Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Focus on being hopeful and optimistic and you may find accomplishment down those trails of tenacity. You were an upbeat man and a consummate police officer, Officer Cook. Dade County was always under your finest supervision and conviction to seeing justice and peace being fairly distributed. Never a more finer man of integrity, honesty and character who was beloved and admired greatly by your peers of perseverance and due diligence. You can rest assured your heroic memory will be etched in our hearts and fondly saluted for valor and resolve beyond those calls of duty and responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines make the ultimate sacrifice in order to secure the boundaries of God's earthly venues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2018

If we keep praying that redemption will come sooner than later. Your beloved family will get to reunite with you, Officer Cook. They have missed your laugh, your smile and witty personality. Your colleagues and friends have missed your honor, loyalty and devotion to your faith and resourcefulness. Dade County has missed your courtesies and professional demeanor all through your esteemed commitment and boldness to take whatever heroic actions were necessary to quell evil. All the character, all the charm and grace has been very much missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Creator has a most humble and distinguished lineage of angels. Their pedigrees of persistence and perseverance never lacking. They offered top quality service and protection, humility for all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2018

The deeds of this world surely echo in eternity. All the embodiment of effort and boldness, having humane and humble honor with its unrelenting and unselfish dignity at your side. Your side, Officer Cook, was concerned with peace and calmness. Having integrity and conviction only supported your navigations around Dade County and in turn helped to arrange the proper administration of security and safety trails for all concerned. Your career and life, Officer Cook, were founded upon the principles of excellent character, commitment to both excellence and pride and the notion of noble actions, heroic in nature which in turn rescued your fellow officers in peril and those citizens involved in that nasty domestic dispute in which you gave your life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2018

Buoyed by bravery and boldness humble bestowed upon your soul of serenity, Officer Cook, you traveled out into those dangerous corridors where conceit and callousness rested trying your utmost to restore a sense of calmness and caring for one another. If we factor in all positive attributes of your wholesome and humble life, we will find honor blanketing your dignity and integrity the same way humility, civility and sanctity blend in with hope and desire, your constant and considerate loyalty and treasured abilities to promote enhancements that have remained anchored down forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Up in heaven eternal peace needs no harm aimed at its angelic heroes and heroines who faithfully pursued evil while endeavoring to secure a taciturn environment for us all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2018

The brave and bold who sacrifice their lives, their deaths demoralize everything life and peace represent. Anarchy and bedlam stand for unruliness which in turn may lead to violence. It's the root of all evil and must be quashed. You were great at putting out the fires of wickedness here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Your heroics and honesty were well respected as was your intense dignity, desire and unwavering integrity to all professional calls of duty. You can't be forgotten. Badge#1664 and the uniform worn proudly and humanely humbly went out on the streets to secure happiness, peace and the goodwill of all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Anytime one takes a life of a devoted public servant of character and the highest of morals, think twice before acting! Keep watching over us, Officer Cook, as we kickoff 2018 in good health, peace and nothing but esteem and mutual respect for one and all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2018

Disaster causes those demons inside those who stoop to commit such diabolical acts to manifest into bigger and more reprehensible inclinations. They must be stopped and short circuited at once. We had you, Officer Cook an d a host of other talented men and women brave for sure, magnified in honor and loyalty too fighting with all their humane and cherished integrity and dignity by their sides. It sure made lives of those living in Dade County during your watch more peaceful and promising. When one has character and concern at their side, the only thing that can derail a life and career is one who deliberately takes a young man, a hero of the highest calling answering what might be their final call. Sadly, serenity and safety was breached when Mr. Pearsall took your life and professional journeys of justice and fairness away from you, Officer Cook. Plain old appalling and heinous to say the least. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's humbleness shines wonderfully against your honored and reverent soul of safe passages. Those destinies should be here right now going forward. It's your family who goes ahead with your heroic legacy stamped and sealed with acumen and clarity, wisdom and vision for generations to come. To all now patrolling please be careful and safe and to those future men and women recruits take heed. Stay honorable and humble. Bare responsibility and direction wisely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2018

