Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

To lookout and to see the waves of the ocean pounding the shores, to most it's quite a sight. Even more revealing is to see a young man full of life, full of humbleness doing what he always wanted to do. To become a full fledged public servant takes all the acumen, all the awareness and most importantly all the honesty that one could summon from within their heart of integrity, dignity and the very decency that made you who you were, Officer Cook. For the benefit of Dade County and its citizens you were their protector and heroic savior. God could not have planned things any better only that you should been allowed to live out your years of retirement with your beloved, Karen. We relish those good times, the happy moments in our lives and yet we struggle to cope with those defining moments of sadness and grief. But, a man of stoic character and staunch commitment we honor his humane and humble memory of a well lived life and a professional career focused in on ferocity and the foundations of a brighter future for all. Peace and prosperity, serenity and security scream for assistance and that day of May 16, 1979, there you were, Officer Cook, proving and providing your proficient mettle. So meaningful. So giving and loyal. It makes you stop and take note, wonder how you could calmly try and diffuse an already dangerous situation from escalating into more violence than what was occuring. Fondly remembered, never forgotten. Etched into our hearts and minds forever young. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life's pursuits of happiness should have continued onward not dashed and destroyed by wanton and heinous terror. I do hope the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families have been able to find that glimmer of hope, faith and peace of mind while honoring your passions and dreams, aspirations and journeys of justice for all fairly and firmly never looking back. Regrets are those lost moments that can't be taken back. The clock moves on and at midnight Sunday night a new year 2018 will soon be arriving. Upon us is an onus that your loved one, "Uncle Bo," "Billy", always Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664 humbly wore and demonstrated his prowess toward making humanity a better venue to breathe and to live smartly and most proudly. You were a man of pride never taking your eyes off your priorities, the safety of all. Transparency was never any clearer and neither was your vision and profound wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2017

Police officers are our insurance policies when it comes to service and protection. You offered Dade County and its residents the finest care and consideration that you could, Officer Cook. A man of many adventures and hobbies. A gentleman of gallantry and noble deeds. A public servant honest, brave and so bold, integrity and dignity followed you around on all your patrols of a community that continues to cherish your memory. One of decency and character, sage wisdom and sound advice given to all brothers and sisters that were under your guiding leadership. It was guided by God's divine eyes, ears and hands of humility, the very same humble and dedicated traits you gracefully possessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The rocks are there at your gravesite that I put down when I visit reminding me of the Biblical times. Also of course someone leaves flowers. It's just a tragic shame you were taken away from your family, comrades and friends before your time when you had more left to accomplish. God I guess saw your pathways as completed and now has needed up in heaven to guard His sacred and perfectly paved streets of eternal serenity. Exactly what you afforded those whom you served and preserved by unwavering resolve and uncanny perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2017

Beloved and bold, courageous and centered. You were a straightforward individual, Officer Cook and because of your heroic honor, dignity and integrity you have and always will be saluted for your character, commitment and convictions to those challenges as perilous as they were that you confronted face to face. The people of Dade County have strived to live a peaceful and serene life and because of you, Officer Cook and your faithful devotion to the calls of duty and loyalty to comrades so may you and your blessed and humanely humble name be revered forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sun shines upon us keeping us aware of your wonderful soul in Our Lord's celestial system circling day and night above us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2017

Although you left this world way too soon, Officer Cook, you left behind a plethora of pleasant memories and they cannot be taken away from the family and comrades who loved and adored you. A man of heroic proportions, a persevering public servant who went out of his way to spare and save his comrades and those citizens who were involved in this terrible domestic dispute that cost you your young life and a career of courage and commitment to character and excellent morals. These scruples and your unquestionable honesty, integrity and dignity while sheltering us in peace won't be forgotten. Dade County was humbly protected and blanketed in security and a humane serenity all by you devotion and fruitful faithful missions. Class, decency and leadership highlighted your watch over us and for this may you be solemnly saluted. Take revenge does not accomplish anything worthwhile. Vigilance and diligence take much practice and you had the exact patience to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The darkness of doom and evil is quickly expelled by the light from your cherished soul of brilliance, beauty and the boldness, vision needed to battle these and other dangerous adversaries.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2017

