Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Guidance and discipline, two things we are not born with. The yare learned just like everything else in life where ups and downs usually follow us until we can properly detach ourselves from each. You learned your lessons well, Officer Cook, as your parents as beloved and as cherished as they both were explained how beneficial they would become to you down those roads as you were choosing to become a police officer. Dade County would be your area of expertise and only your sense of direction and good morals gave you hope to lead others through these mazes of mayhem while trying to put down the canopies of courage and decency for all. It exacted every effort of your soul and in order to focus integrity and dignity had to walk that fine line along with your personable character and unyielding commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 25, 2018

Heralded as a hero, branded as a man of boldness and generalized as a gallant gentleman, your life and public service career, Officer Cook, made Dade County residents stand and feel tall and proud. Navigating around those nerve wracking venues can have their share of trouble, for the most part you maintained a low profile of humility and humbleness. It made terror take notice and for most of your career safety and peace were your central priorities, Officer Cook, honorable and dignified and full of energy and integrity. Wisdom surely overflowed from your cup of courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character's conclusion has already begun another chapter in heaven all scripted by none other than Our beloved Creator Himself.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 25, 2018

The fires of faith can help to put out those flames of wrath and evil. A little devotion and desire to travel those long and winding roads that may lead to resolve and the goodwill of mankind. In Dade county where you served, Officer Cook, a little resiliency and honesty never hindered your pursuits of peace and happiness for its people. Today they have some semblance of safety and serenity all secured by your unwavering character and commitment to pride and excellence which you wore everyday. Saluted for unending bravery and the humility from your giving heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 25, 2018

With the chariots of hope, faith and devotion crusading in and around Dade County it is no wonder as to why you remain so revered and admired, Officer Cook. Getting down and dirty sometimes must be the standard tactic that is employed, there are no alternatives. Violence demands swift and precise attention and those brave and gallant public servants must of course comport themselves with ethics and honor. There can be no shortcuts in dignity and integrity. No ineptitude nor falling short of the desired results. Thank God for your character, concern as we here in Dade County were saved and preserved through your inner spirit and the peaceful heart of your being, Officer Cook. Adored and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cleverness and wisdom all came from intense work and that word maturity years ahead of the crowd.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 24, 2018

Crime is the passion of the corrupt. The gallant and courageous they pursue a vocation that fits the manners and proficiencies that make them a humble human being within a select few. Police work is not everybody's challenge nor is it their first calling. It was yours, Officer Cook and for six years of loyal and dedicated fighting off the stings affects of evil was your task. Taking rubbish off the streets and replacing it with serenity, safety and security, a mouthful to be sure and no small potatoes. Officer Cook, Dade County where you served, protected and preserved life, humbly and honorably salutes your genius, grace and the humility by which you came face to face with an enemy so large it took your entire being to battle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and its esteemed heroism keeps heaven's skies lit up at night, it makes it easier to see your treasured soul above. There are the crusades and the feats of ferocity gently perusing God's fire and ice of His angelic flock of bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 24, 2018

Carousels are the rides at a carnival that go round and round. The wheels of wickedness spin nastily and so too does justice at times that turns a blind eye when human nature presumes another affect. Your patrols of Dade County, created a greater impact upon our safety and the peace and safety we are all entitled to have. They came from your fine character and courage of your heart, Officer Cook, a man of morality and a gentleman of gallantry and the humble embrace of humility and sanity which public servants must all carry on their uniforms and badges of boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A beacon for hope, a fountain of faith and a well of wonderful memories of a well lived life and the legacy of a police hero trusted and tested through and through.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 24, 2018

The seesaw of justice does just that, it swings up and down. How about consistency and being more strict with those individuals who are inclined to take the lives of police and seem to evade serious jail time or more severe punishment. You were, Officer Cook, a practical man, a thinker with valor and honor, due diligence and the integrity to see your wisdom and vision through in helping to stop crime here in Dade County where the citizens were looking for humane safety and the unity that breeds happiness and peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 24, 2018

Be it the first day or the last day the effort is all anyone can ask for. You gave your soul for Dade County and its residents to relish relief and peace, Officer Cook. The quality of your upstanding character and courage mixed in with morals and the humility which honor humbly bestows upon a person of dignity and integrity. Yours, Officer Cook, fortified your fruition where serenity and harmony were called on to come rightfully forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 24, 2018

With a grand slam of grace, gumption, gallantry and gargantuan courage you won't be forgotten, Officer Cook. The heroes and heroines of the past are the inspirations for generations to come. The awe inspiring feats of humane professionalism that was aimed at Dade County's residents in an effort to shield them from harm will be fondly respected and given solemn salutes. The bandstand of boldness, alacrity and the undying dignity and integrity, the honor you treat everyone and how, Officer Cook, you went about taking care of torment and turmoil surely will be cherished as will your ideals and fine character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

