Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Our Lord's humble hands hold us as He guides us down those humble pathways of resolve and driven dedication. And hands of grace and everlasting mercy indeed they help us to shelter those whom we bravely service and provide humane peace and safety for all. Your brave career and life, were the bookends to resourcefulness, integrity and the vision to see dignity and honesty through when battling an enemy so advanced. It took your total package of perseverance and prudence, Officer Cook, to witness your patrols of all Dade County venues. Virtually all your colleagues and family members who are here today salute and humbly honor your memory and heroic legacy of staunch character, conviction and the commitment to excel at your profession, one marked with pitfalls and perils that must somehow be eliminated if serenity and harmony are to take centerstage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The beams of light coming from the heavens above are forever lit up with the souls of those bounded by boldness and bravery from their compassionate hearts of consideration. The halls of justice are eternally open for review and upon further review the wise and the pious are rewarded from their sincerest efforts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2018

Your valor and boldness were always in the vicinity of your humble honor and dignity which protected all Dade County residents from evil, Officer Cook. The location of a hero's humbleness, integrity and vision must be right where it will have the greatest affect in fighting terror. No matter, your character and engaging smile will forever be fondly remembered as will your soul which emitted positive fortitude and the good vibes of vigilance to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Engagement, enhancement and the rays of hope for our happiness to pursue peace and harmony. I just wish that you were here today, Officer Cook, together with your beloved family to soak in those rays of refreshment. I apologize, Officer Cook, marshmallows is spelled this way. I should know how to spell. I can spell bravery, desire and courage from carrying your values right on your protective vest. They should have had those side panels back then. It should not have taken your life for those added features to be an addition to your humble attire. But pride and efficiency functioned well together as your partners.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2018

Combating crime takes excellent health, outstanding morals, the wisdom of vision and passion, the out takes of character and solid commitment to excelling in a profession where peril and obstacles must be broken apart by good sound integrity, dignity and that word of humility we label as honor. Proud and prudent, practical and resourceful, all the traits of a duly dedicated and devoted crimefighter, Officer Cook. You put Dade County and its residents back on that map of mettle and safety for mankind. Goodwill and your hovering spirit will always surround us as God helps you and other brave angelic souls, heroes and heroines each with bravery and humanity stamped on your lips of truth and trust, patrol and watch over those who now carry that baton of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2018

Everyday, we make a note of reflection regarding your humbly heroic life, Officer Cook. One that is celebrated when your birthday approaches and of course on that solemn date of your untimely passing. Not just a passing as you sacrificed your soul of inspiration to silence the sounds of violence. This coming 4th of July while fireworks go off and barbeques are stoked with goals for roasting hot dogs, hamburgers and marshmellows, let us remember your saintly wisdom, bravery and the courage of your vision to commit to proper channels of character, honor and dignity's integrity. Always a concerned public servant whose navigations were blessed by Our Creator for intuition, ingenuity and the intellect that maturity bring salong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Happy 4th of July to the Wilkerson's Tidwell's and of course to you Mrs. Cook. My family and I hope you are doing well out there in sunny California.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2018

With a writ of righteous proficiency, your pursuits in life, Officer Cook, were happiness abounding. Since your calling in life was to have a career as a police officer, we know the entire Dade County community was under your wise and watchful eyes and ears. Danger, peril and evil could take notes of notice you were there to fight off these adversaries of possible doom and gloom. The most humane heroism and humility all deriving from honesty, integrity and dignity showed your character to be the most treasured and consummate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2018

With iron clad resolve and the will to fight on, your cherished service toward Dade County, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten. Humbleness and humility assisted you greatly in your courage, honor and dignity, the stellar integrity to broker peaceful times and serene moments for all safe passages. Your family, peers and friends surely can fondly remember your engaging personality and stoic character that made your commitment all in heaven's blessed name. Your sweet soul of grace, Officer Cook should rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2018

A bike and a hike are fun, but going after evil serves a better purpose for humanity. your goal of becoming a public servant reached fruition, Officer Cook and Dade County's peace and unity were served quite well. Always remembered for honesty, character, dignity and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2018

Violence conducts its ruthless business no matter the weather, time or place. In Dade County your humbleness and mild manner, Officer Cook, served as a deterrent for six years of very loyal and faithful service. All honor, integrity and dignity followed you on your way, Officer Cook, A uniform of ingenuity and the very best of wisdom and courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2018

