Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Certainty removes all doubt. No one ever questioned your astuteness, awareness or passion you had, Officer Cook, for your professional roles of resolve. It takes humility and the dignified honesty and integrity to lead other brave men and women through the channels of callousness. Courage, desire and conviction in the long run help to fight evil and this battle is only starting. For Dade County's citizens, you fought, Officer Cook and were one determined young man of caring and compassion. Your badge and uniform represented morals and the values that made you so versatile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing and encouraging, we will let those foundations you set out to fruitfully set down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2017

If you ask the right person for advice you will get the desired answer. If you called a man of dignity and morals to serve and to persevere, you got him. You were one of Dade County's many police heroes and heroines, Officer Cook. A dependable gentleman whose bravery and gallantry when united with your honor, dignity and integrity brought about the correct measure of peace and serenity. Never far from our thoughts and hearts, your actions helped to enhance the stability and sanctity of life for many citizens. Violence should not have taken you from your family, friends and colleagues who stand in reverence to offer their heartwarming salutes of courage and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class and commitment assist in the war over evil and its perversion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2017

Saving one life is comparable to rescuing the universe. Great and humble women and men just performing their official jobs of service and protection. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you were the honorable and most dignified savior of all. Your intense passion to preserve life and property won't be forgotten. You kept your integrity close to your vest and had the desirable character to heroic ally act as you did. The sounds of silence may be deafening, you sure fulfilled, Officer Cook, a humane and well respected public servant of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2017

Don't go there is common phrase meant to say don't say this or that. But, in police work all duly sworn angels of valor must respond to any calls of duty as you answered on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, when Dade County and its residents needed their peace and quiet arranged accordingly. No finer a man of quality assurance, character, discipline and the total devotion to faith, ferocity and honor which you had along with stellar integrity and the desired dignity to serve and to protect life. Always remembered for humbleness, humane kindness and the valid humility to provide the causes of civility and its sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2017

Use your common sense, utilize the gifts bestowed within you. Public service is not for the faint hearted. It is for those men and women who possess the strong will and the constitution to make their communities less dangerous and more peaceful and unified. Dade County was made much safer by your humble effort, Officer Cook, your simple and direct to the point honesty, diligence and the dignity and integrity to inform, calm and to resolve any conflicts. Today, you have been solemnly saluted for unselfish bravery and the character necessary to make commitment and morals matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2017

Better to see the glass half empty and think for the moment. We can't dwell on what might transpire ten years from now. We do know thirty-eight years ago when you served and gave your life for Dade County, Officer Cook, it was all for the proper security and the serene peace and calm that those residents expected. Your honor and candid style for the most part helped to alleviate evil and its rotten resilience. We look to those future women and men of integrity and honesty to put out those fierce fires of ferocious wickedness. You were an expert in excelling in efficiency, a character that all public servants must subscribe to. The police academy weeds out those not meant to serve and trains those devoted and humble enough to stand up to the rigors of a stressful position. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Glass breaks. Morals and good character cannot be tarnished. You served your community and nation very well, Officer Cook, our friend and savior with a savvy and humane approach to resolving dilemmas.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2017

Defiance befits lack of dignity and devotion. So if you are a driven and faithful public servant the chances are the peace and its defining moments will last longer. You were a very loyal and accomplished young man, Officer Cook and no doubt those whom you served with and those whom you protected will cherish their every moment and friendship with a natural born leader of other brave souls of safety and its righteousness. We never forget the character, decorum and motivation of one who is intelligent beyond his years and who demonstrated the proper acumen to carry out his assignments promptly and professionally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If foundations and their cornerstones are correctly affixed the stability will not falter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2017

We urge others to be considerate and to use caution. Police must do it and so should we. Dade County was in good hands and the hope of goodwill and peace rested in your humble palms of perseverance, Officer Cook. A valiant man of morals and the honesty and integrity to see your missions through. God has taken you on a journey where you now can look over enhancement from the heavens above. Pray that other brave souls are as well grounded as you were, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2017

