Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Polished. Poised. Professional. All police officers are expected to keep their neatness and never ending honesty, dignity and integrity about themselves. It is the shining shoes, polished badge and the demeanor that signals to the citizens that things will be okay. Here in Dade County and its vast regions where you patrolled, Officer Cook, the landscape was one of evil that fateful day when you gave your young life for our missions and their destinies to flourish. You were that humble man of morals and character whose commitment to excellence and pride was your bond and its affirmation helped to land peace and some relief. You'll be fondly remembered as a hero whose legacy of humility and of compassion will always be respected and revered forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave hope, faith and goodwill its best chance by challenging your valiant inner spirit in this seemingly never ending war over adversity. All it takes is one person to get out of line and then kayos and who knows what might happen. Humanity records those righteous and decent acts of its most brave and talented of public servants.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 1, 2018
The headlights and taillights of tolerance may never be dimmed. For they must shine forever over our beloved and humble women and men who risked their lives for our safety and protection. Dade County and its citizens counted on your compassion, Officer Cook, as well as your honesty and integrity central to calming and saving those in danger. May 16, 1979, is dedicated and devoted to your spirit of action and its heroism which shall never be put aside. One may not cast one's devotion, leadership and dignity to a place where violence hides. You sought the truth and the facts, Officer Cook, in a level headed manner and with precision of vision and the maturity that comes with knowledge and understanding. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations are the slabs of concrete firmly planted in place, so secure as was your trustworthiness and tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 1, 2018
Pouting is not tolerated, instead pounding the pavement blending boldness and bravery together which brings out the state of honesty and dignity from our most beloved and esteemed of heroes and heroines. Perseverance, being prudent and preservation were among your many characteristics, Officer Cook, during your watch serving Dade County and its folks. Their tranquil environment was all because of your unselfish sacrifice and the spirit of your loyal and humbly gentle soul of security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Light does shine upon those humane and virtual servants of both diligence and its enhanced vigilance.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 1, 2018
The current state of affairs requires the utmost caution and honor where bravery and its dignity and integrity mesh together to form a dynamic partnership when fighting wickedness. You were a very valiant public servant, Officer Cook, whose talents and tenacity provided that shield of security for Dade County residents. You reinforced good work habits and the energy that solid character, effort and efficiency bring to the streets where danger and terror still reside. Never forgotten and always saluted for humility, civility and the responsibility to resolve conflicts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 1, 2018
Curious by nature and concerned and caring by profession, your exploits and journeys, Officer Cook, were humbly paved by the pathways of honesty, integrity and dignity. It's not a secret why you were successful in helping to restore peace and calm to Dade County and its people. Heroic angels of character and commitment realize their convictions mean something. They are etched not just on walls, but in the very humble hearts and minds of your darling family members, friends and those esteemed comrades who served and fought those difficult battles over evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cherished and admired for heroically bold actions where morals reside at the head of the class of decency and desire.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 1, 2018
The children of Our Creator pursue happiness, good health and prosperity by virtue of our most esteemed and honorable law enforcement professional who faithfully give of themselves. Those streets of Dade County during your time, Officer Cook, were paved with peril and only because of your unwavering bravery and integrity were we sheltered from the terror of evil. You made peace and unity a transparent means of your tenacity, fearless and yet forceful when it was time to dig deep down to resolve conflict. You were a very beloved and respected hero of humility, Officer Cook, whose time on this earth was only for the nobility for which we strive to carry on with your humble legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2018
Gallantry glows as brightly as does humility. Only honor, integrity and dignity help mold and make or break any public servant's career where those battles of wickedness still sadly exist. You kept Dade County and its residents pretty calm and collected during your watch all made possible by vision, wisdom and the intellect to see justice fairly and firmly brought together as one. If character and commitment could bring you back with your wife, Karen, your mother, Julia and your sister, Nancy everybody would stand and take notice. They do honor your heroic memory by fondly saluting your courage and ingenuity you gave back to mankind. Never forgotten and always cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations and cornerstones stand firmly because of the values and standards by which all heroines and heroes brave and humane lead their lives. Their missions and journeys represent fulfillment and now God has brought you home where you and your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Officer Cook, may you and your dad rest soundly cradled in God's giant arms of awareness, faith and the grace by which your destinies were fundamentally constructed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2018
