Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Milk and honey blending together are like bravery and honor shadowing each other. Dade County was always aware of your vital presence, Officer Cook, as it shined magnificently. A gentleman of compassion and perseverance protecting us from the evil of violence. Encounters no one wants to think of. Your character and professional conduct was heroic and stellar in nature. A blessed man of boldness, dignity and integrity. This all drove your pursuits of happiness in breaking newer grounds for peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
I apologize Officer Cook. I left a reflection for Officer William Askew and used your name by mistake. Violence is like that venomous serpent that sinks is teeth and despicable actions into our communities. And so to fight its nasty affects you must have officers dedicated and honest, confident and with integrity, character and class to raise our expectations and levels of peace and unity to a higher level. Complacency may never rap against those cages where courage and commitment stand as one for our liberty and serenity, sanctity and sanity may be usurped forever. Thank God you were a strong minded individual, Officer Cook, happy and healthy, ready to defend our determinations for a brighter future, one made better if you were present with your loved ones and peers of preservation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Lord's lights of bravery and hope shine brightly against the glowing souls of His honor roll of heroes and heroines. Humility and humanity came forth calling them in unison.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 19, 2018
Webs of evil spun trigger yet again the worst trouble. For America, land of the free and the home of the brave, our many good souls of welcoming encouragement are out there patrolling and risking their life for our security. It's loud and clear that signal you sent, Officer Cook, to all Dade County residents to be aware and careful. You were fearless in all your yearnings and never wavered from your courses of corrective heroic actions. To bind our freedom and prosperity this takes a communal effort and through your dignity, integrity and always present and reliable honesty did the tasks and challenges get met. Head on and straight forward as we march on continuing to channel, hope, faith hand decency into your legacy, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 19, 2018
It takes a real man or woman to be able to patrol and to acquire our stability and taciturn moments. Destiny awaits those heroic souls of conviction who brave danger exposing their being to whatever needs to be accomplished. Right from wrong and no kid gloves. Honor. Integrity. Dignity. Loyalty and the lessons each public servant can teach to one another. Until the cupboard is bare every reasonable means is to be utilized and implemented in this never ending battle over terror. You put on your uniform of pride and your badge of not only boldness but dedication and determination personified gallantly pursuing your childhood dreams and aspirations to make safe again Dade County's citizens. Saluted for courage and a commander of compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God tests His finest angels of valor daily to see if their perceptions are spot on.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 19, 2018
Insert incentive and integrity into your plans of action and there's a better chance of being successful in all your endeavors. Problems require solutions. Revolutions need grit and gumption to figure out. Here in Dade County you calculated the landscape, Officer Cook and drove everlasting security and serenity into our hearts, those still sad and broken because of your untimely loss. Society ails and yet despite the unbearable grief we march on with our agendas for harmony and shelter for all. Your class and character, commitment and decision making said it all, Officer Cook, a humane and humble hero to all. Sacrifice brings about certain things that morals and ethics bring to any given venue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 19, 2018
Grudges grip a society already filled with chaos. They sap the energy of our most gallant and resourceful women and men who grace our planet with a plethora of unwavering and never ending perseverance and resolve. You always had that special smile on your face of ferocity, Officer Cook, tenacious not pugnacious. Ready to pitch in whenever called upon. In particular that is precisely why we in Dade County have a certain humble peace of mind and the safety to go wherever we want to pursue our joys of good health and a wealth of knowledge. Champions care. Pessimism takes delight in ruination. Always giving humility and humanity a tremendous uplifting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 19, 2018
A man of steel with eagle ears and a tender caring heart of resolve. Your courage and composure, Officer Cook, are among the many reasons why you are forever to be saluted as a humble and loyal Dade County law enforcement hero. Honesty, integrity and dignity strike the chords where no person may go. Not everyone is cut out for searching for peace and for promoting unity and a spirit of goodwill for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 19, 2018
Weed out and replant the seeds of serenity and goodness. All in a day's effort, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero whose legacy stands on firm soil. For having the hope and integrity may you be blessed by Our Creator who steered your paths in life most prudently and proficiently. Heroes and heroines receive mentions for having mettle and morals bolted along with their radiance and boldness. Your cherished and humble soul of charity and peace rests soundly in God's great crater in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2018
Justice has eagle eyes to see precision and pristine bravery and integrity conducted along with honor, decorum and dignity. Exactly, what Dade County and its citizens expected and got that and much more loyalty and character back from you, Officer Cook. Your consummately remembered for giving sage advice and for having the wisdom and courage of a lion to go out and to patrol for peace and sanity when it was most needed. Never a bad word, only a calming influence and genuine humility. Humanity's gift to the world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2018