When it rains it pours like cats and dogs. Your dogged determination and stellar dignity, Officer Cook, provided Dade County and its folks that much needed relief and peace from evil. A respite from violence and a calming passion to persuade others. Comrades and your family salute your bravery and decency, character and integrity. There among us was a young man, an honest gentleman of faith and devotion releasing us from the hands of heinousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always thoughtful. Always composed and humane.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2017

Trees provide shade. Water quenches one's thirst. Excellent character and morals helps greatly in quieting one's emotions. You were an excellent policeman, Officer Cook. A class gentle soul whose whole life embodied the principles of perseverance and outstanding dignity and integrity. Honor and pride when meshed properly together provide the energy needed to ward off wickedness. Colleagues have saluted your grace and gallantry which have never left their sight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing and so much more left to fulfill. God directed your life of piety and brought you back to a place where no more harm would come your way. No stone was left unturned when you served and protected. You were the quintessential public servant of resolve and direction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2017

Holes are meant to be filled. You filled the quietness of Dade County and its residents with your calming demeanor, Officer Cook. Your patrols of a community that honors your heroic memory shall always be revered. Your kindness and character will be forever saluted along with your integrity, dignity and the humane honesty. Humility carries a person's trails as far down the road as possible, though your pursuits of happiness should have been allowed to continue. God decides our destinies and for your accomplishments, Officer Cook, may your family be blessed with the peace of mind to carry on with your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those gaping holes left by a beloved family member who had bravery and courage will always stayed imprinted in our minds. You were a gentleman, thoughtful and very sincere, Officer Cook. What a loss to society and more importantly to your family and comrades. The battles over evil continue. That torch of tenacity that you passed down won't ever be extinguished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2017

Dulled by pain, your loss to humanity, Officer Cook, was unforgettable. You paid the ultimate price of humbleness and were a champion of devotion, dignity and the humane honor to fight for what was right. Dade County and its people won't forget your valor and convictions. They were centered on peace and liberty with unity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character back in your day meant something, let us hope today it represents as much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2017

Failure to secure peace and prosperity may bring down kayos and whatever perils may be lurking. A man of sound mind and body, you brought the deliverance of dignity and hope to all Dade County, Officer Cook. Your character and commitment were as much responsible for freedom as was your honesty and integrity. You will be faithfully saluted for bravery and the humility to restore a sense of calmness while dispensing the attributes we the people count on from public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2017

Joy can be tempered by the sounds of gunfire. Concert goers scrambling for cover while a crazed individual looking for attention perverts peace and freedom all in a matter of precious seconds. Well Dade County and its people were well served by your conventional and undaunted courage, conviction and the commitment that saw your destinies, Officer Cook through honor, integrity and dignity. All relevant in your resounding resolve and fierce resourcefulness. No peer, no person could ever say you never gave it your all. A humble gentleman, a worldly hero loyal to the causes of peace and the removal of violence and its unruly and wanton wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of conclusive character who exposed evil and attempted to reign in its chains of callousness. Never overlooked nor forgotten. We see enhancement everyday and wonder why the good Lord did allow you the right to partake in the fruits of your earnest labor? That will be the eternal question. And until your family meets up with you again in heaven only Our Master of the universe has all the logical answers. We will ponder these complexities. Thinking helps us understand why you were bold and brave while maintaining dignity and humility. Humanity was well protected and so was a community that respected and so honors you, Officer Cook. Badge #1664 and its uniform fought and hung in there tenaciously. No doubt about that. Admiration. Steadfast determination and the leadership motivation all right in front of our eyes, ears and minds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2017

