Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Succumbing to fear will only make evil attack us more. Its front and rear so nasty and brutal, that is the reason as to why visionary and wisely brave women and men must know how to defend themselves and to counterattack its advances. An adversary of monumental mischief, that surely needs public servants on their toes of tenacity fighting back. Your character and honor, Officer Cook, fought gallantly and most ably on our behalf. Dade County can indeed look back all these decades later after you gave your life and career with distinction, integrity and maturity to usher in a most welcomed peace and harmony, tranquility and liberty, the justice, fairness and firmness that is not only dictated by society, it is demanded of all servants young and old. All bold and game with a humane story to be retold. And one day when time allots those stories of great heroes and heroines can be distributed and shared by mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2018
The heart grows fond when the ripple of water is seen from the pond. The ferocity is that burning to live and to welcome achievement into one's very own life. Abundance has its pleasures at times, yet humility and being humble are to be greatly admired. Your dogged and fighting spirit, Officer Cook, will never be forgotten. You see your understanding and composure under the most dire and difficult of circumstances helped to close those chapters where corruption and evil were looking to convey their own personal and conclusions. Dade County got its hope restored, its peace preserved and its unity underlined by your scopes of serenity, true and dignified character plus the welcome additions of acumen, honesty and the desires, determinations and precise dedication to humanity through humility not indifference. Always good to carry pride and virtue on your sleeves rolled up to dig down and deeper to combat this never ceasing callousness that is evil and its corrupt mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God takes the best and turns His honor roll of heroes and heroines into angelic servants whose wings spread out far and wide to guard and to protect His pearly gates and sacred golden streets where never anymore harm will befall you.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2018
One strike by lighting could spell curtains. Lady luck striking once or even twice maybe unthinkable. Nothing better than a young gallant man's self-confidence and humbleness embellishing humanity on humility's request. Dade County and its citizens were seeking out some shelter and the serenity that can only revive its ingenuity and intuition. Your intelligence, thoughtful insight and innovative approaches, Officer Cook, helped to lessen the pain of evil pushing through our very own souls. You put a little honor, dignity and integrity together and you've got a positive result, though sadly on May 16, 1979, a very dark day for your family members and loyal comrades, we lost you to unmitigated and heinous violence by a young man bent to strike at the wise and visionary hearts of the establishment that was responsible for service and preservation of all life and property here in Dade County. Nothing worse than a badge of boldness being grabbed and robbed of its greatness and happiness. Your assets, Officer Cook, were far and wide as were your resources of resolve, resiliency and response. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truly a hero as the saying of greater love have no man who gives his life for his friends. I'm sure to this day, Officers DiGenova, Edgerton, Reserve Officer Lincoln and Detective Blocker have thought about you, your heroism and generosity. A gregarious man and a pleasantly big and beautiful smile to match that is very much missed now and forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2018
Torment and turmoil strike at our very hearts and souls where certainly serenity and safety must travel. Nothing quite like a little peace and quiet as unity tries its utmost to blaze its trails. Those paved paths, Officer Cook, were of your making and as profoundly pious and devout as you were Dade County could relish in a bit of blessing and bliss. Boldness and commitment as only Badge#1664 could bring. Honesty, integrity and reverence that dignity must uphold. Nothing seems perfect but surely in the eyes of God and with your family's prayers your cherished soul, Officer Cook, responds to Our maker's leads hovering and circling those welcome wagons at all times. Keep making those streets safe, Officer Cook, as only your heroic spirit can do and guide those who travel for peace a bit safer and sound. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In the perfect scenario, we would all be safe and serene and no law enforcement officers brave and humble would lose their lives protecting our environments where effort, efficiency and energy drew praise for a man of your humble stature.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2018
