Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

For all those men and women, angelic heroines and heroes now patrolling God's sacred venues and those humble pearly gates of heaven we offer our heartfelt thanks. Your bravery, morals and character all went into placing peace and unity where it actually belongs. Here in Dade County where you served and strived for calm among the violence that was present. You were, Officer Cook, the epitome of a classy gentleman, a young man full of life and one who endeared yourself to integrity, honesty and dignity as you drove around looking for ways to make people safer. The calmness of the night, the big bright sun by day, whenever you spoke, people would take notice. Mankind through your humane and noble goodwill is indebted to you my neighbor, friend and hero forever. God has the character and commitments, those convictions to balance right from wrong sheltered in His kingdom where nothing will ever harm you again. Rest in peace. Full of vigor and wisdom, more mature than most, you will be revered for unwavering resolve and sheer resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2017

To pay tribute is to honor the life and if that person passes to pay homage and to honor their memory. When public servants make that ultimate sacrifice we remember their dignity and integrity which served and protected our peace and the right to live freely. When you gave your life, Officer Cook, your family and colleagues honored your reverence and humble humility toward Dade County and its citizens. Etched and forever stamped and sealed within our thoughts is your character, boldness and commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those journeys and destinies you made on our behalf are a part of your family's hopefully happy pursuits in their lives all a part of your heroic legacy never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2017

Reliance upon honesty and dignity surely can help those morally brave and high skilled women and men of character. You were a very desired and dedicated human being, Officer Cook and for your supreme service Dade County and its people were in good hands. Your family and comrades knew when you left home you would bring your A effort. Aware and astuteness certainly helps in the wars over wickedness. Now decades later you continue to be honored, Officer Cook, for fruition accomplished and missions of goodwill, faith and caring complete. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Unselfish and unwavering commitment to excel and the pride by which you wore your uniform and badge. It's boldness and humility like yours, Officer Cook, that have your heroic legacy shining like your wise soul. The peace and serenity all created by your vision and infectus work habits.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 12, 2017

Taciturn and reserved. Humane and humble. Brave and bold. Honest. Dignified and full of unquestionable integrity. You put any officer on the streets with those characteristics you are bound to get the positive results necessary. You were put on this Earth, Officer Cook, to serve and to police Dade County, its people and those streets where torment and kayos was flying higher than a kite. You gave violence is best resolve and performed in an outstanding manner with superior character and the quality of values and ethics demanded of every servant. God only takes His finest flock of tenacity with Him to protect and patrol those sacred venues above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You have been so honored not just with your name etched on walls of honor, more importantly sealed forever in your family and colleagues' hearts and minds. You were durable, dependable and downright considerate and well mannered. A calming voice of reason and influence meant to distribute the quiet and peace among all mankind. Society is indebted to you, Officer Cook and to those who gave their lives while obstacles of evil stood in their pathways.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 12, 2017

The floodgates of ferocity must surely be overflowing when we send honest and loyal public servants out on their missions of bravery, boldness and the courage to battle this monster we label as evil. You were one brave soul, Officer Cook, so decent, honest and full of integrity to carry out your journeys and their missions rather faithfully and without any hesitation. You'll always get salutes and the humbly humane honors that heroism brings about when one goes out and helps to secure the common grounds for peace and liberty for all. So much care and character to back up your efforts, those pursuits in life you choose as a noble career one that rewards its faithful men and women who deliver upon their words of wisdom and sage advice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Death ends promise. It also brings a renewal that you won't ever be forgotten for your feats of inner strength and the heart that gave and gave. Officer Cook, you cared very much for Dade County and its citizens and never ever let a single individual down. Violence took a soul of a man, a gentleman whose wit and inspiration still leaves a lasting influence for all who knew you and the person, the savior and warrior that could be relied upon when danger was out there lurking.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 12, 2017

Memorial Day honors all members of the United States military who valiantly and honorably served our country protecting life. Veterans Day honors men and women who served many years, they too took an oath to protect the peace and security of all who reside here and have dreams and goals to live freely among mankind. You took that affirmation of awareness, astuteness and the clarity to help keep our streets in Dade County preserved, Officer Cook. Never a better job. The unwavering and courageous sacrifice on behalf of its people, Officer Cook, shall not be overlooked and neither will your humane and loyal honesty, integrity and the dignity of character and morals that for the most part helped to steer danger away from you and those whom you served. Your comrades and the people have spoken and because of your kindness and gentleness on behalf of humanity and its wants are you, Officer Cook and the many other angels of valor who laid down their lives so safety and the moral supports of freedom can stay anchored together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You and your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace served their country, community and the entire nation with all the values, ideals and the conventional wisdom that need to be present in those whom we place a sacred trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 12, 2017

