Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

I just read, Officer Cook, of a detective who passed ten years ago who arrested a man three-hundred times. Three -hundred times and he walked! The streets of Dade County were tough enough when you patrolled them. And then you accentuate that with violence and domestic strife, it has all the makings of something very sinister. Sadly, May 16, 1979 was just that. A gallantly heroic officer wearing Badge#1664 and answering what turned out to be your last call went to a scene with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, demonstrated character, honesty and integrity, had your respect and dignity torn apart and that of your family's hearts and souls, can't say much else. A grand fellow gone way too soon, but never forgotten. Nothing but admiration from your colleagues and this entire police world. Our peace, liberty and unification all because of your unwavering humility and humble sanctity, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2018

The best chance we have in life is to be humanely loyal, dignified and most importantly, honest. Sincerity and respect are mutual. Police officers must compose themselves at all times with integrity, heroic wisdom and the vigilance of vision, how much more humane can we be? Your hopes and our hopes and dreams rested squarely in your arms of awareness, acumen and being astute, Officer Cook. Dade County and its residents relied upon your trusted and respected proficiency to get peace, harmony and unity all aboard those trains of tenacity. A great man with staunch character and the diligence of fabulous morals. Courteous. Kind and compassionate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2018

Violence, evil, hatred and bigotry open that proverbial pandora's box. We find all sorts of cold and callous scenarios that will keep any loyal and honest man and woman so duly occupied. Your battles in Dade County, Officer Cook, were meant to unlock the doors to desire, decency and determination which must have along with tranquil times. Character and wisdom go a long way in serving their purposes and your feats of bravery and humility, Officer Cook, made serenity and safety stand tall and humble. The couches we recline and rest our weary bodies on are because you were deliberate and very thoughtful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2018

The morally righteous reap the benefits of bettering our world full of terror. Why? Because their humility and bravery stays where it has the most affect. Honor and dignity such as yours, Officer Cook, were many of the clues as to why peace, unity and civility have championed their pathways here in Dade County. The people gain the appreciation for your well done role, Officer Cook. Though, you left us too soon because of unwarranted evil, your legacy and its heroic actions have left an unreplaceable impression still embedded in our hearts and minds. Enhancement is through your fine character and unwavering commitment to pride and its effort in producing goodwill and hope for all to relish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2018

Those who speak the truth and are trustworthy honor their creator. Their deeds of heroism are where the seeds of their labors are. Your convictions and wisdom, Officer Cook, were the genesis of your home life and fundamentally excellent upbringing. Kudos to your folks, fine and devout people who represent the fabrics of fine character, dignity from the heart, yours too and the integrity that Dade County's best relied upon. You put humanity and humility in the same sentence structure as morals and valor, it all makes perfect sense. A man of logic and fine principles all the reasons why your life and career, Officer Cook, bore ingenuity and the fruitful pursuits of happiness, joy and serenity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2018

Practice is prudent when fighting the wars of attrition. Hitting those mean and nasty streets is the job of one who sets their minds and souls to bravery, honor, care and character. I doubt there was anyone better than you, Officer Cook, in your missions of faith and goodwill hovering around Dade County looking after the residents. A steadfast man of humility and integrity getting the roles completed day after day no matter the circumstances. You will be admired and solemnly saluted forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2018

A proctor of proficiency, perseverance and a passion like no other. Your exploits, Officer Cook, saved Dade County and its citizens plenty. Lives hanging by a thread and a man bent on violence waging more than anyone could warrant. It was your humbly heroic character, honesty, dignity and integrity that stopped an already awful day from becoming worse. A loss of a young life, a gallant gentleman crusading his commitment where peace and unity could come out from under the carpet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2018

Crime presents all sorts of challenges, clues and no answers at times. Police must unravel information and attempt to resolve what needs fixing. You mended the spirits of all Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, through your definition of dignity, morals and conduct befitting a man of integrity and honesty. We have turbulent times , we have also had peaceful ones that in large part to your heroic actions. Your soul of accomplishment and character is gently and humbly flying high each second in heaven thanks to Our Creator's mercy. His compassion shines down on your peers and family forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2018

Life is not a game like darts or checkers. Those men and women who condition themselves and conduct their public service affairs with class and dignity shall be the brave ones who survive and meet the challenges and the expectations ahead of them. At your right and left, Officer Cook, were the mountains of honesty and diligence that you had to climb to reach out to secure peace and its friendly goodwill to all mankind. It takes a genuine labor of love to battle and eliminate the arsenals of terror and your kind of professional character, Officer Cook, held sway in this important manner. Gallantry like a giant. Humbleness as only you eloquently demonstrated, Officer Cook. And the universal and well respected humane and heroic actions where you faithfully discharged your specific obligations to the welfare of all people living in and around Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was not heresy, it was about truthful and trustworthy. Ready at anytime to fight for our liberties and those freedoms that come with consequences. You continue to be missed, Officer Cook, a legend and legislator for our happiness and civility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2018

