Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Cruelty corrodes an already disturbed world. Public servants courage, compassion, care and concern carefully tell us the story of their brave and civil lives of humility and the humble honor and esteem by which they lead and lived lives of heroism. Heroism the word Dade County citizens have come to honor and etch their memories of you, Officer Cook in. Walls and slabs of marble and granite only skim the surface of the serenity, safety and security you supplied us with. Deeply indebted to your unwavering, undying and unselfish dignity, integrity and its boldness and bravery behind your desired hunts for evil. Not far from us and always watching over your loving family and crusading professional peers, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2018

Plea agreements with cop killer are akin to giving in and letting violence just run rampant around town. Well Dade County had many answers and personnel to deal with the problems that pose a great risk to our futures. Your preservation and posterity, Officer Cook, saved many lives and no telling how many more because honor, dignity and integrity are not the make up of those wicked enough to foul up a good thing. Peace, security and vitality are essential parts of a well oiled machine that takes bravery, courage and humbleness to start up daily. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted as your family's department's and close friends hero, take care and keep observing our missions of hope, faith and optimism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2018

Disarray cannot fall into the hands of disruption as there too many disasters out there in society already uplifting the peaceful times of those who treasure tenacity and the harmony we've all come to expect. The demands on your time, Officer Cook, were many and yet you handled professionalism with aplomb. Delicate and dutiful. Your care and passion were as top notch as your dignity, integrity and authority. You were a truly devoted, dedicated and articulate gentleman of the most humane form of gallantry and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2018

As dangerous a job as police work is, the thoughts of saving lives and protecting the public peace have to be implanted in all our brave soul's hearts and minds. Your concern and sincere character, Officer Cook, validated why you were and always will remain a Dade County hero. Integrity, wisdom and ingenuity pack a mighty wallop in this seemingly unending war over violence and its associated terror. It is plain to see why everyone loved partnering with you, Officer Cook. Serenity and safety's humble and loyal colleague to so many other brave souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, fruitful and reserved, courteous and humble behind your patrols of tranquility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2018

One must seize the courage, the conviction and the commitment to stay the courses of compassion and concern while engaging those individuals heinous enough to carry out evil. You pursued happiness, peace and the prosperity for all Dade County residents to bask in, Officer Cook. A marvelous servant whose mettle reflected your unselfish character, honesty and the integrity to stay dignified. All officers have to follow the basics of principles and have morals attached to their badges of boldness and uniforms of understanding. Humility, vision and wisdom are big undertakings, all your trails, Officer Cook, were filled with ferocity and the cherished spirit by which you taught others and fought valiantly for a little calm and peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2018

Police officers must always isolate their integrity and wisdom and utilize it to the very best of their abilities. The brave and humble garner their honors from doing their tasks restoring our peace and stability. We you served in Dade County, Officer Cook, your dignity and vision allowed us to pursue harmony and happiness more securely. Your family and peers have remembered your humble heroism and the humility which shielded humanity from evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2018

The valleys of vigilance can be viewed by looking high above our Earth. It will be a place you'll find the many diligent and resourceful public servants who laid everything on the line. The dear price for unity and harmony you paid, Officer Cook, baring your soul to expose unmanageable crime and by your honest and sincerest of endeavors were you able to at least take a bite out of evil. The courage and character, the commitment to principles and peace were what your journeys and fruition were all about, Officer Cook. Never forgotten and always humanely saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The booths of boldness stay open for those who serve to travel under.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2018

The clock ticks. The shadows of light are about to descend into darkness and yet we rely on very humble and loyal women and men to pick up and flush out terror from our midst. Dade County was mighty fortunate to have you, Officer Cook, as one of the many inspirational souls of liberty an ideal servant so honored and full of desire, decency and class. All the right messages and movements to scope out crime and replace ill will with goodwill and faith on our part. You set down those foundations for a better future and one with your smile glowing down from God's heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and humility conceal the greatest traits of values and the grace needed to pursue nobility on our behalf.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2018

There are times when heroes and heroines must take calculated chances when dealing with wickedness. Their bravery, honesty, and dignity kicks into overdrive and the wheels of their tenacity take over. Your spirit and persona, Officer Cook, was just what Dade County needed most and you did your job in an outstanding and unselfish manner trying to finish off violence and supplanting it with harmony and goodwill for those folks of humility which in turn has honored the face of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God released your soul of accountability where it now will eternally be given a much tougher assignment, to guard those sacred and pearly gates of gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2018

