Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Run down callousness. Bravery will follow your journeys all your days. Humanity trailed your pursuits in life and during your watch, Officer Cook and believe me , God never led you wrong. Dade County was supervised by your unending and unselfish dignity to seek out the truth. Honesty and trust must stay on the correct paths of integrity for if we heaven forbid break off that path, no telling what is in store for our serenity and the blissful sounds of safety. Surely, your boldness and valor, Officer Cook, will be humbly saluted as your humble heroic legacy has been anchored for other future men and women to follow along in. Never better scruples and character acting as your partners in eliminating evil to a society calling out for assistance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 25, 2018
We walk humbly in step with Our Maker. We patrol the community with a loyal virtue creating an environment which is comfortable for others. Your crusades around the Dade County area, Officer Cook, were indeed honest, dignified and accentuated with integrity. It's the steering wheel that helped you protect and to save lives. Bringing and keeping harmony and peace is not easy. It takes the acumen of a man filled with character, courage and the convictions to see his voyages through. Vision, wisdom and your maturity, Officer Cook, only enhanced our very foundations set down by a gentleman of gallantry and the humility for which humanity is indebted to your sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 25, 2018
Violence and terror leaves us in a quandary with not many options at times. Police officers must be very resourceful in solving and in restoring the citizen's faith in a justice system that goes bonkers at times. You relied upon your instincts of intelligence, intuition and ingenuity to help get you through trouble, Officer Cook. Certainly, Dade County has much to be grateful to your heroism, integrity and the humility of possessing honorable dignity at all times. Peace, prosperity, happiness and freedom brought to newer heights by your magnificent character and engaging personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sad about your loss, Officer Cook and the fact that our families were practically around the corner. At least I got to meet some of your lovely family members.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 24, 2018
The torrential downpours of doom at the time of your watch over Dade County, Officer Cook, cast something in the making an don May 16, 1979, there was a call dispatched on the radio of an officer down needing assistance. You heard the call and were a block away and did not have to respond. Your honor and integrity humbly, humanely and most heroically dignified your response. Brave and valued, you went and accounted for saving us and your comrades, your best and closest of friends. Laying down your life with character, vision and transparency of tenacity, peace and security were launched. Never a more prideful and loyal comrade, never more faithfully resilient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Yes, your pathways of enhancement, endearment, engagement and enrichment were well prepared by Our Maker as you now bravely tend to those golden and holy streets in the skies above.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 24, 2018
Collisions too can cause the greatest impact on a public servant's life. Fatality is not just reality, it's the bravery and honor behind each and every hero who may live through it. God at least let you, Officer Cook, live to fight for six years of decorated service and the demonstrations of restoring harmony and shelter for all Dade County. No servant worth their weight in gold should ever be taken from this society on account of terror, but fight on with liberty, dignity and justice for all we must. your courageous soul, Officer Cook, would not want us to do otherwise. A hero of hearty humility and humane actions to benefit our faith and peace of mind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your clutch command, Officer Cook, spared even more harm on May 16, 1979. A day of memories and a well lived and valued life of efficiency and decency.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 24, 2018
Execute the plan, exemplify effort, satisfy the public. All in a day's work, Your labors of love and esteem on behalf of Dade County's community, Officer Cook, where your life and career came full circle. Comforting those in sorrow, honorably carrying out your central tasks even where danger lurked, it says a lot about your engaging integrity and dignity to comport oneself. The heat gets hotter the more you dig in to battle an adversary so commanding it takes an entire team endeavor to reign in justice while serenity and security pitch their tents of peace and goodwill. Your kept the faith, Officer Cook and your words of boldness, character and commitment have been heroically noted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 24, 2018
To enter this world a baby and suddenly depart as hero really speaks volumes regarding your superb character and supreme sacrifice, Officer Cook. You led other men and women by virtue of your humane and loyal honor, integrity and dignity. Sure firepower that can match wits with a foe of unwavering potential. Dade County was being ravaged by a heinous and distraught young man and you came, Officer Cook, to answer that call of duty with desire, devotion and the determination to stop more evil from happening. That alone and for saving your colleagues and those civilians, you deserve all the salutes of bravery, nobility and humility. Humanity's heart and happiness was bestowed upon it by your unselfish acts of compassion to be fondly etched in our minds and hearts forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 24, 2018
Water quenches the soul. Peace by valor and humility bring their own enhancements to one another. We search out the word for something positive and yet at times we find little or no hope. Well thank God you were a blanket of protection for Dade County folks, Officer Cook. A gallant man fighting the sources of our pain and anguish. Your family beloved as they are and your peers who wen tout with you to battle surely remember the honest and dignified young man of civility and harmony. Can't forget your heroic life and career filled with accomplishments at such a young and tender age. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Amazing what a strong heart and sound mind of principles can grasp when confronted by a larger more confounding enemy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 24, 2018
