Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Replicate, duplicate, whatever has to be accomplished to finish this atrocity of unfairness that seems to be stripped away piece by piece by unmitigated terror. A battle brewing that needed your urgent response, Officer Cook and for that matter the citizens answering along with you. Dade County suffered but than again so did your family and department on May 16, 1979, when you gave your scruples, security and saving grace to honor those carrying out your heroic legacy. A legion of humility, civility and the sanctity that noble deeds bring with them. You are not going to be overlooked, Officer Cook, nor forgotten for having the wisdom, vision and commitment to stand up and to be counted among the many courageous souls who fought that good fight for peace and equality to rise to the occasion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2018

Jokes and practical pranks are one thing. Sincerity at times requires some serious contemplation. The kind necessary to combat cowardly and heinous actions of a few wayward people. Your role in this war, Officer Cook, was to make peace and unity last forever here in Dade County. The hero in your soul is never lost as it shines down on your esteemed and beloved family. Their honor, your integrity, your honor and humility its dignity longing for some comfort was brought back to Our Master's palaces of perseverance and perfection. Where mercy, devotion and compassion reign alongside of commitment, character and principles. The values are that intense and so is a life quite valuable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Justice and fairness were your strongholds as was your trust, accountability and reliability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2018

Evil seems to reach far and wide pulling this society to an even newer low. You reached out to others, Officer Cook, hoping to pull them back in the good graces of Our Lord. A savior and warrior who never stopped fighting on Dade County's behalf. You were the consummate strong, steady and serene public servant, a, man whose word was his bond of valor. Integrity, honor and dignity were not words to be uttered nor taken lightly. We were shielded and protected by all your loving resources of fruition and dogged determination, never lack of devotion or dedication. Our Maker has seized your soul of charm and character and kept violence from ever harming you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2018

Bluntly speaking police pay the ultimate price even if by blunt force. For this they must bury their eyes and ears, lips and feet in simple and plain boldness and bravery. It makes the reputation of resolve, honor and dignity that much more clearer. It surely made Dade County and its residents feel better by your unassuming and heroic presence, Officer Cook. A man of faith, loyalty and principles practicing what you preached and were instructed by your parents. Character, morals and integrity form that virtual backbone of enhancement that lends its creed to fighting violence and conveys the messages of meaning and humility that stay instilled in our minds and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2018

God Himself only knows why goodness and mercy shall follow Him. It trailed your patrols around Dade County, Officer Cook. A public servant whose honesty and assurances allowed you to reign in violence thus saving lives and giving peace and harmony the chance to flow freely and properly. The eyes of all look hopefully to Thee and You provide them their food in due season. For your humble and humane heroism, Officer Cook, may your character and cherished soul of serenity rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Its cornerstones of courage and conviction are set in stone glistening off of the bright hot yellow sun.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2018

Holes are dug. It's time to go further in this never ending war over wickedness. Only the blessings of Our Creator can protect the cherished souls of those who serve and fight with all their might for our tranquility. Our peace, safety and prosperity that must be not be broached. Your smile, Officer Cook, honor, dignity and integrity should have allowed you the longevity that we seek every single day of our lives. Lives of action, fruition and the flirtations with happiness and peace. Something your commitment to excellence and pride, Officer Cook, should have been allowed to follow you into retirement. God ordained your destinies to be with Him back in heaven next to your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Always with a prepared plan of action. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2018

When time is of the essence, better roll up those sleeves of tenacity and get to work. Danger, peril and who knows what else lurks? Dade County had it all good and bad, you seemed, Officer Cook, to have a handle on the going and comings here. A revered gentleman with angel's wings spreading goodwill and sincere austerity where it matter the most. Good character and the fabrics of scruples are not a cliche. But, foundations and cornerstones laid down for future valiant and honorably intense public servants are of the value that we place on life. Yours, Officer Cook, had meaning and was filled with faith and trust, humility and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2018

It is real difficult for loved ones to live on when preventable accidents took their loves one's lives. You can sit all day and ponder and it is still an earth shaking moment. Your family, Officer Cook, has dealt very well I would assume. Your death was a line of duty death for which you paid the ultimate price for safety and reason to percolate among the proud citizens here in Dade County. You bestowed honor and humbleness, dignity and perseverance along with your maturity in years and that word, integrity. Never leaving home without your bravest of faith and esteem for your all too important roles in mankind. Never forgotten and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2018

