Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Trust is a must if peace and goodwill are to be spread far and wide. The truth of the matter is having decent and honorable souls of humility fighting for our liberties. They should come with passion, with poise and the common sense and integrity as you so possessed, Officer Cook. Those fierce battles you fought with ferocity and dedication won't ever be overlooked nor forgotten. Our minds and bodies may function more freely and deliberately because of your unwavering and unselfish convictions, Officer Cook, to see violence eliminated and the emancipation of all citizens in and around Dade County where you patrolled over them living in peace and safely doing what they choose to pursue as you willingly chose public service. You put the will of the Lord in front and in back a tall times and He drove your destinies where they were deemed necessary. Saluted for humility and the humane endeavors you put forth striving for a better world. One great man, Officer Cook, a humble legend and a warrior with a hero's gentle touch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2017

Heaven is that special humble and dignified eternal venue where men and women of bravery, honesty and integrity are protected for anymore evil that brought their tender and humane souls of serenity to a fortress where their character and commitment maybe bonded with other angelic heroes and heroines. Having served and preserved the safety and secure routes of those citizens in the Dade County community, Officer Cook, you now and forever are being heroically saluted for having the awareness and acumen for facing adversity head on. No backing down or running. Whether dispatched or not you showed more humility and morals not just on May 16, 1979, but every waking moment of your life. Your travels and their tenacity where deemed complete. Always it will be a travesty and a tragedy you were taken from this world, your peers, friends and family with more emotional support to give. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We classify your caliber of decency, desire, devotion and sheer determination as one public servant who went over and beyond the calls of professional duty. God truly takes the best of resourceful human beings firm and yet fair in meting out justice for all. So now peace and its unifying prosperity may live on as an enhancing foundation for mankind to stand and take notice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2017

Penitence requires humble effort. The esteem and bravery all police officers put forth in their daily duty assignments shall never go undone nor forgotten. You placed yourself in harm's way for all Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, really sad violence had to end your life and six year police career when there were more missions of hope and faith to fulfill. Your honor, integrity and dignity through ferocity were your surveillance for serenity and securing quiet and calm for all needing it. A man of stoic character and the soundest of scruples and courage protecting and serving the common goals of gallantry and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We are here and won't forget your heroism and its intrinsic intellect. We know why, Officer Cook, as your buddy and classmate, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs said you were years ahead of the crowd. The field is there for a battle over evil like no other. God keep watch over my friend and neighbor, Officer Cook, he was a servant and sensational at the art of pacifying and calming down people. Keep his smile brightly illuminating our days, afternoons and evenings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2017

Residents are delighted when hard work assists in creating a peaceful atmosphere. Serenity and safety are any public servants responsibilities and Dade County witnessed good character, solid values and the kind of honesty and integrity that you delivered and displayed, Officer Cook, it helped to fend off violence and its currents of turmoil and evil. Never forgotten and always a hero in our hearts and minds. God has your cherished soul forever looking down on your family, comrades and friends. You taught us the lessons of tenacity, perseverance and unwavering resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Missions proceed on and your journeys jettisoned peace and unity for all Dade County citizens.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2017

Peace can be mighty pleasing, but evil can be so tempting. Better to think before you act. You conducted your watch, Officer Cook, with a vigor and honor like no other hero of humility, dignity and integrity. We here in Dade County can live and prosper more serenely thanks to your wisdom, commitment and visions for a brighter tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always remembered and respected for character, morals and faithfulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2017

So long, farewell is only until we meet again in God's proverbial kingdom of enchantment. You are being protected, Officer Cook, from anymore evil harming you. You served Dade County with honor, humility, integrity and the humble dignity to keep peace in place of violence. Your smiling face and strength of character helped you deal with situations as they arose. No matter the job, you were there to back up your peers of resolve and the effort that values mean so much. You were raised with a certain attitude to be able to handle the rigors of a very demanding and stressful position. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We sometime stake time off to pray and hope that unity and its loving peace provide for each one of God's creatures.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2017

