Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Languages help us to convey our inner feelings .Police must speak thoughtfully and honestly to those whom they protect and serve. No doubt, Officer Cook, you lived a stoically humble and heroic life. Pursuing a career where danger and who knows what else is out there is surely to be commended. A constitution of candor, calm and class bounded by bravery and the dignity that values bring to an important position of authority. Knowing when to go in and when to back away ever so slightly. Though, of course, Dade County's very bright folks were in your good hands, Officer Cook. A gentleman of agility and the acumen to see things through. Your destinies have been taken to a higher spiritual level where us from God's kingdom becomes more challenging. Watch over those loyal souls of serenity who keep fighting on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
When life hangs in the balance, one must grab that proverbial bull by the horns. You were terrific, Officer Cook, in stopping the progression of unrelenting violence in Dade County. Your humane honor and validity will be forever solemnly honored for allits humility in commitment, excellence and the achievements of integrity incorporated with a wise dignity. Our travels and their journeys can steam forward thanks to your duly noted nobility and the gallantry of a heroic angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man with a humble blueprint used to defuse destruction.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
God given talent is just that. The humility of being humbly able to solve and to resolve conflict before evil breaks out. You stayed the channels of courage and your boldness, Officer Cook, offered the citizens of Dade County a brief glimpse into your ideals and intuitions bounded by the eyes of effort and the devotions of dignity while integrity kept you on the mark in placing goodwill back into the hearts and minds of family and your professional peers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
On par with persistence and perseverance, Officer Cook, your duties to patrol for peace in Dade County will surely be heroic honored. You were a righteous and faithfully loyal public servant who guarded our very lives so peace and freedom may reign down upon us. Never better desire and decency, always the best of character and ethics. Dignified and poignant, full of intensity to last forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Vitality and vision led you, Officer Cook, in your lively pursuits of truth, trust and unwavering tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
Cruelty is the frailty that pushes bravery and honesty to the grounds below. Never shall we give in nor submit ourselves to evil. Never back away showing the slightest fear or panic. You faced your career and its perils, Officer Cook, with a youthful zeal. Dade County has come a long way since you departed this world for a world where you are being given more responsibility. Guarding those shiny golden avenues of acumen and boldness where no more harm will come your direction. Character and achievement that made all the sense in the world. The compasses of honor, decorum and integrity pointing righteously. Vigorous vigilance and thoughtful and due diligence. It is the balancing beams of bravery befitting a real humane and loyal servant of God. We slept well, Officer Cook, on account of your astuteness and awareness to dilemmas and they were properly adjusted so our acclimation was made much better. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Your heart listens to the rest of your body and what is said conveys an important message spelling out the virtues of hope, peace and goodwill to mankind. Officer Cook, you were a caring genuinely nice man. A gentleman whose passions led you to become who you are today and why do we think about you? Heroism and honesty breed dignity and integrity that offered the people of Dade County the rights to live peacefully and as one community united in prayer and in spirit. All coming together through your wings of love and to be cherished forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Wielding power is one thing, to harness that power is another. You are supposed to be a leader, a follower, a lifesaver and present goodwill and honor back to society. What makes our world weaker is when we concede and submit ourselves to unwanted violence. Evil and terror, torment and turmoil create those bonds that can certainly break our communities apart. Like an atomic bomb or earthquake, Dade County was under the grips, the vices of vindictiveness . You were the consummate professional, Officer Cook, through and true. Humble and loyal, dignity that in of itself honored humanity. Your days, months and years were the living example of why we have nowadays peace and unity, though we need to be as you were relentless in our pursuits of happiness and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
