Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Deliver our salvation Lord and spare our suffering. Give your divine strength and wisdom to those individuals honorable and dignified who fight our battles over evil. Lead us one day soon to that promised land where no more pain and anguish are around us. You served with mighty distinction, Officer Cook and the pride of a lion. You awoke each day thinking how better off the people of Dade County would be living in faith and in peace that endures forever. One thing we do know, you blessed name, Officer Cook, will remain with us for eternity as will your trustworthiness and tact. Your honor and integrity, Officer Cook, made your humble character and courage stand together as you and your loyal fellow officers braved peril for perseverance and resolution to take shape. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A mighty warrior, heroic and bold in every form that excellent morals brings a gifted and cherished man like you, Officer Cook. Heaven has all the supremacy bottled up in Our Lord's shelters of mercy and compassion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2018

The tentacles of turmoil swing back and forth unleashing their strokes of severe distress. While living in Dade County where you fondly grew up and began your distinguished police career, Officer Cook, you made believers out of those you protected with your vast resources of inspirational wisdom, vision and the commitments of which honor, loyalty, dignity and integrity all portray their key roles. It was and will forever be your heroic actions that saved your comrades, the citizens themselves and no telling countless other lives. Remembered, revered, respected and saluted for gallantry and its characters of humility. Our prosperity, hope and goodwill came as a direct result of your humanely spirited decisions under duress from a troubled young man who felt compelled to commit a callous, heinou sand revolting act of violence against mankind and the establishment of public servants who persevere and resolve conflict. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2018

The roadblocks are set. It's up to duly devoted and honest women and men to pick them up and attempt to rearrange a bit of tranquility and liberty for those desiring this. Your destination was Dade County and its residents who wanted some security and peace of mind. Your thoughtful and serene mannerisms, Officer Cook, allowed peace and prosperity to be sealed within its borders. No matter you have and will always be saluted for integrity, sense of fairness and the dignity that deserved to be here this day being healthy and happy with your family who misses you terribly. A torrential downpour of tragedy that took you from your friends, comrades and of course your devoted and wonderfully loving family members. Never forgotten and heroically etched forever in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Though, it was hot and sunny the day you gave your life for your community who respected and admired your unbounding courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2018

Silence must be permitted to permeate around us at all moments. We cannot permit discord and disaster to filter through our airwaves. The paths to a more harmonious world are through conversation and the courage to be able to get along with one another. Unity must have a starting point, first try a little caring and kindness humbly speaking. Work your way up the ladders of dignity and integrity. A friendly nudge might do wonders. You never needed much motivation to perform your tasks, Officer Cook, as you were a confidently humane public servant. Sure you must heed the words of your supervisors, stay attuned and be cautious. You fulfilled your dreams and desires to make us safer, now Our Lord has taken the steering wheel so to speak and redirected your journeys and destinies to the blue skies up above where angels of valor rest their wings of wonder. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2018

Serenity shelters those of us looking for a little safety from the wickedness that prevails in our world. In Dade County the good folks all relied upon your basic tenets of tenacity and honesty, Officer Cook, to help see them through the tough times. Only your character and conviction the essentials of a happy and good family life allowed you the peaceful chance to secure harmony and unification for all people. One man's sacrifice that benefitted mankind's hopes and future dreams. You are an inspiration, Officer Cook, to all who seek to travel in your footsteps of dedication and in ferocity. Violence must be knocked out once and for all, at least badge#1664 did its part. Your service not just on May 16, 1979, but everyone of your six years of consecrated service was of the high esteem and where valor could be reached it was present at all times and accounted for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and humility test our very souls of decency, dignity and integrity as honor takes its breaths from it.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2018

The arms of terror are often spread far and wide and the results often times can be devastating . No telling when evil will arrive and so we have superior men and women of the finest honor and humility out in the streets patrolling for a little quiet. Your career and watch, Officer Cook, over Dade County was the antithesis of basic awareness, astuteness and the acumen to back up your every movement. A gentleman so devoted and faithfully loyal to his colleagues, you will never be forgotten for coming to the rescue of them and the citizens of whom you protected vigorously. Surely humanity has blossomed because of your unselfish and unwavering commitment to character and the humbleness by which you cherished your position where resolve and perseverance were all a vital part of your missions. It was and remains an integral part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2018