Follow the missions of a humble hero and you'll see journeys of relevance. The wonder of resolve, resourcefulness and the reverence for resiliency. Rumbling wreckless through Dade County was terror which you tried to stop, Officer Cook. As you kept your word of sanctity allowing for civility and nobility to roam ever so peacefully and serenely over our region. The people saw a gifted public servant at work transmitting tenacity and forceful ferocity all by your unselfish character, conviction and the honor of having dignity and integrity sewn into your uniform of humane and heroic latitudes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dedication, desire, devotion and determination cast their own rewards for showing the gumption and principles to hang in when the going gets heated. You were a superb officer, Officer Cook and surely to be so honored and saluted for unending bravery to duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

A tarnished badge tears down those walls built up by sheer tenacity. It is a signal to senseless ruination to keep moving forward. So as our bravest and most austere of law enforcement personnel move on the counterattack we must be ready. You prepared your life and career, Officer Cook, to meet adversity eye to eye and for those living in Dade County we could confidently say you met the challenges and were a most worthy and trusted colleague, full of desire and dignity, the honorable integrity to look at those situations that needed your full scope of attention. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The crown of your character rests eternally on Our King's throne of humility. Humanity here was well protected by your professional feats of acumen, vision and wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

A crimestopper is a heart warming person so full of treasured tenacity, unyielding bravery and one who sets the landscapes of honor and dignity at another level. Dade County's bar was placed high when you, Officer Cook, cruised around the various venues seeking relief and resolve while searching for sincerity in unity and the serenity of peaceful movements for all citizens. Our Creator has your character and badge of brightness in His home where heroism and humility duly belong. Your patrols of those sacred and golden streets may continue unharmed as you look down on those women and men bravely corralling evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legitimate and beloved, always look down on your family and colleagues, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

Trauma leaves a person in a sort of trance. Speech and thinking become a little slower and so what do we do? The passing of a loved one opens those huge craters of doubt and they have reservations on what their loved one could have done for the outcome to be more positive. You did all you could, Officer Cook. All the tools you could have employed you did just that. Dade County's folks got sound treatment and an undying amount of courage and respect from a man of commitment, ideals, integrity and the honor of possessing dignity amid a stressful circumstance that day. Enhancement brought security and harmony where crime was headed and now as the decades have passed into the night my family and I pray your wonderful family has found some humble comfort where you helped to broker peace, health, happiness and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As comrades, friends and superiors have eloquently said, Officer Cook, you are a hero of the finest character, humility from your heart and the Lord has rewarded your cherished soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

If you love your job, enjoy the undertaking and relish the friendships the chances are accomplishment will find its direction humbly speaking around the corner. Around Dade County, the fraternity was overwhelmed with the emotions of saying goodbye to you, Officer Cook, top notch and full of ferocity and unwavering devotion, faithfulness to dignity, integrity and honesty of the humble nature. Our peace and taciturn moments all stitched by your hands and feet running toward evil never giving wickedness a dodge. Your lips spoke the truth and conveyed the trust we all had in your abilities to function under the canopies of morals and principles. Comprehension and resourcefulness team with each other when they are well oiled. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy, Officer Cook, its heroism and humanity that were very well taken care of. Missed terribly and deservedly honored for courage and class personified.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

Winners believe in class. They exude effort, bravery and set the examples of honor, dignity and integrity in all their work habits. And Dade County received A+ service from your very cherished heart, Officer Cook. The bars of fruition and success have been set high for other brave officers to emulate. The patterns of preservation and resolve must be raised if violence and its unending evil are to be quashed. Surely, we here in your community, Officer Cook, revere your heroism and character for taking the appropriate action that attempted to stop a misguided young man bent on terror and discord. Saluted for having the salvation and saving grace to utilize your humility humanely for our peace, serenity and safe journeys to march forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

Vows undertaken rest in the vision of the brave as they pursue their careers where danger and peril must be met with decency and honor. A man'a courageous heart of gold saving lives while protecting our prosperity. Very proud and very bold, Officer Cook, were your angelic journeys throughout the community of Dade County. A real gentleman of spirit and endeavor all led by your passions in life and compassions you had for mankind. If character, commitment and class could have saved you from peril, that's the sixty-four-thousand dollar question, if? Your legacy is securely fastened here in Miami-Dade County and in Washington, D.C. Those walls of wonderful achievement are holding the very humane and humbly blessed names of angels whose valor, vigilance and concise resilience is written and etched for us to get a real good closeup view. Just a modest peek into their skills and boldness in battling the forces and their sources behind evil. It strikes as fast as a venomous reptile unleashing more harm than we would ever know. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

No messing around when crime needs to be abated. All the acumen, astuteness and awareness must be poured into one's labor of efficiency. And believe me it was. You took your concern to those in Dade County that you served wit hall your heart, all your honesty, all your simple and trusting might, Officer Cook. No gimmicks, no guessing games. Straightforward gallantry and prompt answers to the difficult questions and now your family, colleagues and friends must still wonder and ponder why? When character, vision, wisdom and commitment get substituted for wanton evil and violence we the people demand answers, we expect clarity. When intuition, ingenuity and above all good values and ideals are stepped on and trampled we want results, answers that will offer a solution to the vexing problems of our society where peace, freedom and a little friendliness offer some glimpse of hope, you will forever remain treasured and adored, Officer Cook. Hope your angelic wings keep you flying higher and higher each and everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

