Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Police don a uniform of honesty and bravery looking to serve and to preserve our rights that are guaranteed to us. You took responsibility and resolve as seriously as tenacity and ferocity. Officer Cook, your presense in Dade County meant all the difference in how we could live our lives pursuing happiness and the right to do as we please. Never overlooked and certainly never forgotten. You cannot forget a humane and beloved hero of humanity who served with all his might. You gave a full accounting and the effort, Officer Cook, never left your side. Wisdom and intellect never leave a person's side so long as they keeping churning down those pathways of fruition and fulfillment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your concern, class and candor rests alongside of your distinction and determination in those pearly gates of heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2018

Utilizing common sense and the gifts of honesty, integrity and stellar dignity, you made your watch and the efforts of your partners that much more efficient, Officer Cook. For giving your life and career to save Dade County from more turmoil may you be remembered and fondly saluted for having the morals and character to properly construct a sound vocation of vigilance and the much needed diligence. Peace, unity and prosperity can only become reality if all public servants are centered and focused on doing was is deemed right. You were a righteous man, Officer Cook, devoted to concern and the standards that assist all men and women of humanity who serve with that unique sense of humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2018

Winning lotto changes a life or lives. Losing a hero of bravery and courage forever changes the landscape of that public servant's family and peers. At least Our Master has your humility, humbleness and honor protected in His palaces of peace and eternal slumber. Dade County received excellent coverage from one courageous gentleman of grace and gallantry. You brought hope and wisdom to all mankind, Officer Cook. Your grit and gumption captivated those who served with you and of the citizens who respected and admired your unwavering loyalty and devoutness. The desire and dedication were always there as you never shied away from violence and its associated terror. Your legacy is securely tied down here in a community that salutes your cunning conviction and unselfish dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2018

Every job is different. Yet, everything we do has onuses and accountabilities that accompany them. Police work requires a certain toughness, a thick skin and the patience of a saint so to speak. From all your family, friends and colleagues this was exactly what you had, Officer Cook. To protect and serve with honesty, humility and vigilance, well, you had all th eproper traits and correct character to make that humane commitment to heroism and integrity. Today, your dignity stands tall in Dade County and for that matter all around our country. The beacon of boldness and resolve, your memory is etched in walls and more importantly in the hearts and minds of all who knew the bright and articulate young man who donned Badge#1664 patrolling and persevering. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2018

Interested parties need apply. By applying to become a police officer the responsibilities are endless. Time and tenacity. Bravery and commitment. Honesty and humility. Integrity and dignity. They all road on the same tracks as does ferocity and one's decency and character to get the tasks completed smartly and punctually. You were a student, Officer Cook and a veteran public servant who cared deeply for the safety and welfare of all Dade County residents. They all appreciated your style, manners and civility all centered on keeping liberty and peace tied together. Never forgotten and always saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Somewhere now in God's enchanted kingdom the wisdom and maturity of your smile and engaging persona can be felt reaching out to us and those men and women who pursue danger and evil in the hopes of reaching peace and calm for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2018

Diligent by day, vigilant at night, our most loyal and brave souls serving and protecting our freedoms at all hours. You served all Dade County and its citizens with nothing but honor and reverence, Officer Cook, a humane and humble hero and one gallant gentleman. You and the whole world can be certain your character, commitment to pride and excellence will not be forgotten. Remembered, respected and cherished for humility and its faithful resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement comes with the ultimate sacrifice at times, you defended us, Officer Cook, bringing together peace and prosperity for mankind. Acumen and awareness must carry any public servants throughout their life's journeys and missions of hope and mercy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2018

Sharing is a vital part of caring and so is good values, vigilance and the vision so essential to battling an adversary so large. You fought with every ounce of breath and energy, Officer Cook, right until the end never giving in to this heinous act of dishonor. You were a loyal soldier and a comrade to those fellow servants whose marches toward peace and prosperity were finally realized. A life is a terrible thing to lose and for your humane and civil actions, Officer Cook, Dade County can stand mighty tall and proud of the gallantry and grace within your gentle spirit. In order to command integrity, honor and dignity you must first demonstrate these qualities, everyone from your family and friends saw this in you and were very proud of your decisions and wholesome determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Geared to humility and sanctity you placed hope back in us, Officer Cook, a legend of a gentleman and a warrior not to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2018

