Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Born to explore, born to run, born to have fun. Everyone born has a purpose in life and for some the humble, the brave and the ones whose morals allow them to catch evil, you were one of the most heroic of public servants here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A gentleman with a gift for going over and beyond the calls of duty. Taking matters most seriously you helped to end a vicious dispute between a troubled young man and his girlfriend even though his callousness cost you your young life. The likes of which can never be repaid. Though, your family, colleagues have solemnly remembered you and have honored your integrity and character full of compassion and care. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serenity and harmony in our community were handled by the very best, yourself, Officer Cook, humane and loyal until the end.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2018

The source of honesty and dignity comes from learning the valuable lessons from your parents. It's safe to say, Officer Cook, that you learned and taught other men and women all decent and honorable as yourself. Dade County and its residents were well tended to when you patrolled looking for peace and calm while scouring the streets for crime. A hero whose character whose charm and personality befit your commitment to excellence and the humility that society expects from devoted public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2018

By daylight or nightlight crime and who knows what still lurks out there. They pull no punches and strike like a demon. So all good officers must stay awake and aware of their situations. Falling asleep on the job could certainly jeopardize one's own life and the lives of the public they serve. Your job, Officer Cook, kept you attuned to Dade County's needs and wants and you fulfilled your end with stellar integrity, sincere honesty and the determination of steadfast dignity. It fits the roles of resolve and effort very well and put a huge dent into violence. Our peace and taciturn moments all came about through your undying, unwavering and very unselfish sacrifice never to be forgotten and humbly sewn into our minds and souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serenity and safety on earth now rests in other fine officer's hands with the Lord's staff and your soul, Officer Cook, watching , looking and patrolling those sacred gates, pearly doors and shelters of tenacity given by brave and dignified angelic heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

Curtain calls are for actors. Life saving calls are for duly sworn men and women of honor and true humble grit and character. The class you possessed to go and make Dade County citizens safer once again, Officer Cook. True integrity, dignity and professionalism begin at home when one learns their manners, morals, values and chooses ideals to support the validation of their chosen career. You choice, Officer Cook, represented the importance of wearing a badge and uniform with humility and the sanctity of which police work is all about. Protecting lives and having the able body to preserve a community's unity, liberties and freedoms of fruitful purposes. Happiness and prosperity among them. Never far from our hearts and always carefully saluted for accentuating bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

A stitch in time saves nine. I think that is how the phrase goes. What goes round and round and never stops are all the devoted and honest police officers, men and women of genius and genuine humbleness cut out from the patterns of honesty, integrity, valor and dignity. They light up our world and that of Dade County, Officer Cook, where some of your fiercest battles took place with your colleagues supporting your loyalty and instincts. Good men like you should be here to serve and to live out their retirements with your beloved, Karen. But, unfortunately Our Master had more humane blueprints for His faithful servant. Heaven awaited you, Officer Cook, your dad, Charles, awaited his precious and most beloved son whose saving grace was your sanity and civility directed at humanity to preserve and to shield us from torment and turmoil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and concern. Compassion waits. Passion permeates. Yours, Officer Cook, percolated and was austere indeed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

The elevators of effort, efficiency and energy must go to the top just as the dignity, honor and integrity of our beloved brave souls, they too must shine on in eternity. Shine brightly and beautifully, you do, Officer Cook. Your Dade County service though it was thirty-nine years ago has been long since remembered for its bountiful boldness and creativity, humility to all people and the grand and serene gallantry that heroes possess when fighting off evil and endeavoring to restore peace and safe passages for everyone. Character and commitment receive their humane rewards from God's throne of justice and for having the tenacity may you be blessed, Officer Cook. Salute is a word to describe the heroism needing quick and decisive action which you took to stop a violent scene of chaos and confusion on May 16, 1979 and everyday as well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

