Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

All lives matter. Blue, brown, green, whatever color uniform is donned for nobility and service. They all matter. When honor, integrity and dignity no longer count in this war over adversity and its wickedness, something is quite wrong. You performed your roles, Officer Cook, as well if not better than most. Dade County was well taken care of during your time. Such a shame you cannot be here today to relish in your family members and their happiness. Public service brought you happiness as did pursuing peace and liberty for all. You won't be forgotten for your humility, maturity and exceptional character and train of thought. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Justice beckons the brave and concerned. Unless you are diligent and superbly vigilant you should look for another professional endeavor. Stress, danger and duress do challenge the best of humane heroes and heroines of valor and courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2018

Gracious and gallant, beloved and bold, respected and admired . To this day and always a good word, a solemn thought and a very gentle soul with a kind heart. Officer Cook, you were a Dade County hero replete was fantastic tenacity, morals, the stellar integrity, honesty and the composed dignity to fight your way through evil and terror instilling a calming influence with wisdom, knowledge and vision to lead your trails. Peace and security can only occur if that public servant is one determined and dedicated warrior. To battle with your unwavering last ounce of strength and commitment says it all about your career and life, Officer Cook, one cut tragically short all because of one man's intent to harm other officers and those civilians whose care you were entrusted to preserve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sleep soundly on Our Lord's pillar of faith and perfect proficiency. Heavens got all its angelic heroes and heroines, the perfect honor roll of humility on behalf of humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2018

The sounds of serenity and safety must never be interrupted. Its peace and freedom hang in the balance. Dade County and for their citizen's sake held you, Officer Cook, in high regard. You were an extremely hard worker, loyal and diligent to all the right causes. Character, dignity, honesty and the mountain of morals that comes with a fine upbringing by your devoted and humble mother and father. They gave you and your sister, Nancy, the impetus to go out in this society and become successes. No one was ever let down, all you were was a humane and heroically unwavering and unselfish gentleman of grace, humility and valor serving for violence to be handled and stopped dead in its tracks. No one would have ever thought that such a nice and respected man in his community would meet His maker at such a young age with more fruition on the horizons of integrity and the intuition to see things through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Personable and very passionate of your roles, your blessed name, Officer Cook , will be revered forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2018

No public servant must feel deflated nor defeated in this epic battle over an enemy so strong willed and determined to knock us around. You were a heroic young man, Officer Cook, so devoted and most dignified giving your every last ounce of courage, heart and stamina to protect Dade County and its folks from more certain harm. Their peace and harmony came at your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice on our behalf. Showing us true character, commitment to excellence and pride and the ferocity of your faithful missions, their convictions all deemed complete by Our Creator. Your wonderful and beloved is back in heaven where God watches over you and your father, Charles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That glorious day when redemption will spring forth again will be upon us before we realize it.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2018

Humility has a way of humbling the most honest, sincere and humane of heroes and heroines. Here in Dade County where many battles over violence have been fought, some have delivered justice, while others are seeking closure. Too many, far too many violent scenes playing out over and over. That is why we have and had so many conscientious and loyal public servants like you, Officer Cook. Diligence and dignity all brought to a higher level of respect and admiration. A young man who devoted his entire faithfulness and character to conquering what surely ails our society. Thoughtful and tenaciousness never to be forgotten. Fondly saluted and so humbly honored for serving and saving our peace and quality of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With the most steadiest of dedication and determination, it is what made you such a proud leader of other comrades.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2018

Police work is sometimes described as delicate, maybe like almost walking on eggshells or treading water. I don't think, Officer Cook, you were that kind of person. Only a duly loyal and dependable public servant. You arrived with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and had seconds to quickly assess and to analyze the dire situation you faced. With humble courage and bravery from your honorable heart and soul you did what you were trained to do. React and try to diffuse a dangerous domestic dispute where citizens and your fellow officers were struck and nearly killed by a troubled and diabolical young man's gunfire. You had no recourse, Officer Cook, but to fire on the suspect and what a hero of solemn character and commitment you are this day and since that day forever. Humility bonding with boldness on behalf of Dade County and its community that has changed by leaps and bounds since you made that valiant and diligent sacrifice. You made your family, your wife and mother, sister and your father, Charles resting in peace awaiting your gregarious presence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Creator smiles down upon His creatures. Your bright smile, Officer Cook, has all the sweetness, security, serenity and safety wrapped up in those giant and sacred palms of the Lord. God took that cherished and respected soul back to heaven for all the love and eternal safekeeping only He can provide His angelic heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2018

