Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Complex and complete are two different matters altogther. Police work is never dull or dismal. Sad at times and other moments happy in the sense that you saved and protected people and made a difference in how they can succeed and live peacefully and with more prosperity. You took your job, Officer Cook, to heart, your very soul of honesty and humility touched the very souls of Dade County and their residents. The courage of outstanding character, resolve coupled with integrity and dignity and we can humbly observe why you lived your life and fulfilled your missions and desitinies per Our Creator's designs that He had in mind for you, your family and those comrades who served during your intense battles preserving and fighting off evil and its complex wickedness that challenges those who are sincere, concerned and brave. You were a valiant servant, Officer Cook, who made the accomodations for enhancement to forever march on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2017

All your accomplishments, Officer Cook, have made our society a bit more stabile. Effort and efficiency put together properly create the atmosphere of awareness and the astuteness to actually complete one's missions and their associated tasks. When you patrolled, Officer Cook, there was no time to bask in your glory, only to relish the opportunity to serve wisely and to protect our freedoms and peace proudly. Dade County saw a man of perfect instincts personifying honor, integrity and dignity that allowed your missions and hope to shine through. Never forgotten and always heroically saluted for civility and conviction, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and humbleness lead to more righteous endeavors and peace and serenity are all officer's mottos and creeds that should be adhered to.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2017

The epidemic of evil makes this world a little more difficult to live in. Though, we live by morals and values, honesty and a bit of dignity and integrity do go along way toward resolving any conflict. You did your part, Officer Cook, quite convincingly on behalf of all Dade County and its citizens. Their peace and togetherness must never be compromised nor disturbed as it is the gentleness of your beloved spirit that sustained us all. Character drew the conclusions of courage and vigilance right from your very beloved and humble heart, its humility stationed there for all humanity to witness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A good speaker whose wisdom, vision and knowledge has laid the plans for a brighter future.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2017

If complete justice prevails for all men and women who gave their lives of humility and dignity, then we are just tapping the surface. We are witnessing tenacity and true heroism, honesty and the integrity by which all brave and able bodied do their duties. You worked in Dade County for the people, Officer Cook, securing the serenity and mundane lives of all. Life and living no matter one's race, creed or background really do matter. You took basic lessons and honed your skills until resolution became a by product. Your concern, hope and class made all the difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2017

Quarrels only quench the thirst of terror, just as pouring gasoline on a fire raging. But with your passion, Officer Cook and with your undivided attention to detail and dignity, integrity and honesty was allowed to permeate the walls of Dade County striking down barriers to peace and civility. The unity we all yearned for was brought about through your courage and commitment. No more conviction, character and conclusion was delivered than by your unwavering watch over us. The gentleman of ideals, intuition and ingenuity displayed the calmness and firmness to fairly seek justice for all. Society will record your humility and the sanctity by which you performed your tasks in life and during your life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who have the means and ability show it humbly without expecting anything in return. Exactly how you lived, Officer Cook. Only if others could follow your blueprint. It takes time. It just needs to be carried out a bit more urgently. Violence and pandemonium don't take timeouts for anyone!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2017

As all of our police heroes and heroines do, they sacrifice pride over ego. You stoked the coals of Dade County's concern, Officer Cook, with your own special brand of passion, perseverance and the dignity ,honesty and integrity that was real and resolving. The peace and unity was spelled out by virtue of your morals, sound character and the politeness that at least can convey a message of urgency. It is important to remember your faith and devotion as circumstances evolved. But, no matter, your family, colleagues and friends have paid you, Officer Cook, the highest and most esteemed salutes of valor and homage that those who give receive. A community that needed fixing and was treated and served by a loyal friend and peer whose professional acumen was second to none. Better yet, humbly the best. An outstanding job saving your colleagues and the people from the throes of turmoil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Egotistical individuals need not apply for such an important journey. Their missions may get knocked for a loop If vigilance and the due diligence is absent. Peace needs an equalizer to combat wickedness. It had your vivid attention and uniform, Officer Cook, backing up your every pursuit of tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2017