There is a dichotomy between life and work. Your life, Officer Cook, though only twenty-five years of age when Our Lord called you to heaven was filled with decency and nobleness. A proud and honorably humble individual whose service reflected the values of dignity, effort and the integrity to battle violence here in Dade County where the citizens looked up to you, Officer cook, to assemble both harmony and the stoic unity that bonds us as one. Never forgotten and saluted for candor and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility fills that cup of courage right to the brim. You were a special hero and a more classy gentleman.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 24, 2018
The consonants of courage, valor and bravery following the vowels sounds of acumen, effort, integrity and outstanding unselfish heroism. You had the entire package of precision, Officer Cook, a man of mercy and compassion chasing evil around Dade County. Heroes and heroines pursue goodwill while pursuing those intending to commit cowardly acts of division. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Considerate and consummate all consolidating your candor and personal charisma.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 23, 2018
Sadly in life everything is not so rosy. The stench of evil leaves us feeling rotten inside. You made us feel good about ourselves and our happiness, Officer Cook. Our goodwill and blessings here in Dade County came through your passages of perseverance and the fine resolve that is doled out by honor, integrity and dignity. Violence shall take note and beware the good people of law enforcement are coming to weed you out and to restore some vitality and virtue for all who ascribe to be better citizens. Everyday, Officer Cook, your caring character and commitment are remembered and so saluted for valor which is a grand and humble piece of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The zero hour is near, thankfully so is your trusted and faithful soul of humility, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 23, 2018
Distance yourself from doom and gloom and surely the brightest of days will come. Our ways are sometimes set in stone and yet violence looks to undo the perfect setting. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you encountered many situations and were able to bring about a peaceful resolution through your undying and unselfish beliefs that all would be fine. I imagine even with scruples, serenity, blessings of grace and the dignity and integrity to face it all, God still wanted you for a special detail in His special palaces where humility and fruition were essential. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 23, 2018
Good diction is part of clear and concise speech. Clarity clears the clouds of confusion that still linger in our society. Your alacrity and eloquence, Officer Cook, spoke those precise measured tones for Dade County and those whom you preserved and laid out serenity and the sweet sounds of security. Always charm and character to go along with your smile and honest and loyal mannerisms of morals, dignity and the vision that integrity brings to the table. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 23, 2018
There is a dichotomy between life and work. Your life, Officer Cook, though only twenty-five years of age when Our Lord called you to heaven was filled with decency and nobleness. A proud and honorably humble individual whose service reflected the values of dignity, effort and the integrity to battle violence here in Dade County where the citizens looked up to you, Officer cook, to assemble both harmony and the stoic unity that bonds us as one. Never forgotten and saluted for candor and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility fills that cup of courage right to the brim. You were a special hero and a more classy gentleman.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 23, 2018
Luck pulls us in different and opposite directions. Dade County pulled you, Officer Cook, closest to the apex of activity. It's where your heart and mind relied upon your professional instincts of ingenuity to see harmony and sanctity through. Police never have what we call a normal routine as each various circumstance requires their utmost attention to details. The citizens came to respect your authority and how it impacted our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
Twice as nice and an extra unique man of bravery and humble esteem. Officer Cook, you meant everything to your family and to the character of being a real true hero. You gave something special and so very essential to the dignity of life while grappling with a foe so large it is amazing how our beloved heroes can cope with the rigors and demands. Your time spent in Dade County was well worth the accomplishments and the gains in the blessed name of safety and satisfaction were well noted. Trusted and sensational in your performances, executions of justice and desire. Only the top quality of your missions well carried out and planned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
The stand your ground law has people up in arms. A law passed in Florida and many other states where you may take a person's life if yours is deemed in jeopardy. a self-defense if you will. What is clear is that many more incidents like these take place and its difficult for the courts to decide who is right. All we in Dade County know is that on May 16, 1979, a civilized and decent young man gave his welfare for his community. Yes, your honor, Officer Cook, loyalty and dignity were directed at heaven's way for trying to rid violence from the streets where compassion and a coolness should rule. Our hopes for peace and liberty were taken aback by your unmitigated and untimely death in the line of duty. A most humble and respected hero voluntarily answering a domestic call with all your might and leaving there losing the most basic element we cherish our life. Our aspirations have now and for generations to come become inspirations to look back on as a growing part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Chivalry is not dead. Your soul of enrichment endears itself to the kingdoms above glowing through those deep blue skies at night.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
