Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Violence is the disturbance that upsets our freedom of movement and peaceful pursuits of happy times. In Dade County there you were, Officer Cook, a smiling demeanor and a devoted public servant with the utmost respect and admiration for your position. Your duties and tasks all broadened by virtue of your outstanding commitment to both pride and excellence, honor humbly created within you and dignity and integrity that rose to the top during your six years of loyal and dedicated service to those whom you protected and tried to bring along the serenity and safekeeping we are all entitled to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and class, all from a truly gallant and noble gentleman with the spirit to match.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2018

For some cracking that professional code of ethical conduct is difficult. For the majority of men and women they understand and get it. Their actions of honor and acumen speak volumes of their volition. It all validates their integrity and dignity when serving that noble cause. As you navigated and patrolled for peace and welfare in and around Dade County, Officer Cook, so may it be His will that we pay honor and humility to your blessed name and sacred soul of supreme sacrifice. You paid the ultimate price for our peace of mind and taciturn moments of joy, happiness and pleasure. The very same you should now be experiencing with your beloved family members, Officer Cook. All who still adore and love you, "Uncle Bo." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of truly humble character and concern for his fellow man.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

If we acquiesce to this hailstorm of heinousness where than are we headed? Right straight to the abyss. The epicenter of our energetic and efficient heroes and heroines is right on their sleeves where serenity and dignity is born from honesty and basic humane integrity. Any cornerstone achieved is better left unturned for one never knows what might be found buried underneath. You planted the seeds of security and safe travels for all Dade County people, Officer Cook, A constant reminder of this is to take a drive on NW 17th Avenue and stop at the light on NW 75th Street and notice the heroic and angelic sign of a humane and truly faithful and devoted savior, "Officer William C. Cook Street". Gallantry, passion and vision pop right out of that forever sacred peace of green metal. symbolic of your unwavering constitution in battling adversity and replenishing our streams and other bodies of water with intuition and your undivided consensus of wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life is not promised nor given, neither was your life and your solid career a dream, Officer Cook. You cannot daydreams through life when peril and danger are set loose like a Tasmanian Devil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

The calls from the grave echo the magnitude of the situations we face when violence hinders our pathways of happiness. It did on May 16, 1979 and lo and behold, there you were, Officer Cook, ready to act heroically and civilly. An evil man bent on terror dueling with men all stout and replete with dignity, ethics and honor. You sure were, Officer Cook, present and accounted for in resolve, hope and faith that things would end properly. Too bad Mr. Pearsall did not reach that same conclusion and just surrender peacefully none of this mayhem would have ever happened to such a fine young man and brave soul of serenity. Dade County and its population were in terrifically great hands a humanitarian and humble warrior. Touche to a savior! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your colleagues have respected and looked back on your gallant efforts and paths in life that should not have been ended at the tender young age of twenty-five.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

Scoundrels swoop in and steal lives of special and brave men and women who wage war against wickedness. Their deceitful and heinous actions leave a scar on society too large to heal and to replace. How do you really replace a truly beloved hero and humble man such as yourself, Officer Cook? Serving Dade County with every last ounce of might and ingenuity the wraparounds of integrity, honor and the representation of dignity and outstanding character leave on the uniforms of your brave soul. You obviously had more left to accomplish and by your unending tasks and unselfish actions of humanity did you solemnly display gallantry and civility to bring peace, unity and tranquility to a community that continues paying homage to you, Officer Cook, cherished, but always stoically remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Rage needs to be caged. Perseverance must be set free to roam above our fruited plains.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

Effort, energy and efficiency at times can leave one exasperated. No rational is always present and all any public servant worth their salt and stripes can do is give total endeavor, be open and honest, poised and maintain good character as you always did, Officer Cook. Sometimes hopes, dreams and our aspirations are like that proverbial roller coaster, high and low peaks and valleys. Though, never any shadow of hesitation or doubt that you packaged peace, unity and safety as one by-product of your unwavering heroism integrity and humility. Your valiant actions, Officer Cook, demonstrated class and concern, care and sanctity never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You work as a team for your community and department, your treasured loyalty, Officer Cook, will be saluted and etched in our thoughts, prayers and hearts for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