The carnage of callousness is perpetrated by those heinous enough to accentuate wickedness. Those revelations of ruin are being spun by the wheels of the deceitful and good men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, are charged with a burdensome chore of stopping these outrageous actions which further threaten to pull society away from its planks of peace and perseverance. It was all about protecting Dade County residents, Officer Cook, from this onslaught of mayhem. Only your uniquely humble constitution and character along with some real honorable actions, heroic all in nature helped to spare us more harm on this tragic day of May 16, 1979. You'll always be a loyal disciple whose principles and devotion, wisdom and dedication, determination and motivation allowed others to follow in those trails of tenacity you carved out. A tall order for the brave and bold. You were a gallant man, Officer Cook, not one to gallevent around town boasting of your endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The heads of the humane and those filled with humility, they are the angels whose wings and souls of unity and serenity, civility and sanctity fly higher everyday as heaven guards their missions and journeys without further harm. They paid an austere price for our nobleness and sanity to continue marching onward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

Maniacs, suicidal or whatever may not rule nor romp around in our communities creating a gridlock of trouble. All we can do is pray that our most precious of souls can relive the tensions that exist and bring back some good old fashioned peace and promise as you so wonderfully did on Dade County's request. You were the superior servant, Officer Cook, humble and yet very astute and diligent all during your time. Your leadership and integrity along with your fabric of ferocity made peace and unity a more noticeable by-product and allowed us to savor our fruitful journeys in life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

I apologize, Officer Cook, your father, Charles did get to see you don a uniform and have your badge pinned on your chest of heroism. You joined the department in 1973 and he passed in November of 1976. At least he lived to see his beloved and faithfully brave son serve Dade County with all the humanity that reposes in the heart of the dignified. And so dignity, integrity and honor were how yo upatrolled and pursued peace while attempting to eradicate evil from our midst through your humane and compassionate character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 rests very solemnly in God's intrepid towers where tenacity helped to dispel doom and kayos.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

Your family was left destitute without you, Officer Cook, in the sense of Karen not having her husband. Your sister, Nancy, without her little brother of heroism , wisdom and honor. Your mother, Mrs.Julia Cook, being left mourning her "Billy." The humble love and affection you had for everyone, Officer Cook, the integrity, the dignity of your life and career, the fondness for a profession that carries peril and danger and all your battles over evil on behalf of Dade County . Where is it all? It's stored in the banks of God's beacons of hope and faith in the heavens above where your cherished soul of serenity and not despair floats high atop our roofs where resolve and resourcefulness has settled in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Admired, beloved and solemnly saluted for civility and humility straight from your caring and giving heart. Your parents pride and joy, sad that your dad, Mr. Charles Cook, did not live to see you become a full fledged police officer. He's proud nonetheless as he too rests in peace with his beloved son.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

Delinquents are those late in paying back their obligations. Police who fail to respond to calls of help are derelicts. Plain and simple. No woman or man is above the law and everything they have got must be exposed in a professional posture. Honor. Integrity. Vision. Reliability and resolve. Their dignity and maturity helps to guide them along those paths of profition. The very same way your principles and scruples allowed you , Officer Cook, to shelter peace and tranquility here in Dade County. Always the concerned and consummate young man treasured and humbly honored for heroism with a smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

Words at a time of terrible woe may seem lost in their translation. But, it's simple to see why you were so respected and admired, Officer Cook. A happy and gallant young man on a course of conviction and the integrity necessary to support good wisdom, dignity and the honesty that all men and women who protect must have attached to their uniforms. Your intellect and ingenuity are the reasons why Dade County and its folks have universal peace and the quality that freedom brings to mankind. The will of society must be cherished and honored as we pursue our happiness and prosperity. No better values and character than yours, Officer Cook, a man of your bond and the compliance to match. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones stay embedded in the earth and those foundations placed by your fruitful hands will never be obstructed by terror again. A hero forever and a gentleman of humbleness to be saluted for honesty and ideals.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

