Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Grieved by a loved one's loss, all we can say is, Officer Cook, you were one fine and gallant young man. Dade County and its citizens were most fortunate to have you protect and serve them because of your unwavering honesty, dignity and integrity that must be stationed at all corners to curtail terror. Our peace and stability came about through your humble kindness and the compassion you had in character and in spirit to stand in there battling corruption. All we can state is that Mr. Pearsall, the troubled young man who took your life and nearly those of your fellow officers had no character, his commitments were scrambled, a totally mixed up person bent on violence against the establishment that at times scurries to secure liberty, tranquility and harmony for everyone. Anchors and cornerstones have been laid by your sacrifice, Officer Cook, a devout and faithful servant of God with confidence and the courage to travel to where peace was needed the most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2018

Yesterday, Officer Cook, two deputy sheriffs were ambushed and killed while eating lunch. Unbelievable the way public servants so young and honorable are taken from their loved ones. You fought violence, Officer Cook, here in Dade County for a quarter of your life. A valued career with the models of morals, courtesy and the courage to see your journeys of integrity and dignity through. You can be sure we salute men and women of character and conviction whose heroism sprouted forth newer beginings for all mankind. Humble and hospitable, humane and full of humane decency, the humility utilized to ward off evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2018

Fighting crime and mischief is not like using a slide rule. The balances between the good and bad keep any worthwhile public servant on their toes. The traits of having dignity, integrity and honesty surely keep and allow good morals to stand out helping one function at their position. Dade County had its moments and they had you, Officer Cook, their humble hero battling for whatever peace and stability would make life a little safer and more pleasant. Those journeys and missions of hope, peace and tranquility were guided, Officer Cook, by God's tender grace, only humanity stood where your humility and valor once traveled. Never forgotten for having proud and prudent character, commitment like no other and the convictions to right the ships of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Well done, Officer Cook, a most dependable and reliable servant, savior and warrior of wonderful wisdom, vision and intuition.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2018

Since you were a compassionate young man of many hobbies, Officer Cook, it is not real surprising that your exploits of excellence, efficiency and energy placed you and your heroic colleagues at the hearts and minds of where Dade County's citizens knew their lives were well served. Protected and treated to humility, civility and gallantry beyond the scope of those critical calls of duty. Forever sealed and secured in the library of integrity, honor and the dignity. The books of bravery and boldness stayed opened as the pages of serenity, prosperity and perseverance have been turned for all to witness. A picture is worth a thousand words, won't take that many to describe your humble life and a fulfilling career all be it cutdown before your time while trying to halt violence and evil from our midst. Only cherished and greatly admired by mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wearing many hats takes skill, morals and proper conviction in commitment and decency. Every box that can be checked is and stays grounded as the cornerstone of future brave souls, men and women who dare risk their lives for safety, hope and faith. The top rung in heaven's name is filled with accomplishment and humbly humane success in bettering humanity and the challenges it faces going forward. Time moves, it does not stand still and take vacations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2018

New recruits are told and informed by their superiors of men and women of the past, heroes and heroines whose honor and bravery shine glowingly though the humbleness and humane devotion by which these servants protected and served. All to be properly saluted for dignity, integrity and the integration of gallantry, good grace and the morals that enhancement has left behind. You paved the way, Officer Cook, for the few and proud to loyally follow in pursuits of violence the same way you went after evil and corruption. If one man incorporates good character, boldness and commitment, than why should not others follow suite? Officer William C. Cook Street at NW 17th Avenue is there for a reason, that is to remind us what sacrifice and unquestionable bravery is about. Heroes and heroines were born and gave their lives for serenity and patience to take hold. A shape so profound it is everlastingly etched in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County and its people were preserved and respected greatly by your loving arms and lips that spoke the truth, Officer Cook, a man of class, decency and a driven faith to make goodwill succeed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2018

The whole earth shakes from God's glory. His story is simple and to the point. Be an honorable person, devote yourself to common traits such as character, humility, honesty unending and the goodwill of integrity, dignity and desire which will take you down the paths of righteousness. Your whole life, Officer Cook, had Our Lord's hands on that single most important blueprint, success at a humble and noble means. Uplifting the citizens from the deepest pits where tension and evil were hiding out. A tone of voice and reason must always prevail. You served proudly and sagely acquitting yourself very well and will always be fondly saluted and remembered for having a fighting heart and a giving spirit to match. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If the problem needed engagement it got it. Those pipelines of fruition are your foundations for a brighter tomorrow,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2018

Determination warrants respect and admiration from an entire world. you put yourself in harm's way, Officer Cook, to shield the folks of Dade County from terror and who knows what else, you deserve to be commended for your heroic actions. We witness the feats of other valiant souls of security and wonder how they do it? Your soul as treasured as it remains shall always watch over those who cared and adored you. Your loving family, peers of resolve and friends of respect and dignity. They all went into the makings of your honor and integrity. Wisdom and vision can rest easily in God's gigantic squadroom where humility and humbleness adorn each other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2018

