Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

One who is self-centered can never truly fight the righteous battle. If all they are concerned with is themselves then bravery, honor and humility might as well go down the drain. Devotion to faith, scruples and the values that morals teach us tellus and reinforce in each one is to be honest, humble and humane, it can carry the weight of this never ending war over violence and its terror. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you were classy, loyal and treasured among your colleagues, no doubt about that. You were a family man who was concerned for your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook's wellbeing and the safety and security you provided all folks regardless of background, crede or affiliation. Never forgotten, nor will you staunch character and commitment critical to saving lives and saving face by your undeniable tenacity and ferocity for which your heroic legacy keeping shining down upon us. This world is less protected, Officer Cook, because of your untimely loss, yet we know your years and public service career was well intentioned and well placed within the foundations of our enhancements. They shall remain etched in stone to be fondly saluted for courage and decency over and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A humble soul whose everlasting spirit always resides with your family, friends and those who ethically and humanely carry out your hopes, aspirations and dreams on society's request.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2018

To most colleagues, Officer Cook, you were known as Bill to them. Bill the humble and lovable servant. Bill full of bravery and boldness. Bill, so honorable and decent. But above all, your were , Officer Cook, full of pep and vitality, so stabilizing, you made tranquility, harmony and togetherness a living and breathing reality for a community that cared for you, respected and still salutes your wisdom and nobility. It was humanity's way of clearing out the evil and replacing it with a little humility to service one and all. When a man's maturity and life paths are closed for good, the whole police nation mourns your loss, Officer Cook. It lost that terrible day, your passion, compassion, sanity, civility and charitable heart. God has taken your wonderful soul and swooped it to the heaven's above with other brave and politely honest angels of heroism and humanely pious deeds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and your otter steadfast dedication have made our streets in Dade County a bit safer as you eternally watch over them. The loss is there for your family, may the tears of their sorrow and grief wash away the loneliness that is felt. Your loss, your absence will always be felt, you were just doing your honorable best job that you dreamed of becoming with all the zest and vigor one can muster.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2018

With a constitution to equal or surpass your compassion, Officer Cook, you will forever be highly regarded as our hero. A humane and sweet young man full of energy, desire and the fortitude to see evil wiped from Dade County's area. Its citizens can live safer lives because of your cherished soul of serenity, a beautiful human being, honorable and dignified with integrity and intelligence to match what you had to deal with, adversity strikes home and your heroic actions saved countless lives of your comrades and the civilians with whom you were charged with protecting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2018

A good public servant who got better like a fine wine. What an ordeal you went through, Officer Cook, keeping composure in the very face of terror that day of May 16, 1979. A day where your courage and convictions shined through. Class, determination and the dedication to honestly do what was deemed right saved Dade County's people. The harm and kayos were present and you my neighbor, friend and hero set down foundations for a brighter future and for those who succeeded you may they too find blessing, your soul, Officer Cook, keeps our world that much more illuminated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When humility and humanity collide the end product is tranquility and harmony for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2018

Drive and initiative took your career where it had the most affect, Officer Cook, but, yet it's pathetically sad your life ended at age twenty-five years with more destinies of faith and devotion still ahead. Dade County witnessed insightful desire, leadership and the resolve to stay the course. Your values, vigilance and valor never left your side and neither did honor, integrity and the wonderful vision to see the wisdom of your peace and ferocity being placed right where wickedness would be eliminated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2018

War exacts a toll we don't understand. Police wage battles over evil everyday to ensure our peaceful pursuits in life. happiness, good health and prosperity are a huge segment of our serenity and you certainly did your job, Officer Cook, keeping us secure and safe here in Dade County. An eloquent man cherished by his family and peers who cared as much as you did. The decorum, the character, the commitment to pride and excellence along with good morals allowed your missions to go ahead. No telling what integrity and dignity can achieve when they worn righteously on one's vest of valor. Here comes humanity navigating with its humility following close behind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2018

Saturated by sadness, seized by sorrow and pained by insurmountable grief, that is what your family and colleagues suffered when you gave your young life. A life where you strove for liberty and freedom of expression for mankind, it's in the residents of Dade County who have their happiness and decency because of your unwavering honesty, integrity and the springboards of dignity. It's embedded in our hearts and thoughts, the humility and character you possessed, Officer Cook, A legend and a humble hero who fought against violence with every ounce of his might. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2018

A fabulous man with a stellar character and consideration for all humanity. Dade County experienced one man's effort and toil exacted upon evil in the hopes that violence and terror would be driven away. You gave us plenty of devotion, hope and goodwill, Officer Cook. Quiet and the trails of a taciturn environment have marked our further journeys in life and in happiness. Would have been wonderful to have you here now witnessing your family's exploits and those of your colleagues who fought the brave battles with decorum, honor and integrity as you so nobly and heroically did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Elegance and your communications were right to the point and if only Mr. Pearsall had heeded your directions that day of May 16, 1979, only Our Creator knows the circumstances may have been different.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2018

