Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Slow and patient is sometimes better than fast and furious. The pace by which men and women of decency and honesty must work to track down evil. Crime is terrible no matter what kind is perpetrated. And so your style of police work, Officer Cook, seemed to be working well for most of your six years of loyal and faithfully deserving duty. Dade County and its citizens, their hopes and dreams were complimented by your aspirations and goodwill to make a difference in all lives. Peace, security, safety and the character of your unselfish commitment to justice, fairness and excellence will be solemnly etched and saluted for its equality and the pride you took, Officer Cook, in the humane and humble humility of wearing your uniform and badge of boldness, maturity and the wisdom that ingenuity brings to conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2018

Target practice is one thing, cold blooded terror is another matter. Something the demands the equipment and energy, the unwavering and unselfish effort of all duly devoted, determined and dedicated men and women of the law enforcement community. Dade County and its folks got your undivided attention to these and other matters of priority where your unassuming mettle, humbleness, Officer Cook, would be most welcomed. The honesty, wisdom,dignity and vision were an actual fact as were your courage and decency, values and principles. A very treasured and gallant young man taken way too soon defending our right to be free and unified among all of society. Our Lord has the class of character and nobility, civility and sanctity making up His heroic honor roll. Eternity is bliss and serenity nestled together to provide safe havens and navigation for those currently involved in chasing down evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2018

Violence and terror dash the hopes and dreams of those who pursue a livelihood chasing evil. Your family, Officer Cook, your mother, Mrs.Julia Cook, suffered greatly after sadly losing you, her beloved and darling, "Billy" as she called you. You were very heroic and modest, reserved and resourceful, devout and deserving. Your career was successful in the fact that your character, desire and decency were constructed into your morals in protecting Dade County's people. Losing you and your honor, integrity and dignity was a major blow to your department and comrades, but the service rolls on. Death cannot stop, impede nor interfere with quality and getting evil off of the streets. The very same pathways you preserved quite well, Officer Cook. Humility, humanity and heroism forever clutching God's palms of mercy and goodwill. Keep watching with your serene and beautiful soul my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2018

Tensions flair and one must act like a bear to secure the peace and orderly manner of any given venue. You prepared and secured Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, as all honest and brave servants must. The class, the character, dignity and integrity all were vitally present when you responded to those domestic call on May 16, 1979, in an attempt to stop a violently wayward man from committing more evil. Remembered and saluted for valor and courage, humility and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2018

Receipts show a purchase. Police don't need that they do their jobs for a certain love and humbleness they get fro God when their lives conclude. Sadly, no one wants that to end by violence in which they take an oath to stop. It impedes civility's rule and leaves society searching for a common ground of sanity. For your reserved honesty, charity and loyalty, Officer Cook, it was amazing at the job you did protecting Dade County's peace and taciturn environment. Never better and always first class in every way achievable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

Down home good sense sheds light on a brave warrior whose serenity and safety was his concern. Your growing problem, Officer Cook, was in stopping this rampage of roaring violence. Its mouths looking to swallow us in an abyss of trouble. But, wisdom, maturity and valor helped to dictate your navigation over Dade County. A gallant hero with a special kindred for his fellow man. A policeman with dignity and drive trying his utmost to stem this tide of terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The good grace and acumen to carefully follow his blueprint as directed by Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

A heart warming hero with a compassionate soul of saving grace. It makes us wonder why and yet your family and peers know who you were, Officer Cook and why God placed you at our feet and hands. Dade County and its people were in good hands, comfortable character, humble honor, distinguished dignity and the insightful integrity that brings out the best of those occupied in official business stopping crime with resolve and an attitude. Desire breeds decency. Devotion brings faith. Dedication creates the pockets for determination and success down those pathways of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

Pallbearers are those special individuals whose lives reflect those they carry to their final resting place. Heaven awaits those selected men and women whose talents are worth far more than we can ever imagine. Ponder for a moment working a job, a task where danger and peril must be contained and battled with every ounce of one's humble honor, humility all humanely given back to humanity. It is very hard to comprehend how you did your job, Officer Cook, maintaining liberty and peace over Dade County on a daily basis. Our Lord called your charitable soul back to keep track of our coming and going while watching over brave and vigilant ladies and gentleman guarding our homes and streets. You were outstanding and possessed the right scruples to unlock the doors to unity and harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A penny saved is a penny earned. One life brought back from the brink of death is paramount to saving a whole universe. Integrity, wisdom and vision have their intrinsic values, yours, Officer Cook, was sensational.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

If we could gift wrap your giving spirit, Officer Cook, I'm sure everyone would want a little piece of this. You were a special man and a heroic warrior in Dade County to be reckoned with. When wickedness came across your border you did what all public servants do, respond and try to coax them into giving up. Your character, morals and mettle helped you do that. A mission responsibly carried out with all the dignity and honor of a lion. Enhancement lives within your special soul of serenity stored in the shelters of heavenly rest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