Shedding tears of sorrow for the profound loss of a truly righteous and heroic young man, you were an important cog in the wheels of justice and patience, Officer Cook, in the eyes of all residents in Dade County. a living and breathing example of one man carrying his pride and humility on his badge and uniform of honor, bravery and the dignity by which integrity stays and helps to combat violence. Terror that can tear apart a society beckoning for hope and some security. Wickedness is like that bullet to the side, ambushing our aspirations and goals, our dreams and inspirations for a better tomorrow. And your values, principles and scruples, Officer Cook, made your outstanding character mean more than anything in the world if only you could be here to witness your enhancements taking shape. Always remembered and saluted for unending humility and for being humanity's warrior of vision and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2018
Searching for the crucial answers at a time when society is threatened by the sins of evil, all anyone can do is to pray and to hope for a bit of honesty, dignity and goodwill among each other. You delivered this to the good people of Dade County, Officer Cook. An ambassador of awareness, foresight and the ferocity of a man full of humble integrity and the loyalty to assist other brave comrades. Our hopes, peace and unity all began through your unselfish character, convictions and commitments to see justice executed wisely and proudly. Never more humane and heroic, humility that uplifted humanity and the hunts of prosperity and good cheer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 31, 2018
Yeast makes the dough rise. Reverence and respect make dignity, desire and honor that much more humbler. No fumbling, tumbling, just straight ahead service with a smile, Officer Cook, a top officer and a personal friend and hero to so many. Dade County gets up every morning and should thank their lucky stars for your presence of mind and a quieting and peaceful heart that unified the masses. Humility and civility can take a humane bow as sanity and sanctity reigned down on our community. Evil dislikes being disrupted, you tried your utmost, Officer Cook, to channel terror where it belonged. A very good man and a compassionate soul of safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2018
Heroines and heroes leave behind the humbleness that humility bestows in honor. Meaning your goodness and gallantry, Officer Cook, certainly won't be overlooked. You took care of Dade County's professional business all through your dignity and integrity. it spelled ingenuity and the intuitions of a most revered man of character and decency. Our freedoms and unity came about by your undaunting job performances. You were an outstanding comrade and a gentleman of the highest regards for resolve and respect for all mankind. Our society salutes your vision, wisdom and classic maturity which directed your life's navigations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2018
I meant to say, Officer Cook, that those linkages are for other noble people to follow in. You paved the tracks of tenacity and those trails of honor and courage too. An undaunted task handled with the experience of a veteran public servant. Calmly and succinctly. Always showing great respect and admiration for a position of responsibility and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your unassuming character, Officer Cook, showcases your unbelievable desire to succeed mightily on Dade County's behalf. A hero whose humility exceeded his charming personality. That big smile is still very much missed today.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2018
One who is in heaven is there to humbly impart their vision and wisdom along with the upsides of unwavering sacrifice. Officer Cook, Dade County and its people were not just a cause and effect, they were significant pieces to a puzzle of peace and unity being loyally and humbly pieced together by your unwavering grit and gumption to stand in and to corral callousness. Only your sincere and upright valor and values could get the job done right the first time around. Serenity, security and safety, the three S's roam the landscape wisely of course. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and their foundations are meant to be preserved in order for us to remember. Sound advice and sensational work rightly rests in God's humbly high galleries where gallant and heroic folks rest easy for taking on these important.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2018
Good women and men leave us too soon and then there are the men and women of our futures who patrol their given communities reaching out for a little stability and satisfaction. You receive when you give and you, Officer Cook, have been given a lion's share of the credit for bringing goodwill, devotion and faith to Dade County where your honor, reverence, dignity and integrity have taken the stage. Never easy. Always a challenge and yet you boarded up your boldness and never gave in. Character goes with humility and the resourceful resolve this ferocity imparts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2018
Destruction demonstrates disaster about to happen. But, what does bravery, courage and valor display? They show the patches of perseverance, honor, dignity and the integrity to battle an abomination such as evil. The wicked terror carried out by a few lost souls. Really too many incidents today that showcase callousness and conceit. Deceit is never vain. Righteousness has its humane and fertile reward. God has shown His power and mercy, Officer Cook, as He has your your virtually excelling character, staunch commitment and prudent conviction in heaven after you saved Dade County and its residents and delivering peace and unity, prosperity and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2018
