Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Turn the page of promise and you'll find the unwritten codes of courage underneath bravery, boldness and the commitment of character in an excellent and proud way. Dade County's residents were treated fairly and promptly by you, Officer Cook, each and everyday not only on that sad and unforgetting day of May 16, 1979. A host of memories keep flooding in as your anniversary of your line of duty death nears. But one thing for sure, your desire and decency, dignity , honesty and mottoes of integrity shall never be stripped from your unblemished file. With valor and vigilance abounding, Officer Cook, you saved many lives and tried to rectify a nasty scene of violence which had us up in arms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The Master thinker was at work, the Master saw His friend of mercy and hope and laid out that golden carpet for you to patrol on where peace and quiet are an eternal way of life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2018

Turmoil and mischief curtail the taciturn moments all whoever live are entitled to. And here in Dade County you made a supreme sacrifice on behalf of all citizens as a duly affirmed member of your department. We plan, prepare and keep on trolling through our daily routines all by your sense, rationale and the reasons as to why we cherish public servants, like yourself, Officer Cook. So personable and perceptive to our needs, so dignified and full of honesty which fuels those ferocious fires within you. The conclusion of your life was unforseen , I guess God had other plans for a master leader and conventional motivator beyond our scopes of comprehension. God has His messages sent by various means and of course violence is certainly not the answer nor solution to the problems still punishing our world. You were a handsome looking gentleman, gallant and brave, humility toward humanity flowed in all your blood vessels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Engaging and enhancing were your natural modes, Officer Cook, to produce the right balance of peace and tranquility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2018

Excursions lead to insurgence in this war over terror. Its mayhem and kayos only tip these quiet communities into full blown panic. What a pit of pandemonium is caused by this ruthless foe. You protected Dade County and its people as well as anyone, Officer Cook and surely as I am reflecting on your humble and heroic life, God's fate over you should have been for you to live on and flourish in peace, health and prosperity with your beloved wife, Karen. Our Master to took your wisdom, integrity and dignity on those angelic wings to a place of eternal gladness. It's where all heroes and heroines of character, bravery and the concept of courage and good morals lie forever without harm trampling over their serene and humane souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Unwavering and unselfish mark those paths carved with plenty of resolve and perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2018

Indulgence utilizes indifference in an uncompromising manner. So no matter what stay the courses of courage and conviction, your paths are likely to be more smoother when confronting terror. Things were going well for you, Officer Cook, you relished becoming a public servant and no matter what was required you stayed with it hustling around Dade County securing peace and spreading goodwill among its folks. The decency of your character, the desire you had to lead others through danger and peril, the one common denominator, you had guts and the honesty, integrity and dignity to see your missions of faith and hope through until God needed your wonderful soul back with Him In His shelter of eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We see your enhancement in the beings of your friends, comrades and family members who continue your treks of ferocity in their happiness and in their growths.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2018

Tenacity sets a tone that can be chilling at times. Its tunes are adjusted to the matters at hand and can be varied from time to time depending on the circumstances. You changed Dade County's landscape forever, Officer Cook, all by virtue of your unselfish and class of character heroic actions. If history eve revisits itself I twill find your blessed name and gallant concern right there at the top of the charts of courage, honesty and bravery. It was all contained in your treasured soul and from the bottom of your heart can we continue prospering in liberty and unity for all mankind. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, bore two great kids you and Nancy, your big sister, who adores you forever and misses you everyday. Cherish a person's life and days for one never knows when destiny will come calling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You battled violence with every bone of boldness and commitment to pride and excellence worn brilliantly on your uniform and badge.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2018

We who live suffer when a great and civil man is taken from among his peers and family. Your life, Officer Cook, was everything to you and your adoring family. Perception is part of the theme of reality and as demonstrated by your kindness and politeness, Dade County's own can breathe and walk in safety and security. Their prosperity has come all about because of your integrity, honesty and the dignity you used to fight evil. Nothing more challenging nor anymore humane than you putting your safety in front of wickedness to shield us from harm. May 16, 1979 is fast approaching and with it comes a certain sadness that has still stayed here by reason of your intelligent and quick response to a domestic situation blanketing a community where you grew up and left a plethora of wisdom and vision for others to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2018