If soup is good food than ferocity and tenacity acquit themselves very well. Your outlook on life and during your career, Officer Cook, was one of enjoyment, you relished serving Dade County and we the people cherished your sense of relief and safe travels whenever you patrolled these sometimes long and winding roads. You never know what is lurking for men and women of honor and humility to try and overcome. It's danger and peril, panic and reality. But, thirty-nine years later your life and ultimate heroic sacrifice, Officer Cook, are solemnly honored and etched within the framework of our minds and hearts never to be overlooked nor tarnished as you performed your roles devoutly and decidedly well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The fruits of a man's labors are to be shared and received in the galleries of gallantry rather gracefully. Succinct and to the point.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
And credibility would be another chain in your unshakable courage, Officer Cook. A look back in Dade County police history and we'll find a man complete with splendor and moxie. Intuition and commitment to pride and excellence. Real humble honesty, self-contained dignity and the intelligent integrity to ward off violence while securing peace of mind and goodwill to last a whole life time. Your comrades and family so humanely pay homage to your propensity for perseverance and its prudent mannerisms. A wealth of knowledge that came in handy to save, preserve and conserve our quality of equality and justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mettle goes resolution begins.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Why does violence still perturb and eat at our insides? As I reflect, I'm looking at your picture I printed off the Officers Down Memorial Page taken I would say about forty some years ago. And all this time later, effort, dignity and politeness is shadowing yourself, Officer Cook andmany valiant other women and men in heaven. It's where decency, dignity and a humble fruition sleep capably with Our Lord and His duly noted Honor Roll of resourcefulness and a cunning resolve to be resolute mot reneging on a promise you made to guard Dade County and its folks of character, goodwill and the right stuff. The right man for the job where accountability, reliability and humility crisscross civility, sanity and sanctity. You'll reward a bountiful heavenly feast awaiting you, Officer Cook, as you look down with your beautiful soul of mercy and compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Pull distance and desire closer to honor and bravery, somehow you will pull dire and desperation away from despicable and diabolical actions of the few who seem to delight in setting the fires of fury. But, your feverish heroic actions, Officer Cook, a maniacal man from taking more innocent lives. Dade county was solidly shielded by your recurring ingenuity, integrity and the landscape of trust and honor. Those rivers of resiliency ran far and wide and our safety and security was and always will be fondly remembered forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those tennis matches with your friend and comrade, Officer Keith Di Genova were pretty sporting, Officer Cook. He is a hero too and suffers greatly as a result of being shot and forever needs our meditations for comfort and a humble peace of mind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
A savvy veteran officer, Officer Cook, you learned the ropes of resolve and resourcefulness from other cherished men and women so full of humility and talent. Their honesty, dignity and integrity matched yours perfectly in protecting all Dade County. Those vines of vigilance all swinging from the treetops of tenacity and the alacrity that character and morals constructs within the heart of every living soul who serves the causes. Peace must prevail. The pest of persecution must be arrested as shall wickedness. The hero whose humane spirit sleeps quietly in those deep blue skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your trips and fruition, Officer Cook, were imprinted with a humble success and your faithfulness was a natural conclusion to your navigation in an area that has long since respected, revered and admired your undying valor to duty.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Your chipper smile and friendly disposition is sorely missed today, Officer Cook. I do hope your mother is well. I wrote a letter a couple of months ago to your sister, Nancy and her son, your nephew Josh Hyatt and have not heard back. On Sept. 17th, she will be bless her heart, one -hundred and three. And I 'll guarantee you she misses you more than ever. Dade County's hero of boldness, bravery and the humble craft of a true honest policeman, so fit with vim, vigor and vitality. Character that sparkled. Dignity that drew other brave souls closer to learn how to be a human being and one of integrity important in fighting adversity. Only our goodwill and tranquility restored by your unselfish and visionary wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Take care once again Mrs. Cook, God speed and be well.