The king of kindness and the thoughtful and persevering police officer who rescued his comrades and civilians from the strikes of a troubled young man. Just ruthless and callous what happened to you, Officer Cook. With a mountain of outstanding morals and a badge of boldness, you used your honor, integrity, wisdom and dignity in the proper manner of speaking. You had no idea nor did your colleagues that day that Mr. Pearsall was plotting this caper for a while. So very tragic you gave peace and safety back to Dade County as well as you could. When character and humility work like a charm than no telling the end results and your Godly missions, Officer Cook, have now been taken back to Our Lord's kingdom where you can patrol those golden pavements without harm or worry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

If you place ferocity and tenacity in a thimble it might not seem like a lot, but in the hearts and souls of our brave, loyal, honorable and courageous there is more sheer will power than ever before. And your goodwill and faithful service to all citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook, may never be overlooked nor forgotten. You were the shield of character, commitment to pride and the savior of serenity keeping evil as far away from us as possible through your heroism and humble humility. It's what sets valiant warriors apart in their enhancements of our world. Those foundations you laid out, Officer Cook, for other brave women and men to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The quintessential public servant of harmony and unity right from your humane being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

Instant success is never guaranteed. Only the finest and fondest of effort and bravery is what most capable public servants can offer in this increasingly large scale war over violence. Terror strikes a chord in one's tenacity leaving people wondering where their peace will come from. You served Dade County with all your might and mettle, Officer Cook. A humble and loyal man of honor, character, dignity and integrity whose life protected others. Now decades after you heroically made the supreme sacrifice, let it be known to the entire world that humility and vision count as much as faith and desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2018

Better to be an action person than a spectator to this sad array of senseless violence that at times has blanketed our communities and dampened our spirits. No one can fault you, Officer Cook, even though you were not dispatched to that domestic scene of May 16, 1979. You utilized every bit of commitment imaginable and intensely burning desire and dignity to put out the flames of one man ferocious zeal for evil. Evil that can come back and bite someone in the wrong place. Make no mistake he was misguided and caused a ruckus worse than one can imagine. You were outstanding in your duties, Officer Cook, shielding Dade County residents of more harm while aiding your fellow officers and giving us the chance at serenity and peaceful travels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2018

Pray for swift justice and pay attention to the cornerstones of those brave enough to fight for our civilization. Liberties and freedoms, peace, prosperity and unity come with a humble price to bear. Never does anyone want to lose a beloved family member and so it is that we cherish our times with them for no one knows when Our Creator's day of reckoning will arrive. The grass withers, the flower fades surely the good name and your most blessed honesty, Officer Cook, resides in your family's heart, your colleagues' minds and in God's house of hope, faith and the goodwill of mankind forever. Dade County's truth and trust in your humility released a wonderful chain of courage and serenity for us all to be extremely thankful for. Missions and fruitful journeys come with a destiny, retirement should have been your profound calling after nearly thirty years of loyal and dedicated service to your community. Instead the saddest of tidings, a man full of tenacity humbly speaking not timidness was unduly taken from this world by violence and the ruins of rage all perpetrated by a distraught young man. Why? We don't have conclusive or concrete answers. All your family members know as they try to cope with grief over your loss is that you would want for them to carry on with your heroic legacy of character, dignity and noble deeds to be remembered for generations to come. It is underlines and underscores in the happiness the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families all pursue in their daily lives of peace, health, happiness and contentment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2018