A smile can last a while. A hero's memory lasts forever as honor, dignity, integrity and humility stay implanted in a decent person such as you, Officer Cook. Never better character, conviction and style of commitment to both pride and excellence while serving Dade County. One's own intuition and reputation are important in fighting off the forces of evil and you deserve all the salutes and humble honors that befit your dedication and driven desire, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clever and charismatic you'll always be remembered for give your all. Sanctity, serenity and the zealousness of going right toward violence never batting an eye.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2018
Winners are winners. Whiners are whiners. A sage man of intelligence and articulation, you provided many joyful moments, Officer Cook, It's because unwavering courage and effort went into your unselfish sacrifice to keep peace and clarity directed in all areas of Dade County. The benefits of your boldness and character are still and forever being felt. Honor and integrity, dignity and desire, decency and devotion have all be transplanted to a higher spiritual place, it is called eternity where your fellow brothers and sisters, all heroic and humane as your soul is rest there as angelic heroes. God will never do anything to harm His grateful and humble flock of tenacity. Humility and vision can sleep soundly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2018
Good humor is an ice cream. Having composure during stressful moments is mandatory for all police. Never can an officer act crazily and not have their honor about them. You kept bravery and integrity close to your belt, Officer Cook, a loyal and cherished friend of all Dade County residents. You made your word your solemn bond of assurance and the results were outstanding as you tried your utmost everyday and on that sad day of May 16, 1979. You'll be a beacon of hope and goodwill for all future men and women who bravely go out as you did, Officer Cook, to attempt to bring peace and unity to a community crying out for help. Lookout over your family, peers of character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2018
Simple things are just that. Complexity makes us think more clearly. You pondered and understood your job responsibilities , Officer Cook. The good folks of Dade County were protected by your youthful concern and fond heart. It's humility and honesty that greatly assists all public servants in the course of their duties. Yours, Officer Cook, was to maintain a calming presence and to have stoic character and commitment battened down to your dignity and integrity what delivered peace, serenity and the stabilizing forces of ferocity sure as the sun rises. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2018
A gripe won't turn down the volumes of mischief. Only the love and respect that esteem and dignity will do to assist our crimefighters. Dade County was properly guarded during your courses of heroic action, Officer Cook. With a seal of approval did you go out and try to save life and property. Most elegantly demonstrated on May 16, 1979, charisma and character circling those wagons where tranquility and unity were dispersed among the residents. A good man with a heart of gold and maturity beyond your years called back to heaven too soon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
We've got to believe Our Lord has compassion overall HIs creatures. Biking. Hiking. Whatever we do He is looking down on us. He gave you, Officer Cook, your tips and cues concerning service and He kept your compass of valor, honesty and integrity as perfectly straight as possible. Twenty-five years of piety, kindness with a humane and gentle soul of peace and the intensity to withstand the surges of war and evil. Dade County had true value, class and care when Badge#1664 was out in force scouring the streets and keeping tensions in tow. Only the best of intentions, Officer Cook, the finest and proudest man of ingenuity and invention streaming our way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
Dragging your feet won't cut it when trying to destroy destruction and terror. Just like bias and bigotry, racism and prejudice will never compliment each other. Only the good sense of reason and the convictions of endless effort, efficient work and the hosts of honor, integrity and dignity living in the lives of our devoted. Your life, Officer Cook, replete with faith, hope and character was protected by Our Creator's mercy, the very same compassion that blasted down the walls of hatred and sheltering harmony, nobility and the free reign of resolve within Dade County. Respected. Admired. Treasured and tenacious. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
To see the light and to walk in His light, fellowship with one another. Yes, God's grace and mercy does really shine upon His most loyal, humble and honest of police officers. Imbuing those traits, Officer Cook, surely made you better able to protect those of us living in Dade County a place you called home. A direction of your devotion, desire and drive to dignity. A heroic legend of heroism and the imprints of humility filling your badge of valor and uniform of boldness. Only the persuasiveness that planted peace and prosperity at our doorsteps. Saluted and etched in our hearts and warmest of thoughts, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
Never a polarizing figure, Officer Cook. You were a man with a cheerful disposition, polite and kind to everyone. A cherished and revered soul of a man who displayed the right frame of mind and character Dade County needed to survive the onslaught of unrest and violence during your time. Of course, you always had your nose to the grindstone and your class tucked in your uniform of understanding and unassuming humility. Its modesty all from your loving and faithful parents who taught you and Nancy the lessons of goodwill, honesty and the wisdom that integrity and dignity brought to your table. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of gallantry and the eyes and ears to perceive a situation and make adjustments as necessary.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