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Assemble and make sense of the parts of a puzzle so large, the best of honor, integrity and dignity working as one might run into trouble. Terror and tragedy come across a public servant's slate of service. How are security and peace going to balance out each other? You handled your scopes and surveillance s in Dade County quite well, Officer Cook. No resentment from any colleague. No envy God forbid. Only the eternal salutes of determination, the morality of motivating and in leading other brave and wise souls through panic, peril and danger, thick and thin. It takes every bit of character, intelligence and the stabilizing intuition to act rightly, justly and humbly. An able bodied young man doing a superb job and offering the humane and proud ultimate sacrifice to enhance our society which always will your sunny and chipper presence, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life demands action not a passive wave of the hand. No delay. You arrive and make a quick analysis of what needs to be corrected and fixed properly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Your son, "Billy," Mrs. Cook, was a cherished and highly respected officer. A trusted friend and a beloved hero. You see, Officer Cook, that gallantry and grace come from within and your heart was stoic and sensitive to the needs of Dade County residents. No telling how much more evil would have occurred on May 16, 1979, if you had not arrived on the scene. Something deep within me says honesty, true dedication, dignity and integrity took you and Scott Lincoln to that area. Boldness lights up the tunnels of darkness and the tenacity you set forth on your journeys, Officer Cook, were met by God's loving embrace. Serenity , safety, peace and unity all founded by your channels of courage, caring and hopeful consideration for humanity. The paths in and during our chosen careers and professions are enjoined by none other than Our Creator Himself. We try for something, if it fails, once we going at the task again. Police work is not like that. Behavior must be proper. Responses must be swift. Civility and sanity must rule not take over like a monster out of control. Stress happens and how do you manage ? You handled the rigors in an outstanding way, Officer Cook, with fine and upstanding class,decency and pure desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Loneliness. Sadness. Tears. Prayers and meditation. To stop what you are doing and to ponder the despair your family, Officer Cook, had to be going through after your untimely loss. The profound grief and anguish had to be so immense and the tears nothing worse than the loss of a beloved hero, your warrior son, brother, husband, uncle, great-uncle and a loyal comrade to all your peers. The prayers and best wishes went out to the Cook Family whose devoutness kept your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, alive and well all those decades later after your tragic day, Officer Cook, when a vengeful young man unleashed terror in Dade County and you and your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, went to that scene of chaos, Officer Cook. Through it all your character, commitment and support of your fellow officers was the quintessential example of honor, integrity and dignity with vision and wisdom humbly trying to shade humanity from this unquestionable misery. Always the prayers for your family. Only salutes and condolences on your profound loss. Society misses you greatly and wants you, Officer Cook, to know we are there for you. That beacon of light and the boldness that honorably and willingly helped to seal peace within our walls of happiness and safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Being alone is not always so healthy for the soul. Your treasured spirit, Officer Cook, is soundly nestled among the many souls of engagement,bravery and the serenity to battle on in eternity. Everlasting quiet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A proud warrior with a pristine uniform of proficiency and the perseverance to face onuses straight ahead.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Ghastly what violence seems to promote in our society. Leading to anarchy and kayos, bedlam and mayhem, its unbelievable and unmistakable evil that sours our plans for peace, unity and the goodwill that prosperity brings. And for your humble role, Officer Cook, you brought great resolve and effort on behalf of your department and all Dade County's citizens. Heroic and humane from your heart, diligent and dignified which in turn personifies a public servants character that humanity looks up to in times of crisis. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 21, 2018
Glib you were, Officer Cook. This was not a fib. Ferocious and fearless. An unending support of serenity and efficiency to see Dade County through its toughest battles yet The courage, the conviction, commitment to desire, devotion and the driven dignity to lead honesty and dignity down those paths of perception and reality. What else can you say of a gallant and graceful warrior of valor and no doubts. You captivated, Officer Cook and garnered our peace, unity while staying focused and serene. all from your undying humility delivered everyday toward humanity. A revolving door of decency awaited your arrival, Officer Cook, in the throne of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
Culture is enjoyed by some of us. What we relish most is our liberties and freedoms of movement to do as we please. After all when you reside in the freest world, you should not have to take things for granted. police never should. You did not either, Officer Cook. You lived each moment and secured the public peace and unification for all Dade County's folks. With a deft touch of tenacity creating humble honor, grand devotion to dignity and integrity all the makings of fairness and firmness passed quietly as we pursued our goals and aspiring happiness, the very same you were allowed and should not have had taken away by sheer evil. Your colleagues and family pause to honor your scruples and outstanding resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Good character shuts off the valves of resentment and only enhances endeavor which your missions were will composed with, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
