Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Heroes and heroines harness the power to go after heinousness. No other way to look at gifted and loyal individuals who pursue their livelihoods capturing violence and freeing us to live and to enjoy our happiness. An obsession is just that and your choice of profession, Officer Cook, was one made openly and with much deliberation. Your kindness, common sense and dignity shall always be cherished as much as your ingenuity, integrity and honor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 20, 2018
Fables and old wives' tales are one thing. True, heroism, trust and justice are another. And so for Dade County's finest women and men their stories are laid out by how they incorporate solid character and commitment with the proficiencies of honesty, integrity and bravery. All done quite well by yourself, Officer Cook and for performing with civility and the values of humility may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 20, 2018
Your soul is really encircling us, Officer Cook, its bravery and courage all fortified your patrols of Dade County and its citizens. You take boldness, humility and stretch it out and you've got full resolve and the harmony that we have come to expect. A man's character and quests will never be overlooked and certainly no enhancement left in shambles. Those cornerstones are nice and sturdy that you watched over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 20, 2018
Of body and mind do our most esteemed and honorable public servants pursue evil while seeking out our peace and prosperity. You served the principles of Dade County and its people, Officer Cook, navigating serenity and dignity for all. Your character and commitments to integrity will remain a humble part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 20, 2018
The stamp of approval is when you recognize that citizens react positively to your loyal, heroic and faithful actions of mercy and goodwill. You spread so much love and respect in and around Dade County, Officer Cook, how could we be ever so thankful? Your command and composure, dignity and honor formed the framework of your character and integrity. Your zeal and trust lit the fires of ferocity and created the bonds of boldness which in turn sparked peace, serenity and good relationships among all persons. Never overlooked was your humble, humane and sound judgement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's green pastures contain all the humility that was bestowed upon humanity. It's simple nobility, civility and the sanctity of life and property for which you will forever be treasured for restoring.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 19, 2018
Your life and profession, Officer Cook, was Dade County's saving grace. You placed yourself in a position of humbleness to serve people. Nothing you accomplished was ever diminished. It was solely regarding your outstanding dignity, integrity and the fight for an entire community's right to live and to prosper in peace and in the security that all people are created equal. For composing yourself and for possessing excellence in care and in controlling violence may your soul be humanely blessed. Heroism is not something just handed out like cotton candy at a carnival. It must be earned and developed. Motivation and dedication were why, Officer Cook, you were able to lead others through strife and duress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 19, 2018
Daydreaming is fine as long as you concentrate on the important matters at hand. Dade County relied on your instincts of intelligence and ingenuity, Officer Cook, to uplift its spirits and you did everything to protect and to promote unity and liberty for us all. Mankind is greatly indebted to your resourcefulness, resolve and stoic character to get things squared away for its citizens. Your honor, reverence and dignity are all humbly etched on various walls of honor for what you believed in a gave your life for. Principles, morals and values that only due vigilance brings forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 19, 2018
Having a proclivity is all well and good so long as honor and respect is born from this. Your career, Officer Cook, was founded on the scope of serenity, humility toward humanity and the willingness to reach out to Dade County and its people bringing peace, hope and goodwill them. Your candor, class, decency and drive won't be forgotten nor will your heroic actions of which legends of character and commitment are put here for a reason. Diligence and wisdom conveys that message to learn and to cherish a very noble man, yourself, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 19, 2018
Faith sways belief just as dignity and courtesy help tip the scales of justice carried out with honesty, class and the insatiable morals that decency draws out from its most heroic servants. You certainly were a very devout man, Officer Cook, drawing from the examples your parents taught you and Nancy. No rhetoric, just plain and basic character and transparency to see your trips and trails of tenacity until completion. Dade County and its folks have their peace and harmony centered right where your badge of boldness and humility lied. Right over your heart, the one that humanely attempted to cool things down on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
Rules are for everyone. If you cannot abide by them then you'll have a problem coping in society. Danger, peril and evil all lumped together create the greatest challenge to our most humble and honorable of public servants. Your crusades, Officer Cook, were of courage and the consideration given to all who you protected and preserved. Dade County and its citizens were in good hands when you served and gave your life for liberty, integrity and unity to stand tall and in front of our friendliest of pursuits. Life has tests, tasks of police officers are meant to compliment the peace and safety, security and serenity you helped to pass on down to us, Officer Cook. What character and amazing courage from your heart of care and concern for us. Your community where you grew up and where you received your education has saluted your unwavering wisdom, maturity and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We toil because of your sweat and arduous work to make our venues safer for propserity and our passions to march on forward.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
