Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Character, courage, conviction and commitment work well together under those shelters of serenity, sanctity and civility. It is the humble and humane honor, integrity and dignity of those esteemed and beloved public servants who throw dangwer aside to serve and to save lives. Everybody matters. No one is better than the next person. Dade County was fairly, firmly and proudly under your watchful eyes and ears, Officer Cook. No matter thirty-eight years later colleagues have remembered and saluted your wonderfully engaging spirit of affection and desire. Noble deeds and heroism are righteously given honor in heaven where they rest with those who laid down their lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Engagement changes life let us hope those who have succeeded you, Officer Cook, steer their vehicles wisely through kayos and mayhem. You were too concerned and your morals represented your constitution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

The tooth fairy leaves money under a child's covers when they loose a tooth. Police officers when they operate smoothly and properly are given a humble award for their brave and honest of effort. You put dignity, integrity and consistent character together as one, the result will generally be positive. If only on May 16, 1979, only if you could have survived that day of brutality, Officer Cook. You acted fearlessly and with a pronounced conviction and the knowledge to act heroically as you did to attempt to stop a violent scene from escalating into something much worse. The peace and freedom were right there, all Mr. Pearsall had to do was to surrender peacefully, in fact he should have abandoned his plan to harm public servants and focus on what he could have done to enhance our humanity. Bring a smile and a giant lunch pail and concentrate on the good that could have been accomplished instead of wickedness doled out by a diabolical young man. Monotary rewards are discouraged as police take on a task of their own free will and are acutely aware of the perils that lie ahead of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

Perpetual motion means always in action and that's the way our country should conduct its affairs. You can take a break to eat and to sleep as a healthy night's rest is great for one's soul in order to function smartly. You were a patriot, Officer Cook. You were a noble and dignified gentleman of grace and humane actions. That maturity and wisdom surely were will beyond that crowd that your friend, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs reflected upon. His friend Bill Cook, was a true humble hero, with a smile to light up a room. Great patience. Excellent endeavor. Evil should not have derailed your journeys and missions of optimism and loyalty. Never a finer police officer who answered those perilous calls with a certain zest, a unique passion that you had for life, living and achieving. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now under God's wings the very same you have been humbly presented, Officer Cook, may your soul shine forth under His glorious majesty forever. Dade County witnessed experience, effort, energy and efficiency nothing less than the best.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

From top to bottom and visa versa you can measure a hero's honesty, character and commitment to both pride and excellence. Dade County and its citizens enjoyed the best of protection, Officer Cook, when you served and allowe dthem to live peacefully and in a unified fashion. The humbleness, the humility and the civility all filtered into your professional exploits and because of your unwavering unselfishness, may your character, widom and convictions never be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If resolve, proficiency could bring your beautiful soul back here to be with your beloved Karen and your mother, sister they would be estatic. Nonetheless, you will be fondly saluted for having a pristine uniform and a badge of boldness and bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

A person's best friend should be a police officer. Why you might ask? Because they are supoosed to be honorable and dignified, loyal and faithful to those they serve and protect from danger. You were one determined young man, Officer Cook and it's a tragic shame you had your young life taken from under you. Gone too soon because of this unruly and unhealthy element were call violence. It ddisrupts the normal flow of goodwill, happiness and peace betweenn all folks and while serving Dade County and its people, you displayed the proper character, courage and wisdom to visually get the assignments done right. We won't forget your charming personality, smile and engaging manner. Of course, your family, comrades and friends have missed seeing you all these years. That gaping hole I personally hope has been filled with a little healing and devotion to the causes you ferociously fought for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light in God's enchanted shelters never goes out, sadly it greets newer heroes and heroines who are led to heaven by Our Creator for their valor, humility and nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

Happy and healthy is the optimal way we would all ascribe to be. Evil and terror, wickedness and turmoil can short circuit that matter in a heartbeat. For those of us living in Dade County now things have changed quite a bit. When you navigated around the venue, Officer Cook, things surely were different. But peace and happiness are all officers' preoccupations. No two ways about it. Your honor, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, spoke humanely of your convictions, commitments to pride and in excelling at a profession where danger always seems to find its companion in terror. You kept your bond and were bold and precise in patrolling for the causes of mercy, faith and hope. Never forgotten as your soul climbs higher everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decency, desire and devotion raised the bar of perseverance and resolve and it was only total effort on your heroic part, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