Comedy may be funny. Cold hearts of people are never to be laughed at. Boastful and brazen are its effects on nature. How does mankind erase this seemingly impossible feat? You put the hearts and souls of capable and able bodied men and women to work together to solve these enigmas. Your boldness, Officer Cook, was like that of a lion. So feasible and so honorable, its yearning and diligence, dignity and integrity made people in Dade County acutely aware of your humble and loyal presence. Never again will we see your smile, only on the fallen officer's page behind the flag. Your family, comrades and close friends can understand forty years ago when you started your profession, you did commit willingly and with no reservations to the dangers out in those streets that at moments can be unrelenting. You persevered and coped as best as your values and character would allow you to. A truly inspiring hero with a legacy fit for a humble legend to be saluted and given whatever homages of respect and admiration are due you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's what you wanted to be in life, Mrs. Cook, your darling son, "Billy," paid his dues. He gave his life for his comrades, the people he served with desire and leadership. He shall be remembered as a hero to be admired for his piousness and precision. Stay well Mrs. Cook. I hope you had a restful and lovely July 4th holiday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

The sun, the moon and the stars with their constellations all rotate and revolve around us. What is so wonderful and beautiful even if we cannot literally view it is your soul, Officer Cook, making its appointed rounds for having the grand courtesy and honor, the superior bravery and unending integrity and unselfish dignity to serve the principles of Dade County's own citizens. An honor bestowed upon one heroically blessed young and graceful man. It took every bone in your bold body, Officer Cook, to deal with the adverse affects of violence and its nature to torment us. A smile and friendly greeting to all mankind. Humanity was and is firmly served and looked over by God Himself who watches over His flock of ferocity like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

Connecting the dots is not so easy a chore. Tasks can become laborious if one is not attuned and in unison with others. Police must have composure along with desire, responsibility and the characters of honor, integrity and dignity on their broad shoulders as they go out on the streets as you did, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County citizens. The price you pay to keep the peace, harmony and unity is at times an awesome price. The onus so great, the peril so real. Angels of valor validate their lives and beloved families to serve, save and preserve the intrinsic value of one's purpose on this planet. Life has meaning and by digging deep down , one will find the treasure and gallantry of a man who bore his heart of gold for us. Badge#1664 and the uniform worn by you, Officer Cook, a piece left for eternity and for Our Creator to watch over and to uplift your beautiful and serene soul. Heroes and heroines don't pop up daily, their lives, their bravery and ingenuity speak rightfully of themselves. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

Dictation takes quick hands and a sharp mind. Dedication, determination and devotion too require a sharp mind, quick and nimble fingers and the solitude of humility and honor pairing together with dignity and integrity. The center stages for a battle like no other. You wits, Officer Cook, had to be razor sharp and to have a focus and be able to fulfill your roles as a police officer, it took a grind. But then again, your grit and civility mattered when Dade County's peace and quiet was on the line. A gentleman of extremely sound character, excellent vision and the welcoming of gentle and insightful wisdom. All part of your glowing legacy of a resourceful warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

When poked by a needle one feels it. A bullet once it exits the chamber no telling where it might travel. And where it finally lands, no one will know. But the agony, anguish and torment over losing a beloved family member sure hits home. You were a priceless treasure, Officer Cook, who radiance is missed, everyday, holidays and on random days. No matter and on top of this your humility, dignity and integrity in honor and valor is greatly absent. The singe of violence needs to be replaced with the warm and cozy feeling of peace, serenity and the kindness for all mankind. Seeing your character, Officer Cook, made your colleagues work harder, strive to go deeper and that legacy of heroism will certainly be forever felt. God's loving embraces have you squarely in His giant and merciful palms of proficiency for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

Royalty may have its privileges. Loyalty owes nothing until the deed is concluded and bravery, dignity and integrity have served notice to its evil foe. You served as a devout and resolving fellow, Officer Cook. Dade County during your time was under duress and racial tensions that may have made your assignments a bit tougher to complete. Nonetheless, you finished your job with distinction and dedication befitting a humble and humane hero, a warrior and savior of wisdom and vision, the valor to see your character and ideals of fruition through until the end. A very sad and untimely tragedy, a young man with more left to fulfill giving his all and leaving his family bereft of your humbling presence. They all miss you so dearly as do your peers of perseverance and the precision by which all women and men must function under. Nothing is small. Nothing is to be taken for granted. A human life and career, one's heart, soul brain and lungs for breathing all snuffed out by a wicked and heinously callous young man who was a coward for what he perpetrated against the establishment, yourself, Officer Cook and your comrades and the good people whom you served and remain treasured for having both the fortitude and aptitude to fight on in this war over terror. It has got to surcease at some point in time. When? With you and your fellow public servants looking down for heaven hopefully, mercy, goodwill and happiness will someday prevail. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