Racing to resolve a conflict takes much skill and know how. You can be sure and humbly confident and something monstrous happens the last second. Police know when usually to be aggressive and when to back off slightly so as now to inflame a fiery situation. Dade County's hopes were given new life and blossomed under your direction, Officer Cook. A consistent man of character, values and commitment to excellence and for having the designed dignity, ingenuity of integrity and the honor that was honed and simply humane. Your heroic actions, Officer Cook, represented your department's demeanor and their professional standards and never once have been abandoned nor out of sight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police never want to walk on eggshells, but, caution and care are always recommended. You did all you could on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook. Our Master Planner had grander and greater plans for your marvelous soul of peace and harmony.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2018

United we stand and unified when one of us falls. When a most revered and beloved gentleman of politeness and morals who gives his heart and soul as you courageously did for all Dade County, Officer Cook, we must be on guard and prepared to fight on. The war must not end because evil still seems to creep in places we could not possibly fathom. Your father and mother instilled the basic tenets of tenacity, integrity, dignity and honesty in your every vein and bone of your being. One that made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf and for peace and liberty to virtually roam without objection nor harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's cozy dens of desire, faith and unwavering devotion to duty. When a dispatch goes out there you were, Officer Cook, trusted, present and accounted for in humane and loyal humility to your brother and sisters who don their uniforms proudly and most wisely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2018

Your substance, strength and goodwill, must be having a grand affect on everyone. Your family is succeeding in their lives and your comrades are continuing to battle these nasty wars on violence. You taught some of them the ropes of resolve and honesty and from Our Master's holy seat of bravery is your soul doing the same. Dade County was bolstered by your boldness, courage and the dignity by which you stood in there on May 16, 1979 and everyday for that matter getting us through this awful carnage of infamy. What morally righteous person goes out and plots to kill police, peace officers just going about their daily affairs of charm and grace. Humility and humanity are like that typical peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Inhaling good vibes from your virtually proficient mind, Officer Cook, your sincere character has brought that desired effect back to a community that salutes and totally honors your heroism and actions of passion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2018

Faith should rattle the cages of the conceited. It conjures up the images of ingenuity and integrity the likes of which dignity and bravery don't always see. Those of us living in Dade County back in the early 1970's saw you, Officer Cook, a young man who dared and dreamed to become an honest and intensely loyal public servant. It was the Liberty City side and all sides there to who received great protection and had their harmony and serenity humbly attached back together as one entity. You can really be sure, Officer Cook, that your decency, devotion affects will be felt forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2018

We live on and keep your legacy alive, Officer Cook, dreams, goals aspirations and plans all strengthened by your loving family's pursuits of happiness and success. You traveled down those same roads of resolve and low and behold found prosperity and peace leading other officers through honesty, humility and courage. Your service to Dade County's folks endeared your heart and soul to so many wonderful people. Peers of incredible dignity and integrity such as yours has kept the flames of ferocity burning deep inside your department that has honored and revered your trials and tribulations as you brokered goodwill and joy for our society that surely won't be forgotten. Always a warrior, savior and true humble and loyal teammate to all in this battle for tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your bloodlines must be affixed in the name of God and your blessed good name and memory. Our Lord has your lovely soul patrolling His golden streets paved with justice and valor all where it needs to be.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2018

Magnetism and charm are nice. Bravery, honor and humility their humbleness much more vital in battling terror and evil. You fought long and hard, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County and their citizens until you last breath and are to be saluted for character, transparency and the convictions that excellent character and commitment to duty bring. Our peace, prosperity and security came with a sacrifice, yours, Officer Cook, thirty-nine years later you continue to be fondly and humanely honored for diligence and enhancement as a hero and warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2018

Never trample upon tenacity, nor stomp on stoic and humble service of a loved one who shared, cared and thought enough to do something about evil. At least, Officer Cook, you were quenched in quick action on May 16, 1979, to advert an even bigger catastrophe. Your heroic deeds of dignity and honor saved many lives not just those of your colleagues, but, of Dade County folks as well. Sure enough your integrity and intuition shined where its effects were most felt. You will be solemnly remembered and nobly saluted for great character and the wisdom of which created your maturity beyond your twenty-five years of a well lived and fruitful life of journeys where desire and motivation unified as well as peace and liberty for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2018

Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Never look at gallantry and bravery and take them for granted. Humanity never should treat humility and serenity lightly. Always err on the side of caution and tread lightly upon the throes of peace and those public servants who placed their lives and careers on the line as you did, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County, a genuine hero of the classiest of character, sound and prideful commitment to principles, morals and ethics. You always gave us the full compliment of courtesy and politeness even in the face of violence which sadly took you from your family, friends and well admired comrades of diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2018

