Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

God's shining grace illuminates even brighter by virtue of those who paid the ultimate price for our safety and security. Yes, heroic angels of valor all lining those wonderfully paved and golden streets of serenity where no more harm will trail them in their eternal patrols of those pearly gates of gallantry. You restored vitality and dignity, Officer Cook, with sound character and astute commitment from a humbly seasoned professional of persevrance and the resolve to see you through. What a life and career although cut way too short by tragic wanton violence by a berserk young man who needed more help than we could ever know. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those tunnels of trust you built will never shut down because, Officer Cook, your devotion was too immense. It take seriously minded and humane individuals to handle the tough matters at hand. You did very well and are to be deservedly honored and saluted. Mankind and humanity have your memories carved in their hearts and minds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

Those who fall must rise to the challenge. Our heroes and heroines humble, honorable and devoted must share in the objective of eliminating evil and its turmoil from our midst. You smiled and cajoled everyone, Officer Cook. Your even tempered personality was just what your department needed to quell wickedness and through your undivided attention were you able to deliver the much necessary unity and peace to all. Today, many decades later we pay homage to those colleagues and to you, Officer Cook, for displaying the unwavering discipline to devote your awareness to conquering wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

A good hot meal will always kick start your day. Praying at night before Our Lord takes our souls of peace back to heaven and then hopefully returns them to us in the morning as a means of imploring us to improve our ways of life. You were the consummate peacemaker, Officer Cook, full of humble and humkane heroism, humility, dignity and the honesty that integrity yearns for. When the people of Dade County needed an angel of valor there you were, Badge#1664 ready and able to assist and to calm down those who passions may have spilled over. You were and wil forever by remembered gracefully and fondly for having the sense of onus to handle responsibility as all public servants must. The demands of the job call for peace and justice to be fairly spreadout among all mankind. Forevermore do we pay homage to a man of character with the caliber of commitment not always seen by some. Foundations and cornerstones are everyone's responsibility. Humility allowed you, Officer Cook, to pursue happiness and prosperity wisely and with much insight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A devout servant, you won't be overlooked, Officer Cook, for having the accurate awareness, acumen and understanding of what needed fixing up.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

The rainbow is a beautiful and most wonderful thing to gaze at. So is a virtual and dignified police official who carries themself with humility, honor and humbleness. You see the entire frame of their fever pitch ferocity when desire, dignity and integrity prevail while they patrol the venues where peace and prosperity are essential. You comported yourself, Officer Cook, with class, values and the fabrics of morals and their ideals. These foundations are the very reason as to why we can live safely and more meaningful lives. Thanks to heroes and heroines like you, Officer Cook, who went straight forward confronting an enemy that lacked manners and consideration. You are to be solemnly saluted for resolve, faith and the missions where your incorporation of intelligence, ingenuity and intuition were vital to the preservation of our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

I'll say one thing, Officer Cook, I humbly relish the opportunity to reflect upon your humble and humane heroic acts all right straight from your very heart and soul. One that enjoyed doing an honorable job of providing justice and equality for all citizens of Dade County and its surrounding communities. Carrying nobleness and the fondness you had for everyone, Officer Cook, it took a mighty brave and superior servant to got out on patrol protecting and preserving our liberties. We see. We hear. We accomplish in large part to your sacrifice. In order for serenity and safety to become a valid realization, your resolve and fortitude needed to calm and to educate the masses while enlightening them on life and morals. Yours, Officer Cook, were pristinely worn on your chest and uniform of wisdom, vision and conviction. No more outstanding devotion, motivation and the leadership you gave to other comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

Crisis unites our planet and when violence sneaks up on us we must answer its call meaningfully and most deliberately. You answered your dispatches, Officer Cook, with renowned zest and zeal. The seal of your upstanding character was founded in the fundamentals of ferocity, humility and the nobility to honestly assess the needs of the folks in Ddade County. Their care and concerns, their consideration were all your priority and all were handled well and proficiently. Never more unselfishness and determination than that sad day of May 16, 1979, when you tried your utmost to stop a domestic incident from growing into something more sinister. Always remembered for resolve, resourcefulness and the resounding courage all from your heart of giving. All your destinies, journeys and their missions of faith, mercy and goodwill were for the sake of security under Our Lord's watchful eyes and ears. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What you began over forty-three years ago keeps taking shape everyday, just wished you were here to see the changes of character and from the brave commitment of other brave souls, men and women digging deeper for solutions to complex issues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

