Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A sense of pride, a source of honor and pride, you surely Officer Cook, will be long remembered for having dignity and integrity focused on your efforts to make peace and unity a resolution for all Dade County residents. Character, class and decency all drove your successes during a lifetime of service and protection to our community where you remain a humble and humane hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2017

An individual whose morals match their character deserves our attention especially when they give their total being for the betterment of society. Something you believed in, Officer Cook, with all your fighting heart, soul of humility and the better gusies of honor, dignity and stellar integrity. Dade County cherishes its heroes and heroines and for those whose conviction and humbleness matches up righteously, they are rewarded by Our Creator for captivating the emotional sleeves of those who rely upon their solid instincts to live in peace and in unity. Foundations and their fruitions were devoutly set down by your unquestionable understanding of your venue' needs and wants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Journeys made. Destinies completed. Our Lord rewards you, Officer Cook, by allowing your esteemed soul to travel wherever it sees fit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2017

A life so rich in tradition and steeped in bravery and honesty must be humbly saluted and remembered for having the passions to stop turmoil before it escalated. You stopped a domestic incident, Officer Cook, before it got worse, though it had already got very bad. Three officers shot and one of them killed in the line of duty. You gave your life and soul of peace, Officer Cook, so that Dade County would experience the revelations of your resourcefulness and cunning heroic actions. The class of character and commitment always shines brighter when paired with integrity and dignity. You taught others the ropes of resolve, right from wrong, Officer Cook and can never be faulted for coming to the rescue of your friends. A uniform and badge do symbolize justice and must be adorned prudently and most efficiently.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2017

A doctor misdiagnosing an illness is a problem. A police officer floundering and exposing themselves and the public to danger is to be reprimanded and very possibly taken off the streets. These areas require extra special care and the quality of service and protection that left you, Officer Cook, a hero of humility, humbleness and the inbred honesty that law enforcement demands from its brave and valiant servants. When one is concerned with conquering evil and providing peaceful means by which to live our lives we must be thoughtful and grateful. Your courage and nobleness, Officer Cook, lives on in your loving family and colleagues who went to battle with you over terror and at least accomplished some of the journeys you solemnly set out to resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2017

Officers must never skate on thin ice. Their moves must be meaningful and forceful, decisive when necessary. Your grace and humbleness, Officer Cook, was most appreciated in and around Dade County where your smile and sincerity helped to calm down those whose tempers flared up. Honesty, integrity and the basics of desired dignity always followed you on your trails of tenacity in a venue that continues to salute your courage and humility given back to humanity fairly and openly. Today, Officer Cook, you might not believe all those changes in a demographic enhanced by your sanctity and serenity distributed to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Delays only give wickedness the opportunity to stand up and spread ruination. Public servants have to act promptly and be professional in morals every moment they don their uniforms of boldness and badges of loyalty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2017

That flag of glory where your photograph was taken, Officer Cook, stands for allegiance to duty, unselfish sacrifice, unwavering integrity and dignity and the esteemed and humble honor you afforded people while serving and protecting them. Their peace and togetherness was tired to your focused tenacity and feverish pitch ferocity. Dade County is certainly different than when you started out over forty-three years ago. Priceless moments for heaven's sake. Valuable lessons to be learned from one young and treasured soul of serenity who set out to make our lives more taciturn and sound. You'll not be forgotten for your undaunted resolve and the ressourcefulness that has remained imbedded in our thoughts and hearts forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The way athletes and others respect our flag it may be no wonder why evil and terror strike fear in our hearts. Take care Officer Cook and may your beloved continue watching over those who now serve and assist with keeping peace and liberty a staple for all times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2017

Take heart and fondly remember your loved ones did not sacrifice their lives in vain. Vanity is showing off. Vigilance and vigor are the humble designs of dignity, honor and respect. Reverence and integrity for an all important mission of mercy and faith backed up valiantly by character, caring and determined consideration. This is what made you the leader and public servant that served and looked after Dade County residents for nearly a quarter of your young life, Officer Cook. The hopes and dreams you had and pursued happily won't be forgooten, only heroically saluted for having the wisdom and common sense to develop healthy relationships with everyone. Always kind and considerate. Only a special gentleman of the highest gallantry and humility for the service of our community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2017

