Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The driver steers the vehicle. The officer works alone, flying solo or with a partner who shares the same goals, morals and inspirations in offering hope and goodwill for our society. Officer Cook, you navigated around the Dade County area that continues its honor of their many heroes and heroines of which you were an angel with wings delving into peace and liberty while maintaining prosperity, faith, integrity and dignity. You cannot even start to pursue peace and take away evil unless you are composed of certain traits. Loyalty and dependability are among the many features that make up a tenacious and focused public servant of which you my neighbor, friend and hero were very resourceful and unwavering. Undaunted and calm in the very face of peril you can be certain colleagues will so honor your memory etched on walls and implanted into our thoughts and hearts. Your beloved and cherished soul, Officer Cook, can sing God's praises of joy for you never abandoned us. You were present and accounted for. Journeys, missions and those destinies were handled through Our Lord always revered and respected for a job well done and a well lived life. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2017

Selflessness and humbleness sure can take an adventurous person down those pathways of precision. It is the mold that is cast in their resolve, honesty and sure dignity. You toiled on behalf of Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, a humane and confident young man and gallant gentleman of so much courage an dinner strength, it left a tremendous stamp on your heroic legacy. The memory of a soul of a man of character whose service and sincerity won't be overlooked. Peace, civility and the sanctity that arduous work and training prepared you, Officer Cook, for the extremely rigorous challenges that lied ahead. Your destiny was complete. Missions of faith and ferocity finished. Journeys carried you from place to place, from point A to point B and so forth. Our Creator has His best employees of effort and unquestionable promise housed right where he can watch you patrol His pearly gates of humility. Humanity was served and morals were properly placed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You can sleep soundly in knowing we could slumber succinctly and very sweetly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2017

The diehard compose themselves and keep their dignity, integrity and honesty humbly within their brave hearts and souls of security. That is what you did, Officer Cook, no flash, no glitz or glamor. You received respect and admiration for coming to the aid of those you served and those comrades who assisted you in your professional roles and feats during your watch. A person of character instills in others the values, ethics and morals that are necessary as we attempt to defeat this monster branded as evil. Its ugliness takes more wind out of our sails than it should. We had you, Officer Cook and your fellow Metro-Dade Police Department colleagues of transparency to handle the tough work. Long and winding is that road to resolve that now has you protected for eternal safekeeping in God's enchanted shelter. Those wings of courage can keep you flying higher everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2017

Emotions are a way of showing our true inner moods. have a conviction and champion your endeavors in that general direction. You were a very passionate young man, Officer Cook, a life of reverence and perseverance never to be forgotten. You carried your personal life and police career so soundly and that is why we can be thankful for your saving and heroic effort. Integrity, honesty and dignity all shadowed your journeys of justice and fairness throughout Dade County and the citizens could not have been any happier. Sad that your life ended as it did, yet character and commitment, class and desire were earmarked as your legacy in which we can best memorialize your spirit. It was as humble and humane as your golden heart of giving, Officer Cook, you were that shining example of outstanding public service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2017

Show me devotion and I'll show your faith and bravery all together working along with intellect and integrity. If you compose yourself with honor and humility and conviction will represent themselves quite well. You held your own, Officer Cook, in this seemingly endless battle, a war over violence and its wickedness that takes no prisoners. You fought for our rights and unity in Dade County, Officer Cook, with as much commitment and character that helped to neutralize this unmitigated evil. Your colleagues and family carry on your journeys and their missions as faithfully as you did. Never forgotten and always our hero, most importantly your family's angelic hero of humbleness. Enhancement carries on as those foundations of fairness and ferocity that you set out to create. A bond and its boldness never to be broken. It may stretch, it cannot snap nor fall apart. Police give their lives to serve and you, Officer Cook, enlightened and engaged with your jovial personality and that big bright smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2017

