Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The only way to even the scorecard is not a life for a life, better yet be strong and brave, let your humility and honesty shine brightly along with your integrity, caring and dignity. It worked very well indeed for you, Officer Cook, the prayers and pardons for all riding on your broad shoulders of peace and kindness, prosperity and safety. Dade County like all other places stresses respect and sincerity for all people. Badge#1664 provided mutual fondness, unconditional loyalty and no entitlements, you earn your keep. Good character and the basic tenets of tenacity which served your journeys well were brought about through funneling commitment into humanity's hands and still having the humbleness to function effectively. You most certainly did, Officer Cook and you will always be greatly missed by all. Rest in peace my neighbor , friend and hero. Hatred, bigotry and anti-semitism remove God's countenance which shall beat in the hearts of all. The world is troubled enough by senseless violence to allow indignity to seep in. Search out security, find the truth, learn about a Dade County warrior and hero of humane actions right here in North Miami Beach, Florida. Officer William Coleman Cook and his life of piety and promminance. A solid and warm upbringing and a career with plenty left undone, torn and shattered apart by heinous and wanton wickedness. Nothing to smile at! You gave your family, comrades and friends hope and optimism for our futures. Everyday, every hour, every moment America's pride and quiet depends upon the trust and truth of its brave heroes and heroines. Those that live and retire we remember. Those who sacrificed their souls we mourn and keep their legacies encased in our thoughts and hearts. Angels forever residing in Our Lord's
lair of enhancement and positive resolve. All brave and strong with austere conviction and wisdom's vision for a welcoming tomorrow.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2018
The constant flow of ferocity and the tides of tenacity may never be interrupted. As all devout and cherished women and men must summon up the courage while staying honest and dignified in those pursuits of serenity. Dignity and integrity rests squarely on their shoulders of humanity. It is in their modest heroism that communities, villages and all venues remain peaceful and unabated. You deliver constantly, Officer Cook. And Dade County and its folks have your kind and sensitive manner to thank and to salute what bravery and might takes to conquer the strength of senseless and heinous actions that seem to take place each day against our fine establishment. Never a more visible servant seeking out fine relations between all men and women. Your memory, Officer Cook, is humbly etched in our hearts as you continue to be so honored for humility and that inane fighting spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If love is to conquer all then we had better remember, revere and respect your life and career with more promise ahead.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2018
The clock keeps ticking. The ball keeps bouncing. The wheels of justice keep turning. Courage, commitment and desire all turned out soundly, Officer Cook. Your humble and heroic efficiency, all our unselfish proficiency and undying and unwavering resiliency shone brighter than the sun. You strove to deliver calmness and peaceful pursuits for Dade County folks and nothing kept you from your appointed rounds. Your missions of faith, fairness and the humility to right a sinking ship of terror and evil orchestrated by a diabolical young man sadly bent on violence that you tried to undo. A foundation of goodwill left for those whose spirits are up to these tremendous challenges at hand. You and your fellow angelic heroes and heroines can humbly and honorably help Our Creator steering those rudders of resolve, a renewed sense of hope must prevail. A war of will, a battle of boldness that shall not fail. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I can tell you, Officer Cook, that you served with pride, class and a sense of distinction and vision.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2018
The momentum of violence must be stifled. Once and for all our most loyal and dependent men and women stake their careers, heroism and honors on the line to offer the senses of peace, liberty and unity for one and all. You meant everything to Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook, surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all these years you have been in heaven patrolling its streets of sanctity and watching over your beloved family members and colleagues who have taken that proverbial baton of boldness from your gentle spirit. No man's character, no public servant's commitment to achieve success may be derailed. The bridges to serenity and safety must be up at all moments. You fulfilled God's will in humility and the noble deeds of consideration on behalf of humanity. A sacrifice to be remembered and saluted for valor vigorously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2018