Diversion takes direction where it should not be. No public servant worth their salt wants to be distracted from their daily tasks of protecting and serving the public at large. Dade County and its residents were under your watchful eyes and legs, Officer Cook, that pursued evil and torment. No one wants to be tortured nor terrorized and you my neighbor, friend and hero utilized every bit of your character and desire, dignity and integrity to ward off wickedness. You can be sure you will be so honored for heroic actions that saved comrades and the citizens alike. Rest in peace. Enhancement lives on in your family's ideals and virtues. No more a classy man and friend to all. You continue to be greatly missed, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2017

Devastation leaves its ugliness spread out far and wide. Police officers, public servants through and true with crystal clear perception and the perseverance that is expected of honest and brave heroes and heroines. You served all Dade County with loyalty, humbleness and the devotion that leaves humility centered upon the morals you had, Officer Cook. You stayed the courses of courage that colleague shave saluted until this very day. Violence and evil was replaced with unity and the peaceful means for everyone to pursue their dreams and goals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a jovial gentleman full of spirit and the gumption to gallantly conquer terror and never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2017

Take care and take heed. Taking direction takes concern, care and consideration. Dignity and bravery go hand in hand with honor and integrity and for certain you cannot have any of these characteristics without an idea or plan of action. It was a blessing to have you, Officer Cook, among the ranks of Dade County citizenry and the department of which your commitment top excellence and its convictions were first class. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2017

Using power when called for is proper. When there is a power outage care must be utilized greatly. You exercised extreme caution when guarding the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook. Serving humbly and protecting humanely take time and effort. So too does integrity, honesty and dignity as this take much toil from all our blessed and heroic public servants. The character of a person speaks loudly of their values, ideals and morals. Those traits of which tenacity followed you, Officer Cook, for all your days, years and entire life and police career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We encourage and you enhanced. It's etched in our thoughts and hearts forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2017

Graced and gallantry garnish the plates of honor, its effort and the stellar dignity and integrity which follow our heroes and heroines close behind. Your patrols around the Dade County community, Officer Cook, were bounded by boldness and the commitment to excellence which has been so honored and courageously saluted by colleagues who helped you battle evil and its perturbing violence. Always class character and the strength of spirit from your golden heart to stand toe to toe and chase away terror which dedicating yourself and your destinies to only peaceful pursuits and the happiness which we all treasure. You were quite respected and admired, Officer Cook, for being a superior public servant molded by proper morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God watches over His flock of ferocious men and women whose tenacity trailed them during their travels. Navigation is never easy as it takes extreme training and the keen vision and devote wisdom to see any officer through perilous moments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2017

When a parent gives to their children, we laugh, when a child gives to their parents we cry. Surely, when you passed your parents, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, sobbed, your father, Charles, may he rest in peace would be sobbing. The grief, pain and anguish is tormenting in and of itself. You were their hero, Nancy's hero and your beloved Karen's beloved warrior and hero. Those comrades who served along with you, Officer Cook, experienced the best of times and some of the tragic times while you protected and preserved peace and prosperity for all Dade County and its citizens. Your character, charm and engaging smile and humble personality have and will forever be missed. It is enhancement which was in your capable and noble hands that has been kept up as part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and humanity make us laugh at times and cry the other times. You saved life, Officer Cook, proficiently and with unwavering and unselfish endeavor. Never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2017

The screams of terror shall be answered by the sounds of bravery. Serenity and safety will merge as one entity. Quiet and humbleness crossed paths in your North Miami Beach, Florida and Berkeley, California homes, Officer Cook. Your home environment was filled with honorable actions, dignified purposes and integral interventions. Integrity and your moral character, courage and convictions helped you to police Dade County and its citizens that much better. Never forgotten. You were and will forever be our fighting hero. You stood for liberty and delivered the justice we all deserved as will the salutes of salutation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Encroachment requires two sides to come together not to clash into a violent force. Saving and protecting take much endeavor, the sacrifice may be great, though you won't be out of mind or sight, Officer Cook. Humility and gallantry jell best when a righteous soul of a gentleman goes over and beyond the dangers of his position.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2017