Layers of valor and candid consideration carried you, Officer Cook, to your most stellar achievements. Dade County was driven by your sheer and pure desire. Decent and honorable character which brought about goodwill for humanity. A spirit of serenity bounce doff of your honesty and integrity. Always one priority and that was of those people whom you served loyally and without hesitation. Never finer class and resolve when domestic problems needed figuring out. Our enrichments are here to stay placed down as cornerstones by your humane and uncompromising ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dedication cannot be upended by any deviation and no procrastinating on the principles of determination and humble and trusted motivation in the leadership of others courageous men and women who fight adversity with all their power and might.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
The balance of power lies in the many diligent and vigilant women and men whose navigations have proved fruitful. Their unending ferocity and unwavering tenacity has shook up the top and bottom of violence. All through your charisma and boldness, Officer Cook, have you been able to keep us here in Dade County serene and peaceful. There can only be a unifying factor when one's dignity, integrity and honesty is centered and assertive as yours was, Officer Cook. A prime reason why you were a hero here and abroad in this uncoming rush of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and humility do belong in the very same sentence as sanity and civility. If one is absent, you'll probably have control problems over these obstacles that a free society never has.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
Lack of remorse, callousness, heinousness and pure wickedness perpetrated upon law enforcement should be enough to warrant the death sentence or to be locked up in solitary confinement for life never seeing a ray of light. That man or woman won't see their spouse, child or children and for that matter the rest of their family. Civilization owes them a deep debt of thanks and for their dignity, honesty and a host of integrity all the accolades of acknowledgement for coming to the aid as you so solemnly did on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook. Greatness is better than grandstanding and you never boasted, bragged or belittled anyone. You, Officer Cook, never glossed over principles, never once were unkind and impolite. Only the nicest gentleman of gallantry that brought peace, harmony and the unity that liberty brings to our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
Date books give us reminders of our daily functions. Appointments made and kept on a timely basis. Police should never need prodding as their propensity should speak for itself. Your daily awareness was on keeping Dade County safe and serene, Officer Cook. Secure from the trappings of terror and evil. A revolting sight indeed. Only men and women of class, decency and desire should occupy a motorcycle or patrol vehicle sensing when something is amiss. You founded the ideals of intelligent and conventional wisdom along with vision that makes certain one's integrity, focus of devotion and the honesty of possessing humane and esteemed dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
Chivalry is not lost from the scopes of your undying surveillance, Officer Cook. It is occupying a most humble and valuable throne in God's perfect world where other brave souls of sanctity take up residence patrolling those sacred and golden paved streets. Dade County was your place where your patience and loyalty was being tested day in and day out. Lives being saved. Character and values being shared. No one knows when that call will be dispatched, you were ready and waiting, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979, for having great reaction to resolving an ugly mess and for all the acumen in having honor, decorum and integrity at your side. You'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family, colleagues and friends gather to celebrate and to being the observance of your heroic life and career which has been the cornerstone of a great and humble contribution given to humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
The candles of courage still glissen in God's palace of resolve. Never better perseverance and protection, Officer Cook. Your hunt for peace and unwavering unity for all Dade County started the day you were conceived. A very humble and humanely heroic life of goodwill and the honorable character, dignity and integrity that conversed loud and clear. Surely God's mercy shall be with you and your family members during their pursuits of peace and happiness. You would be very proud of their accomplishments. It's still and forever sad that you could not be here to see progress and prosperity that came about through your undivided humility and the nobleness that you afforded humanity. Your paths in life and during your public service career were well paved with sanctity and distinction which has enriched all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A truly unselfish and unbelievable sacrifice meant to steer safe travels one way, straight ahead.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2018
Like a keg of dynamite, violence can explode and create the most dire of circumstances for police to be able to get control of. Dade County and their citizens were under your remarkable resolve and loyalty, Officer Cook. It has created the bonds where good people can go and look to some peace and tranquility. We look up to the stars at night and see your beloved spirit patrolling Our Lord's deep blue skies. Better if your fine and upstanding character, honesty and commitments were here today. Your intensity and integrity have been etched on Memorial walls here and in Washington, D.C. Proud locations to honor those who have fallen in the line of duty. One heroically humble sacrifice. God bless you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility had those touches of humanity where only certain special people may travel to serve and to look after our interests.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 16, 2018
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