Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Your messages to the public, Officer Cook, were on the mezzanine level, the top tiers of tenacity and unwavering integrity, stealth sense and the acumen of honor and dignity. All of these made you a humble Dade County hero whose soul of character and serenity forever shines brightly. Your colleagues and family can remember vividly your days and years patrolling for our peace and safe journeys. Your fruition, Officer Cook, was sadly deemed complete and God in His humane humility called you home. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2018

The travels for tenacity come with a cost at times. A life full of honesty and character all coming down to a scant few seconds and split second decisions that needed to be made. Officer Cook, you grew up caring and smiling, yet through it all your integrity and dignity on Dade County folk's behalf shined through. The love of life and a career you dreamed of becoming all with hard work and training. You were filled with serenity and humility. an agent for acumen and awareness, you never gave up leading other men and women through the demands and rigors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2018

Riots are riveting. Revolutions are revolting. Violence is vilifying. The whole world is being shaken from its structures by senseless and heinous evil. What else can you say? We sure can speak a lot regarding your superior nature, Officer Cook, how well you helped to stabilize the folks in Dade County. How decent and heartfelt all your family, friends and professional peers were to honor and to salute your wisdom, maturity and thorough humble bravery. A legacy of humanely dignified proportions filled with accomplishment and integrity with the backbones of values and morals. So solidly etched and engraved in our hearts and minds is your resolve to pursue peace, prosperity and the confines of humility for all humanity. Keep looking down on us my neighbor, friend and hero of the finest character, commitment to excellence and pride an upbringing can produce. It brought forth the legitimacy of nobility, civility and the sanctity by which we go about our daily affairs. Never forgotten. Always look up to the stars and blue skies at night, your cherished and treasured soul of reverence is present lifting up our downtrodden spirits.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2018

Our heroes rest in the good graces of God's compassionate hands. Your beautiful spirit, Officer Cook, lies next to others who sacrificed for the security of their communities. Dade County was under your heroic eyes and hands, Officer Cook and so for having the character, courage and conviction, honor and vision may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The balances of evil versus good weighs in the balance of those public servants who are humane and keep humility on their belts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2018

Rule one be honest. Rule two be dignified and disciplined. Rule three incorporate integrity with vision and wisdom. You followed rules and regulations, Officer Cook and because of your unselfish and unwavering humility and civility, Dade County's folks were kept safe and peaceful. No man or woman's valor and character should ever come into question. You paid the ultimate price, Officer Cook, in order for stability and reason to assist in fighting kayos. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2018

The earth shakes by this unreal terror which seizes us by the throat. Your terrific heroic actions, Officer Cook, saved Dade County residents and your unwavering actions of your comrades. It's your integrity, dignity and honesty that kept other men and women in line. Your humility, esteem and humane life will never be forgotten. Enhancement and foundations were well left for other brave souls of serenity to follow in. Unity and security were your best colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2018

Do your very best and God will take care of the rest. Our Creator directed your pilgrimages of perseverance, Officer Cook, in and around Dade County with humility and honor. You were a dedicated hero of the very finest character, commitment and courage. Dignity and integrity surely assist those humble public servants like yourself, Officer Cook, who brought peace and goodwill to our society. Always considerate and concerned, your loss to your family and colleagues has been fondly remembered forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2018

Sometimes I think this world is God forsaken. Terrible problems and evil seem to run rampant. We just try to get through each day using reason and rational to uplift our integrity, courage and decency. Your level of understanding, Officer Cook, was the fervent explanation why we have prosperity, peace and harmony. Violence cannot be given free rule and through your mercy, humility and transparency things were accomplished in a practical manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll not be forgotten nor overlooked for candor, charm and character.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2018

The principles of good ethics lead to good character and values that validate society and the honesty one demonstrates while performing their duties. Your maintenance of Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook, showed your inherent intelligence and the ability to lead other men and brave women through the perils of terror. Always a master speaker and one who learned their lessons well. Wisdom and vision were your mates who assisted your missions of goodwill and hope for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2018

The greatest courage is found within a person's heart. Within your spirit Officer Cook, lies honor and dignity to match your character, integrity and the commitment you made to guard the fortresses of Dade County and its residents. A public servant clever, brave and resourceful whose humility stood out in this war over evil. Saluted and recognized for resolve and heroism, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Six years of loyalty, twenty-five years of unwavering determination. Humanity has its tranquility at your gentle hands and feet, Officer Cook. Morals, values and ideals lead the pious down the paths of tenacity like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2018

Heroes sacrifice for the good of society. Hailed as humane and civil people all for the mold of courage and resolve, honor, integrity and the wisdom that dignity and character take to the various venues to ward off evil. Your days and years, Officer Cook, were spent policing and protecting the peace and servitude of all Dade County and its folks. Nothing but great consistency and the model of morals and values we all hold so dear. Your family, colleagues and friends hold you and continue to treasure your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2018

God sure has His most greatest of heroes and heroines bottled up for eternal safekeeping in heaven. Your humbleness, Officer Cook, was only a tip of the iceberg. Honesty, dignity and integrity all the right stuff along with class and character to fight those winds of wickedness. In Dade County you restored peace and helped to foster humility among humanity. A gentleman and a gallant public servant, blessed with heroics, reverence and respect for your professional position. Only serenity and peaceful travels can we look forward to because of your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2018

