Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

To pontificate is just to speak and to get better results humble and steadfast action is required when wickedness knocks at our door. When you navigated around the various venues of Dade County, Officer Cook, you had a motus of attack and violence listened, at least most of the time. Troubling and of course very tragic the events of May 16, 1979, that took your life of liberty and substance, Officer Cook. A career thought out and well executed, just gosh golly sad, honor, dignity and your wise integrity being snuffed out with more left on the horizons of humility. Our friend humanity observes and reflects back on your character and charisma, Officer Cook,one created more superbly than most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Engaging and gallant, a savior and true reliably trusted public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2018

Intolerance causes much indigestion as much as dishonor and lack of morals causes consternation among the ranks. Those living in Dade County during your watch, Officer Cook, have solemnly remembered your gallant and humble manners of patrolling for unity and peace. An effort worth saluting for its honor, integrity and the dignity that cherished women and men are entitled to. We have by your unwavering sacrifice, Officer Cook, the panels of perfection, perseverance and resolve permanently erected for all humanity to take a peek at. Never will our society forget your genuine love and respect for fighting off the forces of evil so help us God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies are only made into heroic foundations if the tenacity and ferocity are well placed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2018

Boldness crashes through those clouds of conceit. And men and women of decency and desire have the chance to conquer evil securing peace and goodwill for all citizens. Just what you did on behalf of all Dade County residents, Officer Cook. A surely humble and loyal public servant who dashed those pangs of those intent on violence while staying honest, dignified and intensely passionate. Your integrity, character and commitments to morals, pride and excellence were well placed as was harmony and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of direction and vision. The proof of the pudding forever rests in humanity's walls of honor we give our most beloved and esteemed angelic heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2018

Getting dirty and dusty are signs of laboring for peace. A torn uniform is still better than a bullet and that is our society at times, too many public servants dying in the line of duty from gunfire's revolting violence. It rings loud and sadly. You gave your life, Officer Cook, for Dade County's emancipation and for their enhancements to proceed onward. You were a man of action and character, the classic gentleman of heroism and humility whose life was ended by a wicked young man. No better dignity, wisdom and integrity than yours, Officer Cook. Our peace, freedom and unity all by your unselfish and loyal actions of May 16, 1979, never to be forgotten. History has a way of rewriting the future courses of mankind. Yours my neighbor, friend and hero rest in peace in God's friendliest of skies where other angelic heroes and heroines of bravery and commitment lie forever patrolling those golden and sacred streets where no harm will ever befall you again. I truly wish your partner that day could have done more to protect you, I understand Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln was under siege too and under fire not knowing what might have happened to him as well as your colleagues who too were shot and nearly killed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2018

Eccentric is one thing. Simplicity is another. And it is found in those humble, humane and heroic brave souls of serenity where fairness meets firmness and justice and truth are the partners married to one another that matter the most. Your inspirations, Officer Cook, mattered, your honesty and wisdom, they too mattered, your vision and perceptions, they too mattered. Dade County, its reform and tranquility they mattered. Everything you could have fulfilled in your yearning to become a public servant was reached except for the life you lived and personified should not have been violated and robbed of your wonderful soul. When terror and wickedness stand near each other, even our most bravest and boldest of men and women have trouble reaching out to reign it in. Your best was outstanding in saving your comrades and those civilians caught in a web of disaster, you'll be eternally saluted for carving out niches of morals and the courtesies you afforded our community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2018

Uniquely qualified to wage a battle like no other, your professional acumen, Officer Cook and for that entire matter your stamina and resolve will always be memorialized for helping others and pitching in at critical times. Those moments may be brief and yet your undying peace and caring concern always made that big difference in Dade County. Those who watched you grow into a most reliable public servant witnessed real honest to God humility unfolding right before their eyes. Your lips spoke the truth, it was dignity, integrity and loyalty that took center stage. Only priority was the people, though you were a dedicated family man and husband to Karen. She married a real savior and man of both gallantry and character never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2018

Close minded doesn't pick at the issues. Intelligence and maturity get at the point of perseverance. Commitment and conviction carry their weight when one devotes their career and life toward conquering this insidious evil. You supported your friends and colleagues that tragic day, Officer Cook and let it be known to all mankind that placed your unselfish honor, integrity and dignity on the line in order for Dade County's enhancements to roll along smoothly down those tracks of your energetic tenacity. This is how your heroic legacy and humble life will be solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2018

A blurb is just that. Boldness and bravery are simply not found in many. Those who served as public servants do so out of choice and not reluctantly. A humble man, you gave your life, Officer Cook, for the welfare and spirit of Dade County to keep moving its prosperity higher each day. You battled an enemy so diverse and yet so diabolical it says volumes of your volition and character. A humane hero of dignity, decency and integrity stabilizing our peace and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2018

