Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

You were consummate, protective and exceedingly loyal to your fellow officers, family and community in general, Officer Cook. Honor, heroism and humility from one brave soul and heart will never disappear. God has you sheltered in His heavenly fortress where many heroes and heroines rest in eternity for actions of character, integrity and dignity. They pursued peace and where violence lurked this was your excellence and outstanding commitments that struck a most passionate chord of courage, principles and ideals. They now serve mankind as our future inspirations because of your unwavering, unselfish and tireless trails of justice and truth. We trusted and were never let down only the fact that sidepanels that could have saved you might not have been around during your period of preservation. A great human being with onuses taken seriously and virtue all employed through wisdom, vision and humble maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2022

I think, Officer Cook, our country is at a crossroads where our paths and trails must be connected to good and what you began nearly fifty years ago must be perpetuated. Your kind and honest heart and soul duly heroic, duly dignified all worked as one unit to serve, protect and preserve the integrity of life here in Dade County. A venue where your character, commitment and the versatility of your convictions true and trusted won't ever be forgotten. We will offer you a humble and humane salute this July 4th for your life well lived and for performing in a first class fashion while securing our stability and sacred peace which all have meaning and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman always so loyal, esteemed and cherished by his family, peers and close friends. A fraternity that will never overlook your heroic ferocity and devotion to doing your impactful and insightful due diligence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2022

Evil must be eviscerated from our land. Eliminated and crushed before things get out of kilter. Such a good man, a wonderful brother, son and devoted husband taken from his family before his time. So much more left behind to treasure and to adore, forever admired for your heroism, honesty and the highest levels of both integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, you used to help broker peace here in Dade County. Never a novice, just a concerned gentleman with everything in a heart of class, concern and caring for your fellow officer and human being of which mankind and Our Creator have taken note. Character, commitment and conviction all truth and trustworthiness when adversity arose to strike back at us. Thankfully a man of wisdom, clarity and maturity saw to these issues and many other difficult, perilous and delicate situations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy is spearheaded by your humbly humane family members who guide its light where it is most essential.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2022

Captivating and charming with a charismatic smile and a seriousness in patrolling the roads where safety and security needed to be found. Dade County does not forget its heroes and your cherished name, Officer Cook, remains the epitome of diligence, vigilance and versatility. Integrity, dignity and society suffer greatly when a truly determined young man is taken suddenly because of one man's hate and lack of heart and character. At least your badge represented trust and truth all dressed in virtue and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You instilled, implanted and engaged and were polite and deliberate.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2022

The weary had a warrior in you, Officer Cook, honest, brave and most efficient. Never a problem, a worry or anything that prevented you from upholding the law and fulfilling your assignments to get Dade County back to a level of peace and stability. Having acumen, wisdom and vision is no guarantee, yet your career and life was etched for always in your family's hearts and on walls of honor, humility and heroism here and in Our Nation's Capitol. The years have just flown by and yet you'll be saluted for being a fine person, an outstanding human being whose loyalty filled the streets with thought and resolution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2022

A dot of dignity and devotion, an angle of integrity which connected your heroic honor and character, Officer Cook, were just a few of the many symbols that Dade County relied upon to stay safe and to thrive in tranquility. Dade County was more than your beloved community it was a gentle pasture where the citizens relied upon your basic instincts to provide the essential shelters of goodwill, hope and faith while you were relied upon to stay accountable and have discipline and values within your heart and soul. Humility constitutes fortitude and you were a very loyal and blessed public servant revered, admired and esteemed for having the sanctity upon your earthiest of missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2022

Boldness and bravado should never be mixed in the same sentence where integrity, dignity and honor shall flow. With a river of resolve, virtue and resourcefulness, Officer Cook, did you go about your consummate patrols and every effort to create a bond of assurance and relevance for your neighborhood of Dade County. Action is better than yapping and for a humble and heroic man you really rescued your community from evil and violence despite the fact that a wayward and wanton man sadly ended your missions, dreams and journeys. They are now and forever in heaven where trust and truth walk a gentle beat watching the pearly gates of virtue and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2022

Your bravery serves today as an inspiration which carries the fortitude and goodwill of those women and men who have succeeded you, Officer Cook. Every moment your heroic status rises in respect, honesty and the integrity that was the cornerstone of your unselfish and tireless dignity, humbleness and heart all cradled forevermore in eternity by Our Master. He rewards His flock of heroes who instilled and implanted peace, stability and quality of character back on the streets you solemnly preserved. The grueling grind marches forward as you watch over your family of faith and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A well groomed and well mannered man handling his professional affairs with accountability and reliability until the very end. Dade County and its people were in excellent hands of a courageous man.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2022