As the Jewish people get prepared to usher in the Holy Day of Atonement referred to as Yom Kippur, let us all pray. People of all faiths who you devoutly served and protected, Officer Cook, from harm and misfortune. The structure of peace, unity and prosperity for all Dade County citizens was handled professionally, humbly and very loyally by yourself. A man and a hero of the mist highest degree of humility whose stellar character helped avert disaster. May 16, 1979 was that living and shining example of an angelic hero making a difference in the honesty, dignity and integrity of a community that cared and admired greatly your efficient effort and unwavering resolve and unselfish sacrifice on behalf of all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2017

What is man in this God-filled world? Is he not a creature of God? Should he not also be a servant of God? Every fiber of his body was created, formed and arranged by God. Your spirit, Officer Cook, your personality, rationale and honor, integrity and dignity weaved and worked in this miniature universe, this microcosm. It was your devoutness, reverence, piety and faith which helped to sustain you for twenty-five years. All the fruition, all the labors of love, admiration and respect for a position so sacred, bold and demanding. Danger and trouble just touch the surface. Dade County and its folks were brightened and touched by your heroic being, a soul so a humble and a spirit so full of life and passion. You followed directions, Officer Cook and so superiors saw excellent work and made you a squad leader of other women and men as engaging and as brave as you. You fulfilled God plans, executed journeys and their missions of mercy and hope without regret. Not a day goes by, Officer Cook and I don't forget or let your heroic deeds out of my mind. You served, saved and protected the peaceful voyages of one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, class, desire and appreciation for all your contributions to our society. Compassion, care, concern, consideration and kindness while doing a job you always dreamed of accomplishing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2017

A man should be master of his will and slave of his conscience. A confident and humble person inspires loyalty and the confidence of others. So right and totally true. You aspired to be the very best officer possible, Officer Cook and no one was letdown, only if we the citizens could have done for you that sad day of May 16, 1979. I wish I could have held your hands, your head up, done something to stop your life from ending, I know the paramedics and doctors at North Shore Hospital did all they could to save and to sustain you. Your friend, Officer DiGenova was there too at the hospital and the doctors operated on his brain and yet today he suffers permanent injuries because of that fierce day and so too does Officer Robert Edgerton who was shot about a half an inch below his heart, the bullet went down through gastrointestinal tract and also he had a gunshot to his forearm. A brain which controls the body and a set of lungs meant to breathe and to send oxygen throughout the body, they tried my neighbor, friend and hero of character, honor, humility, dignity and integrity. You were gallant and brave right until you sadly drew your last breath saving Dade County and structuring peace and ability back to its people. How noble and worthwhile is that? Sensational and outstanding, Officer Cook. Your tennis partner, Officer Keith DiGenova struggles with what happened thirty-eight years ago, you were his tennis and patrol partner, at times, friend, peer and heroic angel who saved your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln. your two comrades in arms and Detective Dan Blocker who shot and killed that troubled young man who took your life and career of tenacity right out from under you. No one forgets a humble and guardian angel of valor all of which you became, Officer Cook. Your still smiling today in heaven as you rest in peace along with your father, Charles and may your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, live and be well at age one-hundred and two. A soul so sacred and cherished, faithful and supportive, you'll always be so honored and paid homage for acting as professionally as you always did both at work and in your private life with Karen.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2017

Fear only two: God and the person who has no fear of Our Creator. You were a devout young man, Officer Cook, a gentleman who prayed with your beloved Karen at the Visitation Catholic Church near where you resided and close to where I now live with my wife and family. The bonds of boldness and bravery were worn right across your chest, Officer Cook, where you could have the greatest impact. Fair and balanced. Straight as an arrow in honor, humility and the integral dignity and integrity toward all people, Dade County looked up to your accountability and stabilizing to maintain a semblance of quiet and liberty for all. You practiced what you preached and because of your consummate devotion and steadfast dedication and sheer determination were you able to lead other brave souls of serenity. We are here and realize your wonderful and treasured soul of enhancement is floating high above your family and all who knew you, Officer Cook, Badge#1664 is not far away. Its character, conviction and class are never too far. You paved the trails of tenacity and passed that torch of ferocity humbly and ably to other comrades to pick up fruition where your journeys in life and during your public service career lied. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God waits long and hard for us to return to His ways and in the end rewards those who perform with His unending, unwavering and unselfish interest. You just are missed very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2017