Humility and humbleness make honor and dignity stand just for a moment because we know while good people are out reaping what they sow, those who stoop to commit wicked acts of evil are also out on the streets disturbing the public's peace and serenity. You stopped things from happening on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook and for what character and morals mean you did an outstanding job maintaining law and order in order for lives to be saved, not more to be lost. You gave your life and career, Officer Cook, one of valor and vitality so that our happy travels may continue. In eternity where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it will be forever etched in stone and in our hearts and minds what a real public servant, admired and respected is all about. Our Lord keeps His lighthouse constantly lit brightening up His flock of angelic heroes and heroines who fought for a cause, justice and equality for all. Humility and decency make up one's own devotion and dedication, yours, Officer Cook, meant the world to everyone, family, colleagues and a plethora of good friends from around our nation who miss your congeniality and smiling face. Pride and perseverance went round and round.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2018

It's hard to replicate honesty, integrity and dignity, although most men and women who serve faithfully have had these morals and values drilled into them as young children. You and Nancy learned your lessons very well, Officer Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, you should be very proud of your children and especially your beloved and heroically darling son, "Billy." An instrumental public servant whose warmth and friendly demeanor assisted him in his pursuits of peace and quiet for all Dade County folks. They could never forget his ingenuity, desire and steadfast dedication and determination which made him a humble and humane leader of other brave and noble comrades. This perpetual battle, a war that is cast over evil one day with your treasured soul looking over us from God perfect kingdom will conclude and allow for our journeys and missions of faith and goodwill to continue uninterrupted. That bright smile is sorely missed in a world still befuddled and mystified by too much mayhem and kayos. At least you made lives, all lives matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The righteous reaps their rewards, the wicked get their punishments meted out by Our Loving Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2018

If we are fond of someone we will do whatever is needed to keep their friendship. Friends nowadays are a dime a dozen. Better to make friends with someone than an enemy out of them. How could anyone in their right state of mind want to harm a well respected and honorable man of dignity, integrity and gallantry? Unwavering in your resolve, Officer Cook, you simply were doing your job that day of May 16, 1979, as you did everyday for Dade County citizens cherishing the moments to magnetize and to galvanize peace and togetherness with safety and serenity. All done with the humble intentions of preventing more violence and bloodshed than already was occuring. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of morals, the fabrics of excellent character, loyal commitment and staunch convictions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2018

You were the commander of courage, commonsense and coolness under pressure. You were the conveyor of conviction, commitment and excellent character. You were a dedicated police officer, Officer Cook, distinguished by heroism, honor and loyalty to all comrades wearing the very same Metro-Dade Police Department uniform and badge of alacrity and boldness in being aware and astute in times of duress and calamity. God has many things on tap for His law enforcement personnel all striving, serving and protecting the peace, unity and the quality of life that both happiness and liberty ring true. Never forgotten for humane and humble endeavors, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those lights of your beloved soul, Officer Cook, have never gone out, they stay perpetually lit for other brave and morally righteous and devout men and women to follow in. You opened eyes and blazed a trail of tenacity like no other, Officer Cook, a real class man, gregarious gentleman and a gallant public servant whose destinies took you on missions of the most esteemed hope and efficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2018

Police leave their families never knowing if that's the last time they will ever see them again. They take their humility, humble bravery and distinguished dignity and integrity which is a sure fire way to remedy evil. Its wickedness so spread out far and wide that challenges the hearts, minds and will of the many loyal and heroic men and women. Dade County saw plenty of your resourcefulness and unwavering resolve, Officer Cook and in the end your character, desire and class will be fondly remembered as well as your distributing peace and unity all will be solemnly saluted. Gallantry and good grace never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You put out a lot of fires with your renowned ferocity and travelled far and wide on your unrelenting tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2018

Your courage and humility blazed a trail of tenacity for all other brave and humane heroes and heroines to follow in, Officer Cook. Civility, reverence and the formation of good character permitted you the opportunity to see your journeys of justice and mankind through. God only knows why? At a tender young age of twenty-five years with more left to fulfill, Dade County was for six years under the scope of your excellent morals and the values so dear for any servant to fight through this tunnel of terror. You will always be noted and admired, Officer Cook, for instilling serenity and sanctity in a community where hope and the desire of all to pursue happiness was helped along by your heroic actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2018