I meant to say you kept dignity by your belt, Officer Cook and the redemption is not very far off. No fat. You were a slim gentleman with a wise and tender heart of loyalty and esteem. Your brightness shone through as you patrolled Dade County. Common sense and courtesy along with character, never conceit nor deceit. Humility propelled peace and security, safety and sanity through the region. We all miss you, Officer Cook, your family faithful comrades and a boat load of friends who enjoyed their times with you and Karen. Only the most humble of heroes and heroines toil in effort in Our master's den of decency and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's enhancement and enrichment which spell out the proximity of endearment. You were one sensational public servant, Officer Cook, poised and persevering with fighting resolve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
Gab as you must, but, remember physical action speaks louder than talk. You acted very quickly, Officer Cook, to save life and limb of your fellow colleagues and those civilians involved in that messy domestic dispute of May 16, 1979. Dade County never forgot your courage and caring esteem, Officer Cook. A legend of a man whose diligence and devotion where A plus. Integrity like never before. Dignity to dig deeper to battle such a hurtful foe. Honor to humanely screen us from the pain and anguish of undue harm. Never more conviction, wisdom and vision to clear our pathways for peace and happiness, while wiping your trails free of impediments. Clutch character and the journeys to see you through your destinies. Our Lord has your soul of uniqueness humbly stored where it has a most difficult job, to patrol His streets while looking after others here bravely going about their professional business. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sleep well, Officer Cook, the redemption is not very fat off.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
Gliding to gallantry is not so simple. You must have your feet on the ground in character, ethics and the honor that comes with the vital task in serving the public. Your sources, Officer Cook, led you on your patrols of peace and serenity for all Dade County. You delivered the goods of gladness and grace to a community that will forever salute your heroism, humility and special insight. Thoughtful and tenacious, your career and life, Officer Cook, was the total embodiment of fruition and very faithful protection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Take time to make time. You could always be relied upon to share and demonstrate your concerns as you tackled violence and its horror.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
The caravan of your crusades, Officer Cook, was loaded with staunch loyalty, a fond and unwavering faithfulness. All measured by your austere honesty, integrity and the ingenuity of keeping dignity belt as you served Dade County citizens. We could treasure our security and channel our passions into tranquility and civility because of your unselfish and undying humility. All the class, desire, decency and scruples any public servant worth their salt can possess. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hope the Wilkerson's Tidwell's and yourself, Mrs. Cook are enjoying a restful summer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our world was indeed blessed by your wholesome and supportive participation, Officer Cook, in these seemingly endless wars over terror.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
Certain patterns of values and ideals must be replicated and duplicated on a daily basis. Your genes, Officer Cook, represented the authenticity of modern day good people. Honor. Integrity. Dignity. All the standard bearers of top notch police work. Dade County and its people saw a decent young man pursuing his inspirational vibes and through your humble resolve and humility, Officer Cook, harmony and sanctity became a living and breathing reality. No man or woman of valor wants to see wickedness, you my neighbor, friend and hero faced an adversary square on and at least give your very best attempt to arrest a troubled young man. His life was sad and pathetic. Your life and career exemplified true humility and the heroism displayed toward humanity. Rest in peace. You had much left to accomplish, Officer Cook, Our Master his your gentle angel's wings tucked next to Him along with the many heroes and heroines of bravery.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
Twenty-three thousand men and women sacrificing their lives for safety and peace. And yet humbly speaking departments carry on with their cherished missions. Mercy, faith and the hope that springs eternal. You take a man of solid commitment, morals and the character plus their honesty, integrity and dignity, somehow the total package is there and yet it takes a department effect to succeed in fighting crime. Your humble and heroic name, Officer Cook, brought Dade County and its people new dreams, goals and aspirations to live happier and more peaceful lives. Now, God has your humane and loyal soul of esteem in His house of compassion forever wrapped in His palms for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2018
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