If officers could change the way certain matters are handled then surely situations would be different. Nothing can bring you back among us, Officer Cook, sadly you have been greatly missed. Dade County had its humane and humble hero of honor, integrity and the core of dignity and those morals essential to pursuing wickedness. When a devoted and faithful man of motion steers himself around a venue with all the bravery and determination, then we shall salute his efforts. Enhancement was left behind for other valiant men and women to pass under those tunnels of tenacity while keeping peace and reason pinned to their uniform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tyranny takes its turns at robbing us of secure and safe times. Men like yourself, Officer Cook, took an affirmation to adjust its course away from society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2017

I meant to say you were never selfish, always an unwavering and unselfishly humble and most heroic public servant. Dade County was well served by you, Officer Cook, a man of stellar character, courage and the dignity and integrity backed by honor and grace. You paved the way for future officers to work the in's and outs of ridding evil from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Happy birthday Mrs. Cook and many more in the best of good health. Your beloved and darling son was a very brave human being, you worried about him just as Karen and his sister Nancy did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2017

The wisdom of the wise must permeate those who rely upon their bravery and courage. It's only when honor, dignity and integrity spread their wings of wonderful moments that we truly appreciate the heroic efforts of our guardian angels. You were a Dade County hero, Officer Cook, polite and prudent, a man of conviction and character who circled around the trails of tenacity chasing violence away from us while delivering peace and unity for all. A classy gentleman whose gallantry and humility are being forever saluted. The savior and warrior in you, Officer Cook, a humble human being who never bragged, boasted and was selfish. Your unselfishness was part of your sacrifice and us being able to carry out our peaceful pursuits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing and enhancing all a part of any public servant's docket of devotion and dedication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2017

Detriment and lack of dignity cause ruination to run wildly through venues that must have peace and security bordering their residents. In Dade County where you patrolled, Officer Cook, your valor, vigilance and honesty kept all folks at liberty as your integrity assisted you greatly in all your pursuits. The happiness and prosperity of all must be handled by humble and humane women and men of desire, efficiency and unwavering commitment to excellence and the spirit of which your heroic wings, Officer Cook, now allow your the grace to observe our journeys and their missions of faith, hope and mercy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2017

The screams of terror shall be answered by the sounds of bravery. Serenity and safety will merge as one entity. Quiet and humbleness crossed paths in your North Miami Beach, Florida and Berkeley, California homes, Officer Cook. Your home environment was filled with honorable actions, dignified purposes and integral interventions. Integrity and your moral character, courage and convictions helped you to police Dade County and its citizens that much better. Never forgotten. You were and will forever be our fighting hero. You stood for liberty and delivered the justice we all deserved as will the salutes of salutation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Encroachment requires two sides to come together not to clash into a violent force. Saving and protecting take much endeavor, the sacrifice may be great, though you won't be out of mind or sight, Officer Cook. Humility and gallantry jell best when a righteous soul of a gentleman goes over and beyond the dangers of his position.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2017

Sorry, I meant to say we try to understand why Mr. Pearsall shot and killed you, Officer Cook and nearly killed your colleagues who were shot and seriously wounded. Libraries are where people go and read books. One day try and go to your nearest public library and read about Forgotten Heroes who display extraordinary perception, perseverance, resolve and while balancing those hats of heroism and humility staple on their crisp uniforms and polished badges the words, integrity, honor and dignity. Peace, serenity, safety and liberty can only travel about with tenacity and vigilance following them close behind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2017

Solidarity at times leads to strife. You would think where there is some peace and stability at least let a little breeze of unity fly through. Dade County through the years has had its share of adversity and unrest. For the grace of God good men and women of character, sincerity and humility, such as yourself, Officer Cook, were there to serve, defend and protect our peaceful and secure moments. Being a superior public servant takes effort, skill and the acumen to focus on the perilous tasks at hand. Having the common sense, vision,clarity and the all important dignity, honesty and integrity takes much training to help maintain that professional balance. No one will ever forget your bravery, valor and charming disposition, Officer Cook. Forty-four years ago, I think that's accurate, your portrait was taken of you in uniform smiling in front of the American flag. You did justice rightfully. You calmed people down humbly. You enabled all of us to live more thought provoking lives where we can pursue in happiness and in prosperity. Good health and full of determined drive, those very same desires that helped you carry on. Your badge spoke and acted nobly. We all including your family wish you were here today to see the many changes that true heroism humanely leaves at our front door. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2017