Evil needs our greatest effort. Nothing short of success is expected in order to restore the unity and quiet to a given locale. In Dade County wisdom and vision were a code for courage and integrity. Your honor and dignity, Officer Cook, was deliberate and most essential to containing peril. A hero and a heck of a public servant, saving life and property while humbly composing yourself with humility, sanctity and the nobility to be a brave warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2018

You were a people person, Officer Cook, but much more a well regarded and reserved hero of Dade County who served its folks with esteem and excellence. Bravery, honor and dignity keep their heroes and heroines at the top of God's courageous charts of ferocity and fearlessness.Your approaches to handling terror was well respected and as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known that humility had the character of a gentleman with foresight and the wisdom to accomplish. Our unity and peace came about through dangerous encounters with wickedness. A wonderfully kind and compassionate public servant who went about his daily affairs, calming and collecting his thoughts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2018

Skipping out when evil is present won't alleviate the problem. It will only exasperate the situations whether in Dade County or wherever. Your caring and concern, Officer Cook, coupled greatly with your honor, humble as it was, the dignity that was your domain and the intellect of integrity that takes on a humane and humble spirit. Humanity was well guarded when you took up residence and reveled in goodwill on civility's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2018

The honor roll of Our Lord's angelic heroes and heroines seems to keep increasing when in fact evil must be lessened. You took your cues of courage and combined them with integrity, dignity and honesty, Officer Cook. One of the many who made their commitments meaningful. Only your faithfulness and extreme regard kept that day from being worse. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2018

Grace and gallantry are humbly reserved for men and women who put out effort and efficiency in hitting those streets where terror and evil lies. Officer Cook, Dade County witnessed your great morals and idealistic integrity racing to calls where life and limb hung in the balance. You are a hero with loyalty given back to your peers who have fondly remembered your dignified feats. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humane and full of humility taken now to the big police department in the sky.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2018

Affirmations are only meaningful if followed up by bravery, acumen and the honesty that one pursues evil. For your career and whole life, Officer Cook, diligence and dignity carried you ttrails of tenacity and resolve. Dade County was most served and protected when you crossed paths with its citizens. Your character, commitment to excellence and resolution won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A life of happiness and fulfillment that had more journeys of fruition to offer.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2018

Daydreaming does not cut the mustard. Determination and motivation give our very esteemed and talented men and women at least a fighting chance to produce good results where peace and unity resides for one and all. And here in Dade County your endeavors, Officer Cook, brought newer hope and everlasting unity for those desiring happiness. Your journeys of character and class were delivered each day by Our Lord's hands and for evil taking your young life, that courage and valor now resides on top of God's perfect mountains where you can safely watch over His streets here and nothing will ever harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2018

Nothing can overshadow outstanding performance and consistent effort. Always one -hundred percent top notch service to the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook, a man loyal and faithful to the calls of duty. Responsibility and honesty match up to the likes of good integrity and dignity. You captured the hearts of your family, friends and professional peers with unwavering and undeniable courage. Enhancement has stayed here as your wonderful soul of security, Officer Cook, uplifts our spirits as we continue your legacy and our pursuits of good health, peace and happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2018

Warriors battle. Saviors save. Protectors persevere. Whatever the pathways and trails required they look violence face to face taking peril and trying to relieve it from our society. You did that just as the most proficient public servant there was. The people of Dade County have to be thankful for your salvation and safe passages while securing decency and destiny for all mankind. Officer Cook, your values, character and vision have to be compared to the caliber of your honesty and integrity, your dignity as is all warriors placed in jeopardy daily. You won't be forgotten. Only saluted for desire and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2018

Where there is prayer there is hope. The emotions of bravery and honesty carry those humble and loyal to their destinations of desire and devotion. You dedicated your life and career, Officer Cook, to service and serenity here in Dade County and never more an outstanding job of shielding us from harm. A humane gentleman whose crusades of courage and resolve were complete and God took you for a long ride back to join your fellow angelic heroes and heroines who fortitude rested on their dignity and staunch integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2018

Humble women and men start from th ebottom to the top. You worked your way up, Officer Cook, to become a leader of other fine and brave souls. Dade County and its citizens were truly lucky and happy top have your exploits expending the energy and endeavor in getting evil off ther streets. A happy man full of charm and decency championing our causes of peace and civility. Nothing more nobler or heroic. Your fine character, dignity and integrity rest in God's kingdom of compassion and kindness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2018

Rescuing us from from terror, you showed our country and your peers what heroes are about, Officer Cook. You gave Dade County and its ciiizens the right to achieve fruition in their pursuits of happiness as all lives matter. If dignity, peace and liberty are to be championed, tension, unrest and evil must be challenged and never allowed to pass through those doors of desire and devotion. Character, commitment and morals can grab each other as they now help you up in God's greenest of pastures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity salutes your humility and civility disbursed back to mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2018

Boy, when you team class, honor and courage, the results should seemingly be for a positive. Unfortunately, violence makes other appointments that change many lives. Heroes and heroines give everything for their communities where peace and unity combine with safety and security. You gave Dade County all the protection and preservation they ever needed, Officer Cook, too bad that troubled and evil young man decided to commit heinousness against the establishment and those residents under your eyes of endearment. You at least were devoted and truly demonstrated you rundying and unselfish humility nobly distributed back to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2018

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