Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Resourcefulness, resolve and revelations rotate across the humble honesty, dignity and striking integrity that our most loyal and treasured public servants display while on patrol. Their passions all led down the pathways by perseverance and the cleverness of class and decency through their character. Your commitment, Officer Cook, helped to bridge those gaps of gallantry here in Dade County where you provided basic fundamentals of peace and justice for one and all. If not for your humane and heroic actions than no telling where serenity and its blankets of safety would lie or if we would be more tranquil at night. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God hears our calls for reason and vision, your wisdom resonates from your admired soul of esteem.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2018

Police can never be blinded by lack of faith, dignity nor honor. Their composure in times of crisis must be one of full responsibility, humility and the wings of wonderful integrity. Violence must be abated by deserving brave and courageous men and women of intellect and devotion. Your pursuits of peace for Dade County residents, Officer Cook, was one of self-confidence and the esteem by which all your comrades held your heroic actions as the serene enhancement for mankind forevermore. The class of your character and commitment was above and beyond reproach. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2018

The values we place on the lives of our dearly faithful and devoted men and women cannot be compromised. Their lives would be in jeopardy as would our quiet and safest times. You tried, Officer Cook, to keep a proper balance in our pursuits of happiness and the serenity we all expect. Your sacrifice meant the letters of character and diligent commitment to both pride and in excellence being executed to the law's standards. Integrity, wisdom and vision only enhanced our community, one that still and forever honors your heroism, humbleness and the humility offered by your reverence to all mankind. Determined to stop evil, your soul now floats gently up in Our Lord's celestial houses of tranquility and in sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

Sure hands and fast legs help the best of the rest in fighting crime. The violence and its evil are awful reminders of how our civilization should not act. If you act with class, desire and hope as you did so faithfully, Officer Cook, then no wonder why Dade County's peace and unity have still stuck with us. You take away a man's grace and character and you won't have much success in your battles against terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day and night your gallantry with very much appreciated.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

Gunfire rocks the quietness of any community and disturbs the taciturn movements of one and all. You moved around Dade County, Officer Cook, with a sense of urgency and the wonders of wisdom and vision. You were concerned with our welfare and no matter it was your timing and tenacity along with integrity and dignity that carried your career and life. Principles and unassuming acumen, unwavering humility, nobly heroic actions shall be how we saluted your cunning courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing is certain. If one is born at some time they will pass. Your passing, Officer Cook, tore a huge hole in your family's heart and in those of your peers too.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

Your conscience was your guide to endeavor and the fulfillment of all your prosperous missions, Officer Cook. Dade County received sincere and tremendous protection from your loving honor. Integrity and dignity stand out when a person's values are pinned to their shirt sleeve. Commitment to character and the convictions that are now and forever enhancements to a brighter future all by your unwavering and humane heroic actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

You can be a maniac when it comes to work habits or you can commit crimes and all sorts of evil and be maniacal. You were a caring, loving and devoted public servant, Officer Cook, geared to gallantry and aligned with humility and the humble esteem of honesty. It so directed your life and career, one of morals, character and the courage that navigates dignity. Dade County had its peaceful times because of your humane and heroic soul of serenity gracing us for twenty-five years of value and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2018

Buttons, the bill of your hat, your sleeves and whatever you donned, Officer Cook, were done so with perfection to details just as you performed as a devoted and dedicated public servant must. Dade County got every bit of your undivided attention to astuteness, awareness and acumen and even more honesty, dignity and integrity from a bright and engaging young man. Your life and career meant everything to you and to your loving family. Therefore, we salute your boldness and character, the kind that participates in garnering peaceful times and the safety by which we go about our business. Keep being God's faithful and loyal angel, Officer Cook, from those quiet shelters where nothing will ever harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations stay hopefully anchored down because your convictions were centered properly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2018

Keep pleasant thoughts and your days will be a little easier to understand. Fulfillment does not come simply by pressing a button and away we go. You get up and endeavor to be the best you can at your aspirations. Police work humbles one's soul, its messages are clear and to the point. You conveyed unity and hope, faith and goodwill for us here living in Dade County, Officer Cook. Clearly your goals and integrity matched forces defending our honor all by you composing yourself with class and dignity. You cannot begin to fight evil unless your gyroscope has valor and gallantry on it. Your compass, Officer Cook, was set right where you needed to be face to face squaring off with persons bent on violence. You did a superbly wonderful job on May 16, 1979 as you did all other times. God takes His best men and women, His heroic flock of resolve to guard those pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2018

Guided by God's good graces you provided the loving and humble touch of a heroic angel in Dade County, Officer Cook, where you have received your humanely profound honors. You honored your folks, Our Creator and whoever you came in contact with. No matter your comrades have remembered your professional feats of character and commitment that defined your intense loyalty and the integrity to conquer terror. Our prosperity and peace has been because of your unselfish and unwavering morals and values to back up your enhancements. Your loss, Officer Cook, continues to be felt and now and forever eternally shall your soul of nobility watch over your family, peers and those who admired and respected your desire and drive to decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2018