Nourishing our very souls keeps us alive and well. Yearning for more knowledge can only enhance one's pursuits of peace, happiness and prosperity. So the more you think about it, Dade County and its residents got the best bargain. Bravery, boldness and compassion from a blessed man, yourself, Officer Cook. With morals and ideals too many to name, humility in humanity's good graces took its place in God's humble palace for giving your all on our behalf. Those missions and their destinies all done excellently and most proudly. A righteous soul now remembered for his heroism and vision to deliver faith and tenacity to those men and women who have taken over your command, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2018
One glance at your photo taken behind Old Glory, Officer Cook, what a smile. More than that, what a life and career, so tragic violence took you from your loved ones before your time. You did keep your word and affirmations to serve and so loyally and devoutly. Character, class, decency and desire in the palms of perseverance, honor and supreme integrity and its dignity all wrapped around Dade County and its folks. No peace of mind or genuine safety without your humane actions before and during May 16, 1979. Hope springs eternal as you and your dad, Charles, may you both rest in peace my neighbors, friends and heroes. Yes, your father's outstanding service to our country also encouraged goodwill for all people. I'll try to be there for you, Officer Cook, you went out in harm's way to secure the boundaries of a community where you remain cherished and very well thought of.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2018
Books are for reading. Boldness belongs with the humble and brave souls who strive to provide us with peace and freedom. Your exploits here in Dade County, Officer Cook, left no doubt as to the gentleman of gallantry and dignity whose passions overflowed to other brothers and sisters in the law enforcement field. A perilous profession where a proper balance between integrity and wisdom must be struck. A chord of courage and humility that helps escort the values of good character down that very same road. Your comrades and family will never forget their savior and warrior, a wiser man than most, maturity never lacking, effort always there watching over us now and forever as our angelic angel and friend to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forgotten heroes by Dr. Wilbanks spells out the lives and careers of so many revered men of humanity who gave the one very precious resource, their souls of serenity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2018
We sleep and dream about some of the strangest stuff. It's no coincidence that your dreams, Officer Cook, reached fruition. As you drove around Dade County protecting and serving its following with admiration and esteem all brought about through courage and the honesty with which integrity and dignity went along on your trails of tenacity. A man of stellar character and the transparency of conviction and commitment, pride, excellence and heroism were the cornerstones of your public service and you'll forever remain cherished and so respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2018
Terror's toxicity poisons an already perilous society living on the edge. Violence permeates an awful odor that cannot always be sanitized. Only the good graces of serenity, peace and security help make us more profound. Dade County and its citizens were served by some awesome officers, heroic and honest, loyal and dignified. You meant everything to your family members, colleagues and anyone whose integrity crossed in front of your humility, Officer Cook. A grand man, an even more characteristically humane and focused public servant. Bolder than most and proficiency with a touch of humanity getting a great return for their peace and sense of value. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God amazing grace shines blistfully upon your cherished soul, Officer Cook and for its ways, enhancement breeds endearment. Keep smiling from those humble shelters of admiration and loving kindness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2018
If ideals and values could make amends, bravery and honor alone would be sufficient to wipe away the tears that terror and evil strike in the souls of those dignified and so honorable. Dade County and its folks were under your guidance and graceful wings of appreciation, Officer Cook, a gentleman revered, respected and greatly admired for heroism and humility not always witnessed by everyone. If character, conviction and commitment to pride and excellence could have removed May 16, 1979 and replaced it with a better outcome, I can make a smiling face on my computer, ):, those that read these posts would be excited with happiness. You provided that, Officer Cook and service, courage and so much more during your watch and twenty-five years on this earth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2018
Reverence reverts back to one's upbringing. The ideals and principles learned and shared in one's home environment are then passed down when those brave and humble take to the streets to serve and to protect us from terror giving peace and its prosperity a more dignified definition. You defined excellence and loyalty, Officer Cook. Your hopes and dreams, your aspirations have become a cherished part of our lives forevermore now. Always reserved, but always faithful and decent, honorable and unselfish, guarded but gallant. Intuitive but filled with integrity. Dignity was painted with a stroke of serenity and security for Dade County, its people and for our society. One still ailing from undue violence and baseless hatred which you heroically, Officer Cook, worked very hard to stop. I guess God has you watching over your family, peers and friends who knew you and forever will admire and respect your soul of goodwill and hope for better days ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2018