Mired in mayhem, justice and fairness was your way of calming down those in Dade County who needed appeasing, Officer Cook. To tame the flames of violence, one's very own brand of tenacity must be applied each time to a newer situation. Your courage and care, Officer Cook. made your comrades stand and take note of your nobility, it's centered right where honor and integrity belong. That's civility, sanity and sanctity feeling out each other as your pursued happiness, peace and prosperity for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

We distrust disloyalty. We dislike terror. We treasure our very distinguished public servants, heroes and heroines who exude countless, energy and character stemming from their professional dignity, integrity and the honest pursuits in life and during their careers which someday will bring down the crimes that frustrate even the most cherished of angelic heroes and heroines whose fondness and esteem bring them closer to the faces of evil. Humility and humane actions given to humanity have a way of coming back in a positive spin. Your life and deeds, Officer Cook, will be remembered for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

Moving forward and marching to our beats, Dade County was more than adequately provided for when you patrolled its corridors, Officer Cook. All the admiration, desire and decency poured into your proficient efforts produced peace, harmony and the everlasting unity. Our preservation was called out be your undying and very unselfishly humble and loyal character, honesty, dignity and integrity. A pinch of each is what may very well eradicate evil from our streets once and forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

Diabolical and dizzying, the sense you get from all this assorted mayhem. A band aid will not stop this gushing of blood real soon. But, your intuition and ingenuity helped to stop the violence in Dade County, Officer Cook. A real gentleman and a real hero for us all. Sacred and special, our serenity and peace all marched forward by your loving respect, honor, integrity and the dignity behind humility. This humbles mankind and its class of character. Always solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2018

Entrust and not retreat. Never back up in the angry face of evil. Its grill and rack so dominant something must be applied to those areas needing a gentle prodding. Like Dade County and your mild and caring affections, Officer Cook. A peacemaker goes out and dignifies their honor and humility by taking integrity and intuition to a higher sphere. Your charisma, charm and hope, Officer Cook, allowed you to intensify our harmonious and free travels. Never again because of terror will we see your smiling face, that is up there in God's lair of angelic warriors who braved the elements to put quiet and justice back into our very lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sadly a band aid or tourniquet won't soon this gushing of blood from all this unmitigated violence perpetrated by gutless and self-serving cowards.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

Toys are for play. Tenacity isn't just for another day. It along with honesty and ferocity must be employed everyday if our lives and the lives of those we entrust with our peace are to be kept safe and sound. Serenity and tranquility must be balanced out by civility, nobility and the actions of sanity and sanctity. This was what kept folks in Dade County assured of some measure of peaceful pursuits of happiness and prosperity. What transparency when good old fashioned men and women, saviors and warriors alike unite to serve a united purpose. Reasons and excuses are for another time. Your wise character and excellent vision, Officer Cook, at least helped you travel along the pathways of society where not too many dare to go. Always accommodating and always so resilient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gone way too soon. Those ladders to heaven seem to be reaching out for far too many heroes taken before their time. Destiny does call. Missions celebrate humanity and its purposes. Journeys are those fruitfully fought periods of time where violence has to be eliminated for our world. You kept your end of the bargain, Officer Cook, high time others elevate their prowess and begin those perilous tasks ahead.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

Resort to resolve and the revelations of resourcefulness will surface at some point. Relish your task, for you may never knew when God will call. Understand your undertaking and trust your true instincts in intellect and ingenuity to the mechanisms of mettle, integrity and the honor that dignity bestows upon its serene and humane heroes. Your life and police career, Officer Cook, were your calling and passions pursued by your love for assisting others and for displaying the benevolence that boldness stamps on one's shoulders where burden never bothered you, Officer Cook. The plain truth was you looked for an opportunity to affect change in Dade County and by making strides in peace, security and safety, your modest character came right to the top. The cream of courage and commitment raced right where it rightfully belonged. Back in the arms and laps of a community where your humility has been revered decades later. No matter the course or time now your soul, Officer Cook, continues its revolutions around our universe as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No doubt you were that bright and shining star, the tragedy of losing your valiant life to violence is appalling indeed. Never forgotten. Always paid salutes of homage. Humble and very beloved, always had your professional act together to compliment Badge#1664 and a uniform donned pristinely, proudly and precisely. Proficient and polished, the lessons on life you learned from your doting parents. They were well thought out and wisely constructed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