The man behind his character reveals his true honor and reverence. Your position, Officer Cook, meant to save lives, one may have to sacrifice their own for their friends and the residents you protected. You served the Dade County community with as much valor and vigilance, resolve and faithfulness as can be demanded from all officers. Bravery and boldness taking hold of your journeys and blowing your compass and its missions where sanctity and civility must prevail and to calm down angry folks, sure takes a supremely humble human effort. You did everything you could do on May 16, 1979 and for whatever reason, Our Lord needed your soul of serenity back in heaven to be reunited with your beloved father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. The grandest of plans, the most nobly gallant of angelic heroes patrolling God's streets with all the wealth that astuteness, awareness and acumen can deliver. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

Lions roar. Evil evades our privacy strikes with rapid motion sometimes not easy to head off. Its attacks are centered and full of fury and so dependable men and women all brave and full of honest humility must seize upon their opportunities to strike back just as hard stripping it of its monster strength. A tall task for you and your compatriots, Officer Cook and you were up to the challenge. Dade County had its harmony and unity rerouted and for being a hero of character and commitment as displayed on your uniform and badge, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

Ripping and rearing to go, your infectious spirit, Officer Cook, is still being felt and appreciated throughout your department. After all, you were a humbly honest hero of the highest standards of dignity and integrity. Along with your courage and convictions they helped to quell violence here in Dade County, making peaceful and safer movements more possible for its citizens. Never overlook the exploits of a resourceful man, a gallant gentleman and a gifted and loyal public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2018

Effervescent and not self-serving, your whole life, Officer Cook, was predicated around the principles of good character, a mound of morals and the hord of honesty that made you a most trustworthy and true hero. Faith can only bring us together in a time of crisis just as war serves its passion to divide the masses of those wanting to enjoy a brief romance with serenity and the hope that our missions in life lay out for us to ponder them. Like a good book, reading and writing about the careers and lives of devoted, determined and dedicated servants only serves to inspire the passions that lie in our bellies. Never belittle a warrior. Never poke fun at a person who is willing to put their life on the line for prosperity and peace to take shape as you did for us, Officer Cook. You were most glad, happy and enhancing when the chips were down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Diligence serves its roles as the reservoir of goodwill, good cheer and the saving graces of a gallant humanity. Mankind is forever grateful, Officer Cook, you arrived when you did that tragic day of May 16, 1979, to be always saluted and etched where justice mirrors marvelously astute and aware soldiers of safety and the guidance of nobleness. Violence, evil and terror can never predict their outcomes, only thing that can happen is for our most cherished and vigilant to stay the courses of balance and away from mischief that can get them into trouble. The pathways must be cleared of obstacles and impediments that can hinder any humble woman or man's most challenging of endeavors. Peace begins at home and it must stay rooted and planted at the base of our hearts, minds and souls.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

The police chiefs and directors, run, organize and assign each member with specific duties that are officially part of their dangerous positions. The pulse of each woman and man hovers over a community where their own honesty, integrity and dignity fly high. Here in Dade County where meddling and bedlam still hovers, its advances must be halted promptly and by your esteem and charisma, Officer Cook, was it handled prudently and very professionally. A proud and personable young man, gallant and humble, humane and having the borders of boldness and sanity to resist temptations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

Tragically, accidents on duty still occur. They happened hundreds of years ago and still meander around like a tribe of wild Indians. With kayos and mayhem still permeating around our world the last thing anybody needs are for an accident to go off. Gunfire can be prevented with a little more basic training. Thank God you were a relatively safe public servant, Officer Cook. You knew when and when to utilize your department issued weapon. Your intelligence, maturity and mettle coupled with your honesty, integrity and dignity to get the best outcomes for Dade County's own people. Cherished and beloved, resolving and compassionate with a big bright smile sorely and truly missed all these decades later. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and sanctity beckon for each other in advise climates. Thank God for your soul, Officer Cook. A man of his word and bond of firmness, fairness and faithful fruition.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