The deaths of our most bravest, esteemed and beloved of heroes and heroines while very sad and traumatic, leaves us the ordinary citizen the humble privilege of posting something that may ease the minds and hearts of those baring pain and agony of a loss. You were a mainstay of your family, Officer Cook, a productive citizen, a humane and giving public servant whose understanding and wisdom enabled you to seek peace and pursue the disrespect of those inclined to commit terror which breaks the bonds of silence, its boldness interrupted by sounds of non serenity which we all are allowed to have. A man of character and conviction, your vision, Officer Cook, brought forth a newer hope and devotion to the notions of quiet and civil moments. Thank God for your acumen, awareness and common sense for maintaining that fair balance between resiliency, proficiency and the efficient endeavors in keeping the wavelengths of harmony open and free of interference and static. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2018

The colors of a rainbow serve as agents for unification within our great nation. Society already has enough ailments to last a while to cure. While thriving through your undying commitment, unwavering honor and always present and unshakable dignity and fairness, Officer Cook, did violence know when to stop its haunting movements through the Dade County community where you took an affirmation to serve and to protect wisely and quite humbly, bravery, valor and your outstanding character, Officer Cook, spoke volumes of humility as it coaxed peace and civility back into those pipelines of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2018

Well, Officer Cook, I just found out that an African American pastor and his six kids are residing in your parents' home. It sure brought back a flood of memories and I cried like a baby. Could not avoid it. Death will do that and just today, I found out my last relative of mine from my parents, my beloved Aunt Marcia Schiff passed in her sleep. I do hope and pray your mom, Mrs. Julia Cook, is well. Your concern and care helped to seal safeness and harmony within our walls of freedom where only desirable character navigates. Those structures and their cornerstones are only made more solid because of your humility and humane heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2018

Hugs are better than drugs. Just wish I could have given you a great big bearhug and firmly placed handshake, Officer Cook, a man, a humble hero and one determined gentleman with the highest regard for humanity and humility firmly placed against your integrity, dignity and honesty that made your journeys and missions around Dade County that much more meaningful. You'll never be forgotten for having the acumen and anticipation to prevent wickedness and through it all, rays of resolve, hope and faith sprouted forth from safety, serenity and the sanctity by which civility must go. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2018

Life is only a portion of happiness, peace and the promise of hope and goodwill. The rest of the equation follows on the footsteps of ferocity, tenacity and the character to commitment like never before. Your colleagues witnessed true allegiance toward them and the respect of a dignified young man with true honesty and humble integrity which made Dade County more tranquil than ever before. Yes, Officer Cook, it was probably inscribed and now honorably etched on walls of honor, your fine and outstanding character that made evil stand and take notice. Always fondly saluted for gallantry and bravery above all else. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2018

I meant to say, Officer Cook, you did not wreck havoc, you heroically tried to stop havoc and mayhem from ensuing. Only your best feet forward and hands of humility were utilized to protect all Dade County and its citizens. our hopes and dreams are still continuing because of your unselfish and unshakeable honesty, integrity and dignity to carry on. The greatest of humane public servants scouring an area to procure prosperity and peace for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2018

We scream at the senseless loss of life. The sadness of a quiet and engaging officer, young and bold, brave and honorable who made Dade County's pride and concern matter the most. You replaced violence with security and the certain unity that liberty and freedom aim to address. From your unselfish character and charm, Officer Cook, it's easy to witness why you were so respected and well admired by all your peers of resolution and resiliency. You got the job done and the business at hand was handled by your graceful and sincere heart of gold. Now Our Lord has that big caring and giving heart stored high up in palace of gallantry and humility where humanity was protected by your inspirations of integrity and ingenuity while conviction, wisdom and vision brought forth a new optimistic outline of goodwill for all society. You are missed by your loved ones and those who spoke with you and were blessed to break bread with you and Karen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2018

Gracious and gregarious, all of that and the big smile behind Old Glory, Officer Cook, is sadly been a missing feature of your friends, police family and your own family's happy trails in life. Your sacrifice brought out the very best of your affection and astuteness where honor, integrity and dignity was capsulized by your hunts for quiet and unity for Dade County's own. We know, your department know show great and courageous you were, Officer Cook, putting your life on the line to quash evil. Violence has no regrets. It has paths that carve out serious problems if our bravest and best of public servants do not address these issues immediately. You understood your roles, Officer Cook and took to the streets with your partners of your time to spell out our aspirations, happiness and serenity. Our hopes and dreams rested in your loyal arms and feet where you ran after wickedness. Character, desire and decency are never hidden as they followed you, Officer Cook, during your most productive journeys and missions where faith and cornerstones rested against the backdrops of one another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2018

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