Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Sensibility can only equate to serenity and peace where bravery and honor follow. Catch up to integrity and wisdom, you'll find vision and dignity hot on their trails. Your confidence, Officer Cook, quiet and humble was efficient enough to derail violence and its pack. For those of us living in Dade County back in your day it was a welcome relief to see Badge#1664 patrolling the streets for peace and a little sanctity. For humanity, having a bit of humility and good morals means a lot. You possessed a lion's share of wealth in intuition, ingenuity and in intelligence, Officer Cook, this has and always will be so solemnly honored and so saluted for heroism beyond the threshold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2018

Desserts are for after a meal. Desertion is a cowardly act in which bravery is belittled. Its behavior has no place in our world. What plenty of room to roam is valor, vigilance and the constitution by which to stand up and wage war over wickedness. You did that for six years of loyal and dependable service, Officer Cook, on Dade County's behalf. You made peace, harmony, tranquility and civility all matter. Just as faithfulness, fairness and the firmness define your roles, so too was your class, decency and that word, character, it cannot be hidden as it stays with you in the heavens above where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2018

Great and humble servants exemplify the letter of the law by their various bravery, honesty and the humility that is contained in their character. Can never ever have enough honest and desirable men and women protecting us while restoring our dignity and serenity. Dade County was quite fortunate to have you, Officer Cook, a man of your word, a gentleman of gallantry, a hero of action who brought enhancement to his community where you are still humanely honored for your courage, boldness and the resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2018

How sad a world we live in when good women and men are gunned down and ambushed by the brazen persons living in our society. Where are their morals, scruples and values? We place a premium on the quality of life and the careers of our honorable, brave and sure minded. You certainly served humanity well, Officer Cook. You forged newer relationships among all Dade County citizens. It was your integrity, alacrity and desire that navigated your dignity as you battled senseless evil that took your young life and spirits of peace, hope and joy away from your family, friends and cohorts. Only thing and a most important message, it did not take away your pride and joy, hope does spring eternal and at least you get to smile in those skies above reuniting with your father, Charles. Keep observing us with your humane wings of wonderment as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2018

Mysteries are the intrigue for which our lives revolve around. It was in your resolve and good spirits, Officer Cook, that got the jobs and their tasks done smartly and humbly. Dade County was placed on a platform of peace and harmony because of how you lived your life and gave your life for what you believed in. Honesty, integrity and the codes of dignity spoke loud and forcefully and now colleagues and your wonderful family have saluted and taken notice what a superior friend and loyal partner you were to them. The commitment and character of a cherished, treasured and good looking young man of wisdom and conviction whose vitality sealed the prospects of a happy life for our journeys as noble as yours, Officer Cook, to plow on. You should be here to relish and to smile in your family's pursuits nothing keeps them down in particular, your nephew, Justin William Miller who looks like you. I met him about seven years ago at your folk's home and started a conversation with him. I gave that letter to your mom, Mrs. Julia Cook to him. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If you read these reflections Mrs. Tidwell, Gina or Mr . Hyatt I just wanted to know how your mother and grandmother is. She'll always be in my heart and prayers. Just a devout, faithful and humbly genuine woman, caring and kind just like you her darling and heroic "Billy", Officer Cook. When danger and peril crossed that white line you were accountable to block its advances.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2018

The proof of a man's life and career are in the pudding. All anyone can say, Officer Cook, is that you were one superbly fine human being. Loved, beloved and worldly respected for your acumen, wisdom, vision and maturity beyond your years. A sweet young man of humble honor, dignity and the integrity to fight for what was right defending our freedoms and peace here in Dade County. Back then violence, racial unrest and terror's torments and tensions led to wide scale evil. On May 16, 1979, as on all other times you rescued your comrades and those civilians because it was your humane and humble bravery and humility from unquestionable morals and the character to act. Everything that could have been done was, unfortunately God had other nobler and sacred plans for your beautiful soul where humanity was best cared for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In large part your angelic wings spread out the safety nets of never better fortitude and the courage from your giant heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2018