Mischief only guts loyal and determined work. So the basic tenets of tenacity and feverish ferocity must be employed at all times. Your dignity and honesty, Officer Cook, made you a supremely humble hero here in Dade County and all over the United States. No doubt your journeys here been recalled and fondly saluted for humility and bravery above and beyond the calls of duty. Ingenuity and is wisdom must see eye to eye with the visions we have for tomorrow. Serenity and peace came with the unfortunate loss of a devoted and gallant man. You were a treasured gentleman who won't be forgotten for having a kind and caring heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2018

The sanctuaries of serenity, hope and goodwill must only snowball into good fortunes, while adversity and its advances must go down hill and out into the oceans. Lined with tenacity and armed with bravery and the courage that boldness brings, you forged the makeups of unity and peace, perseverance and faithful journeys for those of us living in Dade County, Officer Cook. You take a pinch of honor and turn it into dignity and integrity, quiet times for all shall ring true and loud. A man of God, a public servant who welded his leadership in the hearts of other praiseworthy angels should be so honored and given a hero's humble salute. Fairness, firmness and justice must appear as one entity, as does one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The conclusions of your destinies and missions, Officer Cook, have yielded fruitful results that are now protecting and watching over us from above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

It's shameful how your life and career, Officer Cook, was heinously extinguished by evil. A life perpetuated by persistance in dignity and diligence, common grounds of devotion, faith and hope given back to society by a loving and grateful servant of the Lord. Integrity, ingenuity and intelligence all allowed unity and sanctity to take up their rightful locations in our world. A community overwhelmed by your loss and terrible absence. It can only make your family's heart and those of your comrades grow fonder and appreciate your wisdom and awareness, the acumen to devote your attention to leading othe rfine brave souls of safety through the mess that terror causes. Humanity had its soul of humility ripped from them when you gave your sacred life, Officer Cook, a man of gregariousness and so gracious to have the chance to do a job you always desired to do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. At least we can fondly look back on the cornerstones and their foundations laid down for other souls to follow in.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

Turbolent times call for drastic means. All you can do is be fair, firm and faithfully diligent in carrying out your specific tasks. Those duties which are critical to peace, liberty and the freedom to unity the masses. In Dade County there you were on a hot day of May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, trying to combat a domestic dispute which escalated into yourself and two of your colleagues being shot and trying to survive. Both Officers Di Genova and Edgerton did, you unfortunately were needed in God's headquarters where honor and humility act simultaneously to fight off the effects of evil. Only your smiling disposition and dignity along with a host of other morals at least gave you the opportunity to see accomplishment. Those humble missions have been fondly recalled and nobly saluted for the class and decency that valor and vigilance bring. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your comrades have the watch and God has your back, Officer Cook, the backbone of unwavering stability and plausible persistence personified.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

A good night of shuteye refreshes one's body. bravery, boldness, honor and reverence shine in the souls of those men and women heroes and heroines who have given their lives for the causes of safer havens for us to travel in. You patrolled the areas of Dade County, Officer Cook, just attempting to calm a depressed and diabolical young man. Who knows what would have become of him if he did not go on a binge of violence against you and your comrades, Officer Cook? The answers lie in heaven where forever humility, integrity and propserity rest soundly with your character and transparency covered by the shades of God's specially quilted blankets of resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

Liberty and justice for all. Your motto and boldness now firmly residing in God's gardens of peace. It is this peace and promise of prosperity that you helped tomake Dade County's landscape more safer, Officer Cook. A hero's hero. A warm and congenial gentleman of honesty, faith and vision. No more better a pious servant so persevering and charitable than you, Officer Cook. Your commitment, character and caring concern has served as our inspiration to make our community one to be proud of. Your sacrifice has made that statement more certain than ever, surely enhancement is left to Our Lord to supervise its construction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

Those long days and nights get longer when a loved one is sudden taken from this society. The illnesses that have plagued our world stem from baseless hatred, bigotry and the abnormal values of prejudice. They all can lead to violence and when you have dangerous people running around with weapons that can only destroy a life our most decorated and faithful must take a stand. It is face to face and can be an all out war. Wickedness leaves a bloody trail and your tenacity on behalf of Dade County folks, Officer Cook, led to a clean up of the garbage infiltrating our most sacred venues. Your valor and vision, integrity, wisdom and hope, Officer Cook, led this charge through the mazes of mayhem and those journeys won't be forgotten. We relive the past and steady our compasses for a brighter future, one encomposed by your humility and friendly demeanor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

Proper conduct means keeping your uniform full of integrity and the ferocity that can fight any crime. A badge worn proudly and the living proof of perseverance and resolve given to each Dade County person. Officer Cook, you were a gallant and courageous man who delivered resounding peace and security to those looking for life. Your peers have diligently continued your watches of wisdom and commitment as this was a big part of your life and you reached your goals of becoming one of our very special heroes. When we research we'll find the truth and reliability was always present. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