Half a truth is a whole lie. Thankfully you were an honest and trustworthy public servant, Officer Cook, so full of energy, decency and devotion. The kind of sincerest effort with integrity and dignity that humbly and humanely saved and protected lives, those comrades who relied upon your bravery and humility and the citizens at large who trusted your professional instincts of intuition and intelligence to plate peace and unity where it rings true. Today, there are those who think corruption and bribery are allowed, well thank God we the public does not hire them for a job, a role of resolve so demanding and dangerous where everything rides at times on common sense and split second decisions. Your cooperative character, wisdom and gentle spirit, Officer Cook, has been felt and never will it be forgotten. A source or pride and commitment helped Dade County come out of its doldrums. One day real soon we pray and place our hopes in God that violence, hatred and bigotry will be vanquished forever from our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2017

To the bereaved, the weariness of losing a loved one to wickedness can cause a tremendous amount of pain and anguish that never really goes away. The best laid plans of men and women sometimes are not always fulfilled. You achieved, Officer Cook, you maintained the sanity and civility in Dade County during your time because of honesty, focusing on ingenuity, integrity and the dignity that having morals can do for a reliable public servant humble and loyal to a tee to their peers of resolve and justice. You will not be overlooked or forgotten. Saluted for piety and reverence, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Destinies, their journeys and missions take us to parts of various venues where equality and the assurances of peace and unity can finally settle in when the dust clears. Take care of Officer Cook and his warrior friends, angelic heroes and heroines one and all who served bravely and with a staunch conviction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2017

We hire someone who is qualified and possesses honesty, dignity and integrity. A solemn and serious role for a class individual of devotion, loyalty and faithfulness. Dade County brought you aboard, Officer Cook, your department hired the right man for such a demanding and perilous assignment. You put your stamp of peace and serenity, security and safety right upon the hearts and souls of the residents you provided vigilance and diligence for. They were in very confident and humanely humble hands. Wickedness was handled promptly and prudently. A smile and yet a toughness that when called upon produced outstanding and brave results. Always remembered as a hero and savior. Saluted for humility, civility and the nobleness of public servant who wore his resolve right where it was necessary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2017

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that the very violence which took your heroic life did not derail your family's pursuits of prosperity and their hunt for happiness. It sure would be much sweeter if you were here with them. Nonetheless, your honor, respect and dignity filled with integrity won't ever be forgotten. Your peers and family would not forget a gentleman of humility, a gallant public servant right until the end. Our trials and tribulations may at times be long and arduous, you at least kept right on going down those tracks of tenacity battling evil with all your morals, values and charismatic devotion to duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Safe and sound today bounded by boldness and the calming care and concern you solemnly provided, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2017

Courage churns while violence tries its best to upset the applecart. You had the fortitude and the ferocity, Officer Cook, to tenaciously look evil in the eye, kind of like facing a spitting cobra. Deadly and dangerous. Dade County had and has seen it all from quiet to kayos and so great women and men, humble in spirit and dignified and honest in loyalty serve and watch over us. Our heroines and heroes saluted mightily for curbing a crisis and instilling their intuition and sage wisdom throughout a region struggling for serenity. You know you did an upscale job satisfying our needs, Officer Cook, with a proverbial passion for proficient endeavor, a very taxing and yet rewarding job that offers greatness to those who hang in and save lives of both the citizens and their colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of endearment with an engaging smile and personality to match. Your feats of inner strength all from your golden heart, one of fondness and appreciation for all that Our Creator did for you and your caring family. He has you, Officer Cook, sheltered forever in eternal safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