Peace requires a stern constitution which no interference from outside adversaries. Dade County was during your time, Officer Cook, a venue of many hopes and dreams. Your desires and dignity shall never be forgotten. Salvaging goodwill among all concerned parties needs a total team effort framed by the supervision of sanctity, sanity and the watchful eyes and ears of integrity, honesty and dignity. You can be sure, Officer Cook, that we won't forget your kindness and unwavering acts of faith and serenity. They all had a chilling and a most unifying affect where violence is concerned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's grace keeps the light of your gallantry from ever going out.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2018
The ladders leading to God's enchanted kingdom never bend, all they do is help to carry the many heroes and heroines back to their eternal home where God's safekeeping keeps them from further harm. Dade County was your source, Officer Cook, where resolve and commitment went hand in hand along with your desire and dedication. A career and a life carved out by fruitful convictions of wisdom, vision and the enhancements that until this day rest soundly within those folks whom you protected. Integrity and dignity make terrific partners in this lifetime of battling evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family bless their hearts treasured the humane and unselfish ferocity, Officer Cook, by which you maintained peace and serenity for our society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2018
Public servants hold their own by humbly and loyally displaying the common sense and myriad of morals and dignity needed to fight mayhem. Judging by your character and convictions, Officer Cook, you were an officer, gentleman and most importantly a Dade County hero who gave his life for tranquility and peace to take shape amid the kayos and calamities. You will be fondly remembered and saluted for valor and civility which should be any officer's concern when serving and protecting the public trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Up in heaven that light from the many souls of serenity shines brightest at all times. Devotion, grit and gumption helped to carry your trails of perseverance for six years of very commendable effort.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2018
The number sixty-four if added as four and six equals ten. That how devout and faithful a servant you were, Officer Cook, keeping the ten commandments and issuing excellent and honest service to all the areas of Dade County. The humble hero whose watch and legacy set up the paths of righteousness and relief from evil while preserving the sanctity of our lives. Hope, mercy and goodwill were the batons of boldness you passed on down to other heroes and heroines. Their blessing and commitment speaks as well as your commitment to security and civility. You take onus and go from there in responsibility and that never ending word, character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You kept your batteries of high standards well charged at all times never taking your foot off the pedal. Hopefully others will do the same.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2018
Humbleness and humility along with honesty leave that lasting impression. It is so sacred and yet surreal as our heroes and heroines go out of their way and comfort zone to serve and preserve our freedoms, liberties and their enhancements. The good people of Dade County were protected by your vigilance and resolve, Officer Cook, the kind of good old fashion police work to be remembered for the ages. Today, at the tender still young age of sixty-four, Officer Cook, you would still be a blessed resource for those future brave souls to partake in their quest for wisdom, vision and unselfish character, care and concern that comes straight from your heart of humility given right back to our society. We don't count heads, I'd be rather curious how many folks in North Miami Beach, Florida would even know a hero lived right under our noses. You are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You have been greatly missed as you were so very endearing and treasured as a gallant man and a gentleman of intellect and ingenuity. The kind of intuition necessary to solve crime and to fight off the negativity of evil.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2018
Our servants give of their time and tenacity to face an enemy not so timid and shy. But, rather violent and menacing. Bravery and honor require a by-product of dignity and integrity that is utilized to conquer the effects of evil and Dade County assuredly received excellent service from you, Officer Cook. Highly skilled an d motivated to lead other valiant souls of safety through the ropes of resolve and faithfulness. You can be one-hundred percent clear your life and career mattered as did your unselfish and supreme sacrifice giving peace and tranquility back to all who yearned for happiness in their trails of justice and equality for all humanity. Humility served its purpose and Our Lord saw your missions and fulfillment as completed. He now shelters your loving soul in His kingdom of mercy forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and ethics. Not easy to obtain. But your patience and promotion contributed to the core values that live on in your beloved family members. The Cook's, Tidwell's and Wilkerson's all keep your legacy aglow as humbly as possible. That's how you were raised, Officer Cook and wickedness shall not diminish the lessons and messages to passed down to others. Foundations for a solid and brighter future.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2018