Goodwill and God's abundant graces helped to shield you from harm, Officer Cook. Dade County received the ultimate assurances they would be free of harm and its serenity and safety were firmly planted in your hands of humility and heart of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and commitment to pride and excellence speaks louder than all talk.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2018

Efficient and smart, your life and career, Officer Cook, was made of morals and honor that served and protected Dade County citizens the righteous and heroic way. The paths of the devoted and dignified shall never be abdicated nor blocked from their rounds of resolve. Your integrity and character will be humanely saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2018

Rain only dampens a parade. It cannot flood away a feverish ferocity you possessed, Officer Cook. In fact, Dade County and its citizens were bombarded with bravery and boldness beyond your widest expectations. Curious and concerned, your character and achievements have been stored in God's gardens where nowhere can any servant escape. They serve a most important position in any humane and humble hero who has the goods of gallantry and nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2018

As a Jewish chaplain with Catholic Health Services my job is to listen and take note of any conversations between myself and the residents that will in the end better serve them. A top police officer in Dade County, you brought resounding commitment and honor to your position of trust and humble esteem, Officer Cook. The integrity, dignity and determination never left you side. You gave everyone a benefit of doubt and yet whenever a circumstance called for firmness, there you were, Officer Cook, circling the bandwagons with wisdom, intellect and the valiance of your very soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2018

Ferocity is not fool's gold. Tenacity and bravery need to be placed in the same sentence as integrity, honor and wisdom. You can't even begin to battle evil without a little old dignity it helps many brave men and women dig themselves out of a mountain of trouble. You dug deep down, Officer Cook, to locate terror and to weed out its ruining affects. The people of Dade County are the grateful recipients of your unwavering and undying conviction and class from desire and decency. Never far from our hearts, you character and morals made you the hero you were and the gallant gentleman so humane and humble in his works. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2018

Big words are just that. Humble, brave and heroic actions always will convey more than you know. Dade County had you, Officer Cook and your resources of reverence, resolve and the rationale that only good character, honesty and integrity instill in all public servants. It's so necessary to keep calm and cool during stressful moments, domestic issues present just that. And you provided serenity and safe journeys for all residents. Your missions of faith and goodwill ended prematurely, Officer Cook, sadly by this unmitigated evil carried out by a disturbed young man. with morals, values, ideals and principles you made our lives matter, Officer Cook, as Dade County police history will bear out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2018

Act courteous and chances are the people you watch over will do the same. You were a most compassionate gentleman, Officer Cook, great at calming folks down and yet poised beyond your years. Dade County had that humble and loving embrace when you sealed in peace and goodwill for our community. They have never lost sight of your dignity and the essential integrity that assisted you, Officer Cook, in curtailing violence. Comrades, your friends and most importantly your family have always loved you and humbly admired your cherished pursuits in life and during your police career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The validity of valor is humanity's welcoming embrace of our angelic heroes and heroines in God's blue skies above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2018

Traffic can be abysmal and so can unwelcome terror and its tormenting way of frustrating us . There were no regrets only to losing you, Officer Cook, at such a young age with more missions of hope, faith and mercy left behind for others to carry out. Dade County was in righteous and steady hands of proficiency when you patrolled for harmony and unity. Character, commitment to excellence, honesty and those shares of quiet humility, integrity and dignity shared roles in saving people. Never forgotten and always high respected as a hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2018

Relevant and dutiful, your resolve on behalf of Dade County citizens made them feel comfortable, Officer Cook. Only coming from the means of your unwavering mettle and unselfish sacrifice which has enhanced those suffering from this seemingly relentless evil. No one deserves to live in kayos and your humble and humane heroism, Officer Cook, saved us from more possible wickedness. Only so morally proper and constructed from the bands of boldness, bravery and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of honor, integrity and dignity. Humanity will so salute your humility in giving us some safety and security.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2018

Due to diligence and valor, Dade County can enjoy some quiet times. Your service, Officer Cook, protected the masses from undo harm. Your honesty and its personality were a refreshing sight in lieu of this very violence and only a man of maturity and character along with dignity and integrity can get the tasks done smartly. Never more admired for providing peace and freedom for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Convincing and always treasured for having a passion and following your desires down those roads of nothing but sheer tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2018