The waters of wickedness only get muddier and murkier by the evil that mayhem and mischief present when they are permitted to pass through our society as if nothing happened. You toured as in navigated during your watch, Officer Cook, in and around the corridors of Dade County searching for prosperity, serenity and unity when a frustrated and diabolical young man was plotting to harm, not only hurt but to ambush and kill law enforcement officials. Terribly awful your young life and its candles of courage were extinguished before your time. Only the best of character, morals, dignity and the honorable integrity and its purpose were shuttled back to heaven to watch over your family, friends and peers of perseverance and due diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and harmony from your heart brought endearment to one and all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2018

Try untying a knot, not always an easy thing to accomplish. Attempt to make peace and ridding the various venues of violence, no small potatoes. Meaning all the practice, training and field-classroom work does not guarantee a thing. This statement alone is a pity and quite sad. Tragedy brings out the humane and humble sides of our beloved heroes and heroines. Officer Cook, you were greatly admired and respected by all officers and whoever you graced for having brought civility and harmony to a place you called home with Karen. It is said in the Jewish religion if one buys burial property then they can be granted a long life. God gave you to your loving parents and sister, Nancy, for twenty-five years of vitality and the journeys where you destinies lied. I'm sure Karen, had to contemplate where to lay your heroically loyal and gentle spirit to rest. A lot of crying and emotion to be sure. If only they could take better care of the grounds at Dade- North Memorial Park, after all heroes are buried there and the families of all who rest eternally there are entitled to having their character and faith sleeping comfortably. You gave your life of bravery and ideals for those of us to cherish. My wife bought in Miami specifically in Little Havana at Mount Nebo Miami Memorial Gardens, a Jewish cemetery so when I visit my grandparents and in laws it is very sad and I do cry. I know where in one-hundred and twenty years we will be, Karen, had to take care in three days of providing you a final spot of serenity where to lay. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor, integrity, wisdom, vision and dignity, yours, Officer Cook, are forever in God's gracious and merciful lap where ferocity is profoundly honored as such.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2018

Possessing a wonderful regard for life, it's no wonder you were a great man, Officer Cook, not only trustworthy, honest and righteous in all your actions of heroism and that fighting instinct within your heart and soul. It gave all Dade County residents hope and peace for a brighter tomorrow, just hoping as your family did that you were here to see those happier times. Sacrifice removes a revered man physically, it cannot repeat cannot undo what your bravery, integrity and the desire of dignity stood for, Officer Cook. It was loud and clear, tall and face to face with evil. That young man should never have aimed his violence towards you and your comrades as you were only trying to diffuse a delicately dangerous moment of fear in the hearts of those whom you served with excellence and humility straight from your soul of security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Animosity always creates bad blood and once that blood is spilled it can never be taken back. Nothing you did, Officer Cook, was in vain, only the finest vigilance and valor befitting a true hero and savior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2018

Cowardness breaks those solid chains of class and decency. No matter all public servants must stay on guard and be loyal and honest in all their sacred endeavors. Violence, evil, terror and destruction must be stopped and eliminated from our midst. Our liberty and spirits of unity have to be allowed to flourish. So those family members and professional colleagues stay committed to honoring your heroic memory, Officer Cook. A humble legend not just in Dade County, but forever around our great nation. For having commitment to maintaining quality of character and the fabric of excellent morals you will be so humbly saluted for having the guts and fortitude to carry on with all your duties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement never needs a curtain call, your caring and consideration rests eternally at Our Lord's throne where angelic tenacity was never better.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2018

God's saintly trails are paved with everything perfection calls for. It's the dignity, honor and integrity by which our most beloved and brave heroes and heroines rest in complete silence, except for their of serenity swaying in the skies above those who loved and treasured them. You were an exceptional officer, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people can honestly say you saved them and protected them as all morally and wise public servants would do. The demands and rigors of your profession were exactly what you wanted to pursue and those fruitful paths you traveled through led to peace and harmony, sanity and stability for all. Character broke through those panes of violence trying to seize its ruination before things got out of hand. Humanity thanks and salutes your valor and esteem humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2018