Every hero and heroine deserves a saga of serenity and bravery, real hard earned honesty, reliable dignity and a commanding integrity to be surely retold. Today, in a new age of media there is something called Decades television. It's where we relate, relive and remember. Exactly, how we look back on your sacred life of outstanding service providing Dade County and its citizens with more than a prospect of peace, Officer Cook, the proficiency of preservation and the promise of seeing another day. It is very sad and tragic that a gentleman of gallantry, a courageous young man of humility had his life and career ended on May 16, 1979 , as God oversaw your missions, journeys and their destinies to their completion. Giving one's life for one's friends and for those whom you took an affirmation to protect, tranquility came with an ultimate cost. That being our freedoms and movements of fruition allowed to march on while you, Officer Cook, were being fondly honored and saluted at your Inspector's Funeral three days later. Effort. Endeavor. Endearment. Enhancement. All spoken in humble tones just as your unwavering vision, wisdom and fairness in carrying out justice equally for all mankind. Humanity's pride and great source of relief, yourself, Officer Cook and your beautiful soul floating ever so gracefully above us. It needs no compass, only the loving touch of Our Lord's firm hands of humility and kindness abounding for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2018

Reality sometimes defies reason. Honesty, dignity and integrity are unmistakable and are the traits of those esteemed men and women of wisdom whose character and commitment coincides with bravery and the vigilance needed to bestow peace and security among all Dade County residents. You brought forth, Officer Cook, newly founded freedoms and unity for those people waiting to jump on board your train of tenacity. With character and humility such as yours, we knew people would be better equipped to live safer lives. A true humble hero whose legacy shall always be cherished and honorably saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. justice and fairness stands at those doorsteps in God's holy domain where God's honor roll of angelic servants rest soundly in the cradles of courage and consideration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2018

At first glance we can vividly observe how diligent you were at resolving and calming folks, Officer cook. So dearly beloved and respected among all public servants. And it was this honesty, humility and integrity which served you quite well. Dade County was under your humane heroism and stellar character, the kind that makes commitment and conviction stand those tests of time. You can be sure, Officer Cook, your memory and enhancements will stay well grounded in those foundations of peace and prosperity. With your ferocity and tenacity my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2018

Ignorance can surely blind the eyes of the upright and those bent on pursuing evil. Righteous men and women and live by a code of conduct as you did so faithfully, Officer Cook, a loyal and trusted hero who battled violence with all your might preserving and shielding us from more harm, bringing assurances of security, safety and serenity back to where it rightfully belongs. You continue to be solemnly saluted for a mission and its goodwill well done. We can conclude that your character, convictions and pride you took wearing your uniform and badge won't be overlooked. It's etched not just on marble and granite, it is forever planted in your family's hearts and minds and in your fellow colleagues whose daily exploits over this menacing foe won't go unnoticed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No ducking. No backing off. Just justice served head to head, toe to toe and face to face. Dade County got the full resources of your humility and integrity, Officer Cook, showered upon them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2018

When boldness beckons, bravery and honesty must too come calling. Dade County and its citizens were well served and protected from all kinds of evil and adversity all by your unwavering integrity, dignity and the proper means of character, commitment and the will to make peace a reality. Officer Cook, as charming and as likeable a man that patrolled for our serenity, your humility and humane heroism won't be forgotten. Wisdom, vision and insight have kept the blinds of enhancement from closing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's mountains have those superior and supremely civil and noble angels of valor watching over us as you do, Officer Cook, helping us get over those humps where happiness and fruition await.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2018

The calendar makers cannot turn back time. Time moves on as families who lose loved ones try to cope with the grief and pain as the gaping holes are slowly we hope lessened a bit. Your loss, Officer Cook, was a tremendous loss to humanity, society and to mankind as a whole. You championed goodwill among all people, your roles and proper conduct offered you the chance to rescue folks in peril and to make a statement of what true heroism is all about. Peace, liberty, justice and the bonds that boldness shares with honesty, bravery and integrity can not be overstated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2018

Mr. and Mrs. Cook, you can take a great deal of pride in your heroic and honorable son, Officer William C. Cook. Your Billy spearheaded good character, excellent dignity and the intense integrity that allows a faithful, loyal and treasured public servant to boldly do his duties of desire and devotion leading to tranquility and harmony among all mankind. Dade County back in the 70s was a rough spot at times to be residing in, but with your ferocity and fruitful missions, Officer Cook, you made unity and caring matter most. Now all these years after your heroic sacrifice, endearment and the enhancement of all can be deemed fulfilled. God saw your journeys as concluded and ushered your soul of safety back home to patrol His exquisitely paved and golden streets where no harm will ever come your way again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace Mr. Cook along with your most beloved and darling son who served with sincerity and more than a pinch of prudent resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2018