It is often said that timing is everything. Unfortunately, in some chosen professions timing does not always compliment success. In Dade County during your watch, Officer Cook, you stood in there at dangerous moments. What happened to you on May 16, 1979, was obviously tragic and very gripping for your loving family and those honorable colleagues, dignified and full of vigor and valor who went to bat to conquer violence. Your integrity and character spoke humble volumes as to the hero of humility and courage that is required of every public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Every one of God's children is well taken care of and your wonderful soul is providing the light of inspiration for our future accomplishments to go forward. You can look back, just cherish the fondest of memories of a well lived life and career of enhancement where no shortcuts to serenity and peace for all Dade County residents were left behind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2017

We submit ourselves to the will of Our Lord. May the good Lord be with all His heroes and heroines of the various law enforcement communities who sacrifice their wisdom, respect, dignity and integrity while honestly pursuing the evil that violence creates. Dade County and its citizens looked towards your emancipating them from the throes of terror. You were simply a devoted public servant, humble and full of humility and the inner strength of character, Officer Cook. You hung in there when confronted with a ruthless and heinous enemy. To this day we can try to comprehend why Mr. Pearsall shot and killed you, Officer Cook and your two friends and colleagues, Officers Keith DeGenova and Robert Edgerton. Your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln somehow escaped any harm and then your other comrade, Detective Don Blocker came to the scene and finally killed Mr. Pearsall after that awful episode. Your friends deserve respect and salutes as you receive each day you are noticeably absent from your family. The grief and anguish are like an acid eating away inside of them. They are strong and resilient and though the years pass us by very quickly, you are never forgotten. Cherished, Adored and most treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your dream to become a police officer was fulfilled fruitfully and very simply faithfully, loyalty to all. Outstanding and commendable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

Respect. Reverence. Resolve. Reserved. Heroes and heroines are born of a humble and humanely caring nature. You came from a military background, Officer Cook, as your father, Charles, may he rest in peace served our country. Your mother and sister can only be so proud of you both. Heroes and neighbors of ours who gallantly and bravely served and protected peace, security and the very essence of great effort and stellar integrity. Dade County and its citizens were given assurances of peace and liberty being built with character and the hidden ingredient of honesty. I'll keep you in my prayers Mrs. Cook. In two days you will celebrate your 102nd birthday a marvelous accomplishment though I know you miss your beloved husband and your noble and darling son. Courage and valor only to be fondly revered and respected for placing enhancement where it should be. The very evil you fought to keep away from us who choose life, Officer Cook, you were a humble and treasured hero and savior. Never will we forget your feats of spirit and ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul cheers us on in our endeavors as you ride higher each day in God's pristine pastures. Your faithfulness through adversity has sustained you, Mrs. Cook. God bless you and many more in good health and peace for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

The ailments of society are the very violence that threatens humanity's very humble dignity. So those who care and display integrity and honor deserve that very sacred chance to calm those who may needed their tempers smoothed out a bit. You spoke in a calm and soothing style, Officer Cook and so because of your concern and caring, Dade County and its folks were spared and their peace and unity were delivered right where they ought to be. A young man of character and class now sitting in the front row of God's fields of resolve and hope. His eternal mercy shall endure here forever. Your bravery and valor, Officer Cook, spearheaded motivation for other comrades to follow in. Never unwavering, always fighting on our behalf until your last breath. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We ponder and think about what the future might have been if God saved you from that awful day when God took you back home. A great man. Humble and humane validating class and efficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

Your smile and respect for police work, Officer Cook, left nothing but admiration and pride for other brave souls to work and to labor under. The deeds and desires of Dade County and its citizens were always sunder your watchful eyes. The vision and wisdom to back up your efforts of integrity and dignity. Nothing below par. Colleagues and those family members along with your close personal friends have so honored your humility and esteem for others. To sacrifice one's life for continuation of our values and ideals to carry on says much. Wickedness was handled judiciously and for all to take notice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2017

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