Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Passion like no other. Poised like never before. Prudent as always. Persevering the right way. Your command of any situation, Officer Cook, was top notch and first rate. It was Dade County at your beck and call, Officer Cook, where you laid down your soul of safety and the serenity and security of all folks. No better character, caring, class and concern than yours, Officer Cook. With honor, dignity and a little gentle persuasion we were kept safe by your advice and esteem. Nothing finer than living in peace and relief all unified by your undaunted and unselfish conduct. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You served humanely and with a renowned humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 10, 2017

Never one to shy away from serious trouble, you can be certain, Officer Cook, that Dade County and its people will respect, admire and treasure your service to them. They wouldn't have any prospects of peace and common decency without your desire, honor and devout faithfulness all because of your excellent upbringing. Which we know your parents are to be thanked for raising you and Nancy, your sister. Common sense dictates using whatever means are at your disposal to help to eliminate evil and its violence that has no fears targeting us at anytime or place. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those men and women who were dedicated do sleep soundly knowing their efforts were not in vain.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 10, 2017

We pay compliments of courtesy to those brave and courageous souls of character, charisma and conviction. You were a gentle man with a humane soul, Officer Cook, one of giving and serving the public. Dade County and its folks were the ones who benefitted greatly from your unwavering preservation in this war over evil. What a disgrace when a young man talented and gifted goes out on his patrols of peace and unity and loses his life to wanton violence perpetrated against public servants who are honorable and dignified possessing lots of integrity and heroic grace. You'll always be very fondly remembered, Officer Cook, as you wore your badge and uniform very professionally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You undertook your trails of tenacity quite well and with a most ferocious follower of excellent values and morally righteous conduct.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 10, 2017

Honesty breeds humane and humble integrity and its dignity that is so valued and cherished. Those moments of your life and career, Officer Cook, were indeed very special. You were a gentleman first and foremost, a class individual and a loyal and faithfully heroic colleague to your partners all wonderful peers of perseverance. You championed excellent character and the decency in desire and devotion to serve all Dade County citizens freeing them from the traps of terror and wickedness. Always solemnly remembered and gallantly saluted for valor and humility above and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 10, 2017

Promises are insincere unless commitment to action is present. Dade County and its heroes and heroines all undertook one sacred pledge. Their humble and humane words of honor, dignity and integrity reflected their opportunity to serve and to protect the public from evil. You were your family's hero, Officer Cook, their shining knight in armor, just wished they had those side panels back then. Nonetheless your humility and nobility to create and to broker peaceful relations won't ever be forgotten. You made the ultimate sacrifice in order for our journeys and destinies to flourish and to reach fruition. Now you are being solemnly honored and saluted for outstanding valor, courage and bravery that character and morals demonstrate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 10, 2017

The vitality of one's honor is precisely the mettle of their character. It incomposes their entire being as they serve through danger and turmoil making sure things are peaceful and safe. All you did was serve and go over and beyond the calls of duty on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. This was your humble contribution to society and to humanity through diligence and your precise humility. Nothing can bring you back to your family and comrades, God has your sweet soul of joy and hope, Officer Cook, wrapped in His giant arms for eternal safekeeping. Your job was deemed successful and complete and Our Lord wants you and those who gave their lives to now patrol those sacred streets of golden gallantry and valor while looking down upon your family, friends and peers of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 9, 2017

Desire never tires nor wavers. All your days, Officer Cook, you were occupied with service and honesty serving loyally the citizens of Dade County. Their esteem was in your humble hands of solid convictions and commitments to preserve the dignity and integrity of what we describe as life. An adventure to be surely cherished as you treasured your passion to become a quality public servant. The salutes never grow old. The memories remain as wonderful as they were thirty-eight years ago. Still difficult to ponder so many decades ago that you sacrificed your nobility and character for our journeys and their destinies to move forward, Officer Cook. Always admired and revered for wisdom, compassion and the vision to see clearly what needed working on for peace and unity to be forever as part of our lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 9, 2017

Humanity rewards the humble and brave flock of ferocious angels of valor who expose their souls of security and peace to the evils of terror. Plain and simple. You dedicated your whole life and police career, Officer Cook, to serving and protecting the general public at large. No matter, your fine character, outstanding boldness and the solemn constitution of honor, integrity and dignity fortified all Dade County and its citizens who were searching and reaching for some measure of tranquility. Never far from our prayers for casting commitment and heroism in the most quintessential manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If conviction is called in to deal with danger and peril, then and only then will your humility and nobility, Officer Cook, combine as one to ward off the affects of wickedness. You did just that for six devoted and loyal years of service to a community that revered and admired your faithfulness and resourceful resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 9, 2017