Feeble, lame and timid won't cracks the walls of wickedness, only the perseverance of an honest and brave public servant nobly fulfilling their desires to become the best will get the job done properly. Dade County has had many revered men and women, you, Officer Cook, were a devoted and faithfully loyal comrade who gave his life in the performance of your duties. Those roles and missions were filled with decency, dignity and the desire to maintain steadfast character. The commitment that has enhanced the landscape of all Dade County citizens so that peace and the perceptions of unity and liberty may stay anchored forever. Nothing worse than losing a beloved son who served with the highest of values and morals, humility and humanity can stand together tall and proud by your heroic journeys for justice, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mrs. Cook, you and your husband, Charles, may he too rest in peace can take solace in the humbleness of your darling "Bill". Your Billy was a peacemaker and a provider for his family always devoted to your welfare, he cared and was concerned for you and for those whom he protected and looked after. Diligence and vigilance, his eyes and ears are now watching over us with his beautiful soul in heaven

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2018

Death parts our physical presence, it does not take away nor tarnish one's humble achievements they set out to obtain. Your wishes were to become a police officer, Officer Cook and nothing was going to deter or detour you from those pathways. You see your reputation and engagement were the borders where vision and wisdom would mesh together. Integrity and dignity all stored where they ought to be and Dade County's fine folks have gotten their serenity and safety restored by your calming appeal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Lord enshrines your humility and heroic energy, Officer Cook, making it easier for your cherished soul to circle over us each moment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2018

In public service parlance, good morals and the blends of stellar character and conviction assist those men and women carrying esteem and bravery on their chests of boldness and on their badges of dignity. Integrity, intuition and ingenuity spoke loud and perfectly clear when you went on patrols of Dade County securing its harmony and freedoms. No matter, Officer Cook, if we look we'll find your life and career was the epitome of reason, humility and the sanctity you delivered to all of Dade County where you are still humbly remembered for heroism with a smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2018

Officer Cook, this week you are greeting and welcoming more heroes to God's thrones of tenacity. Their ferocity, honesty and bravery, the same gentle wings you have they now and forever have. Character, dignity and integrity do work wonders when resolve and good old common sense are implemented as one. Peace and tranquility for all Dade County citizens was your goal, Officer Cook, great effort and dedication always followed your trails of justice. You were compassionate and concerned and kept plugging along those roads of resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2018

Violence and its evil forces deny us of our fruitful and earthly pursuits. Those safe passages through time. Time can be fleeting so better accomplish and do so as thoughtfully and as honorably as possible. Your travels and life, Officer Cook, were meant to spare Dade County and its residents the anguish of even more grief. By your unselfish actions and courageous commitments can we live more safely and prosper more prudently. Your class and character helped bring peace and the heights to a higher plateau. Never a more fitting salute to a humble hero of eloquence and to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2018

Welcome to paradise. Except with all the disturbances from mayhem and kayos, heaven is quiet and kept spiritually alive and well by brave and honorable women and men of humility, grace and valor. Your participation in lending your support, Officer Cook, lead to unity and tranquility for all Dade County citizens. You get our heartfelt salutes of courage and for humble and loyal character you receive God's biggest reward. Hope you and your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace are smiling down on your mother and the rest of your family, friends and peers of perseverance. The will to survive and march on with the tasks at hand. No small potatoes, but at the end there is a light to keep your soul aglow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. This world is not paradise it only seems that way at times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

Flexing your muscles and your will, Officer Cook, you saved Dade County from the ravages of turmoil and unending violence. To say you flexed your muscles, Officer Cook, probably is incorrect. You utilized common sense along with honesty and intelligence whenever navigating around Dade County serving and preserving life and property. A humane and gallant gentleman respected and treasured by all people. Your good name resides among the multitudes of the finest men and women of character and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

Terrorism steals the vitality right from under society's nose. The pillars of those who gracefully and piously pursue evil, their humility is sealed in the lairs of God's den of honorable distinction. You delivered goodwill and peace to the Dade County area and its residents, Officer Cook and by living out your dreams and aspirations may neighbor, friend and hero, you enhanced our community beyond its wildest dreams. Rest in peace. Your character, ideals and scruples stepped in and contributed to the sanity and harmony of a venue where vigilance and dogged motivation pays many dividends.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

If you want to push pencils then take a desk job in an office. If you want to help your fellow man, you go out attend a police academy and rigorously study and practice police work. Its skilla and talents have to be adapted by all who wear a uniform and serve if evil is to be forcefully eradicated from our midst. You were a sensational man, Officer Cook, so devoted and faithful to your protection of Dade County's people. But, no matter your commitment to class and the components of courage and character spoke humbly and heroically. You achieved more in your youthful twenty-five years than most do in a lifetime. Synonimous with good values and a solid upbringing, you brought your family pride,humility and the joy of your most noble crusades for truth and trust in the good name of justice for mankind, Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Peril, danger and diabolical individuals need the special attention of the most bravest of tenacious women and men.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