We find endearment centers on bravery and the courage from within the heart. Well, thank God, Officer Cook, your heart stood in there face to face while confronting evil. The people of Dade Count can surely take solace inknowing their peace and togetherness was bonded through your unselfish humbleness, honesty and dignity. It was your gentle and passionate humane actions of May 16, 1979, which told of your storied life and feats of tenacity while defending and in shielding us from more harm. You take a stand and devote your wholwe soul to aspiring to be as good or even better. Public service is a profession which calls upon the talented, the valiant and the simple servants of God being loyal and faithful to their duties of diligence. God has your wrapped, Officer Cook, in His arms and your gentle soul of civility in His palms along with your father, Charles. May you and your father rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light will never be extinguished. You were too valuable of an officer to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

With the holiday of Christmas coming this Monday December 25th, let us take time to pause and to reflect upon your life and career, Officer Cook. It was bounded by the boldness, honor, integrity and the dignity that still illuminates our very society. One still hurting from your untimely loss during the time you were protecting and serving Dade County and its citizens. The lights of heaven shine even brighter because of your cherished and beautiful soul of serenity that graced us for twenty-five short years of compassion, passion and the humble humility to bring peace and goodwill to all mankind. It takes heroic character, commitment to pride and in excelling while you donned your uniform of comprehension, conviction, wisdom and the vision to be most vigilant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

With more than a glimmer of hope, with more than a bit of resolve, what we have come to expect from our bravest souls of serenity may never be taken for granted. If we take them for granted, the chances are you'll never really know at least part of the who they were and for what they dedicated their lives to. Public servants stand in harm's way to protect and serve those same values and morals they believed in. Character, caring and convictions like never before. Dade County and its folks saw you toiling and tenacious on their behalf, Officer Cook. Unwavering and unquestionable integrity and dignity flowing like a reservoir. That bridge you built up was constructed from the fabrics of humility, humane acts of heroism and indeed motivated by all that you learned and trained for in the police academy. It toughens up the skin of those who take the onuses and responsibilities to heart which you did, Officer Cook. Versatile and vigilant, diligent and valiant your life and career was brought full circle the day Our Master of the Universe called you back home to heaven sadly on May 16, 1979. Thirty-eight years ago one awfully tragic day in Liberty City in Miami took the wind out from under your family, beloved as they are and to your humbly esteemed colleagues who fought and continue battling this seemingly very large adversary, violence, terror, wickedness. It all has a name and until police can get a proper restraint upon its movements, then no telling what more calamity will befall us. Hopefully, the day and nigh twill occur sooner rather than later when its enhancement can be stopped dead in its tracks. Your trails my neighbor, friend and hero were paved with perfect perseverance with justice for all and the opportunity to make a difference in this world. You succeeded where others may not have. Rest in peace. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families at this solemn time of year. Let us pray that hope, peace and goodwill spread their wings of warmth and comfort. I'll keep praying for you Mrs. Cook. Your faith and devotion were the bookends of your family tree and for those cornerstones and foundations to be laid justly as your beloved and darling heroic son, "Billy" did for his community beginning over forty-three years ago. Stay well and keep the faith.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2017

Your respect and reverence for mankind and life in general, Officer Cook, was what men and women, heroes and heroines all share in this tremendous burden when boldly facing danger. It did not matter the place or time, there you were to back up your comrades who served with the very same ferocious honesty, dignity and integrity that oversaw your knowledge, wisdom and vision. Today and tomorrow will Dade County and its citizens forever salute your character and concern for peace and freedom to be maintained as a staple of humility for all who live and breathe and pursue the passions of happiness. You won't be forgotten for inserting faithfulness, admiration and determination in other dedicated sisters and brothers of the law enforcement profession. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's placed on your gravestone and says it very poignantly, you gave your life for your friends and others to live. Your life and humble career had meaning and compassion for humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2017

Connecting the dots takes mighty fine resolve and humility. Not something any worthwhile public servant can achieve overnight. The sweat and toil, years of proper planning and meticulous preparation must go into the equation. You performed very well, Officer Cook, always putting honesty and humanely humble dignity and integrity into your patrols of Dade County's people. Their peace, unity and prosperity came at a price and that was your courageous sacrifice in order for us to continue the destinies forward. Your ambitions, acumen and goals were all a large piece of the puzzle when it comes to solving crime and eliminating evil and its nastiness. Humanity was well served and protected by a man of morals and fine upstanding character, boldness. The love and respect by your family, comrades and friends from all over this land. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Educate. Engage. Enlighten. All done by a supreme servant of God, faithful and motivated to perform His will. You never let us down, Officer Cook. May your righteous name be remembered for a blessing of thanks and admiration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2017