Choking the life out of someone is akin to stomping on their dignity, bravery and honor. Repulsive and revolting. Surely as the sun comes up, violence must be steadfastly set down for good. Its wings must be clipped forevermore. You stood up for Dade County's rights, Officer Cook, leading the charges through thick and thin, peril and duress, danger was always handled in the only manner you could handle it face to face. No dodging. No hiding. Its attacks full and fierce and your tenacity quick and measured, Officer Cook. We have a gentle peace and quality of life because of your unselfish sacrifice on our behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our King's court of character and charm rests in their undying humility that served humanity's moments. Those multiple beams of light serve to light up our entire world dispelling doom and gloom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

Gators chomp at the bit tossing whatever they grab with a fury. So too violence never blows caution to the wind. The hands of evil and the hands of time must be watched and deliberated over. Centered, concerned and of sound mind and body, Officer Cook, as your purpose was to preserve and to honor life and protect us here in Dade County making living worth something. When you combine morals, mettle with ideals, dignity and full our humility, the only right and thoughtful conclusions should be safety, security and serenity right at your doors and gates. Positioned by a man of resolve and deliverance through God's faithful eyes, ears and lips. It is this truth and trust that sanctity, nobility and the reactions of civility shall live forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

Grief is never too good for the soul and neither is anguish nor torment as they open the still fresh cavities opened by undue violence and bloodshed. Families just endeavor to cope with the untimely loss of a beloved family member. Time we ponder and think can heal these wounds that only evil and wickedness can sporn. You were a heroically grand man, Officer Cook, fruitful and yet faith, responsible and very able to handle the rigors of a dangerous position where life hangs in the balance. Never too much and never too little. Compassion lies where passion awaits. Your feverish humility, honesty and dignity stood at the gates waiting for integrity to march straight in. Always treasured and admired for coolness under pressure and the match up morals to properly act in sync. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

The bad guys with the loaded weapons, their smoke stains the silence of each community that relishes tranquility and a little harmony. You were a humble man, Officer Cook, full of ideals and morals that nestled their ways into the hearts and minds of every person living in and around the boundaries of Dade County. No man or woman brave and solid in their heroism shall be left aside or forgotten. Salute them deservedly for the humility and hope that humanity requires. The stars are bright, the night is right let your soul stay aglow, Officer Cook, as it hovers above offering the encouragement and counsel of an intelligent gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

If God's heavenly flock of heroes and heroines are astutely watching over those whose valor and honor serve us then Our Lord can take over the rest. Your resourcefulness, resolve and insightful vision and wisdom, Officer Cook, served as the anchor for peace and freedom and no apprehension here in Dade County where serenity and its sheltering influence can still be felt this day. It has left enhancement where your character and convictions stand tall and honorable today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

God observes us as a watch dog protects its master. Though, God is and will forever be known as the Master of the Universe, you, Officer Cook, were a master at speaking and conveying the right tone as to how to proceed with life. Your career was founded in the eyes of honor, dignity and the integrity that all whoever serve must possess on their uniforms and badges of security and the safe freedoms we must be able to have when pursuing happiness for our families. You have a great family that loves, adores and misses you very much. You are their hero and forever does your spirit of affection live on in God's sheltered kingdoms of compassion and kindness to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County admired your character as that beacon of optimism and the hope of liberty and unity for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

Decades later people from all over have remembered your unsung heroism, unwavering knowledge of how things were to be done and the undying and unselfish sacrifice you made, Officer Cook, to bring peace and harmony into the various venues of Dade County. A wonderful warrior with a sense of fair play and the valid vision, wisdom and ingenuity to see your journeys through until Our Creator came calling for your soul of serenity that humbly and humanely brokered faithfulness and goodwill toward our society. Saluted and so honored for loyalty and bravery above the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2018

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