We cheer for the underdog and root for our bravest and most considerate of heroes who come through while striving for peace and a prosperous life. Your accomplishments, Officer Cook, passed through your parents home and through sound and wonderful wisdom from Nancy, your big sister. Our community here in Dade County where you served for six years and patrolled with a humble passion has not forgotten your bravery, honor and gallantry. The pious and those who carry morals on their badges are rewarded for their effort. Your fellow peers salute and so honor your legacy of love and respect you had for your serious position where serenity, safety and quiet all came with the ultimate price you dearly paid, Officer Cook. Violence took you from this world sadly, it did derail your family's aspirations and hunts for happiness. Though, "Uncle Bo" as you were called, Officer Cook, you should be here as they would all adore and love you very much and miss you very dearly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

It's a novel idea for one to be noble. But, to be noble you must dig deep down inside of yourself to find the pockets of preservation and causes of courage. It requires men and women to be both brave and united in their causes and pursuits of resolve and integrity when surely honesty and dignity follow their every bit of ferociousness. You never trailed the crowd, those in your police academy class, Officer Cook. Miami-Dade College Police Academy had one of its many finest and most heroic of public servants. Dade County was under your wings of wonderful character and accentuated byproducts of values and ideals that made stopping evil at least it gave you a great partner in making inroads. We salute your candor and congeniality, Officer Cook, prime reasons for your endeavors and their achievements. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Embellishing foundations and laying the groundwork for future cornerstones of our world and a society that has paid homage to your solemn feats. Mature and confident in a humble manner of your abilities, Officer Cook, God bless you and may Our Lord take your soul of security to newer heights for eternity's sake and for your sisters and brothers of hope and honor who too paid that humane price for our peace and dreams to reach fruition. I'm sorry you could not be here, we are all sorry you are not here to share in those precious milestone accomplishments of your loving family members. You are keeping track up in those golden and sacred gates of heaven above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

You are a part of your family and colleagues' lives, Officer Cook, you deserved a better fate for your integrity and honor displayed wisely each day. You gave your life and a career you always cherished for our lives and inspirations to proceed. Heroism and humanity touch our very souls and you my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of faith and its validity made its trails of tenacity like never before. Rest in peace. You reap what you sow and God seals His most astute and unselfish men and women in a place, eternity where no harm will pass their way again. Evil takes no prisoners. You freed us, Officer Cook, from the bonds of brazen and cowardly individuals bent on terror.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

You are a part of your family and colleagues' lives, Officer Cook, you deserved a better fate for your integrity and honor displayed wisely each day. You gave your life and a career you always cherished for our lives and inspirations to proceed. Heroism and humanity touch our very souls and you my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of faith and its validity made its trails of teracity like never before. Rest in peace. You reap what you sow and God seals His most astute and unselfish men and women in a place, eternity where no harm will pass their way again. Evil takes no prisoners. You freed us, Officer Cook, from the bonds of brazen and cowardly individuals bent on terror.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

Frustration can lead to a letting down of one's guard. Even police officers who should be the epitome of careful caution may get tripped up from time to time. Nothing should stop a good man nor keep him down. Violence was not repeat was not going to deter you, Officer Cook, from making your appointed rounds of reverence and respect for all Dade County folks. You will be applauded and humbly saluted for heroic humility and the cunning bravery that good morals and character breeds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who took the torch from you are at wits end in this wild and wooly fight over wickedness. You calmed and brought peace and unity to a community starving for its serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

Those building blocks of boldness keep getting taller. All through your successful enhancements of Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook. Inertia carried your integrity, dignity and honor as part of your symbolic uniform and badge of bravery. Courage and commitment that colleagues witnessed day after day was humbly true and through heroism. It shines brilliantly like the sun. All the peace and togetherness placed precisely down those paths of preservation and unyielding resolve. Violence takes its best cuts and will never deter those brave and humble souls who now and always carry on your journeys, Officer Cook, those missions of goodwill you humbly started forty-four years ago and forever God keeps your beloved soul alive in His home of humanity. Heroes and heroines of decency, devotion and decorum. No deficiency or deceit. All work and outstanding action to save and protect lives of your peers and those demanding and expecting quality assurances you delivered upon taking an affirmation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No hyperbole. No double talk. Just straight from your golden and courageous heart of giving. All loving family members gone before their time. Taken from this world leaving gaping holes for their families to mourn, grieve and attempt to heal. Humility and destiny have seen to those deeds. No one is left out or forgotten for their contribution to our great society. Kneeling and holding hands helps quiet things down a bit. The rights of all Americans are protected by our public servants and our Constitution. You upheld the laws, Officer Cook, for taking on this arduous and perilous assignment, God steers you higher and higher as you patrol pearly gates where grit, gumption and gallantry lie at the feet of ferocity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