Values and morals only help one succeed if the honesty and integrity coming from the dignity is utilized properly. For all public servants to be accomplished in their humble and humane battles over violence they must have a tough skin and yet exemplify fairness and a calmness in the heat of the moment. Your character and commitment, Officer Cook, make no mistake helped you to deliver the peace and serenity that all Dade County residents were clamoring for. Today, you have been cherished and fondly saluted for valor and heroism that has been incorporated within our thoughts and hearts. great work and faithful journeys throughout your life and career that had destiny calling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 9, 2017

If you have both charisma and character, you can make a difference as a law enforcement official so long as honest and dignified means are employed in seeking out peace while collaring those entertaining thoughts of violence. You dealt with the full gambit of situations, Officer Cook, in Dade County and in serving its citizens with heroic and humane devotion to duty. The life and career you lived and chose to pursue were not ping pong balls bouncing all around. It was hard work, an honest day's labor and the success in seeing humility triumph over terror. Marvelous morals. High end octane performance in critical circumstances saving and protecting the folks and that of your comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When it came to finishing tasks you were most resourceful and motivated, Officer Cook. God welcomed you to heaven with His wings of wisdom,vision and integrity for outstanding work and paying the ultimate sacrifice for our welfare.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 8, 2017

Pillars help to cushion falls. Police help us when evil attempts to ruin our otherwise beautiful lives. Your career and life of wisdom, devotion and faith, Officer Cook, was bounded by the virtues of excellent integrity, stellar dignity and endless honor which in turn helped you keep Dade County and its people safe from wickedness. One man's humility and resolve sheltering us in times of trouble and duress. Never forgotten and deservedly honored. It's etched in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 8, 2017

Strength of heart and sincerity of character sure assists us in our earthly endeavors. Your honesty, bravery and resolve, Officer Cook, allowed you to dignify your presence with your passion and the integrity to defend Dade County and its citizens against violence restoring their peace and sanity. Colleagues and your family have fondly saluted and remembered your cherished memory. Its destinies offered you the opportunity top pursue peace and freedom for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 8, 2017

The contours of courage and honesty take turns at times that derail one's inherent dignity and integrity. No police officer worth their salt can ever function on the job without being civil and having the right ethics to protect and to serve the public. Thank God you had the mettle, Officer Cook, to humanely and valiantly serve the citizens of Dade County. their prosperity, peace and serenity was fondly and proudly attached to your uniform of sanctity and the commitment, character and wisdom that are needed to fight off violence. Terror and torment are like those weapons of mass destruction which threaten our very society. You were our savior and warrior, a hero of humane proportions. Humanity will forever be grateful to you, Officer Cook. Knowledge and the values to validate any servant's purpose in life and during a career headed for more humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If encouragement was necessary, you were all ears.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 7, 2017

The crux of any public servant's authority lies in their honesty, dignity and integrity. Though, you require level headed and common sense from souls of serenity which is a part of their bravery and valor. Your personal approaches, Officer Cook, were for the most part successful. Dade County back in your time, Officer Cook, their residents were in the humblest and most humane hands of protection and service. For acting heroically my neighbor, friend and hero and for having the humility of character you deserve all the salutes of remembrance that fondly come your way. Peace and its healthy togetherness were a staple of your energizing nobility and civility. Rest in peace. You were a treasured gentleman of the highest morals, decency and the determination to accomplish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 7, 2017

Being surly and acting like a scoundrel won't cut the mustard in eliminating crime from the streets. You need serious minded individuals unafraid and honest who bravely patrol and answer those dangerous calls where destiny and missions lie in the balance. The folks of Dade County relied upon your basic instincts, Officer Cook, of sanity, serenity and the security to live a peaceful and unified lifestyle. Surely, heroic integrity, humility and dignity shall follow our most esteemed and beloved public servants all their days and years of their chosen endeavors and lives. Your character, Officer Cook, set the tone for your unselfish tenacity and the resourceful resolve put forth to better enhance our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Encouraging and enlightening us with your easy spirit one that now rests sound and delicately in God's divine heavens.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 6, 2017