The war rages onward as your sweet and heroic soul, Officer Cook, continues skyward. Today, Dade County is still here except for all the changes since your honorable and dignified sacrifice over forty-three years ago. The strength of faith, integrity and dedication all were in your badge, uniform and composure despite all the tumult and terror that was unfolding. Just a tremendous loss for your family that continues spiriting your legacy and its foundations of ferocity and character. Truthful, trusted and revered for its actions that saved lives not just on May 16, 1979 everyday you protected the enhancement of your beloved community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and heart were inscribed in Badge#1664. A friend, comrade and all around wonderful gentleman who was class personified and most compassionate.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2022

Like a rubber band you stretched a bit but never snapped. Thank God for a celebrated and most heroic servant as you were, Officer Cook and a Dade County hero and legend forevermore. Having integrity, dignity and honesty may not always save someone at least possessing these traits may save you at times. Serenity and security are any man or woman's onus who wear a badge and a uniform pristine and humane. You'll not be forgotten only remembered for being a gentleman of caring, sincerity and a heart and soul dedicated to fighting those battles where adversity threatens humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Such a loss to your loved ones, friends and colleagues, too bad I never had a chance to meet such an engaging human being who enriched and uplifted us from the doldrums.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2022

Performance is perseverance recognized. You do your solemn duties all with honor, dignity and integrity and God rewards you. You are forever a Dade County hero, Officer Cook, blessed with character, virtue and humility that a caring man and a gallant public servant had when protecting his community and its cherished population. Versatility is responsibility, accountability and reliability's comrades when danger, evil and terror lurks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2022

When the violence subsides you'll know you performed your job and its perilous roles, Officer Cook, all heroically done to maintain the highest of standards of tranquility and stability for the people of Dade County. Serenity and safety are focal points of our very lives and your life and career enhanced, enriched and uplifted our spirits. Your heart, soul and character all changed the very landscape. A sacrifice that has built those cornerstones for our protection and preservation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2022

So honest, so decent, so heroic, you were a man, Officer Cook, on a mission to succeed and you accomplished beyond anyone's imagination. You will forever be remembered as a Dade County hero, dignified, a gentleman of character, heart and a soul of virtue and integrity. Generations and foundations all built through the channels of humbleness, loyalty and the esteem of being a treasured angel whose name will keep receiving its blessings and rewards.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2022

Security binds society just as humility and honor humble a heroic heart and soul. Everything dignified in character, commitment and integrity forever navigated through Dade County's streets with you, Officer Cook. The legacy has been established just as accountability, dependability and the versatility of reliability. Your virtue, truth and trust will always be saluted for their esteem, loyalty and remain cherished forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2022

The debris still remain in the roads and upon our very streets. The mess that terror, torment and turmoil leave behind is gigantic and no matter all excellent people of the law enforcement communities are challenged and tasked with awesome burdens and onuses for most that are too large to bare. You were willing, able and capable, Officer Cook, cumbersome yet a man of sound thinking, a mighty heart and intelligence that was remarkable. No ifs ands and doubts, honesty, integrity and dignity fortified all trails and paths leading to resolutions. With virtue and wisdom, clarity was spelled reverence, esteem and loyalty. Dade County witnessed conducive character, outstanding commitment to excel beyond the horizons of humbleness which you'll remain as your soul is both blessed and rewarded for their earthly purposes, passions and causes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Folly and fiction are indeed false. Ferocity and tenacity were surely true. A trusted man whose legend grows by the seconds. Your family, colleagues of the past and many close acquaintances have all missed you, Officer Cook, very much. Just tragic, terrible and sorrowful what transpired that fateful day of May 16,1979. No one forgets a soul so sweet and special lost before his time.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2022

Nobility calls us and those who are humble, humane and honorable respond to whatever lies ahead. Fate and destiny seem at times intertwined for all duly minded public servants. They serve for the willingness of their hearts and souls allows them the opportunity to upright society when it is down and vulnerable. When you received that call that went out over the radio, Officer Cook, you were going to that scene never forsaking your sacred duty to watch over Dade County, its folks and your fellow officers. You paid the ultimate price, so dear yet so dignified, a man of integrity making serenity a primary concern. The angels soaring above have character, truth and trust flowing within their spirits that Our Lord now and for eternity cradles for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2022