Desertion will get you punished quicker than honor and dignity will reward you. All duly noted and sworn public servants must face the music at some point in time. You faced injustice with morals, courage and a heart of desire that only faithfulness will bring. Concerned and full of integrity, you can be sure, Officer Cook, that Dade County and its folks won't soon or ever forget your heroic demeanor. Its spoke of clearing a mess of mayhem and kayos from among our midst. The fight of ferocity goes on as peace and its serene affects may be felt by all. You were a humanely engaging man, Officer Cook, at least your compassion and passion was of a caring and considerate nature. Nature's own hero and truly wonderful gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Eternal rest comes to those who bravely surrender themselves to righteously perform Our Creator's will. Your parents instilled those ironclad lessons of faith and hope cheerfully and proudly in both you and your sister, Nancy. Certain things in life must be earned not taken for granted in order to reap a reward. God's has His Honor Roll of Sacrifice humbly displayed in those pearly gates of heaven above. The streets up there may never be messed with, no earthquakes, no more horror, no terror, no travesties of any kind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2017

The root of the matter is to respond quickly and without hesitation to any call of duty, a basic responsibility of all police officers. Officer Cook, Dade County was your venue, it was your eyes and ears of effort and arduous work removing evil from our streets. You did your family, fellow officers and acquaintances proud. You put forth the honest and cerebral endeavor that only integrity and bravery can bring. You delivered the strike the citizens were looking for, clamoring for peace and security while unity and freedom waited for your humble arrival. Saluted and admired, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement takes a toil, you gave your life and a career where fruition and journeys laid ahead. God directed your missions with His scope of decency and desire to match to determination, the reason why you could proudly lead other comrades through obstacles of peril.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2017

Duty and honor may dance together with dignity and integrity while your heroically beloved soul, Officer Cook, circles our universe. Dade County was excellently provided for during your watch. A period of six years strictly devoted as everyday of your life to morals, courtesy and politeness. There is never going to be any just cause for rudeness and laziness. Lack of effort keeps those dedicated souls of peace and unity continually fighting off evil. You never gave in to violence and mayhem, Officer Cook and surely as I'm leaving this reflection for you, commitment, conviction and candor never left your side as you patrolled the corridors of a community that revered and respected your ethics. You were a fundamentally sound public servant full of humility and the grace and common sense to resolve any conflict that came your way. Wisdom and vision must be at all sides of your cruiser otherwise the danger and peril become that much more harder to deal with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of ingenuity and sound character searching for answers. Now the questions loom. No matter you are our hero and its etched in our thoughts and hearts never to be taken away.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2017

Glory shall not be robbed from one robed in humility and honor. Its bravery and boldness are its dignity and integrity. What your life and personification were all about, Officer Cook. Dade County witnessed some fierce battles but on May 16, 1979, it had its heart ripped from them. Your life taken so meekly and without any remorse. You can be certain your excellent composure, character and God -given skills won't be forgotten. God has your missions, journeys and fruitful destinies locked up in His eternal chest for safekeeping. Modesty, morals and ideals all stored waiting for someone to use them here as handed down by your gentle soul of serenity. The one that saved Dade County and your comrades of courage and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gallantry and nobleness accentuated your accomplishments, Officer Cook. You were a hero before your tragedy and the evil that separated you from your family for now is only temporary. They will reunite with you when God deems their pursuits of happiness as completed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2017

Threatened by turmoil, tormented by terror, tranquility must not be silenced by violence, the very cruel and cowardly actions that took your young life and career, Officer Cook. Dade County was undermined and seized by domestic violence which was your final call answered. You aided and saved lives. Your comrades and those civilians were most grateful for your resolve, vigilance, loyalty and the humbly humane hero in you. Integrity, dignity and honor are what public servants of pride and commitment are all about. They function and focus on peace and unity, letting their tenacity and ferocity take care of their professional business day in and day out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wickedness is like a swarm of bees bothering us and looking to sting us when least expected. Nothing worse as well than a colony of ants looking to antagonize us. You persevered and clearly humility was one of your greatest strengths given back to all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2017

