Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

We bike to honor their bravery. We cycle to honor courage and dignity and we run to remember their resolve and integrity. All are done to revere and to respect their professional feats of tenacity. We walk to stand tall and humble as they all did in the very face of danger and evil. Ruination beyond the scopes of words and for all this your leadership skills, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten. You distributed the desire and decency all by way of your humility and humble successes. Dade County salutes its heroes and your good name, Officer Cook, will be etched in our minds forever. Peace and harmony came at your labors of love for your fellow officers and thankfully you saved them and will be so honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

Shocked and infuriated by your untimely loss, Officer Cook. It left your wife, Karen, your widow beyond sadness and words of comfort that might make her feel better. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, I hope you are well Mrs. Cook and to your big sister, Nancy, without her little brother to bounce ideas off of. I know Karen has remarried and despite your tragic loss has found peace and comfort. You will always be her hero of honor, integrity and dignity who served the scales of justice with effort and the energy that humility bestows upon a very blessed man. Bravery and courage, valor and motivation all sound wonderful, but , unless they are utilized in an exemplary manner they lack that punch that can knockout wickedness from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I pray that the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson families have found some comfort and solace in knowing your son, Billy, Uncle Bo was a hero of the highest esteem. He remains a cherished soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

Police don't make fashion statements. They make a point when they go out on the streets and risk their souls of security saving life and property. Dade County had you and your colleagues, Officer Cook, out in force persevering and showing your due diligence to the important matters at hand. Any individual who bares their character, honesty and integrity to shield us from peril deserves our sincerest thanks and being the devout and faithful servant, Officer Cook, may God bless you and your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The talents of the humble display their nobility, sanity and serenity and Our Creator has you all sheltered for eternal safekeeping. The uniform and badge along with the spit shined shoes only relate part of the story. The tale of tenacity is the absolute truth of why you were trusted and loyal to your comrades, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

The story of life teaches us so very much. The lessons, the instructions they all will have a benefit that may help us in the future. Your future was bright, Officer Cook and an evil man took you from us and your dear family members. You can be sure you took care of your professional business preserving the integrity and life in Dade County. Honor and dignity brought to the academy and to your travels in and around your community where you continue to be honored and saluted for humility and character of the highest regard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your parents, Officer Cook, would be very proud of their darling and much beloved and treasured son. a legacy founded on the beams of boldness and ferocity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

The sane know civility follows them everywhere. Sanctity and serenity too must go hand in hand in order for the wisdom of integrity, dignity and honesty to make any sense. To make such an undertaking you must surely know that this is your calling and watching over us, Officer Cook, was your duty. God brought you into this world with a certain destiny in mind and there was no quit in your body. Your commitment and conviction would never want to hear this. Your effort and resolve with sincerely appreciated and those living in Dade County were grateful for your unyielding heroism. It was stamped in your heart, Officer Cook. Humble and beloved, esteemed and adored, respected for values and ideals that drove your missions of goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

Pious and prudent, you always made good sound decisions, Officer Cook, only to save and to protect the lives of your community. Dade County was good to you and your family, it's a shame your life ended at such a young and tender age. You can be certain your life and its humbleness will be proudly and wisely remembered for having the acumen and bravery to withstand the very evil which took you from your loved ones and peers. A decent and hard working man should not have to endure unmitigated violence and yet you were there for us, our peace and unity stapled together as one entity. Humility and humanity have the very same aspirations, your heroism, Officer Cook, serves as a beacon of hope and faith for all brave and honest men and women who undertake these and the many difficult tests ahead. The obstacles are present let us pray they can overcome them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You defended us as only a brave warrior would do.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

The winds of time blow and where they deliver a powerful punch no one knows what will occur. What the people of Dade County knew was that their safety and serenity would be granted under your humble watch, Officer Cook. Your character coupled with your candor and courage spearheaded proud times for all. A gentleman of the humane honor, dignity and integrity investigating everything and able to achieve his goals. Today, we still have our tough moments but thanks to your benevolence, mankind and humanity in general can endure. An undying and unselfish public servant with the best of morals and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

Dreams are meant to be fulfilled. But at times the best laid plans can go awry. Not one dry eye when Dade County paid their respects to you on May 19, 1979, Officer Cook. when you gave your life and career to serve us, that smile got locked up and taken to a higher sphere where harm and danger would no longer confront, confound and torment you. You gave every bit of honor, dignity and integrity to see safe and peaceful movements for every soul you watched over. Only the most perceptive of resolve, wisdom, maturity and the vision to see your journeys through until God came calling. His brave and intellectual servants now are tasked wit ha much tougher role, to guard those fortresses in the skies above where the souls of the many angelic heroes and heroine shine brightly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