We are assured of nothing. If we live up to our expectations things will function smoother. Your service to Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, meant the world. Your engaging character and persona allowed us peaceful travels. It was and still is our serenity and visions the same ones you had that were utilized in a humbly heroic way. Integrity and the spirit of your nobility and savvy prevented more evil that dreaded day than we could even ponder. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honest, clever and diligent all spearheaded your missions and their fruitful pursuits. A savior and wonderful warrior. It's written where our eyes can view this. Facts are just that. Fiction distorts the truth. You were a humanely trustworthy public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

The audacity of it all for one smart and bright young man and daring hero to have their life and career snuffed out by evil. It hurts so much and I'm sure your family, Officer Cook, has been trying to cope with your senseless death in the line of duty. They and Dade County plus your colleagues can fondly remember and salute your unshakeable bravery, courage and compassion. The subtle sense of honor, dignity and integrity that helped you succeeded where others might not have. You kept cool and composed in times of crisis, reflecting your stellar character, commitment and the humility that humanity asks for in its most highly esteemed and devoted men and women. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hearty honor for a very gallant man. Officer Cook, our serenity and peace came about through your loving spirit and goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2018

Let serenity and wisdom sink in as bravery, honor and dignity all function in sync. Succinctly put. The wells at times run dry and yet police work never really has its dull moments. Saving, serving, preserving and protecting the public all require that gifted and humble touch of class. Your being and spirit was as deft as an artist's brush. Just imagine the faith, devotion and hopes that were riding alongside of you, Officer Cook, not just on May 16, 1979, but every hour your heart was beating. As long as one breathes life is established and so must its consequences, peace and freedom shall rule rather than torment and violence. Dade Count being a wide area to cover needed your skills and integrity in order for pursuits of happiness to engage each other. No finer character and commitment transfering themselves about than by your watch over us, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2018

The seeds planted today yield the fruits of accomplishment tomorrow. What a return! You shared in our pleasures and joys, Officer Cook, all the people in Dade County whom you loyally protected cherished and have saluted your unwavering wisdom and inspirations of integrity, the desires of dignity and decency and the humbleness of honesty, its humility saturating those who perceive class and bravery as a method to success. Peace and unity, prosperity and hope don't come easy. As we understand they come with a price tag and that is an unselfish sacrifice which has benefited mankind's institutions of ingenuity and the visions of valor. Your were a valiant and very spirited warrior who brought us full circle and never will be overlooked nor forgotten. We raise our hands and arms and gallantly salute your acumen and caring heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I wish you could have shared in my family's happy times and of course those of your family who could not be prouder of your feats of determination.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2018

To be called a child of Our Creator is one thing. To go out and act the part is something else. Police officers, come in all types and yet for the humble people they are they have a monumental role in relaying faith and peace, unity and liberty for our missions to precede smoothly. Yet, Officer Cook, you wet out navigating the pathways in Dade County on its behalf looking for trouble in order to arrest it and while doing so, you were searching for peace and rationale, no small task. The challenges get bigger and bigger as things move along, sometimes at a snail's pace. But perseverance, resolve and resourcefulness must not be ruined by violence. Only those honorable and dignified travel through these doors and gates pacifying and preventing more mischief than there is already on the streets. Your character and concern, Officer Cook, sealed our fates and the release of emotions we all experience. Only good tidings and enhancements brought about through your heroic and bold leaps of faith. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The flags fly high tonight as your soul encircles those watching and remembering true trust and humility at work.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2018

Today is the thirty-ninth annual Dade County Police Memorial at Tropical Park. A night of somberness and yet a time to reflect back upon the sacred and humble lives of those fallen heroes and heroines whose honor, integrity and dignity was rock solid in trying to tear down evil and terror. Your blessed and humanely heroic name, Officer Cook, will be read and then a flyover with a missing helicopter symbolizing one comrade giving their heart and soul for security and prosperity. All in the name and goodwill of Dade County citizens whom you served with distinction and decency, Officer Cook. Charismatic and gallant as you finished your journeys of faith and ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2018

You were never a vengeful individual, Officer Cook, only a humbly valiant and vigilant member of your department. The force needs more able bodied men and women like yourself who besides being brave are loyal and faithful, fair and firm, honest and dignified because of how you were raised at home. Values, ideals, ethics and for a practical purpose were you placed on this Earth, Officer Cook. To serve and to constrict the movements of menacing foes, the enemies of evil being taught a serious lesson by yourself and humbly esteemed character. To focus on prosperity and security you needed all the tools of tenacity, Officer Cook, to make resolve and tenacity stand together, to coexist with one another. Those memories of a well lived and poignant life sure bring hope and goodwill to your peers and family members who march on legitimizing your legacy of heroism and what you gave back to humanity, humility from within your heart and very special soul. Now they are watching over us protecting and ensuring safe passages now and forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2018

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