Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The heart is the one organ along with a brain and lungs that need to function properly for life to be sustained. And until that awful day, Officer Cook, you were full of breath and the commitment that takes honor, dignity and ingenuity down those trails of truth and tenacity. For sure, Dade County folks lived happier lives when you served and helped them to succeed. The inner spirit of your humility and civility all made things more safe. We cannot see you physically, Officer Cook, the wind from your wings wistfully pushed us to fulfill. As long as we carry on with your heroic legacy you'll always be with us. God gives His mighty angelic honor roll the eternal courage to patrol those sacred roads where resolve and faith look to slot themselves in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2018

Boldness is the living affirmation of what valor and courage exemplify. To be classified as a hero or heroine, it takes its genesis in one's home atmosphere where the lessons are taught and learned and practiced by the children. You grew up in North Miami Beach, Florida, Officer Cook, an area still besieged by violence and robbery. Police already have their hands full of trouble and dealing with the bedlam and kayos. Evil, wickedness and terror take turn ruining our peace and quiet. It was born in fine men and women, all honest, dignified and casrriers of conviction and wisdom who chased down bad in Dade County. Our unity and freedom was your doing, Officer Cook, a humble, proud and true savior whose pursuits led to goodwill for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character creates an environment worth experiencing. You took the time, patience and effort, Officer Cook, a little practice goes a long way in making or breaaking one's career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2018

A train races down the tracks and so must police officers race to a scene where trouble is brewing. Your boldness and concern, Officer Cook, characterized your life and professional acumen of the highest honor, the most stellar dignity and integrity which placed your humble heroism on another level. Nothing can be said, Officer Cook, to bring you back, you keep watching over us in heaven with your cherished soul of serenity and safety which you served and protected the citizens of Dade County with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A righteous person who keeeps decent and wears humility ought to rightfully be saluted for their humanitarian feats of bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2018

When emotions are bottled up inside of us there's no telling what might happen. When tensions from violence and evil run high it's time to secure those hatches. You protected the corridors and venues here in Dade County real well, Officer Cook, everyone's friend and humble hero. A legacy of decency and dignity, integrity and honor from a very humanely brave soul of serenity. You gave your life so our unity and aspirations could channel themselves forward. Still sad and difficult to imagine that almost thirty-nine years ago your family and peers were reeling from a most treasured gentleman's demise because of violence by one man alone. All it takes is one keg of dynamite to explode and its curtains for those who care. The swiftness, boldness and commitment of badge#1664 cared as you raced to that scene in Liberty City with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln. You did all you could with flawless ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2018

Grace and gallantry feed off each other just as much as dignity, integrity and honesty do. Good work done by our heroes and heroines should never be forgotten or stored on a shelf. They have and continue to do so by God's hands of wonder and amazement. Here in Dade County we all had the unique and humble pleasure of your appearance, Officer Cook, giving us the security and safety we all love. A man of effort and good character, fine morals shall never be put away. Saluted and blessed for heroism and courage like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Concerns were dealt with and so were those whom you cared for and continue to cherish your memory.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2018

A dirty uniform usually indicates effort. Police work means real action, real hard hitting skill and labor. Never a dull moment and for yourself, Officer Cook, caring about Dade County's people was your obsession. Your esteem and bravery will not be overlooked. Subduing those whom you taken into custody at times alone requires super human skills. Talking and conversing can usually lead to a successful resolution of any problem. For all your talent and honor, Officer Cook, dignity and integrity shadowed your every mission of faith and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2018

Courtesy and kindness never leave a fallen angel. They are just taken to a higher spiritual plane. Your whole life and police career, Officer Cook, were filled with ferocity and tenacity, loyalty and accountability. Never neglecting your responsibilities, you had Dade County and its resident's backs. The drive and journeys of peace and drive always kept you occupied. Dealing with the forces of foul play demands character, commitment and the proper resources. Resolve and faith may take you down those trails, it is up to your wisdom, vision and intuition to help handle the rest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2018

Desire and devotion are the measuring sticks by which dedication and determination can carry any public servant. Your work ethic, Officer Cook, helped to cast aside callous and heinous behavior of those wanting to commit crime. Dade County and its citizens felt that loving embrace from your wings of encouragement. No questions regarding your outstanding heroism and the valor where honesty, integrity and dignity met at those crossroads. Today, peace and serenity surrounds a community who salutes your professional demeanor and the fruitions of good character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence and its evil were swiftly dealt with during your watch, Officer Cook, efficiently and with humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2018

There is no devil's advocate when it comes to justice with bravery and dignity having served their missions. A special young man on a journeys of desire, integrity and the honesty to fight with all his might for freedom to fall upon those who seek the shelters of serenity. You were humbly astute and marvelous at your job, Officer Cook, handling all your assignments with acumen and values, morals and principles. You took a stand and believed in ideals and were an intellectual wonder. Your spirit shines brightly each moment it circles over us, Officer Cook, never forgotten for courage and humility. Heaven's version of humanity opened its arms to greet another humble hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearment and engagement rule the world the way enhancement remains the battlegrounds of those foundations and cornerstones you started for future men and women of resolve and bravery to emulate.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2018