To live the life you must fight the battle to undo evil. It's a major source of acrimony and surely undermines our civilization here in America. If our community is to be free of harm where peace and unity can roam freely, then the very best of public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, must come in and serve the purpose. Dade County was under your watchful spirit of serenity when you patrolled. A trooper of character ,unwavering tenacity and the humble instincts of integrity, honesty and dignity all fortified your career and life, one cut way too short because of violence and unmitigated violence by a cowardly man. Cornerstones and enhancements securely posted by your unselfish humility and sacrifice never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 30, 2018
Any surge in violence can undermine the best intentions of any duly honorable public servant. A synopsis of your job performance, Officer Cook, told us you were one tremendous Dade County servant. Our peace and happiness were transformed under your watchful eyes. The sight and wisdom that humbly loyal men and women possess and retain for their entire lives. So too was your character and morals instilled in your heart and soul from a young age by your loving parents. Heaven has your dad, may he too rest in peace and I hope your mother is doing well at humble age of one-hundred and two. Those linkages ar ether efo rother noble servants to follow in and may they succeed mightily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 29, 2018
Wind shear can bring any plane down to earth just as fast as evil and violence can take an innocent life. The very lives of our respected and devoted public servants mean so much to their families and colleagues and to the many communities where the yoffer service and safety that at times comes with a very steep price. Lives matter. Your young life and career, Officer Cook, was everything in a humble hero whose trust and accountability redefined wha ta good and faithfully loyal man is all about. Dade County's reach and reliability assisted you, Officer cook, in stripping evil from our midst. It broached newer boundaries for goodwill to channel and to champion its valued resources. Today, enhancement is here because of your unselfish actions on behalf of humanity. Humility and character, astuteness and acumen served their dual roles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You should have been allowed, Officer Cook, to see your dreams and inspirations through. Our Lord decides and He needed your years of youth and maturity patrolling His sacred venues of valor where nothing would ever harm you again. Take care Mrs. Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 29, 2018
A sadist is one who relishes in the wickedness they perpetuate. A realist does something about turning a negative into a positive outcome. If hope is to be eternally sprung than the excellent work of our devoted and humble women and men must shine in a dignified and powerfully orchestrated manner. It did for your six loyal and humanely heroic years serving Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of boldness whose integrity and dignity raised the bar of capability for other brave souls of peace and serenity. That is what your family and colleagues will fondly honor your memory and soul of wisdom, conviction and ingenuity for. Providing the safe journeys for mankind while laying down your precious life for our happiness and it should always have been for yours too, Officer Cook, to enjoy and to partake of rest this very moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's perpetual dwelling place where courage and valor are the bookends of undying and unselfish heroes and heroines.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 29, 2018
Police operations of any kind are dangerous and obviously considered risky for all honest and courageous men and women. You took your tasks quite seriously, Officer Cook and in doing so put your life and career in the line of peril to shield and to support the good rapport and liberty of all Dade County folks. Ferocity and tenacity are the kegs of care and dignity which must be implemented when battling an enemy as large and as vast as violence is. Never more sincere and dignified, never forgotten for having hope and faith during times of crisis. Your integrity and character are the very humble cornerstones of your heroism, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 29, 2018
Offering the prayers and hopes for peace, I know your very humble soul of serenity, Officer Cook, is looking down on us from the heavens above. You brought goodwill and common sense to a thankless position of authority which demands at all costs and times superior honesty, integrity and the dignity of one's character and commitment to head off violence. Those of us fortunate enough to live in Dade County during your career watched you blossom into a humane and heroic gentleman. It left behind much sadness and yet it brought the unwavering balance of boldness to safety and harmony, unity and freedom for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 29, 2018
Lead by humility, carry yourself with honor and reverence, you can never go astray. Surely, bravery and integrity help to conquer evil as does dignity and valor. Only way you could serve Dade County, Officer Cook, was by being loyal and faithful to your esteemed comrades. it's true clutch character that accentuated your vision and wisdom bringing on peace and liberty for all mankind. Never a more devoted and centered man of expression and sheer effort than yourself, Officer Cook, humble humane and heroic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I know you have greeted all your fellow heroines and heroines with the same enthusiasm as you utilized on the job taming terror and turmoil.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 28, 2018