To be contrite and up front is better than being a snake in the grass liar. God forgives those who sin and pardons any iniquities that we bare. You were a straight arrow officer and gentleman, Officer Cook. Humbly dignified and full of honest integrity that led your pathways in life and during your six years of peaceful and steadfast protection to Dade County's faithful. Your comrades who hustled and fought those good fights, wars that took their tolls as you and many others here sacrificed for our best interests to keep moving on. Gallant souls of character and tranquility may never be overlooked nor can they be forgotten, only saluted for the intuition that good morals and politeness brings those risk their mettles advancing the causes of justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A beacon of boldness, hope and desire, your heroic name, Officer Cook, shall be forever instilled and firmly etched in our souls, minds and hearts, the same as your compassionate heart. A real crying shame it had to stop. You gave you all and that was better than most do.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2018

The plain truth is trust is a must and honesty is always going forward the best policy. But, dignity and integrity should never be discounted when it boils down to safety and the nets of peace being cast far and wide around Dade County's loyal and faithful, its population determined to live more constructive and taciturn lives. Your tact and candor, Officer Cook, opened those floodgates of generosity, hope and the optimism that goodwill to mankind brings. Your colleagues who fought alongside of you, Officer Cook, can forever honor your most heroic memory and the motivation all stemming from your dedication to make life so sacred matter. You gave up your life and profession in order for your comrades, your buddies of pride and boldness to launch into combat mode trying to defeat evil. Your creed and mantra all firmed up by character and the resolute resolve that only resourcefulness and resilient service can assuredly deliver. Endearing and engaging with a wide grin and humility as open as your soul and heart, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2018

Heroism is to be humbly so honored and saluted everyday for we recognize men and women gallant enough to tackle any task given to them. Dade County was a big assignment and you were chosen to lead others, Officer Cook, through those forests where fires of turmoil and evil burned out of control. You kept your composure, sanity and dignity all while trying to quiet a young man bent on destruction. Sadly, Officer Cook, your family and peers lost a great man, a loving husband, a courageous son and uncle, a great-uncle devoted to enhancement and change. So terrible you could not live to see these and other many changes brought about through your undying wisdom and firm vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2018

Boldness leads bravery bravery through the wildernesses of wickedness, it's up to decent and honest men and women to take charge of their commitments and no compromises are to be had. You can take a chance once in a while. You certainly offered hope and goodwill to Dade County folks, Officer Cook, you were a poised and proficient individual stirred by passion and gently touched by humbleness and its heroic deeds which brought peace and life back to a community that revered and respected your admirable work ethic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2018

The blades turn many times a second and that is exactly the thinking of police when confronted with violence and other dire emergencies. Sometimes you must react and hope for the very best outcome. You reacted on May 16,1979, as you did precisely at other scenes, Officer Cook. Nothing is assured nor to be taken for granted. Your expertise and excellent demeanor allowed you the opportunity to calm down this irrational fellow. Only your honesty, integrity and dignity surely was orchestrated by Our Creator. He has your soul of serenity in His lap now as you protected Dade County and its residents with all your humble might. Take care and watch over your family and those brave servants who work their way through peril as you did for six years of loyal, friendly and faithful service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2018

Fire and brimstone, bravery and the honor to support all your humble journeys in life, Officer Cook and your pursuits of civility and harmony for all Dade County citizens. You were a great man, a noble hero and legitimate legend so gallant and unselfish in your commitments and ideals. We the people salute your instinctual integrity, devoted dignity and humane humility all from your caring heart and soul. They now rotate around our universe day and night. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character is judged by convictions and intellect beyond the calls of professional service. Yours, Officer Cook, remains treasured forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2018

Death is that deliberate blow to the stomach that sucks the wind out of us. Your passing, Officer Cook, left your beloved family members and police colleagues grasping for answers. Why? You were a most courageous and devotedly loyal comrade whose character and determination assisted Dade County in obtaining its measure of peace and safe travels for all mankind. Always heroic, dignified and instilled with humanely humble honesty and humility that battled wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2018

Your penchant for peace and prosperity, Officer Cook, shall remain the living embodiment of your humbly terrific legacy . Heroism and humility. A heart of gold filled with honor, dignity and the morals we value as integrity. It all made Dade County's folks safer and more harmonious than ever. If evil and its terror could be hunted down and erased from our memories, those banks of boldness in more than commitment and conviction can offer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and career should have ended with a pension for your labors and a happy life with your beloved Karen. Never forgotten and totally saluted and deservedly so. Brave and ideally intelligent to handle the rigors and dangers that public service presents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2018