The truly humble and humane public servants do receive their rewards. As their service only enhances our capabilities to pursue happy lives and to stay safe and secure. All anyone can expect is just an honest day's effort. Tragically, violence sometimes makes plans that no one expects nor desires. You did your job, Officer Cook, very well and most smartly. Your supervisors and brave brothers and sisters could not have worked with a more diligent and determined young man. A trusted gentleman of gallantry and of good grace who humbly displayed the right stuff, character, commitment and the valor all within your soul now in heaven where you may rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was very well taken care of when you patrolled, Officer Cook, a hero to be proud of.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

True brotherhood demands tough love at times. Even when times get heated and stressful you show your real mettle when you care for those brave comrades who serve with you. A littler prodding maybe all that's needed. You were a consummate leader, Officer Cook, by virtue of your humble respect for your job. Serving a community takes all the skills, the vision and the wisdom to carry integrity, dignity and honor itself to a higher level while restoring peace and prosperity for all citizens. Your fabric of values and vigilance showed why you were so well admired and revered as a hero who attempted to stop a troubled young man from carrying out more violence that day when the entire police world lost a proud and devoted servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

Always ready and itching to go, you provided solace and peace for everyone in Dade County, Officer Cook. A confident and humble man of his word, whose boldness, bravery and desire matched up very well with your honesty, integrity and dignity for your position of trust and heroism. You can rest assure that on May 16th you won't be forgotten for your decency and courage under fire. Your actions that day, Officer Cook, reflected the highest standards of morals and ethics, all obtained through arduous work and training. Character never more present and clear. Humility was nobly dispensed to all mankind through your cherished soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

Police work is surreal. Nothing easy about this profession which rewards those who serve and protect the public's peace and right to pursue joy, hope, faith and happiness. All within reach, Officer Cook, as was your daily patrols and life itself. It revolved in the Cook Household twenty-four seven. A man of sanctity with stellar character, honor, class and decency taking care of the strictest of business on behalf of the residents of Dade County. The bands of boldness every so tight. The fabric of good principles and values so validating, never better than your resiliency and the essence of good efficiency. As proficient as a humble savior and hero could be. You grow up with love and respect, somewhere it comes back many times over at you. You are to be honored and dignantly saluted for giving your soul for serenity and security to balance out each other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2018

Details at times bring misery and pain and yet through it all, your sacrifice on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook, represented your true worth as a public servant, superior in wisdom, replete with dignity, honor and integrity and incorporated with ideals that will forever be integrated in those walls of honor here in Miami and in our nation's Capitol. When character and conviction came calling tranquility and unity, the peace and safe passages were within reach. Never overlooked and solemnly and humbly thought of for maintaining composure, bravery, humility and unselfish compassion, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Misery never loves company. Only peace and quiet, civility and sanctity make better guests.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2018

I think moxie and mettle blend in well just as one having a rhythm of resolve, a flow of ferocity and the cohesion of courage, character and the commitment to do whatever is required to keep peace and to ward off evil. Wickedness is wild and can seem like a non-stop nightmare for those who desire harmony. Yet, here in Dade County you persevered as a hero must, Officer Cook. A big thank you for your honor, dignity and integrity, all humble and humane from your heart and soul. Our Creator takes His valiant to a place where they belong for having served their journeys they can now take their rightful places among their fellow angelic heroes and heroines. Their uniforms ironed and crisp, buttons in place, badges polished as are their shoes. You'll be fondly saluted, Officer Cook, you brought class and the strokes of brilliance and wisdom to the visions for our tomorrows. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A uniform donned proudly. Your family and comrades will remember your gallantry and charismatic personality. that big bright smile that lit up a room, it's glowing in heaven non-stop twenty-four hours a day.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2018

Resourcefulness rolls over and another new day begins. The challenges must be met and faced head on no looking back. Police must face peril and evil everyday of their lives and careers as this is what they willingly have decided to pursue. Dade County and its citizens expected, demanded and received superior service from you, Officer Cook, one of your department's finest officers with a honest and hard working demeanor. Serenity, safety and peace were firmly in your your hands, Officer Cook, a public servant with the most esteemed and highest morals there was out there fighting crime and looking to secure a little civility for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2018

Decades pass and we remember our departed loved ones. Their lives and humbleness is stored away forever in our hearts as we pursue happiness, peace and prosperity. We channel our dignities into a receptacle of goodwill and the hope that loyalty and determination may bring. You were a legendary gentleman, Officer Cook, so brave and devoted to honor and integrity which kept Dade County safe and sound for the most part. Your friends and family have kept those wonderful memories alive and moving. Your gentle soul can soar each day higher and higher in Our Lord's giant crater of creativity. All because of your humility given back in a compassionate way toward humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2018