Police flirt with disaster everyday, it is part of their chosen occupations. Their territories come with added dangers which most folks would not want to tangle with. Your unwavering tenacity, Officer Cook, helped to bring along the peaceful journeys of all Dade County residents. There can be doubt what so ever regarding your open and thoughtful dignity, integrity and honesty all driven by your class of character, humility and the way in which you vigorously served all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 28, 2018
The ones inclined to maim and scare, their days of reckoning will surely arrive. And no sooner will our redemption come and with it the promise of everlasting peace and the transparency of better relations between all folks. Here where you served in Dade County, Officer Cook, your preparations were always spot on never because of lack of character, scruples or the ideals of intuition and the integrity that humble and heroic dignity brings into the actions of battling wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 28, 2018
Champagne is for toasting. Marshmallows are for roasting. Bravery and courage are certainly not for boasting for heroes and heroines, women and men of character, honor and humility never brag when danger and peril run right at them. Their bodies and spirits are exposed to this senseless evil and it is only when integrity and dignity come into the equation that all mankind can live and thrive more harmoniously and surely more safely. Your assignments in Dade County, Officer Cook, took you into some shady and perilous locations and yet through it all you persevered and achieved your mission, a sense of fairness and justice for all. Just if only could you have survived that awful day, yet , you are a true hero of the highest form of humbleness and esteem afforded humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Take turns remembering a valiant servant whose ideals and morals enriched mankind forever. The Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families can lift a glass and fondly celebrate a rich life filled with gladness. Your gallantry, Officer Cook, justly inspired greatness and now that is being hopefully accentuated by others who lead the charge trying to defat doom and evil.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 28, 2018
A faithful servant giving his life is to be humanely honored and saluted for their undying, unwavering and unselfish sacrifice on humanity's cause. Their behalf brought out the very best of your boldness, commitment and the principles of desire and dignity deliver. Your integrity and grit, Officer Cook, made your missions more meaningful and for having the humble mettle may Dade County and their citizens stand up and take notice of your nobleness. Sad though how those fruitful journeys had to end at age twenty-five with so much more promise on the horizon. Bravery, instinct and vigilance never left you, Officer Cook, the very wickedness that robbed you should never have been perpetrated by such an evil and cowardly man. Young at heart as you were, Officer Cook. A dark heart and its spirit we know we it will travel. Your engaging spirit, cherished by your family, friends and cohorts are courageous as yourself will view its shining light as it illuminates our society one given freedom and tranquility by a righteously responsible gentleman of esteem and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 28, 2018
God is the Chief escort, the Chief planner and the Master of the world who skillfully directs our going and coming. Our missions in life may vary from time to time and from place to place. Your patrols around Dade County, Officer Cook, were centered solely on preserving life and its value. Ideals and morals so valuable to us performing our purposes and for officers to perform their central duties in life. Peace and liberty require the talents of many men and women whose honor and dignity gets tested as much as their humility and resolve. It's the integrity and the core of their courage that inspires us to reach higher in fulfilling our goals and their dreams. Your intuition, Officer Cook, inspired many future officers who like yourself strive to accomplish these dangerous assignments fighting evil with the devotion, diligence and determination as you faithfully set down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 28, 2018
Extra effort must be poured into actions of honesty and bravery in order for dignity and integrity to resemble one another. The purposes behind any public servant's work are to serve and to protect the interest of those desiring peace and unity. Your journeys in life and during your career, Officer Cook, were to benefit the security and serenity of all those living in Dade County. Your resourceful wings of courage now and forever fly high in God's house of perfection. It's a place where character and conviction wrap their gentle hands around valor and commitment always planted right at Our Maker's hands and feet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 28, 2018
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