At the stroke of midnight no telling what might happen. Violence is not just limited to the day and for its awful elements we need strong minded public servants distributing goodwill, bravery and courage to the citizens along with humble honor, integrity and the desired affects of dignity. Dade County received quality care and protection under your watchful eyes, Officer Cook, never forgotten and warmly and humbly saluted and so very much honored for astuteness to duty, faithful loyalty to all colleagues and for bringing peace and serenity back to a community so longing for it. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2018

Gallantry and grace are not gimmicks and so too is courage and valor. Neither can be made light off either. A man who carries his dignity, integrity and honesty close to his badge should be recognized for his heroic endeavors. You have been honored and etched into our thoughts and hearts for providing serenity and unity for all Dade County citizens. We can be certain family, comrades and friends will remember your humility, nobility and the civility for which you represented our great nation and its many heroic servants. They have enhanced our world filled with too much wickedness and have at least made a dent in destroying its movements. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2017

As we turn from 2017 to 2018 may our world be filled with peace and a mutually healthy respect for one another. You admiration and esteem, Officer Cook, was the basis for your career and its humble accomplishments all of a heroic and humanely caring nature. Your character, dignity and integrity helped you to ward off violence and evil here in the Dade County community where you continue to be so richly honored and solemnly saluted for unwavering commitment, courage from your heart and the boldness of proudly wearing your badge and uniform of perseverance and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Happy New Year Mrs. Cook and to the entire Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families. And to Mrs. Karen Bonidy a very healthy and happy 2018. Your heroic late husband won't ever be forgotten for his vision, wisdom and perceptively passionate mannerisms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2017

With a glowing heart and a soul of perpetual motion, you led other men and women through those tunnels of treachery in Dade County, Officer Cook. A mighty gentleman with an even keeled tenacity, you can expect to be forever honored and saluted for having the rationale, honesty and dignity to stand in front of mayhem helping to secure the peace and happiness for all Dade County citizens. A humble man with a concentration of character, loyalty and faithful convictions, you'll not be forgotten. Effort and efficiency work together as well as humility for humanity and the nobleness that maturity delivers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's friendliest of skies are observed by a plethora of heroes and heroines who delivered on their sacred bond of boldness overlooking their own safety. Commitment as fine as ever, Officer Cook. You helped to reign in evil pure and simple. What a hero!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2017

Solicit sincerity and serenity. Illicit integrity and proper authority, honesty and dignity will lead a brave public servant through the webs of wickedness. What led your pursuits in Dade County, Officer Cook, was your full cooperation and support from your loyal comrades. Those same humble and humane men and women who go out on patrol exposing themselves to whatever terror is there to be wiped out. Your character and composure enabled you to calm down those already agitated enough, Officer Cook and with perseverance and sure fire resolve the job was done right. Tragically, Our Master needed your soul of peace and prosperity in heaven to watch after those who commit to righteous conviction and wear their badges of boldness with clarity and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2017

Those journeys in life and during your humbly distinguished police career have now been eternally jettisoned to God's greatest of skies. It's a place where gentleness, gallantry and grace rest. Only the honesty, integrity and dignity that never will be forgotten, Officer Cook. Your coming to a scene and responding with all the resolve and faithfulness could not be any more clearer. It is wisdom, maturity and commitment beyond your years of life that has further enhanced our society making peace and unity more feasible. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light still shines on, your soul humane and heroic as it was will see to that with Our Creator's loving affection.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2017

Driving around with your windows open gives one more appreciation for their surroundings. What has transpired in Dade County all these years later is the direct results of your resolving character, courage and the commitment to excellence. Officer Cook, you were the shining example of a sincere and devoted public servant whose skills allowed the hopes and happiness of a community so large to revere you. Enhancement can only happen when honor, grace and the appearances of integrity and dignity are accounted for. You brought welcome relief to an area in which your memory remains engraved in our hearts and those of the people you served and saved and in particular your colleagues brave as you who go on battling this terrible and miserable foe, violence, which usurps wisdom, vision and the understanding of why morals, ideals and values matter. Loving life and enjoying your roles, Officer Cook, you took that proverbial bull by the horns securing peace and liberty for all under the same blanket of your boldness. Those shelters of safety and serenity were founded precisely by your convictions and charisma. Very engaging and very hospitable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those bag wipes wailed and so did your esteemed and beloved family, comrades and friends who mourned your humane acts of heroism and the humility that makes humanity stand up and take notice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2017