All any worthwhile public servant can do is chip away at this very evil which threatens the peaceful pursuits of all men and women. All you can do is your job and by helping others you just made society a little less dangerous. You performed your assignments, Officer Cook, with wisdom and understanding all the focal points of your humble and humane heroism and its actions of integrity, dignity and honor. The visions of Dade County were cleared up by your unwavering resolve and convictions of sage and unrelenting good character. Transparency travelled down those very same roads as did tenacity and ferocity. When distributed evenly they provided the necessary link between peace and togetherness as served by your golden and compassionate heart, Officer Cook. It gave and sacrificed so we could continue the calendar and to champion the fairness and justice you represented. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police are the architects, developers and designers of desire, devotion and the dedication of decency for all of society. Without them kayos, mayhem and terror just runs rampant. You had a vital role in stopping its advances, Officer Cook, now God's angelic hero sleeping soundly under His eternal shelters of serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2017

If you chart a hero's progress from start to finish, you will find all the boxes of honor, humility, dignity and decency of which to place a checkmark. In your box of boldness, Officer Cook, your family, friends, comrades and supervisors can place that checkmark humbly in the boxes marked meaningful, unselfish and full of desirable character which you provided the people of Dade County for six years, too shorta time of capable and impeccable care and concern. Your love of your job and its associated tasks made you a valued member of your department and surely now and always will Badge#1664 be saluted for thoughtfulness and the faithfulness that wisdom and knowledge brought along on your special journeys. Missions of optimism and goodwill that have stood the tests of time. Time keeps ticking. Now is the moment we must act in this war over adversity and strife if we are to live more sounder and safer. You delivered us so far, Officer Cook and now it's up to those valiant souls of integrity and nobility to keep charging forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and commitment is concealed in the eyes of Our Creator who rest your soul in His arms for safekeeping. Eternity is your reward, Officer Cook, for respect and admiration to all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2017

If one digs down and deep somewhere you'll find that pot of gold. Whatever it may be you will find something. Police officers must be resourceful on a daily basis, though luck plays a small part, they must be faithful to not only their departments and colleagues, but to those folks with whom they are charged with protecting and serving. Your duties to mankind and our community were vast in nature, Officer Cook and it took every last drop of your honesty, reverence and tools of tenacity, dignity and integrity to secure the essential peace and unity for all. Dade County was rather fortunate to have a man of precision and character acting heroically within the ranks of resolve. For we know wisdom, vision can only fight the battles of wickedness commitment to excellence and humility prevails. All of these talents made you a supremely superior servant, Officer Cook. You were humbly confident and quite loyal donning your badge of fierceness and a uniform of unselfish passion and compassion toward all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lights are lit because of your dear and engaging soul of security and the peace and good cheer it brought to so many persons. Terror should never be make a brave soul back away or down, rather they righteously confront this enemy head on as you did, Officer Cook. This was your redeeming quality and your quintessential professionalism exhibited on a daily basis.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2017

God gives us a special gift. Life and how and who we decide to be and how to accomplish making this world more safer and serene as we approach yet another new year. Hard to believe we are nearly eighteen years into a new decade. Even sadder to ponder how almost thirty-eight years have come since your sacrifice on our behalf, Officer Cook. You lived your extraordinary humble life of twenty-five years of dignity, honor and commitment to everything deemed excellent and of course you were a hero of the utmost loyalty, integrity and humility. Dade County's residents saw everyday a true humane and decent man patrolling its corridors for peace and hope. Your missions of mercy and goodwill marked by adventures of acumen, awareness and all the astuteness needed to function proficiently. Always a blessed man in our minds and hearts at this time of the year and forever an unselfish and unwavering public servant. Humanity's most capable and responsible best friend when crisis came you were there to act and to save the lives of your brave comrades and citizens exposed to wanton and heinous violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life has beginnings and endings, those conclusions, Officer Cook, should have delivered happier tidings for your treasured and much beloved family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2017

God knows the direction by which He runs our world. It is fixed and very well intentioned. So too is a person's honor and dignity. If the tenacity, ferocity and integrity are well grouped then humble achievement will result. Dade County citizens got every bit of energy from you, Officer Cook and others heroes and heroines lost way too soon because of this very evil which men and women of grace and gallantry look to stop. Those wings you were given when your treasured and humane soul ascended the gates of heaven are meant to eternally protect you as you patrol those golden and pearly gates and streets which other valiant brothers and sisters assist you in these important tasks. You kept peace and prosperity , sanctity and civility all in the same realm, reality and resolve. Kind of putting the finishing touches of commitment, conviction and character together. You say something, make a promise you keep your word. Your affirmation, Officer Cook, spoke the messages of devotion, faith, goodwill towards all mankind and mercy for all. Your compassion is sorely missed here. Anger was not your forte. Only kindness and esteem for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lights of those foundations you set down thirty-eight years ago won't be extinguished as they guide our daily travels and all future missions, the journeys of justice, fairness and those destinations of solid determination, dedication and the motivation you utilized to humbly lead other brave souls through evil to safe ground.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2017