Gold and silver weigh a lot if stacked together with many other blocks. Boldness, bravery and morals outweigh bad traits and if logical honesty, integrity and dignity is applied to any given situation, the outcome will certainly be for a plus. Your commitment and candor, Officer Cook, for Dade County folks helped to bestow a calming environment for all. Your community, Officer Cook, proudly and wisely honors your heroic memory, one that has left foundations tightly anchored in their positions. You remain a cherished and loyal colleague to so many brothers and sisters of the law enforcement field and will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
The tale of the tape points out your poignant and persistent bravery and courage, 0fficer Cook. You gave Dade County and its citizens the hope and optimism that peace and safety would be their way of life. To breathe and to be bold, it surely takes one concerned gentleman of gallantry who summoned the decency and desire to fight through adversity. It makes one's honor and integrity a bit timid. You were not timid nor afraid, Officer Cook, instead you cornered and conquered evil with all your might and quality of character where humility and humbleness was concerned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
Putting evil out of commission is a demanding and dangerous profession. The perils and rigors of public servants never seems to end. Getting rid of crime and replacing it with peace and harmony is everyone's job. We the citizens of Dade County stand beside our heroes and heroines whose toil and sweat matches up with their dignity, honor and bravery. Integrity and ingenuity only fortify their ferocity when confronted with evil. Officer Cook, you were a brave man and an even more nicer gentleman whose position of resolve and hope, the goodwill to see your missions of character and commitment through and now God has your sweet and innocent soul of valor next to Him for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
You led other officers, Officer Cook, because your desire and drive was better than most. And so when danger comes hustling around our various streets there you were to stop its hideous advances. Dade County and its people can forever shine on in your glory. The wisdom, courage and convictions were all top notch and so was your unassuming humility to character, honor and integrity. Sandstorms kick up winds of fury and so too does violence and terror which you tried your very best to control, Officer Cook. May 16, 1979 was and will be a horrible day for your family and department. Your undying heroism shall live on in your family's spirits forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
To corner and bottle up wickedness your entire mind and heart must be poured and sprinkled into your humble labors of love and respect. You did respect and honor your Creator, Officer Cook and so too your parents who raised you and Nancy, with wisdom and integrity, genuine honesty and dignity for which you utilized to pursue a career in law enforcement and it was a wise investment on your part, Officer Cook, despite the inherent dangers of a demanding position of trust, authority and responsibility all thrust upon your broad shoulders of serenity and peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
Ideals and morals don't just pass away, for they are a very special part of the many families who have lost humbly brave and decent loved ones. Corralling mischief and mayhem takes an entire effort of love and engagement from noble and heroic souls of safety and service. Your esteem and valor, Officer Cook, left us living in Dade County feeling chipper and happy though we would rather see your face and smiling presence among us. How could character and honesty, integrity and dignity fall into the wrong hands which took you from us? Our Lord has your sweet and innocent soul of protection folded neatly in His giant arms where perfection has no competitor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
Read all about it. Resolve and resourcefulness all bundled together as one entity. Your heroism and character, Officer Cook, have never and will never for that matter leave any shadow of doubt as to the fine gentleman and inspirational public servant that you were to Dade County and its residents. You left us and your beloved Karen way too soon with so much left behind on that horizon of fulfillment. Involved and engaging, your bright and beautiful smile is very sorely missed today as it is everyday. The peace, liberty and integrity you gave us may never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and humility humbly sleeping peacefully on heaven's wings. Your spirit, Officer Cook, continues its flights of ferocity instilled in those who pursue evil and violence in this world. A hero forevermore, gallant and gracious, beloved and bold.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
We feel good and look good because of awe inspiring heroes of humility and the humbleness that affection affords us. You brought dignity and reverence, civility and nobility to your position of resolve, Officer cook. Plain and simple. You were thoughtful and kind, polite and yet firm. Fair and balanced, cleancut and articulate. Dade County's residents can always hold you in high esteem for doing your duties with acumen and astuteness no matter what the circumstances called for. Only the best of values and ideals that shadowed your journeys in life and in your joyful pursuits of happiness for your family and for one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
Battling terror requires so very much from our most beloved and courageous men and women. Their time here on Earth only God knows when those honorable and sacred pursuits of life, peace and happiness will be finalized. He takes everything into account and judges them based on their dignity and integrity which makes up their humble character and commitment to the perilous challenges that lie ahead. Your life, Officer Cook, was based on sound fundamentals and the incorporation of logic and in remaining calm during stressful moments. Dade County had its serenity and sanctity bestowed upon them by your unwavering humility and unselfish sacrifice which has enhanced our community where you grew up and continue to be honored and saluted for vision and wisdom, maturity beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2018