God strikes with one hand and heals with the other. Scolding nor laughing can effect change in the world. What happened last night in Las Vegas, Nevada, the worst mass killing in this country's history. Percolation was in circulation. Don't know what was in that man's head. Stephen Paddock, a sixty-four year old monster bent on violence shot more than five hundred people and killed over fifty with rifles, automatic weapons, just amazing, Officer Cook. Shooting from the Mandalay Bay Hotel on the strip from the thirty-second floor. Why? The same question begs for an answer why were you killed by Mr. Pearsall? You were a morally righteous man of character, commitment and the courage to serve and save Dade County and allow peace and contentment to fill the air we breathe. Honest. Holder of humility, integrity and dignity, your peers who have relished their retirements must be asking why too. You had charisma, charm and an engaging personality, the whole world full of achievement left to undertake and those roads of tenacity begging for your sagely wisdom. To be faithfully guided through your career and life, you'll always be solemnly remembered and saluted for conventional maturity and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Evil, torment, terror and turmoil strikes hardest when you least expect it to. You performed your professional roles, Officer Cook, to the tee and letter, let us praise Our Creator for bestowing your humbleness among all of mankind. From all accounts the man, that mass murderer was financially comfortable. He could have used his wealth for much more practical and sounder means. It's all about principles and values. Tough words to swallow and to digest. You were a class act, Officer Cook, nothing needed translating or decoding. The message was delivered loud and clear when you served and preserved the dignities of life and property. God placed you here, Officer Cook, to make us laugh, yet to take heart and to make an accounting of our actions, there are certain consequences if laws are broken and unruliness starts to set in.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2017

A blend of boldness, a pinch of perseverance and a dose of dignity and what do you have? You have a very honorable man of God, gallantry and the humble means of integrity who went out on his patrols of Dade County and its residents resolving and calming the masses when terror and mayhem struck. One great man of faith, devotion and kindness shadowing the peace, unity and the freedom to be prosperous. A caption of character, commitment to wisdom and the foresight to see ferocity and fairness through, Officer Cook, in all your life's pursuits. Happiness should be the offering of the day in the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson homes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism requires thought, understanding and the unwavering and unselfish sacrifice you made on behalf of Dade County, its citizens and their peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2017

Suffer is meant to educate us. If we free ourselves from guilt, God still burdens us with sorrow. That pain and heartbreak over losing you, Officer Cook, at the tender young age of twenty-five. You were a savior and a hero of pride, honor and the greatest level of courage, dignity and integrity poured into your public service efforts of saving and protecting Dade County and its citizens from harm. We should all strive to decency and humility instead of being careless and carefree. The fruits of your labor, Officer Cook, your outstanding character and the morals necessary to serenity and peace were always accountable. We were created by Our Lord to help and preserve, to teach and to spread happiness, faith and goodwill among all of society. You held your own and the fort as well to be supremely so honored and saluted by your comrades who went out and battled this evil with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tasks and their dangerous challenges are the assignments by which aware and astutely wise and visionary men and women pursue. They yield the successes of their missions, journeys and destinies of intelligent and articulate warriors as you were, Officer Cook. Never forgotten. Your family still misses you each day. God bless your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. I still have your wonderful letter, warm and very sentimental. I wished our families knew you and your family.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2017

Dust. dirt. Blood. A torn uniform. All in the name of life and limb. A police officer's job is to protect and serve and for the sake of heaven you were one supreme and humbly superb public servant, Officer Cook. A man of humane honor, dignity and the reverence of integrity through devotion and faith. Colleagues have paid respects to your memory and intense fight over an enemy of enormous proportions, violence. Those destinies and their fruition were achieved and now God has taken your morally upright soul back to His house where you can safely patrol His sacred streets and golden pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For what heroism is worth you were a legend in Dade County and to its citizens where you positioned peace and prosperity where it rightfully meant to be.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2017

Fear of a misfortune is worse than the misfortune. Police officers and firefighters, the bravest, honest and noblest of individuals enter their positions of trust and integrity knowing full well the risks involved. They come with the territory. You wanted to become a police officer, a duly sworn public servant here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Just a tragedy that violence an done man's pursuits of evil robbed you of your life with Karen and your entire family of loving and blessed folks. Your three great-nieces and great-nephew miss and were denied the opportunity to dote on you. If I could turn back the clock. I can't unfortunately. Though, your honor, integrity and dignity resolved and helped alleviate some wickedness allowing those residents the tunnels by which to travel through in peace and in hope. God cannot take away the bravery nor humility by which you morally served and justified your journeys of fruition, fairness and ferocity. All blended excellently by your stellar quality of character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines walk in righteous ways, you, Officer Cook, were a humble and proud man. I know more was left to fulfill. Mrs. Cook live and be well. Your beloved and darling son, "Billy" was the epitome of a really professional servant. God has rewarded his soul of mercy for service, protection and in saving lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2017

