Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Desertion rings that bell of doom if not answered smartly. One must choose between good and evil and muster the conviction and courage to bravely meet its blows that are cast upon our world. Your days and nights, Officer Cook, were devoted to providing peace and calm for all residents living in Dade County. No small feat in a large venue of various communities. It is when evil comes calling that we as citizens must stand up and answer this challenge when crisis prevails. Your commitment to both pride and excellence, Officer Cook, cemented your legacy as a hero of honor and integrity and cast no doubt that dignity and devotion along with determination and dedication made this indelible difference that will forever remain in our hearts and prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2018
The world is sad enough without this seemingly endless siege of violence. No one should have to take its resounding effect. Yet, we must carry on with our burdens while trying to pursue peace and happiness for one and all. You carried the load with your daily chores and patrols, Officer Cook, trying to border each one with safety and security. A happy man who enjoyed his life and career maintaining the public trust with all the character, loyalty and honesty that your job expected of you. Dignity and integrity can take perseverance, humility and its ferocity and compassion only so far. A gentleman of hope and endearment, you will be solemnly saluted as a hero and warrior who fought the good fight until the end. Terror should not have taken its toll on you and yet your family continues its life while humbly remembering your efforts on Dade County's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2018
If serenity is to stand alone, humility and honor must be there to support their causes. When courage and good character along with the values of integrity and dignity are constantly displayed it makes all police officers more receptive to the public's needs. Officer Cook, you were a vital cog in the continuation of unity and liberty befitting Dade County's people all by virtue of your undying devotion, wisdom and sacrifice on its behalf. A hero's salute, hearty and strong for a man's missions and destinies of nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2018
If peace and unity are the living proof of serenity then what follows courage, honor and dignity all lead to a positive result. Dade County summoned your resources, Officer Cook and what trailed behind was sheer willpower directed back to humanity all by your unwavering humility, morals and heroism. Your peers won't ever forget your wonderful spirit, its wings attached forever for you to fly high as a cherished public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2018
Those whom we love and admire, their loss to society only begins to numb their loved one's hearts. You were a brave and dedicated soul of a man, Officer Cook, a gem among heroes and saviors who risked his life to serve and to protect Dade County citizens. What more can we say than your courage and class along with morals and values was far superior than most. A good man gone before his time with missions of hope and faith, journeys of ferocity and destinies of a heroic legend all deemed as complete by Our Creator. You can't take a gentleman's wisdom, vitality and vision that directed your integrity, dignity and honor where unity and liberty should be located. Your pride and joy in donning your pristine uniform set the stage for others brave and humane to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With Easter tomorrow all those moments just think watching your great-nieces and great-nephew smiling, happy and healthy. We can only wonder!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 31, 2018
Peace can only be perpetual if the provisions of perseverance and humility toward humanity stand guard. The brave and courageous men and women of honesty who battle this opponent know all too well what can happen if violence is allowed to permeate any given venue. Your crusades in Dade County, Officer Cook, were for the welfare of the people. Never a truer and more humble public servant whose character stood tall in the very face of peril. You kept serenity and unity together along with your dignity and integrity all because of your parents and the environment where you were raised. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ingenuity and wisdom shout from the top of God's highest mountain.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 31, 2018
Saturate yourself in honesty and somehow the humility of bravery and wisdom will shine through. Your courageous acts of heroism, Officer Cook, will never be forgotten. Dade County never overlooks its valiant warriors of integrity and intuition. The hopes and peace of all were in your gentle hands, Officer Cook, a man of his bond and a trusted servant whose sincerity meant all the difference in battling wickedness. You served and saved the citizens and your esteemed comrades whose concerns of serenity mattered the most. It's your sanctity, Officer Cook, that made humanity endeared to you and your protection. Thankfully your scruples and values helped to diffuse a situation as best as possible. You are to be honored and etched in our minds and hearts as a warrior and your family's hero of humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commended for vision and wisdom, God's honor roll really shines brightly as your souls of legion burn quite brightly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