Capable and surely responsible, you handled all your professional duties as any loyal, humble and honest man would, Officer Cook. Going by the department manual is one thing, taking matters into your own hands by lack of knowledge, reason and vision is another. So no matter how you went after evil on behalf of the residents of Dade County, a venue where your vim, vigor and inner strength of character and the incorporation of good judgment was called for we the people knew the outcome would match the effort and resolve. Comrades, friends and your beloved family have all missed your presence very much these last thirty-eight years, on November 30th you would have celebrated your sixty-forth birthday. Heaven awaited your heroically humble arrival as those brothers and sisters of the law enforcement communities were there to greet your humility and human feats of tenacity with open arms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The loss to mankind and our society, Officer Cook, just hollers foul, sinister and plainly heinous and cruel what happened to you just as to any dignified, loyal and faithfully honest man or woman. You go out and patrol for peace and liberty for each person never really knowing if you'll return home safe and sound. One call, one knock on the front door no family member wants to receive. Its message disturbing and full of profound sadness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 6, 2017

People who elbow their way ahead of the line have issues just as dangerous drivers who knockdown cones, zip in and out of the traffic flow, we call it now lane surfing. Police must drive fast at times with their sirens and lights on to race to a scene and yet honesty, dignity, integrity and good old fashioned common sense must be applied. Always, Officer Cook, were Dade County and its folks shown politeness, common courtesies and the thoughtful consideration and care for their peace of mind and safety. Back in your day you were the Central Division's best of finely attuned and trained officers whose outstanding heroism shall never be forgotten. Class, desire and character oozed from your badge and uniform of proficiency, effort and the knowledge that maturity and a high standard of morals bring. It delivered peace, serenity and the notions of nobility while maintaining civility and sanctity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity beckoned, Officer Cook, you willingly and fearlessly answered that call on May 16, 1979 as well as other times when ferocity and journeys motioned for your undivided attention. Saluted and respected for all eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 6, 2017

We all have some skeletons in the closet so to speak. But, if this wave of infamy and violence keeps interrupting the flow of normalcy we'll be in trouble. Your tenacity and even mannered style of policing, Officer Cook, was just what the citizens of Dade County needed. They wanted your reverence, your respect and admiration. They got the entire package of morals, values, ideals, integrity, dignity and honesty all wrapped around your uniform and badge. One of boldness, bravery and the visions to commit to wisdom, ingenuity and the sense of fairness. When justice must be doled out, it must be completed by someone as you did, Officer Cook, within the scopes of serenity, peace and tranquility. All the proper character must be summoned from your heart and very spirit, one that now and forever gently flies higher each day. With a kindred spirit, a renewal and the hope that optimism will someday reign supremely humble over violence. Humanity demands a little touch of humility from its devoted and loving public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wickedness perpetuated in any house of worship is just plain wrong, forbidden, callous and the epitome of evil. Pray for those who lost their lives and security yesterday in Texas at the hands of a madman. When decent and faithful women and men are taken suddenly from their communities, families and peers of resolve you know and understand the world is a little less stabile. Stability keeps foundations, cornerstones and enhancements anchored down like a crown on your tooth hopefully for good.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 6, 2017

A mother cradles her child protecting it from harm, a police officer shields the public from harm. Your parents, Officer Cook, protected you and Nancy from anything that would have been detrimental to your growths. This in turn allowed you to become the very seasoned and humble young man of inherent integrity, dignity and humane honor through fundamental morals. Politeness, courtesy and concern can take one down those trails of tenacity and the character too helps one to navigate down the paths of preservation, resolve and perseverance. Officer Cook, you were the darling of Dade County, its hero of nobleness and therefore you were able to deliver on your affirmation to broker good relations and peace and unity for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God lays that golden pillow down upon which your head and gentle spirit may rest comfortably in eternity, Officer Cook. You paid the ultimate price for pursuits of happiness, good health, peace and prosperity to rightly keep their missions and destinies marching on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2017

All day, all afternoon and all night, the fight goes on to curb and stop violence. It's everlasting and your diligence and superior vigilance, Officer Cook, helped Dade County to live in peace and quiet. Your superbly humble character and commitment saved the day. It was in your genes of gallantry and humility that suffering decreased and today because of your pride and courage can we pursue justice and happiness together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Generations from now you'll still and always be fondly cherished. What a Godsend and a warrior of wonderfully engaging wisdom, knowledge and vision. It corroborates what we knew about you, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2017