Those walls of honor are humbly reserved for the many brave and noble ladies and gentlemen of law enforcement who added a new dimension to dignity, desire and devotion all honed in on dedication. Your willingness, Officer Cook, to meet the rigorous demands of your profession have encouraged others to climb aboard that train of tenacity awaiting them at the police academy. Dade County was humbly well served and likewise protected by your humane resourcefulness and resolve. It's telling in a man's genes and character that commitment to excellence and pride meant the world to you. Safety and ingenuity were tethered as one entity by your austere bravery and acumen never better, never more heroic, never more unwavering and unselfish. The life and career you led, Officer Cook, is what legacies are about. The people come first and you never hesitated, you reacted as you did on May 16, 1979 and in an outstanding manner saved your colleagues from further danger and the civilians of Dade County who salute your memory and owe you a debt of gratitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2018

Appreciate and cherish the good times for one never knows when all heck will break loose. You kept a grip of gallantry and grace over Dade County and your goodwill, Officer Cook, inspired others to do the same. For we know heroism and honesty make a dynamic duo so powerful enough to overcome the adverse effects of evil and its ugliness. Calming and courageous along with good character and the scruples of values helped to shape the peaceful lives of one and all. Serenity, security and the stability of living depends upon one's humility and humble approaches to patrolling and navigating those streets wisely and smartly. Your absence, Officer Cook, only motivates us to work that much more harder. Civility and sanctity must reign supreme. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You championed the right causes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2018

Having karma is not the fitting conclusion to solving crimes. What is the right process is for any public servant to stay ahead of the criminals is to be humble and honest, loyal and devoted to those causes which you subscribed to, Officer Cook, in helping to keep Dade County and its citizens safe and sound. A man places his life of character and charisma on the line so that enhancement can stay grounded within the framework of those who pursue a happy and healthy life. Yours, Officer Cook, was headed for more fulfillment, the tragic day of May 16, 1979, made you forever a cherished and humanely brave savior. A hero's salute for piety and for peace to be with us for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2018

You balance boldness and bravery and it makes dignity, honesty and reverence that much more relevant. The truth is, Officer Cook, you were one of the finest officers who navigated the venues and streets of Dade County preserved prosperity and life for one and all. The fairness and dependability of your desire, devotion, wit and vision all collaborated to form a bond of enhancement to be forever humbly remembered. It is all about class, decency and character. Never spoken enough, you conversed and conveyed pursuits of happiness with all the sincerity and joy anyone could imagine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Amazing how far intuition and ingenuity can take a heroically dedicated gentleman of gallantry and the the noble actions of graces and goodwill on humanity's behalf.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2018

Death leaves more than a touch of sadness. Its mark is painfully felt forever and the gaping pit it leaves upon families who lose their loved ones is very widespread. But, your honor and salvation on behalf of all Dade County, Officer Cook, was solemnly recognized that Saturday May 19, 1979. You were heroically remembered for having honesty, integrity and dignity when patrolling for peaceful pursuits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humane and humble character are those anchors set forth for all brave and courageous men and women to follow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2018

Today, Officer Cook, would have been my father, Owen's one-hundred and twelfth birthday. May he rest in peace. He was a police officer in New York City from 1928 until 1966. As humble and as honest as you. You fought and protected our peaceful voyages where you due diligence and vigilance all came into useful being. Success only occurs when integrity, bravery and dignity are present. Any absence of morals and values demeans any servant valor and all the attention they must give to solving and resolving issues at hand. Domestic problems can be thony indeed. The tricky part is knowing how to calm down those full of anger that might lead to violence and peril for our society. In Dade County you handled all your professional calls with alacrity, acumen and the full knowledge of what might transpire. You gave, Officer Cook, harmony, peace, tranquility and prosperity their rightful positions back to the citizens to whom you were loyal and faithful to. Never out of sight and always in our hearts, your humility and humanely unselfish sacrifice will be solemnly saluted and so honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2018

Resolve and righteousness go together on the same plane as humility and honor. You cannot have any duly sworn public servant out on the streets crusading for peace and unity if their character, morals and commitments are not properly centered. Thankfully Dade County had you, Officer Cook, among the many focused and dignified heroes of your time. A true humble credit to what good old fashioned hard work and training is about. We can never forget your reputation nor the integrity by which you served and saved lives. Trust. Wisdom. Courage and vision. Conviction to stay the pathways of perseverance and reign in terror. Serenity and security for humanity and all mankind to cherish you and to salute your legacy of hope and fruition for your family members, peers of sustenance and your friends who gathered to pay homage to you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2018