A delicious shiny red apple is good to bite into. What is more superb is the God honest labor of a real life hero whose humbleness and valid humility spoke as well as his bravery. Yes, Officer Cook, your heroism and the entire gravity of your grace and sanctity here in Dade County representing our liberties conveyed more than perseverance and tenacity. All the conclusive symbols of serenity and human emotion went into your due diligence to pad our unity and to eliminate undue hardships that mayhem causes. A beam of light, a beacon of boldness and hope, never can your loyalty be truly repaid. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A dignified saves , a coward runs from responsibility. You never ever shirked your onuses on our behalf, Officer Cook. The prayers and thoughts are with your entire family clan.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
Justice in our country still gets laughed at and embarrassed. Never comes to reason when any loyal and honest public servant dies violently while serving and the offender gets a couple years in the clink, gets acquitted for self-defense or is never found and brought to a courthouse to face their punishment. Dade County where you lived and secured life and property, Officer Cook, was where your beloved parents wanted to call home. You had friends and a plethora to occupy your time. I had a tough time finding friends and the school that we both attended, Sabal Palm Elementary had bullying in my day. The bullying annoyed the pardon the word, hell out of me. North Miami Beach is very much a different place now although to purchase a home prices have skyrocketed. You were a loyal and gifted man of valor and decision, a devoted colleague who tragically got caught up in a young man's web of wickedness that cast a pall over Dade County. Yet, through each watch harmony and safety was placed by each person by a young man of character and constraint. You'll never be forgotten. Officer Cook, for wisdom, clarity and the insightful integrity and dignity which help to fan the flames of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Finding and keeping good friends is important to a person's psyche.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
Nothing can be cancelled or changed once that summons for duty and courage beckons. Its voice has tones that are quite loud and sharp to the touch. That touch is more soft than the poke of bedlam and chaos colliding as one to ruin an entire area. You stopped evil, Officer Cook, the only way you knew how and that was by being calm and in control of your emotions. Stick to the wrappings of wonderful dignity, have a little integrity hovering overhead and by having honesty professionally pressed on your pristine uniform. All in a day's work was your consummate effort. Justifiable and trustworthy. You have been humbly saluted for your wise gallantry and noted humility that saved Dade County and its citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
We are gifts of the world and whatever we accomplish is a cherished blessing. So indeed you might want to discover the power of prayer and how it enriches each of our very souls. Your very humble and honored soul, Officer Cook, endeared itself to the very soil of Dade County which you guarded with your life. Integrity and dignity drove your fruitful missions of character and courage through these dangerous and sometimes disruptive venues. Heroes and heroines, their virtues and valor are to be shared even as they await heaven's welcoming committee of angels , both tenacious and bold forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A certain viscosity prevailed over your work which was everything your family, community and department hoped for.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
Keeping law and order in heaven is one tough assignment. A tough cookie indeed to crack and your soul must be more aware than ever. But, I'm sure you are up to these daily divine tasks, Officer Cook, otherwise God Himself would not place you with them. Your duties here on behalf of all Dade County included searching and securing for peace while keeping tranquility more alive then the terror itself. How did you do? Very humby speaking, excellent. Great command of character. Flawless ferocity. Prodigious perseverance and resolve as well as your dignity and countless integrity. Those battles you faced and fought with zeal, Officer Cook, set in motion your astute mettle and real bravery beyond what is expected of public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sad when dates with destiny arrive, yours, Officer Cook, obviously was too soon, at least God has you now and always near your beloved dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
To err is human and to forgive is divine. This world already suffers from enough division, mistrust and mischief from the actions of mad people. It does not take the calculations of a rocket scientist to figure out what to do. Your projections, Officer Cook, were to see the safe and smooth transitions of serenity and a little peace of mind for everyone. You did exactly that and because of your undivided attention to detail dignity and honest integrity were your missions made a bit lighter. Only adored, respected and faithful to your department and beloved family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Someone cried, you came and calmed them down, Officer Cook. A man of understanding and the maturity to match.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
Courage concealed is humility humbled. Just that. One honorable man facing off in Dade County against the likes of wickedness and staying on the trails of terror never vering off them. Your hopeful navigation, Officer Cook, helped to stimulate good cheer and a deeper appreciation for all mankind. A very respected and wisely sage man channeling his emotions and endeavor into unity and harmony that has been remembered as a part of your heroic legacy. The brave and convicted in morals and character know from where they will reap their spiritual rewards as part of Our Creator's master plans for His angelic team of tenacious warriors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
A failure to succeed means the tasks become a little harder. Dade County like all metropolitan areas is very spread out and the chores are more challenging to tackle,. You tried your utmost, Officer Cook and reached out to many persons. Honesty, dignity and integrity mingling with one another. Keeping our desires in check, our hopes and visions were your visions and morals which contained the validity of valor and vigilance. Our heroes and heroines character and pride rests in gentle hands of mercy and compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 22, 2018
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