The path to resiliency is through the roadways of resolve and consistent perseverance. All duly sworn law enforcement officials are expected to conduct their daily affairs with the decency and class that good old fashioned honesty and integrity breed. Your pursuits and travels, Officer Cook here in Dade County on behalf of its residents were marked with peril and yet through it all you helped to maintain liberty and justice, unity and peace for all. You can be sure that valor and its humble humility will be sagely saluted for generations to come. When a devout man of God pursues violence and evil, we and your colleagues and loving family can be certain you'll never be forgotten for heroism above and beyond the calibers of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations stay grounded in solidarity all because of your unwavering commitment, convictions and the boldness to act as you professionally did on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook. One gallant and noble man of ingenuity and the cunning vision and wisdom to perceive things clearly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 12, 2017

The tears of sorrow surely reigned down when you left us tragically, Officer Cook. A young man taken from his folks and family way too soon. Dade County has honored your memory by naming a street NW 75th to be precise at NW 17th Avenue near where you sacrificed humility and honor, reverence and resolve for dignity and integrity to carry on in its peaceful pursuits of life and its promises. You took that sacred affirmation and because of your unselfish character, loyalty and determination may you be duly saluted for valor and vigilance above the calls of duty that public servants face while looking to corral deceit and peril and in keeping Dade County safe from harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2017

A blotter soaks up ink or whatever liquid has spilled. One who gives their blood in the eyes of God in the name of boldness, what can be said of their venerable virtues? What can be humbly said about you Officer Cook? A righteous man of modesty and integrity whose dignity and persona of honor kept wickedness at bay in Dade County. Your death was surely not in vain my neighbor, friend and hero. Your class of character and morals helped to neutralize negativity and postpone more problems in a community where you will always be solemnly honored for heroism. The sorrow over losing you only makes our resolve more firmer and the faith and devotion you had for your role only means those foundations you helped to lay down shall be there as cornerstones forever. Rest in peace. Humility and humanity were protected when you patrolled those friendly corridors of courage and conviction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2017

Today marks the beginning of the main Jewish holidays and the messages of faith, hope, peace and the goodwill among all nations, all citizens, rich or poor no matter. And the theme of your life and career, Officer Cook, was service and humbleness in honesty, dignity and in integrity. When the public is threatened by violence good hard working women and men all brave souls at times make those necessary sacrifices for us to remain at peace. Togetherness can only occur when terror and evil is placed where it belongs and your tasks, Officer Cook, were completed with the humility and sanctity your had for us. Dade County and its residents because of your fine character and commitments to integrity and wisdom can continue its enhancements forever. Your fellow officers and beloved family members do salute and humanely honor you and the treasured hero of resolve that was your mantra. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. prayer, repentance and charity must avert these evil decrees if we are to live securely and in calmness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2017

Evil can spoil an otherwise quiet and peaceful day, afternoon or evening. May 16, 1979 was a sunny and hot day in Miami where you gave your career and life to shield Dade County and its people, Officer Cook. Justice was served, Officer Cook, when the troubled young man who killed you was himself killed by your colleague and friend, Detective Don Blocker. What a sorrowful day of infamy when a righteous and resourcefully humble man of humility and honesty has his freedoms too taken away, but let us remember this, your desire and dream was to become a public servant and you never backed down nor ran from evil. Peace and unity may at times drift off, then can never really be separated. The decency and devotion along with your values which helped to contain violence will always forever be a part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If versatility was called for then it was met. No challenge or task is ever too small. All your labors of love and esteem were poured into your efforts. The concentration level was running high whenever you did your job, Officer Cook, a man among men. Ingenuity and intuition tackled evil along with conviction and commitment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2017

Saddled by serenity and poised to fight evil, you gave Dade County and its folks confidence, Officer Cook and instilled a compassion like no other in your work ethics. You give honor, decorum and dignity a ride along with decency, devotion and integrity and it will surely go riding high a long way down the proverbial pathways of proficiency, perseverance and undaunted resolve. A good person. A great motivator and a brave and humble leader taken by heinous and callous wickedness before his time. Officer Cook, a humane and considerate public servant that was your role, your charm, your character and commitment to both pride and excellence who orchestrated peace and togetherness for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2017