Your smile and honesty, Officer Cook, were no guise. It was your esteemed integrity, devoted dignity and humble humility which led your life's pursuits fighting the evil forces of wickedness. Dade County and its citizens experienced a surge in their serenity and peace, unified as one community who shares as much today as it did back then when you were taken by wanton and heinous evil. Your class of character, the morals and values so dear won't ever be forgotten, neither will your heroism which was a mantle of your meaningful missions and their journeys of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wisdom, maturity, vision and conviction do make excellent partners in this process of uplifting a downtrodden nation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2018

Culture brings about a renaissance of peace and goodwill. Its spirit only helps to enhance a world filled with problems. The very same you tried solving on our behalf. Officer Cook, your fight and gumption could not even begin to be measured. How do you look into a man's heart and witness true heroism , grace and the gallantry for which your integrity and dignity is an offshoot of? We salute those quiet women and men of character, commitment and the consideration for which all servants perform their assigned tasks under. Dade County and its citizens are more united now because of your resolve in ridding our world of this seemingly endless evil. What terror and torment begin to do, those humble and treasured look into those eyes where evil lurks. You did your part, Officer Cook, fighting with all your might and offering hope, peace and serenity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tragedy brings families together to share their grief and to start the long healing process. Arduous as it may be we must march on as time never stands still. You were a dedicated and giving police officer, Officer Cook, you cared and conquered an enemy so enormous.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2018

Everyday God blesses us in ways we could only begin to fathom. Ferocity and tenacity are the traits all police officers are trained in and this is drilled in them everyday at the various police academies around the country. You learned your humility and honor from your loving folks, Officer Cook. The people of Dade County who were your solemn responsibility were promised the best service and protection and were not disappointed. Only the fact of you losing your young life and career due to the wanton and heinous evil which you did your utmost to shield us from. your character, boldness and humility were the things for which we celebrate and salute the lives of our faithful and motivated public servants. The lights are on your beautiful soul, Officer Cook, as it circles around us forever. Eternity is the last stop where good men and women, devoted and cherished go to meet up with Our Creator and to begin a new chapter in their eternal lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2018

Civility, sanctity, serenity and humility they humbly and nobly follow each other through the eyes of honesty, dignity and humane integrity. Thank God we had you, Officer Cook, replete with resolve and resourcefulness. Dade County had its quiet and security patrolled by your loving embrace, Officer Cook, a man, a gentleman full of kindness and compassion for his fellow American. Your heroic actions on May 16, 1979, helped to conquer wickedness and you were a man of your word and an unwavering bond of boldness. God has all His public servants in His holy palace where no harm will befall you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2018

You grew up, Officer Cook, in a nurturing environment so it is easy to explain your dignity, honesty and humble integrity. The people of Dade County were kept safe and sound all by your unselfish resolve. The commitments and convictions to peace and unity were first and foremost among your many responsibilities. When good men and women sacrifice their lives of humility and courage in an effort to defeat violence, we salute their hearts of gold, faith and devotion. Your concern and courtesies, Officer Cook, will forever be remembered. The hero in you won't be forgotten only sorely missed greatly by your family, friends and esteemed colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is crystal clear that your vision, skill and intellect were wonderful as was your wisdom and humane maturity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2018

The past is the past. Today is now. Tomorrow is a gift. If you take the sum of all the parts and add them together one can surmise that you were not only an excellent human being, Officer Cook, you were also one darn good public servant and Dade County and its residents were fortunate to have a brave and honest soul of serenity among its rank and file members. That fraternity seems to tragically increase itself with so many heroes and heroines now and forever patrolling God's skies of humanity and vigilance. Your character, commitment and conviction, Officer Cook, are now and always soaring higher every second. For enhancing our world and attempting to rid terror from its midst, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Indignity is the destructive weapon society frowns upon, your honor, integrity and dignity propelled unity and freedom among us to stay the courses of concern and care. That humble honor roll is made up of many gallant men and women who fought the good battle for all the correct reasons.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2018