The quadrants of peace in any community begin to take shape when that humble, loyal and devoted public servant keeps their wits of honor, dignity and integrity about them. In Dade County, you were among the many humane and cherished heroes, Officer Cook, a gentleman and a doer who was able to calm people down during times of terror and crisis. And for having the essential character and boldness will you be solemnly remembered and saluted passionately for fighting evil until the end. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and their very foundations may not be laid until vision and wisdom cross paths. Your journeys, Officer Cook, were deemed as completed by God who took your sacred soul of peace back to His eternal home.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2017

Search and you'll find. You will seek your serenity and fighting on our behalf for liberty and unity was your calling, Officer Cook. Dade County's battles were fought with bravery and the honor, the intellect of integrity and dignity incorporated into your outstanding character, commitment and decency and dedication to its residents. You can be sure your humane and humble loyalty devout faithfulness will be saluted forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Generations from now your blessed and revered name, Officer Cook, will still be imprinted and etched in our hearts and souls. Your soul will be very much rewarded for all your passion and conviction on mankind's behalf.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2017

A person's date with destiny starts the moment they are born. Conceived in liberty, with justice and honorable actions serving the communities where peace and quiet, prosperity and unity are most sacred. It was all right here in Dade County where you grew up, Officer Cook and became a stellar public servant full of energy and compassion, promise and perseverance. Your dignity and integrity combined with meaningful morals and humility to preserve and defend those citizens from evil, the very same violence that took your life and robbed your family, friends and esteemed and brave comrades of your further accomplishments and fruitions in a career capped by courage and valor. No one will ever forget your heroism and the humane wisdom and spectacular vision you possessed and for achieving whatever calmness you provided for those wanting relief and resolve. All handled and completed wit h abi gold friendly smile and engaging personality. God has your smile and those of so many other heroes and heroines protected in His abundantly loyal and friendly eternal shelters of safety and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A devoted man of character and commitment all hunkered down by God's divine grace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2017

Great individuals recognize where their humility and honor lie. It lies in their morals, their integrity and dignity which travels down the pathways of their unshakable perseverance. Your resourcefulness and resolve, Officer Cook, assisted you in your search for prosperity and peace for all residents of Dade County. A proud community that honors your revered and blessed name. Saluted for having the foundations of enhancement set down for all future officers to follow in. May they stay humbly honest and brave in their pursuits of happiness which shall never let evil interfere with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The trains navigate down those tracks and must be careful while going around the bend. You were cautious for the most part, Officer Cook, wanton wickedness should never have taken your young life and career full of more positive fruition. Destiny comes calling are we ready to meet the challenge that lies ahead? A life filled with adventure and commitment to pride and excelling as a devoted public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2017

Passing on is better than a life of pain and suffering. Though, we all know, most of us still find it complex to accept the realization of our brave and dignified loved ones being taken home to heaven way before their missions are concluded. Your travels here in Dade County, Officer Cook, were for the love and admiration you had for carrying a badge of boldness and a uniform of unwavering wisdom and vision while honestly navigating through obstacles of peace and security. Character and integrity are like that handshake, better yet the contract all public servants agree to when they put their signature on that so called dotted line accepting peril and danger and perhaps knowing that they may have to make that ultimate sacrifice on our behalf. You did Officer Cook, humbly, full of humility and for humane heroism that has been saluted all these years later and forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All cornerstones have been firmly cemented down by your commitments and convictions to passionately pursue public service. It was in your blood and violence did not usurp what values and ideals you believed in. Valor, grace and gallantry nobly distributed among all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2017

To uphold liberty, peace and unity you must have a firm grasp of what honor, loyalty, dignity and integrity are all about. Awareness, acumen and the astuteness of fine character, the morals and values to commit yourself to going out on patrol and accommodating those whom you protect and serve. All lives do matter regardless of race or background. And for six years of devoted and insightful service, Officer Cook, you steered terror and turmoil away from Dade County's people through resolve and sheer intestinal fortitude. A uniform worn succinctly and most proudly. It spoke of humility toward humanity rather than shame and indignation that some public servants bring upon themselves, department and family. You were decisive in all your mannerisms and your journeys being deemed finished, God took you back to His big fortress in the sky where other brave and civil minded awaited your humble presence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement and your endearing nature have been set down as the foundations of your unwavering ferocity. Outstanding job, tenacious and devote to your position of trust and versatility. Your loved ones and colleagues have the warmest and fondest memories of a well lived life, although you were taken too soon robbing those who knew you as a fine gentleman of ambition and principles.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2017