Your welfare and self-worth are what is most important to a person's functioning and enjoying life. Police officers stake their entire lives and reputations on the line daily in order for this to take full affect. Dade County and its residents have seen many fine officers, men and women of humane honor and character come through its doors and take to those perilous streets protecting with an enhanced sense of loyalty and integrity. You were a vital part of that force, Officer Cook, brave and sure of what you wanted to become since you were a young man. Police work is not a picnic, nor an ordinary walk in the park. It is a path and those trails blazed through ferocity and tenacity that you set down as its anchors, Officer Cook. A hero of the finest pride and convictions to knowledge, wisdom and the vision to see the tasks ahead of you. Your memory is forever etched in our hearts and thoughts, your due diligence and persevering vigilance saw to that and to the prosperity and peace we cherish in our happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The bank of lights burns brilliantly among God's honor rolls of heroic angels of acumen, awareness and accountability. Public service challenges a person's self-value and core values of morals and scruples to be very certain of that fact.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2018
The peacemakers of yesterday, the pursuits of health and happiness for a brighter tomorrow. Yesterday and decades ago is the past and because of humble men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, sacrificing for a better tomorrow, we cannot say enough regarding your honesty, character, dignity and the integrity through good morals to battle adversity without blinking or batting an eye. Dade County does indeed look very different than when you watched over our landscape, but as all good and loyally faithful soldiers realize, serenity and security do at times come with the ultimate price. The value of one valiant servant laboring with tenacity for our hopes, dreams and goals, the very same you aspired to become, Officer Cook, have now and forever become a part of history with a capital H for heroism, and humbleness never to be put on a shelf. No need for dusting off anything. Your determination, dedication and desire said and speaks loudly and succinctly regarding your endeavors on our society's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2018
Officers must be thought provoking and yet be soldiers of honor and bravery through their heroic deeds and actions. The results of their labors that tend to carry with them a ripple effect. Your range of movement through the corridors of all Dade County, Officer Cook, allowed you the opportunity of a lifetime to pursue happiness and peace among all citizens in a fruitful and constructive manner. You can be sure the class of heroism and valor, character and proud commitment to excellence and conviction won't be erased from our thoughts and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement stays founded within the inner functions of your effort and efficiency. You were, Officer Cook, a supremely confident young man and an even more resilient public servant whose humility blanketed all humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2018
Sacrifice is not just about body. It about a person's soul of reflection, their inner humility, dignity and the integrity to fight through one tough war after the other. You looked evil face to face, Officer Cook, never giving a second thought of your personal safety. Dade County and its citizens were the recipients of your good nature, goodwill and faithful devotion to the calls of duty. You were the epitome of class, vision and wisdom all straight from your giant inspirational heart. You did your job protecting and serving, Officer Cook, all with unselfish bravery, ingenuity and very achievable acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your maturity and mechanism for weeding through those mazes of mayhem won't ever be overlooked or forgotten. A legacy of legitimate and humane principles backed with morals and resolve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2018
Courage takes the guts and courtesies of those gallant enough to risk their souls to make us safe and at peace. You made Dade County secure and serene, Officer Cook, by your acts of heroism and humility. Only those honorable and decent can fight with integrity for our liberties. Violence was always tended to under your watchful eyes and ears. Never a more concerned public servant of commitment and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2018
Coping always give one the hope by which to mourn the loss of a loved one. You should treasure every moment of your life because one never knows when God will call us. Today, in the Miami Herald I saw a picture of a third grade class at Sabal Palm Elementary School in North Miami Beach where you grew up, Officer Cook. Don't know if Miss Hand was your teacher or not, I would probably have to enlarge the picture to see if you were one of her students. Dade County got the very best care, precise personal perseverance and the larger scales of serenity and peace delivered by a dignified young man, humble and humane, full of honor and devotion. You were quite dedicated, Officer Cook, to serving the public and you were a very trustworthy and tenacious gentleman of grace and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment to character and conviction can only enhance one's pursuits of wickedness. You gave your best effort, Officer Cook, a friend and warrior to all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 28, 2018
