your humility and esteem for others. To sacrifice one's life for continuation of our values and ideals to carry on says much. Wickedness was handled judiciously and for all to take notice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

Honor and courage, the umbrella by which all dignified public servants with unwavering and unselfish dignity must function by. You worked hard, Officer Cook, to secure and serve the people of Dade Count in a loyal and in an honorable fashion. If all the right traits of all brave and decent men and women could spare them from harm, we the people would be forever thankful. You can be sure your diligence and superb vigilance will be fondly remembered. God has you in His divine shelter of grace and loving kindness. Your mom, Mrs. Julia Cook, had a truly heroic and humbly honest son who served his purpose and completed those missions of mercy, hope and faith with dedicated and determined resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your enhancements have been preserved and paid special homage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

The demons of evil must be excised from society. Its violence extracts a toll of terror almost too much for most good officers to handle. Whatever came your way, Officer Cook, was never too small nor too large to handle. You relieved Dade County and its folks of the violence that torments the most civil minded human being. When a pious gentleman of proficiency and character takes their humbleness and honor, along with intelligence and dignity out to the streets, one could not complain. You were their hero and warrior. Your tenacity and morals won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

Sincerity breeds character. Character breeds honesty and the fibers of good morals. Police are not perfect as only the One Above handles every situation that we must face. The brave and honorable have their lives directed by none other than Our Father in heaven. The integrity and dignity you had, Officer Cook, came from a genesis of generosity and giving. A big heart, one that gave and bestowed kindness on every living being. Dade County and their residents were the receivers of reverence and hopeful perseverance. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was the creation of hard work and loyalty to all mankind who were looking for a savior during intense times and you were outstanding in courage and in conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

Doing what's correct means not embarrassing anyone. It means having that humane and humble loving kindness to dedicate yourself to the goals and ideals that are vital to having a world filled with much admiration and respect for each other. Police must display self-control during tense moments as you possessed, Officer Cook. Domestic issues can leave trails of bloodshed and hatred hounding those who support the peaceful pursuits of humanity. The character and humility one public servant has helps trickle down to other colleagues, it must if evil and terror are to be thwarted. You saved lives, Officer Cook and took resourcefulness and awareness to a newer level. Speak kindly and remain humble, this is how a hero of your status, Officer Cook, will fondly be remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

We look after others and so God looks after us. He provides that special inner strength of courage and passion that lights the fires of fairness, firmness and ferocity. Nothing needed to motivate you, Officer Cook, as you were humbly raised with class, decency, devotion, desire and the faith to move serenity and safety along among Dade County and its citizens. Forever will colleagues respect, salute and so proudly honor your heroic honesty, integrity and the importance of maintaining dignity during stormy moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The encouragement you had, Officer Cook, with the Lord's help will allow our destinies and their journeys to proceed unharmed and in healthy manners.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

Those who take onus seriously will succeed mightily in all their endeavors. It's instilled in those brave and honest public servants who protect and serve with a certain robust passion. You gave your talents, skills and life, Officer Cook, as dignity , integrity and resolve followed you throughout your patrols in Dade County. The peace and prosperity of all people was your responsibility and accountability and no one, comrades or the civilians were ever disappointed. Your convincing character, courage and commitment met every tough challenge that officers face during violent times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your accomplishments, Officer Cook, left humility and nobleness as vital bookends now and for eternity they are being looked after by Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

A man who prays from the heart will succeed mightily because of his faithfulness and fighting resolve. God witnesses the effort in His eyes. Our Creator saw open versatility and unending humility when you solemnly served and protected Dade County citizens, Officer Cook. Humbleness seizes our most interior thoughts and allows us the opportunity to make peace and liberty through those channels of unity. When dignity and integrity are roadrunners, the trails of honesty cannot be far behind. Your commitment, character and ethics, Officer Cook, have been saluted as has your gallantry and grace by which you performed your job. Danger and peril leave a trail of terror and turmoil that must be eliminated if we are to live prosperously and happily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a wonderful son, brother, husband and uncle, a great-uncle, the terrible tragedy is that you never lived to see these children growing up and being productive and positive citizens furthering your heroic legacy. It will be remembered forever, etched on walls of honor and deservedly given its respect for shining through.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2017

Sharing is akin to caring. One's own soul must be free of those obstacles which would impinge upon our rights to live in peace and unity. Police officers face judgement each time they bravely and honorably go out and patrol for perseverance and the resolutions that are needed for a society to carry on its dreams and aspirations. Dade County and its residents were your flock, Officer Cook and as their inspirational and determined leader, it was up you and your acumen and astuteness to bring home relief and never ending justice. Always saluted and fondly remembered as a cherished gentleman of excellent character and class, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The valiant and their righteousness are always rewarded. Nothing you did, Officer Cook, was done in vain. You acted professionally and your conviction clearly demonstrated these elements.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2017

The right antidote for violence is honest and dignified defense of our values. If our society runs without liberty and integrity, then all the morality and humility is worthless. Ruthlessness does not replace resolve and devotion. You had the proper tools and tenacity, Officer Cook, by which to function. Dade County and its people received fair and unbiased effort and unwavering character, commitment and decency from a humble and humane servant. All we can do is to keep the torch of your soul burning on as it shines brightly from Our Creator's sacred skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2017

