Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

With a heart of gold and a soul full of gallantry and valor, you went out and attacked the very terror which lurked in Dade County when you were on duty, Officer Cook. Turmoil and kayos stay one step ahead of those who drift off and ignore its adverse advances. Thankfully between yourself and your gifted and humble comrades, Officer Cook, you were able to stay more than one step ahead. Trailing behind you was your very own special desire and devotion, determination and the self-motivation to be able to lead others through this very complexing battle. It's time for some real good evolution before a revolution results. No more calamity only passion and peace knotted a sone by a truly dignified gentleman. Only the women and men of dignity and integrity can faithfully and fairly face the very ugly face of violence. You are remembered, Officer Cook, for cakmness, confidence and the clear vision and infinite wisdom to act and to handle whatever came your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clutch character and commmitment help to keep your memories alive as your beloved soul floats higher each day in God's holy kingdom of kindness and consideration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2017

Dignity with passion, building with a purpose. That is the very task that challenges the most morally righteous and humbly humane public servants. Where you patrolled in Dade County, Officer Cook, by virtue of your honesty, integrity and nobility were you able to keep its folks safe and serene. Years after you made the supreme sacrifice enhancement continue sits journeys of fruition and humility in and around a community that so salutes and honors your reverence and solid character. Your commitment to excellence, Officer Cook, will always be an important axiom of your heroic legacy. It has left a valuable lesson of resourcefulness for all who ever bravely and not routinely go out and look for this very violence, its evil that threatens our values and ideals. These very same principle syou ascribed to, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You endeared and you engaged with a pleasant mannerism about yourself. Never forgotten. Humanity was imprinted upon your badge and uniform, Officer Cook. The pride and professionalism always stayed close by your missions of hope and mercy to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2017

If you are richer or wiser than another, you must know that you are charged with greater responsibility. If another commits a sin, it's from error; if you commit one, you are guilty. Nothing more humble and yet very sad that a lifetime of humility, integrity and honesty all came undone, unglued by wanton and heinous violence perpetrated against an upstanding and duly qualified, public servant, yourself, Officer Cook. Humility towards humanity sought its rightful shelter here in Dade County and you, Officer Cook, were up to the supreme task of serving, protecting and saving lives. Your character and sacrifice insured enhancement forever and the generations that will come. Your family, friends and brave colleagues have all missed your abiding presence, but realize you are now and for eternity in God's palms in His loving embrace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. the pious perceive what needs fixing and get right to the challenge ahead of them no matter the danger or risk of peril. Their badges of wisdom and of sound minds and constitutions speak loudly and hopefully clearly. Clarity and peace, unity and civility for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2017

Remove anger from your heart and you will attain humility which is the most precious of all qualities. The special people who serve and protect us are the public servants, brave, honest and humble who will give their humane lives for peace and unity to break through those barriers of hatred and evil. Doing your job, Officer Cook, you preserved the sanctity of all life in Dade County. Noble, loyal and faithful to those causes of which fine upstanding character, courage and the boldness of what commitment defines. Its convictions are the very outcomes of perseverance and unwavering resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing peculiar about your career and the pathways in life by which you travelled. God seizes our destinies when those missions of mercy, goodwill, fruition and determination are deemed as complete.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2017

The core values of bravery and honor lie at the doors of common sense and the morals that lend themselves to caring, concern and the consideration that all police officers must have for their official positions. They take pride and excellence in their important work and those missions where fruition occurs only with effort and the underlying dignity and integrity. All the maturity and vision is good if it is focused entirely upon the peace and unity of all. The abilities you had, Officer Cook, for Dade County folks was to keep them safe and sound. A somber reminder of your sacrifice and the hero in you that will be saluted for valor and the vigilance that goes into action whenever one answers that call no telling if it will be the last dispatch. Our Lord answered and brought you home to heaven, Officer Cook, to serve with humane and humble actions for all humanity. Humility and faith surely can decide any outcome. Your devotion to your family and community of peers, Officer Cook, brought character and ingenuity closer than ever before. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2017

Greatness is guarded by the guises of gallantry and its humble humility. Only bravery and its honor can help guide the pathways of our dearly beloved members of the law enforcing nation. In Dade County its residents have seen many great men and women of wisdom and vision come and go . Your sure feats of humility and integrity surely won't be overlooked. When service was called for you gave one-hundred percent effort, Officer Cook. The dignity and reverence for a young public servant who laid down his life for his community and friends, thus laying down the fabric for those foundations of fairness shall not go unnoticed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With steadfast motivation were you able to lead others through the danger and peril. All done under Our Creator's watchful eyes the same ones that look over you and you comrades of justice and equality for all now eternally resting in heaven where no harm will prevent you, Officer Cook, from serving those sacred streets and pearly gates.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2017