Dignity, humility and integrity get their I's dotted. Honor and bravery get their respects as their heroes and heroines focus their efforts on conquering a giant of a monster. The evil that pervaded Dade County where you sought and patrolled for peace and unity, Officer Cook, was in fact a message being handed down. We its people will want security and safety for all mankind. You can get by on talent, but not alone as you will have muster up enough conviction, commitment and consideration for which character, resourcefulness and resolve may be incorporated into the solutions that lie ahead on that road filled with obstacles and potholes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are honored for being consistently being humane and humble while carrying out your duties as a public servant of extraordinary class, value and charm.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

You were born in Northern California and came down to sunny South Florida as a one year old, Officer Cook. Those wings of wonderful and humble courage still soar high like an eagle. Your living and breathing example of outstanding professionalism, dignity, honor and real integrity in and out won't ever be forgotten. You displayed uncanny devotion and the proper due vigilance to carry out the tough and demanding jobs that police work involves. Dade County and its people revere such humane labors of love and esteem as you put wickedness in its rightful position. No matter, character, decency and moral decorum all shined brightly everyday and on the day when you gave your life. Twenty five years of humility and a self-confidence to lead others through attrition and peril while serving and protecting our decorums and faithful navigation. Your spirit which was like your personality, engaging and focused shall always be solemnly honored as will the homages paid to your memory. It will carry on in your family's life and in their pursuits of peace and happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

Liberation demands contemplation over what lies next. You fought and fought day after day, Officer Cook, for the rights of Dade County citizens to be free and to live and pursue their dreams and aspirations. You dreamt and you aspired to become the very best public servant who offered the most blessed and yet humblest of honesty, dignity and integrity as stellar as there is. You deserved to live no matter what happened on May 16, 1979, just as all officers who shall go out and patrol for whatever security and safety is there to blanket ourselves with. The concern, caring and character all followed suit in your tenacity and the pathways of preserve that you diligently laid down as a foundation by which those cornerstones are now etched and forevermore anchored as one entity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

It's haunting and vile why so many go public servants, honest, brave and loyal who fight the battles of evil with commanding boldness and humility are taken from their loving families before their time is over with more left to accomplish. Dade County and its residents have seen it all and still we just are left to ponder why violence took your life and career from you, Officer Cook. All the integrity and incorporation of dignity, character and morals, still wondering why Our Creator needed your sunny spirit and soul of serenity nestled among those many other valiant and righteous men and women of peace and unity? Those humble missions and their journeys were not desperation, rather determination and faithful devotion to your comrades and to those whom you loyally protected. Prosperity remains your enhancement, Officer Cook and its resolute contributions to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honored for humane heroism, saluted for aiding and for unwavering and unselfish awareness and the astuteness behind your firmness and fairness to all. Never forgotten. Keeping observing our trials and travels, Officer Cook, you were a gentleman and an intellectual man of means who came to the rescue and persevered like no other officer. It meant a lot to wear that shiny badge, polished shoes and crisp and pristine uniform of conviction and of the commitment to both excellence and pride.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

Off to a flying beginning, police have their tasks and associated challenges in maintaining the dignity of peace and warding off the calamities of callous behavior. You did all you could for all Dade County, Officer Cook, honest and full of integrity and the character coming from basic morals that all public servants must adhere to. You can be sure your heroic name and its legacy of justice and humility won't ever be overlooked and certainly Badge#1664 and your good name in the name of goodwill, faith, mercy and peace will forever be saluted valiantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2017

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