Daytime, afternoon time or night time when crime and evil are walking those streets the faithful, brave and honest men and women are out in tandem serving and protecting our rights and dignities. Your humane and heroic integrity, Officer Cook, allowed you the chance to save your comrades and the people who still fondly remember your stellar commitment and the kind of character needed to cross the paths of where good perseverance and resolve stay locked in. We can never forget your might, determination and the motivation which offered you the noble chance to lead other officers through danger and turmoil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's house of courage and valor has the finest honor roll of men and women so special and scintillating. Dade County was in the finest of hands when you patrolled, Officer Cook, a gentleman and one graceful Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2018

Live and let live. One who lives by the sword as it is said dies by the sword. A humble and honorable man such as yourself, Officer Cook, lived their life by ethics, morals, values and principles all the humane results of one terrific upbringing. The trails of integrity and dignity never sidetracked your pursuits of happiness while navigating around the various venues of Dade County seeking peace and contentment for its people. Liberty City in Miami can be known as a hotbed for crime and disputes, all you did on May 16, 1979, was to try and quash violence from a sadly troubled young man a bit younger than you, Officer Cook. If only he had the vision, commitment and wisdom we may be speaking with one another today. Our Creator had much more grander plans for your existence as a heroic angel in the heavens above where your cherished and shining soul of serenity may forever watch over our continuations of concern and kindness as exemplified by your fine character. The foundations and their cornerstones of enhancement live on in your family's genes of greatness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You had everything to live for now, Karen and your nieces, nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews. Take care Mrs. Cook and God bless you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2018

Giving from the heart requires that uniqueness of understanding and devotion to honor and bravery, the roots to pursuing peace and unity for all. You gave that dimension of dignity, courage and integrity, Officer Cook, for Dade County's noble causes. Stopping disaster and mayhem takes a special individual, you were that hero whose strength of character, desire and decency was a cut above the rest. All the awareness, conviction and commitment to be honored and fondly remembered for a lifetime of achievement and its duly unwavering humility put forth on humanity's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gallant and civil, responsible and all present and accounted for. This fight was fought face to face no backing down or running away.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2018

The gold star of security, serenity and safety was pinned on your badge, Officer Cook, when you were about to embark on a career of courage, commitment to both pride and excellence and the chance to make Dade County and its residents relevant one more. Courage and character all from your caring and considerate heart. One that gave and brought responses to resolve and resourcefulness to a community looking for that one edge. Fighting evil is no small task, it takes the efforts of an entire force of devoted and courteous men and women combining their skills, honesties and dignities. You were simply and humbly a much beloved warrior whose life and career has created a discussion for the ages. Gallantry and grace were as superb as your esteemed humility and humanely heroic actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The enhancement lives on in the happiness of your family and its pursuits of success. If only God allowed you to live and to see the shining examples you beloved have put forth. Your spirit sees and hears from Our Lord's proverbial kingdom of eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, I'll not forget your intuition, intelligence and ingenuity. It's obviously rubbed off on family, comrades and your close personal friends.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2018

Positive and upbeat, always a smile and bright disposition. It is no wonder the citizens of Dade County were in terrific hands. The heart and soul of humility and serenity combining forces as you always gave your best endeavor to bring peace and relief to all people, Officer Cook. No wonder when fighting men and women utilize their character in a convincing manner the jobs always seem to go right. Tragically, on May 16, 1979, you were there to serve and to save lives of your comrades and those civilians who were embroiled in a bitter domestic dispute. One gentleman taken too soon and yet remembered for his fighting spirit. The other young man troubled and depressed. Seems like we all suffer from adversity, it is those righteous and humane enough who stand up and are counted on for acumen, boldness and the ferocity to wage this war. Your journeys, Officer Cook, were indeed blessed by fruition. Never overlooked and bravely saluted for wisdom, maturity and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2018