Spirit and soul give heroism and heart that virtual uplift. An enrichment of mankind that society yearns for. Always enhancement with a humble smile that was adored and most beloved that has been missed for many decades. Forty-three years without you, Officer Cook and your esteemed will carry on with your legend, character and fondness in their hearts just as Dade County has done with those solemn and dutybound men and women who have undertaken a sacred oath to preserve and to protect life. A gentleman confident in his labors who left this world all too early all because of a vengeful individual looking to wreak havoc upon authority just trying to do their assigned tasks. Vision, wisdom and maturity were all spotless, stellar and stoic as was your accountability and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2022

Youth is grand and exciting. Growing older should be the order of our lives except for some God has devised a plan for their eternal lives. When a sacrifice of life, heart, soul and humility are given the person rendering the effort and energy must be so honored and always paid homage and saluted. You will given all of these solemn rights afforded to a man of trust, truth and virtue, a noble warrior that you will forevermore be, Officer Cook. Dade County will never forget your outstanding character, undying commitment and precise conviction. A hero greatly admired, loyal and revered for his diligence and countless vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2022

You were a visible public servant who never disappeared during a time of crisis and strife. You will forever be a hero whose integrity, character, dignity and honor will be saluted for their inspiring wisdom and clear vision. The paths ahead were lines with perseverance, unselfish energy and tireless heart and soul. The citizens of Dade County will live on in what we hope is stability and everlasting tranquility all because you cared and the missions of hope, faith and goodwill created that virtue and versatility that is sometime seldom seen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2022

Peace on earth seems to be greeted with wanton violence and just pure evil which sets off a chain of events so catastrophic. Dade County was protected, preserved and secured by your messages and lessons of esteem and admiration, Officer Cook. When two goes with two the answer is four. Integrity, dignity, character and respect are the soulmates of a driven and dedicated hero who will never be forgotten. One sacrifice was and always will be a small step forward in humanity's trails of truth, trust, happiness and prosperity. Rest in peace neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2022

Virtue that was humble,heroic and honorable, Dade County was sent a real proud and brave Godsend in yourself, Officer Cook, with a strong heart and noble soul of vitality that preserved and protected mankind like no other. Forever will you be remembered and saluted for your integrity, fortitude and character of a most dignified human being. The cream rises to the top and your tenacity helped to whip evil. A legend to be respected and etched forever within the hearts, souls and minds of your family, comrades and close personal friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2022

A vigilant public servant steeped in virtue, vision and versatility that produced sacred journeys of faith, hope and goodwill shared forevermore. Dade County was rewarded and blessed by your cherished soul and heart, Officer Cook, heroic, honest and indeed filled with dignity and integrity humanely given to you when you were born. Mankind was graced and most enhanced by a gentleman of character, truth and trusted virtue that was a balance of all your talents and tenacity set forth to provide, produce and to protect our land and community from the noices of evil. You gave your life and you won't be forgotten. We salute your value, principles and scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A humble man who acted as just that never seeking the limelight.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2022

Unless it is broken the clocks keep on ticking. They don't cease for a moment's rest. Same for you, Officer Cook, always on the go with a cheerful demeanor, a smile on your handsome face and all the seriousness when Dade County needed your essential skills and courage that fateful day not to be overlooked, never forgotten and certainly all the motions and ranges of resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency. Diligence that paid the price for our efforts and serenity to go onward. The skies ar eblue and stay aglow because your very humble heart and soul cared, was considerate and was revered. Cornerstones and their foundations built to champion the causes, passions and purposes you deemed as important during your critical and most crucial watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2022

In eternity there is total peace and perfection within God' s walls of angels. Heroes and heroines who are welcomed and judged by Our King for their ultimate sacrifices which have benefitted humanity. The outpouring of grief, Officer Cook, when your family, community and comrades paid their respects to you was surely overwhelming. Just a man who was brave and honored, you kept your vow to create a semblance of harmony and sanctity. Integrity and dignity walking along the paths and trails where justice was served by a man of perseverance and passion. A heart that never quivered and a soul that never wandered nor betrayed the public trust. A life well lived and a yearning well enhanced and performed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2022

A life taken without regard is heinous and callous, reprehensible to say the least. You lived a pious and humble life, Officer Cook, blessed with health, peace and happiness all because of your decent upbringing by your two beloved parents may they along with you my neighbor, friend and hero rest in peace. Dade County admired your humble career and a life that exemplified everything valid in honor, dignity and integrity which searched and rescued society from the wickedness that is associated with wanton evil. You were consummate, caring had a heart and soul replete with values, virtue and versatility that brought us stability. Nothing sadly can bring you back to your family except they know you are their heroic angel in heaven whois soaring over them as they carry forward your legacy of commitment,character and the trusted convictions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2022

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