We all have our day of beckoning. Our journeys of fulfillment, our missions of mercy and our destinies of desire all are supposed to have dignity, integrity and humble honor backing their every step. What backed you on your patrols of Dade County and their residents, Officer Cook, was your fairness, firmness and very calming and civil demeanor. Our peace and unity have been heroically stamped and sealed for our future happiness and quiet lives of dignity. Your character, concern and decency will remain a vital part of your legacy, one cherished and treasured for all days. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One only needs to glance at the scope of your bravery and nobility to understand why you chose a profession where demands and expectations are necessary in this brutal battle over violence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 28, 2018
The picture is out there. The canvas is the streets by which all brave and courageous public servants strive to serve and broker peace and prosperity among all mankind. You did your assignments very diligently and without a hint of reservation or doubt, Officer Cook. Your life and public service career has long been the benchmark of heroism at its finest, honorable and dignified, carrying intensity and integrity at all moments within our uniform and badge of boldness. Your comrades have saluted your humane concerns, considerations and kindnesses given back to humanity. Your family and friends have always remembered your humbly remarkable teats of vigilance all vital to our safety and security. Heaven is there for our most esteemed men and women who dive right into danger looking to take out evil and promote a most hospitable environment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light at the end of the tunnel is there for those whose tenacity matches their vision, wisdom and ingenuity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 27, 2018
Humility can humble the eyes of the most wise. For we know that dignity and integrity do leave that everlasting impression. Your honesty and morals, Officer Cook, left a profound and resounding affect on those citizens whom you faithfully and loyally protected in Dade County. Their inspirations have been drawn from your dreams, goals and aspirations which won't be forgotten. Heroes and heroines all display the kind of character so central in their performances that sometimes one does not know if they are out patrolling our peace and serenity. God knows His flock of persevering and followers of ferocity and shelters their special souls for eternal safekeeping. Keep observing us, Officer Cook, as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement is not by luck, it is a skill learned, preached and practiced quite diligently.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 27, 2018
Simplicity signed, sealed and delivered along with serenity, safety and security. It makes tranquility and civility stand up to sanctity and humility. Your unwavering character and commitment to change Dade County's landscape, Officer Cook, made the difference. Your sacrifice proved beyond a shadow of doubt that you were heroic in a well lived life and a career with devotion, faith, boldness and resolve that made the needed dent in order to battle evil and its wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were that knight in shining armor who made the most of your life opportunities championing goodwill among all society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 26, 2018
We live not to suffer. Rather, to chase after our dreams, aspirations and hopes for a brighter future. You ran after evil during your six years of loyal and honorable service, Officer Cook, making certain Dade County folks were proudly protected. Your partners and colleagues have never forgotten your bravery, courage and intellect. Conviction and commitment work well when the desire and motivation are present. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You blazed a trail of enormous tenacity for other brave souls to travel through. Your ingenuity and intuition made May 16, 1979 a day of solemn remembrance. Always well prepared and one talented man of motion and the highest levels of decency, dignity and of course integrity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 26, 2018
Standing in formation and at attention, all those comrades, friends and of course your beloved family came to St. Mary's Cathedral to pay their respects and to say farewell to a colleague so humble, loyal and honest. A very classy and capable servant who knew the in's and outs of police work and what is expected from a devoted and unrelenting man of values, wisdom and character. if you are not decent and faithful, you probably should apply elsewhere. But, Dade County got the full scope of your grace and valor, Officer Cook. It helped to reel in the peace and quiet so necessary for life to move forward. Always the charming and distinguished public servant, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light of your engaging soul will always stay perpetually lit. Your heroic actions meant all the difference and hope we had in you and your comrades, Officer Cook. You continue to be greatly missed by all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 26, 2018
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