Dreams are the things people share when enjoying their comforts of life. Nothing of course is granted or guaranteed. Police work is risky and yet it rewards those humble souls of honesty and serenity who delve right in protecting and serving the righteous causes. Officer Cook, God gave you to us, your family peers of valor and your friends for twenty-five years and though your life and career were tragically derailed by wanton violence, you came through and saved the value of life. Those citizens in Dade County and your faithful comrades were certain to be able to see you act as heroically as you did on May 16, 1979. You aimed to alter a troubled young man and by virtue of your humane actions saved many from virtual harm never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If decency, devotion and determination could bring you back from God's heavenly abode, Officer Cook, how happy would your family be. They have many beautiful memories to share with future generations from the Cook, Wilkerson and Tidwell's.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2017

Terror, torment and turmoil can tax the most tenacious of public servants. In times of strife we must be strong and stand up for those less fortunate than others. You stood humbly and constructively, Officer Cook, policing and fighting for the rights and freedoms of every Dade County individual. Today, it is the fervent hope that your integrity, honesty and dignity will be forever saluted for enhancing our lives and the future generations. All accomplished by quality of morals, ideals and the wisdom that character and commitment bring to the convictions of a job so challenging. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility, civility and the culture of humanity can feed the pangs of perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2017

We witness everlasting bravery, hope and desire everyday from our most honorable and dignified men and women of the law enforcement community. Their noble and heroic actions helped to dispel evil bringing togetherness, faith and the ever abiding goodwill to mankind. Our society is indebted to you, Officer Cook, a man of character and commitment who served Dade County and its residents with all your heart. Now your humane and humble soul floats high above watching over the humility and integrity delivered to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We relive, relate and remember your professional feats of tenacity while keeping quietness as the staple of all who pursue health, peace and happiness.

Rabbi Lewis s. Davis

October 18, 2017

The frequency to ferocity is through the sounds of ferocity and proper decorum. Staying zoned in with zeal and bravery through honesty, integrity and the stellar dignity behind all your efforts. All your endeavors, Officer Cook, were for the sake of heaven and in God's holy name did you perform very admirably saving Dade County and its residents from more harm than ever before. The hero in your soul spoke and by speaking I mean acting the part, wearing class and decency, devotion and right on your badge and uniform. Nothing but admiration and salutes of honor for a job well done. What a gentleman? What a humble and humane man pursuing all his journeys with fruition. You'll never be forgotten nor alone for now, Officer Cook, you are eternally partnered up with over twenty-two thousand great women and men of wisdom,conviction and clear vision to conquer and vanquish this stampede of wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The labors of respect and love done and accomplished by a man of God, honest in all ways and gentle in all his deeds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2017

The expressway to evolution is through the practices of basic execution. And that means carrying out all your professional assignments to the letter if peace and safety, unity and liberty are to be realized by any given community. Here in Dade County Florida you served and protected the public as any honest and dignified officer would do, Officer Cook. Your integrity and loyalty, resolve and faithful were not just heresy, they were the paths to humble righteousness and the nobly heroic actions you took on May 16, 1979 to save and to preserve the lives of those citizens you were tasked with overseeing and of your cherished and esteemed colleagues with whom you wen tout on the streets to battle the forces of evil with unwavering character and the commitment to morals so basic to functioning. Those highways to humility are where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Justice was honored to have your kindness and bold attention to every detail to stay safe and keep those around you secured.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2017

You were a righteously gifted and humble servant, Officer Cook. A man of God whose devout faith propelled all your journeys in life and during a police career that was cut way too short by wanton and senseless violence perpetrated upon your very soul by a troubled individual. You preserved the dignity and integrity through your heroic actions, those actions of character were reflective of how you were raised and properly trained to handle the rigors of delivering solid and serene peace and safety for all Dade County people. Deservedly so you have been saluted for having the constant humility which our society of civility and nobility shall have. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If desire, class and decency are called for those who wear the uniform and badge of distinction, at least as you did, act professional and conduct your affairs as such.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2017