Public servants fight those tough and seemingly never ending wars over violence and evil. Surely, our society demands peace and unity along with prosperity and relief. You battled an enemy, Officer Cook, one troubled young man bent on evil and to think about it, you sacrificed your soul of serenity, beautiful and beloved for our sake. Humility, humbleness and honesty don't come any finer than yours. Your concern and character along with your diligent commitment helped Dade County and its citizens to prevail. Yet for safety and goodwill to flourish, we must have the cooperation of everybody involved in this process. You will be heroically remembered and staunchly saluted for valor and vigilance above reproach. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A fine young man patrolling Our master's streets paved by golden trails and by the top of the honor roll line of heroes and heroines, all gallant for a specific cause. Peace commands respect. Evil demands exact action promptly and most prudently.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2018

Laying down the law and laying down one's life somehow their paths must cross along the lines of boldness, bravery, honesty and dignity if the peace process is to be further enhanced. Everything a hero performs in this world is taken with them to be further reviewed and judged by Our Creator. Dade County, Officer Cook, was under your strictest of guidance and gallantry that must be so honored and respected. We salute character, caring, class and your steadfast determination to make serenity and safety words to not just live for, but to follow in for all future public servants. The life and career trails you paved for others, Officer Cook, shall not be filled with pot marks and other obstacles that may impede the war over terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2018

Fear strikes anyone and at anytime can create the kind of havoc that can wreck the peace process. You were fearless and humble, Officer Cook, so polite well mannered and honorable it's a shame violence took you way too soon from your family, comrades and close acquaintances. Never will Dade County and its folks forget your heroic and humane actions of integrity and dignity, for they fortified the unity and lives of all concerned. Life rolls just as the years that you have been missed, character, class, wisdom and maturity, all returned humbly to God for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Just as oatmeal sticks to one's ribs on a cold day so does resolve, humility and perseverance, it was duly adorned by you, Officer Cook. A man. A gentleman and a legend forever cherished, admired and reverently respected.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2018

Police work is not pretty and yet the humbleness, the honesty and core ideals of humility, decency and dignity must always be pristine. Crystal clear and free of distraction because in order to save lives and to keep peace revolving you must have a free path from interference. Dade County had a model servant and more exactly a humane hero and savior, in you, Officer Cook. You don't need convincing to explain basic quality conduct and the integrity central to the themes of tenacity and unwavering ferocity. The people received that and more from a stoic and gallant young man and a very cherished gentleman. Character and commitment live on in the Cook, Wilkerson and Tidwell Families who pursue peace and happiness the very same you pursued, Officer Cook and had that taken away by wanton and heinous violence by a disturbed young man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement lives on as your soul perpetually lights up the darkest of hours.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2018

Being trustworthy and fruitful, you either have the real goods or you might as well pursue another line of endeavor. Police work tackles one's mind and if integrity, dignity and honesty are lacking, chances are peace and security will too be difficult to come by. Nice and steady, consistent and coordinated is how you acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, at all times exercising your efficiency in allowing those whom you served and protected to remain safe and sound. The conclusion, sadly though of a well lived and thought out life of candor, vision and leadership which in turn humanely and humbly led others through the rigors of violence and its pure unadulterated evil. One young man's life adventures passed down to other brave and concerned colleagues. Better dig in and be prepared for a wild ride. Diligence and its vigilance take time, planning and total preparation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and the best of morals, ethics and ideals. Dade County's residents were fortunate to have you, Officer Cook, faithfully in their midst. An honest day's compensation for the best of clarification. The i's of intellect, ingenuity and intuition were never far from your patrol vehicle.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2018