Bind your thoughts to the words of your prayers and you will gain God's grace. Dade County and its citizens were bound together by your undaunted and unselfish honor and heroism, Officer Cook. There are many sure fire ways to garner the peace and unity of a community, dignity and integrity are among the many trails that one young resourceful gentleman of gallantry followed during his life and career. A distinction of devotion and desire led by determination and the goodwill and faith to properly mold and shape other brave comrades of courage and serenity. We won't forget your sincerity nor your humility as it humanely struck a positive chord of endearment forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today, your life and their journeys, Officer Cook, would be with Karen relishing the resolve and efforts you had put forth. You endeavored to calm down that young man along with your colleagues, God has your morally righteous soul in His eternal home of homage along with those angelic heroes and heroines who sacrificed for a brighter future, one you should have been granted the opportunity to participate in.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2017

Curbing one's faults takes a lot of effort and practice. You helped to curb crime in Dade County, Officer Cook, by virtue of vigilance and the honesty to delve into danger and terror without worrying about your own safety as all public servants must do. The due diligence and devotion allowed you the humility to search and to find evil wherever it was. You won't be forgotten for having commitment and the righteous character to forever enhance our continuations of aspirations in our pursuits of happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2017

Fairness and firmness are the allies of peace and unity. Bravery and commitment take their shapes from honesty, integrity and dignity which you had and so much more, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people had their security and serenity provided promptly and most proudly by yourself. You'll be fondly remembered for heroic actions of morals and character, the class of faith, desire and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You enjoyed serving and preserving life and your missions and journeys were deemed finished. Always very tragic and traumatic for your family and peers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2017

Reverence and bravery run along the lines of honor and dignity, for it is in the integrity of our most boldest of public servants who protect our values and safety. You gave Dade County and its residents a fighting chance to succeed and to live a peaceful life. Always giving and most humane and humble, your caring character helped made comrades stand and take notice of your professional feats. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dearly beloved and admired by all people, the quality here has been missing since your untimely demise. God has you sheltered forevermore where nothing will ever hurt you again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2017

Atonement may lead to forgiveness. Among man and his fellow neighbor going to them directly and apologizing helps heal the wounds that transgression brings. You were a gentle man, Officer Cook, a human being of real honesty and intellect. Now it's easier to understand why you were so mature beyond the crowd. Violence should not have sealed your fate as you were too good of a public servant to go before his time. The fulfillment of a lifetime dream was to be a police officer, but we the people of Dade County should keep in mind, your uniform and badge stood for more than we can even think about. It is character, concern and the basic fabric of ferocity and morals that helped to sustain your trails of resolve and perseverance my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Those golden and green pastures are lined with bravery, excellence in heroism and the humane and esteemed humility essential to doing a fine job.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2017

One never should give up or lose their concentration when reflecting upon the many fallen heroes and heroines of honor, humility and the gentle humbleness of their souls that delivered everlasting peace, safety and security for all mankind. Officer Cook, you were the virtue of values and valor, one of the forty-two from your department who gave their lives so we the citizens of Dade County could continue our purposes in life which were your motivations and aspirations. They were geared towards rescuing and reviving those souls who needed a little comfort. Those giant holes left behind by your untimely absence caused by wanton violence against God's servants of love and affection. The carefree do just that they go along and don't really think about too much. You pondered and comprehended your roles, Officer Cook, going by the golden book to broker peaceful relations among all people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Effort, resolve and reverence must be constructed into the cornerstones of fighting for quiet and unity for one and all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2017

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