The blank box where one may humbly leave a reflection shall not remain empty. Indeed, there is a sense of sorrow and an emptiness which fills the world and the aching hearts of your loved ones, Officer Cook, mournful over your untimely loss. Violence victimizes those who righteous and honorably pursue life and its freedom to do whatever they choose to do. Your missions here in Dade County offered relief and resolve to its citizens yearning for a newer beginning. It exacted all the excellent character, the right frame of mind and the rock solid morals that badge#1664 had. Never forgotten and always well respected for integrity and the institution for wisdom and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I do hope and pray your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook is fine and doing well out in California.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2017

A promise is just that. A solemn and serious affirmation to protect and to preserve through dedicated and unwavering valor. The public servants that comprehend that motto shall be successful. Those who tempt fate and go astray will fall into the proverbial hole which will be tough to climb out of. No holes or pickles when you patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook. Old fashioned honorable and loyal service with a smile and a calming voice of reason and rational. Your life and career was pinpointed upon the bounds and goals of integrity and professional authority when it was called for. The peace and its prosperity were brought back from where it came and smartly placed within the lives of those who desired safety and humility. Of course commitment and conviction cannot occur unless that individual centers their life around the cornerstones of quality character which you had, Officer Cook, thanks to the lessons and ideals of your loving parents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's amazing grace and His sheltering peace rest forever upon your beautiful and most treasured soul of serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2017

I meant to say, Officer Cook, for one's position. We forgive honest mistakes and yet the very violence that threatens the structure of our very society cannot be forgiven. Sure people have problems, the whole world is riddled by injustice, hatred and bigotry. Somewhere it has to stop and be abated by men and women of your humility and integrity my neighbor, friend and hero. Yes, Officer Cook, you were a hero to your family, department and the many wonderful friends who knew you. Knew a man of undying and unselfish respect. Peace and unity can only make their appearances at the front door if character, boldness and commitment to dignity and morals are present. They were when you served Dade County with a gentle and abiding spirit. Rest in peace. You protected with a special passion and reverence that is reserved in our humane and noble comrades of heroism and civility. Its holiness must remain afloat. It may never sink. For evil to be eradicated full and completely faithful effort such as yours, Officer Cook, must be delivered or else kayos and bedlam will ensue.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2017

Standing erect with the erudition for on'e position, you gave overwhelming effort and resolve all in the realms of resolve and the endeavors of efficiency, Officer Cook. Reliable and resourceful. Bravery and humility sealing the serenity of Dade County folks from now and forever. Future generations can look back on your sense of fairness, firmness and justice placed squarely in the hearts and minds of family, colleagues and the many friends who knew you, Officer Cook, so decent, honorable and full of respected morals. Your work ethics a part of your legacy. The foundations laid for other brave and honest men and women to try and emulate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You did everyone proud. Always well liked and remembered very fondly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2017

Productivity is the mechanization to success. But, it can only be achieved through downright courtesy, courage and the conclusions which travel through the roads of humble honor, integrity and dignity which helps resolve move down those trails of tenacity more smoothly. Dade County's citizens were treated by you, Officer Cook, a courageous hero and humanely compassionate public servant who dished our desire, devotion, motivation and determination better than most. Obviously, being more mature and being able to take charge of any situation surely can't hurt. You put forth the effort of efficiency and were not deterred by wickedness and its nasty fangs of viciousness. You created peace and serenity for mankind and won't be forgotten. We salute you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2017

Prepare to protect the sanctity and civility that life contains. Its nobility and humility will stay grounded when your humbleness, bravery and honesty stay true to form forever. Forever young, Officer Cook. Forever dignified and a bearer of integrity, the character that served Dade County with all his might and that special courage and inner strength of your heart. The citizens plan their lives, police serve and persevere with their spirit of being and hope. The mountains you climbed to get from one place to another, Officer Cook, were arduous and yet you assumed the awareness and vision that is and was meant to banish and conquer evil. You gave everlasting effort, your fruitful journeys were gifted and quite gallant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2017

Self-denial is commendable. Complacency is not to be tolerated. All police work is to be devoted and dedicated solely for maintaining and protecting the dignity of all life. You dreamed and planned out methodically your hopes of someday becoming a police officer. Dade County and its folks were never disappointed, Officer Cook, your words of wisdom and ingenuity were meant to help support the framework of a peaceful reunion. Unity and liberty are words not to be taken lightly nor for granted. When a humble and loyal professional goes out of his way and exudes character, commitment and conviction, the only hope in their missions and journeys is that they will come home safely. No family member wants to receive that call or knock at their front door as your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook had. Stay well Mrs. Cook. You can rest assure your darling son, "Billy," was and is forever a Dade County police hero who carried the highest regards and respect for life and his career that was humanely and more than adequately pinned on his chest and his uniform was the very start for the cornerstones that he helped to lay down in a community where he lived, thrived, got married and gave back his life of vigilance for vitality and all the happy days we hope to see. His vision was straight forward and though his time on this Earth was relatively short, too short, he contributed through his goodwill and the destinies that Our Lord had in mind for His superior brave soul. He imparted courage, loyalty and the reason for which we arise each day, to serve God with all our might. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2017