The tradewinds blow and from them comes a storm of violence which must be weeded out. All loyal and faithful public servants serve and protect for a reason. Nothing so mundane, it's because God has sent them here as our messengers on a mission of hope and goodwill,the ones you so solemnly undertook, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County. Stern, firm and honest. Determined and dedicated to character and the consummate constriction of terror and its wickedness. Our peace of mind and sanity is relevant once more. Thank you, Officer Cook, for being both a hero and warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2018
Dogs bark. Coyotes howl. Humility and heroism scream at the top of their tenacity placed here upon your loving soul of serenity, Officer Cook. It was Dade County's shield of approval that peace and stability would be forthcoming. You saved many lives during your time all by your honesty, integrity and the comprehension of maintaining both character and morals to battle evil's fierce eyes. Always warmly honored, admired and saluted for bravery above and beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2018
Never mind looking into a mirror or hourglass, it is just a reflection of yourself and the sands of time which pass into the night. I'm sure Officer DiGenova, your colleague and beloved tennis partner, Officer Cook, struggles with his life. I believe he is now living Jacksonville, Florida and hopefully is hanging in there. You were one of his best buddies, Officer Cook, a hero whose legend is second to none. You were the best at doing your job and making sure Dade County's residents were safe and sound. Serenity like never before amid the calm of a terrible storm of gunfire that sunny day you gave your life, hope and faith, for your dignity, honesty and integrity to gleam off your humble humility all from your giving heart. Saluted and fondly thought of, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Three officers lost their lived April 1976, sad yours was taken, Officer Cook, thankfully your comrades all survived that hideous and heinous display of utter intolerance against police officers. The gravity of gallantry is used as God's gavel of heroism to signal His angelic flock of heroes and heroines to continue walking their heavenly beat, watching over us and keeping those pearly gates of wisdom well oiled.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2018
The days move on. The times and moments, they all have a special meaning and hold dear to us. Your family, Officer Cook, has remembered your gallant and noble deeds for which God will reward your soul of spirit and reverence. It held the keys of compassion and courage, honor and valor tucked in between the blankets of boldness and dignity, the integrity was integrated firmly in the walls of Dade County where you humbly and most humanely served and protected its folks from dire harm. Tragically, your sacrifice made us stand and take account of a life and career dotted and crossed by commitment to excellence and the character that crusaded around those streets where serenity and safety was very much called for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2018
On your epitaph it says it all, Officer Cook. Every last ounce of endeavor, energy and efficiency was poured into your labors of love and affection. Dade County's folks got the very best of both worlds from your heroism, heart and soul of liberty, unity, harmony and the tranquil environment that has blanketed our community all these many decades after your ultimate sacrifice, Officer Cook. A heavenly welcome greeted you for your unassuming character, nobleness and the qualities that marinated from your desire and decency to act as righteously as you did. Your comrades live on because you cared and dared to tangle with perilous obstacles that needed shoving aside for our way of life to begin its commencement. Now take care up in those deep blue skies, Officer Cook, as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Eternity is where no more pain or suffering seizes our most beloved heroes and heroines who battled here like never before. I know Officer DiGenova from that shooting in which he was nearly killed too. It is sad his county medical insurance was cancelled, he needs that support after all he is a surviving hero who too encountered evil and sought to stop Mr. Pearsall from committing further terror.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
With a magnet you can pull almost anything. With charm and candor only humility and humbleness can stand on their own. Your boldness and bravery, Officer Cook , meant Dade County would be spared a great deal more damage than the violence that ensued that awful day of May 16, 1979. A moment, five minutes of mayhem and kayos in Liberty City in Miami that would forever change the lives of many families. The Cook's Wilkerson's and Tidwell's would suffer a tragedy beyond calamity. Your breath of reason, faith and hope would depart this world leaving your soft and serene soul of unity to surround us forevermore. It's encapsulated in your honor and dignity, the admiration and respect you afforded us, Officer Cook, more and more each day that bond grows stronger, those chains of humility stretched but never snapped in two. They impart a lesson of hope and endurance through the dangers and perils both thick and thin. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gunfire and its terror brought heroism to another sacred and intrinsic level of caring. God's love shines on you and your family, Officer Cook, like never before. all the vision and wisdom cradled in those giant and merciful arms of awareness, acumen and astuteness. Three very special bonds of love, sharing and compassion from Our very own Master Himself.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2018
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