There is not one good deed that goes unnoticed. God reveals Himself to us, we might not see His vision or Himself, but He is around us at all times. So we had better make those moments of accomplishment count, make resolve and dignity a part of your everyday challenge which is living and loving life. You relished your job, Officer Cook, a smiling face greeted all who ever knew you, all ever worked for honor and integrity to take shape and pave those golden trails of ferocity. The character and determination of all police officers tells us something unique about their heroic lives. The humility and dealing with humanity to make peace and freedom a staunch reality for Dade County citizens who valiantly salute your courage, Officer Cook, all from your caring and kindly considerate heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The illumination of your beautiful soul won't ever be extinguished. It was too valuable in this war over wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2018

Wisdom is reserved for the wise. Serenity is left up to those civil minded. Peace is for those who persevere. Humility and honesty they are affixed in the palms of the humble. Your life and career as a public servant, Officer Cook, revolved around your family, your beloved wife, Karen, your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and your beloved older sister, Nancy. They are the ladies in your life who dedicated themselves to seeing you through your patrols of Dade County where your unassuming character, commitment to excellence and conviction to act accordingly with the highest of morals to let peace and unity pass through those rays of sunlight. You will always be their hero who loved his role and was greatly treasured by all comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 performed honorably and demonstrated the class, devotion and faithfulness expected from all public servants.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2018

Gallantry grinds on as much as violence and evil can be grating. They prey on those who are vulnerable and therefore you require good earnest and hard working women and men, honest and humble to accomplish this enormous job of cooling down people whose tensions are boiling over and allow for the pots of prosperity and peace to simmer. In Dade County where your beat was located, Officer Cook, you could be seen riding around patrolling with perseverance and much resolve all from a cherished hero of integrity, character and dignity. You can be sure the lids of humility have been lifted up allowing for your beautiful soul to ascend higher and higher to God's greenest of pastures where you now rightfully take your humane and humble place with so many other heroes and heroines who too gave their lives for decorum and goodwill to spread their wings mightily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2018

The forces of nature don't always go that way. You must surmise and see each situation as it unfolds. Domestic violence is among the worst cases any brave and humble public servant must face. You faced that circumstance, Officer Cook, back on May 16, 1979 and saved Dade County and its citizens more than we could know. Your perceptive eyes and ears, character and knowledge, integrity, dignity and honesty gave you that unique vantage of doing what needed to be done. Now we have peace, stability all thanks to your vigilance and humility not to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage, decency and class from your heart. One that cared and dared to be adventurous.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2018

Courtesy and manners run along the same tracks as bravery, honesty and tenacity. You ran around Dade County, Officer Cook, pursuing evil while helping to keep dignity and integrity knitted together with humility and civility. All public servants must live up to a code of ethics, have character, show commitment and utilize ingenuity and intuition as needed. You were a devoted and loyal comrade, Officer Cook and will heroically be saluted for all your actions. A good life and a career with more promise. Our Lord has taken those bonds of boldness to His kingdom where your eternal wisdom and vision will surely come in handy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2018

The plate is full, the tasks are tall and challenging. Police work is not some Sunday walk in the park as it summons a servant's courage and convictions from within their souls treasured and blessed with the humane honesty and integrity to keep up an intense battle over evil. You kept your bond and boldness strapped to your belt, Officer Cook. You were a first rate and very decent individual whose life journeys took you far and wide in Dade County helping to broker goodwill and liberty for its people. A salute of ingenuity and wisdom will at least help those who suffered over your tragic loss. You gave your life as a hero and for all the morals and values enhancement will be permitted to carry just as justice must. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You lived a life of humility and no shame, your smile made the days and nights a little more brighter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2018

The tides of tyranny must not be allowed to pummel our society with vicious waves of wickedness. Honor and might must stay in the fight for survival in order for peace and serenity to prevail. It did when you navigated carefully around the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook. A young and handsome, humane and humble hero of dignity and integrity. It's the spotlight of a public servant's character, composure and crede which equates well when violence and terror must be dispensed with once and for all. Your commitment and convictions, Officer Cook, along with your being trusted to defend our lives won't be overlooked nor forgotten. You saved the county, your comrades and the people you were loyal and diligent in protecting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2018