The cowpens keep the cows from running wild. I wish we could install gates to keep crime from running wild. The prison system has so many career criminals, you name the crime, they are there we hope locked up for life. Dade County was locked on with your gears of gallantry and effort, Officer Cook, so mighty, honorable and yet so heroically humble. You see great people women and men of character are those unsung human beings who see an opportunity to make peace and a safer world a finality. Only your values and ethics, Officer Cook, helped to take evil off the streets and as I look at your picture, a happy and very personable young man was taken away from his next of kin and comrades. A fight for life and vigor that virtually guaranteed good omens for us.Humanity is deeply indebted to you, Officer Cook, deserving and desirable, I hope the next batch of brave servants demonstrates the resolve and goodwill as you did so faithfully. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Some escape their due punishments and are never heard from again. Reward is just that and fitting punishment is just that. Commit the crime and do the time!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

Haste makes waste and right makes right. The mighty are those humble and fortunate enough to serve a particular cause. The effect is peace and stability for a region, a venue , a community like Dade County where your career and service, Officer Cook, meant wonders. One life saved is comparable to saving a whole world. Well that's what humility and honor, quality of character and a host of dignity, wisdom and integrity will support when battling a rather challenging foe. It is sincere desire, dedication and moral support form your colleagues, all brave and decent human beings trying to purge the reputation that evil leaves behind. You left a wonderful heroic legacy, Officer Cook, full of peace and happiness within your large family and Mrs. Cook, your brave and beloved son did you and his father proud. Stay well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your service, Officer Cook, documented decency, respect and an esteem like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

The deluges of destruction must be dealt with by unwavering and unselfishly brave and honorable souls of dignity and integrity. Wickedness leaves a mark that is sometimes hard to remove. It's hard to continue on sometimes, Officer Cook, even knowing that a devout and righteous man resides in heaven with many our angelic heroes and heroines. All who ever served and preserved with integrity and noble distinction. Dade County's folks were saved by your amazing response and undying conviction that rested in your scruples, safety and sweet disposition. A class man and equally brave savior loyally revered by all his comrades and beloved family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

The Lord has an everlasting supply of mercy and so should police officers. You had a full stock of serenity, a heart of care and gold, Officer Cook, to support your full fledged ferocity, dignity and the wisdom only quiet humility and honor can bestow upon a devout and determined servant. The eyes and ears of Dade County folks looked up to your heroism and the grace to which civility, sanctity and sanity are supposed to navigate our destinies. Journeys and missions of goodwill and cheer where not everyone ventures. Evil and violence go and create havoc which must be immediately undone by visionary leaders, those who silently become great leaders of other brave souls through torment and tyranny of which you were, Officer Cook, humbly able to lead others through this dark tunnel of terror. Only saluted and forever remembered in your family's heart and those of your resourceful peers of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

Dirt on a uniform is not always a bad thing. Sometimes in the heat of the moment when dealing with an adversary, one must be willing to do whatever to save a life and protect a community such as your venue, Officer Cook. The good citizens most I would think relished your sense of fairness and when you needed to be firm then that characteristic engaged itself. Only your promise to be wise and have honor, integrity and of course, dignity sewn to your badge of boldness and heart of humbleness. Peace and security call for dire measures at times and you were present to accentuate this when called upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

Clean speech and pure thoughts conjure up honesty, bravery and the confident humility all public servants must have when serving. Your loyalty and endearment, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County will forever be fondly saluted. Your character, commitment to integrity and your department's highest of standards will be remembered as well as your integrity which promoted peace and prosperity, calm and collected moments for all mankind. You were atop notch person, gentleman who humane soul went of its way to preserve, defend and save lives. Always cherished, admired and deeply respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2018

Eager and enthusiasm functioned well together when you set out to spare Dade County from danger, Officer Cook. Well conditioned and well prepared, your goals and aspirations turned out to be spot on. Honor, dignity and integrity used wisely to collar crime and its evil. Lives and careers were saved because of your unselfish heroism and sheer grit and gallantry, character and courage were outstanding in defense of our peace, happiness and freedom of movement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2018

The pendulums of prosperity and perseverance swing in different directions and it is the onus of the many brave and astute men and women to put the compass settings back on track. Your efforts here in Dade County made all the difference, Officer Cook. Bringing peace and relaxation, tranquility and civility are not easy and never should be taken for granted. Your honor, dignity and politeness made things well again if only you could be present to witness these changes. Your courageous character and transparency have no doubt left an imprint on those officers who have succeeded you. We hope and pray their humility, values and gallantry stays within their souls of justice while Our Lord watches gently over your treasured soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2018

If we just take back the past. The trouble is the truth is today and now. With still so much violence going on in this world, it is no wonder why we needed your resources and passion, Officer Cook, serving, saving, responding to whatever dispatches you received. We here in Dade County got your solemn pledge and word of integrity and character that peace and unity, dignity and honor would last forever an enhancement brought about by your courage and convictions to right a ship loaded with trouble. One person going astray is all it takes to set off wickedness and you tried very hard that day, Officer Cook, to apprehend him and to protect the lives of your peers and the people you were dedicated and faithful to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2018

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