You work to provide a better life for your family. You must accomplish to achieve your fullest as life and its most wonderful moments can be fleeting. Things fly away before you know it. One cannot let hope and peace fritter away. You gave your soul, Officer Cook, for Dade County's people. For a community where you remain cherished and honored for distinguished service to all mankind. It's those acts of dignity and integrity when incorporated in the eyes of ingenuity and wisdom that standout the most. A hero of nobly humane deeds who is forever fondly remembered for his labors of love and devotion. Your sincere concern and expression of excellence, Officer Cook, brought forth the serenity and safety by which folks could march forward with their peace and quiet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If endearment and enhancenent are called for danger and peril might just stay away from our midst for a while. At least, Officer Cook, you never flew off the handle channelling your emotions where they would have the best affect.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
Too many mistakes may doom a mission for peace and justice for all. Errors occur, They just can constantly crop up. Everything must be held to the minimum. And yet maximum efficiency must be occuring when trying to take a bite out of crime. The apple of your parent's eyes, you were a supremely confident servant, a man of motion whose humility and honesty weighed greatly in your resolve and pursuits of dignity and integrity for all Dade County people. Your peers and family can be rock solid, Officer Cook, that you will forever be thought of in the circles of life and boldness. It's commitment and ideals, values and principles that make a man or woman's career that much more fluid. Ferocity and tenacity walk the walk. Speak, but accomplish something favorable that will not demean our world. You spoke the truth and remain a hero of loyalty and fruition, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
The borders of boldness are bounded by the wings and souls of the brave and fearless. These humble and unwavering people who go out and serve for a purpose. The reasons for evil are too many to enumerate, all you can do is try and conquer this monster of mayhem and grand mischief. Officer Cook, you tasks were great and yet the demands of your time were handled gently and very diligently. We find your life and career of courage to be well founded in the bonds of unbreakable integrity, wisdom and the dignity to dig deep down and to solve the puzzles of evil. When men and women of sound character provide us with life and harmony how grateful must we be in honoring their memories of meaningful destinies. God took you, Officer Cook, back to heaven with Him to be reunited with your beloved father, Charles, who served his country, a hero of distinction just as his son of serenity and the maturity to believe in his capabilities. Always treasured and always measured in desire and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
In this day and age of social media, twitter, instagram and facebook, all very nice. Hashtags are nice if they lead to something positive. Be strong and take heart for our bravest and most dedicated of servants are racing to where the ruinations of violence permeate our yards where we yearn to thrive and enjoy life. Life in Dade County was quite different back in your time, Officer Cook, when you went out and patrolled for serenity and peace. We observe that when people share a common goal and the gameplan is put into place smartly, that unity and common sense prevail. Goodwill and prosperity then filters in through their walls where welcome relief is sought. All your honesty did, Officer Cook, is demonstrate your unquestionable character, charm and sense of validation that brings ingenuity and conviction to a higher level. A salute of gratefulness is given to you for your heroic and humane actions of thought and reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
We love playing around. Fooling with each other. But, when it comes to dealing with violence, no time to mess around. Serious attention must be paid to this arch enemy that continues to erode the walls of liberty in our society. Dade County and its folks were soundly preserved and protected by your loving and happy pursuits, Officer Cook. It took every ounce of your strength and reserve to make it happen. Integrity, dignity and honor assisted you greatly in your journeys and missions of optimism and vision. You played tennis with Officer Keith Digenova, your friend, colleague and partner in fighting crime. He survived that vicious day when Mr. Pearsall wen ton his rampage. So did Officer Robert Edgerton. All of you heroes and as a valiant man who sacrificed, may you be fondly remembered, Officer Cook, for humility, nobility and the civility that harmony unveils. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
If we could stamp out violence alone, at least our beloved public servants would be free to deal with other important calls. It's just terror and evil need the ultimate attention of those dignified and personably honest women and men of humility and valor. Your wisdom, vision and alacrity, Officer Cook, served you and the Dade County community quite well. It awakened those still slumbering in this quagmire of wickedness and your serene soul helped to unlock the hope and joy we can relish because of your undying, unselfish and unwavering commitment to seeing things through. Justice demands our swiftest concern, thankfully your concern, care and consideration, Officer Cook, was on par with your trust and faithfulness. Always a great leader and motivator whose trails of peace and prosperity were realized. Just wanted for you to be alive and well sharing in your family happiest of times. They cared about you and love you very much. You were a special servant of God who responded without reservation. You deserve all the salutes of courage and the honors so etched in the hearts of your family and peers of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