The king of kindness. The gentleman of grace and gallantry. You name it and for all that you meant to Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, you were a man of honesty and principle, dignity and stellar integrity. Thirty-eight years later your sacrifice has allowed peace and prosperity to be forever enhanced where it is most required. The safety and harmony of all people were under your most watchful eyes. Those eyes had a vision, your spirit had a calling and those missions of character and humility were your transparency. Never a doubt as to your faith and devotion, loyalty and admiration, you'll be remembered and valiantly saluted for calming and trying to get a troubled young man off the streets where tranquility must reign. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2018

Police work is not some quirky profession as it calls for its bravest and most honorable and sincere of public servants to be able to act according to each given circumstance. No matter the time or place, officers must make split second decisions that could save lives or heaven forbid cost them their own. You responded to a domestic call in Dade County that awfully tragic day, Officer Cook, abandoning your safety to shelter a community in the blankets of boldness and firm resolve. It certainly made life much better though your family and comrades wish you were here today to be humbly involved in their lives and celebrating holidays and other social amenities. God took a great spirit full of life and character, decency and commitment back to heaven to patrol those sacred pathways where other humane and loyal now sleep soundly. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were courageous and demonstrated the highest regard for all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2018

There's no time to bask in glory. The only things that need to mesh with one another are boldness, bravery, honesty and those morals and values so essential in corralling wickedness. For all your humble exploits, Officer Cook, dignity and integrity greatly assisted you in fighting off evil on behalf of Dade County's residents. An unselfish man of character and conviction, with outstanding humility it's no wonder you were looked to and greatly admired for your humbleness and heroic actions of May 16, 1979, that saved the lives of civilians and your fellow professional colleagues. Etched in stone and carved into our hearts and minds may you be humanely saluted for courageous and unwavering perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mercy, justice now and forever reside in those pearly gates of God's most pristine of venues. Heroes and heroines who sacrificed for the good intentions of peace and serenity to meet at the same crossroads. You were the consummate warrior, savior and most importantly a gentleman of values and humble ideals found in ingenuity, intellect and in intuition.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2018

With impeccable honor and distinction of both dignity and integrity you worked on Dade County streets bringing back harmony and unity to all residents, Officer Cook. You wanted to become a police officer and you were simply a well loved and cherished comrade to all your fellow officers who too fought this seemingly difficult foe. Wickedness unleashes such terrible violence all you could do, Officer Cook, was your job and its associated roles. A tall order for a young and talented man of mercy, goodwill and character always to be solemnly honored and so saluted for valor and courage above the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement will be here forever thanks to your humility to humanity and grace and nobility to our community.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2018

Measuring bravery and honesty equally, you can't travel down those trails of tenacity unless good character and morals follow close behind. For your patrols of Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook, you were there to share and always accountable for your humble, humane and heroic actions. It is still a shame violence had taken your young life. Your sacrifice shows the gallantry and humility of good devoted and dedicated public servants. Their commitments underline the need to tame evil and keep peace and tranquility stapled as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The torch of your ferocity still and always will burn bright, Officer Cook. Dade County's gentleman, friend and savior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2018

Fair, balanced and impartial, they run parallel to honesty, integrity and dignity. You cannot have one without the other. You possessed all the proper traits and attributes to get the tasks at hand done, Officer Cook. Dade County was in morally righteous character, conviction and commitment when you patrolled for peace and its harmonious affects. You can be sure you'll always be so humbly and humanely honored and squarely saluted for reverence, resolve and and respect that comes with the territory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of motivation, imagination and the ingenuity to see your pathways in life and during your watch deemed complete.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2018

Resurrecting resolve and resiliency is the noble way to battle an enemy so far and wide. Officer Cook, you were a beloved and darling gentleman of gallantry and valor whose life and career allowed Dade County residents to live peacefully and to be allowed to pursue the happiness we all look to share. Nothing though is granted as it all mustearned just as honesty, integrity and the comportment of dignity and character. The highest standard of morals was on your uniform and badge of boldness. Humility and respect for a high stress job, this was your calling, a wise and excellent choice for saving all mankind. Saluted and so honored for conviction and desire that only brings decency into clearer focus. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2018

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