Dire straits can leave one dizzy. The emotions and effort that are the very makeup of a gentleman's bravery and gallant energy are what we will remember about your police career and very life itself, Officer Cook. Punctual and poised ready to take action that honorably and heroically stopped a wayward young man from committing more calamity upon those whom you took an oath to save, Officer Cook. The affects of a man's persona, his values, valor and morals all went into the making of your refined character and the integrity and persuasion by which your vision and wisdom went into Dade County's safety and sources of hope and faith for each citizen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A special humble hero of the finest humility, civility and nobility all redirected back at society, hopefully it was able to deflect some of those disturbances.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

I know and we all recognize your family understands why you undertook such a tremendous challenge. Police work is not for the faint of heart nor for those who are weary. It gives an ample and unique opportunity for all respected servants who save and serve the public the chance to make good on their affirmations. Honesty, dignity and the humility of having stellar integrity don't arrive easy. They share a burden and an onus so large, about the sizes of violence at times. You acquitted yourself very well, Officer Cook, on Dade County's request shunning the spotlight while doing a job you trained and prepared for many years. Our unity, liberty and sense of direction was all because of your gallant character and commitment to excellence and justice done right. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

We raise a toast to a solemn man who did not boast, who lead the way in boldness and bravery, bravado shelved while you fought those battles here in Dade County where tensions could escalate as much as a big bright hot sun, Officer Cook. Giving your life of honor and integrity only meant you being a most cool and calmly compassionate human being of the finest morals and decency. Desire and driven by Our Lord to succeed we remember your career of valor and the will to be convicted to a cause. Providing shelter and peace for all mankind, our dreams and hopes may carry on because of your humble and loyalest of endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

Reunions bring back the resolve and resiliency that our most esteemed of heroes and heroines deliver each and every watch. A patrol maximized by your undying and unselfish bravery to action, Officer Cook. A genuine Dade County hero recognized for integrity, character and the honor you had of serving others. A sense of fruition punctuated your perseverance and trails for harmony and unity along with a reason of vision and humility given back to our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

Bravery trails after a gallant man's soul of tenacity. And your exploits professionally on behalf of Dade County and its residents won't be forgotten, Officer Cook. You salute passionately their heroism and courage the likes of which brought stability and serenity to a community clamoring for hope and goodwill. Only through honesty and dignity can their wars over wickedness be lessened. A public servant with the quintessential humility and civility never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2018

Never let a heroic action go unnoticed, for when that time comes you'll know it's Our Creator calling on the other end. Dade County rest assured was well guarded by your chemistry of courage, commitment and quality of character, Officer Cook. It is where peace, tranquility, harmony and serenity all belong. Rest in peace my neighbor ,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2018

Life is not a bowl of cherries. It can have pitfalls lined with peril that all respectable and reverent public servants have to navigate through in order to arrive at sanctity and harmony, peace and unity for all. Goodwill, hope and faith was brought back to the people of Dade County by your smile and honorable years with your department. Your peers who teamed with you, Officer Cook, could not have worked with a man diligent and resilient gentleman of gallantry and the character that followed your down those roads of resolve and trails of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forrest Gump the movie was interesting. Police work is the same but not as routine and simple. You need lots of concentration and much skill to handle the rigors of stress, duress and whatever crosses any woman or man of valor's pathways.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2018

Show and tell is something you did in school. What does show and is quite revealing is a man's commitment and honesty to his roles in combating evil. Finality was pulled from your soul of affection way too soon, Officer Cook. You had more decency and desire than most public servants and Dade County to put it simply was well protected and served by your cunning resourcefulness, dignity and wisdom to be able to identify and locate violence. Terror puts people on edge and your vision and integrity was as your heroism , legendary and always to be saluted for its sagely advise and concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2018

Never forget a person's deeds nor their gregarious nature. It's in their bravery, boldness and beauty that they shall be fondly remembered. Your whole life and career, Officer Cook, was predicated on the boundaries of fairness, firmness and justice for all mankind. Dade County and their security, peace and unity came about because of your undying sacrifice. It is what humility that is instilled in the hearts and souls of our beloved heroes and heroines of character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's lights never go out, they are perpetual and of perfect perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2018

Dares are just that. Real duty, real humane bravery calls upon all the inherent instincts of integrity, honor and the ingenuity that dignity brings. You were an unselfish hero, Officer Cook, who labored far and wide on behalf of the people of Dade County. A real strong man of character and the pride that only real humility brings to our civilization. Sanctity and harmony locks horns as one entity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2018

Vigilance may never vacate those who diligently pursue peace and serenity for all mankind. It never left your side, Officer Cook, a devout and faithful hero and warrior who fought for the freedoms of Dade County citizens. Your outstanding character, charm and charisma made your morals and integrity humbly stand out among your peers who admired, cherished and respected your unselfish and unwavering resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2018