Dignity assistes in triumphing over disaster. The wickedness that evil launches in any venue. Where bad is waiting, good must be peering its eyes out. Eyes were surely watery here in Dade County and all around the country when you lost your life in the line of battle, Officer Cook. You put everything, integrity, honesty and nobleness on that proverbial conveyor belt. It goes up and down never taking a break except when it requires servicing. Peace and unity, liberty and freedom needs twenty-four a day efficiency, anything short of that by your colleagues, Officer Cook and trouble is sure to occur. You did your best. Wore your badge and uniform smartly. Gave good sound advice to the citizens and displayed outstanding quality of values, morals and ethics. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave a hero's humble and humane endeavor and won't be forgotten for serving and in rescuing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2017

H D S I I. Humane. Desirable. Sincere. Informative. Integrated. You take any law abiding public servant and put them on the streets, you had better make the courage, dignity and honesty is right there to back their every movement. It certainly did for you, Officer Cook, right in the heart of Dade County and in its people's minds. They could not ask for a better role model, a source of preservation, patience and the calmness of voice and rational to act as you so professionally did on May 16, 1979 and on all days, afternoons and evenings. Character and commitment do challenge most of us and police officers are no different. They share emotions. They share happy times and those when a colleague lays it all on the line for peace and civility to shine through. You did, Officer Cook and by your loving embrace have we to thank you for your loyalty and faithfulness. The nation and your community do pay you the humble and serene salutes of gallantry as they should. Efficiency. Profiency. No deficiency. Only due vigilance to the matters at hand. Keep observing us, Officer Cook, your cherished soul will give us that gentle nudge. We will know it comes from our warrior and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2017

The other day I read in a Catholic newspaper where I visit the residents as a part of my chaplaincy, that a parish priest from Peru was elevated to the status as an auxillary bishop here in Miami. Florida the place where you family settled sixty-three years ago in North Miami Beach. You grew up there, Officer Cook and about six or so miles away fought a bravely violent gunfight with a crazed young man who sadly took your life. You never disturbed his applecart before so I don't know why he had a venditta against the establishment, the police who only look to serve, save and protect the sanctity of life and its propective peace. It was through your humble integrity, honesty and dignity that any plans and preparations could take shape. Elevations are earned not granted, whatever you obtained through diligent and arduous work, Officer Cook, you earned your stripes. You earned the esteem of wearing a uniform, badge and shiny black shoes used to chase after evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One hundred years from now people will still pay homage and grant you, Officer Cook those humble salutes of honor for having the boldness and intuition to act accordingly. Time will testify as to your professional acumen. Clear and crisp. Pristine and primed to see justice carried out fairly and evenly for one and all. I hope your mother, Officer Cook, Mrs. Julia Cook is doing well out in California. You made her and your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace very proud.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2017

Shielding. Serving. Saving. Three of the many assignments that await our most beloved, humbled and bravest of women and men from the law enforcement communities. You instructed and delved right in to preserving and securing Dade County's peace, Officer Cook, a humane hero never to be overlooked nor forgotten. The messages lie ahead of those difficult tasks at hand where taking evil and its violence out of the equation altogether and replacing it with unity, perseverance and the assurance of safety for all mankind. Your engaging character, conviction and clarity said it all as did your outstanding work in the field. That right there goes to the heart of morals and proper humility in a nutshell. Crime never ends. A life so valuable, yours my neighbor, friend and hero, it ended too suddenly with more left to accomplish. Endeavor and its resolving effort were always one-hundred percent straight ahead. Rest in peace. Shelters are for cover and the eternal shelters where our most valiant rest must never be bothered for they our most humble and righteous servants toiled the streets with a renewed tenacity unlike most.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2017