Young and bold with a story to be told. Brave and sure looking to secure. You were a key public servant, Officer Cook, in this valued battle over brazen and for sure violence that upsets the infrastructure of liberty and its unifying mannerisms. Dade County for certain received the finest service and humble honor that you always had, Officer Cook, as you were a hero of humility who dug deep down for positive resolve. So faithful and loyal to your colleagues they can never forget your attributes of courage and conviction, the commitments and trusts relied upon to protect and preserve the value of life. One man, a young man giving his life, a sacrifice made on behalf of humanity which is greatly indebted to you, Officer Cook, the shining example of class, decency and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2018

It's prudent for one to be persevering in all their actions. At least by accomplishing this, peace and freedom have a chance to exist as one. You fought hard in Dade County for us, Officer Cook, placing dignity, desire and honesty on the table everyday. No matter the time or circumstance you were cherished and present to prevent more catastrophe. You were a gem of a gallant man and a gentleman who thirst for the truth and tenacity reigned supreme. Heroes and heroines cast aside their personal agendas to maintain law and order for entire regions, your integrity and character were crucial in these operations. Always giving a clutch and sincere effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2018

For the dynamic, their dignity shines through. For those so diabolical and determined to commit evil, their dishonesty blinds us preventing us from living in a peaceful and civil way. You lived with your parents and sister, Nancy, in a quiet and calming manner. The Cook Family lived their lives full of faith and resolve, dignity and loyalty the way Our Creator wants us to. Dade County was your passion and your role that challenged your inner being my neighbor, friend and hero. You were one not to complain rather one to help and obtain the safety and serenity so desired for a quality of life so humane. Character and morals can take any public servant a long way down those roads of proficiency and meaningful moments. All your trails, Officer Cook, you now have paved them for other brave and firm souls of valor and we will never overlook your commanding approach nor passionate wisdom, maturity and vision. Rest in peace. You treated your beloved wife, Karen, as a queen and were the consummate couple of genuinely nice folks. You are missed tremendously. Society was blessed to have your presense for twenty-five years of fruition and unwavering and unselfish fearlessness and diligence to the calls of professional duty. All in a day's work did you measure up to standards, ideals and values so essential to defeating this smothering enemy, violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2018

Equity demands equality in all that you do. To achieve some measure of success the honor, dignity and integrity for sure must be present. You cannot begin to wage war against wickedness unless you plan and prepare all the details that will be needed to approach such a pesky problem. Dade County like any other bigtime area needs the values, character and morals from its many heroes and heroines of bravery and humility. They had that in you, Officer Cook, a humbly confident young man on a mission of service and preservation that allowed peace and unity to take its proper place in our world. That world would be better served if God allowed you the opportunity to live and to witness your devotion and motivation. You led other men and women all beacuse of your training and accomplishments, the many that are and forever part of your heroic legacy throughout our nation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were calm, fair and yet firm when it came to doing your job and its roles correctly. May 16, 1979 was a tragic day for your department and family, Officer Cook, your memory is faithfully distributed within the walls of justice and the hearts and minds of all who cared. You did so should we all. Your passions, Officer Cook, led you to become a duly loyal and trustworthy public servant. Badge#1664 won't be forgotten as it was worn along with your uniform in a proper and pristine fashion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2018

Using finesse and ferocity together can only accelerate peace and goodwill against the forces of violence, terror and its associated evil. All we the citizens can ask is for a quality effort put forth. Something you ascribed to each day of your life and career, Officer cook. It brought about change and for all your honesty, integrity and humble dignity it's a tragedy you could not be here to witness these changes through your heroic actions. You were a compassionate and a very personable young man, an excellent officer and a sure resource by which to bounce ideas off of. When character, commitment and conviction through wisdom and vision meet at the same crossroads, the results can onl ywe hope be for a positive. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lights of heaven shine brightly because, Officer Cook, you have welcomed so many heroic angelic angels to God's ranks of His glorious honor roll of perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2018

To say the phrase we've got your watch now, hopefully that sentiment is more than just a saying. Its authenticity should ring like a bell and for your integrity, honor and dignity, Officer Cook, the people of Dade County were in the most blessed of hands when you patrolled those dangerous roads. Courage, conviction, wisdom and intuition as humane as your performance saving and resolving dilemmas. Always treasured and most respected as a public servant of faith and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2018

Th e police and public working in unison make for better relationships when endeavoring to conquer corruption and evil. It's the soundest way of sending a firm and yet strong message that violence won't be tolerated. Your tenacity and ferocity here in Dade County, Officer Cook, offered its folks the best of both boldness and bravery that when combined with your humble and outstanding character, honesty and commitment made all the sense in providing peace and harmony to one and all. We will never forget your heroic life and career where justice stood tall and your humility rose above it all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2018

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