Hooray for heroism. Hail to the resolute and honest. Brave and reverent, humane and cherished, faithful and motivated. Dade County kept you and your comrades, Officer Cook, full of action and suspense. But, then again, terror casts its evil eye upon those who desire a little safety and prosperity. Your character and clear cases of clarity where you searched and saved lives shall be fondly saluted. Whatever accolades come your way, Officer Cook, a gentleman with an even humble spirit of affection will be well deserved for all that you meant to your beloved family, peers and friends of noble distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2018

You never wanted praise to be lavished on you, Officer Cook. Rather to be known as an honest and hard working public servant so full of character, care and courage. The boldness behind dignity and integrity is what drove you to your pursuits in life filled with only joy and happiness. We are all very sorry and pained by your loss, violence really was evil in your family's eyes diabolically destroying the glue that kept you together. You are still as one, unity was served quite well for Dade County citizens as their peace and relief has stayed as one. Mankind owes you as warrior's salute as God welcomed your soul to His heavenly fortress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity stands back while humility introduces their savior's of savvy and vision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2018

You did the most honorable and humble act that society could ask for and for this and for our peace and safety you sacrificed your life, Officer Cook. A very proud and loyal comrade and friend to all, no one forgets a hero's humane honor, integrity and dignity. It helped to restore peace to a community that belonged to everyone and your humility was a vital part of your earthly missions that demonstrated faith and resolve while building bridges of boldness between mankind. What character and nobility! Thank God a sense of civility was restored on May 16, 1979, even though you paid a dear and sacred price. Keep looking down on us, Officer Cook, with your cherished soul of sincerity and the hopes of serenity reigning down forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. United we stand and together we may fall. Our Creator is here to lift up our passions and spirits.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2018

Actions really convey more than words alone. Your smile and charisma, Officer Cook, demonstrated your hope and goodwill that Dade County's people won't easily forget. Never giving up. Always the quiet and quintessential honesty, dignity, integrity and reverence for your public service profession. Treasured. Respected. Loyal and devout, you brought optimism and serenity to those looking up to your badge of bravery and uniform of character, conviction and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2018

Be thankful and appreciate what you have this moment. For one never knows what lies ahead. A young life robust and resolute fighting crime and kayos here in Dade County where you grew up and spent the happier times of your life, Officer Cook. Sabal Palm, John F. Kennedy and Norland Senior High all places where you received your education and had many friends come who joined you in the police academy. By the way, Happy holidays to you and your family Chief Jacobs. Hope retirement is treating you well. Your friend and comrades, Bill Cook, Officer William Cook, was a hero so fond of his job and was looking forward of course to retiring too. His honesty, intellect and integrity made criminals take notice and think twice about their actions. Too bad Mr. Pearsall did not stop before wreaking mayhem on the police, his girlfriend and against the citizens in general. Officer Cook's concern, consideration and determination tried to quell a disturbance before it escalated as it tragically did. Your commitment, humility and humane actions were outstanding in protecting your fellow officers and those relying on your boldness. Always humbly saluted for valor, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2018

You were not a cynical person, Officer Cook. You were upbeat and positive, full of peace and devotion, adoration and faith. And yet if you are not an honest an open minded individual, you cannot begin to conquer the afflictions which still plague our society. Dade County just as all communities needs the fervent support of its people in order for police to effectively do their jobs. Justice must be handed out swiftly, fairly and firmly. Your resourcefulness, Officer Cook, offered the people hope that peace and liberty would be at their doorstep. Terrible that violence stopped your journeys and missions of integrity, honor and the dignity for which humanity is proud. Our Lord has the character, the loyalty and His cherished gathering of gallantry right where it can be most helpful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2018

The realism of symbolism is that might is strength and honesty carries bravery, boldness and integrity. You propelled yourself, Officer Cook, right into the throes of tension and disputes in Dade County. Your role and tasks were to keep calm and serenity stapled as one for all citizens. You won't be forgotten for having the conclusive character, caring and commitment to your profession. Thank God for your humility and wisdom, Officer Cook. A hero of humble feats. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2018

Morbidity only brings down the level of hope and optimism in this day and age of evil. What wickedness that is centered upon a society of loyal and trusted public servants. You had faith and devotion, Officer Cook, clipped to the wings of wonderful honor, humility and the dignity to battle through these trying times. Integrity hovering over you allowed you to have the opportunity of succeeding in brokering safety and security to those living in Dade County during your time. What a time! Terrible unrest, tensions and the turmoil no police officer needs while already trying. to secure good relationships between one and all. Your legacy stands by your transparent character and commitment to justly derail disaster. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those heavenly foundations became the cornerstones by which humility stands tall for humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2018