Sparkling with serenity and sprinkling dignity among Dade County, you shall be forever revered, Officer Cook, for wisdom that only bravery and honor bring to a humble and loving public servant of justice. You take evil away from peace and unity and all of a sudden society becomes more enjoyable. Your convincing character and care for us, Officer Cook, has earned you salutes of humility, valor and integrity forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Building stay grounded because of your unwavering unselfish actions that noble people project from within. Our Lord's house is full of ferocity and fruition to last a lifetime and more.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2018

Honesty, diligence and bravery are the harbingers of what good police work is about. You were an obliging young man, Officer Cook, firm and fair when it needed those tones, tough and demanding when any dilemma called for this. Dade County called upon your resources of reserve, resolve and the resolution to extract violence from our community and replace it with sanctity and the resonance of righteous peace and prosperity, hope and caring for all. We so fittingly salute your humility and humane heroism and all that it has stood for all these decades later. A supreme human being making the ultimate sacrifice on humanity's behalf brokering good relationships for everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. These cornerstones have founded on the credentials of courage and the boldness that commitment to pride and excellence embellish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2018

Our Creator's crew of angelic courage and humane honor stays forever planted within their loved one's hearts of endeavor forever. Always will you be so richly honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for aiding and in rescuing your fellow officers and the citizens of Dade County relishing a little peace, prosperity and the security to move about freely. Never more class, desire and the fundamentals of great work habits, ethics, values and the principles to face adversity with the tenacity of a lion. Great people recognize their roles and accept them all with a smiling face. Danger does not throw them a curveball, they react and attempt to restore calm amid the kayos that threatens our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You did good, Officer Cook, you hunkered down and dug in looking at violence and not shuffling away. Police don't dance from trouble they seek peace and pursue it. Missions completed. Journeys for justice carried out prudently and your destinies have been taken to a higher spiritual plain for eternal safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2018

I do hope that your mother, Mrs.Julia Cook, is doing well Officer Cook and enjoys a peaceful Mother's day on Sunday. It would be a much better family gathering if you were there to celebrate. What does get fondly remembered is your valor and virtues of honesty and the incorporation of both dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. The people of all Dade County and its surrounding communities were indeed blessed to have a gracious and humbly loyal protector in their midst. When we arise each day we should salute your humility and reverence, Officer Cook, as it instilled serenity, faith and hope in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2018

Duty calls for whatever legal means are necessary to bring terror to a halt. Its progressions must be stopped before further evil strikes. The fear is out there and you were just doing your job, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979, faithfully serving and enriching us so that enhancement may be that foundation that thrives with us for always. First of all, you had to be honest and maintain a calmness and composure, nothing easy in the very front of violence. Stay dignified and wear your integrity as well as serenity and humility are called for. The residents of Dade County spoke and have reached out because of your demeanor and friendly disposition. Nothing worse than your family and peers losing a cherished colleague who championed the freedoms of all people. It was handled with wise and civil humility all from your very heart, mind and soul of esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2018

Some officers linger for years on end with their in the line of duty injuries. The pain never really goes away when God sees fit to bring them back to heaven to await newer angelic heroes and heroines. All whose sole purpose is protect and defend our rights of liberty, unity and peace. That's exactly what you did on behalf of Dade County and your community, Officer Cook. Staunchly and serenely producing excellence from your soul of conviction. Integrity, dignity and honesty can only begin their movements forward when one is focused on the responsibilities at hand. Your consideration and caring, Officer Cook, made America and your community stand and take notice of your virtues in action. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We all will rais eour right hands and deservedly salute your inane capabilities forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2018

We have the shirts on our backs thanks to your heroics, Officer Cook. Destiny and pride of the most sacred and humane kind rested beautifully on your uniform and badge of boldness. Your desire and devotion, decency and faith shined like a polished diamond. And it is no surprise that Dade County's own were well served. Leadership and determination carried your trails of tenacity and diligence for twenty-five all too brief years of life. One snuffed out by unmitigated wickedness, heinous and cowardly treatment by a very troubled individual. You can be sure that your class of honor, morals and the very values that dignity and integrity bring to vision and wisdom won't be forgotten. Only saluted humanely and with the stellar humility for which humanity is deeply indebted to you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2018