The pearls of wisdom are the gems of gallant and trusted public servants. Those who depart their homes to protect and serve us may they be sincerely commended for their character, courage and constitution. Your service, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County was legislated upon learning the ropes of resolve, resiliency and the basic tenets and facets of resourcefulness and ferocity. When poured into a dilemma it can bring somewhat of a peaceful time. We salute your honor, dignity and purposes of integrity and what humility stands for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Charisma and charm graced us for twenty-five years of fruitful and fitting duty toward battling violence. We had our serenity and safe passages restored by your unselfish vigilance, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2018

Dive to the bottom and you'll discover enough, caring and character, decency and desire, dignity and passion to occupy a life of integrity and heroic missions of faith and hope. All performed very nobly and effortlessly by you, Officer Cook and on behalf of those whom you served gallantly and gracefully may you be remembered for wisdom and maturity to guide your humble soul of esteem higher and higher watching over your family, colleagues and close personal friends. Ferocity and tenacity transmit for the very same frequency as does resolve and resiliency. A trusted veteran warrior, savior and hero of all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those pearls of intuition and ingenuity, Officer Cook, helped you greatly in preserving life and property.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2018

Full of life and yet we were left mortified when you left us way too early. Officer Cook, you were a concerned and very concerned public servant who cared deeply for all Dade County citizens. Violence, we still don't exactly know why it rips families and police agencies apart? But it does causing gaping holes and wounds at times too severe to fix. Your commitment to pride and excellence, humane and full of humility surely brought peace and goodwill to all. Dignity, decency were all accounted for as was your devotion and dedication, Officer Cook, always fully unwavering and unselfish in the sacrifices you made so our vehicles and visions may march on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2018

Always my heartfelt prayers and thoughts go out to you, Officer Cook and your family. A man of his word whose passions traveled far and wide in search of everlasting peace in Dade County. Our security was your destiny my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing enigmatic about your honesty, class and deserving respect you garnered humbly from your peers. They too have fought and continue on in this unenviable war over terror. Let those who serve and protect us, our liberties and serenity do so with humility on their sleeves and morals bubbling from their valiant hearts. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2018

The price for peace is the abundant perseverance and bravery given by each man and woman. You must be a stable individual who is capable of absorbing information and at the very same time be unafraid to confront evil, face to face whatever the task, the challenge is always there. It was right there, Officer Cook, for you and your comrades in Dade County. Honor. Integrity and the dignity by which our missions can march forward. You remain a cherished, loyal and faithfully humane hero who delivered serenity and security just when it was called for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2018

Evil is all bark and its bite that is very nasty and painful. Thankfully, you navigated around the side streets and every venue where you were assigned, Officer Cook. You preserved the civility and harmony that peace brings in and your composition of character and honor only enhanced our very souls of serenity and humility today. Your heroism and courage all were outstanding as were your values and deliberations to be dedicated and supremely loyal to your comrades. The fires rage on, one day they will extinguished and silence and happiness will prevail. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2018

A good name is all anybody can want. What you have you must keep sacred and sanctified. No running toward dishonor, disrespect and destruction which threatens the liveliness of our modern day society. Your best efforts, Officer Cook, helped to allay fears and in essence attempted to calm down a raging young man who fires of evil burned viciously. Everything by the book, your class, desire and devotion. Faith, honesty, vision, integrity and the wisdom of solid dignity brought back peace and quiet for awhile to all Dade County citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2018

The pictures and accounts from heaven must be breathtaking. The world above, high above the turmoil and unrelenting violence is peaceful and serene thanks in part to Our Creator's will. His cameras are always perfectly focused, not a smudge of dust on those special lens. You and your heroic colleagues, Officer Cook, can continue your eternal life of assisting your comrades here in Dade County with their battles. Surely your blessed name and boldness from above will counteract any unwanted violence and further terror. Your journeys and their quests were all honorable, dignified and replete with resolve and integrity, the core to your essentially good morals, values and principles of faith and devotion. All the respect and pride of being a heroic warrior and friend to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our security, serenity, safety and abundance of happiness came at your love and admiration for us, Officer Cook. A sacrifice not be be forgotten. Humanity has its humility encased on walls and wherever you holy name rests.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2018

Police at times are stumped and floored by felonious mischief. You cannot say you don't know what to do. You are rigorously trained on virtually every situation that can occur. Not being required to respond to a call is one thing, to answer that dire emergency and to go willingly and put your life and career of character, honor and desire on the front line, say it humbly and of course most heroically. Your days, Officer Cook, were filled with arranging peace and goodwill for all of our community. Dade County was a stomping ground for everything good and bad. Tragic, that the very terror and heinous actions of one bent out of shape young man took you from your family, comrades and a plethora of friends outside your chosen profession. A great public servant whose soul has kept the lighthouses perpetually lit up in Our Lord's massive shelters where eternal keeping and patrol of His golden and humane streets and venues are our bravest angels tasks from now on. Keep looking down upon your family and all of us, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2018

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