Heroines and heroes receive those humble and humane pats on the back and solid salutes of bravery and honor from those right arms of their loyal and gallant sisters and brothers who delve into evil and its disgraceful mannerisms. Here in Dade County for the good of its people you were present, responsible and counted on, Officer Cook, to supply the necessary artillery and arsenals for this most inauspicious fight. But, your character, class and selfless determination reigned supreme when you patrolled and kept peace and humility away from humiliation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A clear cut sign of your awareness, astuteness and the gravity of these situations prevented more violence that terrible day of May 16, 1979. Forever a savior and trustworthy warrior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2018

The hopes that optimism brings is music to our ears. The sweet and harmonic sounds of peace and rest were brought to Dade County's front doors by you, Officer Cook, a wonderful law enforcement officer and a man of honor, integrity and the dignity needed to fight through enormous times of strife. You can always count upon a most reliable gentleman of persuasion when counted upon. Your character and courage, Officer Cook, fortified the peaceful and happy trails of mankind and now we pause to solemnly and humbly remember your unselfish heroism and humane actions of decency and faith. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You stood tall yet through it all your grace and nobleness sparkled like diamonds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2018

You fell in the line of duty, Officer Cook, but your never forgotten. How can anyone overlook a man's undying,unwavering and unquestionable honesty, integrity and dignity? Composure, optimism and the wisdom from being mature beyond your years helped to carry you on your daily journeys of justice, security and the sweet sounds of harmony and tranquility for all Dade County and its citizens. One man's fit of rage and in a matter of moments your family suffered a forever gaping hole in their souls and hearts that never really gets filled even as time marches on. To think, nearly thirty-nine years ago, heinous and wanton actions derailed and ended a promising young life, yours, Officer Cook, a diligent and patient gentleman whose humility humbled humanity. Our Creator is watching over your sweet and wonderful soul of the kindest character, fitting commitment to succeed and the pride you took wearing your uniform of understanding and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2018

Evil displays its negative inclination, so reclining now might not be the best thing. You need to stay attuned, be astute and show a little caring and acumen. For all your wealth of good traits, Officer Cook, you managed to remain calm and keep the quiet and serenity for Dade County residents. No small hill to climb, but with a little fortitude and ferocity, perseverance pays dividends to those public servants who stay the courses of goodwill, hope and faith. You will always be cherished for your heroism and the humility by which you carried honor, dignity and the insight of integrity on your sleeves. A badge of resourcefulness and resolve to be rightly honored. Your memory will be forever with those family members who loved and adored you, as well as comrades who admired and respected your effort in this war over terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sounds of God's shelter calling His angelic flock to attention as they go and patrol those pearly gates of gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2018

Screaming and raging that's what happens when violence upsets those who are inclined to live peacefully. And your presence, Officer Cook, here in Dade County did wonders for its folks. No fooling around. No fun and games, all business, total honesty and dedication to your core and essential duties at hand. All the class, desire and decency that comes from having morals, integrity and the dignity to show ingenuity and humility where they rightfully belong. A hero's salute for courage and vision, wisdom and fruition that directed your life and career pursuits. Of course, your family, colleagues and friends all bemoan your loss as this world is a little less safer without you providing stability, peace and the freedom that unity welcomes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2018

In a fit of rage, all the ferocity one has in their spirit can be abruptly gone, taken without warning. Violence does not show mercy nor announce its arrival and so to combat its feverish advances as you so humbly did, Officer Cook, you must zone in on intensity and have the embodiment of intelligence to overcome its forces. Forceful in morals, courageous and centered in honor and the dignity with which you must give your soul of security as you did for Dade County folks. Their peace, harmony and serenity all were a byproduct of your fearless and bold approaches to the circumstances a hand. Now and forever does your humane character and conviction stay stored up in Our Lord's giant palace for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The farewell you received, Officer Cook, was humanity's humility given back to a decent and devoted servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2018

Unabated and like a raging brush fire, evil just does not give up. Its advances ultimately frustrate the most solid of citizens and the most crusted of police officers. You had your share of problems I'm sure with people, Officer Cook, in and around Dade County and generally you handled your affairs calmly and wisely. Never a hint of hesitation or doubt you would be able to channel your goodwill and spirit of trust among your peers. For a righteous, reserved and honorable young man you gallantly fought an adversary of might with no reason, using your own ingenuity and intellect, Officer Cook, to settle down people and bring peace and serenity to all mankind. Before we know it the month of May will arrive and with the time of your loss to your family and to your colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and the scopes of commitment to pride and the humble feats for which you left a heroic legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2018

Devotion is learned. Honor and humility are earned. You earned your stripes, Officer Cook and those bars of boldness which you firmly set high are for those souls who like yourself possessed dignity and integrity to fight the bad which exists in our society. Haste makes waste, there is no time to dowdle. You countered violence with your best foot forward and will deservedly be saluted for having the right frame of mind and constitution to command others. Those ropes of resolve, prosperity and peace may be tough to climb, your soul will give those bravely battling the correct motivation and impetus. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character rests in the righteous. Humility sleeps soundly on the pillars of preserve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2018

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