A belt holds one's pants around their waist. A shiny badge, polished shoes and a crisply pristine uniform are worn with the loyalty and unwavering hope that all will be fine. Its dignity and integrity, honesty and bravery speaks to us just by viewing the brave soul of the individual wearing that professional appearance. You maintained as much peace and unity in Dade County for its citizens as you could, Officer Cook. Sometimes we don't understand fully why good people men and women just doing a dangerous job are taken without warning. God's eyes are all over this planet. He watches His flock of angelic heroes and heroines who fight the tough and bruising battle over terror as you did so well for six years, a quarter of your life. Your career as a police officer was well documented and humbly spoke of a good man remembered for aiding his fellow officers and for saving the lives of the public from a bezerk and obviously troubled young man. You did all you could with promise, effort and the qualified level of competence, dignity and integrity. The authority that is given to police officers must not be usurped. It was not. Your life, Officer Cook and its most adventurous journeys had meaning. You gave your life so hope and some measure of aspiration could continue its fulfillment. It was your dreams and heroic aspirations that are a heroic inspiration to us and to all mankind. it is humility, noble actions toward humanity with poignant honor that reverberate loudly and clearly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A person of character, commitment and morals acts humbly and walks righteous step by step next to their Creator. They can't be led astray. You never let us down, Officer Cook, always positive, always a professional faithful and treasured by all comrades. Evil is being handled by those who have your torch of tenacity. Torment, turmoil and terror must be stopped in its advances. It will. You and your faithful angels of valor up in heaven will assist God in that eternal endeavor forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2017

When the Lord gives us a humbly friendly nudge we ought to at least take notice. God gave you to this world and to your parents, sister and family for twenty-five years, Officer Cook. The only tragic disappointment was losing you so suddenly to violence that you were duly sworn to try and eliminate through basic honesty, dignity and integrity. The intelligence quotient of ingenuity and the incorporation of excellent character, care and consideration for all residents of Dade County. Your family has continued in their pursuits of happiness and success channeling your bravery, valor and unmistakeable humility that you had toward all humanity to make a difference. Peace and freedom, unity and justice are a welcome sight, though at times they extract a price, a life so precious, yours, Officer Cook, as are all public servants who protect us and we do feel good if we act as civilized human beings. A man with a smile and engaging personality who carved paths of resolve and perseverance through due diligence to details, anchors and the cornerstones founded upon your heroism, hope and faith that all would be well. Keep looking down upon us, Officer Cook, with your cherished soul of safety and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a true gentleman in every sense of the word. Destinies come calling. Missions all meaningful. Journeys for fairness and firmness all carried out equally for all. Never forgotten and always solemnly saluted for just being there and responsible for holding down the fort of ferocity with a little pinch of tenacity to restore calm and quiet.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2017

Radiant and reverent. Resourceful and reserved. A day's effort from a humble and humanely intellectual public servant. Your career and life, Officer Cook, represented the living example of why you were honest, brave, civil and dignified with the quality of character and integrity used to enhance your patrols of Dade County and its people. You give something, you get a return from Our Lord, your reward, Officer Cook, for outstanding endeavor, excellent police work centering peace and its stabilizing unity right where it was most needed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Daily accounting and inventory helps keep us straight, focused and on our toes. You were a righteous man and a gallant gentleman, Officer Cook. who graced our world with missions of calm and hopeful optimism for mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2017

A world that can be downright cruel and inhumane can be one where we all strive to make it a better and safer place for our kids. Their futures are riding high on our coattails. We had better get off our high horses and begin making sense of this dangerous and at times terrorist atmosphere. You progressed and by planning, Officer Cook, you in turn restored resolve and relief to a Dade County community looking for more meaningful life. Your undaunted and unselfish character, values and the principles of prioritizing honor, dignity and integrity over everything else made the difference. Your sacrifice and service of serenity and perseverance has made all comrades stand, salute you and take careful notice. You were a humble, loyal and very special public servant my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Those memorial walls of effort where you name is etched forever tell us the vitally significant role you played in averting even more trouble that horrible day of May 16, 1979. Dade County, its citizens, your department and the entire police world and nation as a whole received the greatest yet most profound message educating us on who and why we need responsible men and women of humility and valor circulating the various venues sealing off wickedness. Great job! Never forgotten. Always the ever faithful servant who cracked the walls of danger to enhance our spirits and needs. Calm, cool and collected, with devotion and decisiveness, it's plain to see why you were a devoted leader of other officers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2017