Now is the time for us to act the part and to be humble in our ways and deeds. Our love and respect for society is too great not to cherish one another. We must help our fellow sister and brother in distress. You went and assisted your colleagues, Officer Cook, that day of May 16, 1979, they needed you and away you and your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln went. Dignity and integrity flew higher than a kite. Charisma and character like no other. Integrity and wisdom surely follows those brave and resolute who conduct their affairs justly. Dade County and its citizens have your admired soul of resolve, Officer Cook, to thank. Eternity added a great man with an engaging smile and a grand personlity whose morals only began to tell your life story. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
The callous and heinous embarrass our world with their acts of evil. The righteous and revered serve God with all their heart and brave souls of safety and security. Having served and protected Dade County and its people with dignity, honor and the humbleness of desire, Officer Cook, may you be saluted and remembered forevermore. Your honorable heroism is what legends are made of and for composing yourself and having the fortitude of solid character and conviction may you be cherished. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, let her live and be well, I'm here to leave these posts for your beloved and darling son who brought peace and joy to you and to His Maker. Our Creator knows His flock, those fiercely loyal and those who need a little prodding from time to time. Those bonds of loving kindness are for your loving family, Officer Cook, to pass on to their family members as they pursue fruition and happy trails. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You left behind much more to fulfill. God is allowing your special soul to float humbly around our bluest of skies to watch over us.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
Use what God gives you to enrich our world and you'll never go wrong. The riches of being resourceful are too many to reference. But, your resolve, faith and loyalty, Officer Cook, surely went a long way in determining Dade County's fate. Their tranquility and freedoms were bond in your heart and humanely humble hands. If we allow desire, devotion and dignity to stroll down those same trails as tenacity, integrity and vision, then the wisdom is realized and the serenity for all is achieved. You gave up your life, a classy hero of commitment and character all while navigating around terror and calmly trying to get a troubled young man to give up. Not easy and for you, Officer Cook and your comrades that day so awful and sad. You were praised by Chief Bowlin and so many others for humility on society's behalf. Now and for eternity Our Lord has you encased in His house of honor where so many other angelic heroes and heroines enjoy their rest while patrolling those golden paved roads of diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
A brighter tomorrow should not have to come at the expense of one sacrificing their life. And yet this may have to happen unfortunately due to wanton violence and evil. What evades society can only be handled by a humane and humble hero of esteem and integrity. You handled your professional duties, Officer Cook, as well as could be expected. For those folks residing in Dade County and peace, freedom and unity came with a costly value. You have never been more revered and never will you be forgotten for having the hope, the character, the drive to succeed and the humility to refrain from doing any thing morally improper. You were a legend, humble and tall poised and reserved. Our lives of happiness all the result of your unwavering endeavors. The righteous are blessed, those who transgress are given their just punishments. Your served with piety, Officer Cook, a blessed and principled gentleman and an even more gallant human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 30, 2018
One inch, a foot, a life is a life and a dedicated career is to be blessed and so humbly honored. Sounds like humility on humanity's behalf is calling out from the heaven's above. I'm sure your family, some loved one, some brother or sister in law enforcement has cried out for you, Officer cook. A disciple of principle, a man on a peace mission dishing out dignity and reverence along your paths of fruition and fate. Your faith and promise, Officer Cook, offered a glimpse into our futures, ones that would be brighter if you were alive and well today enjoying your retirement with your beloved princess, Karen. Happy Easter Karen to you and your family. To you Mrs. Cook, the Wilkerson's and the Tidwell Families the very best of good health, peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County and its folks had you to thank, Officer Cook, their hero and warrior for its genesis in building those foundations and cornerstones for a brighter tomorrow. For any diligent and vigilant servant, tomorrow is never guaranteed. We pray for your soul of wisdom, vision and the sustaining grace to see us through those darkest hours. Evil cannot keep its solid grip on our society as it must be cast to the sea.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 29, 2018
