Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A friendly hello, a final kiss goodbye. Karen received your undying love and affection, what can we say, Officer Cook? You were a hero here in Dade County and all around the entire police nation. It's where thousands of comrades and people whom you served said a final farewell to your valor, vigilance and the courtesies that honor and humbleness bring. They reigned down on you, Officer Cook, just as your dignity and integrity inserted themselves into the bowels of evil. Low down callousness and terror from a troubled and diabolical young man seized us and your colleagues who were just doing their jobs. After all you were not required to answer that call on May 16, 1979, you voluntarily went and heroically stood your ground providing a shield for your fellow officers and civilians and in the end went right to God as He brought your gentle and special soul of character and pride home to be with Him.Those streets you forever patrol are made safer by your civility and sanctity you had for our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were Our Creator's gift to us and your parents for twenty-five years of toil and sweat, up in heaven cooler heads always prevail. God rules over us and directs our destinies as He sees fit. We can question, it's still His universe of understanding and ponderance.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
No one expected a bullet in your side, Officer Cook, would end your life. As I leave this reflection for you I'm sobbing like a baby and no wonder it's important to return safely after your shift. Your friends and comrades of the past who were fortunate to have retired have remembered your bravery, consummate courage and professionalism and the esteem by which you served and protected our peace here in Dade County with unselfish and unwavering heroism, humility and the highest degree of integrity and wisdom. It all reverts back to your caring and character, the dimensions of which are felt here and far. Your up in heaven resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement keeps chugging away, it's your untimely loss that keeps tugging away at our hearts and minds. It's that much, Officer Cook, what kind of person and thoughtful human being you were, raised with values, ideals and morals that made your life's endeavors rise like cream to the top. Maturity way beyond your years of yearning made you a more humble and rounded public servant. Your department and Metro-Dade Police can certainly salute your honorable courage and heroism of the highest plateau.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
Terror, torment and turmoil must be trashed before its rotten odors infiltrate our society furthermore. Your loyalty and bravery, Officer Cook, gave that band of support to your colleagues who like yourself gave Dade County and its folks all the endeavor. Our bridges and foundations were properly laid down all by your wisdom, dignity and the honesty that make up the hearts and souls of our noblest of heroes and heroines. Our Lord's camp of concern rests soundly in those warriors who now walk that proverbial beat in heaven where their character and ultimate commitments may never be usurped. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fruitful and ferocious, bold and brave, devoted and faithful, they all were channelled into your mercy and hope, Officer Cook, what a man! Greatly missed and cherished dearly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
A brain without dignity and values is like just having a brawn without a function. The human body can only perform so much and therefore, all public servants worth their courage and integrity must buckle up for a ride worth its resourcefulness. And yours, Officer Cook, came at the terrible expense of losing you too soon. God, our hopes and dreams of your charismatic and heroic servant, Officer William C. Cook, rest gallantly in your loving arms. Cradle his passion and humility along with his integrity and provide the saintly means by which all men and women chasing evil now may succeed in searching and in obtaining safety and unity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
Perseverance and preservation must pack a terrific one two punch, otherwise bravery and honor don't mean a thing. You came prepared everyday, Officer Cook, to put in a yeoman effort. Its Dade County citizens who are the most fortunate and you helped to restore calm, peace and the sounds of serenity. Character, class and decency are a must if ridding violence is going to happen. Our lives and their missions of humility have kept on because of your caring concern, Officer Cook, a humane and compassionate servant of God. He navigated you over to where your talents and morals were most needed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
Smarts and education doesn't guarantee a thing. Unfortunately, Officer Cook, we knew someone who worked in North Miami Beach, Florida who was killed by his son in a domestic incident that past Saturday. Do not know why. Still wonder why your life and promising police career came to a screeching halt on May 16, 1979. God needed your acumen, honesty, reflections of resolve, bravery and integrity nestled with other heroes and heroines who gave their lives so unity and tranquility would not just be another word. You saved lives and broke up kayos and terror all by your compassionate and humbly stoic character and commitment to both ingenuity and the pride you wore on your uniform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The son by the way was a doctor. You were a great man, a gallant and treasured gentleman and the quintessential public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
Today, I will visit your grave, Officer Cook, to pay my homage to your heroic honor and bravery. It's in those binoculars of boldness where you saw evil and did your utmost to make Dade County and its residents much more safer. For having humble character and loyalty, faith, hope and resolve may you be honorably saluted for wisdom, distinction and the nobility that humility sends our way. Peace and prosperity, good health and freedom all by your undying and unselfish sacrifice that has stood alongside of your soul of serenity all these years later. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Championing the causes that your crusades represented you'll not be forgotten, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
Glitter dazzles. Humility and bravery shine. Boldness makes believers of us all. Your faith and fairness, Officer Cook, are the things good people and heroes are made of. When concern and character help to start those foundations of piety, then sincerity can only lead to fruitful serenity the kind Dade County's folks were given. Your word, Officer Cook, was your unwavering bond and so was your honesty, integrity and dignity operating on par and of excellent dimensions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 15, 2018