Never play with matches, you never know what might occur. Samething with diligent and devoted public servants as police work is not cutout for everyone. You wanted to become a law enforcement official since you were a young man, Officer Cook and you set out to do you very best to become an esteemed and honorable employee to Dade County. Its citizens could not be more grateful for your heroic actions of May 16, 1979 and everyday for that matter. Peace and justice, integrity and dignity from stellar character, humility and the humane care and concern you had for all whom you loyally served. Your life and career speak of nobility and civil mindedness beyond those required calls of duty. You were detrmined and faithful until your last breath and very sad you are not here to relish what you began to enhance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A woman who was a secretary for the department became an officer, unfortunately, her career was not destined to take further shape as she ran into problems with her driving a police car, utilizing a weapon with discretion and other missteps. Thank God you were attentive to details, Officer Cook and only were a source of pride to your family, friends and humble colleagues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2017

You leave home everyday peaceful and hope to return safe and sound. The sounds of violence destroy those moments. All public servants understand the risks assigned with their territory and you, Officer Cook, cherished your role as a peacemaker. Dade County's esteem and unity were in your able hands and feet of ferocity, honesty and full fledged dignity and integrity. Comrades and family have fondly remembered your austere personality and the character behind your badge of boldness and uniform of commitment to both pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2017

Dominance must develop itself from within dignified quarters. It cannot hide and run away from evil. Its shelters of serenity have to be kept ajar at all times for those civil minded to pass through. While shielding and delivering peace and good cheer, Officer Cook, you were a serious minded public servant who geared his grace and gallantry to those meaningful professional tasks at hand. Namely, keeping wickedness at bay and boldness and fairness a tall times by your side. The sense of security and safety must be all officer's priorities if everyone is to live and thrive. Those tents of ferocity you pitched, Officer Cook, were of sound mind and the character all who knew you would treasure and respect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It takes humility and humbleness to build architectures of awareness, acumen and astuteness. The job takes years of training, practice, much wisdom and clearly sage vision. A hero who truly was legendary, Officer Cook, as I look at your picture taken behind our flag, I'm reminded of what diligence and resourcefulness are all about. The A BC's of life and a career path undertaken with much fondness and admiration for a dangerously challenging position.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2017

Arrogance strikes fear in those who devote themselves honorably and nobly to the causes of peace and prosperity in our nation. Here in Dade County you were a tireless servant, Officer Cook, composed, dignified and straight ahead with your integrity and morals born from humility. You can never go wrong by following rules and regulations and because of your undaunted role, you saved lives while serving your faithfully fruitful missions of liberty, hope and mercy for all. Those righteous enough to live on and to continue your watch do so with God's graces pouring His perseverance and resolve upon them. The dew drops, the rain falls, tenacity travels its measured paths relentlessly and full steam ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2017

Fooling around on company time is forbidden. As we must be assertive in keeping the fires of ferocity ever so hot in this extraordinary battle over evil. It must be stoked and fought with reverence, a pronounced passion, composed honor and the sounds of humility where integrity and dignity are stored for each moment. Dade County, Officer Cook and its citizens were under your watchful guidance and morals in order for you to be accomplished. You sure never let any of your comrades down. They went down those very special concourses as you so faithfully did prevailing when violence reared its ugliness. Your considerate character and commitment to pride and in excellence while donning your pristine uniform and badge made all the difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Admired, respected and greatly cherished and humanely saluted, you carried yourself with the highest values and ideals of esteem and proficiency not to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2017

The essence of humility and of humble honesty begins at home. It then translates to going out on the streets patrolling the freewill and goodwill of all mankind. Courtesies and consideration, care and concern all fall under the eyes and ears of God's loving dignity and integrity qualities you humbly possessed for twenty-five years of life and service to Dade County, Officer Cook. When a man of noble and humane character is taken from his travels and missions before his time we must honor and salute your wisdom, conviction and vision all from your beloved soul and heart of giving. One that gave peace and unity a fair chance to share among our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Lord sits and judges us upon the effort we put forth as human beings. Your service, Officer Cook, left no doubt as to your desire, determination, motivation and leadership capabilities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2017