If a picture is worth a thousand words, than a man's humility and honor of serving us with humbleness, well you cannot place a value on that. Human life and the unwavering sacrifice that you made on our behalf and that of Dade County, Officer Cook, cannot simply be put into words. Talk is just that. Heroism and the quality of fine character and refined morals are what dignifies your pursuits and missions my neighbor, friend and hero. The peace and unity of those civilians whom you protected and cared about was what defined your career and those paths of ferocity and tenacity that you travelled to corral evil and instill serenity back into our lives. God as I've always said, Officer Cook, takes the best and watches over His angelic heroes and heroines by His pearly gates of grace and gallantry. Rest in peace. Though,you still have been allowed to witness those enhancements you set forth, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2017

Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. If you can put the work and time in you'll succeed beyond your wildest expectations. That is what is expected from all honest and brave public servants of justice and fairness. Dade County was your humble domain, Officer Cook, a man of patience, peace and the unwavering resolve. Justice and your outstanding character sincerely served mankind with total humility and the civility that comes from having knowledge, wisdom and a vision for how the future will be. You can be very sure, Officer Cook, that your courage beyond the calls of duty and those two very meaningful words of dignity and integrity shall always be remembered and faithfully saluted. You went out on your patrols and answered those calls where danger and peril lied ahead. But if your plan ahead and practice and preach the lessons you learned things should for the most part turn out well. Of course. we all wish things on May 16, 1979 did not happen as they did, you were a very dignified man who cared and was most polite and courteous to everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2017

Exercise makes you feel better and is a great way to relieve stress and tension. Police work is for but a small population of honest and dignified women and men who see a journey of faith and optimism and want to make a small contribution to the welfare of our society. This was your caring and kindness, Officer Cook. Your affection for the citizens of Dade County who were satisfied and served with humility and the loyalty that devotion requires. Everything is needed in this unending war over violence. The terror and destruction that is left behind can be and almose always is callous, heinous and irreprensible. No doubt we the people felt your gentle embraces, Officer Cook, an officer of outstanding character and wisdom behind your convictions of courage and the boldness to act heroically as you did on May 16, 1979 and everyday for a cause, a fruitful journey that accomplished more than we could ever imagine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We share in the burden that you shouldered very well. The grief and agony your family felt and still feels over your untimely loss you cannot begin to accentuate its definition. You'll always be saluted for being a proud humanitarian and humble man who preserved our peace and freedoms so our pursuits of happiness could continue moving forward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2017

Hypocracy and honesty could be classified as the very reasons as to why our world functions as it does. Say one thing and do an entirely different thing. Keep your word, your bond of boldness, the assurity of dignity and its inherent integrity. That was your heroic life and fortified career, Officer Cook. Dade County had your entire being, your eyes of clear vision, your ears to hear those cries for help. They had peace, serenity and security right by their very sides because of your undaunted, unwavering and unselfish sacrifice on mankind's behalf Officer Cook. Never forgotten. A man of quiet character, humble and humane effort, toiling in teracity on a mission of faith, hope and mercy, the goodwill given back to those who respected, admired and revered your services. Your badge of commitment, conviction and wisdom are preached and persevered in God's heavenly name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We'll remember your loyalty and resolve. Badge#1664 did its humble and beloved role with nothing but the highest regards of esteem and warmth. Now may God comfort your family, peers and friends who knew a warm and gentle soul of a classy and decent gentleman with a golden heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2017

Hypocracy and honesty could be classified as the very reasons a sto why our world functions as it does. Say one thing and do an entirely different thing. Keep your word, your bond of boldness, the assurity of dignity and its inherent integrity. That was your heroic life and fortified career, Officer Cook. Dade County had your entire being, your eyes of clear vision, your ears to hear those cries for help. They had peace, serenity and security right by their very sides because of your undaunted, unwavering and unselfish sacrifice on mankind's behalf Officer Cook. Never forgotten. A man of quiet character, humble and humane effort, toiling in teracity on a mission of faith, hope and mercy, the goodwill given back to those who respected, admired and revered your services. Your badge of commitment, conviction and wisdom are preached and persevered in God's heavenly name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We'll remember your loyalty and resolve. Badge#1664 did its humble and beloved role with nothing but the highest regards of esteem and warmth. Now may God comfort your family, peers and friends who knew a warm and gentle soul of a classy and decent gentleman with a golden heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2017

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