Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Even for the honorable and humble brave souls of safety and enhancement, earthly possessions do not travel to the next world with their souls. But what they take with them is the loving respect and satisfaction of performing their tasks with character, values and tenacity. All the tact you had, Officer Cook, was on your sleeves when you patrolled the many areas of Dade County. A community where you were accountable, dependable and responsible for life and property. A hero of class, faith, esteem and devotion to the core principles of integrity and those journeys of justice and fairness for each individual. God values His talented and humane public servants and never takes His eyes off of them as they endeavor to navigate around turmoil and bedlam. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You carried your righteousness and humility squarely on Badge#1664 and you'll be fondly remembered for the highest of moral standards.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2018

The good, bad and ugly, they all commandeer a part of our lives. Public servants run out on patrol preserving and saving life never really knowing if they will return at the end of their shifts in peace and security. Its value so instrumental in having peace and happiness, good health and prosperity forever linked to conviction and commitment. You were an integral part, Officer Cook, of Dade County's landscape many decades ago and yet for all your bravery, courage and valor, you were there to save your fellow officers and those civilians involved in this evil web of terror which took your young life and career away from you, your family and colleagues who too fought off evil. Integrity and dignity along with honor and humbleness can most times help to ward off wickedness. Your heroically humane actions that awful day, Officer Cook, will forever be cherished and duly honored, etched in our hearts and minds and saluted for having unselfish commitment to both excellence, pride and the wiseness of sight to take a stand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Keep observing us from God's fertile palace high above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2018

God rules the world. A world where crime and evil still rules some venues. Therefore it's necessary to have honest and devoted crime fighters such as yourself, Officer Cook, serving and protecting our liberties and freedoms. You certainly displayed all the morals, integrity and character to willingly battle such as fierce foe. And for your courageous spirit of heart and humility may you be saluted for eternity. Only a humble hero of respect and loving admiration. You were one of Dade County's many superior public servants who donned his badge and uniform with dignity, wisdom and unwavering vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven's lights are always aglow with the many angelic heroes and heroines who laid their lives down as you did, Officer Cook, keeping peace, sanity and civility in top notch shape for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2018

The basis for good relationships is brought about through courage, wisdom and dignity. The inherent trait of this is one who keeps their honor and humility guarded within their badge of boldness and a crisply worn uniform of understanding and self-sacrifice. You gave us, Officer Cook, the tenacity with which to live peacefully and to pursue a happiness in our lives not always so simple to fully comprehend. We here in Dade County try to remember those heroes and heroines who fought the good fight and brought resiliency and proficiency into our homes through goodwill, peace and prosperity. Determination and motivation enabled you to proudly lead others through thick and thin. Evil is like a wildfire fire, its flames enormous and ferocious, you just did your professional part superbly, Officer Cook. Others now have a staunch and even tougher challenge awaiting them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 9, 2018

If only your voice soft and sweet could be heard now, Officer Cook. The sound of sweet music to our ears. The peace and tranquility in Dade County replacing violence and hatred, it speaks monotones. Wickedness usurps what the powers of honesty, dignity and integrity bring to a community that still reveres you, Officer Cook. Might makes right. Humility and proper authority make for a positive outcome. You paid the dearest of prices with all the desire, devotion and character that accomplishment can deliver. You delivered our unity and respect for one and all and shall be so honored forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 9, 2018

Life is a series of bumps and obstacles. Those men and women honest and brave enough are able to conquer any impediments that lie ahead. You were master, Officer Cook, in preventing disaster and mayhem. Dade County on May 16, 1979 was spared more harm than we the ordinary citizen could even imagine. If character, wisdom and vision coupled with honor, morals and integrity could have saved your life, your family would be eternally grateful. Nevertheless, you did all you possibly could understanding that a sacrifice of the most humane and humble level might be necessary. You gave your life, Officer Cook, your comrades and family miss you and engaging smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lights of hope and faith burn brighter than ever. Your treasured soul of security is flying higher everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 9, 2018

The magnitude of one's honor and decency can be measured by the level of their servitude of serenity. The courage and bravery all through integrity and dignity carries any public servant's career. And way down those pathways in life did you follow your heart, Officer Cook and it never let you down. Your character, commitment and convictions allowed you the chance to pursue evil while restoring happiness and prosperity among Dade County and its people. Those enhancements have stayed anchored today because of your heroically humane actions thirty-eight years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You always be saluted for spreading goodwill, safety and humility that will be forever remembered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 9, 2018

If wisdom and and vision become cloudy chances are honor, dignity and integrity can get muddied too. Then violence and evil may leave their nasty fingerprints of negative ferocity instead of prodding ahead on a positive note. Officer Cook, for all your acumen and awareness, you managed to keep Dade County safe and secure from wickedness. Only by your unwavering passion and careful approaches could you yourself stay safe while keeping the healthy atmosphere of peace nestled by our sides. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for humility toward humanity and the great gallantry humbly reserved for heroes and heroines who stood face to face and answered the call of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Only your stoic character and sound intellect saved the day on May 16, 1979. A day sad and somber. Your existence and career, Officer Cook, meant all the difference.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 8, 2018