Peace between nations is one thing. Unity and equality in our own neighborhood is another matter. And for that matter you provided tranquility and goodwill for all, Officer Cook. Your bond you lived and worked tirelessly on Dade County and its good people. I would like to believe we have good well intentioned persons living and breathing the same air that sadly was taken from you. A character with honor in their blood, vigilance in their veins and integrity from their heart usually don't fail us. You symbolized what a hero of humility is all about, Officer Cook, undying, unselfish and unwavering commitment to serving and in protecting life and limb. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You conquered evil as best you could, it's a shame nothing more could have been done to save your life that day.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2018

Salute and remember those gallantry and humility saved the day. Your quick response that day, Officer Cook, saved your partners and countless other lives. Dade County can stop next Wednesday, the thirty-ninth anniversary of your line of duty death, pause and reflect back on your career and life of an angel. Gunfire and evil should not have taken you, Officer Cook, if God had allowed you to gracefully age and grow older we might understand. Not at age twenty-five, a tender young age when growth and its potential had not yet reached its maximum peak. For us, the people living in Dade County and in the vicinity of Liberty City where you sacrificed your dignity, ideals and integrity, we can only say thank you, Officer Cook, a stoic man replete with faith and honor so humble and treasured to behold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The National Anthem played at your Inspector's Funeral that begins with O say can you see, those who admired and knew saw ingenuity and the inherent greatness to blossom into a full fledged tenacious warrior and hero. We won't forget your courtesies, manners and overall politeness, consideration, care and class of concern for mankind and our society as a whole.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

Salute and remember those gallantry and humility saved the day. Your quick response that day, Officer Cook, saved your partners and countless other lives. Dade County can stop next Wednesday, the thirty-ninth anniversary of your line of duty death, pause and reflect back on your career and life of an angel. Gunfire and evil should not have taken you, Officer Cook, if God had allowed to gracefully age and grow older we might understand. Not at age twenty-five, a tender young age when growth and its potential had not yet reached its maximum peak. For us, the people living in Dade County and in the vicinity of Liberty City where you sacrificed your dignity, ideals and integrity, we can only say thank you, Officer Cook, a stoic man replete with faith and honor so humble and treasured to behold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The National Anthem played at your Inspector's Funeral that begins with O say can you see, those who admired and knew saw ingenuity and the inherent greatness to blossom into a full fledged tenacious warrior and hero. We won't forget your courtesies, manners and overall politeness, consideration, care and class of concern for mankind and our society as a whole.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

Push posh aside and better yet settle for resolve and honesty. A police officer's daily trips around his or her communities involve loads of decency, integrity and the humble dignity that those important and engaging calls of duty require. Sure a lot of sweat, energy and toil on your part, Officer Cook. Like I've always said you were a man on a mission of peacekeeping and building unity with character for all whom you loyally served. Your comrades in arms those retired today can look back and fondly remember your humane exploits that gained us our survival and security. Serenity built in with righteousness and nobly heroic actions to be etched in our minds and hearts for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. At least you had a clue, a notion, Officer Cook, on trying to stop this young man from further harming other public servants and those citizens whose very lives you saved risking your own. Our Lord has blessed your family because of who you were and the principles you solemnly believed in.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

Sturdier and more secure is how we feel since you left us, Officer Cook, because of one angry man's cowardly actions directed at you and your colleagues that tragically profound day of May 16, 1979. Dade County's heart was throbbing all because of your sudden departure from our midst. Terror and its nastiness took a beautiful soul of a man. A gentleman with a smile and a uniform distinguished by its likes of honor, integrity and the dignity to even begin to battle this beast of an enemy. No remorse. No regret. No fear only faithfulness and the fine tuned ferocity to see your life, career and journeys of stardom through until their fruition. We cherish you, Officer Cook, for your family can look up to the stars in the sky and see your very special heroic soul shining down upon them forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those wings God gave to you, Officer Cook, are the humble reminders of a job well done. Bravery, courage and valor mixed in with ingenuity, wisdom and vision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