Headaches and other aches and pains are a part of police work. So too are bumps, bruises and at times something broken. Public servants go out on patrol in the various communities around our country and scour for peace and calm, it's in their genes of gallantry and goodwill to serve and to save lives. You brokered friendship, Officer Cook, through devotion and faithfulness to duty and due to your honor, dignity and integrity can all Dade County folks reside in unison and be freed of the bonds of evil. Rotten and lousy wanton violence that took your young life and career away from you. Courage and commitment to excellence work together as well as trust when combined with humility toward all humanity. It is those pathways you carved out for other brave and diligent future officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines don't simply come and go and then vanish. Their lives of realism are to be treasured and saluted vigorously for having the know how on when to take command of any given situation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2017

Thankfully we have dedicated men and women primed for the challenge of their lives. It's in their modest bravery, humble honor and blessed acumen of awareness, integrity and stellar dignity that helps see them through on their journeys of justice and equality for everyone. Every community needs a stalwart man or woman of charisma, hope and faith that devotes every ounce of efficiency in providing peace and goodwill, prosperity to all. You delivered on your solemn bond, Officer Cook, brandishing good morals and the fine fiber of solid character and conviction to witness your missions to their finish. Only thing though, God had other plans and that was to take your beautiful soul back to heaven to reunite with your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. At least the blueprint and outlines are there for a brighter tomorrow, though you should have been allowed to be here to see all the change, its genesis from your unselfish sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2017

I see, Officer Cook, that the Officers Down Memorial Page has changed a bit. One thing that remains a constant and that is your honor and heroism shall always be fondly and humbly saluted for its dignity and integrity. No matter the scene, Dade County and its residents were always protected by your humane and cherished character and boldness in commitment to monitoring evil and in trying your hardest to eliminate its ugliness. Comrades, family and friends remember the superior servant of reverence and humility who strive for peace and unity for everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God is watching over your brave soul, Officer Cook, the one and blessed man who took on responsibility with reason and unwavering command.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2017

Justice takes the humble of the humble, the brave of the brave and the honorable among the honest to wash away the sting and odor of wanton evil. Wickedness perpetrated upon innocent individuals who choose life and peace over terror and turmoil. Dade County and its people received your unwavering convictions, Officer Cook and your sane and serene rationale. It was vision and wisdom such as yours that has cemented courage, dignity and intergrity into our passages of resolve and perseverance. A fine man of humility and concern whose character and commitment was there to fight the raging battle sover violence. You are missed and not forgotten for your outstanding protection, service and preservation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All those cornerstones you helped to set down have been adorned by acumen, awareness and the clear understanding of what needs fixing. The ailments are there and you attempted your utmost to stop a bad circumstance, Officer Cook, from mushrooming into a greater calamity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2017

Your family, friends and colleagues all wish you were here today with your smile and congenial personality. And yet as a humble and bravely honorable public servant, Officer Cook, you served Dade County and its residents with distinction and devotion, the faith you learned and practiced in your home environment. Nothing shall take away your heroic actions of May 16, 1979, nor tarnish your character and composure in the very face of danger. It has left an indelible mark upon our society where violence and turmoil still rules. That day will soon come to a crashing conclusion and you helped, Officer Cook, to bring us peace, unity and the wiseness of reasons as to why life matters top all who ever live and pursue happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations laid down. A life and career given humanely for dreams and serenity to keep marching forward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2017

Savor the memories of a classy man's character and commitment to excellence while driving home honor, peace and the principles of morals and integrity. Yes, you did all that for Dade County's people, Officer Cook. Consistency and courage from within your caring and kind heart. One that humanely served humanity with all its energy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The characters of our beloved heroes and heroines lies forever in God's pearly palace to be protected from evil for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2017