Responsible and resourceful, the humble words in any officer's vocabulary when tested against a foe such as evil. And Dade County could not be in any better hands than those of Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664, who stood there in the face of gunfire and saved citizens and his comrades from this troubled young man bent on violence. Domestic issues, bank robberies, whatever the dilemma you were as valiant as they come. Dignity, integrity and honesty shall never be uprooted in this fight over wickedness. Our peace and prosperity, happiness and serenity all came with a price, life so valuable and yet so golden. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero up in God's sacred streets where His shelters now and forever shield you from violence and its horrific terror.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2017

Power from Hurricane Irma knocked us all out for a couple days. Now we are back in business. The vulnerable in the hands of the virtuous, the dignified and those brave souls of integrity saving lives, that is what being a public servant is all about. You were Dade County's hero of leadership and motivation, Officer Cook. The citizens there have remembered your bravery and tenacity backed by morals and the fabrics of fine character. No matter the situation, you were there to affix peace and freedom among mankind forever to be saluted. Humility and humanity are those cornerstones by which you laid down your life and career for. Achievement and fruition were just the beginnings of your faithful journeys and their missions carried out with unselfish effort and the efficient energy that is vital. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2017

Peace and happiness shall courageously carry our lives of liberty and peace. They carried your pursuits, Officer Cook and were affixed to the spirit of security with which you fought hard to maintain. Dade County is a large area and needed every honest and personable men and woman of bravery to serve and protect, life was your concern, Officer Cook. Humanity and humility were your lifetime motivators and reasons why your wisdom and vision helped you to prosper throughout your destinies. Fruition may be hard. Thinking allows for better outcomes. One determined man of faith and ferocity always missed very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

Lying down in peace and having a shelter of peace, god could certainly protect our travels and pursuits in life. Your trips around Dade County, Officer Cook, were of a humble nature so full of honesty and dignity. All led by integrity and with truth in your pathways of perseverance and resolve. Those colleagues who served with a humane man of concern and character have saluted your desire to make peace a resolute part of our daily lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courageous and charming, your big wide smile says it all, Officer Cook. An officer and a gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

Justice deserves prudent actions. Fairness and firmness relies upon faith, class and the very decency to carry on. You were a cherished man, Officer Cook, calm, cool and collected in how you dealt with Dade County and each individual. We consecrate your memory, Officer Cook, a life of humble honor, esteemed integrity and devotion to dignity all the weapons that are necessary in fighting off evil. Comrades and the civilians alike are better off by your unwavering efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Delving into danger you acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, with efficiency and superior desire.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

When people act accordingly, humanity is elevated humbly and its humility can be felt far and wide. Your charm and grace, Officer Cook, was the result of a happy childhood full of friends and love within your home. Your beloved parents, your mother, Mrs.Julia Cook, should live and be well. Officer Cook, you were the apple of her eyes, intense and dignified. Integrity and honor shared by all in Dade Count where you gallantly served and gave your life of reason and vision for all to live and to prosper in good health and peace. An enhancement to forever live on as will your beautiful soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We'll miss you. You won't be forgotten. Heroism doesn't allow its beloved angels to be disrespected. Their tenacity were their humble feats in life and during their career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

Police teach and perform outreach in all venues bringing home the message of safety and its unity. It can only occur when peace pierces those walls of wickedness. We, the people might want to be more mindful when courageous public servants like yourself, Officer Cook, ventured here and about protecting and serving the public trust. There was never a shadow of hesitation anywhere on your uniform. Just the humble pride and diligence to carry out character and morals the way they should be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's shelters of safety have the much needed serenity to allow you to patrol those sacred golden streets where harm won't ever come your way again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

Ferocity and faith help unite the mind and heart. May our minds seek understanding and our souls be aflame with the love of God and love of our fellow men and women. You breathed police work, Officer Cook. Cherishing and relishing each challenge that was assigned to you. Any given community and Dade County is no different was your responsibility. Danger and peril lurked out there, your intellect and honesty were partnered together to help you calm and to raise the level of unity and its peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The eye sees. The ear hears. The legs charge full steam right where serenity needs to be placed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

You love God and believe wholly in His heavenly plans. Your heart and soul must be firmly imbedded in your beliefs. Unless you treat each individual as you would want to be treated, the task of getting along will be made that much more difficult. A faithful and resolute man, you were the living and shining example of a beloved brave soul, Officer Cook. dignity and integrity sheltered you along with honesty during your professional pursuits. Should have been happier journeys not one that ended as violently as it did on May 16, 1979. The facts demonstrate one man's resolve and determination when trying to conquer evil. Everything was done correctly, if only more could have been done to assist you, Officer Cook, a hero, our warrior and sincere savior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

Delight makes the heart grow fonder just as absence does. Your untimely loss, Officer Cook, just as when every hero and heroine permanently uprooted from their loved ones. Your physical appearance is not with us any longer, but, surely your soul is and will forever be with us. Dade County certainly was glad to have an outstanding gentleman in their midst. Clarity of character and morals never any clearer. Comrades now and then remember your engaging personality, loyalty to detail and the reason of conviction and commitment behind your travels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decades from now your class and good name, Officer Cook, will be saluted for humane and humbly affection toward humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

Worship is a time to release stress and the tension associated with trouble. Terror and turmoil surely bring about this friction. You delivered on your word of wisdom, Officer Cook. Vision and ingenuity like no other. Integrity and dignity magnetize honesty helping public servants stay safe while protecting the public at large. We never seem to know our destinies. Comprehension takes its time processing information and men and women as brave as you, Officer Cook, don't get the luxury of waiting as serious action must be carried out at once. Nonetheless, you'll be a hero forever and a warrior of welcome relief. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2017

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