We must not plummet in the abyss of evil, our resolve must be tighter than a guitar and its strings. Quiet, peace and safety must somehow be drawn together by the guises of gallantry, humility and the honesty by which one speaks the truth. You were a trustworthy and devoted officer, Officer Cook, a pleasure for all your sisters and brothers all brave and confident who teamed up with you and your undying tenacity. Evil and terror must be stopped in its tracks, with character and the quality of good values it was. You performed that sad day of May 16, 1979, with a clear mind and the acumen of a revered hero. Enhancement will have its pathways directed by your loving soul from God's divine nest where only angelic heroes and heroines all measured perfectly in bravery and in conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were very much loved and admired by your family, comrades and friends. Nothing more sadder than you being absent and missing out on all your family's happiness. There is spiritual peace in the next world, valor and desire found its way home. But still tragic your loss to humanity where you tried to secure rational meaning and the compassion we all look for.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 29, 2018
We work. We play. We fight with one another in a playful way. Never a mean word between you and your sister, Nancy, Officer Cook. Never a complaint regarding your humble and humane character, courage and commitments to pride and excellence. Always, always the finest decency and honesty when addressing someone. Reserved integrity, wisdom and intuition the kind that shall be fondly remembered. The peace and goodwill you brought to the residents of Dade County will be forever saluted, so honored for heroism and loving kindness. A graceful and engaging young man, such a pity at age twenty-five your young career and life ended by the means of one man's heinous and callous actions that day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 29, 2018
Violence humiliates the humble who just go about their peaceful pursuits in life with honesty and abundant happiness. All you can ask of any public servant is to be sharp, reverent and most of all dignified and carry that integrity on the front and back of your uniform. You cared, Officer Cook and you demonstrated this by your very excellent service and protection on behalf of all Dade County. Its citizens were the recipients of your unwavering resolve and the efforts of character and the good morals of a humanely humble hero. Humility on humanity's behalf that brought your journeys, Officer Cook, full circle until Our Lord called you home to patrol and undertake an even greater task. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are and were a great and gallant man and an even more respected and treasured gentleman.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 29, 2018
Wisdom and wit go together in fighting wickedness. And no doubt so do honesty, bravery and integrity. A sandwich of dignity and devotion that only loyalty can be proud of. We are very proud of you, Officer Cook, as you have been remembered for resolve and the character that produces both efficiency and the proficiency to ponder how you lived your heroically humble life and gave back to Dade County and to Our Creator your very soul of virtue. Vigilant and diligent our prospects for tranquility and harmony all by your very unselfish and unshakable understanding. Ingenuity and intelligence beyond your young age. The tenderness of those heavenly wings now soaring higher each day watching over those who loved and admired your inspiring command of any given situation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 28, 2018
To calculate you must know how to add. Never subtract from your official duties. Don't leave anything to chance when human life hangs in the balance. Be true to yourself, but above all be considerate, loyal faithful and trustworthy to those who have put you in a position to succeed. For all the training, practice and acumen, the dangers may at times be stacked against you, hope, decency and integrity can overshadow evil and its violence. Dade County took its lead from you, Officer Cook, so brave, humane and caring. If only on May 16,1979, could Mr. Pearsall have given it a second thought to committing evil, things would have turned out quite differently. Nevertheless, humility, sanctity and nobly heroic actions saved your colleagues and those citizens engaged in that ugly domestic dispute. You, Officer Cook, kept your calmness and composure doing your job very well and are to be commended for valor and sincerity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always well respected and sagely wise in your maturity and ideals.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 28, 2018
A superior savior, a wonderful warrior, a humble gentleman with a kind heart and the purest of lips which spoke the truth. You were a loyal and trusted partner to your comrades of commitment, Officer Cook and Dade County's citizens will forever revere your alacrity and clarity by which you risked your life for our freedoms and peaceful pursuits. Honored, dignified and full of fruition, its name will always be called integrity. Morals, ethics and values all count as the starting blocks in building cornerstones that see enhancement as a way of accomplishing one goals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 28, 2018
Tenacity takes on a significant meaning when battling against the likes of terror. Those terrains of treachery are packed with peril that most ordinary folks don't dare to venture. You went out in Dade County on behalf of its people, Officer Cook and made your aspirations and honor matter most. You were respected and justly so for dignity and integrity with unwavering character never to be forgotten. Saluted for humility and trust in providing safe passage for those looking for some peace and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 28, 2018
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