The world revolves around good character, morals and the humbleness that honesty and humility delivers. Your focal point, Officer Cook, was in your unselfish ferocity in protecting Dade County and its residents. You were a cherished young man who led the fight of your life against evil. The peace and unity of a community that salutes and remembers your humanely heroic actions never forgets its heroes and heroines. God calls us when we least expect and forever now your destiny has been directed at patrolling those sacred and golden paved roads where no harm will come your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2017

If you take wickedness, evil , violence and terror out of the equation, then society as a whole has a better chance at peace and prosperity. Your heroic endeavors, Officer Cook, reached out to Dade County's community where courage and wisdom, knowledge and understanding helped to further compose good relations. Obviously, a man of humility, class, desire and dignity all from your upbringing from your devoted and loving parents assisted you greatly in your life's pursuits sadly cut short by the very violence you were tasked with eliminating. You did your part very well and showed why you have been so honored and saluted for practical perseverance and unwavering resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2017

There are those who lack honesty and diligence, these are the ones who in the end will receive their just rewards. Heaven help them if they stray from duty. Police work is not easy. It's not some piece of cake you cut and eat. It's a profession, a calling of sorts for those who choose to challenge what is out there to preserve and to save. Lives matter. Lies tatter. Reputations may become soiled and tarnished. Broken affirmations may spell doom and disaster if not acted upon. You performed your onuses willingly and quite faithfully, Officer Cook, at least assuring Dade County'd citizens hope and not despair. Good morals, values and character that conviction and commitment bring helped you for most of your career. That day of May 16, 1979, there you were in Liberty City in Miami listening to a call for help with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and you went, did not have to go, loyalty and resolve led your journeys and then sadly you made that ultimate sacrifice on our behalf where God has your humble and humane soul in heaven for eternal safekeeping. You were superior and outstanding in coming to the people's aid and those of your esteemed colleagues. Heroism, integrity and humility toward mankind not overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your uniform was worn efficiently and quite proudly. You were a Godsend and a most blessed gentleman, Officer Cook. What a loss!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2017

Boldness rings loud and clear. Just as wisdom, vision and the sound leadership that you offered to so many other valiant comrades, Officer Cook. To live with honor, to fight courageously with heart and dignity, integrity surely was never absent when you were out searching for wickedness and hoping to ring in peace and unity. Dade County being a large metropolis was distinguished in having your humble and God given talents, a man of great character and acumen accountable and responsible for brokering hope and salvation for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2017

Terror plagues our world where torment and turmoil roam too freely wreaking havoc on peace and goodwill among all mankind. So you came along, Officer Cook, became a diligent and devoted public servant helping Dade County and its people overcome adversity. Your humble honesty, dignity and integrity navigated with you in a community that still to this day cherishes your blessed and humanely heroic name. Decency, character and commitment never leave the sides of the righteous who pursue evil and strive to keep us happy and sane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2017

Officer Cook, you got straight A's in acumen, awareness and in being astute. You received B's in bravery and boldness. You earned C's in courageous, conviction, character and commitment. The D's are in devotion to duty, dedication, determination and in sheer desire. The E's of effort, efficiency and energetic. The ferocity is in patrolling Dade County and its streets with full force ability. G is for gallant and graceful. H's spots are humanity, humility, honor and heroism. I is for intelligence, ingenuity and intuition. J is for justice for all. K is for kind hearted. L is for the passion of a lion and for being a likeable colleague to all. Dignity and integrity must be placed in your life and in your public service career and your mettle so meaningful. The rest of the alphabet is what you were and what the people come to expect from their saviors. Warriors carrying leadership on their chests and uniforms. Only thing would have been nice for your department to have side panels to have offered you more protection. God is your shield and eternal guiding light forevermore my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. They sacrifice righteously until their last breath. Our hopes and dreams rest in the badges and uniforms of other brave and resourceful servants who chose their pathways of tenacity just as you so faithfully did, Officer Cook. Gone way to soon, never forgotten. Saluted for salvaging our civility, sanity and safety.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2017

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