God knows the direction by which He runs our world. It is fixed and very well intentioned. So too is a person's honor and dignity. If the tenacity, ferocity and integrity are well grouped then humble achieve will result. Dade County citizens every bit of energy from you, Officer Cook and others heroes and heroines lost way too soon because of this very evil which men and women of grace and gallantry look to stop. Those wings you were given when your treasured and humane soul ascended the gates of heaven are meant to eternally protect you as you patrol those golden and pearly gates and streets which other valiant brothers and sisters assist you in these important tasks. You kept peace and prosperity , sanctity and civility all in the same realm, reality and resolve. Kind of putting the finishing touches of commitment, conviction and character together. You say something, make a promise you keep your word. Your affirmation, Officer Cook, spoke the messages of devotion, faith, goodwill towards all mankind and mercy for all. Your compassion is sorely missed here. Anger was not your forte.Only kindness and esteem for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lights of those foundations you set down thirty-eight years ago won't be extinguished as they guide our daily travels and all future missions, the journeys of justice, fairness and those destinations of solid determination, dedication and the motivation you utilized to humbly lead other brave souls through evil to safe ground.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2017

God knows the direction by which He runs our world. It is fixed and very well intentioned. So too is a person's honor and dignity. If the tenacity, ferocity and integrity are well grouped then humble achieve will result. Dade County citizens every bit of energy from you, Officer Cook and others heroes and heroines lost way too soon because of this very evil which men and women of grace and gallantry look to stop. Those wings you were given when your treasured and humane soul ascended the gates of heaven are meant to eternally protect you as you patrol those golden and pearly gates and streets which other valiant brothers and sisters assist you in these important tasks. You kept peace and prosperity , sanctity and civility all in the same realm, reality and resolve. Kind of putting the finishing touches of commitment, conviction and character together. You say something, make a promise you keep your word. Your affirmation, Officer Cook, spoke the messages of devotion, faith, goodwill towards all mankind and mercy for all. Your compassion is sorely missed here. Anger was not your forte.Only kindness and esteem for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lights of those foundations you set down thirty-eight years ago won't be extinguished as the yguide our daily travels and all future missions, the journeys of justice, fairness and those destinations of solid determination, dedication and the motivation you utilized to humbly lead other brave souls through evil to safe ground.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2017

Dear Chris: I understand you are a police officer in Virginia and you can correct me if I'm wrong. You founded this wonderfully humble website for families of fallen officers. It's marvelous and great for the loved ones of these honest men and women of bravery, integrity and dignity to leave their thoughts and recollections of their humble heroes and heroines. Officer Cook, as I've reflected was a neighbor of mine in North Miami Beach, Florida, although, our families never had the pleasure of meeting such a cherished man or his family. His mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, wrote me a personal letter back after I wrote to her. I missed her by two weeks as she moved out to San Diego, California to be closer to her grandchildren, Josh Hyatt and Justin Miller. Her son, "Billy"s heroics in Dade County back in the 70's were legendary as well as extraordinary. His humility, loyalty and gallantry were as spot on as they were necessary to secure the peace and safety of all persons he served and preserved. His journeys and their fruitful missions were deemed finished and sadly God returned his beautiful home to be eternally watched on May 16,1979. He will forever be saluted for valor and for his earthly value on our society's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Think about it a ninety-five year old woman wrote a letter to someone she did not know and yet called me her friend and neighbor. It speaks a lot of the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Family values. Keep up the good fight against violence and terror, Chris and may you stay safe and very blessed as Officer Cook was. His compassion and reverence won't be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2017

Common sense, rationale and logic are fine so as one humbly carries their honor, dignity and integrity where it's needed the most. You were a fine example, Officer Cook, of what we mean by an upstanding human being, a gentleman and an excellent public servant who served the causes, principles and values of having good morals and the word character. Character is like a magnet in that it attracts other traits that help reign in terror and bring goodwill, liberty and peace to a community. The Dade County venues you protected with done with thought, relevancy and the resolve to get things done right and humanely the first time around. The clock keeps ticking and as it does we thank you for being there to aid and rescue those comrades and civilians who were under fire that awfully sad day when we lost your beloved soul of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your commitment to excellence has been continued and your heroic legacy remains etched in our hearts and thoughts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2017