Never abandon your morals, ideals and values for you may never realize the moment when you'll need them as your partners in battling turmoil and evil. Having stellar character, integrity and dignity can only lead to good results most of the time. There are those moments when all the humane compassion and versatile vigilance will come in handy. Yours, Officer Cook, absolutely did on May 16, 1979 and you went down as a humble hero of wisdom and vision for saving civilians and your comrades nearly gunned down fighting off that very disturbed young man who took your life and career, Officer Cook. Humility and bravery tend to make humble the simple. You lived, Officer Cook and continue to live in your beloved family's heart and souls. Your soul protected and instilled all the liberty and unity needed to survive. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enlightening. Encouraging and engaging, we won't see a more classy man of pure desire and the decency needed to combat through this maze of terror.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 8, 2018

Police may not be oblivious to any signs of obvious strife which in turn may lead to further evil. You saved and protected the lives of all Dade County residents, Officer Cook. A certain warrior and hero whose gallantry and humane kindness and goodwill won't ever be forgotten. When angelic heroes and heroines of the finest regard for honor, integrity and dignity sacrifice on the public's behalf, we salute and honor their ingenuity, common sense and wisdom that helped keep unity and liberty where it ought to be. We rest at night all because of your undying commitment, Officer Cook and its intuition and convictions most important in fighting terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your inspirations, aspirations and heroic humility lives on in the hearts of your family and colleagues who worked alongside of you, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 8, 2018

The highest ceiling for any sworn public servant is to keep their reverence, honesty and dignity by their side. After all a weapon is there for them to utilize but with caution. Dade County was respected and kept safe by your perseverance, Officer Cook. A gentleman of marvelous character, commmitment and the senses to right a ship of senseless violence. God saw your journeys and their faithful missions as complete and took your remarkable soul of peace and serenity home to heaven to keep eternal watch over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light is on shining brighter than ever. A cherished and most admired hero and savior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 8, 2018

Police are not elected to fight crime. It is their firm belief and desire to rid the world of this ungodly evil. What heinous violence represents is what good law abiding men and women of the highest caliber of honor and courage choose to pursue. You chose police work, Officer Cook, as a means to earning a humble living for you and Karen, but as one who followed his heart's desire and faith to the very end. A sacrifice made in the name of God protecting and preserving the lives of all Dade County citizens. You were a humble and loyal companion to your peers, Officer Cook, never a brighter smile, a hearty laugh and just an engaging personality filled with humility and integrity to be mourned forever and saluted for righteous dedication and character that hasn't been forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was not about just calming those riled up, it was about compassion, common sense , wisdom and vision that trolled along on your trails of a peaceful means of happiness and prosperity for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 7, 2018

To dream and to dare two completely different realms of action. Better to act honorably and heroically than to be callous and lazy. Police work needs vigilant and diligent folks patrolling the venues for peace and unity. You were the consummate professional, Officer Cook, integrity and dignity were surely following you around all your days and nights. Those six years of exceptional care, concern, class and decency were highlighted by your unwavering and unselfish determination t oboth pride and excellence through unrelenting humility and civility toward mankind. It made wickedness stand up and realize, you, Officer Cook, were valiant until the end further enhancing our lives of happiness and the aspirations we sometimes struggle to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If endearment was called for you were right on the spot to calm. Never a more humble and practical thinker.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 7, 2018

The brother and sisterhood of brave and dependable public servants function as one in order for honor, dignity and integrity to operate as efficiently as possible. You did all you could for Dade County and its residents in the battle over evil, Officer Cook. A surely humble man of both design, devotion and character who clung to the ideals and morals so humanely needed to wear and tear down violence. A hero to be courageously saluted for conviction and commitment so vital to your tenacity and its trails of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 7, 2018

Mr. Pearsall should have learned his lessons long before he began his insidious assault on police officers. Dade County would have been much better off without his violence and terror that caused your tragic death in the line of duty, Officer Cook. You placed care and character together with honor and dignity, decorum and devotion to create the prime atmosphere for peace and freedom to take hold. You'll never be overlooked, Officer Cook, for amply supplying equality and effort on our behalf. God has taken care of you and your comrades who too paid the ultimate price for humility and humanity to function not under hostile conditions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 6, 2018

With a thirst for truth and a passion for justice, you brought only honesty, dignity and outstanding integrity to a position that demands everything civil and loyal from its devoted servants of security and serenity. Dade County, Officer Cook, was under the wings of your wonderful affection and humble achievements. Their peace and prosperity was delivered in a first class manner filled with character and wholesome humility. Your family, comrades and humanity as a whole won't forget your heroic missions of mercy and goodwill for mankind's sake. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 6, 2018