Efficiency may never be shackled. It must flourish among the brave souls who tangle up with treachery and turmoil. Terror rears its ugly smell and its rancidness only keeps resolve from taking shape. You were a talented and gifted man, Officer Cook, the likes of which Dade County has not seen for decades now and yet you are faithfully and honorably so saluted for unquestionable character, integrity and the wisdom that delivers dignity to our doorsteps. Our taciturn environment is because you cared, Officer Cook, you are a heroic angel, a warrior and savior to our community and nothing less than desire and the good results of morals was brought by Badge#1664 and a pristine uniform worn most intuitively, genuine humility and humbleness broached by boldness. No fear just a positive and upbeat attitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2018

No prima donnas, only primary proficiency where bravery meets boldness. Only so much left behind, Officer Cook, that you could surely have accomplished. God's hands steered your hands and feet of ferocity through the streets and avenues in Dade County where its citizens greeted you with open arms. Their stability and peace, their unity and dignity firmly implanted by your unwavering character, dedication and dogged motivation. You were determined to stop the horrible advances of heinousness and gave your life of nothing but first class honor, humility and the integrity for which your heroic legacy now and for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Putting the brakes of terror to rest, you were one cherished gentleman of the highest esteem and hope for us all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2018

A person can possess a wonderful sense of humor so long as they pay attention to the details at hand. Solving and resolving conflicts and dilemmas do take certain individuals of effort and intellect where integrity, kindness, dignity and honor meet at the same forks in the road. In Dade County with many roads and trails, those pathways have been carved out by your expressions of gratitude, loyalty and grace, Officer Cook. It took genuine leadership and a multitude of determination to move mountains of stone, you accounted for yourself and by your acumen and astuteness you gave character and intuition their signatures in gold and because of your unwavering humility have you been placed on walls of honor and servitude for us to view. Always saluted for bravery, civility and the sanctity that makes the machines stay in motion, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You pay your dues and due your utmost vigilance things can only get brighter down that wonderfully paved golden road. It's where resolve and faith deliver hope, goodwill and prosperity to our society. No more troubles, wickedness or anything to detour our happy trails.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2018

Remorse does stir the passions of our hearts. It shakes them up a bit and that is where honor, bravery and their intellectual achievements lie. Your conquest of evil, Officer Cook, only improved our prospects for a better life in Dade County where you toiled feverishly and tirelessly from your soul for our unity and liberty. Freedom exacts a toll and the price paid was your life and nearly those of your fellow brothers who have lived through that enormously tragic day when Our Creator beckoned for you. At least you and your father, Charles, may he rest in peace canenjoy cerebral conversations as your two souls of peace and humility quietly roam around God's fruited plains. No more respected and diligent commitment, conviction and the crusades of your character, Officer Cook, seeing to the business at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Smiling and beaming over your family's pursuits of happiness, it's a terrible shame you could not be present to witness the smiles aglow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2018

Resourcefulness, resolve and revelations rotate across the humble honesty, dignity and striking integrity that our most loyal and treasured public servants display while on patrol. Their passions all led down the pathways by perseverance and the cleverness of class and decency through their character. Your commitment, Officer Cook, helped to bridge those gaps of gallantry here in Dade County where you provided basic fundamentals of peace and justice for one and all. If not for your humane and heroic actions than no telling where serenity and its blankets of safety would lie or if we would be more tranquil at night. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God hears our calls for reason and vision, your wisdom resonates from your admired soul of esteem.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2018

Police can never be blinded by lack of faith, dignity nor honor. Their composure in times of crisis must be one of full responsibility, humility and the wings of wonderful integrity. Violence must be abated by deserving brave and courageous men and women of intellect and devotion. Your pursuits of peace for Dade County residents, Officer Cook, was one of self-confidence and the esteem by which all your comrades held your heroic actions as the serene enhancement for mankind forevermore. The class of your character and commitment was above and beyond reproach. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2018