Gallantry and grace, honor and reverence, dignity and integrity are no gimmicks. You either have the right tools to get the job done right or you go and chase after some other possibility. Opportunities are endless for those who relish a test, a challenge, a task of voluminous responsibility. You enjoyed your work, Officer Cook, just as you cherished life. Dade County and its residents were the grand recipients of your heroism and humbleness. There can be no questions about your outstanding character, vision or wisdom and its perceptiveness. You won't ever be forgotten for aiding and in saving the preservation of life. You placed peace and respect, happiness and prosperity right where they can anchor one another, the foundations of your unwavering and fruitful ferocity. Tenacity never was selfish and for what you meant to our nation, your community and society as a whole, Officer Cook, may you be so honored and saluted for bravery and boldness like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You steered violence and its disturbances away from us, shielding us and protecting the spirits of one and all. And now as your reward, Officer Cook, God navigates your soul high above watching over those pearly gates, no tricks, no jokes. Forevermore in eternity where no harm, turmoil or harm will ever come between you and Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2017

Playing no favorites and taking no prisoners, you handled your professional business as well as any hero, Officer Cook, so brave, honorable and humble as it should be. It made the citizens of Dade County stand and salute your respect you had for all mankind. To think about the dignity and integrity facing you everyday while going out on patrol and saving lives. The peril, the terror, the obstacles that may have impeded your commitment and the convictions behind your loyalty and ingenuity. Now we all know where humility lies, it is covered by humanity's saving grace. And your character and gallantry, Officer Cook, are being preserved as is your beautiful soul of security forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You left a loving and wonderful family some of whom I was humbled to meet even though I sobbed like a baby in your parents' home. Your untimely passing at the hands of a mentally ill man, depressed young man, whatever still leaves my and I'm sure your comrades and family very downtrodden. Nonetheless you are highly regarded, admired and revered for nobility and its sanctity. All of us who pursue happiness can thank our beloved heroes and heroines for unwavering devotion and faithfulness. You were one of God's chosen public servants, Officer Cook, so handsome and engaging with that big bright smile behind our flag. So much to give, you gave your life, made the ultimate sacrifice for peace and unity to react equally well with one another.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2017

African Americans and those of different races deserve the very same opportunities in life so long as they pursue them honestly and with integrity. The dignity of all persons is part of our Constitution as is free speech so long as one's mouth speaks without lies and is free of vulgarities. You conversed the plain and simple truth, Officer Cook, to all Dade County folks. With passion and reverence in your eyes you shielded us from harm keeping us safe and peaceful. Violence plays no part at least it should not in this world as it undermines the fringes of fairness and justice for all. One man of sound mind and body chasing after evil while keeping the tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing and educating through motivation and the resourceful determination all gained by training, practice and dedication. Badge#1664 won't be forgotten. Heroes' and heroines' courage and humility toward humanity cannot ever be overlooked. Valor is not vanity. Courage is not to be perused over. Bravery is not meant to be bragged nor boasted about. Our savior, hero and warrior with a mighty caring and giving heart of gold.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2017

Zoos are for animals. Prisons are for those who commit crimes they disturb and destroy the quiet of any community. You had your share of takedowns, Officer Cook, where you had to arrest people and yet being the easy going person, you had firmness and fairness placed where it would have the greatest effect. In Dade County your humbleness and honor was stored within your badge and uniform of courage and convincing dignity and integrity. Those traits have to be utilized in order to bring about the best outcome of any situation. You saved lives, Officer Cook, precisely by your commitments to excellence and accomplished by virtue of clear and crystal vision, wisdom and th ehope that humanity would be very well served. It is because of brave and devoted souls of security such as yourself, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. America was served with dedication and distinction by heroes and heroines unafraid to take on enormous challenges. A leap of faith is required as is a clear mind and a stellar brain to process information.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2017

Justice and its humility cannot be perverted. They must be allowed and able to flow freely upon our society. Your performance in the line of duty, Officer Cook, was superbly heroic. As you kept your vision and wisdom focused entirely upon the goodwill of Dade County and its residents. Their peace, hope and desires were fulfilled by your classic character, dignity and intense honesty. The Liberty City area of Miami, Florids will never be the same without you a swill your family and colleagues. They do have wonderful memories of a well meaningful life and of a truly faithful public servant whose missions, travels and navigations were all in the name of peace, resolve and of deliberation from your valiant heart of humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today, yesterday and tomorrow have come and gone, though they come primarily through your unwavering sacrifice, Officer Cook, to return peace to the streets and mayhem and evil to where it properly must be. Obliterated and vanquished forever. God has got your treasured soul of safety where you can be left to do His eternal duties without fear or harm ripping at you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2017