Most everybody has a goal in life. That goal takes a toll for some and yet for reality purposes begins in that officer's home. It is where they place down their roots, where integrity, morals honor and dignity start breathing and amping up their volumes. No finer a man than yourself, Officer Cook, a humble savior and fighter on our behalf in Dade County. The rationale is fairly easy to comprehend, you wanted to make a difference in your community that forever salutes your gallant attempt to calm an irrational young man troubled by the plights of domestic violence and depression. That alone does not in any way, shape or form dictate going out and murdering public servants who are just doing their jobs as you were, Officer Cook, for six loyal and dedicated years of service in the blessed name of peace, boldness, humility and the principles of why our society has to be at peace. We'll always remember your family and comrades who supported you in this unseemingly unending struggle with terror and torment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There is no license to steal or to harm anyone. Police have weapons to be utilized with discreet and wise vision. No Wyatt Earps. Common sense and clarity must be the rule of thumb. The train of thought so to speak. Take care, Officer Cook, keep observing your family's pursuits of happiness. I miss that friendship and bond we could have shared together. Sunday breakfasts and tennis would have been very welcoming.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2018

Charity and bravery knock home the point of one's prudence and unwavering resolve. It's found in we hope most public servants worth their bars of boldness and stripes of serenity. All the common sense does not matter if a person is rogue and goes against rules such as what a police officer did the other day in Pittsburgh to a young African American man shot multiple times for no apparent reason, Officer Cook. At least you were admired and well liked for doing your assignments properly sealing in peace and unity in Dade County's corridors. What goes against the grain cannot ever happen when life and danger are hanging together on those streets that belong to all mankind. Women and men of class and decency understand why the law must be applied and followed justly when safety and peace walk that tightrope as one entity. You'll be saluted, Officer Cook, for your honor, integrity and dignity that made battling violence you source of concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Michael Rosfeld is being charged with murder and is facing big trouble. It's a shame that Mr. Pearsall did not face his punishment in a court of law, Detective Donald Blocker had no choice that awful day of May 16, 1979 for what he did to you and your fellow brave colleagues. You'll always be your family and department's hero and warrior of intuition, intelligence and the ingenuity to see your perseverance as completed. God is handling the rest as you patrol His golden venues where your vigilance comes into clearer focus. His violence cost him his life, the very same faithful existence you had for humanity, Officer Cook. Respect. Resolve. Reverence Undying resolve to press for prosperity and hope for mankind's dreams to be fulfilled. The very same aspirations and desires you had too, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2018

There must be a methodical way to solve this dilemma that meanness and evil cause. Sure, all one can do is stay focused on their primary job, keep honor and dignity close to integrity on your vest. You performed your role quite well, Officer Cook and the benefits have been felt not only then but nowadays. Our peace and sanctity came with your unselfish sacrifice which of course won't be forgotten. Enhancement and the wiseness of your character, vision and humility continues blowing in the wind as your soul as cherished and revered as it was keeps floating higher to a newer eternal level. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2018

Showering one with praise and effusion only serves as a temporary stimulant. Let's look at the entire picture of their work and then judge them. It's rather simple, you followed rules and standards, Officer Cook, while keeping Dade County sheltered in peace. You never mired in mediocrity only in meaningful resolve and resourcefulness. Character, intelligence and the breaths of dignity and integrity were brought to the surface by honesty and the humility of servicing all humanity and always saluted for valor and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2018

Superlatives sparkle only when those devoted shine in humbleness and humility while serving the good interests of those they watch over. Dade County had your eyes and ears, Officer Cook, balancing boldness and commitment together with security and the peaceful movements of all mankind. We as a society are deeply indebted to you, Officer Cook, a man of grace and loving kindness are brought about through your wisdom, vision and maturity beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A pillow is for propping your head and resting among the humane angelic heroes and heroines who paid the dearest prices for our dignities and faithful journeys in life to march onward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2018

The fruits of a person's work habits are the very sweat and toil of their esteemed bravery. Energetic and efficient were how you applied yourself, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County and its citizens, folks who deserved serenity and the harmony that liberty delivers. Our safety and prosperous joys are solely because of your heroic actions that saved lives of those comrades and the people whom you proudly and honorably protected from evil. Your unwavering character and sensitivity kept tranquility blanketed around a community that respected your ingenuity, integrity and vital dignity, Officer Cook. Your conscience presided over the masses and happiness tried to reign down on them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2018

You can meditate all you want so long as your devotion and determination are placed where they will have the greatest affect. Effect and effort go well when accompanied by honesty, bravery and the nobleness of dignity and integrity. Everything must be firm and right as it was during your watch, Officer Cook. You policing kept those dark cloud sof evil as far away from us as possible. Everything and more character, commitment and humility was channelled into your entire life and police career, all cut way too short because of wanton violence. Your spirit of enhancement and gallantry continues flying upward each second as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2018

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