Beauty is vain. One who commits and gives up their life for others is a true friend and brother. Your bravery and vision, Officer Cook, matched up well when compared to your humble honor and integrity, it was the very quality of character and courage that all Dade County stands and fondly remembers you for. You put on a uniform of strength from your heart, valor from your soul and labored tirelessly on our behalf searching for peace and tranquility among mankind. No doubt a legacy of devotion, faith and hope that humanity will forever look back upon generations from now and your family members, Officer Cook, can reverently look back upon your resolve and resiliency that allowed you to intercept kayos before it mushroomed into more terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

Proficiency takes much practice as the endeavor must be made. Policing a community does require must skill and some good fortune. For there you were back in 1979 serving Dade County as you had been, Officer Cook, since 1973. It was a hot day in the Liberty City section of Miami-Dade County and at 2:10pm a call went out of a shooting and domestic disturbance. You were a block away and you and your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln were not dispatched. I believe your friend and colleague, Officer Keith DiGenova and Officer Robert Edgerton were there to try and get that young man, Mr. Lewis Pearsall to surrender. You came upon the area and got out of your patrol car and told your partner to not unholster his weapon. Your honor, integrity and dignity spoke softly and most humbly then all heck broke loose and Officer DiGenova was shot and seriously wounded, you defended him and you shot Mr. Pearsall defending him, your partner and Officer Edgerton. Only God knows why you were needed in heaven along with your boldness, character and humane heroism. Always saluted for answering that call of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were a great comrade, a professional true and through, a gentleman of gallantry and the greatest of morals and stamina. All of this is now being charged in heaven with an even more arduous assignment, keep us safe by watching over those who serve and protect our rights and liberties.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

Showing prowess rests in the beholder's eyes. And the Chief of sight is the Master of the Universe, God Himself. He sees and hears and His plans for us are very clear. God had plans for you, Officer Cook and for twenty-five years of life, humility, honor and dignity did he allow you the privilege of serving the good people of Dade County. He assisted you in keeping the peace and unity stapled together and as well helping keep violence and kayos from them. Your comrades in arms have saluted and honored your heroic legacy of character and commitment, amazing and energetic in effort, so much so that serenity and safe missions of hope and goodwill may reach their fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2018

A rebel without a cause is one thing, public servants protecting and being resolute is totally another. The folks of Dade County were in the very best of hands when you observed and policed the community. A place you called home where you grew up and learned to lead as a man of proper behavior. The caliber of your courage, Officer Cook , transcended anything else. It was total dignity, responsibility, accountability and the stellar integrity that greeted your comrades everyday, faithful and of dependable character. Charm is one thing, bravery, boldness and humility all from your compassionate heart that branched out liberty, unity and civility to an entire region. Always revered, admired and cherished for a job of influence where the stakes of serenity and safekeeping are high. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

Humanity cannot stifle humility as it's instilled in the hearts and wings of our wonderfully brave and honest warriors. They are the ones that patrol and risk their souls for our peace of mind and ability to sleep at night while they are out exploring for evil. You searched throughout Dade County for security and safety, Officer Cook and performed your utmost to save us. Character and class must be seated upfront in this everlasting battle over violence it is one that needs your soul looking down on those bold and courageous who place their lives in harm's way for our peace of mind, Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The careless know what may happen to them. The righteous and reverent such as yourself, Officer Cook, God takes care of their spiritual needs forevermore. No more adversity or danger will come upon you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

The webs of terror weave wickedness unleashed upon a society looking for a humble amount of serenity. Dade County has many in and outs and your demeanor, Officer Cook, allowed you the chance to pursue peace. The roads leading to tranquility are filled with interference with which you must navigate around and for the most part you did so very well, Officer Cook. All because of your intuition and intellect, but then of course, honor, integrity and dignity must function in unison along with courage and character, the fabrics of sound morals. You must be disciplined and motivated, you never had any problems learning the basics, Officer Cook, a hero of humane and humble proportions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

Devils and demons are present, those honorable enough must stand in to sweep aside their deadly advances. As a duly astute and dignified public servant, Officer Cook, your job was first not simple. Protecting life and giving us some serene moments takes much planning and preparation. All your classmates have remembered your life, Officer Cook and could not have even imagined your pathways in life would have stopped thirty-nine years ago. With more integrity and decency left on the horizon, our society and Dade County is and has been left devoid of your resourcefulness, Officer Cook. Your loved ones have missed your big bright smile, personality and laugh. Some moments call for a happy demeanor, though you were serious man and heroic for sure. Humanity has its stability because of your unwavering proficiency never to be forgotten and solemnly saluted for all the valor that your heart had, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

The gracious gifts of gallantry, courage, bravery and valor are not taught, they instilled within the hearts of the bold and honest. Those determined and desirable men and women who go out and patrol for quiet among the mischief that still rears its dark side in our world. You came to police work, Officer Cook and I'm sure your colleagues and academy friends were very grateful. Your devotion to mankind was legendary as was your heroic actions that sad day of May 16, 1979, a day no family member or comrade will forget. You cannot turn aside a man's nobility and wisdom, it was your maturity years ahead of others. The commitment that helped alleviate kayos from among us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2018

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