Your role as a public servant, Officer Cook, was to deliver on your bond of boldness and alacrity. Surely humble honor, integrity and dignity assisted mightily in your pursuits of evil while endeavoring to lead a life with your beloved Karen in happiness. Nothing is guaranteed for sure. Only the hopes and fervent prayers that you remain safe while protecting our peace and inner security. Dade County felt your gentleness as you patrolled its venues and corners looking for and reigning in terror. You were outstanding and very much heroic in all your devoted and faithful missions. Mankind is very indebted to the many superbly skilled men and women who place their lives and careers on the line to support goodwill. Your character and morals represented the ideals and values that were imbued in your home. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We salute you, Officer Cook, for valor, humility and the simplicity by which you performed in the streets. Now you are in heaven looking down upon your family, comrades and friends with your beloved soul making its eternal trips. Help keep those who have succeeded you safe from harm. That baton that was carries an important message.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2017

Separate your priorities and sooner or later success will arrive at your doorstep. Police have a lot on their minds and plates of perseverance where life and death can occur any moment. They must be ready to act bravely and to commit themselves to honor, dignity and integrity if the job is going to be resolved fairly and quickly. You upheld your end, Officer Cook and because of your unselfish humility, Dade County and its folks were kept safe and sound. The class of one man's character speaking and acting professional. THe words of wisdom, the intelligence and intuition all present and accounted for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your missions executed endearment and the foundations for a better future. Your family, comrades and friends all wished that you could have been part of that future.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2017

Police work, public service is not about who wins the race. Who conquers violence, rather it is a team concept of courage and the velocity of one's composure during stressful moments. Every ounce of honor, dignity and integrity must be channeled into the proper avenues of astuteness and wisdom to get the task correctly and promptly accomplished. You did exactly as you were trained to do, Officer Cook, you acted with heroic precision to calm down and to save the lives of those Dade County residents and of your devoted and loyal colleagues under fire. Never better. The humble and humane keep their humility at all times even when evil heats up the streets like a hot sun. Never forgotten and always as savior, more importantly, your family's graceful and treasured hero of commitment, principles and that word character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thirty-eight years later you, Officer Cook, are missed very much, your spirit of peace and liberty has been sheltered in God's eternal house of enhancement. Perfection only can take its genesis there. Hope and optimism shall one day spring eternal. Vigilance and due diligence must stay incorporated within the same spheres of security and serenity for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2017

Rich or poor, all police officers have the solemn and humane obligation to serve and to protect the lives of all people. Dade County is as big a metropolis as there is and you were one of their many humble men and women of bravery, Officer Cook, performing superior work in an open and honestly dignified way as possible. Your integrity, character and morals were meant to stimulate those citizens to live quietly and as peacefully efficient lives. No small order and yet your courage and humility saw all your journeys and their missions through. Our Creator needed your loving soul wrapped around His arms in heaven to assist Him in patrolling those sacred pathways above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You deserve plaudits and salutes for valor and civility above and beyond the calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2017

The devout and faithful know where to flock. They gather as one entity among the many honest, brave and bold public servants who give their entire being for peace and its rational to live on. You gave something most unique and very cherished indeed, Officer Cook. Your life and career had the makings of mercy missions and destinies of desire, determination and dedication. You can't take the time back, you due rely and focus on the many memories of a heroically humble and humane life. Dade County and its citizens received and God gave you to this world, your family and professionals peers for twenty-five solid years of fruition and the testimony of a man of character who was able to lead other women and men through thick and thin. We peril was hiding, you were there, Officer Cook, to search and to seize its ugliness before it struck with a fury. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2017

I 'll tell you what, Officer Cook, if I had ever met you I would have shaken your hand and offered a salute for your valiant efforts in saving Dade County and its folks and in restoring their peace and prosperity. Your badge of boldness, honesty and character spoke very proudly and humbly of your life and career accomplishments. Your department lost a wonderful officer, heroic and noble, gallant and courageous right until your last breath. You gave resounding resolve and took the fight right into the teeth of terror and treachery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I also wished we could have played a couple of sets of tennis.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2017

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