Luck is only a small part of life. A person's fortunes are more likely to be judged by how honorable and dignified they are and how they carry around their integrity in their pursuits of happiness. Happiness and sadness are the very virtues by which we live and achieve as they are a part of all who ever breathe. Police work conjures up thoughts that our most humane and civil minded tackle violence as they go after acts of vile and heinous proportions which in turn may lead to kayos and turmoil. You pursued evil, Officer Cook, in Dade County where your character and transparency has been duly saluted. Honored for service and the preservation of peace and harmony among all mankind. Humility and humanity surely go together as does loyalty and being cherished which you continue to be my neighbor, friend and hero. You were concerned and made a conscientious effort to do what was deemed proper. Destinies faithfully fulfilled and now Our Creator has taken your beautiful and wonderful soul back to heaven to rest in peace with your dad, Charles.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2017

Peace, love and charm shine in a person's face as does their wisdom and honor. The honor in knowing you were brave and dignified in all your pursuits of evil and passions of happiness in life. You were just that, Officer Cook and for the life you so exemplified in character, your police career was a humble carbon copy of just that. Humbleness and its humility accentuated throughout the community of Dade County where you served with nobility and sincerity. Its sanctity, peace and civility were due to your heroic actions on May 16, 1979, never overlooked by family, esteemed colleagues and those loyal friends who recognized your mettle and the meaningful way in which you performed your roles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Guaranteed today your family cries a little, mourning your loss through the unselfish sacrifice you made thirty-eight and a half years ago. Mrs. Cook, your son was most beloved, he was your sweet and darling hero whose wisdom, maturity and convictions helped to keep peace here and terror away from those he cared for. His concentration helped to cement his legacy not just here in Dade County, but all over our nation and world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2017

Serenity is the pal of perseverance. Just as bravery and honesty run together, it's in the dignity and integrity of any public servant who runs right into the face of danger. You ran to danger, Officer Cook, placing your treasured soul in harm's way to save Dade County's residents. Your concern and devotion to character and the commitment that good morals lead to helped protect those of us from evil. Comrades and your beloved family members have warmly and solemnly remembered your engaging personality and engaging smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those tents of tenacity you pitched have been secured by your unwavering resolve and humble distinction. You were a gentleman and a loyal friend to all who is missed very much. God's kingdom has the wisdom and vision of those righteous heroes and heroines who have made that ultimate sacrifice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2017

To have the class, composure and character to commit oneself to bravery and honesty take s avery unique and humble servant. Police sacrifice their lives of humility and distinction in order for us to continue channeling our efforts of goodwill, faith and mercy. Exactly, Officer Cook, as you were trained and instructed in. Protocall means just that and doing things smoothly and correctly takes all the skill in the world rather than acting matter of factly. You rears and eyes, guided you, Officer Cook, through some interesting and oftentimes difficult situations here in Dade County. Its citizens related to your compassion and the passion you presented when you came to work everyday. They are more safer and tranquil than before though all of this humility and humane actions of heroica on your part and morals came with the ultimate price. A young man bent on wickedness taking a young man, a gentleman of gallantry and destroying the fruitions and missions you left behind, Officer Cook. Now your family and colleagues continue those journeys in a respectful manner and with class and motivation personified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven's fields and streets are made up of the finest and most humble of angelic heroes and heroines. Keep looking down on us, Officer Cook. May your soul of serenity help lead the way for other men and women of grace and a kindred spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2017

To investigate, to corroborate and to make sure the truth is real is what all duly affirmed officers are supposed to do. Utilize your potentials of honesty, humility the desirable effects of integrity and dignity to keep people safe and sound, then surround yourself with the words of the wise. You always found that pearl of faith and resolve, Officer Cook, making your service of Dade County a little less stressful. To substantiate and bring perseverance to any problem is that public servant's number one priority and heroically, Officer Cook, your calmness, caring and decency of character and boldness saw to that and forever are you to be fondly saluted for courage and valor beyond securing serene. Those paths you walked and ran down to chase evil shall always be treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2017