Extra care and extra caution must be employed when serving the public's needs. Dade County being a large and spread out area requires all the care and concern, the due diligence and devotion that all officers must muster along with their valor, integrity and honesty. They can be no skirting around when dispensing justice and faithfulness. You helped to reign in terror and mayhem, Officer Cook, how well received were you when you patrolled. I know you were admired and respected, Officer Cook, because in order to be a squad leader you must have excellent and impeccable character, morals and scruples. Comrades of the past and present who dig in those trenches of tenacity have remembered and saluted your civility, humility and your well liked personality. All reserved for generations to come when you rose up and faced peril face to face. Confrontation is difficult and yet in order to live and to prosper in peace, we must have angelic heroes of bravery with the highest regard of wisdom and conviction whose ingenuity and intelligence are at par with each other. Unity can only exist through hope and goodwill between all people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2017

Determination and dedication take to hone. Just as being honest and decent, they all require much practice and careful intensity and the surely humble integrity and dignity to maintain a life and a professional career when battling evil. What terror and what kayos results when bedlam breaks loose. In your days, Officer Cook, you kept the peace and solidarity of all Dade County residents by virtue of being morally straight and having the refined character to carry out your commitments of enhancement to the letter. Now as your family and department's hero of humility may you be fondly and solemnly saluted for courage and the ingenuity that came from the inner strength of your cherished heart and very special noble soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are never forgotten. You brought hope and goodwill through your devotion and faith to so many individuals. You have great children Mrs. Cook. Your husband, Charles, may he too rest in peace raised considerate and well mannered children to be very proud of. The hero, the humanity will always be a unique part of your Billy's legacy here in North Miami Beach, Florida where he grew up and all around our world where he served and protected. He gave his life for our dreams and aspirations to continue and to flourish. They were his journeys, missions and destiny. He relished and enjoyed his life and career and he is missed very greatly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2017

Envy can at moments be the root of all evil. We cannot simply know what is transpiring in the minds of all human beings. Even the best trained and polished police professionals who seek the truth and yet while fighting off the forces of ferocious evil seek calmness, peace and prosperity for all. Exactly, what you did on behalf of all Dade County, Officer Cook. You were humble and respected, adored and greatly admired. No hesitation whatsoever that your heroic actions on May 16, 1979, saved countless lives and kept a calamity from becoming a raging inferno of heinous and wanton wickedness. Your colleagues and those civilians to thank you and to salute your valor and vigilance, your honesty, integrity and dignity. for without morals and character, violence can just walk right on in and take command of any venue. Diligent and deliberate men and women such as yourself, Officer Cook, have stayed the course and delivered the most powerful brand of boldness and tenacity that is called for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a solemn man, a passionate gentleman and a provocative peacemaker in the name of heaven. Always Badge#1664 brought success and nobility to life and property. A crisp uniform worn with reverence and love for a demanding and perilous position which you accepted without reservation. It was about preservation and protection for all society. Mankind is indebted to your feats of ferocity and bravery above and beyond the calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2017

A wonderful vital force is hidden in the hearts of the pure and simple. The brain and heart so important to life and yet prayer and God, the Ruler and Creator of the world who directs us all down the pathways of righteousness. To those who seek the truth they follow His lead. As you so faithfully walked among the humble and humane, Officer Cook, serving and liberating all Dade County citizens from turmoil and terror. A brave and honorable soul of serenity now and forever saluted for class and character, wisdom, dignity and integrity so simple for some and difficult for others. You were able to lead other comrades by virtue of your morals and motivation. The puzzles of determination, their pieces at times hard to fit. Violence flirts with disaster and that is precisely why you decided on a public service career. A life filled with journeys and missions for some too tall to tackle. The tasks ever so demanding and dangerous and yet there you were on May 16, 1979, as on all other watches taking the baton of boldness and courageously committing to battle the atrocity of active evil. Fondly remembered and duly honored, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God gives life and takes us back to His celestial home when He feels we have accomplished our destiny. Your soul, Officer Cook, stays aglow because you never wavered nor were you selfish, only the humility you gave back to humanity shielding us and providing everlasting peace and unity for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2017