Silence is the quiet of the moment. Its peace and tranquility, the harmony of which some may never know. But, your humble and cherished soul, Officer Cook, dug deeper into the panels of Dade County, to protect and to shield us from any possible harm. A savior, warrior, hero, the roles are unique by then again you were a hard worker who tirelessly pursued peace while getting us away from terror. Your honesty, dignity and integrity made you life and career more rewarding and as we know God knows His faithful flock of ferocious men and women. they never leave His side once the yare taken to heaven. Only the kind of commitment to pride and excellence that good character breeds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2018

Time honors humility and so too where bravery dares to go. It pursues evil and where honesty, integrity and dignity thrive so too must decency and resolve follow along. You pursued happiness, Officer Cook and by becoming a police officer with the Metro-Dade Police Department were your goals, dreams and aspirations fulfilled. Violence sometimes becomes this insurmountable problem that not even the most skilled and highly trained of professionals is able to get a handle on. On May 16, 1979, humanity and Dade County residents were served by a loyal and cherished friend full of character, values and gallantry you cannot even begin to mention. A humble hero forever remembered and etched into our thoughts and hearts for saving your colleagues and those for whom you took a solemn affirmation to protect their serenity and peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Faithful until the end and never forgotten. We salute your bravery and the stamina for assisting those who needed help.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2018

A heart filled with joy and happiness should not be short circuited nor subjected to any wanton violence. You paid the ultimate price, Officer Cook, for our freedoms to be a reality and for unity to unify those looking for a little calming influence. Dade County and its people will always remember your coordinated efforts and the honesty, integrity and dignity from your caring heart which helped make lives forever matter. Your badge and uniform was full of commitment and the excellence that both wisdom and vision bring. The prideful hero of your family, the treasured comrade who supported his fellow officers when danger threatened. Humanity so honors your humility and sanctity, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2018

A soul with a gentle embrace and the air of humility that has touched each one in a humbly loving way. Your kindness and personality assisted you in your tours of duty around Dade County serving and brokering peace and unity for all mankind. Your character and honor, Officer Cook, made you a humble and humane hero for those whom you served. Your dignity and integrity sheltered those looking for a bit of security and the safety in which our lives have been enriched. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2018

Words are pointless unless they are accompanied by meaningful and humble actions. Your work, Officer Cook, on our behalf and of Dade County's as a whole was top notch and first class in every way, shape and form. Honor, dignity and wisdom all accounted for. Integrity, conviction and character never absent. We received the total package of tenacity and the awareness that public servants must place into their burdens and responsibilities. Never more courage, charisma and effort championing the causes of peace and harmony. Evil must be warded off at all costs and your unwavering and undying endeavor will forever be so etched and honored as your heroic legacy. Morals, values, ideals and scruples were a part of your breeding and whatever you learned from your loving folks stayed within your heart and soul, Officer Cook, a uniform and badge donned wisely and most properly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2018

Your smile and sincerity, Officer Cook, has been truly missed all these decades later. No doubt you were a happy and content young man who relished serving and protecting the public. Police work humbles one's soul of care and concern beyond any words. Just true compassion and understanding for what you needed to do for Dade County and its citizens to live serenely quiet lives. Calm down those needing a little pacifying. Expose yourself to the perils that violence brings upon a society where resolve and scruples carry out their assignments when a focus on honor and decorum are present. May 16, 1979 was a terribly sad day for not only your family, professional peers and friends, it was devastating for the entire world and police nation, bonded together with brothers and sisters alike bravely fighting to defend our tranquility and your performance, Officer Cook,was truly admired, respected and very heroic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2018

Bravery and humility are the sisters and brothers of honesty, dignity and integrity. If one or more is missing in action then the fight for peace and unity becomes that much more difficult. You battled on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook, with all your humane and unselfish sacrifice that has kept peace and harmony a staple of those whom you served. it's found in the DNA of those whose refined characters, commitments and convictions are for a purpose and for heaven's sake. Enhancement stays here. Your spirit, Officer Cook, revolves around your family and those colleagues who fought with you at all times. Never forgotten. Humbly and fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2018

Leave no stone unturned and pursue your passions in life vigorously. You followed your dreams and aspirations, Officer Cook and became a stellar and outstanding member of your department. Our serenity and safety blankets were brought about by your unselfish humility, honor, integrity and dignity. Desire can take you far so long as character and ethics are bonded together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll be faithfully saluted, Officer Cook, for heroism and the civility for which you handled difficult circumstances.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2018

Scoundrels and fiends don't care so long as their brazen actions keep coming. So long as Dade County and their people had you, Officer Cook, your resolve, faith and character, things would be okay. A hero through and true just as your honor, wisdom and maturity all belonging to your prideful upbringing. No matter, peace and harmony were well paved while you patrolled and your dignity and desire drove all your missions on mankind's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2018

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