The tolls paid for the price of freedom are great and so is the humility and honor of our most esteemed and bravest of souls who risk their beings out in a society that suffers ineptitude and incorrigible strife from violence. You smartness and vision, Officer Cook, signaled a new beginning for Dade County and its people looking for security and peace. Your unwavering and cool demeanor demonstrated the fundamentals of your cherished good character and the real meaning of having scruples and morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2018

Crime is a long and winding road of abomination that stays over us until someone with the heart of a lion can do something about its prowess. Sincerity and honesty surely work their talents in this mix of mastery which must be approached with caution. You tried being careful, Officer Cook and for as long as we here in Dade County were under your watchful eyes, peaceful lips and merciful heart security and harmony, unity and freedom were within earshot. Never can your mortal soul be forgotten, nor the integrity and dignity that ideals bring to the devoted and devout men and women of heroism and the harmony humanity expects from all people and including those who serve and stay glued to the trails of tenacity and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Every ounce of endeavor on May 16, 1979, was extracted from your body, Officer Cook, God did not take you in vain or because you were tired, He required your extra special and uniquely talented skill set patrolling His golden and sacred pathways of justice where He makes certain no harm comes your way ever again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

Evil and violence must be expedited from our midst. All any law abiding brave soul can do is give their best effort putting their feet forward in gearing up for a battle royal over this ruination which threatens our serene civilization. Your resolve and mettle, Officer Cook, helped to resolve conflict as only a man of supreme dignity, integrity and honesty can bring to our society. What a heroic gentleman of the most humble of esteem and the morals that good character brings to them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was and will forever be that Dade County was well preserved and served by your unwavering devotion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

Tyranny need not be terminal. Terror, turmoil, torment and misfortune can be conquered by the right public servants, honest and dignified who can work under pressure and demand excellence of themselves. You were a confident officer, Officer Cook, intensely faithful and as humble and humanely heroic as they come. Dade County and its citizens have come under the microscope and intense scrutiny and yet you were a very brave and serene man who delivered the goods of wisdom and vision which have remained all part of your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One glance and we'll read of your undying and unselfish sacrifice that has kept your soul alive in your family's hearts and minds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

Most people who knew you, Officer Cook, knew your honesty and total work ethic. Perky, peppy and with a passion for police work. So it stands to reason why you were a devoted and loyally dedicated public servant serving all Dade County. Haste makes waste and never an ounce or moment when your dignity and awesome integrity were put to the test. You saved lives with humility, righteousness, intellect and the wisdom that brings the pictures of vision closer to us. We have enhancing safety and harmony by way of your undivided attention to details because when trouble strikes there is no time for relaxing. Our Lord has your kindred spirit sealed and etched upon our hearts as a hero forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

The turbines of tenacity churn fast as ferocity helps to restore calmness within a community. Just as the gale winds blow, so too does one man's humble and heroic gallantry, yours, Officer Cook. It came sweeping through the arches and crevices of Dade County protecting those depending on your kind of honesty, vision and morals that saw your journeys and their destinies through. God saw your sacred soul of peace and respect, dignity and serenity and uplifted it to a higher ground where you now can walk that proverbial beat where angels of humility reside forever. Their bravery and intuitions are safe and secure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

Turmoil and torment are like torture in that they suck the living breath out of a society that wants life and the right to live as free people. You allowed Dade County's own that right, Officer Cook, by your very navigation around a venue so vast and yet every ounce of energy was exerted in an effort to reign in terror. It requires honest and law abiding men and women to participate fully in the process. No lagging behind no wavering, jut straight ahead integrity and dignity at all times and common courtesies displayed to all mankind. We have weathered storms in the past hopefully we can weather whatever come sour way with you, Officer Cook and your character and treasured soul watching over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endear. Engage and educate that is a part of any officer's roles. Not just to resolve and solve conflicts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

I'm looking at a picture of former Metro-Dade Police Director Mr. Patterson saluting you, Officer Cook, a warrior, savior, but most of all a hero of the most sincerest of honor. As your former supervisor, Chief Dale Bowlin stated if only this terrible thing had not happened and that your actions as he called you Bill were outstanding in saving your colleagues lives and those whom you took an affirmation to serve. A human being of the highest standards and ideals giving his all for his community, Dade County to live in liberty and without the threat of mayhem and violence, it speaks wonderfully regarding your humbleness and humane nature. Sure we are sensitive and you kept us abreast of what was going on around us. You'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