The rock of your family who preserved, persevered and protected like no other bravery, honorable and most humble hero must. You were a hero to so many Dade County citizens, your loving family of course and the comrade, loyal and very faithful to so many, brothers and sisters wearing the uniform and badge of boldness, Officer Cook. All the class, decency and consideration from a gallant young man of hope, character and charm just doing your professional utmost saving lives and brokering always the peace and goodwill of mankind. We salute your valor, vision, wisdom and total humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The clearer the perception, the more the reality sets in. You cared, Officer Cook, to deal with violence and evil face to face, only giving unwavering support and accountability that is the benchmark of public servants.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2018

Adversity makes one grew up faster as they have to deal with its potential consequences. Police officers always deal with life and death as it is the reality of their official positions of honesty, integrity and dignity. You need the full display of gallantry, humility and character to be able to drive the forces of evil out of our world. And in Dade County where you strived for peace and prosperity, Officer Cook, your candor, wisdom and desire allowed you at least the chance to make our environment safe and sound. Always the humble hero of conviction, consideration and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2018

Serenity starts out healthy so long as humility, honor and boldness hitch their wagons together. For Dade County and its citizens, you were quite a resourceful public servant, Officer Cook, sure and confident in a dignified way. So long as you patrolled, integrity and commitment were engraved on your sleeves of peace and resolve and a badge of character worn precisely as it should be. You'll be humanely and humbly saluted for heroism and loyalty things all future men and women would be greatly advised to utilize while searching for safety and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were not a novice, rather a noble man of morals and principles.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2018

When boxed in a corner, police must never go in or capitulate to violence. They must attempt peaceful means and if that fails then more complex measures must surely be taken. If only the young man gave himself up that sad day, Officer Cook. You were five minutes from ending your watch going home to Karen and starting anew next morning. Dade Count and its folks felt the full effects of your perseverance and resolve along with humble and sustained integrity, enhanced dignity and the highest of honesty brought to a position where decency and decorum are instrumental in peace and unity becoming a sure reality. Cerebral and respected, unwavering and fearless. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your smile is engaging those brothers and sisters who too fought the good fight and have their lives of sanctity in order for civility to reign down upon us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2018

A life of honor, humility and integrity all ended tragically by wanton heinousness. How else can you explain one man's dangerous preoccupation with taking out good hard working public servants who troll their communities looking for whatever peace and dignity they can enhance. You were Dade County's beacon of hope, light and inspiration, Officer Cook. The literal example of what good values and principles can contribute to a career and nobly humane life of vision and commitment. Those whom you diligently and duly served have not forgotten your charisma, charm and candor. It was spelled out on both your uniform and badge of humble devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The C's of conviction, courage and class keep those bells ringing forever aloud in God's eternal home of civility and sanctity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2018

Bravery and boldness are taken to the next level when their giver is humble and most heroic. That is why you were such a dependable employee as a Metro-Dade Police Officer, Officer Cook. You were one of the many unwavering and unselfish men and women of character, dignity and integrity. The honor that was incorporated into your entire life and career filled with missions of hope, faith and peace. All the citizens of Dade County could ask is that their servants are loyal and trustworthy. All those boxes of commitment and humility have been humbly checked. Your duty and perseverance was deemed fulfilled and Our Master needed your beautiful soul of security back in His humble abode to patrol those sacred and golden pathways where nothing will harm you further. A good man and a devoutly gallant gentleman with a caring and compassionate heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Shine on, Officer Cook and please help keep the lights of God's enchanted fortress lit forever. Watch over us with the same token of respect and admiration you had for the life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2018