Close the book. The chapters of boldness and bravery will be there tomorrow to greet you. It is only fitting and proper that Dade County and its folks honor your rich life and career, Officer Cook, where you inserted ingenuity, intelligence and intuition in all your poignant and progressive moments. Ones surely to share with your family. They are about your passions and compassion to maintain humility, honesty and dignity while being composed and for having the fortitude to fight for what you believed in. Peace and harmony shall cast violence and hatred to the sharks in the deep blue oceans. Always humbly saluted for gallantry and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2018

Pain and sorrow, the loss of a loved so brave and honest as you, Officer Cook, left your family and department bereft of your character and heroism. A loyal and treasured young man stoking the fires of ferocity in Dade County hoping for positive results in garnering peace and unity for all. You stayed the courses of courage by being morally strong and actively aware through your humane integrity and dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2018

We bear the brunt of responsibility to report any issues that affect safety to police officers. Your role, Officer Cook, taken seriously was to save Dade County and its people from danger. Honest and full of integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Great humility and character.

Rabbi Lewis S.Davis

August 6, 2018

Forever a hero of respect and resilience. You always made Dade County a much safer venue for peace and prosperity to filter through, Officer Cook. A man of honest and loyal intentions who will be remembered for unselfish wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2018

A handsome face and a great smile they all go hand in hand with one humble and bravely devoted warrior. Where would the likes of Dade County be today without your cherished and bold courage, Officer Cook? Where on earth can you trust someone whose scruples and morals matched and meshed perfectly with your honest and intensely dignified character? Questions, questions and just afterthoughts all these long and painfully winding decades later. It still perturbs me an ordinary citizen why were you struck down by wanton violence in not even in the prime of your career? Why?We know six years is something to achieve and yet the fight, the war has only begun. If tenacity, resolve and all the efficiency, proficiency and resiliency could have sustained you and kept you alive, the whole police nation, your family and peers would be exceedingly grateful to Our Master. His place of domain and destiny needed your vital vigor, your clear and precise vision and the welcome relief of your wit and wisdom, conviction and transparency like never before. Always duly and deservedly saluted for humility, for being accountable to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

When we drift in and out of our goals it's one thing. Police may never drift nor wander while performing their assigned perilous duties. They carry a sacred obligation to protect and guard our fortresses of peace and humility. This is humanity's way of waking up mankind. Because of them and their character and classic bravery do we enjoy the fruits of freedom. Your aspirations, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County citizens has been shared and memorialized forever since your humane and heroic sacrifice of body and spirit. Never can we forget what you meant to your loving family, fearless comrades and those humble friends who shared their acquaintances with you and your family. The Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families are as very special as all police families. You see their heroic loved ones earned respect, admiration and reverence for taking charge and in pursuing justice and trust among mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

As a term in bowling when one strikes the pins in either the one three pocket or the one two pocket, what must be struck every single day of one's devoted and faithful service is solid honor, integrity and dignity. This cannot begin a career and could harm a career much less cause loss of life if this is not executed perfectly. You fought for everything on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook. Its semblance of safety, serenity and the pursuits of security for one and all must be done in a sane and yet compassionate manner. Pouring your entire arsenal of acumen and awareness into the problems and dilemmas that violence creates is no sure thing to get rid of. Just as cherished and devout, humane and humble, heroic and gentle, your spirit of boldness, Officer Cook, floats higher every moment in the heaven's of Our Maker where He keeps close tabs on His flock of saintly heroes and heroines whose valor and virtue constituted their ways of life and professional performances during their watches over society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

Catching lightning in a bottle, it's just more ludicrous everyday to think about all the troubles causing society's downfalls. Tragedy and terror, violence and evil, cowardly wickedness that shakes us from side to side and up and down. Your crusades in Dade County, Officer Cook, all made us better citizens and humbly preserved your rich legacy of honesty, resolve and the stellar esteem of your unending integrity and dignity to help you solve problems. Big and small nothing seems easy for a duly admired public servant who has taken his character to a humanely higher heaven sphere. Nothing can stop you now, Officer Cook, no more harm, pain or anguish can detain you from patrolling Our Lord's most sacred of golden passages. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When lightning strikes we must take shelter.When police are called to secure the public safety they must not run nor hide for their humility resides in their thimbles of tenacity and righteousness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

When adversity catches that tailwind no telling where it will go. The days and nights grow longer with uncertainty and bravery and honor, no telling where they will travel. Your adventures at times, Officer Cook, were filled with danger nothing adventurous about that. You attempted your best at taming terror and for what that young man put Dade County, the good folks and your colleagues under, what had to be done to him was taken care of by Detective Blocker. Your wisdom and integrity, vision and virtue, Officer Cook, are the benchmarks to loyally and fondly remembered. Character and charisma provided a glimpse into your daily trials and tribulations at what it takes to make a supremely humane and caring public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