Those doormats to heaven are wiped perfectly clean just as the rugs of resolve which are steam cleaned to greet those men and women of honor, character and humility who eternally reside in God's saintly home. Your mission, Officer Cook, a difficult one at that was to serve and to save Dade County's folks. Your peers were saved and in the course of preserving terror and callousness took your young life. Always a friendly face, a passionate voice and common sense that has stood for logic and justice all these years later. You'll never be forgotten for bringing ingenuity and intuition to your journeys. Endearing, loyal and dedicated to fight off evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Desire and leadership work both ways. Thankfully, Officer Cook, you were courteous and passionate regarding your onuses.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2018

A smile robbed of its beauty, gone too soon before your time, Officer Cook. Violence took away your beautiful soul from your family and peers, yet it did not vanquish your firm and fair belief that Dade County would stand tall and prevail because honor, integrity and dignity reign supreme in the heat of the moment. Your character and courage, Officer Cook, bolstered your presence and allowed you to humanely and humbly serve with all your might. Humanity got a dosage of destiny and desire, decency and conviction like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2018

If you divide diligence and vigilance, you get honesty and humility heaped upon one another which is quite useful in this war over violence. And so for Dade County's people stability and accountability brought wisdom and vision into a better focus. Your career and life, Officer Cook, rested on morals, values, ideals and the principles that good resolve brings. We could not be happier for our peace and sanctity. Life goes on as God watches over your treasured spirit, faithful, kind and brave. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2018

Gallantry hangs on the branches of bravery and boldness. The commitments to excellence and pride reside in souls of good hard working and honest public servants. You preserved and protected Dade County residents, Officer Cook, with all your vigor and humility all from your character, dignity and integrity. The enhancements for peace and unity have been remembered as has your caring and concern, Officer Cook. A brave man and hero whose name is firmly implanted in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Security and freedom come with a cost and your sacrifice, Officer Cook, humbly embellishes what you stood for battling evil and turmoil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2018

The seeds of one's fruitions are planted many years before in their upbringing and unwavering hope and spirit of faith , devotion and cherished goodwill implanted in all society. Your journeys and missions, Officer Cook, brought a respect for decency, dignity and the desires behind dedication. Dade County was peacefully taken to newer heights by your honor and integrity, the results of courage and the character of commitment and your humbly heroic convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2018

The heart and soul of a gallant hero captures the imagination of their integrity, ingenuity and intellect. It's no surprise, Officer Cook, that every ounce of your undying dignity, courage and conviction went into your accomplishments in restoring peace and civility to all Dade County residents. With character and wisdom, vision and vigilance like yours, Officer Cook, we were kept safe and serene from the dangers and peril that evil seeks to destroy by undermining our otherwise peaceful missions in life. Your career and values rest with those heroes and heroines who figured it out and did their part to execute excellence within their departments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2018

The perfection of your unwavering and unselfish enhancement stays with us. Your treasured and mindful soul goes back to God's majesty where endearment lies within your humility and heroic legacy, Officer Cook. You see your blessed name and wonderful character shall be etched within your family's hearts forever. Generations of the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families have your spirit of success, honesty and integrity emblazoned deep within their souls, the ones that go out everyday pursuing happiness and loyalty to Our Creator. Your motto, your zest and zeal, your faith and determination that motivated other fine and humbly valiant colleagues who march through this siege of wickedness the very way you, Officer Cook, went about your public service life and career serving Dade County and displaying a pleasant demeanor toward our community that will revere and admire you holding your kinship in high esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2018

Glorious with a humble and gentle spirit of freedom and goodwill that faithfully patrolled the various sections of Dade County, your honor, humane heroism and humbleness, Officer Cook, shall not be forgotten. Only coming from a fine family full of character, commitment to both pride and fruitful endeavor, you will be saluted for bravery and endless courage that fortified tranquility and harmony for all seeking its shelters of safety and a secure future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2018

More than a trace of tenacity followed you, Officer Cook, on your trails of bravery and honor. Dade County and its citizens acknowledge and salute with fervor your dignity and integrity that when incorporated with your stellar character and fine morals made battling crime and violence a little steadier. You were a loyal and distinguished gentleman of gallantry and humility who struck the proper notes of peace and prosperity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2018

Heresy is just that. The truth is common sense should prevail in this war over terror. The honesty, integrity and dignity of a proven warrior who was treasured by his peers and beloved family members and fought for law and order here in Dade County in humbleness to their residents. You were a superb brother to Nancy, a beloved husband to Karen and the heroically darling son to Mrs. Julia Cook. Only concerned and thoughtful, diligent and full of esteem sincerity and the humane gestures to handle the stress and challenges thrown your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2018

Celebrated my fifty-nineth birthday yesterday with my wife, a humble ice cream sundae. Later this year on November 30th you would have celebrated your sixty-fifth. All smiles and sharing the good old times with your beloved Karen. My oh my if things had occurred differently that awfully sad day of May 16, 1979, when you stood guard shielding civilians and saving your comrades from that escalation of domestic violence. What heinousness! Terrible that a devoted and loyal man of God, a gentleman of the highest regard for his fellow man paid the dearest price for our freedoms and quiet here in Dade County. Character, commitment and class won't be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2018

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