Your vision, wisdom and bravery, Officer Cook, helped to deliver the seal of approval in awareness, acumen and astuteness for all Dade County residents. A man of humble and humane heroism serving and protecting the public like no other public servants. Integrity, dignity and honesty are the springboards of serenity and safety and do travel down those trails of tenacity real well enhancing humility and giving humanity the hope, faith and the appeal of goodwill toward mankind. You'll always be well regarded and so solemnly saluted for conviction, commitment and candor so important toward staying the course. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Devotion, dedication and sheer determination can avert the major of violence and its evil. Life and property matter and so did your young life, Officer Cook, taken way before your time. God sees our destinies and does what is only for our best.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2018

Character, courage, conviction and commitment work well together under those shelters of serenity, sanctity and civility. It is the humble and humane honor, integrity and dignity of those esteemed and beloved public servants who throw dangwer aside to serve and to save lives. Everybody matters. No one is better than the next person. Dade County was fairly, firmly and proudly under your watchful eyes and ears, Officer Cook. No matter thirty-eight years later colleagues have remembered and saluted your wonderfully engaging spirit of affection and desire. Noble deeds and heroism are righteously given honor in heaven where they rest with those who laid down their lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Engagement changes life let us hope those who have succeeded you, Officer Cook, steer their vehicles wisely through kayos and mayhem. You were too concerned and your morals represented your constitution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

The tooth fairy leaves money under a child's covers when they loose a tooth. Police officers when they operate smoothly and properly are given a humble award for their brave and honest of effort. You put dignity, integrity and consistent character together as one, the result will generally be positive. If only on May 16, 1979, only if you could have survived that day of brutality, Officer Cook. You acted fearlessly and with a pronounced conviction and the knowledge to act heroically as you did to attempt to stop a violent scene from escalating into something much worse. The peace and freedom were right there, all Mr. Pearsall had to do was to surrender peacefully, in fact he should have abandoned his plan to harm public servants and focus on what he could have done to enhance our humanity. Bring a smile and a giant lunch pail and concentrate on the good that could have been accomplished instead of wickedness doled out by a diabolical young man. Monotary rewards are discouraged as police take on a task of their own free will and are acutely aware of the perils that lie ahead of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

Perpetual motion means always in action and that's the way our country should conduct its affairs. You can take a break to eat and to sleep as a healthy night's rest is great for one's soul in order to function smartly. You were a patriot, Officer Cook. You were a noble and dignified gentleman of grace and humane actions. That maturity and wisdom surely were will beyond that crowd that your friend, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs reflected upon. His friend Bill Cook, was a true humble hero, with a smile to light up a room. Great patience. Excellent endeavor. Evil should not have derailed your journeys and missions of optimism and loyalty. Never a finer police officer who answered those perilous calls with a certain zest, a unique passion that you had for life, living and achieving. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now under God's wings the very same you have been humbly presented, Officer Cook, may your soul shine forth under His glorious majesty forever. Dade County witnessed experience, effort, energy and efficiency nothing less than the best.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

From top to bottom and visa versa you can measure a hero's honesty, character and commitment to both pride and excellence. Dade County and its citizens enjoyed the best of protection, Officer Cook, when you served and allowe dthem to live peacefully and in a unified fashion. The humbleness, the humility and the civility all filtered into your professional exploits and because of your unwavering unselfishness, may your character, widom and convictions never be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If resolve, proficiency could bring your beautiful soul back here to be with your beloved Karen and your mother, sister they would be estatic. Nonetheless, you will be fondly saluted for having a pristine uniform and a badge of boldness and bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

A person's best friend should be a police officer. Why you might ask? Because they are supoosed to be honorable and dignified, loyal and faithful to those they serve and protect from danger. You were one determined young man, Officer Cook and it's a tragic shame you had your young life taken from under you. Gone too soon because of this unruly and unhealthy element were call violence. It ddisrupts the normal flow of goodwill, happiness and peace betweenn all folks and while serving Dade County and its people, you displayed the proper character, courage and wisdom to visually get the assignments done right. We won't forget your charming personality, smile and engaging manner. Of course, your family, comrades and friends have missed seeing you all these years. That gaping hole I personally hope has been filled with a little healing and devotion to the causes you ferociously fought for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light in God's enchanted shelters never goes out, sadly it greets newer heroes and heroines who are led to heaven by Our Creator for their valor, humility and nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

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