Like the sound of crickets chirping at night, that is the lonely sound of emptiness of having lost a beloved family member. Unseen, unheard, but always so very special and very dear. You'll always be the apple of your parents' eyes, Officer Cook, the adored little brother of Nancy. With a humble and passionate heart, Officer Cook, you signed on to become a member of the Metro-Dade Police Department and forevermore one of God's many heroic angels of bravery, honor, dignity and integrity. Your character and devotion left a distinguished imprint in the landscape of all Dade County and how its residents may pursue, peace, happiness and goodwill displayed toward others. Salute and honor is what we do for unique individuals with a God enhanced sense of fairness, faith and humility that sticks in their heroically ethical hearts for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No shucks. No hecks. No by golly. Just a smile and respect for mankind, wisdom's reverence instilled in you, Officer Cook, by your folks at an early age.Better to get a running start to ferocity than to wait until it comes to your doors of determination and dedication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

Your nephews and niece are happy and upbeat people and so are your great nieces and great-nephew. The ones I personally met are, even though they miss their "Uncle Bo." You were their beloved and adored family member who could make someone laugh and that is good. Your life of humbleness in fighting crime, Officer Cook, will never go unnoticed. It will be long remembered for substance and humane distinction. As serving and saving lives takes a total team effort. The honesty, integrity, wisdom and commitment were always present. Dade County's quality of life never wavered nor diminished while you were aboard, Officer Cook, securing a balance of peaceful means and the harmony that can only make unity grow stronger. That's what your family has been thirty-nine years later, wiser and courageous in their own day to day lifestyles. I do hope you are feeling well, Mrs. Cook. Rest in peace Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

Evil seems to burn us and and constantly torment us with its sickly perpetual motions. Police must always be on guard and never let their priorities down. They must move in and stop violence before it victimizes others. It's in their genes of gallantry and good and righteous resilience to curb these master beasts. Their boldness differs from that of a duly honest servant of integrity and character. Dade County residents were under a vast scope of your vision and wisdom, Officer Cook, our hero and protector. The public and your colleagues should all be saluted for bravery and commitment that stays etched in our hearts forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

The most greatest compliment a public servant can receive is in knowing they do their jobs properly and carried out good old fashioned honesty and dignity to the letter. The t of tenacity should trigger a response of resolve and integrity. In your undying and unwavering support of Dade County, Officer Cook , you remained committed to morals and principles of faith and loyalty, in other words, a legacy of heroism and the esteemed humility to leave peace and safety as a forever enhancement of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

No one wants to push up daisies. Better to peddle some mettle and intuitive perseverance. For the ages you put lives in front where they could be secured, Officer Cook.Nothing is full proof, but with a little ingenuity it will make integrity, honesty and dignity go a long way down those roads of resolve and resiliency. You were the consummate professional concerned and prepared to save and place a bit of balance into the freedoms and safe travels we enjoy today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Where you sleep soundly, Officer Cook, is the ground sacred and secured. You'll be etched into our minds and hearts for eternity. Heroics demand a salute and justice got your friendly respect and admiration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

Serenity, security and safety are those fish that swim upstream. And so too does a woman or man's honor, dignity and integrity when coupled with some bravery and humble boldness. It was a fight to the finish, Officer Cook, you never gave up or backed down staying on an even keel to arrest this troubled young man who took your young life away from you and your beloved family and Dade County. Our hopes, dreams and prayers are our future inspirations through your unselfish character and commitment to excellence the the pride that vision and wisdom draw forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.Humanity gets a dose of humility everytime a cherished hero goes out on patrol looking for peace and trying their utmost to lessen violence from our midst.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

Your boss gives you instructions that may sway you and those whom you loyally serve away from peril and misfortune. You took leadership and its motivation, Officer Cook and because of your dedication, determination and precise devotion to duty were you able to spare our lives in and around Dade County. One public servant's serene character and amazing grace who was humbled to protect and one who invoked humility in all his heroic efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Civility may be volatile at times, nobility must remain a sacred element of our society, one missing your gargantuan heart . .

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

Hope and be strong, hope in the Lord. Our hopes and prayers to you, Officer Cook and to your family who has had to endure your loss forever. Forevermore were you a Dade County hero full of honesty and dignity, the fresh air we breathe because of your heroic and humble integrity. What a Godsend with character and sheer devotion to fight on our behalf. Peace and prosperity placed at our homes because you shielded us from ignominious activities that drain our happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

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