The values we place on the lives of our dearly faithful and devoted men and women cannot be compromised. Their lives would be in jeopardy as would our quiet and safest times. You tried, Officer Cook, to keep a proper balance in our pursuits of happiness and the serenity we all expect. Your sacrifice meant the letters of character and diligent commitment to both pride and in excellence being executed to the law's standards. Integrity, wisdom and vision only enhanced our community, one that still and forever honors your heroism, humbleness and the humility offered by your reverence to all mankind. Determined to stop evil, your soul now floats gently up in Our Lord's celestial houses of tranquility and in sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

Sure hands and fast legs help the best of the rest in fighting crime. The violence and its evil are awful reminders of how our civilization should not act. If you act with class, desire and hope as you did so faithfully, Officer Cook, then no wonder why Dade County's peace and unity have still stuck with us. You take away a man's grace and character and you won't have much success in your battles against terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day and night your gallantry with very much appreciated.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

Gunfire rocks the quietness of any community and disturbs the taciturn movements of one and all. You moved around Dade County, Officer Cook, with a sense of urgency and the wonders of wisdom and vision. You were concerned with our welfare and no matter it was your timing and tenacity along with integrity and dignity that carried your career and life. Principles and unassuming acumen, unwavering humility, nobly heroic actions shall be how we saluted your cunning courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing is certain. If one is born at some time they will pass. Your passing, Officer Cook, tore a huge hole in your family's heart and in those of your peers too.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

Your conscience was your guide to endeavor and the fulfillment of all your prosperous missions, Officer Cook. Dade County received sincere and tremendous protection from your loving honor. Integrity and dignity stand out when a person's values are pinned to their shirt sleeve. Commitment to character and the convictions that are now and forever enhancements to a brighter future all by your unwavering and humane heroic actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

You can be a maniac when it comes to work habits or you can commit crimes and all sorts of evil and be maniacal. You were a caring, loving and devoted public servant, Officer Cook, geared to gallantry and aligned with humility and the humble esteem of honesty. It so directed your life and career, one of morals, character and the courage that navigates dignity. Dade County had its peaceful times because of your humane and heroic soul of serenity gracing us for twenty-five years of value and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

Buttons, the bill of your hat, your sleeves and whatever you donned, Officer Cook, were done so with perfection to details just as you performed as a devoted and dedicated public servant must. Dade County got every bit of your undivided attention to astuteness, awareness and acumen and even more honesty, dignity and integrity from a bright and engaging young man. Your life and career meant everything to you and to your loving family. Therefore, we salute your boldness and character, the kind that participates in garnering peaceful times and the safety by which we go about our business. Keep being God's faithful and loyal angel, Officer Cook, from those quiet shelters where nothing will ever harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations stay hopefully anchored down because your convictions were centered properly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2018

Keep pleasant thoughts and your days will be a little easier to understand. Fulfillment does not come simply by pressing a button and away we go. You get up and endeavor to be the best you can at your aspirations. Police work humbles one's soul, its messages are clear and to the point. You conveyed unity and hope, faith and goodwill for us here living in Dade County, Officer Cook. Clearly your goals and integrity matched forces defending our honor all by you composing yourself with class and dignity. You cannot begin to fight evil unless your gyroscope has valor and gallantry on it. Your compass, Officer Cook, was set right where you needed to be face to face squaring off with persons bent on violence. You did a superbly wonderful job on May 16, 1979 as you did all other times. God takes His best men and women, His heroic flock of resolve to guard those pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2018

Guided by God's good graces you provided the loving and humble touch of a heroic angel in Dade County, Officer Cook, where you have received your humanely profound honors. You honored your folks, Our Creator and whoever you came in contact with. No matter your comrades have remembered your professional feats of character and commitment that defined your intense loyalty and the integrity to conquer terror. Our prosperity and peace has been because of your unselfish and unwavering morals and values to back up your enhancements. Your loss, Officer Cook, continues to be felt and now and forever eternally shall your soul of nobility watch over your family, peers and those who admired and respected your desire and drive to decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2018

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