Public servants must put up with just about everything. Badmouths, cursing, you name it whatever and yet they must keep calm and make sure to show coutesies and decencies when carrying out their professional duties. You performed your duties, Officer Cook, as well and as justly as you could. Honesty, vision and the dignity of having unselfish integrity marked your life and career where you humility towards humanity shined right through. Our stability and harmony came about by your unshakeable character and the transparency to smooth out those rough edges. You demonstrated to other officers your proficiency in leading them out of peril and danger. Dade County and its folks were well cared for, you offered them sanctity and the sanity by which to preserve and maintain our quality of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

Police duty is not a cushy job. It's a profession that is dedicated to the noble character and the purposeful morals that every servant must utilize while defending life and property. You waged some gigantic battles in Dade County, Officer Cook, serving and smiling while humanely and heroically putting your career and life for us on the line. Those cornerstones and their foundations have been set up for other brave and valiant men and women to follow through. Your trails, Officer Cook, were tense at times but always packed with faith, hope and a massive load of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and conviction take on a deeper meaning when each angelic hero stays rooted in resolve and works for humanity's goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

We collect the pieces and move on with our very lives. How do you just pick up and move on when your loved one is taken from you heinously, callously and unfairly? No rhyme or reason. Trouble seems to be brewing at every corner and there you were, Officer Cook showing up to humbly and loyally save your comrades and the people of Dade County embroiled in this domestic issue over two persons. The humility and honor showed their true colors as did your courtesies and decency to commit to integrity and dignity. Take heart, we will fondly remember your care and compassion and solemnly salute your civility and its nobility which brought harmony and tranquility to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You rest your honorable soul, Officer Cook, in their highest of plains. That is plain and to the point.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

The effort, rationale and acumen must stay mounted on each patrol unit. What must too be worn on every public servant's uniform to must be bravery, courage and valor while honesty, dignity and integrity labor their poor hearts out in the name of safety and peace for all. Peace and the stability of sanity was what you tried to accomplish in honor of Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook. No woman or man who gives thei rheart and very special serene soul of dignity shall be forgotten in this war over terror. A fight for the ages, the battle of boldness begins when you finish the academy. Character breeds foundations be erected and anchors staying as those cornerstones for our safer and brighter future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If you consider doing well keep humanely and humbly pressing along until something intellectual occurs. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

Turn the wheel slightly to the left or right and your vehicle will follow in that direction. Following the orders of any police official will guarantee you at least one more day. It's very sad how I read of so many officers injured or God forbid killed in the line of duty by their own sisters or brothers, a mistake of identity. No mistaking good morals and compassion for all Dade County, something you achieved, Officer Cook, through learning and practicing what you preach. Peace and liberty don't just appear, they must be founded in the eyes and ears of those willing to listen. Character, courage and maturity also don't occur from out of nowhere, they too must be learned and taught to others, the reasons, Officer Cook, why you we able to lead other brave souls, men and women of security and safety. Take care, Officer Cook, as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A loving father, your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace alongside the cherished soul of his most darling and dignified hero of a son in you, Officer Cook. Accidents still happen in the field though we would like for these incidents never to occur. caution and care must be exercised. Thankfully your ingenuity and intelligence, Officer Cook, was perceptively better than most.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

a building needs more than one block a day and a glob of concrete to be erected. Any worthwhile police officer needs a lot more than a pen and paper to function smartly while they defend our decencies and peace. Our prosperity and honor was placed in harm's way by your service and preservation over us, Officer Cook. A genuine Dade County hero whose gracious and most humble name is placed on marble walls where heroism is duly noted. We so honor a man of humility, gallantry and the guises of wisdom and conviction to see you through your pilgimages of peace and unity for all. A human being of the highest regard for character and commitment to excellence and pride risking his all for our hopes and wishes to carry on. And so should you, Officer Cook, be here to counsel and to give good advice. The kingdom of Our Lord's palace is filled with nothing but ferocity and the tenacity of acumen and awareness to faithfully honor the will that each ccommunity will be watched like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

Courage upgrades consideration when courtesy and concern are balanced together. They form a dynamic punch when attempting to ward off evil. Your crusades here in Dade County, Officer Cook, were staunch and serious in that they endeavored to calm down folks who were easily angered. Terrible what happened on May 16, 1979, most know your life, career and the events which led to you losing your life. God surely keeps a register of those honorable enough and full of resolve and humility, it's the anedote to some of what ails our society. Your community salutes your bravery, dignity and innovative integrity, Officer Cook, it was the loving affection we all had for a devoted, faithful and loyal colleague who went to the depths to detour evil from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

The letters of our alphabet spell every word from acumen to zealousness, everything will humanely and heroically found in your humble character, honor and courage, Officer Cook. Dade County received the greatest amount of decency and desire, devotion and determination from your unwavering and unending wisdom and vision, Officer Cook. The citizens were granted goodwill, peace and the security to live on and to pursue their desires and dreams. Your missions were marked with fruitful and most fulfilling moments. Only the esteem and effort to make wickedness take note. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2018

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