Warriors fall. Ferocity though never fails. It's in the blessed name of tenacity that we will solemnly look back on your legendary and very humble stature, Officer Cook, serving Dade County and bringing newer hopes and goodwill for its people. The class of decency and character never eludes those whom you worked with and assisted in this astute war over terror and bloodshed. Innocent lives were riding on the battlelines and your heroically humane deeds that day, Officer Cook, saved face and lives that might have been lost because of a young man's abandoning his morals. Just why? That answer has to come from heaven where Our Creator can give a concise and truly straightforward response. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2018

Evil and unrest already complicate the courage of those so bold and brave who try their utmost to reel in rebellion and evil. The contentious bones of those inclined to further commit mayhem must be stopped from stretching and pushing their weight around us. You did attempt to stop a sad circumstance of domestic violence that day of May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, with all your energy and morals, integrity and dignity that you could have donned on your uniform. No matter your family and comrades have remembered their love done, "Uncle Bo," their savior and hero and Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664 a truly warm and courageous young man gone back to heaven before your time . Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2018

God's kingdom is with us for eternity and for that matter as long as we have wisely expert brave men and women serving the causes that peace and harmony demand. Your humbleness, Officer Cook, laid the plans of your devoted and most faithful life serving Dade County and its residents. Our stability and mobility are the very humane results of your humility all from your beloved heart and soul. The organs that delivered outstanding effort and efficiency beyond what anyone could have asked from a staunchly loyal gentleman of character and class to pursue evil and restore serenity in its stead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave your treasured life, Officer Cook, for others to follow in your pathways of resolve and trails where tenacity would rule.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2018

Buoys are the markers that are out in the ocean to signal you of something ahead. Boldness and bravery are the characteristics of officers who engage in only honorable and discreet actions when battling violence. Terror strikes a chord of trouble and a web of such wickedness that it took good people like yourself, Officer Cook, to protect the likes of Dade County's own. Because their lives and safety mattered we placed our trust and hopes in your badge of commitment and accuracy to shelter us in peace and in decency. What a man! A humble and universally respected and remembered servant of his time, your watch, Officer Cook, enabled dreams and aspirations to parade onward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2018

If goodness and mercy follow us during our days, the Lord we can be certain rewards those who follow His ways and punishes those who stray from the virtuous paths of life. Your trails of tenacity, Officer Cook, pushed the spirits of Dade County's folks to a newer and more serene level of contentment. If a man of bravery and honor can comport himself with humility and diligence, why can't the rest of our world? It is hard I know but what other choices do we have? A society of morals, ethics, principles and scruples gone haywire and that surely may lead to more heartache and ruination nobody wants to be a witness to. All the words of character, commitment to pride and excellence and the commitment to deal drastically with violence were all handled expertly by you, Officer Cook. Total motivation and desire by being loyal and cherished among your peers. Police share in the onuses of self-preservation and in your loss in which you sacrificed for the enhancement and welfare of a better America. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2018

Surely one thing our society does not need any part of is disgrace and disrespect toward our esteemed and honest men and women who protect us in times of strife and evil. Your passion and compassionate concern for Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook, only heightened our awareness of how valuable a public servant you were. You gave every bit of energy and character that was your bond and word of boldness. An affirmation of integrity, humility and sanctity never to be overlooked, only saluted and honored in a dignified manner. Serenity and liberty kept us free from disturbance and your caring decency, Officer Cook, was and is only going to make us better as individuals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2018

The prospects of peace and unity are on the horizon thanks to your undying and unselfish effort, Officer Cook. If not for your character, honor and bravery our world would be less peaceful. Gracious and hospitable were you and Karen and although she has gotten remarried I'm sure Mrs. Bonidy, Karen's married name still loves and thinks good thoughts of her darling heroic husband and friend to many. Dade County and its citizens had the very best of service and a smile to go along with your sense of humor and seriousness when the circumstances called for it, Officer Cook, class, decency and dedication all personified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2018

Continuity leads to a progression of perseverance, proficiency and straight up professional resourcefulness. Those who follow in your sacred and solemn footsteps, Officer Cook, shoulder a burden unlike any other public servant here in Dade County. Your progress and acumen was always put to the test and what became of your navigations and watches over us was peace and unity all stemming from your honesty, integrity and dignity. You were a man on a mission of faith and devotion whose heroic legacy of humility toward humanity will be forever saluted and so humbly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2018

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