Dignity and devotion may not divorce one another as they are essential to the entire peace process. Your searches and foundations, Officer Cook, were laid down by your values and ethics so valuable to your daily roles. It was add always will be about the serenity and sanctity of Dade County residents. They are the ones who depend upon the strong will of our faithfully brave men and women who tackle their onuses with fairness and the firmness that justice and equality for all require. Take your character and personality, Officer Cook and we were the lucky ones who knew you were be present to answer those calls of danger and evil. Cornerstones are placed down to last for our future generations to recognize past heroes and heroines who gave their souls for our harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

The car goes in motion and away your patrols went, Officer Cook, all for the sake of heaven which has your endearing soul of serenity protected for eternal safekeeping. You were a classy man of faith and humble beginnings. It was your honesty, dignity and integrity that kept our dreams alive. And it will always be your gallantry and humility in your heart that we as Dade County citizens can live freely and safer lives. Character, commitment to pride and excellence and commitment to morals are no acts. Your heroic actions of May 16, 1979, saved your comrades and the people who still respect and admire your grit and unselfish sacrifice. A blessed man with a devoted and loving family who misses their hero of honor and nobleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

The truth behind bravery and trust is that it demonstrates the integrity and dignity of those devoted public servants who place their lives on hope on the battle fronts fighting off violence and terror's mean affects. Dade County was served smartly and proudly by your resolve and character, Officer Cook. A Dade County hero through and through who protected our peace and civility in order for our enhancements to carry on. It's a shame that your life, Officer Cook, was taken way too soon as your missions of goodwill and humility were deemed as honorably completed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2018

No consorting with the enemy. No running away. Always looking straight ahead at the target in front of you. Violence has to be chased and captured never to be allowed to run wildly. You were ferocious in all your pursuits, Officer Cook and so Dade County has you and man yother brave heroes and heroines to gratefully thank. Your charisma and persona afforded you a chance at establishing newer relationships with one another. There could never be a finer man, more humane, humble and gallant gentleman than yourself for having given us a new lease on life while exposing yours, Officer Cook, to plain evil. You are to be saluted and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2018

Counsel and care about your job and its affects on our very futures. Lead and show pride and humility while taking responsibility over others. Stand talland yet humble when dispensing honor and dignity. Rise above the crowd and let integrity and wisdom see their way through this mess of mayhem. Kayos that can confuse and confound the most sophisticated of public servants. You were an outstanding member of your department, Officer Cook, with guts and courage that made your character and conviction pursue evil while protecting Dade County's folks. Nothing better than an honest day's effort and the toil of tenacity that has been memorialized. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When the lights go on our most loyal and efficient have to be present to answer that call whatever it might be. A happen stance is just that. Circumstances always occur and those who know their roles take these matters very seriously.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2018

Pestilence, famine and grief already pollute this world and violence only adds fuel to the fires that continue to rage out of control. A panoramic view of Dade County tells us exactly where we would be without your unselfish heroism, Officer Cook. Guided by God's wings of mercy, your journeys for justice and equality would not be the same without your unwavering commitment to excellence, decency and the finely tuned morals toback your upstanding honesty, integrity and dignity's impressions that all remain a source of spiritual strength for your family that carries on, yet still bears the scars of your loss, Officer Cook. Excellent and very humane work that has empowered humanity to take note of the humility from your heart and cherished soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You calmed and restored peace and safety where resolve and proficiency belong.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2018

Fish swim in a tank. You must keep a tank clean to allow these fish to swim freely. You must allow a duly commissioned public servant the freedom to perform their jobs otherwise you've wasted a grand opportunity at the chances of making peace and liberty more than a symbol. You did your utmost to secure the much needed freedom and sanctity here in Dade County for all people, Officer Cook. It did matter the weather of time, your assignments were to shield us from evil. Your honesty, dignity and integrity all backed with endless effort, character and class led the way and certainly allowed you the golden chance to lead other brave and courageous men and women. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2018

While horses gallop, gallantry graces our world and by adding a touch of honor and humility does it begin to glisten once more. Those who abscond from justice only add embarrassment and insult to the ones who devote and dedicate their souls of serenity to keeping our peace stapled together as you willingly and loyally did, Officer Cook, on Dade County's request. Your humble concern, the integrity, dignity and wisdom all shines brightly from your vision of what it took for you to be successful in all your public service endeavors. A mountain to climb, morals and values already awaited your arrival to the police force and a gentleman to be welcomed and openly saluted for valor becoming an important part of your daily journeys around the community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It says the apple does not fall far from the tree. Well, Officer Cook, maturity, charisma and your engaging personality was all inbred within your golden heart. It gave and graced our world for twenty-five all too short years of a productive life and a career headed for more accomplishment if not for that heinous violence that took you from your family and professional family of honor and determination.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2018

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