The nimble and gallant, they know how to neutralize tensions. When torment strikes fear, those able bodied brave and pristine women and men understand the matters at hand. You comprehended the situations facing Dade County citizens, Officer Cook and through your humility and professional demeanor you were allowed to pursue evil and deliver the goods of grace and peace, unity and liberty for mankind. Today, decades later we so richly honor your character, dignity and integrity, it flowed back then and now those who have taken charge do so with the utmost humbleness and reverence for their positions of leadership. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

Justice needs swift and positive reinforcing the faith we instill in our bravest and most honorable of servants. Your whole career and life, Officer Cook , was founded on the values of valor,the principles of perseverance and the models of good morals. Sincerity and honesty also can take one's journeys far down those venues of vigilance. Dade County and its citizens were under your watchful eyes, Officer Cook and your convictions to right freedom and secure our unity as we try to coexist together. Violence needs no introductions just a swift kick in the pants to vanish from our midst. No matter the season or time, remember those who fell in humility giving humanity a humble sendoff. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

Unto dust shall you return. For those enamored with evil, your bones will rot, for others righteous, dignified and humane, your reward shall be reaped where all good minded and classy people meet up, in heaven where no harm shall come your direction ever again. You saved Dade County and its folks from peril, Officer Cook and indeed because of your insatiable effort and efficiency, may your honorable soul be blessed and saluted many times over. Our journeys and missions on mankind's behalf will forever be meaningful, intense and contain the elements of integrity, vision and wisdom to see us through. Our Master plans, we just have to take time and out our best feet forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mr. Pearsall, you should have pondered and contemplated before concluding your ghastly and egregious actions against our most beloved public servants. They only wanted to help you. Officer Cook and his comrades were loyal and faithful deserving all the respect for saving us from terror. He was a special man, a young man who might have started a family one day if your anger did not boil over and take him from his loved ones.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

Of thee I sing, well we can start by recalling a wonderful life of friendship, a kind soul of a man whose drive and passion led you, Officer Cook, to pursue the fruitful challenges of fighting crime and bringing back those streets of serenity to all Dade County. It takes a man sized effort and for all your heroic character, integrity and dignity, somewhere up in God's sheltered plains there is both humility and tenacity flying high every second we breathe because of your unselfish ethics and the ultimate sacrifice made on unity's request. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment requires a bombardment of so many tools of your profession. Courtesy and politeness along with decency and resolve. Never better, Officer Cook and certainly not forgotten. Always a hero and warrior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

The beloved and brave summon their boldness and dignity from within their hearts and souls. Your courage and honor, Officer Cook, on Dade County's behalf was felt far and wide in reaching out and spreading peace and goodwill for all mankind. Your respect, character, faith and humility on humanity's bequest is still felt today. Your gentle soul touches your family and those who admired and revered you, Officer Cook, a superior public servant and a more humanely gracious fellow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2018

Good rapport is a sound tool for all public servants to employ while our on duty. Resolve, resourcefulness and efficiency are the best fruits yielded when incorporated wisely. You were a sound thinker, Officer Cook, you had your honesty and integrity well dispersed along with your scruples and the clever character that made your commitments to peace and security worth their time. All Dade County can be surely proud of your heroism, Officer Cook, which best suited mankind. Its humility and serene efforts made humanity able to face and to ward off terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Look through that mirror and the images we see of you, Officer Cook, further remind our community of your unwavering enhancements, cornerstones and foundations for a more prosperous future filled with hope, faith and the goodwill our world needs in light this bombardment of evil. Boldness and confidence help every man and woman championing these causes of courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2018

The fundamentals of fairness start with the genesis of justice for all. There has to be a common ground for which to launch oneself into a profession so challenging, its demands and rigors can overtake the most resolute of men and women. Their hearts and minds have to have character and the fulfillment of honesty, integrity and dignity all of which you had, Officer Cook, as you fought for the lives of Dade County's people. You won't be overlooked nor forgotten for your ventures and concern and neither will our world passover your humbleness and humility, it bears out your heroic and persevering nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2018

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