Succumbing to temptation can never interfere with any officer's obligations to serve the public interest. Nothing got you down nor impeded your paths to preservation and distinguished and humble resolve, Officer Cook. The hands of your being brought newer hopes and goodwill to all of our society. Dade County has been the receiver of a man of genuine character and the wisdom by which justice must somehow prevail. You'll be forevermore honored for having the loyalty to comrades and the integrity for which dignity allowed you to keep peace and togetherness pieced as one entity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations can only be laid when nobility and its humility are shadowing one another. You were a special man, Officer Cook, your family's heroic warrior and savior. Badge#1664 and the uniform behind your travels will be fondly remembered for having the meticulous knowledge and inner courage that makes public servants unique.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2017

The objective is to observe, protect and capture those individuals whose wanton actions endanger the public. The clauses of class, desire and decency are all vetted within the guises of humility, honesty and its dignified integrity which is what you possessed, Officer Cook, while serving Dade County and its citizens who trusted your mettle and scope of understanding how to calm and to preserve the sanctity of life. Peace and its modest winds breezes of security and serenity are at times hard to come by and yet for six years you gave your career and life missions for those journeys to march forward. God is taking care of the rest as your angelic soul floats gently high above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and the charisma of courage and conviction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2017

Honesty and humbleness give any brave servant a leg up in the battle over evil. Its boldness and fierce determination that shall be victorious in this never ending war over violence and its disruptive influence. At least during your time, Officer Cook, when you devotedly served Dade County and its residents, you were concerned, sincere and a very warm and caring young man. You won't be forgotten for displaying cherishable appeal and the personality where commitment to pride and excellence coupled with character made that difference. You are to be smartly and wisely saluted for valor and the nobility that humility brings to the table. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines are entitled to heavenly rewards because of their unselfish and energetic efforts on mankind's behalf. The endeavor was always present, Officer Cook, as was your congeniality and never better big bright smile taken behind our flag. Your banner was boldness and the tenacity and its ferocity to go head to head with a foe lurking out there ready to pounce like a tiger upon its prey.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2017

If you must travel, navigate your honor and dignity down the pathways of peace and perseverance rather than down the trails of terror and evil. The more humble and brave one is the more successful they will likely be. In Dade County, you battled adversity and the advances of wickedness while staying open to having humility and loyalty to other brave comrades. Peace and unity can only occur when the gravity of gallantry and its progress is recognized and you were a very superior public servant, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your wisdom and character shined as brightly as did your commitment and ingenuities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2017

Misery surely needs no company. The only companions we need as a society are devoted and honorable public servants protecting the causes of peace and the quality of life we so desire. It was your utmost determination and leadership skills, Officer Cook, that made all the difference for life in Dade County. Citizens could rest safely knowing you were out scouring the streets for mischief and mayhem which in turn may lead violence and corruption. Mankind ails already not needing more problems piled on. But, make no mistake, your character and commitment to loyalty and faithfulness helped bring peace together among all. Future officers realize and understand the tasks ahead of them where tenacity and humility along with integrity and dignity must be utilized as one element. You were the best and now as one of our many angelic heroes may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were that go to professional wise and sharpened from years of training and experience. We should take heart and take some solace while saluting your virtue. Keep looking down with your treasured soul of humane actions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2017

To dream the impossible dream, to fight the fight and to lose your valiant life with unbearable sorrow, no more telling a life and a career of greatness, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people were under your gallantry and the wisdom of God's graces guiding your every patrol. Peace and unity are not always easy to come by but with your convictions to honesty, integrity and dignity your aspirations and fruitful journeys were completed. Unfortunately, a humble man of character and esteem was lost and your family and comrades were left to mourn you and to salute your vision and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's honor roll class of decency, desire and dedication rests firmly in His palaces of preservation and resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2017

If we could trade something to have you back, Officer Cook, anything and all the honesty, dignity and integrity will do for starters. A man, a gentleman of grace and valor committing to see us through these mazes of torture and mayhem. Dade County certainly has seen its share of gunfights and battles, that day on May 16, 1979, full fledged heroism and character was placed on the line for freedom and quiet to take its proper spot among mankind. Heroes and heroines lead and live lives of decency and faith all placed in jeopardy for something we take for granted, life. Character and conviction never needed to cover up any deficiencies because you did not have them, Officer Cook. Speaking the truth and trusting your instincts helped you to become a better man and an even more humbly superior servant. God has the best of the best sheltered for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your beloved family would surely have done anything to have to here with them celebrating a grand day and especially doting on your great-nieces and great-nephew. Take care Alexis, Skyler, Legend and your baby sister, Legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2017

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