I'm sure there are certain dates that we don't want to face. But, face them we must. Destiny comes calling and after our humble journeys and missions have concluded Our Lord might give us a ring. Sometimes that proverbial bell rings very loudly. Clarity has spoken. It conversed much better when you patrolled the corridors of Dade County, Officer Cook, looking for a little peace and perspective. Our unity and liberties do at certain moments come with a value. A life is meaningful when that individual pursues happiness and justice fairly and firmly. Your life, Officer Cook, had the qualities of character, conviction and enhancement tied to the wings of honor, dignity and integrity. How else could wisdom and vision rightfully take ingenuity and intuition to a more humble and humane level? It did and for your unwavering and unselfish endeavors may you be saluted for having the undying courage, bravery and valor to tackle a fiercely obstinate foe that evil portrays. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2018
Spiders build their webs and criminals build webs of wickedness which must be halted from any advances upon our society. You built good relationships with all of Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook. Sturdy, serene and solid in performing all of your essentially dangerous duties. You can be certain that a man of resolve and the fabric of excellent values won't be forgotten. Your honesty, integrity and dignity were the foundations of a well lived life and a very promising career of public service. Your family and friends continue carrying on with your heroic legacy one of peace, goodwill and humility given back to mankind for all that you sacrificed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2018
At least there was no quit in you, Officer Cook. No backing down when terror and evil struck. What happened to you and to Dade County and its residents that day will stay forever fixed and etched in my heart and mind. Your sweet and innocent soul crossing that spiritual threshold where no more honor, peace and integrity forever lies. The lives of God's honor roll of angelic heroes and heroines. You character, passion and harmony helped to induce the liberty and unity so essential to happy trails and pursuits of resolve for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. May you and your beloved dad, Charles enjoy the bonds of love and endearment with one another, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2018
It was an outrage to see your life destroyed by wanton evil, Officer Cook, to make the supreme sacrifice on Dade County and its people's behalf. Your humble courage and honesty spoke like any decent man or woman's character would. Only the finest of morals, values and ideals the principles found in a resourceful and dedicated servant. A man of humility holding on to his grace and humility, noble enough and having commitment to complete your assignments justly and humanely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2018
There's a reason for freedom and a season to remember, to love and to treasure your beloved family members who have passed on to join other members resting serenely in Our creator's palaces of virtue. Vigilance and vigor, dignity and integrity marked your spots here in Dade County, Officer Cook, where you shared with other sisters and brothers in the law enforcement profession the challenges and torments left behind by violence. With the heart of a lion and the very pride of an honorable and humble public servant did you go out and patrol for peace and those condiments of bravery and consideration. Always well saluted and steadfastly remembered for saving lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2018
Start by being honorable as gallantry and humility will follow those who crusade in character and in courage. Your whole life and career, Officer Cook, went straight to the top in heart, will and strong desire. The steadfast determination to change the landscape here in Dade County for its citizens. You were a mover not a passer by. What a hero! To act with such remarkable guts and intestinal fortitude on May 16, 1979, it takes a sharp mind and body, the wisdom and convictions to see your destinies through. God has taken your peaceful and serene soul back to His house of humanity where your eternal missions and journeys are clearer than ever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2018
Struck down in the prime of your life, Officer Cook, leaving your wife and family to mourn your untimely passing by a wicked young man. His class and character we can't ever begin to wonder. Yours, was first rate and top notch giving the residents of Dade County their taste of unity and freedom. The liberty by which can honesty go out and succeed. Your missions and journeys allowed you the opportunity to further accomplish your goals and the dreams that we all aspire to become. Treasured and adored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Summer swelter will be here before we know it. Let your soul, Officer Cook, stay cool and dry as your floats up in the skies of the divine kingdom.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2018