As the holidays are soon upon us we pause to remember your gallant and honest efforts to serve us, Officer Cook and to procure peace and freedom among our midst as you demonstrated on behalf of Dade County citizens almost forty years ago. Your integrity, character, style and good graces will never be forgotten. A hero so humble and treasured deserving to live and to continue those journeys you started as a young man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2017

When we seek the advice of an admired person of wisdom and vision, we seek the humble love and esteem of that gallant and brave fellow. You were sought out, Officer Cook, to serve a special mission that had your eyes and ears attached to this package. One of proverbial instincts of ingenuity, intellect and the intuition to succeed mightily in all your endeavors. For twenty-five years of accomplishment and fruition you delivered acumen and honor, integrity and the guises of dignity and the pathways of concise character, commitment to excellence and pride, a uniform worn smartly and succinctly as a Metro-Dade Police Officer who symbolized peace, prosperity and security for one and all. Always very beloved and missed terribly, you will be solemnly saluted for humility and compassion above and beyond the scopes of bringing evil to its knees surrendering terror and replacing it with a virtue of silence and the voices of happiness for all who ever cherish this. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An absence that only makes our hearts and souls grow fonder of you, Officer Cook, a heroic legacy and a gentleman of overwhelming civility backed by the visions for a brighter future. Your sacrifice bears this out and it will remain etched and imprinted in our minds to think back and remember the wonderful and beautiful moments. So sad everything to look forward to derailed by wanton evil, heinous and incomprehensible.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2017

Nothing shall erode great effort, endearing efficiency and the engaging life of a man so courageous and gallant, who served passionately as a police officer in Dade County for six years. Officer Cook, you were the loyal friend and admired colleague to all who worked out of the Central Division. It was your honesty, core values of dignity and integrity that passed the tests of time. Those wings of heroism now allow you forever to fly higher in God's VIP kingdom where humility rests with its angelic heroes and heroines who cast light upon terror and brought the mantras of peace and preservation upon our great community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No cues were necessary when you patrolled the darkest alleys nor the brightest streets. Safety, serenity and security were advanced all to a higher sphere of separation for us to live according to our needs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2017

When we run through that proverbial gauntlet who knows what we will encounter? Police run through danger, violence whatever is out in public trying its darndest to unnerve us. Repetition and training make for good business partners. You partnered with so many wonderfully honorable and brave men and women, Officer Cook, all who could only speak highly of a supreme and humbly dignified man of integrity and the trails of tenacity and character preceding your career and life, one lived and enhanced by ideals, values and the ethics of politeness needed to bring last peace and resolve to all Dade Count folks. You're always in my mind and I'm sure your family, professional comrades and plethora of friends from all over this nation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We shall renew your affirmations to humanely and gallantly fight on as long as your soul watches our every movement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2017

When the stock market crashes there are those who think the world is doomed. Not so fast. When our lives are endangered we rely upon the humble and loyal instincts of our most valiant, courageous and dignified men and women in uniform to rescue us from the fears that grip and even polarize our society. Negative and positive, everyone has an opinion on life. We just place our faith and trust in servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, who lifted the doldrums and obstacles off our shoulders. You handled adversity as any man of integrity who incorporated dignity in all your heroic destinies, those devoted and humble missions of mercy and goodwill dispensed equally among mankind with your competent character, commitment and conviction to see fairness meted out justly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Lord's lair is rightly holding those heroic souls of serenity forever until your family, Officer Cook, sees you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Charming and gregarious just the right gentleman to correctly battle the winds of wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2017

The end of a person's life here only magnifies what the after life will be. In God's secret fortress where his devoted and honored so humbly sleep soundly. They rest by virtue of their resolve and integrity wherein their humble dignity lies. You gave Dade County and its citizens full blown humility and the decency to last a lifetime, Officer Cook. The peace and happiness has been forever hitched to your humane and most heroic acts of kindness and nobility. Courteous and thoughtful, well mannered and very pleasant. God uplifts His flock of ferocity and makes very certain they remain unharmed for having the grit and grace to be most civil and discreet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You preserved and persevered, Officer Cook, as instructed by your parents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2017

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