Irreplaceable and immeasurable, what these two words define are a public servant's bravery, boldness and courage under the fires of danger. It is the very living and breathing examples of proper conduct, professional dignity and integrity, humane and heroic honesty when confronted by an enemy so large and massive, all you can do is try your darndest to secure peace and resolve for the goodwill of our community. You did that, Officer Cook and with the finishing touches of refined character, were you available and ready to pursue peace for all Dade County. You made men and women strong and courageous by your unwavering and unassuming leadership roles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are missed very much, Officer Cook as God has your destinies sealed for eternity to reward your persistence in rerouting rage and making sense of what it means to be unified in harmony once again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2018

Public servants are not just pretty faces in the crowd. Their multitude of talents must fully locked and assembled when they go out and face real danger. It's God's way of calling them to attention and only good character, bravery and morals can help to usurp the strangle hold that evil has on us. Dade County back in your time, Officer Cook, was well cared for, as its vitality and quiet were brought about through your fondness and sincerest of effort. The wise conceal their character never letting it get too big or out of line when peril and wickedness seek to destroy it. A hero such as yourself, Officer Cook, was prepared and though it was terrible that you lost your life, the memories of your destinies and navigations continue to fly higher each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2018

You were a real juggernaut in justice for all, Officer Cook and to back up all your professional missions with exactly the right dignity, integrity and honor you had in serving the good folks of Dade County. Right down to the very last ounce of might. Your courage and character have become the enhancements we have all looked forward to. No doubt a solid commitment to maintain proper morals and the humility to adjust as needed. A fine servant who worked to procure peace and unity not as a formality but as an everlasting framework in a community that still respects and treasures your loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2018

A piece of every brave soul's persona goes to that big fraternity in the sky, literally the eternal land of the free and called home to the brave where no more be pain, suffering and anymore harm can be cast upon their beings of boldness and humility. Your charming and classical demeanor, Officer Cook, stood tall and proud as you protected and served the citizens of Dade County during some very trying times. The moments are fleeting, the memories they all last forever as your honor, integrity and visual wisdom is etched in our mind and hearts. It's the tranquility and unity that has called for humanity's goodwill, a character of achievement not be be forgotten, only heroically saluted for valor and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2018

The genuinely peaceful journeys you undertook, Officer Cook, represented the new found hopes and dreams of all living in and around the corridors of Dade County. Our safe travels can be directly linked to your perseverance and resolve, boldness and everlasting humane and humble bravery. All pieced together by unrelenting honesty, integrity and the dignity to fight those battles over evil and placing your life, morals and career on the line for our trust in you and security and peace to last a lifetime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2018

Air taken in is a necessity. You cannot begin to live without the vitality coming from your two lungs. So true and that's what you did to honor your family peers and friends, Officer Cook. You gave evil a good run for its money and nothing done better or more bolder than humbly presenting us with harmony and liberty to move freely about the different areas of Dade County. Your convincing character and its maturity were set in motion when you were still a relatively young man, Officer Cook. A mettle of meaningful work and the outstanding backbones of bravery and fairness for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2018

What a sad state of affairs and how guns laws are so lax in this country. Supposed to be the freest and most trusted, sure doesn't sound plausible how our brave and dignified can execute their duties knowing persons not normal and who have problems can get a permit to carry "heat". First of all to pack a weapon you must be free of legal issues and just act like a relatively sane individual. You were a very brave soul of sanity protecting Dade County, Officer Cook. With your inner spirit and physical being you took your commands and marched to your departments ideals, wisdom and very values that were supposed to make you safe and pull you through and us as well through torment. The warrior in you, Officer Cook, was whistling for a little action, what a hero! It got our attention, should have gained Mr. Pearsall's as well. Nevertheless you'll be honored and poignantly saluted for gallantry above and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2018

Worries decrease the prospects of peace because of where your true vision should lie. If all police did was worry the jobs of dealing and preventing violence would not be carried out smartly and fairly. You stuck to your guns, Officer Cook and provided Dade County residents was alert and clear integrity, honesty and the dignity to dig in in this battle over wickedness. The characteristics of good women and men are their abilities to humanely think on their feet and to have a little humility encased in their heroic hearts. Your department got every bit of boldness and commitment from their faithful and outstanding comrade of consideration and concern for our welfare. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2018

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