Never take a shortcut unless you know it will pay dividends in the end. You fought and took life and your profession quite seriously, Officer Cook. It's evident by your effort and efficiency that drove your pursuits of both happiness and prosperity as one. All in the blessed name of honor, dignity and integrity the central figures to a man's days and years. Officer Cook, thankfully you had class, morals and the values to keep up with servicing our needs. Calm, cool and collected when it counted the most. Your heroically humane exploits shall not be overlooked. A great legend now protecting us from Our Lord's perch of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2018
Stick up for what you believe in and surely God's hands of humility will shine down on you. Wisdom and vision only make resolutions a little easier to achieve. You must first put forth the effort and when honesty, integrity and dignity come rolling in then you are ready to begin. You started your career, Officer Cook, humbly and quite wisely going through the academy where you learned some of your greatest lessons. Still the character, decency and firmness of your parents started your building blocks toward a career where your sharpness and acumen reigned supreme. That rotten day when you gave your life for Dade County's people you had everything headed surely for more fruition. I guess God needed your sweet and special soul up in His home to patrol those golden and sacred pathways of righteousness where no more harm would befall you. Watch over your family and brave souls who continue this bewildering battle over adversity and kayos. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2018
Gallantry, nobility and grace gathers those comrades who mourn their fallen brethren. Humility and dignity sprout forth the integrity and sound advice you gave everyone, Officer Cook. Cherished, beloved and adored by your family peers and friends for seeing Dade County and its citizens through the wars of evil. When a hero of commitment and courage lays down his life and passions for security and unity to blend in we revere them. We salute your humbleness and faith, Officer Cook, a messenger of God who manned the fields and streets where heinous and diabolical actions needed abolishing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2018
Deterioration leads only to more strife and evil. Mischief and mayhem never belong with each other. And you were an honest and wise man, Officer Cook, who set your feet down in Dade County serving and providing goodwill and serenity by enhancement for mankind. It's the simple and humanely heroic way for which your character and crusade of justice will be fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2018
Ferocity is the fierceness by which heroes and heroines perform their duties. Tenacity is the process of chasing down leads and gathering information that helps one to solve a crime. Operating full blast you delved right in, Officer Cook, uncovering leads, calming down those irate citizens thus providing the protection and safety we expect. The demands of character, decency and dignity all go along the lines of honesty and integrity well distributed, it made you a more resourceful public servant, Officer Cook, a gallant man courageous in heart and in spirit. Nothing needs more embellishing you message rang loud and clear. Wisdom and intuition serves a humane and humble purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 persevered in Dade County like no other.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2018
Light sheds a ray of hope when the darkness of despair arrives. Exactly, why we need good men and women honest and open minded who keep the gates of grace and goodwill constantly ajar. You took up peaceful means in Dade County on behalf of its citizens, Officer Cook. When faith and optimism falter, integrity, honesty and dignity must remain intact. You were a man of class, candor and the maturity to act as tenaciously as possible providing peace and security for our fruitful journeys to further march on. A great man, a humble hero filled with love and respect for mankind. The dangers you faced and sacriificed your career and life for, Officer Cook, shall be given salutes of endearment for eternity. Take care with your fellow sisters and brothers who gave their lives for their commitments of pride and excellence to keep travelling on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2018
Police work is not about imagination. It's about performing one's duties faithfully and with a designed path of dignity and wisdom. Dade County was your venue and venture, Officer Cook, surely humbled in spirit and working within the confines of creativity and being crafty at times to outfox those bent on evil. A community that comes together united in peace and safety as one because of your unquestionable common sense and the ingenuity to battle on. Rest in peace my nighbor, friend and hero. You shared responsibility and withour doubt made life matter once more.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2018
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