Delight brings joy to those who succeed. When duty calls all public servants must heed those calls and respond as such. Dade County was in throngs of racial tension and civil unrest when you served, Officer Cook, with superior humility and the humbleness of honor and confident esteem only loyalty and faithful deliver. A demanding job undertaken with all the virtual wisdom and valor necessary from a beloved colleague of morals and the character that made your crusades unforgettable. Tomorrow is that solemn day we all can look back and fondly bear witness to your heroism and humanely righteous deeds, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 15, 2018
Primetime requires honesty, loyalty and the sanity by which one performs their roles of resolve. You worked very well, Officer Cook and on behalf of Dade County may you be fondly saluted and duly remembered. Kind, serene and with an easy going disposition, you cannot be overlooked for your vitality and vigilance where safety and security was needed. Our lives matter and so did your life, Officer Cook, taken way too soon by heinous and callous behavior of one troubled individual. Humility and humanity were calling and Our Lord answered by sadly taking you home to serve a more bonified role. Guarding those sacred and golden paved pathways of justice and perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 15, 2018
Congeniality and compliance are two separate issues. You can be brave and bold so long as honor, dignity and integrity help to maintain good character. Fighting evil requires one keep a peaceful and rather calm demeanor in order to get through with those arduous tasks at hand. Dade County was your assignment, Officer Cook, no small stuff. You toiled in tenacity and developed good relationships between all citizens that you strived to keep secure and serene. Never forgotten and forever cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were doing your job May 16, 1979, if only Mr. Pearsall had complied with you, Officer Cook and your colleagues of courage and esteem.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 15, 2018
If concern, care and consideration work their way through the atrocities of mayhem and kayos then those who are devoted and loyal at least stand a chance of gaining peace and goodwill for all. Your kindness and faithfulness, Officer Cook, sprouted new growth for those in Dade County whose lives you touched humbly with your spirit. It's serenity, sincerity and desire that led your journeys and now and forever may humility and character sleep well in eternity where you patrol those heavenly gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 15, 2018
The catch phrase a diamond in the rough is kind of like a needle in a haystack. What lies embedded in each and every is the will to stand up and battle for what you perceive as fair. Your resourcefulness, resolve and revolving heroism and humility, Officer Cook, are some of the many traits by which you will be remembered and treasured as a graceful man. Dade County has seen it all, you made peace and serenity not only matter, but due to your accomplishments during your police career and life, it has been your stability of character and trustworthiness that has stood out. Concentrating on ridding wickedness from our midst, you set the tones of how all future men and women are to act with honor and incorporate responsibility into their official duties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Apple pie with ice cream sure tastes good, better if dished it is out with boldness and fairness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
The conduits to trust and bravery start with courage and valor. Unless your willing to commit to the long haul, police work may not be right for you. It's either in your blood coursing through your body or it's not. Diligence and its reality make looking at the matters at hand and accepting what fates might lie ahead. It is in Our Master's hands and capabilities that saw your excursions in Dade County, Officer Cook, as completed. The man up above speaks, we pay close heed to His messages as He does from time to time work miracles. Character and the diamonds of desire and determination all stemmed from your upbringing, Officer Cook and a bountiful amount of humility, which is humanity's best friend and teacher. Never may your soul and its memory be lost without a fond reminder from our salutes of honor for having wisdom and vision to fortify what needed fixing. Evil, terror and violence create monster logjams for those looking for unity and peace. Navigate down tranquility's trails and you'll find a wealth of harmony and prosperity for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
Your enormity in life, Officer Cook, was your unwavering faith in conformity. Of course, not everyone believes or subscribes to these theories, but one day as your heroic legacy is humbly made even more well known than today, those living in Dade County either past or present can find a book, a paper or better yet, go down to Tropical Park in Miami off of Bird Road SW 40th Street and look closely at those granite and marble walls of honor and see the dedicated and most humanely blessed name of Officer William C. Cook. Then google your name, the book, "Forgotten Heroes" enumerates your life and character, your dignity, honor and reverence for integrity. The cornerstones you set down as foundations for our futures trevails are spelled out. North Miami Beach, your wife, Karen, Nancy, your big sister and of course, the matriarch of your family, your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and I do hope you are doing well and feeling good these days. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The paths of excellence were laid, your sacrifice and insatiable thirst for truth, trust and justice has never stopped progressing.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
Seek peace and pursue it. Easy words that rest in our hearts and minds. Only thing this is this is not everyone's credo. Tranquility is sometimes trampled by the grips of terror and have to be stopped dead in its tracks. You sure did that very well in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of your word, never a broken bond nor promise, only the protection and preservation of our harmonious travels. Missions are tough to undertake, yet destiny lies where no man or woman dares to go. Your honor and relevance, composure and courage, integrity and dignity have kept us grounded in the good graces of Our Master's crown of humility and mercy for all through faith and devotion to the tasks that lie ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