Deceit and lack of scruples leave a nasty imprint upon the souls of our bravest and most honorable men and women who serve a dangerous and very challenging role of not only resolve, but their instincts, intuitions and integrity which are placed in jeopardy by those not carrying their weights of conviction and consideration for the public at large they serve. Your career here in Dade County, Officer Cook, was one of steadiness, serenity and the hopes and dreams you had for peace and unity to come out from its covers where it could blanket an entire community. You are and forever saluted for class, dignity and most of all for heroically responding to a dangerous scene where violence was rearing its ugliness. Humanity is grateful for your humility and humane deeds of devotion and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2017

Potential can carry perseverance so long as honesty, dignity and integrity travel along on that same caravan. A crusade you began many decades ago, Officer Cook, serving and protecting the lives of all Dade County citizens that you relished the opportunity to take to heart. Your kindness, caring and dedication along with your character made you a humbly accomplished hero full of humility and sincerity that won't be forgotten. Cherished for always and respected and admired greatly.' Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2017

Bravery and honesty take people a humbly long way so long as humility, dignity and integrity do not carry any signs of deceit. But desire and devotion, grit and sheer determination helped to navigate your life and career, Officer Cook, that made you most happy. The pursuits of one fine young upstanding public servant who served Dade County with character, commitment and the decency of good morals that shielded us with peace and prosperity and kept evil at bay. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The righteous have God guiding their every mission and in His mercy does His goodwill flow like wine.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2017

Gallantry and goodwill travel the perimeters of peace and preservation. They can only be sought after when those honorable and humble enough navigate through the mazes of mayhem and terror. Your life and career, Officer Cook, with Metro-Dade made you a humble gentleman of integrity and dignity. It was instilled in you at birth and remained a vital part of your existence and effort poured into serving and protecting the general population of Dade County. Humanity's expression to its bravest of men and women lies in God's enchanted kingdom where the best of the rest sleep soundly in eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2017

The bolder one is the more humble their bravery and honesty become. Dade County is surrounded by a sea of serenity and peace provided willingly and efficiently by the many dignified and capable men and women. Being one of the many heroes, Officer Cook, your job assignments were all handled above and beyond those calls regarding professionalism. Your actions were clearly heroic and of a humane and respected nature. Colleagues, friends and of course your loving family members won't forget your acumen and wisdom, the maturity that matched your convictions to both character and the commitment to both pride and in excellence. Our freedom, our happiness, yours as well, Officer Cook, was all enhanced by your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice on behalf of a grateful community where your proficiency is etched in the hearts and minds of all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2017

God's giant watch consists of His many heroes and heroines, too many tragically who laid down their lives with honor and reverence for an exacting position of perseverance, integrity and the sheer resolve to get peace and tranquility moving down the right pathways. You surely gave your word, Officer Cook and on behalf of Dade County and its residents and your comrades who were rescued by your heroic actions on May 16, 1979, may we all say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Yours cared. Yours participated and anticipated. Acumen, values and morals can take one's career a long way down the trails of tenacity so long as conviction and not contempt or conceit are present. You displayed enough humility and humane concern no one will ever not remember your courage to battle wickedness until the end. Only your versatility and vigilance made you the gentleman and friend to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There are no parties big or small up in heaven, only The Lord's appreciation and loyalty as your reward for performing a dangerous job with perils and roadblocks you had to navigate through to sort out the good from the evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2017

Extravagance wastes time and causes one's ego to inflate. Nothing but a life and career fulfilled by humility, honesty and humble esteem, Officer Cook. The ultimate sacrifice you made on behalf of Dade County and its citizens was done of dignity and the integrity necessary to put out the flames of violence that threatened the peace and serenity of mankind. Your community has respected and cherished your character and commitment made in God's name. You'll be forever saluted for valor and gallantry, all our enhancements have come as a result of the foundations you laid down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2017

Officers pledge to preserve the lives of those folks who deserve to live happily and peacefully. Dade County never forgot you, Officer Cook. A man of values, morals and principles who directed his resolve and faithfulness masterfully around a venue protecting and instilling quiet and freedom for all. Only a humble servant respected by all comrades and those friends who knew you to be loyal, caring and honest. A focal point of integrity, character, commitment and the dignity to correct what needed correction and to calm someone down when they seemed agitated. Your humility and esteem for all won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God humbly watches over His flock of angelic heroes and heroines who sleep soundly while their beloved souls protect the pearly and sacred streets up in heaven.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2017

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