Sweet foods are partaken for a reason. They make you happy. Violence curtails our happiness too in that it exacts life and property, something we as Americans and free people deem valuable. You were an asset to your community and to your department, Officer Cook, in that you had the right mentality and the attributes of honesty, dignity and insightful integrity to accomplish your central tasks at hand. Making peace and unity a reality and dispensing with doom and gloom that evil leaves in its paths of destruction. You can be sure, Officer Cook, your morals, values and core of excellent character won't ever be overlooked. You were finished with your earthly jobs in God's eyes, though you left behind a humble legacy of which those foundations were properly built for other comrades brave, honest and sure to follow in. Their eyes and ears must be attuned to the citizens' peaceful missions and their security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Callousness rips apart conclusive convictions, those commitments and journeys that were your life and profession, Officer Cook. We salute your wisdom, knowledge and vision everyday, it's a part of mankind's indebtedness to you for service and protection.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2017

There is a reason why police are needed on the streets. Not just for scouring for evil, but to enlist the general help from the public in promoting peace and goodwill among all persons. Here in Dade County where you served and labored for six years, roughly a quarter of your life, your missions of honor and mercy, your destinies of dignity, devotion and desire drove you to become the very best gentleman and servant out there giving your resolve, character and every ounce of your humbly humane effort. You'll remain a hero whose legacy of motivation and sheer grit and determination won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul and spirit of serenity rest soundly in Our Creator's sheltered headquarters among those men and women of valor and bravery unafraid to tackle the ugly tenacity of terror. It was sadly perpetrated in New York City yesterday afternoon when a mad man killed at least eight persons riding bikes. When will this mayhem stop already?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2017

Scouting and securing the public's security and serenity is what all decent, dignified and brave souls of the law enforcement community are directed to do. You did your part with welcoming resolve and no hesitations, Officer Cook. Because you were an honest servant whose integrity helped to remove evil and atrocity from the streets you will solemnly saluted and so honored for having the right character, morals and boldness of commitment. Dade County and its residents have been given that opportunity to flourish and to make the most of its chances by your unwavering desire to being together peace and unity. Its ropes of resolve sturdy enough to hold things as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You live on, Officer Cook, in your family's hearts and in those of your humbly efficient brothers and sisters who keep up the good battle. Never giving up or in. You were in the Boy Scouts just as my dad and I were. You dreamed big and achieved a humane level of success. Evil never seems to abate, all any officer can do is keep calm and reassure those they serve and preserve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2017

Reserved and yet built with resolve. Fair and honest, unbiased and unwavering. Your exploits, Officer Cook, were designed around the corners of courage and conviction, the dignity and integrity utilized soundly to protect Dade County's folks. You take some character, morals, humility and a lot of perseverance and place them together, peace and its unifying rationale come to the surface. You will be humbly and humanely honored deservedly so, Officer Cook, as a warrior who fought the hard and most difficult war of them all, violence and its terror which strikes like an anvil. No letting your guard down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You never did, Officer Cook, Noble. Astute and considerate.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2017

Who is rich? One who is content with their lot in life. You were a happy and healthy young man, Officer Cook, so full of vim, vigor and the vitality to masterfully patrol all Dade County with renewed energy, effort and the traits of character, commitment and conviction. It's challenging at times to maintain integrity, humility and dignity, but you persevered and instilled reverence and loyalty in other colleagues that you led and motivated wisely. sound wisdom, courage from the heart and the love and esteemed by which you, Officer Cook, brokered peace, serenity and security for your community that so salutes you ingenuity and intuitions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mercy and hope tend to leave a lasting impression when applied smartly. You kept your composure and wits about you on May 16, 1979, you'll always be treasured and truly remembered for saving and maintaining the structure of life so valuable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 31, 2017

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