Your kindness, your resolve, acumen and never ending unselfishness won't be forgotten, Officer Cook. Dade County and its citizens won't ever forget your brave and courageous actions that day of May 16, 1979, in Liberty City in Miami. If only that troubled young man did no tplan to kill police officers, then no telling how the result would have been. A life of justice and its journeys of faith and equality for all were handled very prudently and quite proficienctly. You were a humbly born leader of all women and men of humility that humanity demands. You paved the way, Officer Cook, for other future public servants of both ferocity and tenacity to share in your ideals and the consummate character and courage you possessed won't be overlooked. It was diligence and security running at one hundred miles per hour. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God permits His angelic flock to persevere and then when that time comes a calling heroes and heroines must be prepared to answer that special and humble call.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2018

Thrown into the furnaces of terror, police scour our streets in search of hope and mercy. It is in their optimistic beings that allows them the chance to make a difference in our society. You were a sterdy and durable public servant, Officer Cook, with a heart of dignity and the integrity to match. We cannot have you back as Our Lord has you up in His perfectly manicured gardens for eternal safekeeping. You saved lives and helped to preserve the honor of life. So valuable and yet you validated your visions, Officer Cook, with all the epitome of an energetic effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2018

The fire of desire shall never be put out. If it ever is God forbid our most admired and beloved of public servants are in for one whale of a time protecting our unity. Their spirits soar like eagles and for the integrity and dignity that is needed to fight violence you gave Dade County and its people your best effort. Officer Cook, as you were a devout and religious man you brought calmness and sanity to a community starving for a little rest and relief. Evil threatens the character, commitment and nobility of all who ever serve those causes of tranparency. Never a more moral man whose values and ideals have been heroically remembered forever. Etched and sewn in our hearts is your humility, the humane humbleness that only assists our most dependable servants of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2018

Reverse the trends of ruination and somewhere peace and harmony will be restored to those who so desire security and safety. Dade County like many communities requires faithful and determined service and preservation to survive the waves of mayhem overtaking them. Your leadership and abilities, Officer Cook, were the tools of your profession where resolve along with dignity and integrity can humbly carry a hero's trips far down the road. Police needs people of devotion and the mental and physical makeup in order to overcome wickedness. This world has good and bad about it, the only thing is the good shall outweigh the evil and your rersourcefulness helped to stem the tide of tyranny, Officer Cook. You were a person of conviction and ideals so morally you were able to function in the demands of a stressful role which anything can happen. What happened on May 16, 1979, should not have happened as you performed your position by the book and just did your best at appeasing a troubled young man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Saluted for salvation, wisdom and vision to see us through turmoil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2018

Justice is the mechanism by which fortitude and honor go hand in hand. It's imbued in the souls of our bravest servants who go out and serve and protect our peaceful pursuits. Tranquility can only transpire with dedicated and tenacious men and women of humility. You served us, Officer Cook, with all your mettle and might, character and charm, gallantry and commitment never to be forgotten by those residents in Dade County. You are our inspiration as your aspirations, dreams and their journeys of devotion and faithfulness were deemed complete as God called you home to His throne of humane and eternal care. Always respected, treasured and admired for heroism at the most highest level. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God bless you, Officer Cook, a man of loyalty and a gentleman with a gentle spirit and the passions to pursue violence and eradicate it from our streets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2018

Be grateful for all that you have you may never have it again. We are thankful you were there to protect and to serve Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook. The public servant wearing a uniform of honor, dignity and integrity doing what you always wanted to do. Cannot say enough for your vigilance and courage all from your dear heart. You were humbly blessed, Officer Cook, with acumen and the talents that took your ferocity to conquer violence way down those humane and loyal pathways. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of innate wisdom, vision and the morals to access and to provide peaceful and unified times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2018

Focus on being hopeful and optimistic and you may find accomplishment down those trails of tenacity. You were an upbeat man and a consummate police officer, Officer Cook. Dade County was always under your finest supervision and conviction to seeing justice and peace being fairly distributed. Never a more finer man of integrity, honesty and character who was beloved and admired greatly by your peers of perseverance and due diligence. You can rest assured your heroic memory will be etched in our hearts and fondly saluted for valor and resolve beyond those calls of duty and responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines make the ultimate sacrifice in order to secure the boundaries of God's earthly venues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2018

If we keep praying that redemption will come sooner than later. Your beloved family will get to reunite with you, Officer Cook. They have missed your laugh, your smile and witty personality. Your colleagues and friends have missed your honor, loyalty and devotion to your faith and resourcefulness. Dade County has missed your courtesies and professional demeanor all through your esteemed commitment and boldness to take whatever heroic actions were necessary to quell evil. All the character, all the charm and grace has been very much missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Creator has a most humble and distinguished lineage of angels. Their pedigrees of persistence and perseverance never lacking. They offered top quality service and protection, humility for all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2018

The deeds of this world surely echo in eternity. All the embodiment of effort and boldness, having humane and humble honor with its unrelenting and unselfish dignity at your side. Your side, Officer Cook, was concerned with peace and calmness. Having integrity and conviction only supported your navigations around Dade County and in turn helped to arrange the proper administration of security and safety trails for all concerned. Your career and life, Officer Cook, were founded upon the principles of excellent character, commitment to both excellence and pride and the notion of noble actions, heroic in nature which in turn rescued your fellow officers in peril and those citizens involved in that nasty domestic dispute in which you gave your life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2018

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