Loyalty strikes a certain note of respect among its users. Utilizing the basic tenets of tenacity and faith to shield us for violence, you went out in Dade County feeling for serenity and also watching over us never permitting evil to hinder our fruitions in life and our journeys. Officer Cook, you were a national hero of fine work and the ideals brought out in your character and wisdoms as worn on your uniform of unwavering commitment and you'll forever be treasured, admired and cherished for coming through when evil struck. Now take care, Officer Cook and vigorously guard God's forts of sacred grace where His honor of legendary heroism rests soundly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
Happiness is the world's secret cure all. The prosperity of all people rests in the humane and mos thumble of bravery possessed by our chains of courageous fighting heroes and heroines. You countered evil in Dade County, Officer Cook, by being wise and diligent, loyal and authentic. You cannot start this war over atrocity without the common touche sover honesty, virtue and the guises of integrity bounded by the gates of dignity. Its gallantry personified and you persevered with excellent morals and those ideals that we take to heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
Grit, gumption and gallantry are the mustards that cover bravery, boldness and sheer hustle. They bustle of a much beloved warrior, you, Officer Cook, one of the many fines and qualified heroes and heroines serving and preserving all Dade County. Its citizens can prevail thanks to your appearances of sincerity and security. All the basis of your professional trails of tenacity and character that highlighted your life and career where you continue to be so mentioned and saluted for valor and humility above humanity's callings. Personable and passionate, all fondly remembered and revered by your family, comrades and friends who saw a real gentleman now with angel's wings squaring off with the abyss of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You spread goodness and kindness throughout the communities of mankind, Officer Cook. Politeness and courtesies never to be overlooked.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
With Our Lord's tender grace all will by fine. With that sage advice how can the messages get mixed up and confused? Nothing puzzling about your awareness and determination on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. Knowledge trumps lack of anything. You took your professional roles in stride patrolling for mercy, faith and the tender spirit that peace and quiet deliver to those who ask for some. Foundations and their cornerstones stay built by your unwavering boldness and the alacrity of dedication and desire championing those causes where humility and humbleness lie. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character breeds devotion. Resolve blends in the fighting forces that make solutions possible. Evil is hard to handle , but, with motivation it can happen and life can keep its chartered courses of destiny.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
Heartfelt prayers go out to those heroes and heroines blessed with the acumen to account for evil. They don't just show up for duty, they get down and dirty if need be to fight hard for harmony and stability where our people and their venues require it the most. Dade County as all big communities needs that special hands on touch and from you, Officer Cook, it received a big and gentle breeze of boldness. Your intuitions and sense of reason helped you calm at least to try and cool down a man bent on further violence. Never again can we let our guards down when terror shows up at our front doors. Your passions, Officer Cook, were of persistent honor, integrity and the validations that dignifies the wise and humble. It was in your blood and flowing in your veins, vigilance and as our hero and savior may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
The strides of serenity begin with the small steps of peace and honor. You cannot begin to fathom tranquility until dignity and integrity travel hand in hand with humility. You navigated around Dade County, Officer Cook, a humble servant esteemed by all your colleagues who have served in these missions over evil, its terror and violence must be abated once and for all. Our continuations in life have been the direct result of your resolve toward humanity and the prevailing perseverance of goodwill spread throughout our society. As we salute your memory and wisdom, Officer Cook, may it be known your commitments, convictions and visions for a brighter tomorrow have been carried on by your family and those courageous enough to stand in against wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
To those fair weathered friends and colleagues, your peer and comrade, Officer William C. Cook, was about as well rounded in the eyes of justice and the honesty and bravery needed to carry out his essential duties. His dignity, integrity and reverence allowed for Officer Cook, to pursue the serenity and peace all residents of Dade County are entitled to. His fine character, humility and commitment have shined all these years later in God's palace of ferocity where many heroes and heroines of distinction lie. Always saluted for humane and heroic actions, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 14, 2018
To sack injustice you first need a servant who will be fair and unbiased. You were thoughtful and provocative, Officer Cook. In Dade County as in all venues you had to be faithful and confident, loyal and well liked. Never problems among your peers. only your proudest and finest of humble moments saving face with adversity, Officer Cook. Charisma and charm helped you to bond relationships for all and continue cornerstones for a brighter tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of endearment and the ideas of quality of character.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 13, 2018
Turn the page of promise and you'll find the unwritten codes of courage underneath bravery, boldness and the commitment of character in an excellent and proud way. Dade County's residents were treated fairly and promptly by you, Officer Cook, each and everyday not only on that sad and unforgetting day of May 16, 1979. A host of memories keep flooding in as your anniversary of your line of duty death nears. But one thing for sure, your desire and decency, dignity , honesty and mottoes of integrity shall never be stripped from your unblemished file. With valor and vigilance abounding, Officer Cook, you saved many lives and tried to rectify a nasty scene of violence which had us up in arms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The Master thinker was at work, the Master saw His friend of mercy and hope and laid out that golden carpet for you to patrol on where peace and quiet are an eternal way of life.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 13, 2018
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