Character assassination only leads to mistrust and the disrespect women and men of bravery and honesty truly deserve. Out most loyalest and noblest of heroes and heroines are the righteous public servants who are owed our salutes of valor for enabling peace and freedom to become our nation's realization. Dade County and its people witnessed firsthand your concern and boldest of commitments, Officer Cook. Certain values, morals and ethical conduct hitched together with your honesty, integrity and dignity which fought out loud violence's nasty voice. The insanity became sanity once again. The depression and despair decreased in part because of your humane and gentle will to spread joy, faith and goodwill among mankind and this will never be forgotten. Character and wisdom coupled with your instincts and ingenuity surely will remain a vital part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The courage and convictions you had, Officer Cook, we all wanted to wrap ourselves around your surely engaging persona. A mission and its journeys all in the name of heaven where the calmness of your soul floats as lightly as a balloon heading skyward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2017

Class takes time. Commitment requires effort. Conviction cannot be lacking. Character must be assembled by quality of morals, decency and the dignity to face up to whatever evil needs to be confronted and exterminated. Your humane and humble being, Officer Cook, served Dade County residents with only the honor and humility that all brave women and men must possess when going out on the streets to patrol the will of those you serve. For all your desire, faith and determination, Officer Cook, we remember you. No matter the season or time we don't forget. You must salute the caliber of your constitution which helped to balance the scales of justice. Firm, fair and focused on the process and what required your utmost attention to detail. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Crime sometimes takes more time to eradicate than it should. All you did, Officer Cook, was to perform your roles valiantly and in a very outstanding manner bringing peace and pride to your family and profession. Keep watching over us as your treasured and cherished soul hovers high above in God's greenest of pastures and sacred of those golden gates where heroes and heroines of humanity continue their eternal patrols over this society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2017

Seldom is heard a discouraging word regarding you, Officer Cook, your pious life and a courageous police career conducted righteously and smartly. Those who lived in Dade County were fundamentally protected by your bravery, boldness and the stellar integrity and dignity that are the makings of an honorable upbringing. Those colleagues who partnered with you, Officer Cook, were made more humble, more humane all by your proficient prowess. A true hero and a gentleman whose wisdom and maturity led you down those pathways of toil and preservation while rounding up evil and replacing it with sanctity and the serene sounds of unity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. By your life and career, Officer Cook, a better word for seldom would be never. Never a more resourceful individual. Never a more accomplished young man. No way violence should have removed a wonderful spirit and engaging smile and upbeat personality from our midst and from your loving and devoted family members. You'll forever by deservedly saluted for salvation and for the construction of morals and values which assist any public servant in their battles over wickedness. It must be extinguished. Hope and goodwill must replace and replenish the tiredness of treachery and terror.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2017

The helicopters hovered overhead the day your family, friends and colleagues from the law enforcement community said goodbye to you, Officer Cook. Hell has no fury. Heinousness is incomprehensible. It's the epitome of evil which took an honest, loyal and faithful public servant from our midst. No telling what the future held for you and Karen. I'm sure it was filled with more left to accomplish. Nevertheless, your desire, devotion, integrity and dignity cast a reverence you had for all Dade County and its citizens whom you served with distinction and humility. Their peace, hope and unity all was tied together by your embracing esteem. Surely a hero never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A warrior of wisdom, commitment and the conviction to see your assignments through until their completion which God's will deemed them done on May 16, 1979 and forever do you patrol those pearly gates where gallantry and grace shadow each other as do your angelic comrades who were brave and humbly loyal to their passions. May 19, 1979 just as three days earlier will not be overlooked. Only remembered fondly for what you left for your comrades and family to continue in their pursuits of serenity and happiness. A blessed life and hope you are feeling well Mrs. Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2017

Never one to shirk his onuses, you will be fondly remembered, Officer Cook, for unwavering bravery, honor and the civility be which you carried out your roles in a most dignified and humble manner. Dade County was very blessed to have a hero of responsibility, accountability and the common sense of character to get things done right restoring peace and unity to a venue where you continue to be paid the highest tributes for tenacity like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity may take no breaks, its band of boldness may bend a little its cannot snap in the very face of infamy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2017

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